A newsletter publisher believes that less than 61% of their readers own a laptop. Is there sufficient evidence at the 0.02 level to substantiate the publisher's claim? State the null and alternative hypotheses for the above scenario.


Answer 1

Answer: See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

From the information given in the question, we are informed that a newsletter publisher believes that less than 61% of their readers own a laptop.

The null hypothesis will be: H0: p ≥ 0.61

The alternative hypothesis will be: Ha: p < 0.61.

Related Questions




Hello the answer is A <!!



Step-by-step explanation:

pi/ 3 * (180/pi)= 180/3

pi/3 = 60 degrees

What function translates the function f(x)=|x| to the left 3 units and down 4 units?


function g(x)


Find the x-and y-intercepts of the graph of 4x + y = 28. State your answers as
whole numbers or as improper fractions in simplest form.



at x-intercept, y = 0

4x = 28

x = 7

x intercept = (7,0)

at y-intercept, x = 0

y = 28

y intercept = (0,28)

Can I have help I am stuck on this problem It would mean the world if u helped me and tysm!! =-)


9514 1404 393


  2^6 = 64

Step-by-step explanation:

Each hour the initial value (1) is multiplied by 2 (again). So the number of times 2 multiplies the initial value is the number of passing hours (t).

The number of cells after t hours is ...

  c(t) = 1×2^t = 2^t

After 6 hours, this is

  c(6) = 2^6 = 64 . . . . cells after 6 hours


Additional comment

As you know, multiplication simplifies repeated addition.

  x + x + x = 3x

In a similar way, exponentiation simplifies repeated multiplication.

 x·x·x = x³ . . . . (written as x^3 in plain text)

In this problem, we're repeatedly multiplying by 2. After we do that t times, the initial value is multiplied by 2^t.

Suppose a jar contains 7 red marbles and 28 blue marbles. If you reach in the jar and pull out 2 marbles at random at the same time, find the probability that both are red.​




Step-by-step explanation:

that's the answer above

The length of a rectangle garden plot is 3 metres greater than its
width.The area of the plot is 154 square metres.What is the width of the garden?​


Answer: width = 11 m


Here, we need to understand how to find the area of a rectangle.

In geometry, the area can be defined as the space occupied by a flat shape or the surface of an object.

A = w · l

w = width

l = length

If you are still confused, please refer to the attachment below for a graphical explanation.


w = w

l = w + 3

A = 154 m²

Given formula

A = w · l

Substitute values into the formula

154 = w · (w + 3)

Expand Parentheses (Distributive property)

154 = w² + 3w

Subtract 154 on both sides

154 - 154 = w² + 3w - 154

0 = w² + 3w - 154

Solve for the quadratic equation

(w - 11) (w + 14) = 0

w = 11 or w = -14 (Neglected because length cannot be negative)

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

2) 70 = -7a

Please help me !


70 = -7a
a = x
70 = -7x
70 = -7 X x
70 = -7 X -10
x = -10
x = a
a = -10


Positive Multiplied Or Divided By A Negative Will Always Be A Negative.

Positive Multiplied Or Divided By A Positive Will Always Be A Positive.

Negative Multiplied Or Divided By A Negative Will Always Be A Positive.

Negative Multiplied Or Divided By A Positive Will Always Be A Negative.

The probability that a patient recovers from a disease is 0.3.
If 6 people are known to have contacted the disease, what is the probability that at least 4 survive? ​




Step-by-step explanation:

at least 4 people survive is

4 people survive and 2 don't +

5 people survive and 1 doesn't +

all 6 people survive

the probability of 4 people to survive is the product of the individual probabilities :

0.3×0.3×0.3×0.3 = 0.3⁴ = 0.0081

times the probability 2 don't survive

0.7×0.7 = 0.49

0.0081×0.49 = 0.003969

now, the chance that 4 out of 6 survive is that probabilty times how many times we can select 4 out of 6.

to select 4 out of 6 is

[tex] \binom{6}{4} [/tex]

= 6! / (4! × (6-4)!) = 6! / (4! × 2!) = 6×5/2 = 30/2 = 15

so, the probability of having 4 survivors is

15×0.003969 = 0.059535

the probability of 5 people surviving is 0.3⁵ times one not

0.3⁵×0.7 = 0.001701

we have 6 over 5 combinations to pick 5 out of 6 = 6.

so, in total for 5 survivors we get

6×0.001701 = 0.010206

and the probabilty of all 6 surviving is

0.3⁶ = 0.000729

so, the probability of at least 4 out of 6 surviving is

0.059535 +

0.010206 +




Solve for x
X=In sqrt e


Step-by-step explanation:

e = 2.7182818 so you can just plug that in to your calculator and solve like normal

Sophia runs twice as fast as her friend Mia. If mia runs 3 mph how long will it tske sophia to run 6 miles? 9 miles?



It will take Sophia 1 hour to run 6 miles.

And 1 1/2 hours for 9 miles.

