A mother and her six-year-old child were on a walk when the mother stopped to talk with an elderly neighbor. Because the child resented having his mother's attention diverted by the neighbor, the child angrily threw himself against the neighbor and knocked her to the ground. The neighbor suffered a broken wrist as a result of the fall. In an action for battery by the neighbor against the child, what is the strongest argument for liability


Answer 1


The child intended to throw himself against the neighbor. (Torts-Intentional Torts)


Intentional torts can be described as a type of tort that comes up when a person acts on another person wrongly. It is a wrongful act that a person plans out carries out and not quite all right of the actions.

This child intentionally carried out this action on the neighbour, so he is liable for his doings. He intentionally knocked the woman to the ground. her injurie is as a result of his intentional act.

Related Questions

In ancient Egypt, how was the authority of the pharaoh enhanced through the religious beliefs of
the people?
O the pharaoh was seen as a reincarnation of King Narmer
O the pharaoh was elected by the people
O the pharaoh was seen as an incarnation of animal spirits
O the pharaoh was seen as a living god on earth, or "god-king"



Ancient Egyptian religion was a complex system of polytheistic beliefs and rituals that formed an integral part of ancient Egyptian society. It centered on the Egyptians' interactions with many deities believed to be present in, and in control of, the world. Rituals such as prayer and offerings were provided to the gods to gain their favor. Formal religious practice centered on the pharaohs, the rulers of Egypt, believed to possess divine powers by virtue of their positions. They acted as intermediaries between their people and the gods, and were obligated to sustain the gods through rituals and offerings so that they could maintain Ma'at, the order of the cosmos. The state dedicated enormous resources to religious rituals and to the construction of temples.



Answer: D, the pharaoh was seen as a living god on earth, or "god-King"

Explanation: Earned 100 on the quiz.

show in a thee diagram the features of an idea constitution.​



either of these attachments should be the answer


hope you'll find a correct and good answer I tried my best but just found these

La unificación española y la expulsión de los árabes hizo de España una nación experimentada. Además los españoles contaban con armas muy avanzadas como por ejemplo el arcabuz, la culebrina, unidades de caballería, etc.



La Reconquista fue un período de aproximadamente 800 años en la Edad Media durante el cual algunos reinos cristianos de la Península Ibérica lograron expulsar a los musulmanes musulmanes de la península, después de haber conquistado la Península Ibérica a partir del 711 en adelante.  

La conquista musulmana del Imperio visigodo en el siglo VIII puso gran parte de la península bajo dominio musulmán, a excepción del extremo norte, las zonas de Galicia, Asturias, Cantabria y el País Vasco. Tras siglos de guerras, en el siglo XIII sólo quedaba el reino musulmán de Granada, que fue conquistado por Castilla y Aragón en 1492, dejando la Península Ibérica enteramente en manos cristianas.

Do you think geographical features of Nepal Is a boon to us . justify your answer with example​



Nepal is a landlocked country located in South Asia with China in the north and India in the south, east and west. The country occupies 147,516 sq. km of land and lies between coordinates approximately 28°N and 84°E. Nepal falls in the temperate zone north of the Tropic of Cancer. The entire distance from east to west is about 800 km while from north to south is only 150 to 250 km. Nepal has vast water systems which drain south into India. The country can be divided into three main geographical regions: Himalayan region, mid hill region and the Tarai region. The highest point in the country is Mt. Everest (8,848 m) while the lowest point is in the Tarai plains of Kechana Kalan in Jhapa (60 m).

The Tarai region has a width ranging from 26km to 32 km and varies in altitude from 60m to 305 m. It occupies about 17 percent of total land area of the country. Further north, the Siwalik zone (700 – 1,500 m) and the Mahabharat range (1,500m - 2,700m) give way to the Duns (valleys), such as Trijuga, Sindhuli, Chitwan, Dang and Surkhet. The Midlands (600 – 3,500 m), north of the Mahabharat range is where the two beautiful valleys of Kathmandu and Pokhara lie.

What is project? How can we be benefited by a project? ​



A project is defined as a sequence of tasks that must be completed to attain a certain outcome

how does development work help to mobilize the local resources?explain​



To exploit opportunities, entrepreneurs mobilize and recombine a variety of resources, such as financial capital (e.g., cash or loans from a bank), human capital (e.g., skills from an employee), and social capital (e.g., information obtained from social contacts).

how is asking questions develop ideas?​


Asking questions can create ideas by think abt more answers other than the one that been already given
Questioning helps us examine and determine the validity of an idea or claim.

