A general contractor is constructing a building that requires a concrete foundation that is to be 20 feet by 22 feet and 24 inches thick. If the local home supply store sells concrete for $ 110 per cubic yard, what will be the cost of the concrete for the foundation?
Express your answer rounded up to the next whole dollar.


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Surface Area Formula: A=2(wl+hl+hw) where l=length w=width h=height

A=2((20(22))+(22(2))+(20(2)) = 1048ft^2

3 ft = 1yds -> 1048 ft = 349 1/3 yds

349 1/3(110)= 38426.66666


Answer 2

Answer: $2,613,600

Step-by-step explanation:


Here, we need to know the idea of unit conversion and a rectangular prism.

When there are multiple units occurring in the same question, then we should convert all the units into one by different conversion factors.

A rectangular prism is a three-dimensional figure that has 6 sides that are rectangles.

1 foot = 12 inches

1 yard = 3 feet

V (rectangular prism) = w · l · h


24 inches = 24 / 12 = 2 feet

$110 per cubic yard = 110 × 3³ = $2970 per cubic feet

V = w · l · h

V = (20) (22) (2)

V = 880 feet³

880 × 2970 = $2,613,600

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

Related Questions

Please help!!!

The figures to the right are similar. Compare the first figure to the second. Give the ratio of the perimeters and the ratio of the areas (integer or a simplified fraction)​



Perimeter: 3/4

Area: 9/16

Step-by-step explanation:

The ratio of the perimeters is equal to the ratio of the sides so:

18/24 = 3/4

Ratio of Area = (Ratio of Sides)^2

(3/4)^2 = 9/16

I wasn't sure about the answer so I used Gauthmath

The grades in a statistics course for a particular semester were as follows:
Grade ABCDF f 14 18 32 20 16
Test the hypothesis, at the 0.05 level of significance, that the distribution of grades is uniform. (Test that each grade is equally likely) Round your solutions to 3 decimal places where necessary.
Test Statistic =
Critical Value =



Test Statistic = 10

Critical Value = 9.488

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Grade A _ B _ C _ D _ F

_____14 _ 18 _32_ 20_16

H0 : distribution of grade is uniform

H1 : Distribution of grade is not uniform

Using the Chisquare statistic :

χ² = (observed - Expected)² / Expected

The expected value :

(14+18+32+20+16) / 5 = 20

χ² = (14-20)^2 / 20 + (18-20)^2 / 20 + (32-20)^2 / 20 + (20-20)^2 / 20 + (16-20)^2 / 20

χ² statistic = 10

The χ² critical at df = (n - 1) = 5 - 1 = 4

χ² Critical(10, 4) = 9.488

Please help.........




Step-by-step explanation:

LET R equal the rental fee for one locker write an equation that represents the situation



R x 1= price of 1 locker

Step-by-step explanation:

it would continue the same way. Just multiply R and the number of lockers.

Is there a certain situation it was asking about?

(y - .18) x .08 = needing help



0.08y - 0.0144

Step-by-step explanation:

We need to solve the below expression i.e.

(y - .18) x .08

It can be done as follows :

Using distributive property to solve it.

(y - .18) x .08 = 0.08(y) - 0.18(0.08)

= 0.08y - 0.0144

So, the equivalent expression is 0.08y - 0.0144.

Use the order of operations to evaluate this expression (-2+1)




Step-by-step explanation:


I hope its correct



[tex] {( - 2 + 1)}^{2} + 5(12 \div 3) - 9 \\ 2 + 1 + 5 \times 4 - 9 \\ 3 + 20 - 9 \\ 23 - 9 \\ 14[/tex]

Sally's paycheck this week was $100. She spent $220.45 for a shirt, $12.95 for a CD, $15 for gasoline, and put the balance in the bank.
a. What percent of her total pay was spent on the shirt?
b. What percent of her total pay did she put in the bank?



A) 220.45%

B) 0%

Step-by-step explanation:

A) 220.45 / 100 = 2.2045 * 100 = 220.45%

B) Costs exceeded her paycheck, so 0% of her pay was leftover and put in the bank.