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the given degree of confidence and sample data to construct a confidence interval for the population mean μ. Assume that the population has a normal distribution. A laboratory tested twelve chicken eggs and found that the mean amount of cholesterol was 185 milligrams with s = 17.6 milligrams.

Construct a 95% confidence interval for the true mean cholesterol content of all such eggs.



CI ≈ (173.8 < μ < 196.2)

Step-by-step explanation:

We are told that laboratory tested twelve chicken eggs. Thus;

n = 12

Mean; x¯ = 185 mg

S.D; s = 17.6 mg

DF = n - 1 = 12 - 1 = 11

We have a 95% confidence level. Thus; α = 0.05

Since n < 30, we will use t-sample test.

Thus, from t-table attached at 95% Confidence level and DF = 11, we have;

t = 2.201

Thus,formula for Confidence interval is;

CI = (x¯ - t(s/√n)) < μ < (x¯ + t(s/√n))

CI = (185 - 2.201(17.6/√12)) < μ < (185 + 2.201(17.6/√12))

CI = (185 - 11.1825) < μ < (185 + 11.1825)

CI = (173.8175 < μ < 196.1825)

CI ≈ (173.8 < μ < 196.2)

Identify the X intercept and the yIntercept of the line 4x-2y=-12



X-intercept = -3 and y-intercept = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

We can start off by isolating the y term. To do that, we must add 2y to both sides to get


Now, we must add 12 to both sides and the y term will be all alone on the right side:


Now, to have only y on the right side, we must divide by 2 to get:


In slope-intercept form, b is the y-intercept, and 'b' in this equation is 6. We have our y-intercept.

To find our x-intercept, y must be equal to zero. We can plug in that value for y and solve for x:


We can start off by subtracting 6 from both sides to get:


We can then divide both sides to get [tex]x=-3[/tex] when y is equal to 0. Thus, we have our x-intercept.


y-intercept= -6

x-intercept= 3

Step-by-step explanation:

First, rearrange the equation to be in y=mx+b.





From here, we know that the 'b' in an equation in form y=mx+b is the y-intercept, which is -6.

To find the x intercept make y=0 and solve.

You can also solve without rearranging the equation and simply making x=0 and solving to find the y-intercept. and making y=0 and solving to find the x-intercept.

-3x=6x + 2 solve for x



Step-by-step explanation:

6x+3x= -2

9x= -2

x= -2/9





Step-by-step explanation:

(x+1).(x/2 +2).(x/3+3).(x/4+4).(x/5+5)



Please see the attached picture below to understand the steps I've typed to get to the final solution.

Can anyone help me with trig identities?



cosA = √(21/25)

Step-by-step explanation:

We know

sin²(A) + cos²(A) = 1

Next, we know that sin(A) = 2/5. Plugging that into our equation, we get

(2/5)² + cos²A = 1

4/25 + cos²A = 1

subtract 4/25 from both sides to isolate cos²A

cos²A = 1 - 4/25 = 25/25-4/25 = 21/25

square root both sides to get

cosA = √(21/25)

We do not include -√(21/25) in our possible answer for cosA because this is in quadrant 1, so cosA must be positive.

8/9 - Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
5. Which is equivalent to 4x - (y + x) + 2, if x = 5 and y=-3?
O 20
O 15


9514 1404 393


  (a)  20

Step-by-step explanation:

Put the numbers in place of the corresponding letters and do the arithmetic.

  4(5) -((-3) +5) +2 = 20 -2 +2 = 20

Detroit, Michigan covers an area of 142.9 square miles. There are approximately
672,800 people living in Detroit. Grand Rapids, Michigan has an area of 45.3 square
miles and has a population of approximately 195,100 people. How many more
people, per square mile, live in Detroit verses Grand Rapids? Round to the nearest
person per square mile.



401 more people per square mile

Step-by-step explanation:

Find how many people there are per square mile in both cities by dividing the number of people by the number of square miles:


= 4708 people per square mile (Detroit)


= 4307 (Grand Rapids)

Find how many more people per square mile live in Detroit by finding the difference between these two numbers:

4708 - 4307

= 401

So, there are 401 more people per square mile living in Detroit versus Grand Rapids.

What function type does the table of values represent?
A) Linear
B) Exponential
C) Quadratic
D) Can't be determined




answer C

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|}x&y&x^2&3x^2\\---&---&---&---\\1&3&1^2&3*1^2=3\\2&12&2^2&3*2^2=12\\3&27&3^2&3*3^2=27\\4&48&14^2&3*4^2=48\\5&75&5^2&3*5^2=75\\\end{array}\\\\\\\boxed{y=3x^2\ the\ function\ is\ quadratic.}[/tex]

The average of a group of data points is called the




Step-by-step explanation:

The mean of a data set is the sum of the values divided by the number of values. The median of a data set is the middle value when the values are written in numerical order. If a data set has an even number of values, the median is the mean of the two middle values.

Average mean..... I

The table shows a set of conditional relative frequencies of drivers in a survey planning to buy a used vehicle next, based on how they obtained their current vehicle.