It helps us understand how much we know or don’t know. This allows for a reflective thinking which is important part of critical thinking.

Such as
- what causes governments to fall?
: protest/ riots

- what causes riots to occur?
: widespread public dissatisfaction of the government.

- what causes this dissatisfaction?
: i don’t know. Many things. (So research).

And in such manner we can each develop our own conclusions.

However such questioning needs to be systematic and disciplined in order to get the most out of it.

Otherwise the discussion will be messy and pointless.

Such as

This is a black text.
But is it really?
A black color in real life is produced from the absence or complete absorption of visible.

But the screen you are using does not produce black.

Your brain is being lied to.

Is that why visual illusions work?
Yes. Our senses are limited and we cannot truly grasp the true nature of our universe.

Then, is it possible that everything is an illusion?

Low-income and minority communities are often subject to racial discrimination at the hands of local government policies and actions. However, in recent years, communities are fighting back and winning battles to protect and improve their neighborhoods. Identify the ways in which communities can be politically active for their own benefit. Beneficial Way Communities Can Be Politically Active engage with public planning process Press Space to open refuse to cooperate with local government Press Space to open organize protests Press Space to open create community associations Press Space to open Not a Beneficial Way for Communities to Be Politically Active



create community associations organize protests engage with public planning process


The options selected above are the most efficient ways for a community to become politically active and achieve benefits for members of that community. The options shown above allow community members to present their wishes and claims, allow community members to participate in progressive projects and the planning of the environment in which they live, and allow members of society to unite for common goals and become help each other, giving strength for further improvements to be achieved for the community.

what are the reports that have been made for inclusions in Nepal ​



bdgdggd bbs in tu hi tu y the equation email to the equation email to the equation email and any r can be a good time to explore new ways in which you are you still have the same to the equation email and any

What What roles can you play to minimize corruption? Write in points. Why is corruption regarded as social crime? Elucidate with examples.​


We define corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Corruption erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development and further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division and the environmental crisis.

A salesman in a highly visible and competitive field went to the police station to post bond for his son, who had been arrested for possession of a small quantity of narcotics. A photographer for the local newspaper who was at the police station took a picture of the salesman flanked by two bulky police officers. The photo, which looked like the pictures of alleged criminals being taken into custody, ran on a quarter of the front page because it was a slow news day. The photo was accompanied by a very small caption giving the salesman's name and stating that his son had been arrested for possession of narcotics. The salesman's boss was hypersensitive about the reputation of his company and fired the salesman after he saw the picture in the newspaper. If the salesman brings an invasion of privacy action against the newspaper, what is the most likely basis



False light publicity


The salesman's bias for the invasion of the privacy action will be that the newspaper publishing facts about the salesman which placed him in the false light.

The picture of the salesman in the newspaper flanked by the two policemen suggests that the salesman had committed any sorts of crime it looked like the newspaper often prints alleged criminals that are being arrested for crimes. This "false light" would be highly offensive to any reasonable person under the circumstances.

Arrange the following events in proper chronological order: Question: 71 of 73 a. The giving of the Law b. The atoning death of Christ c. Malachi prophesies d. The promise to Abraham e. creation and fall f. Pentecost g. Exile in Babylon h. David is King over Israel i. Paul is shipwrecked j. The Judges rule over Israel


Answer: Creation and fall

- The promise to Abraham

- The giving of the Law


By their chronological order we have;

- Creation and fall

- The promise to Abraham

- The giving of the Law

- The Judges rule over Israel

- David is King over Israel

- Exile in Babylon

- The atoning death of Christ

- Paul is shipwrecked

what is democracy why democracy ​


a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

please mark me as brainliest please


a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

hope this helps you.

reasons behind the pain What are the be changes seen in the development ur opinion​



to serve as teacher to the people get them self involved in the pain

orbit may happen some time as a result of mistakingly

¿Qué importancia tuvo la
religión en la conquista de Granada?


Em no lo se busca en internet te recomiendo safari que es el mejor navegador de iPhone y iPad pensaste que yo sabia pero no jeje espero que tu pregunta sea resolvida en poco tiempo :)

Functions of save our soul (sos) ?


the functions of sos are:1.to help people in their need.2.To save the life of people.

