A mangrove swamp is more likely to exist along shores of which location?


Answer 1
They are likely to exist in tropical and subtropical tidal areas

Related Questions

Why are G protein only found in Eukaryote cell ?



they bind to protein-coupled transmembrane receptors with higher complexity than those found in prokaryotes


G-proteins are proteins found inside the cells that function as molecular switches which are activated by binding to guanosine triphosphate (GTP), while they are inactive by binding to guanosine diphosphate (GDP). The G-proteins bind to G-protein-coupled transmembrane receptors (GPCRs) in the cytoplasmic region. The GPCRs are a very diverse group of proteins that are activated by extracellular molecules ranging from small peptides to large proteins, including pheromones, neurotransmitters, light-sensitive compounds, etc, thereby allowing them to respond to diverse stimuli from the extracellular environment. In consequence, it is reasonable to suppose that the signaling pathways in which G proteins are involved have a higher complexity level than those observed in primitive prokaryotic organisms.

Fermentation converts organic material into a fuel whose primary component is
A. methane
B. sugar
C. yeast
D. alcohol​



D. alcohol


Fermentation by microorganisms converts organic materials into alcohol

What type of muscle is found in the circulatory system?



The heart is the pump and the vessels are the delivery and return system for the blood. Every tissue in the body, directly or indirectly, receives oxygen and nutrients from blood supplied by the cardiovascular system. The heart is a muscle. The muscle is a modified form of skeletal muscle called cardiac muscle.


i hope itt help you


blood muscles are found

A layer of cells called the endodermis surrounds the stele. Xylem is found towards the center of the stele and phloem towards the outside of the stele. 18) How does this compare to their arrangement in the stem? 19) The meristematic region is protected in the root by the presence of a root cap. How is the meristematic region protected in the stem tip? 20) In which of these regions would you expect to find the specialized cells of vascular tissue? 21) In which of these regions are the cells genetically identical? 22) Why?



Epidermis layer is responsible for the protection of meristematic region.


Meristematic region is protected in the stem tip by epidermis which consist of dead layer of cells. Epidermis is the outer layer of stems, leaves, flowers and fruits which is responsible for the protection of inner part from damage. Vascular bundle such as phloem present near the boundary of the stem while the xylem is present in the inside of the stem. In the inside layer of the stem, all the xylem cells are genetically identical while the layer that is present at the edge of the stem is phloem in which all the cells are  genetically identical to each other.

The valve present between right atrium and ventricle is​


the person above me answered this correctly!!

This category of plants does not have vascular tissue or seeds. Question 3 options: Angiosperms Gymnosperms Ferns Mosses





Mosses are the category of plants that does not have vascular tissue or seeds while angiosperm, gymnosperms, and ferns have vascular tissues and seeds.

Due to absence of vascular bundles or veins, the mosses also lack stems, true roots, and leaves. some of the examples of mosses are: liverworts, hornworts, and Ricceia natans etcetera.

Hence, the correct answer is "Mosses".




Mosses are the category of plants that do not have vascular tissue or seeds. Ferns do not have seeds, but do have vascular tissues. Angiosperms and gymnosperms have vascular tissue and seeds.

in the krebs cycle,

a. pyruvate is broken down into Co2 molecules
b. glucose is broken down into NADH and CO2
c. Co2 is concerted in pyruvate and O2
d. NADH and CO2 are converted into ATP



a. pyruvate is broken down into Co2 molecules


Krebs cycle is also known as Citric Acid Cycle, in which pyruvate formed during the glycolytic is broken down into Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Water (H2O).

Each pyruvate molecule is broken down into carbon atom which releases carbon dioxide.

Hence, the correct answer is "a. pyruvate is broken down into Co2 molecules".

The LMand LNalleles at the MN blood-group locus exhibit codominance. Give the expected genotypes and phenotypes and their ratios in progeny resulting from the following crosses.a.LMLM x LMLNb.LNLN x LNLNc.LMLN x LMLNd.LMLN x LNLNe.LMLM x LNLN



Please find the expected genotypes and phenotypes of the progenies of each cross below.


