A motorcycle moving with velocity and 30m/s accelerate with 4m/s2 to gain velocity of 6mls. calculate its time to gain that velocity​


Answer 1
Initial velocity=30m/s=uAcceleration=a=4m/s^2Final velocity=v=6m/sTime=t

Using first equation of kinematics

[tex]\boxed{\sf v=u+at}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto t=\dfrac{v-u}{a}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto t=\dfrac{30-6}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto t=\dfrac{24}{4}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto t=6s[/tex]

Related Questions

The magnetic coils of a tokamak fusion reactor are in the shape of a toroid having an inner radius of 0.700 m and an outer radius of 1.30 m. The toroid has 900 turns of largediameter wire, each of which carries a current of 14.0 kA. Find the magnitude of the magnetic field inside the toroid along (a) the inner radius and (b) the outer radius.



(a) 11.3 T

(b) 6.09 T


Current, I = 14 kA = 14000 A

number of turns, N = 900

inner radius, r = 0.7 m

outer radius, R = 1.3 m

The magnetic field due to a circular coil is given by

[tex]B = \frac{\mu o}{4\pi}\times \frac{2 N\pi I}{R}[/tex]

(a) The magnetic field due to the inner radius is

[tex]B = 10^{-7}\times \frac{2\times 900\times 3.14\times 14000}{0.7}\\\\B = 11.3 T[/tex]

(b) The magnetic field due to the outer radius is

[tex]B = 10^{-7}\times \frac{2\times 900\times 3.14\times 14000}{1.3}\\\\B = 6.09 T[/tex]

What is the apparent deflection of a light beam in an elevator which is 2.7 m wide if the elevator is accelerating downward at 9.8 m/s^2?





From the question we are told that:

Width [tex]w=2.7m[/tex]

Acceleration [tex]a=9.8m/s^2[/tex]

Generally the equation for The apparent deflection is mathematically given by

X= 0.5 *g*t^2


[tex]t=\frac{width}{Velocity of light}[/tex]




[tex]X= 0.5 *9.8*(8.3*10^{-9})^2[/tex]


Why do scientists not use US customary units when reporting their data?


from britaññica it said time and money. They didn’t have either to switch over from the industrial period and never did. Also from my own person reasoning i think most of the world uses not US customary, so to make stuff more accessible. hope this helps!

A sound frequency 100Hz and wavelength 3.34m is travelling through air, calculate the Velocity of sound in air.





If you take the data you gave and insert it into the equation f=v/λ the frequency would come out to be 3.34m

334 m/s is  the Velocity of sound in air.

What is the velocity of a wave?

Wave velocity in common usage refers to speed, although, properly, velocity implies both speed and direction.

The velocity of a wave is equal to the product of its wavelength and frequency (number of vibrations per second) and is independent of its intensity.

Mathematically , v=fλ

According to the question,

Sound frequency (f)  = 100Hz

Wavelength (λ)= 3.34m

Computing the values in the formula,


v = 100Hz x 3.34m

v= 334m/s


Velocity of sound in air is 334 m/s.

Learn more about  velocity of a wave here:



What is the right hand rule for magnetic Force?



The right hand rule states that, to find the direction of the magnetic force on a positive moving charge, the thumb of the right hand point in the direction of v, the fingers in the direction of B, and the force (F) is directed perpendicular to the right hand palm.


pls mark brainliest

Hope this helps u

match the columns

please answer this question
it's urgent​



1. b

2. e

3. a

4. c

5. d

hope dis helps ^-^

HELP‼️‼️ A car horn creates a 595 Hz tone at rest. Two cars pass on the street, each going 20.0 m/s; the first car honks. What frequency does the other car hear before they pass each other?


The frequency of the other car is 669HZ

Let start off by writing out the parameters given in the question

frequency= 595 HZ

Speed of sound(v)= 343m/s

Speed of the car(vs)= 20m/s

Speed of the second car(vo) = 20m/s

The frequency of the other car can be calculated as follows

(v+vo/v-vs) f

= (343+20/343-20)595

= (363/323)595

= 1.1238(595)

= 669 HZ

Hence the frequency of the other car is 669 HZ

Learn more via the link below;


Enlight the contribution of science and technology for current pandemic of Corona virus??​


The vaccine ofcourse. They helped in making the vaccine.

what is tue cause of upthrust ?​


it's caused by a pressure that is large on the button of an object that it is on the top of an object submerged in a liquid.


