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Answer 1

9514 1404 393


AC = 2.0 mm = 41.3 kg

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of torques about the pivot point is zero when the system is in equilibrium. That means the total of clockwise torques is equal to the total of counterclockwise torques. For this purpose, torque can be modeled by the product of mass and its distance from the pivot. The uniform beam can be modeled as a point mass at its center.


a) Let E represent the location of the center of mass of the beam. So, AE = 1.5 m. Then the distance from C to E is AC-AE = AC -1.5 and the CCW torque due to the beam's mass is (16 kg)(AC -1.5 m).

The distance from B to C is 3 m - AC, so the CW torque due to the particle at B is (7 kg)(3 -AC m)

These are equal, so we have ...

  16(AC -1.5) = 7(3 -AC)

  16AC -24 = 21 -7AC . . . . . eliminate parentheses

  23AC = 45 . . . . . . . . . . . add 7AC+24

  AC = 45/23 ≈ 1.957 . . divide by the coefficient of AC

  AC ≈ 2.0 meters . . . . rounded to 1 dp


b) The torques in this scenario are ...

  M(0.7) = 16(0.8) +7(2.3) . . . . . . AD = 0.7 m, DE = 0.8 m, DB = 2.3 m

  M = 28.9/0.7 ≈ 41.286 . . . . simplify, divide by the coefficient of M

  M = 41.3 kg . . . . rounded to 1 dp


Additional comment

Torque is actually the product of force and distance from the pivot. Here, the forces are all downward, and due to the acceleration of gravity. The gravitational constant multiplies each mass, so there is no harm in dividing the equation by that constant, leaving the sum of products of mass and distance.

Related Questions

The place value of 7 in 87534 is____________​


Place value of 7 is Thousand (1000)
the value place of 7 is thousand

2. The volume of a cube is 8 cm", find the length of one of its sides



Step-by-step explanation:

The question has an error. Volume is expressed in cubic units. You probably mean cm³ .

Volume = 8 cm³

Length of each edge = ∛8 = 2 cm



Step-by-step explanation:

Volume of cube=a^3 cubic units


a=cuberoot of 8

which is 2

The price of a car has been reduced from $16,500 to $11,055. What is the percentage decrease of the price of the car?




Step-by-step explanation:

$16,500-$11,055= $5,445

$5,445÷$16,500= 0.33 which in percentage format is 33%


There is a decrease of $5445, meaning it decreased by 33%. I’m pretty sure this is right but I’m really sorry if it’s not

What is 50g as a percentage of one kg?​



5 %

Step-by-step explanation:

1000 g = 1 kg

50 kg = 0.05 kg

0.05 = 5%

Therefore, 50 g as a percentage of 1kg is 5%.

verify cos(a+b)/cos(a) cos(b) =1-tan(a) tan(b)


The identity as been verified/proved as:

[tex]1 - \tan\ a\ tan\ b = 1 - \tan\ a\ tan\ b[/tex]

Given that:

[tex]\frac{\cos(a + b)}{\cos\ a\cos b} = 1 - \tan\ a\ tan\ b[/tex]

Apply cosine identity to the numerator

[tex]\frac{\cos\ a\ cos\ b - \sin a\ sin\ b}{\cos\ a\cos b} = 1 - \tan\ a\ tan\ b[/tex]

Split the fraction:

[tex]\frac{\cos\ a\ cos\ b}{\cos\ a\cos b} - \frac{\sin a\ sin\ b}{\cos\ a\cos b} = 1 - \tan\ a\ tan\ b[/tex]

Cancel out common terms

[tex]1 - \frac{\sin a\ sin\ b}{\cos\ a\cos b} = 1 - \tan\ a\ tan\ b[/tex]

In trigonometry, we have:

[tex]\frac{\sin \theta}{\cos \theta} = \tan \theta[/tex]

So, the equation becomes:

[tex]1 - \tan\ a\ tan\ b = 1 - \tan\ a\ tan\ b[/tex]

Hence, the identity has been verified

Read more about trigonometry identities at:


Determine which type of error is most likely to arise from the following situations. a 1. the time in which individuals are contacted to take a survey occurs during work hours f 2. the last part of a newspaper article asks readers to mail or email the newspaper their opinion about universal health coverage 3. subjects are asked to recall how often they snacked between meals in the past 30 days 4. a survey to assess teachers' opinions about Common Core uses a member list for the largest teachers' union as the sampling frame a. question wording b. undercoverage c. processing error d. bad sampling method e. response error f. nonresponse g. random sampling error