In the MN blood-group locus of the gene, alleles LM and LN exhibit codominance i.e one allele is not dominant or recessive to the other, hence, they are both expressed when they occur in a heterozygous state (MN).

Considering the following crosses (find the punnet square attached);

a)LMLM x LMLN - The progeny are LMLM and LMLN in the genotypic ratio 1:1. Phenotypic ratio is Blood type M (1) : blood type MN (1)

b) LNLN x LNLN - The progeny are all LNLN offsprings with a phenotypic and genotypic ratio 4:0. All offsprings will have a blood type N (4)

c) LMLN x LMLN - The progenies are LMLM, LMLN and LNLN in the genotypic ratio 1:2:1 respectively. The phenotypic ratio is Blood type M (1) : L

Blood type MN (2) : Blood type N (1)

d) LMLN x LNLN - The progeny are LMLN and LNLN with genotypic ratio 1:1 and phenotypic ratio blood type MN (1) : blood type N (1)

e) LMLM x LNLN - The progeny are all LMLN offsprings with penotypic ratio blood type MN (4)

Old meristematic cells lose the capacity to divide and transform into ______ .



Permanent Tissues


Permanent tissues: are derived from meristematic tissue once they lose the ability to divide. They are classified as simple and complex tissues.

The levels of nitrogen and ___ in the atmosphere remain fairly constant but the levels of other gases may vary.




Scientists today are studying tidal power as an alternative energy source for generating electricity. Some scientists conclude that tidal power is a good alternative source of energy because it uses a natural process, does not rely on fossil fuels, and does not release greenhouse gases. These scientists recommend building tidal power plants around the United States in locations with high tidal power potential. Other scientists conclude that tidal power is not a good alternative energy source because tidal power plants can negatively impact the surrounding ecosystem by killing marine animals, restricting fish migration, reducing the natural flow of water, and causing silt buildup in waterways. These scientists recommend not building tidal power plants in U.S. waterways. Both conclusions are based on valid data and scientific reasoning. How can both conclusions be valid?



See the answer below


Both conclusions can be valid because they are based on valid data and scientific reasoning.

In order for a data to be valid in making a conclusion, such data must have been collected through a scientific experiment that is devoid of subjectivism. In order words, the data must have been objectively collected via standard experimental procedures.

Once data have been collected, they are analyzed and used to make valid conclusions based on the hypothesis which must have been made earlier before the experiment.

Conclusions made from standard experimental procedures and scientific reasonings are valid and such experiments are reproducible.

Hence, as long as the data from which the conclusions were made can be reproduced through the same experiments, the conclusions are valid.

What is the scale of magnetism in marble and granite rocks?



For marble it is 0.9 and granite is 10.4


The magnetic susceptibility of rocks is subjected to the bulk density of crust, bulk chemistry, and mineralogy of the magnetic component.

Metamorphic rock types like the marble has a bulk crust volume of 0.9% while Igneous rock types like the marble has a bulk crust volume of 10.4%

Which macromolecule forms a double layer as the primary structure of cell membranes?






C. phospholipids


The other person said it

Can someone help me name them!



i filled the thing out for you. i didnt know what grade you were in so i just put the cell names in.


You palpate a soft, slightly tender mass in the right scrotum of an adult male. You attempt to reduce the size of the mass, and there is no change in the mass size. Your next assessment maneuver is to:________
a. use two fingers to attempt to reduce the mass.
b. palpate the left scrotum simultaneously.
c. lift the right testicle and then compare pain level.
d. transilluminate the mass



d. transilluminate the mass


Sometimes, painless hard or tender mass develop in the scrotum of men and can cause testicular tumors.

After detecting a scrotal mass, to reduce the size of the mass, the next assessment required is to transilluminate the mass in which testicles will be appear opaque on transillumination. Transillumination of mass will help to detect the orientation of mass which can be treated further.

