A geneticist finds that a strain of bacteria to produces a non-functional sigma factor. Which among the following steps in transcription would most likely be first affected?

A.Assembly of RNAP onto the DNA strand

B.Identification and binding of RNAP on to the promoter sequence

C.Conversion of open initiation complex to closed initiation complex

D.Synthesis of RNA after the formation of open initiation complex


Answer 1



The transcription factors and RNA polymerase form a complex called the transcription initiation complex. This complex initiates transcription, and the RNA polymerase begins mRNA synthesis by matching complementary bases to the original DNA strand.

Related Questions

How do scientists classify intrusive igneous features?
according to shape, texture, and their distance from the nearest volcanic field
according to shape, color, and their relationship to surrounding layers of rock
according to shape, size, and their relationship to surrounding layers of rock



according to shape, size, and their relationship to surrounding layers of rock


Intrusive igneous features are those formations around the igneous rock that are developed over time when magma cools and forms a solid shape, and they may include stocks, sills, di.kes, etc.

Therefore, scientists classify intrusive igneous features according to shape, size, and their relationship to surrounding layers of rock.

The project that you are working on was initiated in response to the growing threat of antibiotic resistance in both hospital and community settings. Even in the early discovery and development phase, it is important to think ahead to try to minimize the likelihood that bacteria will be able to evolve resistance to your new drug. Understanding how resistance emerges is an essential part of this process. What is true regarding the evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria?



Decrease the effectiveness of this process.


Resistance emerges is an essential part of this process because this resistance causes decrease in the effectiveness of the drugs. If this resistance is not a part of this process, the microbes get resistance from the drugs which  leads to lower the effectiveness of antimicrobial disease or infection so that's why resistance is considered as the essential part of this process of project.

The fact that only your liver cells produce liver enzyme and not your skin cells, which contain the same DNA, can be explained by O PCR O gene expression O gene flow NA​



Gene expression


Gene expression is the process in which cells (usually eukaryotic) have niches , meaning that one set of genes is expressed in once cell and different ones in another

Explain about Photosynthesis . ?​



Plants and other creatures utilize photosynthesis to convert light energy into chemical energy, which is then released to power the organism's metabolic processes through cellular respiration.



its basically a process thats plants use and many other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that helps them grow and without it, plants would go bye bye . :)


Learned it in science class lol.

How do bacteria develop resistance to drugs


Answer: Bacteria gain resistance to drugs because of mutations (permanent and random changes to their DNA) which means they have changed DNA coding, giving them the ability to resist the drug fighting them off. As a result, they survive and reproduce. Over time, more and more bacteria are generated as the DNA code for resistance is passed on over generations. This results in bacteria having the ability to resist drugs. This is particularly prevalent with antibiotics.

Bacteria develop drug resistance through genetic mutations, acquisition of resistance genes, production of inactivating enzymes, efflux pumps, and biofilm formation.

Bacteria can develop resistance to drugs through several mechanisms. One common way is through genetic mutations or acquisition of resistance genes. Mutations can occur in the bacterial DNA, leading to changes in the target site of the drug, rendering it ineffective. Resistance genes can be transferred between bacteria through horizontal gene transfer, allowing the recipient bacteria to acquire resistance traits.

Another mechanism is the production of enzymes that can inactivate the drug. Bacteria can produce enzymes, such as beta-lactamases, that break down antibiotics like penicillin, preventing them from functioning properly. Bacteria can develop efflux pumps that actively pump out drugs from their cells, reducing their concentration and effectiveness. This mechanism helps bacteria evade the lethal effects of antibiotics. Biofilm formation provides a protective environment for bacteria, making them less susceptible to drugs and immune system attacks.

To learn more about Bacteria follow the link:



The correct question is:

How do bacteria develop resistance to drugs?

