A molecule of mRNA with the sequence GGU CAU CAC UAU experienced a point mutation that caused the sequence to become G CG UCA UCA CUA. Which of the following terms describes this type of mutation?

Nonsense Mutation
Missense mutation
Frameshift Mutation
Silent mutation


Answer 1


Missense mutation


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plz give a correct answer for the question how do canine and molar differ.​







canine help in tearing the fod while molar chew the food



What is produced during the replacement reaction of Ba(NO3)2 and Na2SO4?

2BaNa + 2NO3SO4
2NaNO3 + BaSO4
NaNO3 + BaSO4
BaNa2 + (NO3)2SO4



2NaNO3 + BaSO4



2NaNO3 + BaSO4


Hydrocarbons are burned to produce water and carbon dioxide. Propane (C3H8) is a homologous series alkane that belongs to the hydrocarbon family. As a result, when propane is burned, three molecules of carbon dioxide and four molecules of water are produced.

Because there is an overabundance of oxygen, carbon dioxide is created when butane is completely burned.

In Gregor Mendel's work with pea plants, he found that when a tall pea plant, with genes TT, was crossed with a short pea plant, with genes tt, that _____ % of the first generation of offspring plants were _____.



In Gregor Mendel's work with pea plants, he found that when a tall pea plant, with genes TT, was crossed with a short pea plant, with genes tt, that _100_ % of the first generation of offspring plants were tall pea plant_.


After crossing the two types of plants, Mendel observed that among the F1 there were only tall variants, while the other variant (short) disappeared. Mendel named "dominant" the expressed variant. Mendel then let these new plants auto pollinate and observed the results in the second generation, F2. He saw that the short variant that had previously disappeared, reappeared again. Both tall and short plants were present in the F2. Mendel named "recessive" the second alternative variant.

Mendel explained his results by arguing that discrete factors were responsible for these phenotypes. These factors should have been present in the F1 in pairs. One of them came from one parental plant, and the other factor came from the other plant. These factors then separated again when sex cells were produced, giving two types of gametes, each with only one factor.

Mendel concluded that each plant had a pair of factors -which he named alleles-, and that each factor coded for one trait -tall and short-. He thought that these factors -T and t- separate -segregate- during gamete formation. This conclusion is known as the segregation principle (First Mendels´ Low).

Please help;
Given the range of current speeds shown on the graph above, would deposition ever be possible for clay (0.001 mm) or silt (0.01mm) particles?
Answer yes or no and explain your answer.





Yes, deposition can be possible for clay (0.001 mm) and silt (0.01mm) particles when the agent that carry its load is absent in that region such as wind. Wind is the agent that moves clay and silt particles with it so if there is high wind in a specific region, no deposition will occur while on the other hand, those areas where wind is not present, deposition will definitely occurs so we can say that deposition depends on the presence and absence of wind.

As a group, you and three other students must make a presentation on an animal. Which option is the best example of your group coming to a consensus on the
presentation topic?

The group cannot agree on what animal to choose so your teacher chooses your presentation topic.

Each member gets a vote and the animal with the most votes will be the presentation topic.

A group member is selected as the team leader and the team leader chooses the presentation topic.

The group writes options on slips of paper, puts them in a hat, and the paper that is selected will be the presentation topic


Each member gets a vote and the animal with the most votes will be the presentation topic, is the best example of your group coming to a consensus on the presentation topic.

what are the different types of presentation ?

Presentations should be always unique as  the information we are trying to present.

An informative presentation is always educational, concise, and only specific points are mentioned.

The main aim of an informative presentation is to share information with  others.

An Instructive Presentations teaches to the audience on a specific topic, but it goes beyond sharing facts.

Persuasive Presentations is to sell something or persuade the audience to take actions. It present  an issue  and explain their solution using data.

Motivational Presentations is an inspiring presentations, aim to generate interest in an audience’s approval.