Answer: A) 22.045% , B) 75.16%

I guess its a typo and weekly salary was $1000

So weekly salary = 1000

Spent on shirt = $220.45

Spent on CD = $12.95

Spent on Gasoline = $15

A) 220.45/1000×100

= 22.045%

B) Total spent = 220.45 + 12.95 + 15

= $248.4

Total left with her = 1000 - 248.4

= $751.6

Total percent of pay she put in bank = 751.6/1000×100

= 75.16%

Must click thanks and mark brainliest

7^300 chia 7 dư bao nhiêu



dư 0... 7^300 chia 7 đc 7^299 mà

Use the remainder term to find the minimum order of the Taylor polynomial, centered at 0, that is required to approximate the following quantity with an absolute error no greater than 10^-2.

n>= __________



n ≥  3

Step-by-step explanation:

Applying the remainder term in evaluating the minimum order of the Taylor polynomial

absolute error ≤ 10^-2


∴ n ≥   ?

The remainder term is the leftover term after computation ( dividing one polynomial with another )

attached below is the detailed solution

The minimum order of the Taylor polynomial, n≥3

What is Taylor polynomial?

Taylor polynomial is a series of functions that has an infinite sum of terms that are expressed in terms of the function's derivatives.

[tex]\rm f(a)+\frac{f'(a)}{1!} (x-a)+\frac{f''(a)}{2!} (x-a)^{2} +....,[/tex]

Applying the Taylor series polynomial, the minimum order of the Taylor polynomial, centered at 0

[tex]\rm f(0)+\frac{f'(0)}{1!} (x-0)+\frac{f''(0)}{2!} (x-0)^{2} +....,[/tex]

f(x) = [tex]\sqrt{x+1}[/tex]



substituting in the Taylors series

T(x) = [tex]1+\frac{x}{2} -\frac{x^{2} }{8} +\frac{x^{3} }{16}[/tex]......

T(0.06) = [tex]1+\frac{0.06}{2} -\frac{0.06^{2} }{8} +\frac{0.06^{3} }{16}...[/tex]

T(0.06) =1.03

f(0.06) =

[tex]\sqrt{0.06+1}\\= 1.03[/tex]

Therefore, the minimum order of the Taylor polynomial, n≥3

Learn more about Taylor polynomial;


(A) A small business ships homemade candies to anywhere in the world. Suppose a random sample of 16 orders is selected and each is weighed. The sample mean was found to be 410 grams and the sample standard deviation was 40 grams. Find the 90% confidence interval for the mean weight of shipped homemade candies. (Round your final answers to the nearest hundredth)
(B) When 500 college students are randomly selected and surveyed; it is found that 155 own a car. Find a 90% confidence interval for the true proportion of all college students who own a car.
(Round your final answers to the nearest hundredth)
(C) Interpret the results (the interval) you got in (A) and (B)


The correct answer to the given question is "[tex]\bold{392.47\ < \mu <\ 427.53}[/tex],[tex]\bold{0.28 \ < P <\ 0.34}[/tex], and for Interpret results go to the C part.

Following are the solution to the given parts:


[tex]\to \bold{(n) = 16}[/tex]

[tex]\to \bold{(\bar{X}) = 410}[/tex]

[tex]\to \bold{(\sigma) = 40}[/tex]

In the given question, we calculate [tex]90\%[/tex] of the confidence interval for the mean weight of shipped homemade candies that can be calculated as follows:

[tex]\to \bold{\bar{X} \pm t_{\frac{\alpha}{2}} \times \frac{S}{\sqrt{n}}}[/tex]

[tex]\to \bold{C.I= 0.90}\\\\\to \bold{(\alpha) = 1 - 0.90 = 0.10}\\\\ \to \bold{\frac{\alpha}{2} = \frac{0.10}{2} = 0.05}\\\\ \to \bold{(df) = n-1 = 16-1 = 15}\\\\[/tex]

Using the t table we calculate [tex]t_{ \frac{\alpha}{2}} = 1.753[/tex]  When [tex]90\%[/tex] of the confidence interval:

[tex]\to \bold{410 \pm 1.753 \times \frac{40}{\sqrt{16}}}\\\\ \to \bold{410 \pm 17.53\\\\ \to392.47 < \mu < 427.53}[/tex]

So [tex]90\%[/tex] confidence interval for the mean weight of shipped homemade candies is between [tex]392.47\ \ and\ \ 427.53[/tex].


