A ladder leans against the side of the a house. The ladder is 19 feet long and forms an angle of elevation of 75 degree when leaned against the house. How far away from the house is the ladder? Round your answer to the nearest tenth.


Answer 1
Answer:   4.9



Focus entirely on the triangle on the right side. The other parts of the drawing are not necessary. In my opinion, they are distracting filler.

Refer to the diagram below.

We have an unknown adjacent side, let's call it x, that's along the horizontal part of the triangle.

The hypotenuse however is known and it is 19 ft

We use the cosine ratio to tie the two sides together

cos(angle) = adjacent/hypotenuse

cos(75) = x/19

19*cos(75) = x

x = 19*cos(75)

x = 4.9175618569479 which is approximate

x = 4.9

The base of the ladder is roughly 4.9 feet away from the base of the house.

Side note: make sure your calculator is in degree mode.

Related Questions

Find the x- and y-intercepts of the following line: 4x − 3y = 12



x-intercept: (3,0)

y-intercept: (0,-4)

Step-by-step explanation:

To find the x and y-intercepts, we first need to understand what they are. X and y-intercepts are points on the line that passes through the x-axis and y-axis. When a point is an x-intercept, it passes through the x-axis. This means the x-coordinate is an integer, while the y-coordinate is always 0. This can be denoted by (x,0). When a point is a y-intercept, it passes through the y-axis. This means the y-coordinate is an integer, while the x-coordinate is always 0. This can be denoted by (0,y).

Now that we know what x and y-intercepts are, we can plug in x=0 and y=0 to find the intercepts.


4x-3y=12            [plug in y=0]

4x-3(0)=12          [multiply]

4x-0=12              [add both sides by 0]

4x=12                 [divide both sides by 4]




4x-3y=12            [plug in x=0]

4(0)-3y=12         [multiply]

0-3y=12             [subtract both sides by 0]

-3y=12               [divide both sides by -3]


Therefore, the x-intercept is (3,0) and y-intercept is (0,-4).

Work out 45% of $200.00



If you are using a calculator, simply enter 45÷100×200 which will give you 90 as the answer.

Mark me brainliest plz.

First you change 45% to decimal form (move the decimal two places to the left) which gives .45

Then, you multiply .45 x $200.00

Your answer is $90

Suppose 5 men and 7 women are on a crowded elevator. At the next floor, four people get off the elevator. Find the probability that three are women.







B. 0.354

Step-by-step explanation:

Combination of 4 out of 5 + 7 = 12 is:

12C4 = 12!/8!4! = 495

Combination of 1 man and 3 women is:

5C1*7C3 = 5*7!/4!3! = 5*35 = 175

Required probability:

P(3W) = 175/495 ≈ 0.353

Correct choice is B

What is the best interpretation of the y-intercept of the line



vertical line

Step-by-step explanation:

because horizontal means horizon which goes left to right across a board

Hi there!

The y-intercept of a line represents its initial value. On a graph, the y-intercept would represent the value of y when the line crosses the y-axis.

For example, if an equation were to model the amount of money someone had in their bank account overtime starting from the day they opened their account, the y-intercept would represent the original amount of money they had.

I hope this helps!


The gradient of the tangent to the curve y = ax + bx^3 at the point (2, -4) is 6.
Determine the unknowns a and b.



a = -6

b = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

The gradient of the tangent to the curve y = ax + bx^3, will be:

dy/dx = a + 3bx²

at (2, -4)

dy/dx = a+3b(2)²

dy/dx = a+12b

Since the gradient at the point is 6, then;

a+12b = 6 ....1

Substitute x = 2 and  y = -4 into the original expression

-4 = 2a + 8b

a + 4b = -2 ...2

a+12b = 6 ....1


4b - 12b = -2-6

-8b = -8

b = -8/-8

b = 1

Substitute b = 1 into equation 1

Recall from 1 that a+12b = 6

a+12(1) = 6

a = 6 - 12

a = -6

Hence a = -6, b = 1

a gym class has 10 boys and 12 girls. how many ways can a team of 6 be selected if the team must have the same number of boys and girls



The number of ways of selecting the team is 26,400 ways.

Step-by-step explanation:


total number boys in the gym, b = 10 boys

total number of girls in the gym, g = 12 girls

number of team to be selected, n = 6

If there must equal number of boys and girls in the team, then the team must consist of 3 boys and 3 girls.