In the oceans on either side of the Isthmus of Panama are 30 species of snapping shrimp, 15 species on the Pacific side and 15 different species on the Atlantic side. Species live at different water depths. Morphological and genetic data show that Atlantic and Pacific species that live at similar depths are sister species. The sister species on each side of the isthmus cannot interbreed because the water in the canal is fresh water, not salt water, and provides a barrier to reproduction. A sea-level, salt-water canal between the two oceans has been proposed to make transport across the isthmus easier. Which of the following outcomes is the most likely result if such a canal were built?
A. greater percentage of difference in DNA sequences between sister species that inhabit deep water than between sister species that inhabt stalow water
B. greater percentage of difference in DNA sequences between sister species that inhabit shallow water than between sister species that inhabit deep water
C. similar percentages of difference in DNA sequences between all pairs of sister species
D. greater percentage of difference in DNA sequences between Atlantic species than between Pacific species



The options of this question are wrong, you can find the correct options by navigating on the web. The options of this question are as follow:

1) The sister species will continue to diverge from each other.

2) None of the sister species will interbreed with each other.

3) The Atlantic and Pacific shrimp will continue to live in their respective oceans and not enter the new canal.

4) Shallow-water species from the two oceans that are sister species would be more likely to interbreed with each other than would be deep-water species.


4) Shallow-water species from the two oceans that are sister species would be more likely to interbreed with each other than would be deep-water species


In evolutionary biology, sister species are defined as descendant species formed when one species splits during the course of evolution. Moreover, adaptation refers to the evolutionary process of adjustment of organisms to the environment, which is usually due to natural selection. During the course of evolution, organisms under different environments must change to adapt to their environments. In this case, it is expected that sister species that live in similar environmental conditions (i.e., shallow-water species) exhibit fewer phenotypic differences, being therefore more likely to interbreed with each other.

* Explain about monohybrid and diyhybrib cross with the help of punnet square​


In a monohybrid cross, such as the one in Figure below, the Punnett square shows every possible combination when combining one maternal (mother) allele with one paternal (father) allele. In this example, both organisms are heterozygous for flower color Bb (purple). Both plants produce gametes that contain both the B and b alleles. The probability of any single offspring showing the dominant trait is 3:1, or 75%. To develop a Punnett square, possible combinations of alleles in a gamete are placed on the top and left side of a square. For a monohybrid cross (Table below), individual alleles are used, whereas for a dihybrid cross (Table below), pairs of alleles are used. A Punnett square for a monohybrid cross is divided into four squares, whereas a Punnett square for a dihybrid cross is divided into 16 squares. How many boxes would a Punnett square need if three traits were examined? The squares are filled in with the possible combinations of alleles formed when gametes combine, such as in a zygote.

Which organelle is labeled A?


Is their a diagram or picture?

For each of the genotypes (AA,Aa or aa) below determine what the phenotype would be. Purple flowers are dominant to white flowers.

PP_____ Pp_____ pp_____



PP and Pp are purple flowers. pp is white flowers.


Capital P is the dominant gene, while lowercase p is the recessive gene.

explain how the various specialiesed cells are modified to Cary out to their function 20mark​


Sperm cell; has acrosome containing lytic enzymes; that digest the egg membranes for penetration during fertilization; has a long tail; containing numerous mitochondria; to generate maximum energy for propulsion/swimming in the vaginal fluid after ejaculation; Red blood cells; are flattened, circular/spherical biconcave in shape; to increase the surface area for packaging of haemoglobin; has haemoglobin; that combines with respiratory gases; for transport to and from body tissues; White blood cells; are amoeboid in shape hence able to change shape; to engulf pathogens through phagocytosis; lymphocytes produce antibodies to fight pathogens; Nerve cell; has extensions/dentrites; to receive and send information for sensation; Ciliated epithelial cells; have cilia for propulsion of mucus that traps dust and micro-organisms in the respiratory tract; Muscle cells; elongated, striated and contractile; to bring about movement; Plant cells: Guard cells; bean-shaped; to regulate the size of the stomata allowing gaseous exchange; and control water loss; has chloroplasts with chlorophyll; for photosynthesis; Root hair cell; elongated; thin-walled; with dense cytoplasm for absorption of water and mineral salts; Epidermal cell; thin; for protection of inner tissues from mechanical and micro-organism attack; Palisade cell; contains numerous chloroplasts with chlorophyll; for photosynthesis; elongated; to increase surface area for trapping maximum amounts of light energy; Meristematic cell; thinwalled; with dense cytoplasm; for primary and secondary growth

Starch and protein digestion in a single stomach?