[tex]\to \bold{(n) = 500}[/tex]

[tex]\to \bold{(X) = 155}[/tex]

[tex]\to \bold{(p') = \frac{X}{n} = \frac{155}{500} = 0.31}[/tex]

Here we need to calculate [tex]90\%[/tex] confidence interval for the true proportion of all college students who own a car which can be calculated as

[tex]\to \bold{p' \pm Z_{\frac{\alpha}{2}} \times \sqrt{\frac{p'(1-p')}{n}}}[/tex]

[tex]\to \bold{C.I= 0.90}[/tex]

[tex]\to\bold{ (\alpha) = 0.10}[/tex]

[tex]\to\bold{ \frac{\alpha}{2} = 0.05}[/tex]

Using the Z-table we found [tex]\bold{Z_{\frac{\alpha}{2}} = 1.645}[/tex]

therefore [tex]90\%[/tex] the confidence interval for the genuine proportion of college students who possess a car is

[tex]\to \bold{0.31 \pm 1.645\times \sqrt{\frac{0.31\times (1-0.31)}{500}}}\\\\ \to \bold{0.31 \pm 0.034}\\\\ \to \bold{0.276 < p < 0.344}[/tex]

So [tex]90\%[/tex] the confidence interval for the genuine proportion of college students who possess a car is between [tex]0.28 \ and\ 0.34.[/tex]


In question A, We are  [tex]90\%[/tex] certain that the weight of supplied homemade candies is between 392.47 grams and 427.53 grams.In question B, We are  [tex]90\%[/tex] positive that the true percentage of college students who possess a car is between 0.28 and 0.34.

Learn more about confidence intervals:  


180 °
X °
26 °

X = ? °



X = 64

Step-by-step explanation:

All of the angles are right angles (because of the square at one of the angles shown above). This means each angle equals 90 degrees. If X + 26 = 90, then X = 64 because 90 - 26 = 64. I hope this helps!

Answer: X = 64

Step-by-step explanation:

The area of a rectangle is 44 m^2, and the length of the rectangle is 3 m less than twice the width. Find the dimensions of the rectangle.
length :
width :





Step-by-step explanation:

We're given area = 44m^2, and the formula for the area of a rectangle is the length multiplied by the width. So,

A = L * w = 44

We're given that the length is 3m shorter than 2 times the width, which is 2w - 3. "2w" is the same as "2 times the width", and the 3 is subtracted because it says 3m shorter than 2 times the width. So L = 2w - 3, and we can substitute that into our equation above.

(2w - 3)(w) = 44

2w^2 - 3w - 44 = 0

Use the quadratic formula here.

x = {3 ± √(-3)^2 - 4(-44)(2)}/2(2)

= {3 ± √9 + 352}/4

= (3 ± 19)/4

You'll get two answers, but remember, we're measuring the length of the sides of shapes, so it has to be positive. It's impossible to have negative lengths, so we're going to stick with the (3 + 19)/4 answer, which is 22/4, which is 5.5. However, we are not finished yet. This is just the width. Now we need to plug it into the equation for length, which was 2w - 3

2(5.5) - 3 = 11 - 3 = 8

The length is 8m and the width is 5.5m.

Find the equation of the line passing through the point (-7,2)(−7,2) that is perpendicular to the line 4x - 3y = 104x−3y=10.



Step-by-step explanation:

Slope of the given line: m=4/3

Slope of the perpendiclar : m'=-3/4 (the inverse of the opposed of m)

Equation of the perpendiclar line: (passing through (-7,2))

[tex]y-2=(x+7)*\dfrac{-3}{4} \ or\\\\ y=-\dfrac{3x}{4} -\dfrac{13}{4}[/tex]

The five number summary of a dataset is given as
0, 4, 12, 14, 20
An observation is considered an outlier if it is below _______
An observation is considered an outlier if it is above _______

The five number summary of a dataset is given as
2, 8, 14, 18, 20
An observation is considered an outlier if it is below _______
An observation is considered an outlier if it is above _______




The five number summary of two data sets are given as:

a) 0, 4, 12, 14, 20

b) 2, 8, 14, 18, 20

To find:

The range for the outliers.


We know that,

An observation is considered an outlier if it is below [tex]Q_1-1.5(IQR)[/tex]

An observation is considered an outlier if it is above [tex]Q_3+1.5(IQR)[/tex]

Where, IQR is the interquartile range and [tex]IQR=Q_3-Q_1[/tex].

The five number summary of two data sets are given as:

0, 4, 12, 14, 20

Here, [tex]Q_1=4[/tex] and [tex]Q_3=14[/tex].




The range for the outliers is:




An observation is considered an outlier if it is below -11.