This is why object appear to weigh less when immersed in a liquid. If the upthrust is greater than the weight of the object, the object will rise up through the liquid.

magnetised hacksaw blade is cut into two pieces..can there be two poles on both sides??​





because the dipoles are not arrange the same way they were in the full hacksaw

The distance a cart moves down a track (from rest) is proportional to the time squared. How far would a cart move down a track (from rest) in two seconds if it moves (from rest) a distance of 20 cm in one second?

A) 5 cm B) 10 cm C) 20 cm D) 40 cm E) 80 cm


A car move down a track a distance of 80 cm

Letter E  80 cm


if the distance is proportional to the time square we can express such condition writing

d = k*t²        (1)

where d is the distance t is the time and k is the constant of proportionality.

Now we must considerer that if the cart moves a distance of 20 cm in one second then by substitution in equation (1)

20 = k * (t)²        ⇒     20 = k*1   then   k = 20

The proportionality constant is K = 20

To determine how far the cart move down in 2 seconds, again by substitution in equation (1) ( but now knowing k )

d = 20*(2)²

d = 20*4

d = 80 cm

During the collision of a big truck with a small passenger carGroup of answer choicesthe force from the truck on the car is always much bigger than the force from the car on the truck.the force from the truck on the car may be smaller than, greater than, or equal to the force from the car on the truck.the force from the truck on the car is always much smaller than the force from the car on the truck.the force from the truck on the car is always equal to the force from the car on the truc



The force from the truck on the car is always equal to the force from the car on the truck.


According to Newton's third law; action and reaction are equal and opposite. Hence, when the big truck and small passenger car are involved in a collision, we expect that the force from the truck on the car is always equal to the force from the car on the truck. The forces on the car and the truck are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

This follows directly from Newton's third law of motion hence the answer above.

when you throw a ball
and it
bounces back to your hand,
is it elastic collision ? Explain.



The ground hits the ball with same force with which the balls hit the ground. That's why ball bounces back.

Gravity stops it from bouncing forever.

Hope this helps..

write aparagraph explaining the difference bln the heat energy in a substances temperature in physics​


The core difference is that heat deals with thermal energy, whereas temperature is more concerned with molecular kinetic energy. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy, whereas temperature is a property the object exhibits.

what is momentum
what is momentum in words​



It's a strength or force


the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity


momentum is a quality define as the product of the mass and velocity of an object.

numerical filing method is more scientific why give me 4 reason ​



Numerical Methods are mathematical way to solve certain problems.Whether the equations are linear or nonlinear, efficient and robust numerical methods are required to solve the system of algebraic equations.

Analytical solutions are exact solutions based on mathematical principles.

However, the governing partial differential equations of fluid flow are complex and cannot be solved by analytical means. The partial differential equations are therefore converted into a system of algebraic equations that are subsequently solved through numerical methods to provide approximate solutions to the governing equations.

Although we rarely reach on exact answer , we can get really close to the exact answer much quicker than solve analytically.


oh my god


how long answer is this

Help me frfr I don’t understand


The points are



[tex]\boxed{\sf slope(m)=\dfrac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=\dfrac{0-10}{6-1}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=\dfrac{-10}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=-2[/tex]

Write down the role played by four digestive juices in digestion and the
organs which secrete them.



Digestive juices secreted by various organs such as salivary glands in the mouth, stomach, liver and pancreas help in the process of digestion of food. Saliva secreted by the salivary glands in the mouth aids in the breakdown of starch present in the food to simple sugar


State any ten reasons why students in Uganda need to study physics?use examples of the possible technological advancements which can be made using the knowledge of physics



1.it also hleps us to became doctors becuase without physics you can't be a doctor

2.physics needs to be steady whether you like it or not it helps you in life so everybody must study physics no matter is in Uganda USA and plenty more countries there must be physics to dare to be studied

An iron weight, suspended by a string, is motionless. The tension
in the string is 4.75 newtons. What is the mass of the iron




If the mass hangs at the end of the string and the string can support the mass and doesn't break, and the mass hangs still, that means that the tension in the string is equal to the downward pull of the mass. However, we are given the tension in Newtons and the mass needs to be in kg. So we use the equation for weight:

w = mg where w, the weight, is the same as the tension in the string. Gravity is always 9.8 in the metric system:

4.75 = m(9.8) so

m = .48 kg


Answer: A

0.485 Kg


What is the dimensional formula of Modulus of Elasticity?​


Lets find

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Modulus\:of\:elasticity=\dfrac{Stress}{Strain}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \dfrac{\left[ML^{-1}T^{-2}\right]}{\left[M^0L^0T^0\right]}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \left[ML^{-1}T^{-2}\right][/tex]