Number of ways of choosing 3 boys from the total of 10 = [tex]10_C_3[/tex]

Number of ways of choosing 3 girls from a total of 12 = [tex]12_C_3[/tex]

The number of ways of combining the two possibilities;

[tex]n = 10_C_3 \times 12_C_3\\\\n = \frac{10!}{7!3!} \ \times \ \frac{12!}{9!3!} \\\\n = \frac{10\times 9 \times 8}{3\times 2} \ \times \ \frac{12\times 11 \times 10}{3\times 2} \\\\n = 120 \times 220\\\\n = 26,400 \ ways[/tex]

Therefore, the number of ways of selecting the team is 26,400 ways.

distance between 4, -4 and -7, -4


Step-by-step explanation:

here's the answer to your question

Answer: Distance = 11

Step-by-step explanation:


Here, we need to know the idea of the distance formula.

The distance formula is the formula, which is used to find the distance between any two points.

If you are still confused, please refer to the attachment below for a clear version of the formula.


Find the distance between A and B, where:

A (4, -4)B (-7, -4)







Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

3w2 – 21w = 0

Need some help.



The solutions are w=0 ,7

Step-by-step explanation:

3w^2 – 21w = 0

Factor out 3w

3w(w-7) =0

Using the zero product property

3w=0  w-7=0

w =0    w=7

The solutions are w=0 ,7

Can someone help me with this problem




Step-by-step explanation:

the answer is 9/110 zzzz

Select the correct answer. Which graph represents this inequality? y ≥ 4x − 3


Step-by-step explanation:

You didn't put the graph, but you can compare between your graphs and the picture.

Brainliest please

The graph that represents this inequality y ≥ 4x − 3 is attached below.

What is a solution set to an inequality or an equation?

If the equation or inequality contains variable terms, then there might be some values of those variables for which that equation or inequality might be true. Such values are called solution to that equation or inequality. Set of such values is called solution set to the considered equation or inequality.

We are given that the inequality is;

y ≥ 4x − 3

The slope of the inequality is 4.

The equation of the red line is y = 4x − 3  

The shading is above the line and the line is solid, that means  y is greater than or equal 4x − 3

The graph of this inequality y ≥ 4x − 3 is attached below.

Learn more about inequalities here:



The sum of two binomials is 12x2 − 5x. If one of the binomials is x2 − 2x, the other binomial is:

1. 11x2 − 7x.
2. 12x2 − 3x.
3. 11x2 − 3x.
4. None of these choices are correct.



C. 11x² - 3x

Step-by-step explanation:

(12x² - 5x) - (x² - 2x)

12x² - 5x - x² + 2x

12x - x² - 5x + 2x

11x² - 3x

А _______ equation can be written in the form ax2 + bx+c=0 where a, b, and c are real numbers, and a is a nonzero number.

Fill in the blank.

A) quadratic
B) quartic
C) linear
D) cubic

Wrong answers WILL be reported. Thanks!



A) quadratic

Step-by-step explanation:

ax2 + bx+c=0

Since the highest power of the equation is 2

A) quadratic -2

B) quartic- 4

C) linear- 1

D) cubic-3

A) quadratic because the highest power of the equation is 2

What is a1
of the arithmetic sequence for which a3=126
and a64=3,725


In an arithmetic sequence, every pair of consecutive terms differs by a fixed number c, so that the n-th term [tex]a_n[/tex] is given recursively by


Then for n ≥ 2, we have


[tex]a_3=a_2+c = (a_1+c)+c = a_1 + 2c[/tex]

[tex]a_4=a_3+c = (a_1 + 2c) + c = a_1 + 3c[/tex]

and so on, up to


Given that [tex]a_3=126[/tex] and [tex]a_{64}=3725[/tex], we can solve for [tex]a_1[/tex]:



[tex]\implies 61c = 3599[/tex]

[tex]\implies c=59[/tex]

[tex]\implies a_1+2\times59=126[/tex]

[tex]\implies a_1+118 = 126[/tex]

[tex]\implies \boxed{a_1=8}[/tex]

Open the graphing tool one last time. Compare the graphs of y=log (x-k) and y=log x+k in relation to their domain, range, and asymptotes. Describe what you see.



sorry I don't know the answer


For the equation y=log(x-k), the domain depends on the value of K. Sliding K moves the left bound of the domain interval. The range and the right end behavior stay the same. For the equation y=log x+k, the domain is fixed, starting at an x-value of 0. The vertical asymptote is also fixed. The range of the equation depends on K.

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the numerical coefficient of the first term



the number before the first variable (first term)

Step-by-step explanation:

this appears to be an incomplete question. The numerical coefficient of a term is the number before the variable.

the constant is the number without a variable.