An observation is considered an outlier if it is above 29.

The five number summary of two data sets are given as:

2, 8, 14, 18, 20

Here, [tex]Q_1=8[/tex] and [tex]Q_3=18[/tex].




The range for the outliers is:




An observation is considered an outlier if it is below -7.

An observation is considered an outlier if it is above 33.

If the cube root parent function is horizontally stretched by a factor of 4, then translated 5 units right and 3 units up, write an equation to represent the new function?



The cube root parent function:

f(x) = [tex]\sqrt[3]{x}[/tex]

Horizontally stretched by a factor of 4:

g(x) → f(1/4x) = [tex]\sqrt[3]{1/4x}[/tex]

Translated 5 units right:

h(x) → g(x - 5) = [tex]\sqrt[3]{1/4x - 5}[/tex]

Translated 3 units up:

k(x) → h(x) + 3 = [tex]\sqrt[3]{1/4x - 5} + 3[/tex]

Each marble bag sold by Debra's Marble Company contains 8 yellow marbles for every 4 blue marbles. If a bag has 56 yellow marbles, how many blue marbles does it contain?



28 blue marbles

Step-by-step explanation:

yellow: blue

8               4

To get to 56 yellow marbles multiply by 7  

yellow: blue

8*7           4*7

56             28

There will be 28 blue marbles

help fast I'm dum
and I'm sorry if I keep spamming this.

Curtis types 48 words in 1 minute how many words does Curtis type in 8 minutes? use the following equivalent rates to help solve the problem. how many words does Curtis type in 8 minutes? ​




Step-by-step explanation:


384 words

Step-by-step explanation:

Number of words typed in 1 minute = 48

So, number of words typed in 8 minutes

= Number of words typed in 1 minute × 8

= 48 × 8

= 384

So, Curtis types 384 words in 8 minutes.

What is the slope of a relation with ordered pairs of (-5, 3) and (4.1).



3-1 /-5-4
-2/9 is the answer

what is 98×63-32×69=


Answer: plz marl brainilist


Step-by-step explanation:

(98 × 63 - 32 × 69

98 * 63) - (32 * 69)



Step-by-step explanation:

98 x 63 - 32 x 69 =


6174 - 2208



A brewery has a beer dispensing machine that dispenses beer into the company's 12 ounce bottles. The distribution for the amount of beer dispensed by the machine follows a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 0.17 ounce. The company can control the mean amount of beer dispensed by the machine. What value of the mean should the company use if it wants to guarantee that 98.5% of the bottles contain at least 12 ounces (the amount on the label)



The company should use a mean of 12.37 ounces.

Step-by-step explanation:

Normal Probability Distribution

Problems of normal distributions can be solved using the z-score formula.

In a set with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the z-score of a measure X is given by:

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

The Z-score measures how many standard deviations the measure is from the mean. After finding the Z-score, we look at the z-score table and find the p-value associated with this z-score. This p-value is the probability that the value of the measure is smaller than X, that is, the percentile of X. Subtracting 1 by the p-value, we get the probability that the value of the measure is greater than X.

The distribution for the amount of beer dispensed by the machine follows a normal distribution with a standard deviation of 0.17 ounce.

This means that [tex]\sigma = 0.17[/tex]

The company can control the mean amount of beer dispensed by the machine. What value of the mean should the company use if it wants to guarantee that 98.5% of the bottles contain at least 12 ounces (the amount on the label)?

This is [tex]\mu[/tex], considering that when [tex]X = 12[/tex], Z has a p-value of [tex]1 - 0.985 = 0.015[/tex], so when [tex]X = 12, Z = -2.17[/tex].


[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

[tex]-2.17 = \frac{12 - \mu}{0.17}[/tex]

[tex]12 - \mu = -2.17*0.17[/tex]

[tex]\mu = 12 + 2.17*0.17[/tex]

[tex]\mu = 12.37[/tex]

The company should use a mean of 12.37 ounces.

Mark earns $47,800 a year working for a delivery service. He is single and pays $2,152.60 in state income tax each year. He claims no dependents. What is the tax rate of Mark’s state he lives in?




Step-by-step explanation:

The tax rate=(2152.6/47800)*100=4.5%

You can often use geometric figures to model objects in the real world. You can transfer your knowledge of the properties of these figures to better understand and describe the objects that they represent. For each shape the table, list three examples of real-world objects that could be modeled by the shape. Use your experiences, the Internet, newspapers, magazines, or other resources to uncover examples.