Explanation: Protein digestion occurs in the stomach and the duodenum through the action of three main enzymes: pepsin, secreted by the stomach, and trypsin and chymotrypsin, secreted by the pancreas. During carbohydrate digestion the bonds between glucose molecules are broken by salivary and pancreatic amylase.

supply the endings of the following ranks:



I am not sure what you are asking for, but from my understanding I think you are telling me to put it in order


Order, Class, Family, Division

Hope this helps

a report conclusion on waste management​


just some up everything you wrote into one paragraph

Read the information below then answer the questions which follow:
To grow, plants require water. They cannot get this water unless it is available in the soil. Plants
obtain water from the soil through their roots. It then passes up the stem and to the leaves and
flowers. The plant does not take all the water available in the soil. Much of the remaining water
evaporates into the surrounding air.
In an experiment, a stem which contained several flowers were placed in a beaker of water
containing red ink.
(1 mark)
What is the purpose of the experiment?​



I believe the experiment was too see if the flowers that would grow from the stem would turn out to be red in color. (Which is the reason they put red ink.)

(hope this helped :P)

What are the uses of natural fibers?
note :- please don't copy the answers from other websites.



The uses of natural fibers are :

1. it is used to make clothes

2. it is used to make roof tiles

3. it is used to make partition boards

4. it is used to make paper

NOTE : i have not copied this ans

Put the following biological structures in the correct order of organization, from smallest to largest:
A. Gills, pillar cells, lamellae, fish, respiratory system
B. Pillar cells, lamellae, gills, respiratory system, fish
C. Pillar cells, lamellae, gills, respiratory system, cat
D. Lamellae, gills, respiratory system, fish, pillar cells





Cats Dont have gills so rule out C. The body has to be the end so it would be B starting from Pillar cells to fish

Biological structures are arranged based on the level of the organization. The order of organization from smallest to largest is pillar cells, lamellae, gills, respiratory system, and fish. Thus, option B is correct.

What is the level of organization?

The level of organization is the arrangement of the structures based on the level of complexity. It starts from the most simple to the most complex structures. It starts with an atom and ends in an ecosystem.

Pillar cells are the simplest level that comprises the fundamental unit made of molecules. They together make the tissues or the lamellae in the fish. The tissues or the lamellae group together to make the organ and gills.

The gills combines with the other organs to make the organ system like the respiratory system, which together with various organ system makes the fish the makes a complete organism.

Therefore, the order of the organization starts with pillar cells and ends at fish.

Learn more about the level of organization here:



hi everyone,what's is climate change.hope its easy for u all think u​


Climate change includes both global warming driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases and the resulting large-scale shifts in weather patterns.

Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of ) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.


stereotype cause ppl think that community college is for ppl w less money typically

Long strands of genetic information are stored in ________. A. Enzymes B. Adenine C. Chromosomes D. Mutations


The genetic information is the encoded proteins passed through hereditary. The genetic information is stored in the chromosomes of the cel. Thus, option C is correct.

What are chromosomes?

Chromosomes are the hereditary unit of an organism that passes from the parent cell through cell division and reproduction to the daughter cells.

The chromosomes comprise chromatin that is made of the proteins and DNA molecules wrapped around the histones to form a dense and compact structure.

They look like long threads that are present inside the cell's nucleus and code for specific information that gives the genotype and phenotype of an organism. It gets copied during the cell cycle.

Therefore, option C. chromosomes store the genetic information.

Learn more about chromosomes here:



example of natural system of classifying organisms​



In natural system of classification of Organisms, homology is brought out through the study of internal and external characters. Homology is the relationship of comparable structures having been derived from a common form.

For example, the fore arm of different land vertebrates has the same pentadactyl constitution.


pls mark brainliest

1.If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
2. How are you finding the topic DNA and cell division


1. Potato Salad (this answer may vary upon students favorite food)

2. Interphase is the longest phase of the cell cycle. During this phase, the cell grows to its maximum size, performs its normal cellular functions, replicates its DNA, and prepares for cell division.