What do is mean by environment friendly behaviour?​



Whatever actions you make doesn't affect others or the organisms around you, it doesn't affect in a negative manner to your surroundings


Definition of environmental issues



These are harmful effects of earth and it's natural systems due to the action of humans.

I hope this helps

Critically analyse the functions of UNO. ​




The main function of the United Nations is to preserve international peace and security. Chapter 6 of the Charter provides for the pacific settlement of disputes, through the intervention of the Security Council, by means such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and judicial decisions.

Mr. Silverman has taken great pains to fully consider the effectiveness of his classroom arrangement. He has made sure to evenly distribute art supplies at different points in the classroom, while still making them easily accessible. He has even made sure that he will be able to see each student and that each student can easily observe whole class presentations. Which of the four basic principles of classroom arrangement has he forgotten


Answer: Make sure arrangement allows each student to see whole-class presentations.


The four basic principles of classroom arrangement include:

• The teacher should be able to see all the students.

• decrease obstruction in the high traffic parts of the classroom

• Easy access to commonly used educational materials.

• Make sure that every student is able to see “everything” from where they are seated.

In this case, the basic principles of classroom arrangement that he has forgotten is "making sure arrangement allows each student to see whole-class presentations".

why do we feel cold when we go to the high altitude ? Don't copy paste ​



Reason being the higher we get, the further away we are from the core of Earth, the further away we are from it's warmth. Though it's also partially because of all of the energy that radiates from things down on the surface and the constant movement of energy in general. In higher altitudes that sort of thing is much more uncommon.


Anjali wanted to eat chick pea (Kontaikkatalai). She requested her mother to cook the same on next day. At night her mother took a cup of chick pea and put them in a container having some water and the kept the container covered overnight. Next day it was observed that the chick pea got swollen and were ready to be cooked. What is this phenomenon due to which chick pea got swollen is known as




It sounds like osmosis. Osmosis is the process where water goes from a diluted state through a porous wall where it meets a liquid of a much thicker state. The object is to try and dilute the thicker liquid.

Chick peas (as an irrelevant note) are wonderful members of the legume family. Every vegetarian will tell you stories about having a Big Mac attack after being a Veggie for about 6 months. Chick peas are the only answer. Have them once in a while and you will never get another big mac attack.

the Nepalese society is called the multilingual society



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because of the number of languages that are spoken here. Altogether, including the national language. Nepal has 50 different ethnic groups and most of them have their own indigenous language like Gurung and etc.


when your driver's license is revoked, it means that it is taken away for only 6 months true or false?





If your license is revoked, it is taken away for a period of 6 months to life. In some cases, you may apply for a new license after a period of time. Your license must be REVOKED if you are found guilty of, or department records show: Driving while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances.

Driver's license is revoked, it means that it is taken away for only 6 months. This statement was the truth. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is license?

Licensure grants the right to practice in a specific field. Careers that require licensure often demand a particular skill, are judged dangerous, or have an impact on the general population. The first applies to light cars, while the second applies to heavier trucks. A license is a formal authorization or authority to do, use, or possess something.

After a certain period of time, a person may apply for a new license. Driving when impaired by drink, narcotics, or other restricted substances. Not stopping to aid when your car is involved in a crash that results in personal injury or death. Lying about motor vehicle ownership or operation.

As a result, the statement was the truth. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on license, here:



how does unity and cooperation have to develop society​


If we are all working together and agreeing on things, we could get more done in a faster amount of time. So unity and cooperation would help us to become a stronger society.

Interpreta o argumenta sobre la siguiente frase; "no puede existir una buena sociedad, sino existe una buena educación" coloca varios ejemplos


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Estos son mis argumenta sobre la frase "No puede existir una buena sociedad, sino existe una buena educación."

Primero que nada, es una frase totalmente apegada a la realidad. La educación es la base por la cual un miembro de la sociedad tienen acceso a la formación desde los niveles primarios hasta los niveles de educación superior, y es su camino hacia el éxito profesional, pero también para convertirse en un hombre o mujer conscientes de su papel dentro de la sociedad.

Un claro ejemplo lo tenemos en los niveles de educación de los países desarrollados. Si revisamos los casos de países del primero mundo como Suiza, Dinamarca, Noruega, o Suecia, nos damos cuenta de que la mayoría de sus ciudadanos ha cursado niveles escolares universitarios, e incluso hablan más de dos idiomas, Ellos son gente muy preparada en lo profesional y en lo cultural.

