A perishable dairy product is ordered daily at a particular supermarket. The product costs $1.16 per unit and sells for $1.75 per unit. If units are unsold at the end of the day, the supplier takes them back at a rebate of $1 per unit. Assume that daily demand is approximately normally distributed with μ= 155 and σ =35.

a. What is your recommended daily order quantity for the supermarket?
b. What is the probability that the supermarket will sell all the units it orders?
c. In problems such as these, why would the supplier offer a rebate as high as $1?


Answer 1


a) 174

b) 21.33%

c) The supplier will offer a rebate as high as $1 because the supermarket orders higher quantity of goods and also in order to encourage the purchase of goods by the supermarket.

Step-by-step explanation:

product cost = $1.16 per unit

sell price = $1.75

Rebate = $1

Daily demand : μ = 155 , б = 35

a) Determine the recommended daily order quantity

shortage = sell price  - cost  = 1.75 - 1.16 = $0.59

Excess ( overage ) = cost - rebate = 1.16 - 1 = $0.16

service level = shortage / ( shortage + excess ) = 0.59 / ( 0.59 + 0.16 ) = 0.7867

therefore the Z-value = 0.8 also Mean value = 150 , std = 30  

note : values gotten from Appendix table

∴ Recommended daily order quantity = Mean + ( z * std )

                                                               = 150 ( 0.8 * 30 ) = 174

b) Determine the probability that the supermarket will sell all units ordered

= 1 - service level

= 1 - 0.7867 = 0.2133 = 21.33%

c) The supplier will offer a rebate as high as $1 when the supermarket orders higher quantity of goods

Related Questions

What is the largest value of x for which the following equation has a real solution (x,y)?



x = 9/2

Step-by-step explanation:


Complete the square: (x+7/2)^2-(49/4)+(y+2)^2-4 = 191/4

Simplify: (x+7/2)^2+(y+2)^2=191/4+49/4+4

(x+7/2)^2 + (y+2)^2 = 64

(x+7/2)^2 + (y+2)^2 = (8)^2

Center of circle -> (-7/2, -2)

Radius -> 8

-7/2 + 8 = 9/2

x = 9/2

F(x, y, z) = (x + yz)i + (y + xz)j + (z + xy)k, Find the divergence of the vector field.


The divergence of F is

div(F ) = ∂(x + yz)/∂x + ∂(y + xz)/∂y + ∂(z + xy)/∂z

div(F ) = 1 + 1 + 1

div(F ) = 3

The divergence of the vector field is equal to 3


(x+yz)i(y + xz)j(z+xy)kDivergence of Vector Field

To find the divergence of the vector field, we have to differentiate the i, j and k component of the vector.

[tex]div F = \frac{\delta}{\delta x} (x+yz) + \frac{\delta}{\delta y} (y + xz) + \frac{\delta}{\delta z} (z + xy)\\div F = (1+0)+(1+0)+(1+0)\\div F = 1 + 1 + 1 \\div F = 3[/tex]

The divergence of the vector field is equal to 3

Learn more on divrgence of vector field here;


Bianca is styling hair and makeup for the upcoming dance at her high school. She charges $51 for hair and $35 for makeup. Identify the expression that can be used to represent this situation. (2 points)
51h + 35m


51h + 35m

For the first option, you can’t combine two different terms. Both would have to be represented by h or by m to put the two together.

On the second option, you wouldn’t multiply the two together either because in the problem, Bianca is doing hair AND makeup which is a keyword for adding.

The third and final option is the correct one because it’s leaving the two values separate and still adding them together.

find the missing length indicated​



Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:




x= 8,5


X= 2

x= -2

Step-by-step explanation:

Put the following equation of a line into slope-intercept form, simplifying all fractions.

Thanks In advance






hope that answers your questipn

dont hesitate to comment for more explanation about this topic.

What is the value of X? HELP


with no further informations, just go by looking at it.

it's 90°, all other options are too far off

Company A charges a $125 annual fee plus $7 per hour car share fee.
Company B charges $110 plus $10 per hour. What is the minimum number of
hours that a car share needs to be used per year to make company A a better
A. 6
B. 5
C. 9
D. 11



6 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

A: y=125+7x

B: y=110+10x

for A to be a better deal than B, 125+7x<110+10x has to be true

subtract 7x from both sides and subtract 110 from both sides of the inequality: 15<3xdivide by 3: 5<xso x has to be greater than 5, im pretty sure it's 6 hours but it might also be 5 depending on how it's taught for you


B 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Company A

total cost = 125+7h  where h is the number of hours

Company B

total cost = 110 + 10h  where h is the number of hours

125 + 7h < 110 + 10h

Subtract 7 h from each side

125 + 7h-7h<110+10h-7h

125 < 110+3h

Subtract 110 from each side

125-110< 110+3h

15 <3h

Divide by 3

15/3 <3h/3

5 <h

More than 5 hours

Divide 3 2/3 ÷ 2 1/3. Simplify the answer and write it as a mixed number.