Hence, the correct answer is d. transilluminate the mass

Very small changes in the solute concentrations in the various fluid compartments cause water to move from one compartment to another, which alters blood composition and blood pressure. How do the following physiological changes affect blood pressure?

a. Decrease water reabsorption
b. Decrease peripheral resistance
c. Vasodilation
d. Decrease salt intake
e. Decrease blood volume
f. Vasoconstriction
g. Increase peripheral resistance
h. Increase salt intake
i. Increase blood volume
j. Increase water reabsorption



a. Decrease water reabsorption : decrease blood pressure.

b. Decrease peripheral resistance : decrease blood pressure

c. Vasodilation : decrease blood pressure

d. Decrease salt intake : decrease blood pressure

e. Decrease blood volume : decrease blood pressure

f. Vasoconstriction : increase blood pressure

g. Increase peripheral resistance:  increase blood pressure

h. Increase salt intake:  increase blood pressure

i. Increase blood volume : increase blood pressure

j. Increase water reabsorption: increase blood pressure


Total peripheral resistance: This term refers to the resistance offered by the vascular system to the blood flow.  This resistance is a result of the friction between the blood and the vessel's walls. In other words, it is the opposition of the vessels to blood flow. The total peripheral resistance is the summary of all the bloody circuit resistances in the body. Those mechanisms that induce vasoconstriction conduce to an increase in total peripheral resistance, while mechanisms that induce vasodilation provoke a decrease in total peripheral resistance.     Blood pressure: This term refers to the strength applied by the blood against the vessel walls as it flows.  This pressure is determined by the bombed blood strength and the volume as well as by the vessel size and flexibility. Blood pressure changes continuously according to the activity, temperature, diet, emotional state, among others.    Salt ingestion causes an increase in plasmatic osmolarity, stimulates thirst, and hence, water ingestion. Sodium retains water, expanding the blood volume and causing an increase in vessel pressure. The antidiuretic hormone, also known as vasopressin hormone, is released by changes in serum osmolarity or blood volume. Its function is to keep homeostasis and make kidneys conserve or keep water by concentrating urine and by reducing its volume. By these actions, the antidiuretic hormone stimulates water reabsorption, according to the organism´s needs. Kidneys control blood pressure in many ways. If the pressure is elevated, kidneys produce the loss of salt and water, normalizing arterial pressure. But if pressure is low, kidneys conserve water.          

If the Gulf Stream stopped running, how would the climates of North America and Europe be affected?


Answer: Land would become infertile, habitat loss, & environmental changes


Because there wouldn't be alot of water to keep the soil moist, therefore the ground would begin to harden and get dry. :)

If the Gulf Stream stopped, the climates of North America and Europe would be colder and drier.

The gulf stream is a huge current of warm and fast-moving ocean water. This ocean current plays a key role in regulating temperatures across the globe and has an impact on the frequency and intensity of storms and rainfall. The collapse and stoppage of this stream will cause an array of problems, including but not limited to:

Reduced rainfallLower temperaturesFewer storms

Areas that would be particularly affected by this are North America and Europe. This is due to the direction that the gulf stream flows, carrying warm water along these boundaries.

The vast amount of warm water carried by this stream explains how it is able to affect the average temperatures of these coastal areas, with the disappearance of the stream, temperatures in North America and Europe would initially decrease.

The warm water carried by this current is also responsible for increased rainfall. Warm water on the surface of the ocean is heated by the sun and evaporates, creating clouds, which then provide rain. The absence of this current would dramatically affect cloud formation and reduce the amount of rain severely. This can lead to droughts and reduced agriculture.

Though Fewer storms may seem like a positive impact, it is not entirely. Storms play a crucial part (together with ocean currents) in regulating global temperatures, as well as provide a source of rainfall to end droughts and promote biodiversity in areas that depend on water and humid climates.

The gulf stream is important for maintaining climates and rainfall. If it were to stop, climates in North America and Europe would be colder and drier.