Name the two layers that make up the skin, and identify a function for each layer.


Dermis and epidermis
Epidermis help us to protect the inner organs and also the dermis
The epidermis, the outermost layer of skin, provides a waterproof barrier and creates our skin tone.

The dermis, beneath the epidermis, contains tough connective tissue, hair follicles, and sweat glands.

What is the biological impact of minimum catch sizes on a population of fish?
a. The population comes to be dominated by smaller, slower-growing individuals.
b. Older, less productive adults are removed, improving the population's health.
It applies a selective pressure for larger, faster growing fish.
d. The fish in the population produce more and healthier eggs to compensate.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



answer is A.) The population comes to be dominated by smaller, slower- growing individuals

2. Why do scientists often use thermoacidophile group of archaebacteria for research?


Archaebacteria have some unique characteristics.

Although members of kingdom Archaebacteria share many characteristics with members of kingdom Eubacteria, some of their characteristics are unique.

One such characteristic is the ability of archaea to live in extreme conditions.

What is Thermoacidophile archaebacteria?

Thermoacidophile archaebacteria are a type of archaea that thrive in extremely hot and strong acidic (with low PH) environments. Thermoacidophile archaebacteria can be found in harsh environments such as in geothermal area, in the deep ocean vents and hot springs. Most of the

Thermoacidophile archaebacteria are chemotrophs (converts chemicals to food). They use sulfur as their energy source. They absorb the sulfur gas that is being released in their environment and reduce it to hydrogen sulphide, fixing it into an energy source.

Thus, this could be the answer.

To learn more about Thermoacidophile archaebacteria click here:



Which plant activities are directed by hormones? (select all that apply)
a. sunflowers following the sun to face it as it moves across the sky
b. leaves of deciduous trees changing colors in the fall
c. a green tomato turning red
d. a growing vine wrapping around a fence post​



All of the activities are directed by plant hormone


it is all of them


Trust  me I got 75% instead of 100 because i didnt chose all of them

If a cell membrane were completely permeable to all substances, could the cell continue to live? Explain your answer in depth.


If the membrane were fully permeable to all substances, then anything could enter the cell. This would upset the balance between the cell's contents and the outside environment. There is only so much ability to store substances and utilize substances, therefore, the cell would not be able to maintain homeostasis.

Compare and contrast the two upper layers of the mantle?



Both the lithisphere and asthenosphere are the part of Earth and are made of similar material. Lithosphere is made up of Earth's outermost layer, the crust, and the uppermost portion of the mantle. In comparison, the asthenosphere is the uppermost portion of Earth's mantle. Which is also the middle layer of Earth.

Why is the frequency of natural disasters increasing?

1. There are less natural hazards occurring

2. Human population in areas prone to natural hazards has increased

3 . Deaths from natural disasters has decreased in developed countries and increased in developing countries.


Human population in areas prone to natural hazards has increased

Why is the frequency of natural disasters increasing?

1. There are less natural hazards occurrin

2. Human population in areas prone to natural hazards has increased

Which is not a water quality monitoring parameter ?

1. Habitat
2. Turbidity
4. Ph level


Number 2. salinity.

a If a stationary body of water has a constant temperature from top to
bottom it is most likely a(n)
a. lake
b. pond
d. lagoon



The correct answer is B. Pond.

Ponds are pretty small and shallow, so the  heating from the air and sun gets distributed evenly across the water.

Let me know if this helps!