11/18 is simplified as a mixed number it would be 0 11/18

Find the face value of the 20-year zero-coupon bond at 4.4%, compounded semiannually, with a price of $8,375.


The correct face value will be Option C ($20,000). A further solution id provided below.



t = 20 years


r = 4.4%


= $8,375


The yield will be:

= [tex]\frac{4.4}{2}[/tex]

= [tex]1.1[/tex] (%)

Time will be:

= [tex]20\times 2[/tex]

= [tex]40 \ periods[/tex]

As we know the formula,

⇒ [tex]Price \ of \ bond = \frac{Face \ value}{(1+\frac{r}{2} )^{n\times 2}}[/tex]

By substituting the values, we get

                   [tex]8375=\frac{Face \ value}{(1+\frac{0.044}{2} )^{20\times 2}}[/tex]

                   [tex]8375=\frac{Face \ value}{(1.022)^{40}}[/tex]

                   [tex]8375=\frac{Face \ value}{2.3880083}[/tex]

The face value will be:

        [tex]Face \ value = 2.3880083\times 8375[/tex]

                          [tex]=20,000[/tex] ($)

Learn more about face value here:


If a triangle has sides of length x x + 2, and x - 4, what is the perimeter of the triangle in terms of x?
О 3х - 6
03x - 2
3x + 2
O 3x + 6


9514 1404 393


  (b)  3x -2

Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter is the sum of the side lengths:

  P = (x) +(x +2) +(x -4)

  P = (x +x +x) +(+2 -4)

  P = 3x -2


Use the distributive property.
5(2x + 7) = [ ? ]x + [ ]



10x +35

Step-by-step explanation:

5(2x+7) = 5*2x + 5*7 = 10x+35


10, 35.

Step-by-step explanation:

5(2x + 7)

= 5^2x + 5*7

= 10x + 35

Write the equation of the line for a line that passes through (-2,-4) and (-1, -1).



y = 3x+2

Step-by-step explanation:

First find the slope using the slope formula

m= (y2-y1)/(x2-x1)

   = ( -1 - -4)/(-1 - -2)

   = (-1 +4)/ (-1 +2)

   = 3/1

  = 3

The slope intercept formula is

y = mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

y = 3x+b

Using the point (-1,-1) and substituting into the equation

-1 = 3(-1)+b

-1 = -3+b

-1+3 = b

2 = b

y = 3x+2

Solve the following equation for x. 12^2 - 36x = 0


The answer is that X is equal to 4

Which type of triangle has altitudes that form outside the triangle itself?
Select one:
a. acute
b. equiangular
c. obtuse
d. right


9514 1404 393


  c. obtuse

Step-by-step explanation:

For an obtuse triangle, the altitudes from the vertices on either side of the obtuse angle will be drawn outside the triangle.

Alexa has saved
of the cost of her trip to the Caribbean. Estimate how much money she
has left to save.

A.3/4 of the cost
B.1/2 of the cost

C.1 1/4 of the cost

D.1/4 of the cost



A 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:

Set up equation to find the percentage 2/7 equals:

Variable x = percentage

2/7 = x/100

Cross multiply:

2 × 100 = 7 × x

200 = 7x


28.57142... = x

About 30% (I rounded to 30% because it is a nice number to use when all other numbers end in 5 or 0)

If Alexa has about 30% saved, she will need to save about 70% more. Find the solution that is closest to 70%.

A is 3/4 which comes out to 75%. So far, this sounds like the best answer. Let's check the others just in case.

B is 1/2, or 50% which isn't as close as A was to 70%.

C is 1 1/4 which means 125% needs to be saved. This would mean Alexa is in debt and hasn't saved any money which is not the case.

D is 1/4, or 25%. The trick here is that she's saved about 30% so 25% is closest, but we are looking for how much more she needs to save.

look at the image for the answer below?