The constant number without the verbal?

Use the procedures developed to find the general solution of the differential equation. (Let x be the independent variable.)

2y''' + 15y'' + 24y' + 11y= 0


Solution :

Given :

2y''' + 15y'' + 24y' + 11y= 0

Let x = independent variable

[tex](a_0D^n + a_1D^{n-1}+a_2D^{n-2} + ....+ a_n) y) = Q(x)[/tex]  is a differential equation.

If [tex]Q(x) \neq 0[/tex]

It is non homogeneous then,

The general solution  = complementary solution + particular integral

If Q(x) = 0

It is called the homogeneous then the general solution =  complementary solution.

2y''' + 15y'' + 24y' + 11y= 0


Auxiliary equation,

[tex]$2m^3+15m^2+24m +11 = 0$[/tex]

-1  | 2    15    24     11

    | 0   -2    - 13    -11  

      2    13    11       0

∴ [tex]2m^2+13m+11=0[/tex]

The roots are

[tex]$=\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}$[/tex]

[tex]$=\frac{-13\pm \sqrt{13^2-4(11)(2)}}{2(2)}$[/tex]


[tex]$=-5.5, -1$[/tex]

So, [tex]m_1, m_2, m_3 = -1, -1, -5.5[/tex]

Then the general solution is :

[tex]$= (c_1+c_2 x)e^{-x} + c_3 \ e^{-5.5x}$[/tex]


5 = –6x2 + 24x
5 = –6(x2 – 4x)

inside the parentheses and
–19 = –6(x – 2)2
StartFraction 19 Over 6 EndFraction = (x – 2)2
Plus or minus StartRoot StartFraction 19 Over 6 EndFraction EndRoot = x – 2
The two solutions are
Plus or minus StartRoot StartFraction 19 Over 6 EndFraction EndRoot.



x = 2 - sqrt(19/6)

x = 2 + sqrt(19/6)

Step-by-step explanation:


add 4

subtract 24 from 5


Step-by-step explanation:

whats 2 plus 2

*just trying to help someone get points* :)


Answer:4 ma boi

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

because I am god at meth and very smart

The work done by a machine in 2 minutes is 480J. Calculate the power of the machine​



I think the power is 4

Step-by-step explanation:

480J / 120 = 4

Put 2 mins into seconds which is 120 seconds

Sorry if it is wrong :)


[tex]4\text{ watts}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

In physics, the power of a machine is given by [tex]P=\frac{W}{\Delta t}[/tex], where [tex]W[/tex] is work in Joules and [tex]\Delta t[/tex] is time in seconds.

Convert 2 minutes into seconds:

2 minutes = 120 seconds.

Substitute [tex]W=480[/tex] and [tex]\Delta t=120[/tex] to solve for [tex]P[/tex]:

[tex]P=\frac{480}{120}=\boxed{4\text{ watts}}[/tex]

what is the area of this whole shape



104 m²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of the whole shape = area of the triangle + area of the rectangle

= ½*b*h + L*W


b = 8 m

h = 6 m

L = 10 m

W = 8 m

Plug in the values into the equation

Area of the whole shape = ½*8*6 + 10*8

= 24 + 80

= 104 m²

What is the measurement of N?



the measurement of N is D, 81.

Step-by-step explanation:

The angle measurement of a Right Angled Triangle is 90 degrees. And based off the angle dimension given in the image above ( 9 degrees ), you need to subtract 90 ( the angle dimension of the triangle) with the angle dimension given (9 degrees) which gets you to an answer of 81 degrees.

Find the values of c such that the area of the region bounded by the parabolas y = 4x2 − c2 and y = c2 − 4x2 is 32/3. (Enter your answers as a comma-separated list.)




Step-by-step explanation:




We have to find the value of c such that the are of the region bounded by the parabolas =32/3






[tex]x=\pm \frac{c}{2}[/tex]

Now, the area bounded by two curves










[tex]c^3=\frac{32\times 3}{4\times 3}[/tex]



When c=2 and when c=-2 then the given parabolas gives the same answer.

Therefore, value of c=-2, 2

Directions: Use the figure to write the symbol for each.
1. I ray
2. a plane
3. 3 points
4. 2 lines
5. 3 angles
6. 3 line segments
Total Math Grade 6
I need help ASAP please due tomorrow 6th grade geometry


These are my notes that you can use

How does the rate of change of f(x)=3x+5 compare to the rate of change of g(x)=2x+5 ?




