A person who lives with constant pessimism is experiencing what kind of stressor


Answer 1




Answer 2


The person who is living with pessimism is most likely experiencing depression. If you don't know what's pessimism, it means to not be optimistic about the future, lack of hope and happiness, which can cause suicidal thoughts. They cause self-negavity and self-harm. If anyone is going through this, please tell a love one or 800-273-8255. It also causes by bully, the internet, false rumors, heart broken, etc.

I hope I've helped! Have a beautiful day!

Related Questions

Is this a robot because if I will not even waste my time



no it is not a robot . it is based on human .

Which of the following groups would not be eligible for group life insurance


Group life insurance is limited to employer groups, multiple employer trusts, labor unions, group credit life insurance, and association plans.

All of the following groups would be eligible for group life insurance except D) a group of creditors.

Group life insurance provides coverage to a group of individuals who share a common affiliation, such as employees of the same company, members of a trade association, or union members. The purpose of group life insurance is to provide affordable and convenient coverage to a large number of individuals under a single policy. It is typically offered by employers as part of an employee benefits package or by other organizations to their members.

Group life insurance is not typically available to a group of creditors. Creditors are individuals or entities that lend money to others, such as banks, financial institutions, or private lenders. They are not a cohesive group with a common affiliation, as required for group life insurance eligibility. Instead, creditors typically rely on other types of insurance, such as credit life insurance or mortgage protection insurance, to protect their interests in case of default or other specified events by the debtor. These insurance policies are designed to pay off the outstanding debt in the event of the debtor's death or other qualifying events.

To know more about group life insurance  follow the link:



The correct question is:

All of the following types of groups are eligible for group life insurance EXCEPT

A) trade association groups

B) labor union groups

C) employer group plans

D) a group of creditors

16. List five benefits of therapeutic massage



1. Stress Relief


1. Stress Relief

For centuries, people have turned to massage as a way to de-stress. Indeed, recent studies confirm that massage significantly reduces physical and psychological stress.  

2. Reduces Anxiety

That heightened sense of elation after a massage isn’t just in your head. In fact, several recent studies confirm that researchers can actually measure the impact that massage has on individuals experiencing emotional trauma. Likewise, massage has also been shown to bring about a corrective effect for those suffering from deep anxiety.  

3. Eases Muscle Tension

The complexities of modern suburban life has made Americans more tense than ever—both psychologically and physically. As a result, back injuries, joint stiffness, and muscle tension is ever on the rise. Unfortunately, this is a trend that medical experts don’t see changing. However, one factor that could soften the impact of muscle stiffness is therapeutic massage.  

4. Improves Overall Sleep Quality

Maintaining good health is impossible without adequate sleep.  The good news is that researchers have confirmed that massage therapy may significantly reduce the incidence of sleep insomnia. Furthermore, the effect of massage therapy on sleep isn’t limited to any one age group.


5. Promotes Greater Relaxation

Massage helps you rest by reducing the cortisol level and triggering several brain chemistry responses which translate into extended periods of deep relaxation.

Stress Relief. For centuries, people have turned to massage as a way to de-stress. ...
Reduces Anxiety. ...
Eases Muscle Tension. ...
Improves Overall Sleep Quality. ...
Promotes Greater Relaxation. ...
Provides Muscle and Joint Pain Relief. ...
Strengthens the Lower Back. ...
Helps Fight Depression.

food under 100 calories pls


Blueberries and more

What needs a a living cell to survive?
O Communicable disease
O Virus
O Non-communicable disease
O Bacteria





I think it's bacteria

Several organizations have been established to help in the prevention and treatment of diseases affecting the integumentary system. Perform an Internet search to learn more about these organizations and what each provides to people afflicted with specific skin disorders.



American Cancer Society, Gorlin Syndrome Alliance, Lupus Foundation of America and The American Academy of Dermatology.


American Cancer Society, Gorlin Syndrome Alliance, Lupus Foundation of America and The American Academy of Dermatology are the some of the organizations that helps in the prevention and treatment of diseases affecting the integumentary system. these organization provides information about the disease and also its treatment. They provides treatment of the disease in the form of medicine or surgery.