Does the answer help you?

An operation manager at an electronics company wants to test their amplifiers. The design engineer claims they have a mean output of 331331 watts with a variance of 144144. What is the probability that the mean amplifier output would be greater than 332.8332.8 watts in a sample of 4949 amplifiers if the claim is true


Answer: brother

Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of 'n' terms of an arithmetic sequence is 4n2+3n. What is the first term, the common difference, and the sequence?



Step-by-step explanation:

If the 2 is an exponent, it should be indicated with a circumflex:  4n^2+3n.

What is the first term?

a₁ = S₁ = 4·1² + 3·1 = 7


What is the common difference?

a₁ + a₂ = S₂ = 4·2² + 3·2 = 22

a₂ = 22-a₁ = 15

common difference d = a₂ - a₁ = 8


What is the arithmetic sequence?

The nth term is 7+(n-1)d = 7+(n-1)8 = 8n-1.

a₁ = 8·1-1 = 7

a₂ = 8·2-1 = 15

a₃ = 8·3-1 = 23


Kevin made a business trip of 312.5 miles. He averages 60 mph for the first part of the trip and 55 mph for the second part. If the trip took a 5.5 hours how long did he travel at each rate



Kevin travels for 2 hours at 60 mph and 3.5 hours at 55 mph

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's say that Kevin spends x hours going 60 mph and y hours going 55 mph. We can say that the sum of the two parts is 5.5, so x+y = 5.5 . Next, he goes 60 miles per hour for the first part of the trip, so for each hour he goes 60 mph, he travels 60 miles. We can then denote 60 * x as the distance traveled during the first part of his trip as he goes 60 mph for x hours. Similarly, 55 * y denotes the distance Kevin travels during the second part of his trip. His total distance is thus 60 * x + 55 * y = 312.5 miles

We have

x + y = 5.5

60 * x + 55 * y = 312.5

One way we can solve this is to solve for y in the first equation and plug that into the second. Subtracting x from both sides in the first equation, we get

y = 5.5 - x

Plugging that into the second equation, we get

60 * x + 55 * (5.5-x) = 312.5

60 * x + 55 * 5.5 - 55x = 312.5

5x  +302.5 = 312.5

subtract 302.5 from both sides to isolate the x and its coefficient

5x = 10

divide both sides by 5 to solve for x

x = 2

y = 5.5 - x = 5.5 - 2 = 3.5

Therefore, Kevin travels for 2 hours at 60 mph and 3.5 hours at 55 mph

Given the numbers 30 and 45, find the common factors of the two numbers.​​


Factors of 30: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30

Factors of 45: 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 45

The common factors between the two numbers are 1, 3, 5, 15.

Hope this helps!

Find m∠DFC.

A. 23
B. 167
C. 46
D. 69




maaf kalosalah !(!)!(!)!(!)!(!)!(!)!(!)!(!)!(!)!

how many itegers from 15 to 85, inclusive are multibles of 8




Step-by-step explanation:

First multiple of 8 in that range is 8(2)=16.

The last multiple of 8 in that range is 8(10)=80.

So we just need to find how many numbers there are between 2 and 10. inclusive.


It's also not that long to write out and count.










9 numbers there are

Multiply those 9 numbers by i you will have all multiples of 8 btw 15 and 85.










Ed makes $11.50 an hour. This week he worked 36 regular hours and 7 hours at time and a half?


494.5 (might be wrong-)

Simplify the following expression:




Step-by-step explanation:

(75b x)x×2


(10b x)×3

=75b x×x×2


10b x×3





if 2 shirts cost 18.80, how much would 9 shirt cost.




Step-by-step explanation:

We can write a ratio to solve

18.80             x

---------   = --------------

2 shirts    9 shirts

Using cross products

18.80 *9 = 2x

169.2 =2x

Divide each side by 2

169.2/2 =2x/2

84.60 =x

What is the slope-intercept equation of the line below?




Step-by-step explanation:


m = (y1-y2)/(x1-x2) =(-2-3)/(4-0) =-5/4

sub the values y=3, x=0 to find c,

3 =-5/4(0) + c

c = 3

Find the length of the segment indicated. circles 4


I need more information, comment on my "answer".

In the equation 11 - 4(x +4) = 6x, the first step is to simplify 11 - 4.




Step-by-step explanation:

You first need to distribute the -4 to (x+4).

please help with this on the picture



There is not enough information to solve this problem :(

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