The rate of change of f(x) is faster than the rate of change of g(x).

General Formulas and Concepts:

Algebra I

Slope-Intercept Form: y = mx + b

m - slope b - y-intercept

Step-by-step explanation:


Rate of Change is determined by slope.

Step 1: Define

f(x) = 3x + 5

↓ Compare to y = mx + b

Slope m = 3

g(x) = 2x + 5

↓ Compare to y = mx + b

Slope m = 2

Step 2: Answer

We can see that the slope of f(x) is greater than g(x).

∴ the rate of change of f(x) would be greater than g(x).

The winter group provides tax advice


what? ;-;.............

For the rational function f(x)=5−xx2+5x+6, find the points on the graph at the function value f(x)=3.



The rational function is:


To find:

The points on the graph at the function value [tex]f(x)=3[/tex].


We have,


Substituting [tex]f(x)=3[/tex], we get




Moving all the terms on one side, we get



Splitting the middle term, we get




Using zero product property, we get

[tex](3x+13)=0\text{ or }(x+1)=0[/tex]

[tex]x=-\dfrac{13}{3}\text{ or }x=-1[/tex]

Therefore, the required values are [tex]-\dfrac{13}{3},-1[/tex].

Find the probability of a couple having at least 1 girl among 4 children. Assume that boys and girls are
equally likely and that the gender of a child is independent of the gender of any brothers or sisters.



15/16 (93.75%)

Step-by-step explanation:

List of Possible Combinations:


As you can see, only 1 out of 16 of the possible combinations is all boys. This means that the chance of at least 1 girl among the 4 children is 15 out of 16 (15/16) or 93.75%

what is the percent decrease on a Tv that has been marked down from $550 to $420? round to the nearest tenth​


24% decrease

550 - 420 = 130

130/550 = 24%

The percent decrease on a TV after the markdown to the nearest tenth​ is 23.6%.

What is the percent decrease on the TV after the markdown?

The percent decrease formula can be expressed as:

Percent decrease = [( original value - new value ) / original value ] × 100%

Given the data in the question:

The original value of the TV = $550

New value after markdown  = $420

Percent decrease =?

Plug the given values into the above formula and solve for the percent decrease.

Percent decrease = [( original value - new value ) / original value ] × 100%

Percent decrease = [( 550 - 420 ) / 550 ] × 100%

Percent decrease = [ 130 / 550 ] × 100%

Percent decrease = 0.2363 × 100%

Percent decrease = 23.6%

Therefore, the percent decrease is 23.6%.

Learn about Percent increase here: https://brainly.com/question/19062651


Betty received $ 500,000 from a life insurance policy to be distributed to her as an annuity certain in 10 equal annual installments with the first payment made immediately. On the day she receives her third payment, she is offered a monthly perpetuity of X in lieu of the future annual payments. The first payment will be made in exactly one month. The effective annual rate of interest is 8 %. Determine the value of X.​


9514 1404 393


annual payment: $68,995.13monthly payment in perpetuity: X = $2394.76

Step-by-step explanation:

a) For payments made at the beginning of the period, the annuity is called an "annuity due." The formula in the first attachment tells how to compute the payment for a given present value ($500,000), number of periods (N=10), and interest rate (i=0.08).

  pmt = $500,000/(1 +(1 -(1 +i)^(-N+1))/i) = $500,000/(1 +(1 -(1.08^-9))/.08)

  pmt ≈ $68,995.13 . . . . annual payment


b) After the first payment, the account balance is ...

  $500,000 -68,995.13 = $431,004.87

After subsequent payments, the account balance will be ...

  $431,004.87×1.08 -68,995.13 = $396,490.13 . . . after 2nd payment

  $396,490.13×1.08 -68,995.13 = $359,214.21 . . . after 3rd payment

The payment amount that can be made in perpetuity is the amount of the monthly interest on this balance:

  X = $359,214.21 × (0.08/12) = $2394.76

According to the scale drawing, how wide will the actual patio be?
7 cm
Scale 1 cm: 2 m


The width of the actual garden patio according to the scale drawing is 14 meters.

What is an equation?

An equation is an expression that shows the relationship between two or more numbers and variables.

An independent variable is a variable that does not depends on other variable while a dependent variable is a variable that depends on other variable.

Given the scale of 1 cm : 2 m

For a patio of 7 cm, then:

Actual patio = 7 cm / (1 cm/ 2m) = 14 m

The width of the actual garden patio according to the scale drawing is 14 meters.

Find out more on equation at: brainly.com/question/2972832


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