Decision-making Presentations is to shares a problem, their solution and their outcomes can help speed along the process.

For more details regarding presentation, visit:



what is the source of food for germinating seed ?​


Endosperm is the reservoir of nutrients in the developing embryo or germinating seed.


What happens when the density of a medium increases?


A substance that is more dense per volume has more mass per volume. Usually, larger molecules have more mass. If a material is more dense because its molecules are larger, it will transmit sound slower.

What is microbiology?


Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, viruses,

Mutations in which of the following cells would get passed on to the next generation?
I. sperm
II. Skin cell
III. Egg
IV. Neuron
A. II, III, and IV
B. III only
C.I and III
D. I, III, and IV



C. I and III


A mutation needs to occur in a gamete cell in order to be passed down to the next generation.

If it occurs in a somatic (body) cell, the mutation will only be present in that organism.

On the other hand, in a gamete cell, the mutation will pass down because gamete cells are directly involved in the genetic makeup of the offspring.

So, since sperm and egg cells are gametes, mutations in those cells would get passed on.

The correct answer is C. I and III

All human impacts on the environment, such as the depletion of natural resources, are significantly worsened by __________. air and water pollution climate change human population growth agricultural practices





this along with the others listed have triggered climate change and soil erosion

Indicate whether each statement is true or false: 1. Compliance is the tendency for blood vessel volume to increase as blood pressure decreases. True 2. Blood vessels with a large compliance exhibit a small increase in volume when the pressure increases a small amount. True 3. Venous compliance is approximately 24X greater than arterial compliance, so as venous pressure increases the volume of veins greatly increases. True



1. False

2. False

3. True


1. Compliance is the capacity of a container to increase in size to allow it hold more content. Blood vessel, arteries and veins expand (increase in volume) to be able to accommodate a surge in blood flow, which is as a result of an increase in pressure of the blood from the heart pumping of the blood

Therefore, compliance in the tendency for blood vessel volume to increase as the blood pressure increases not decrease

The statement is false

2. A large compliance is indicative of being highly sensitive to changes in pressure

Compliance, C = ΔV/ΔP

From the above equation, a blood vessel with a large compliance, exhibit a large increase in volume when the increase in pressure is small

Therefore, the statement 'Blood vessels with a large compliance exhibit a small increase in volume when pressure increases a small amount; is false

3. The compliance of the vein ranges from 10 to 20 times (30 times in some literature) greater than arteries. A factor which can be affected by the vascular smooth muscle contraction or relaxation

Therefore, the statement, 'venous compliance is approximately 24 times larger than arterial compliance, so as venous pressure increases the volume of veins greatly increases' is true

Locate each of the following general areas of your body as listed in the background by pointing to areas on your body in reference to body orientation terms. Become familiar with these terms so you can eventually recall their meanings without referring to the background.

a. Anterior
b. Caudal
c. Cephalic
d. Deep



a. Anterior: Refers to the front of the body, which comprises the face and abdomen.

b. Caudal: Refers to the lower structures of the body, starting from the waist towards the foot.

c. Cephalic: Refers to the entire head region.

d. Deep: Refers to the inner core regions of the body, such as the bones within the muscle, the organs, among other internal structures.


The regions of the body presented above are very important for all health professionals, as it facilitates the study and understanding of the human body and the structures that make it up. In addition, the memorization of these terms allows health professionals to talk clearly about the injuries that patients have and the best way to treat them.

Most physical characteristics are inherited. Scientists have discovered several genes that contribute to human fatness, particularly genes that regulate the production of specific ____________ , such as ____________ , which stimulates hunger, and ____________ , which reduces hunger.



hormones; ghrelin; leptin.


Genetics can be defined as the scientific study of hereditary in living organisms such as humans, animals and plants.

Heredity refers to the transfer of traits (specific physical characteristics) from the parent of a living organism to her offspring through sexual reproduction or asexual production. Some examples of hereditary traits are dimples, tongue rolling, baldness, handedness, freckles, curly hair, color blindness, height, etc.