Determination of type of error arising from the situations

Situation       Type of Error

1.                    Nonresponse

2.                   Bad sampling method

3.                   Question wording

4.                   Undercoverage

Step-by-step explanation:

Types of errors:

a. question wording means that the manner a question is worded elicits some particular responses, which may not accurately reflect reality.

b. undercoverage occurs when some elements of the target population is not represented on the survey frame.

c. processing error arises from data processing

d. bad sampling method is caused by the voluntariness of those who choose to respond.

e. response error is caused by a questionnaire that requires framing improvements, misinterpretation of questions by interviewers or respondents, and errors in respondents' statements.

f. nonresponse error arises as a result of incomplete information or partial response.

g. random sampling error arises from the limited sample size when compared with the population size.

Solve x/4 > 2 Question 10 options: x ≥ 8 x < –8 x > 8 x ≤ –8



x > 8

Step-by-step explanation:

You can start y multiplying both sides by 4 to cancel out the division by 4:

x/4 > 2

*4      *4

x > 8


x > 8

Step-by-step explanation:

x/4 > 2

=> x > 2 × 4

=> x > 8

Which of the following is equivalent to



3rd option

Step-by-step explanation:


= (2^-1)^-2t

= 2^2t

= (2^2)^t

Answered by GAUTHMATH

Find the value of x and y is (3x_6) (12,y-1)​





Step-by-step explanation:








Step-by-step explanation:

The width of a rectangle is 9 less than twice its length. If the area of the rectangle is 129cm^2. What is the length of the diagonal? Give your answer to 2 decimal places.


Answer:  16.14  cm



L = x = length of the rectangleW = 2x-9 = width of the rectangle, since its 9 less than twice the length

area of rectangle = L*W = 129

L*W = 129

x*(2x-9) = 129

2x^2-9x = 129

2x^2-9x-129 = 0

Apply the quadratic formula. We'll use a = 2, b = -9, c = -129.

[tex]x = \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}\\\\x = \frac{-(-9)\pm\sqrt{(-9)^2-4(2)(-129)}}{2(2)}\\\\x = \frac{9\pm\sqrt{1113}}{4}\\\\x \approx \frac{9\pm33.36165464}{4}\\\\x \approx \frac{9+33.36165464}{4}\ \text{ or } \ x \approx \frac{9-33.36165464}{4}\\\\x \approx \frac{42.36165464}{4}\ \text{ or } \ x \approx \frac{-24.36165462}{4}\\\\x \approx 10.59041366\ \text{ or } \ x \approx -6.09041364\\\\[/tex]

We ignore the negative solution because a negative length makes no sense.

The length is approximately L = 10.5904 cm.

The width is 2L-9 = 2*10.5904-9 = 12.1808 cm approximately.

As a quick check,

L*W = 10.5904*12.1808 = 128.99954432

which isn't too far off from 129. We have rounding error which is why we don't perfectly land on the target area value. If you wanted to get closer to the value 129, then use more decimal digits in the approximations of L and W.


If you draw a diagonal in the rectangle, then you form two identical or congruent right triangles.

Focusing on one of those triangles, we have

a = 10.5904b = 12.1808c = unknown hypotenuse = diagonal length

Apply the pythagorean theorem

a^2+b^2 = c^2

c = sqrt( a^2 + b^2 )

c = sqrt( (10.5904)^2 + (12.1808)^2 )

c = 16.1408940520653

c = 16.14

The diagonal is roughly 16.14 cm long.

so, sunny is 16 he is 132 pounds
the song my time lasts 3:33 and sunny is falling for an entire 3 minutes
the gravitational pull which is pulling sunny back down to the ground is about 10m/s²
we have the new height of the hospital, is 49312,674 meters, or 161.787 feet
upon theory, sunny died upon coming to contact with the ground if you fall head first from 100 feet you're bound to die
you can break just your legs from falling from atleast 16-18 feet so imagine that



The answer would be 79 because the dog punched the alpaca

What are the first and third quartiles for the following data set?
12, 15, 18, 16, 14, 9, 12, 21
A 9 and 21
C 12 and 17
B 12 and 16
D 15 and 17




Step-by-step explanation:

I guess that is it may be

solve for x : 2(x^2+9)-4=0



no solution

Step-by-step explanation:

multiply 2 and get 2x^2+18-4=0

combine like terms


subtract 14


there can't be a square root of a negative number so there's no solution


x = ±i sqrt(7)

Step-by-step explanation:


Add 4 to each side



Divide by 2



Subtract 9 from each side

x^2 +9-9 = 2-9

x^2 = -7

Taking the square root of each side

sqrt(x^2) =sqrt(-7)

x = sqrt(-1 *7)

x = ±i sqrt(7)

Suppose (-13,2) is a point on the graph of y=f(x). What is a point that will be on the graph of y=9f(x)-5


9514 1404 393


  (x, y') = (-13, 13)

Step-by-step explanation:

At the given value of x, f(x) = 2. Then 9f(x)-5 = 9(2) -5 = 13.

The point on the scaled, translated graph will be ...

  (x, y') = (-13, 13)


The graph shows a function f(x) with a distinct feature (vertex) at (-13, 2). It also shows where that distinct feature moves to when the function is scaled and translated.

10x^3 - 25x^2 + 20
How to factor this




Answer:  [tex]5(\frac{10x^3}{5}+\frac{-25x^2}{5}+\frac{20}{5}) \\\\5(2x^3-5x^2+4)\\\\5(2x^2-x-2)(x-2)[/tex]

A school sports team contains 68 students. 33 do field events, 40 do track events, 23 do swimming, 14 do both field and track events, 8 do both swimming and field events. If 15 students do field events only and 10 do both swimming and track events, how many students do a. Swimming only b. Track events only c. All three events? ​



a. 9 students

b. 20 students

c. 4 students

9 students20 students4 students

Polygon mnopq is dialated by scale factor of 0.8 with the origin as the center dilation resulting in the image MNOPQ the coordinates of point M are (2,4) and the coordinates of point N are (3,5). The slope of MN is?


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The slope is given by the formula ...

  slope = (y2 -y1)/(x2 -x1)

  slope = (5 -4)/(3 -2) = 1/1 = 1

The slope of MN is 1.


Dilation does not change the slope.

A^2 + 2AB +B^2



I dont understand the writing. I’m doing this math using factoring

Find the fraction equivalent to 5/7 with: a) numerator 25 b) denominator 42​



a) 25/35

b) 30/42

Step-by-step explanation:


Variable x = denominator if numerator is 25

5/7 = 25/x

5 × x = 7 × 25

5x = 175

x = 35


Variable y = numerator if denominator is 42

5/7 = y/42

5 × 42 = 7 × y

210 = 7y

30 = y



To get 25/35 multiply by 5

To get 30/42 multiply by 6

Given that the supply and demand function for the product type is Qd = [tex]\sqrt{260-p}[/tex],
Qs = [tex]\sqrt{p-14}[/tex]. consumer surplus ??.


Secs jrjrjsjrjsrjjjjjrjjjrjrjjjjjrjj try t
Ojim okay omjjmmimp oil my kkui mom m
Ok oulo
Onjominml I’m o mmm I’m

Complete the equation describing how
x and y are related.
y = [? ]x





y = -4x

hope that helped.........

Solve the system of equations.
3x + 4y + 3z = 5
2x + 2y + 3z = 5
5x+ 6y+7z = 7
a. (x = 13, y=-6, z = -2)
b. (x = 15, y = -8, z = -4)
c. (x = 16, y = -9, z = -1)
d. (x = 14, y = -7, z = 3)



x = 14

y = -7

z = -3

but this is none of the provided answer options !

Step-by-step explanation:

it's really easy by principle. it's just some work to do.

we try to find equations to express one variable in terms of the others.

but one thing there is : your teacher made a mistake.

the right solution is x = 14, y = -7, z = -3

your teacher made a typo at d.

but the right answer should be d.

just to give you an idea how this can be done (and also to prove that there is a mistake by the teacher):

we can directly try to transform one expression into one that describes x by y and z.

and then another to describe e.g. z by y. and then solve the third one just for y. and then we get the other 2 by these other expressions.

or we can e.g. add or subtract one equation to/from another. this is one of these cases, because we can find really simple expressions that way :

we do

5x + 6y + 7z = 7

- (3x + 4y + 3z = 5)

- (2x + 2y + 3z = 5)