Geometric figures are basically figures that have a boundary. The geometric figures and their real life examples are:

Rectangular prism: Building block, Gift box, CabinetTriangular prism: Tomblerone, Triangular roofs, Camping tentsCylinder: Pencil holders, Toilet paper rolls, Drink cansCone: Funnel, Party hat, Traffic conePyramid: Pyramids of Egypt, Pyramid roof, Pyramid tentsSphere: Soccer ball, Golf ball, Planets

To determine the real life object of each geometric figure, we simply identify objects that have similar features as the geometric figure.

For instance, a rectangular prism has 6 rectangular faces; building blocks, some gift box and cabinets also have 6 rectangular faces.

So, these three real life objects can be used as examples of a rectangular prism.

When the above explanation is applied to the other geometric figures, we come up with the following list:

Triangular prism: Tomblerone, Triangular roofs, Camping tentsCylinder: Pencil holders, Toilet paper rolls, Drink cansCone: Funnel, Party hat, Traffic conePyramid: Pyramids of Egypt, Pyramid roof, Pyramid tentsSphere: Soccer ball, Golf ball, Planets

Read more about geometric figures at:


In the photo are a couple possible answers you could use.

Find formulas for​ X, Y, and Z in terms of​ A, B, and C. It may be necessary to make assumptions about the size of a matrix in order to produce a formula.​
[A B C 0] [1 0 X Y] = [0 1 Z 0]
Find the formulas for​ X, Y, and Z. Note that I represents the identity matrix and 0 represents the zero matrix.



Here the answer is given as follows,

hola soy nuevo, y quisiera saber como funciona brainly.com, porque yo siempre e utilizado brainly.lat, pero me e cambiado para este.


Answer/Step-by-step explanation:

Hola amigo. Mucho gusto. En Brainly.com puede responder a sus preguntas y obtener explicaciones exhaustivas. Esto le permite aprender de forma más inteligente.

Y... yo hablo pequeno español.

A number is squared, then multiplied by 6. The result is 54. What was the number?



± 3

Step-by-step explanation:

let n be the number then the number squared is n² , so

6n² = 54 ( divide both sides by 6 )

n² = 9 ( take the square root of both sides )

n = ± [tex]\sqrt{9}[/tex] = ± 3

That is the number is 3 or - 3

write an absolute value equations to satsify the given solution set shown on a number line -1/2 1/2 and a
Plz help fast


9514 1404 393


  |x| = 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

Perhaps the simplest equation is ...

  |x| = 1/2


You could get more elaborate:

  |2x| = 1

  3 -|6x| = 0

Solve 5 (2x + 1 ) + 4 = 6 ( 3x + 2) - 7





-8x=-4 (-1)


x=4/8 (/4)



x = 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

5(2x + 1) + 4 = 6 (3x + 2) - 7

~Simplify both sides

10x + 9 = 18x + 5

~Subtract 9 from both sides

10x = 18x - 4

~Subtract 18x to both sides

-8x = -4

~Divide -8 to both sides

x = 1/2

Best of Luck!

For 32 = 5X + 2, what is the first step in solving for X?



-2 from both sides

Step-by-step explanation:


-2        -2




5      5


The first step to solve for X is to use subtraction property of equality to subtract 2 from both sides.

How to solve algebraic equations?

We are given the algebraic equation;

32 = 5X + 2

The first step to solve for X is to use subtraction property of equality to subtract 2 from both sides to get;

32 - 2 = 5X + 2 - 2

30 = 5X

Divide both sides by 5 using division property of equality to get;

X = 6

Read more about Algebraic Equations at; https://brainly.com/question/16863577


Karen is having a party. She'll have 4 tables for every 12 guests. Complete the table below showing the number of tables and the number of guests.​


12/4 is 3/1 so 3x5 is 15 and 1x 5 5 so it’ll be 15/5 and 21/7 24/8 and 30/10

A newsletter publisher believes that less than 61% of their readers own a laptop. Is there sufficient evidence at the 0.02 level to substantiate the publisher's claim? State the null and alternative hypotheses for the above scenario.


Answer: See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

From the information given in the question, we are informed that a newsletter publisher believes that less than 61% of their readers own a laptop.

The null hypothesis will be: H0: p ≥ 0.61

The alternative hypothesis will be: Ha: p < 0.61.

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