A train 90m long stops in a train station with its front buffers in line with a lamp post on the platform. Later it starts off with an average acceleration of 0.45m/s. What will be its speed in kilometers per hour when the tail buffers pass the lamp post P?​



The speed of the train when the tail buffers pass the lamp post is 9 m/s


The given parameters are;

The length of the train = 90 m

The initial velocity of the train, u = 0

The average acceleration of the train, a = 0.45 m/s²

When the tail buffer pass the lamp post, P, we have;

The distance travelled, s = The length of the train = 90 m

The kinematic equation of motion is given as follows;

v² = u² + 2·a·s


v = The speed of the train when the tail buffers pass the lamp post

∴ v² = 0² + 2 × 0.45 m/s² × 90 m = 81 m²/s²


v = √(81 m²/s²) = 9 m/s

The speed of the train when the tail buffers pass the lamp post, v = 9 m/s.

help with this physics question please :)



is that rm in you profile pic

Please help!! :)

For this circuit, what will be the voltage drop across R1?

A. 21.3 V

B. 14.2 V

C. 45.0 V

D. 9.47 V



Option D. 9.47 V


We'll begin by calculating the equivalent resistance of the circuit. This can be obtained as follow:

Resistor 1 (R₁) = 20 Ω

Resistor 2 (R₂) = 30 Ω

Resistor 3 (R₃) = 45 Ω

Equivalent Resistance (R) =?

R = R₁ + R₂ + R₃ (series connections)

R = 20 + 30 + 45

R = 95 Ω

Next, we shall determine the current in the circuit. This can be obtained as follow:

Voltage (V) = 45 V

Equivalent Resistance (R) = 95 Ω

Current (I) =?

V = IR

45 = I × 95

Divide both side by 95

I = 45 / 95

I = 0.4737 A

Finally, we shall determine, the voltage across R₁. This can be obtained as follow:

NOTE: Since the resistors are in series connection, the same current will pass through them.

Current (I) = 0.4737 A

Resistor 1 (R₁) = 20 Ω

Voltage 1 (V₁) =?

V₁ = IR₁

V₁ = 0.4737 × 20

V₁ = 9.47 V

Therefore, the voltage across R₁ is 9.47 V.




Just Took the Test

Carter is at the burger joint. To get there he traveled 5 blocks right and 10 blocks up. What coordinates did Carter start from?


Currently Carter is at 11 (Swimming pool)

Hope it helps you.. pls mark brainliest if it helps you

Quả bóng 200g chuyển động với v 4m/s đập vào tường rồi bật ra ngược chiều với cùng tốc độ độ biến thiên động lượng của quả bóng là


bièn shhddkjn usb’s svyevtec tectev ev

how long do a Tortoise live in the earth?​



80 to 150 years


hope I helped

Answer: 80-150 years and some over 150 years


There are different types of Tortoise in earth everyone eith different lifespan. So basically normal ones have 80-150 while some other like giant tortoise even have over 150 years.

please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)

Tính công của dòng điện



CG gh sure er go b vh pxuh FPI OO c AM h kh

Las carreras de velocidad pura en el atletismo son:
A. Un ladrón perseguido por la policia
B.100 y 200 mts planos
C. salir corriendo cuando la mama lo va a castigar


La respuesta es la letra b

Una partícula efectúa un MAS cuya ecuación es: x=0,3 cos (2t + /6) m. Determinar: Amplitud, frecuencia angular, fase inicial, periodo, frecuencia de oscilación y posición en t=0,25 s



The answer is below


Una partícula efectúa un MAS cuya ecuación es: x=0.3cos (2t + π/6) m. Determinar: Amplitud, frecuencia angular, fase inicial, periodo, frecuencia de oscilación y posición en t=0.25 s


La ecuación de la onda es:

x = A cos (ω t + Ф), donde:

A = amplitud, ω = frecuencia angular = 2 π / T = 2 π f, Ф = fase inicial, f = frecuencia, T = período

Por lo tanto, comparando la ecuación de la onda con x = 0.3cos (2t + π / 6), obtenemos:

a) A = 0.3

b) ω = 2 rad / s

c) Ф = π / 6 rad

d) ω = 2π / T

2 = 2π / T

T = 3.14 s

e) ω = 2πf

2 = 2πf

f = 0.32 Hz

f) en t = 0.25 s:

x (t) = 0.3cos (2 * 0.25 + π / 6) = 0.22 m

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