Which interpretation of the relative frequencies given is the most appropriate?

A. The greatest number of drivers who plan to buy used are those who leased their current vehicle.
B. The majority of drivers who will buy used next time bought their current vehicle used.
C. Of drivers who bought their current vehicle used, about 4 percent will buy new next time, almost 95 percent will buy used next time, and about 1 percent will lease next time.
D. Of drivers who bought new, 3.9 percent will buy used next time; of drivers who bought used, 94.8 percent will buy used again; of drivers who leased, 1.3 percent will buy used.


The majority of drivers who will buy used next time bought their current vehicle used. The correct option is B.

What are statistics?

Any affiliations, financing, or financial holdings that could be seen as influencing the review's objectivity to give rise to potential bias.

Such elements might consist of, but are not limited to, the following: Employment, professional associations, paid consulting, and participation in groups that support relevant causes.

The given table is:-

Current vehicle      Buy used

Bought new             0.039

Bought Used           0.948

Leased                     0.013

Total                         1.000

In the given table it is observed that the majority of drivers who will buy used next time bought their current vehicle used. The correct option is B.

To know more about statistics follow



Find the area of each shaded region.


The answer in photo don't forget put heart ♥️




= 87.26 + (-25.6) + (-5.4)

=87.26- 25.6 - 5.4

= 87.26 - 31

= 56.26


PLease Help! I will give you the brainiest and a lot of points

A survey of 104 college students was taken to determine the musical styles they liked. Of​ those, 22 students listened to​ rock, 23 to​ classical, and 24 to jazz.​ Also, 10 students listened to rock and​ jazz, 8 to rock and​ classical, and 8 to classical and jazz.​ Finally, 6 students listened to all three musical styles. Construct a Venn diagram and determine the cardinality for each region. Use the completed Venn Diagram to answer the following questions.

a. How many listened to only rock​ music?
n​(only ​rock)

b. How many listened to classical and​ jazz, but not​ rock?
n​(classical and​ jazz, not ​rock)

c. How many listened to classical or​ jazz, but not​ rock?
n​(classical or​ jazz, not ​rock)

d. How many listened to music in exactly one of the musical​ styles?
n​(exactly one ​style)

e. How many listened to music in exactly two of the musical​ styles?
n​(exactly two ​styles)

f. How many did not listen to any of the musical​ styles?



A. 22

B. 8

C. 23 + 24

D. 22 + 23 + 24

E. 8 + 8 + 10

F. 104 - (sum of all the given numbers) = 3

What is the
range of the function in the graph?



Step-by-step explanation:

A resposta é a letra a

Kane's Furniture Store advertised a table at ​9% discount. The original selling price was ​$109​, and the sale price was ​$100. Was the sale price consistent with the​ ad? Explain.



No, the sale price wasn't consistent with the ad

Step-by-step explanation:

The original selling price is 109. 9% of 109 is 9.81. So the sale price should be 99.19.

Please help it’s due today



67 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

23 + 90 = 113

180 - 113 = 67

solve for x please help (show work!)



x = 1/2 or 0.5

Step-by-step explanation:

8(-2x + 1) = 0

Distribute the 8 by multiplying 8 by what's inside of the parenthesis (-2x and 1)

8 * -2x = -16x

8 * 1 = 8

We now have

-16x + 8 = 0

Subtract 8 from both sides

-16x + 8 - 8 = 0 - 8

-16x = -8

Divide both sides by -16

-16x/-16 = -8/-16

x = 1/2

G I V E N :

8( -2x + 1 ) = 0

S O L U T I O N :

8( -2x + 1 ) = 0

Simplify the left hand side

-16x + 8 = 0

Transposing -16x to the other side

8 = 16x

Cross multiplying we get

x = 8/16

x = ½

x = 0.5

Hence the value of x is 0.5 or ½

What is the missing digit?
– 65□,084




We can get this answer by subtracting the answer 167,023 from 820,107, we get 653,084.

Se o preço de 8 potes de nutella é 288 reais, qual e o preço se 5 potes de Nutella


Carrefour – R$ 18,99.
Dia – R$ 21,19.
Futurama – R$ 19,99.
Hirota – R$ 19,78.
Mambo – R$ 19,90.
Pão de Açúcar – R$ 20,90.
Pastorinho – R$ 19,90.
Sonda – R$ 19,99.

solve: x^2-x-12÷x+5 ≥ 0



Step-by-step explanation:




Let's find the critical points of the inequality.




x3−x2+5x−12=0(Multiply both sides by x)

(Use cubic formula)


Check possible critical points.

x=1.836169(Works in original equation)

Critical points:

x=1.836169(Makes both sides equal)

x=0(Makes left denominator equal to 0)

Check intervals in between critical points. (Test values in the intervals to see if they work.)

x<0(Works in original inequality)

0<x≤1.836169(Doesn't work in original inequality)

x≥1.836169(Works in original inequality)


x<0 or x≥1.836169

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