A gene can be defined as the complete set of hereditary instructions that is typically found in the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).

Over the years, scientists have discovered several genes that are known to contribute to human fatness (body weight), especially genes that are saddled with the responsibility of regulating the production of specific hormones, such as ghrelin, which stimulates hunger, and leptin, which reduces hunger.

Ġ Surface area te volume ratio plays a vital role in À. growth rate of organisms B. exchange of materials between organisms and their environment C. the life-span of organisms D. efficiency of various systems in organisms



Exchange of materials between organisms and their environment


Assuming that you observed similar patchy bacterial growth pattern in plates "B-Amp, phage" and "C-LB, phage". The T4 phages greatly affected the growth of E. coli strain CR63 in the LB plate ("C-LB, phage" plate), creating a patchy bacterial growth pattern similar to the expected result in the ampicillin plate of strain BE with phage ("B-Amp, phage" plate). Besides experimental errors, describe the possible reasons why the bacterial colonies were isolated in these two plates. "B-Amp, phage" Plate (strain BE)?



Some bacterias show a great resistance power to fight against T4 phages That leads to great growth in the medium given that resistance power may be given by plasmids As plasmids show the resistant genes that great work in the medium.

T4 phage is a virus that shows a lytic cycle after affecting bacteria and going to kill the bacterial cells in bacterial strain So no growth in LB media. Some bacteria are sensitive due to the lack of resistant genes therefore, their growth may affect by many factors of the medium. If the bacteria are recombinant, they show greater growth in the medium.

* B-Amp, Phage plate (strain Be), there is ampicillin, so inhibits the growth of bacteria but still there is patchy growth of bacteria and they still show the growth but due to presence of phage T4, they show patchy growth.

DNA and RNA are structurally similar in some ways but different in others. Identify whether each of the statements applies to DNA, RNA, both RNA and DNA, or neither DNA nor RNA.


What are the statements?

What is Alzheimer's disease??​



Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain to shrink (atrophy) and brain cells to die.


Hope it is helpful.



Alzhimers disease is a progressive neurologic disorder that causes the brain to shrink and brain cells to die . Alzhimers disease is the most common causes of dementia - a continious decline in thinking behavorial and social skills that affects persons ability to function indepedently .

if you look away from this sentence and focus your eyes on a distant object, the eye muscles _______ to focus images on the retinas


If you look away from this sentence and focus your eyes on a distant object, the eye muscles relax to focus images on the retinas.

Describe the similarities and differences between the cheek cell wet mount and dental plaque wet mount.



Cells from the cheek are a type of epithelial cell, similar to skin. ... They can be seen faintly even at 40x (scanning power), but the most dramatic images are at 400x where the nucleus is clearly visible as a dark spot in the center of the cell.


Apply logarithm to evaluate T given 644 204=400 000 (1+10%)^T,by first simplify the equation.​


The value of T after applying logarithm to evaluate the function is 4.9988

Given the expression

[tex]644 204=400 000 (1+10 \%)^T[/tex]

Since 10% = 0.1, the expression becomes;

[tex]644 204=400 000 (1+0.1)^T\\644 204=400 000 (1.1)^T\\\frac{644204}{400000} =1.1^T\\1.61051=1.1^T[/tex]

Take the logarithm of both sides

[tex]log1.61051=log1.1^T\\log1.61051=Tlog1.1\\Swap\\Tlog1.1=log1.61051\\T=\frac{log1.61051}{log1.1}\\T=\frac{0.2069}{0.04139} \\T=4.9988[/tex]

The value of T after applying logarithm to evaluate the function is 4.9988

Learn more on logarithm here: https://brainly.com/question/11582285

Gene expression can be summarized as
DNA is translated to mRNA that is then transcribed to
make a protein.
DNA is transcribed to mRNA that is then translated to
make a protein.
Protein is translated to mRNA that is then transcribed
to make DNA.
mRNA is transcribed to DNA that is then translated to
make a protein.