Several organizations are promoting education on cutaneous diseases, a festival for leishmaniasis, which educates the population on how to protect themselves from this disease.

How are Integumentary injuries classified?

The cutaneous presentation of ATL, the skin lesions, can characterize the localized form (single or multiple), the disseminated form (very numerous lesions in several areas of the integument) and the diffuse form. In most cases, the disease presents as a single ulcerated lesion.

With this information, we can conclude that several organizations are promoting education about cutaneous diseases, a festival for leishmaniasis, which educates the population on how to protect themselves from this disease.

Learn more about  leishmaniasis in brainly.com/question/7451757

what does PERRLA mean​



PERRLA is an acronym used to document a common pupillary response test. This test is used to check the appearance and function of your pupils. The information can help your doctor diagnose several conditions, from glaucoma to neurological diseases.

Assume you are an attorney and you are asked to prepare a Will by an individual you suspect maybe suffering from some form of dementia. What is a will



A will is a legal document that expresses a person's wishes as to how their property is to be distributed after their death and as to which person is to manage the property until its final distribution.


It is a word that's used in law

consequence of noise pollution​


exposure to loud noise cause heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep disturbance,stress




hhshsbavahabbshsbsvsve even e. dcscecece e we have a few things I have been working with him to see if you have heard that ha ha ha ha I was goin tog

Four self-care activities to enhance memory?


1. Gardening
2. Yoga & Meditation
3. Cooking
4.Work Backwards
5.Playing Cards

what's the difference between strength training and interval training



Interval training, on the other hand, is when you alternate periods of moderate- to high-intensity work with periods of either active or passive rest, says McCall.

Unlike circuit training, interval training has less to do with what you're doing and, instead, is mostly about the intensity of what you're doing.


What is the difference between cardio, strength training and HIIT exercises?


So to begin, I will start with the two that are most similar, cardio and HIIT. Hiit training is a form of cardiovascular training, meaning its an exercises that promotes heart health. Cardio will aid in burning excess calories so it is also beneficial for fat loss programs.

Now the difference between regular cardio activities and HIIT training is, intensity and duration. When we think of regular cardiovascular activities we usually think of what is the norm in and out of the gym, the girls on the stair masters stepping away for 30 minutes. The little old lady walking her normal path around in her neighborhood park. The bodybuilder on the treadmill briskly walking on an Incline at 4.0, in a puddle of sweat. Most of the cardio we see is what we call slow steady state cardio. The individual won't really change the pace and usually has a set time around 30- 40 minutes. This is what most people turn to when they think of losing weight. And it's perfect for really only that, losing weight.

What they should be thinking is body composition change. Slow steady state cardio will help you lose weight, but weight isn't just fat. It doesn't really discriminate between fat or muscle. I tell my clients to imagine their bodies 10 pounds lighter, now imagine that 10lbs coming from muscle loss, or imagine it coming from fat loss. Which sounds more appealing. One should always focus on building or preserving muscle mass. And that's where we get into HIIT, it's designed to help preserve muscle by performing high intensity or explosive movements for a short duration with a slightly longer rest period. Think of a marathon runner compared to a sprinter. Both have low body fat, however the sprinter will probably have more muscle mass than marathon runner. Which makes sprinting one of the best forms of HIIT in my opinion. It gets the heart rate up high, but is explosive and will strengthen the glutes and other leg muscles therefore aiding in muscle preservation. Another component which makes HIIT unique is it a great time saver, one is able to do the same amount of calorie burn as with slow steady state, but in half the time. 15 minutes is the go to time for most HIIT workouts.

Now strength training, is just that, training for strength. In strength training one is using resistance to promote strength gains. Now if we're being specific strength training is not necessarily muscle building. You will get bigger can't be avoided, but the goal is the amount of force the muscle can produce. The repetition range for strength training is 1-6 reps. One should be lifting a certain percentage of their 1 repetition max. Usually between 100- 85% depending on the program.


Hope it helps you.

Which data gathering activity would be useful for a bio mechanical analysis??? HELP


I believe the answer to Which data gathering activity would be useful for a bio mechanical analysis would be D. Measuring the angle at which a gymnast body bends during an aerial flip.