For more information on ocean currents visit:


A paleontologist finds a relative complete skeleton but isn't sure if it is an ape fossil or a hominid fossil. Which of the following features would help distinguish between the two choices?

a. Position of the opening in the skull for the spinal cord
b. Design of the pelvis
c. Relative length of the hind limbs
d. Position of the eyes


I believe the answer is C. Apes have shorter legs than humans (hominids), therefore the answer is C

atch the term with the correct cellular process or definition. - A molecule containing genetic information - RNA base that pairs with adenine - Carries amino acid to ribosomes - The site of protein synthesis - DNA base that pairs with adenine - Carries the genetic code to ribosomes A. mRNA B. DNA C. tRNA D. Thymine E. Uracil F. rRNA G. Ribosome



A molecule containing genetic information - DNA

RNA base that pairs with adenine - Uracil

Carries amino acid to ribosomes - tRNA

The site of protein synthesis - Ribosome

DNA base that pairs with adenine - Thymine

Carries the genetic code to ribosomes - mRNA


DNA is the molecule that is responsible for conveying genetic information in living organisms. It is made up of deoxyribose sugar, a phosphate group, and purine/pyrimidine bases. The purine bases consist of adenine and guanine while the pyrimidine bases include thymine and cytosine. As a matter of rule in the DNA, Adenine base always pairs with Thymine base while the Cytosine base always pairs with Guanine base.

RNA on the other hand is single-stranded unlike the double strands of DNA. It has all the nucleotide bases present in DNA except that the Thymine bases are usually replaced with Uracil.

There are three types of RNA:

the messenger RNA that is responsible for carrying genetic code from DNA to the ribosome for translation purpose, the transfer RNA responsible for carrying amino acids to ribosome during the translation process; and the ribosomal RNA which forms an integral part of the subunits of the ribosome itself.

Which of the following groups could be identified using the biological species concept? Select all that apply. Select all that apply. bacteria living today extinct dinosaurs sunflower species living today lizard species living today



Bacteria, Sunflowers, Lizards.


They are all biological species due to being apart of flora and fauna. It wouldn't be dinosaurs since biologists study living things, dinosaurs are extinct.

The groups 'sunflower species living today' and 'lizard species living today' could be identified using the biological species concept.

The biological species concept defines a species as a special group of interfertile individuals.

These individuals can then cross in order to produce fertile offspring and thus perpetuate the species.

The biological species concept was developed by the biologist Ernst Mayr.

In conclusion, the groups 'sunflower species living today' and 'lizard species living today' could be identified using the biological species concept.

Learn more in:


An sixty-year-old man has painful fluid-filled vesicles that have begun crusting over in a wide band across the left side of his lumbar area. He has a history of chickenpox. Based on this information, the likely disease is which is caused by:________

a. scabies, Pediculosis humanus
b. fever blisters, HSV-1
c. impetigo, Staphylococcus aureus
d. German measles, Rubella
e. shingles, varicella-zoster virus


Answer: shingles, varicella-zoster virus


It should be noted that shingles usually occur with old people and it causes a painful rash when the chicken pox virus is reactivated in the body.

Since the man is old and has painful fluid-filled vesicles that have begun crusting over in a wide band across the left side of his lumbar area and also has a history of chickenpox, it's very likely it is shingles.

The root of mutualism, mutual,
A. together.
B. alone.
C. only.​



A. Together.


The root word of mutualism, mutual means together or a thing that many people share.

For example:

Mutualist Symbiotic Relationship refers to a relationship in which organisms are benefited, in other words it is a win-win.

The relationship between the Egyptian plover bird and the crocodile, that is mutualist relationship.

When a meat or something (food) gets stuck in the teeth of the crocodile then the Egyptian plover bird takes it out (like a toothpick).

The crocodile gets benefited.

The bird also gets benefited (its gets its food)

Hope this helps ;) ❤❤❤




Mutualism is defined as a relationship that benefits two organisms, or it is defined as a doctrine in sociology where mutual aid is beneficial to society and the individual. An example of mutualism is pollination which is when bees take nectar from flowers and then deposit the nectar on another flower.