Otro ejemplo lo tenemos en el sentido opuesto. Los países subdesarrollados. Estos países no logran el crecimiento económico deseado, y si revisamos su nivel de acceso a educación, notamos que está muy rezagado. Muchos de estos países no llegan a cubrir la educación básica para sus ciudadanos, o no es de la calidad como para competir a nivel internacional.

Al no tener una buena educación, surgen muchos problemas como la corrupción, la pobreza, la irresponsabilidad y hasta el crimen.

De ahí que, sí es cierto. No puede existir una buena sociedad, sino existe una buena educación.

4. What are the types of countries an development status​


The World Bank classifies the world's economies into four groups, based on Gross National Income per capita: high, upper-middle, lower-middle, and low income countries. Least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing states are all sub-groupings of developing countries.

A developing country (or a low and middle-income country (LMIC), less developed country, less economically developed country (LEDC), medium-industrialized country or underdeveloped country) is a country with a less developed industrial base and a low Human Development Index (HDI) relative to other countries

Thanks , Please mark me brainliest


Why do different castes have different social rituals and custom​



the beliefs vary


so its impossible

what do you mean by human resources ? Differentiate between short term manpower and long term manpower.



The persons or group of people with ability and competence is a significant resource is known as human resource.


Manpower planning for the short term:

It is about combining existing personnel with their present jobs in an efficient manner.

Long-term planning of manpower:

Management has enough time to make needed modifications through essential measures in the context of long-term planning.

communication is the important infrastructure of development​



Major changes and new emphases have appeared on the development scene. ... they lack the infrastructures and communication systems - such as newspapers, ...

Other Questions
Read the paragraph and identify the adjectives used in it and write in a separate table Scolars are worshiped everywhere. No one likes a fool. An educated person can accomplish any task in any situation. People who don't read, don't care about others, don't know what to do and don't know how to do anything, suffer a lot in life. Anyone who likes patriarchal, prudent, helpful and obedient people. People who don't do their part are thugs. People with bad tempers are always disgusted. Not only hundreds, thousands, millions of crores but billions of people living on this earth have different tendencies. Man's conduct must be very good. Students should pay attention in time to associate with their friends as they get older. There is a big difference between being big and being good. In this world, anyone who does what is right will receive the same reward. People learn a lot from the people they have met, the places they have visited, the books they have read, and so on. So people should first take care of my habits and only care about the behavior of others. Students can learn a lot from peers who are older than them and who are first, second and third. Just as your parents have good manners and good manners, so must you have good manners. how do you feel about yourself as a responsive citizens If patient's current ledger balance is $238.00, the patient's fees for today are $117 and the patient paid $100.00 today, what is the patient's new balance: The 90% confidence interval for the mean one-way commuting time in New York City is5.22 < < 5.98 minutes. Construct a 95% confidence interval based on the same data.Which interval provides more information? a car is running in the straight line and covered a distance 70 km in 1hr. velocity find Which sequence is geometric? 1, 5, 9, 132, 6, 8, 105, 7, 9, 114, 8, 16, 32 Answer the following question which list only includes terms that describe... both questions please Use the drop-down menus to select the part of Earth best described by each phrase. How do you make x the subject of the formula? I need help on this one y= 7x-1 Choose a value for n that will make the sum negative.15 + n help me Why did the East India Company send force against the gorkhalis Force please help fast!! geometry The ROI on sustainability efforts can be difficult to quantify because a. the payback period is on the same time frame. b. the payback period is on a different time frame. c. benefits from such projects are tangible. d. an excess of necessary data for accurate calculation is readily available. Please hurry I will mark you brainliest You are organizing an athletic banquet at school and you have $120 available throughfundraising for thebanquet. Any other costs must be covered from selling tickets for the event. You decide to take care of the major cost first-hall rental and caterer. Each caterer you approach is associated with a specific hall. Caterer One charges $45 per person. The cost of using the hall is inclusive. Caterer Two charges $250 for hall rental plus $28 per person.Cater Three charges $500 for hall rental plus $20 per person.Caterer one equation: C = $45n Caterer two equation: C = $250 + $28nCaterer three equation: C = $500 + $20nQuestion: use technology (Desmos, Excel etc) or graph to graph each plan on the same set of axis. Assume that the maximum of attendees will be 50 the adjoining circle with O has a radius of 14cm ABCD is a square drawn inside the circle calculate the area of the shaded region plzz any help plzz please help! look at picture! what is 6 3/5 - 4 3/10 help asap pleaseeee asap