Other Questions
Who makes me a poem on this subject please .Think about your fears and insecurities about school safety. Examine your feelings in relation to school massacres that have happened in history. How has this changed you? What do you feel when a school goes into lockdown? Answer the question plz Match the following items.1. get information from a number of different sources plain folks 2. use facts in their presentation patriotism 3. "Governor Tyson is a family man that has lived and worked in our community for years." avoid bad propaganda 4. using nationalistic terms to give the impression of being zealous for the country's welfare. debate team One of the legs of a right triangle measures 9 cm and the other leg measures 2 cm. Find the measure of the hypotenuse. If necessary, round to the nearest tenth. ? QuestionUse the drawing tools to form the correct answer on the graph.Graph this step function: In the right situations, the use of multi-threads can allow for application speedup. Provide a small code example that illustrates how threads can be used to arrive at an appropriate result. Identify if there is a point where too many threads might impact performance of the application. g Some animals that live in extremely cold environments protect themselves from freezing by increasing the molality of certain chemicals in their cells. Define molality and explain how it protects these animals. Dose anyone know the answer plz help me I need help A cell undergoes cytokinesis after meiosis I. What step happens next? MC Qu. 133 Cahuilla Corporation predicts... Cahuilla Corporation predicts the following sales in units for the coming four months: April May June July Sales in Units380 420 440 380 Each month's ending Finished Goods Inventory should be 40% of the next month's sales. March 31 Finished Goods inventory is 152 units. A finished unit requires 5 pounds of direct material B at a cost of $2.00 per pound. The March 31 Raw Materials Inventory has 230 pounds of B. Each month's ending Raw Materials Inventory should be 30% of the following month's production needs. The budgeted purchases of pounds of direct material B during May should be: consider the following thermochemical reaction for kerosene 2C12H26+37O2=24CO2+15026kj. a. when 21.3g of CO2 are made, how much heat is released?b. if 500.00kj of heat are released by thye reaction, how many grams of C12H26 have been consumed.?c. if this reactionwere being used to generate heat, how many grams of C12H26 would have to be reacted to generate enough heat to raise the temperature of 750g of liquid water from 10 degrees celcius to 90 degrees celcius Civil DisobediencePart 2:Thoreaus ideas had a profound effect on a man named Gandhi. Gandhi, was a leader in India who worked to end British rule. He led India to independence and inspired many to non-violent forms of protest and resistance. He fought to end poverty, worked to expand women's right to vote, and built bridges between ethnic and religious groups. Like Thoreau, he lived simply, owned very little, and ate a vegetarian diet. In India, Gandhi's form of protest was called the "non-cooperation movement." He urged Indians to boycott British education systems and leave government jobs. The movement was very popular, and in part to stop its spread, the British controlled government arrested him. After a few years, he was released and became active in politics again. He inspired many to follow him on marches to protest various taxes. On one such march, thousands followed him 240 miles over 24 days to the sea to protest a salt tax. This march set the example of non-violent resistance to the government that others in the country followed. Eventually India won independence from Britain, in large part because of Gandhi work.Gandhi's model of resistance and reform was creative, appealing, and successful. As a result, Dr. Martin Luther King looked to Gandhi when the time came to find a way to resist segregation in the South. The lunch counter protests, famous for the passive response to anger, and even violence, aimed to end the separation enforced by laws in some regions of the South. King also organized walks, marches, and bus rides that were meant to bring attention to the issues facing African Americans. These forms of protest were directly modeled on Gandhi's, but King took them straight to the source of oppression. Where Gandhi's protests created awareness and built momentum, King's protests were in the face of great hatred and fear. The passive, non-violent protests were ultimately effective, mainly because the passive response to violence cast the opposition as brutes. However, change came slowly and at the cost of many lives. King remained committed to peaceful protest, however, until his death. King learned from Gandhi, expanding on what worked, applying old techniques to a new problem. Gandhi owed his philosophy, in part, to a New England poet who loved the woods.Based on the bolded paragraph, which line shows the success of Gandhi work? Eventually India won independence from Britain, in large part because of Gandhi work. After a few years, he was released and became active in politics again. thousands followed him 240 miles over 24 days to the sea to protest a salt tax. Like Thoreau, he lived simply, owned very little, and ate a vegetarian diet. 3. In A PQR, MZP=(4x-5),m2Q=(8x-50), and MZR=(3x+10).Which of the following best describesAPQR? Right triangle Isosceles triangle Equlateral triangleScalene triangle A student observes that an organism is green a valid conclusion that can be drawn from this observation is that please help me!! how many times does 10% go into 34,950,101? A lawyer commutes daily from his suburban home to his midtown office. 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