Why are G proteins found in cell membrane of the cell ?



It is found in cell membrane because to bind extracellular substances and transmit signal.

If one half of a DNA molecule has 8 thymine bases, what else is also true about the DNA molecule? (1 point)
There will be 16 total bases.
O There will be 32 total bases.
There will be 8 adenine bases.
There will be 8 cytosine bases.


There will be 8 adenine bases.

Thymine always pairs with adenine in DNA, so if there are 8 thymine bases that means there are also 8 adenine bases.

We don’t know how many total bases there will be, and because cytosine does not pair with thymine we don’t know how many cytosine bases there will be.

Question 9(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
Which statement best answers the question, "Why is copper a good conductor of electricity?"
Copper atoms have a loosely held electron in their outer shell that is able to move freely to other atoms.
Copper atoms are tightly bound and are able to work with other copper atoms to exchange electrical charges.
Copper has an equal number of protons and electrons making the flow of current possible.
Copper's outer shell electrons are not balanced and must join with other copper atoms in order to be stable.



option 1 is correct


the ability of substance to conduct heat and electricity depends upon the number of free electron since copper is transition metal it has a loosely held electron in their outer shell that is able to move freely to other atoms because of these free electron copper is a good conductor of electricity

different strains of a virus with a segmented genome can shuffle and combine genes.





related strains of virus with the signal genome can shuffle and combined genes

The dark bands seen under the microscope in a skeletal muscle fiber are concentrations of actin protein called l-bands . It is true or false.



it is false


it appears as light bands under microscope




because dark band seen under the microscope in a skeletal muscle fiber are concentration of actin protein  are known as A bands because they are anisotropic when viewed with polarized light

Is it normal to have two baby fish that are stuck together?



No its not


Hey there!

Conjoined fish is a very rare occurrence that does not happen often.

Hope this helps :)

Draw a cross section of a peach, and label the structures. What parts of the flower give rise to these structures



exocarpo  is synonymous with exocarp

endocarpo is synonymous with endocarp

mesocarpo is synonymous with mesocarp

semilla is synonymous with seed


In phase one, the plant's ovary begins to grow abruptly, this is where the embryo and endosperm affect their size, but if this ovarian growth is interrupted by an external factor, it determines the size of the future.

Then, the embryo and the endosperm could grow and undergo a process called sclerification, which is the hardening of the interior of the fruit, that is to say, the future formation of the seed or vulgarly called "pit". .

After this, the mesocarp, which is what is called the fleshy body or subglobose edible drupe, begins to grow.

The growth of the mesocarp is what gives the volume, weight and body to the fruit, so that after maturation it exceeds the strength of the branch and it falls from the tree.

A couple has just learned their neonate is diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta, and they
ask, "What caused our child to get this disease?" What should the health care provider teach
the couple about their neonate's condition?



osteogenesis imperfecta is an inherited genetic disease that mainly affects the bones.  


Osteogenesis imperfecta is an inherited genetic disease associated with alterations in collagen synthesis, which have been shown to increase the risk to suffer bone fractures. This genetic disorder is characterized by different health problems including, among others, fragile bones, reduced skeletal mass, skin hyperlaxity, malformations in the central nervous system, etc. Clinically, osteogenesis imperfecta must be managed by an interdisciplinary medical team, since patients may present a clinical picture ranging from mild to lethal. In the first place, it is imperative to provide health care to avoid fractures, exercises to maintain muscle mass, exercise to improve motor skills, skincare by specialized dermatologists, etc.

The disease 'osteogenesis imperfecta' is caused by the neonate inheriting it

from either of the parent because it's a genetic disorder. The health care

provider should teach the parent about how to prevent the effect of having

such disease such as bone fractures.