3 one


Macronutrients is the most readily available for energy production



The correct answer is - true.


All the macronutrients carbohydrates, fats, and protein all three produce energy. Carbohydrates are the most preferred source of energy for the human body as it is the macronutrient that your system most requires.

The human body easily breaks down most carbohydrates and provides a significant amount of energy. The energy-providing process is called cellular respiration starts with glucose as a substrate. Glucose is the simplest carbohydrate.

Please help please ???? I need help lol


The answer is wavelength

Which purpose is the main function of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis?



The overall purpose of the light-dependent reactions is to convert light energy into chemical energy. This chemical energy will be used by the Calvin cycle to fuel the assembly of sugar molecules. The light-dependent reactions begin in a grouping of pigment molecules and proteins called a photosystem.

The light-dependent reactions convert light energy into chemical energy. The goal of the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis is to collect energy from the sun and break down water molecules to produce ATP and NADPH. These two energy-storing molecules are then used in the light-independent reactions.

Help .....plz help....​



2. sedimentation (decantation follows sedimentation)

3. immiscible (water and oil never mix with each other)

4. size

5. evaporation (condensation chills the mixture where evaporation heats the mixture )

pls mark it as brainliest


pls mark it as brainliest




pls mark it as brainliest

How do make a sperm cell go in to a woman


During sex, sperm cells travel through the vagina to the uterus and fallopian tubes. In the fallopian tube, the sperm meets the egg that was released from the ovary during ovulation.

Assuming that a person going to community college can't afford to go to a four-year college is an example of a) a generalization. b) discrimination. O c) a stereotype. O d) tolerance.


Answer: stereotype

Explanation: i am not sure, but my intutions says that.

What is the relationship between coronary artery disease and a heart attack?
A. Coronary artery disease is a symptom of heart attacks.
B. Heart attacks reduce blood flow to the heart and cause coronary artery disease.
C. Coronary artery disease can reduce blood flow to the heart and cause heart attacks.
D. Heart attacks occur when coronary artery disease is treated.


C) Coronary artery disease can reduce blood flow to the heart and cause heart attacks

CAD (or atherosclerosis) affects the vessels that supply blood to the heart muscle. It is caused by deposits of calcium, fat, cholesterol and fibrous tissues, which makes the lumen of arteries narrower. And due to inadequate supply of blood, the heart muscles get damaged. This can lead to a heart attack!

The immunoglobulin light chain does not have a D segment. In humans, there are two different possible light chain proteins, termed kappa and lambda. Assume that there are 35 V segments and 5 J segments in the human kappa light chain region, and there are 30 V segments and 4 J segments in the human lambda light chain region. How many possible light chain genes can be created from these different segments, simply due to combinatorial diversity





Antibodies (also known as immunoglobulins) are immune system-related proteins that circulate in the bloodstream in order to recognize pathogenic harmful substances (antigens) and neutralize them. An antibody consists of two immunoglobulin heavy chains and two immunoglobulin light chains. There are two types of immunoglobulin light chains: 1-the kappa (κ) light chain, which is encoded by the immunoglobulin κ locus; and 2-the lambda (λ) light chain, which is encoded by the immunoglobulin λ locus. The immunoglobulin light chain is a multidomain protein composed of two domains: 1- the N-terminal variable (V) domain and 2-the C-terminal constant (C) domain. V(D)J recombination is a type of somatic rearrangement process by which T and B cells can assemble different gene segments, which are referred to as variable (V), diversity (D) and joining (J) gene segments. In the question above the number of possible genomic recombination events between immunoglobulin gene segments can be calculated as >> (5 x 35) + (4 x 30) = 295.

If the time interval is 55 seconds, what is the distance to the epicenter?


the answer to this question is 800
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