0x + 0y + z = -3

=> z = -3

3x + 4y - 3×3 = 5

3x = -4y + 14

x = (-4y + 14)/3

2×(-4y + 14)/3 + 2y - 9 = 5

(-8y + 28)/3 + 2y = 14

-8y + 28 + 6y = 42

-2y = 14

y = -7

x = (-4×-7 + 14)/3 = (28+14)/3 = 42/3 = 14

Assume x and y are two odd numbers and x/y is an integer.
Which of the following statements are true?
I. x + y is odd
2. xy is odd.
3. x/y is odd
4. x-y is odd



Let us check these out one at a time:


1. x + y is odd.  FALSE.  The sum of 2 odd numbers is even.

2. xy is odd.  TRUE.  The product of 2 odd numbers is odd.

3. x/y is odd.  TRUE.  The ratio of 2 odd numbers is odd, if the ratio is an integer.

4. x - y is odd.  FALSE.  The difference of 2 odd numbers is even.


Only statements 2 and 3 are TRUE, so that makes (C) the correct answer.

what is the scale of factor?


The length of CV is 5 units

The length of C’V’ is 7.5 units

The scale factor is 7.5 / 5 = 1.5

Answer: 1.5

Sandra ride her bike 5 times as many miles as Barbara. If b, the distance Barbara rode equals 3.4 miles what is the correct expression and the distance Sandra rode



b + 5; when b = 3.4 the distance Sandra rode is 17 miles.

Step-by-step explanation:

A line passes through the point (-3, -3) and has a slope of 1/2 What is the equation of the line?



y= 1/2x-3/2

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope intercept form of a line is

y = mx+b  where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

y = 1/2x+b

Using the point for x and y we can find b

-3 = 1/2(-3)+b

-3 = -3/2 +b

-6/2 = -3/2+b

Add 3/2 to each side

-6/2 +3/2 = b

-3/2 = b

y= 1/2x-3/2


Step-by-step explanation:

y + 3 = 1/2(x + 3)

y + 3 = 1/2x + 3/2

y + 6/2 = 1/2x + 3/2

y = 1/2x - 3/2

If the slope of a wheelchair ramp is 1/11 then what is the angle of inclination to the nearest tenth of a degree?



4.8 degrees to the nearest tenth.

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope = rise / run = opposite side / adjacent side.

So the angle of inclination is the angle whose tangent is 1/12.

To the nearest tenth of a degree it is 4.8 degrees.

The answer is 4.8 degrees

7. Ten samples of 15 parts each were taken from an ongoing process to establish a p-chart for control. a. Develop a p-Chart for 95 percent confidence (1.96 standard deviation). b. Based on the plotted data points, what comments can you make


Answer: Hello the table related to your question is attached below


a) attached below

b) The process is out of control because two ( 2 ) values from the defect rate table are out of the control limits at 95% as seen in the p-chart in question ( A )

Step-by-step explanation:

a) p-chart for 95% confidence

std = 1.96

Total defects = ∑ number of defective items in the sample = 10

number of samples = 10

sample size ( n ) = 15

The P value for the process is calculated as :

Total defects / ( number of sample * sample size )

= 10 / ( 15 * 10 ) = 10 / 150 = 0.067

standard deviation ( σ ) = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{p(1-p)}{n } } = \sqrt{\frac{0.067(1-0.067)}{15} }[/tex]  =  0.065

next we determine the limits ( i.e. upper and lower )

UCL = p + zSp = 0.067 + 1.96(0.065 ) = 0.194

LCL = p - zSp = 0.067 - 1.96(0.065) = -0.060 ≈ 0 ( because LCL ≠ negative)

attached below is the required p-chart

b) The process is out of control because two ( 2 ) values from the defect rate table are out of the control limits at 95% as seen in the p-chart in question ( A )

Natalie's team needs to make a decision on how to handle a big product recall. People on the team have a lot of strong opinions. Management wants everyone to come to a consensus and to find a solution that everyone can support. What's the best way to get to a consensus? a) Everyone on the team talks until the entire team agrees on one decision. O b) Everyone on the team discusses options and then votes. O c) The team passes the decision-making responsibility to an outside person. O di The team leader makes a decision without input from the other members.


B) Everyone on the team discusses options and then and then votes.

PLEASE HELP ASAP!!! (answer in decimal)



re send it

Step-by-step explanation:


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