Osteogenesis imperfecta is a genetic disorder inherited by offspring from

their parent. The disease involves individuals having very  brittle bones which are easily broken. The nurse should teach the parent to adopt bone strengthening steps such as adequate calcium intake and physiotherapy.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/23578140

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On February 10, 2015, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Pennsylvania announced that a former Rite Aid vice president, Jay Findling, pleaded guilty to charges in connection with a $29.1 million dollar surplus inventory sales/kickback scheme. Another former vice president, Timothy P. Foster, pleaded guilty to the same charges and making false statements to the authorities. Both charges are punishable by up to five years' imprisonment and a $250,000 fine.The charges relate to a nine-year conspiracy to defraud Rite Aid by lying to the company about the sale of surplus inventory to a company owned by Findling when it was sold to third parties for greater amounts. Findling would then kick back a portion of his profits to Foster.Findling admitted he established a bank account under the name "Rite Aid Salvage Liquidation" and used it to collect the payments from the real buyers of the surplus Rite Aid inventory. After the payments were received, Findling would send lesser amounts dictated by Foster to Rite Aid for the goods, thus inducing Rite Aid to believe the inventory had been purchased by J. Finn Industries, not the real buyers. The government alleged Findling received at least $127.7 million from the real buyers of the surplus inventory but, with Foster's help, only provided $98.6 million of that amount to Rite Aid, leaving Findling approximately $29.1 million in profits from the scheme. The government also alleged that Findling kicked back approximately $5.7 million of the $29.1 million to Foster.Foster admitted his role during the guilty plea stage of the trial. He voluntarily surrendered $2.9 million in cash he had received from Findling over the life of the conspiracy. Foster had stored the cash in three 5-gallon paint containers in his Phoenix, Arizona, garage.Assume you are the director of internal auditing at Rite Aid and discover the surplus inventory scheme. 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This right helps protect current stockholders against both dilution of control and dilution of value.a. Trueb. False what does (where's the fire )mean? How would I simplify 14.8+6.25+0.97 Garrod Smith is a master woodcarver and sole owner of "Smith Custom Doors, LLC." Which of the following advantages applies to his business form?A. The business is not a taxable entity.B. The business is a separate legal entity from Garrod Smith.C. The business is not taxed as a corporation or sole proprietorship.D. The business makes Garrod liable for only half of the business' debt. What is the ambiguity technique in literature? Calculate how many different sequences can be formed that use the letters of the given word. Leave your answer as a product of terms of the form C(n, r). HINT [Decide where, for example, all the s's will go, rather than what will go in each position.] georgianna A) C(10, 7) B) C(2, 10)C(1, 8)C(1, 7)C(1, 6)C(1, 5)C(2, 4)C(2, 2) C) C(10, 2)C(8, 1)C(7, 1)C(6, 1)C(5, 1)C(4, 1)C(3, 1)C(2, 1)C(1, 1) D) 10 C(10, 2)C(8, 1)C(7, 1)C(6, 1)C(5, 1)C(4, 2)C(2, 2) E) C(10, 2)C(8, 1)C(7, 1)C(6, 1)C(5, 1)C(4, 2)C(2, 2) Health-related fitness is to health as skill-related fitness is to _____. You are unique and have your own individual strengths! List, draw, or describe at least five What is the image of (7, -2) after a reflection over the line y = -x? The net income reported on the income statement for the current year was $121,900. Depreciation recorded on store equipment for the year amounted to $20,100. Balances of the current asset and current liability accounts at the beginning and end of the year are as follows: End of YearBeginning of Year Cash$48,030 $44,190 Accounts receivable (net)34,440 32,660 Merchandise inventory47,020 49,710 Prepaid expenses5,280 4,200 Accounts payable (merchandise creditors)45,000 41,800 Wages payable24,590 27,310 a. Prepare the Cash Flows from Operating Activities section of the statement of cash flows, using the indirect method. Use the minus sign to indicate cash outflows, cash payments, decreases in cash, or any negative adjustments. Statement of Cash Flows (partial) Cash flows from operating activities: $ Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash flow from operating activities: Changes in current operating assets and liabilities: Net cash flow from operating activities$ b. Cash flows from operating activities differs from net income because it does not use the of accounting. For example revenues are recorded on the income statement when . 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