Hope this helpssssssss!!!!!!!!

which of the following approaches for prostatectomy does not require surgical removal?
a. perineal
c. supra-pubic


I think the answer is A

Identify at least 2 circumstances in which you believe it would be better to request a meeting to discuss an issue rather than an email



When breaking up with someone, when quitting a job, when sharing important news.


When breaking up with someone, when quitting a job, when sharing important news.

B) What do you
by primary source of population de​


The primary sources of the population data go off of the population size, characteristics, demographic structure or the census, projections, the registrations, migration reports and the surveys.

Why do most people get diarrhea after being exposed to an intestinal bacteria infection


Several types of bacteria can enter your body through contaminated food or water and cause diarrhea. Common bacteria that cause diarrhea

The five basic assessment approaches in mental health are
Symptom, psychiatric evaluation, standardized testing, diagnostic, and crisis assessment.

Standardized testing, diagnostic, symptom, stress checklist, and behavioral assessment.

Diagnostic, standardized testing, symptom, psychological history, and crisis assessment.



c-Diagnostic,standardized tetsing

Mental health exists important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood.Option C.Diagnostic, standardized testing, symptom, psychological history, and crisis assessment.

What are the approaches in mental health?

Mental health contains our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It influences how we think, feel, and act. It also assists determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and create healthy choices. Mental health exists important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood.

The definition of diagnostic exists as something connected to the identification of a problem or disease. An example of a diagnostic test exists an emissions test on a car. An example of diagnostic exists as a symptom that is characteristic of a certain disease and that allows doctors to realize that illness.A standardized test exists as a test that stands administered and scored in a consistent, or "standard", manner. Standardized tests exist organized in such a way that the queries and interpretations exist consistently and stand administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner.A symptom exists as the subjective experience of a potential health issue, which cannot be regarded by a doctor.

A crisis assessment brings the form of an interview, which permits a counselor to become familiar with a patient's history of past crises, their frequency of them, and how they have influenced the individual's emotional or mental state. There exist three kinds of assessments that need to be performed in a crisis.

Hence, Option C.Diagnostic, standardized testing, symptom, psychological history, and crisis assessment.

To learn more about Approaches in mental health refer to:



A child of divorce may exhibit which of the following behaviors
A. Relieved
B. Guilty
C. Depression
D. All apply


d. all apply is correct

Option D. All apply are the reasons for a child of divorce.

What is child of divorce?

Children from divorced families may share more externalizing issues, such as conduct disorders, delinquency, and impulsive behavior than children from two-parent families. 7 In addition to increased behavior problems, kids may also experience more conflict with peers after a divorce.

Studies have demonstrated that children who experience divorce often have an increase in antisocial conduct, anxiety, and depression, along with improved delinquent and aggressive behavior.

Hence, Option D. All apply are the reasons for a child of divorce.

To learn more about child of divorce refer to:



a respiratory care therapist helps patients understand their ________



breathing or cardiopulmonary disorders


what is hepatitis and how to cure it?



To be simply put, you can get hepatitis from poisonous or contaminated food or liquid that can affect your body. It can inflame your liver, giving you hepatitis. There are several types of hepatitis caused from specific things and take different amounts of time to cure. If it is very bad, you may need a liver transplant (but remember this is only when it's very bad, and you don't handle it earlier)

After learning about our laws against smoking and drinking alcohol, write a one paragraph reaction with at least 5 sentences about the government’s ways to cease cigarette smoking in the country.
You can type in your reaction by clicking the 'add submission' tab and type your reaction.



they accept the 《vapotage》but no smock ing that have no sense .

Anyone know the answer?


The answer for the question would be choice D:


the answer should be A as it is the most formal and appropriate answer for this situation

Which of the following is not a function of protein?
A. Supplies the body with energy.
O B. Helps keep the body warm.
O C. Helps build and maintain muscles.
O D. Helps fight off infection.



The answer is option B on this question

Answer b is the correct answer for this question.

what does psychodynamic psychotherapy mean?


Psychodynamic psychotherapy or psychoanalytic psychotherapy is a form of depth psychology, the primary focus of which is to reveal the unconscious content of a client's psyche in an effort to alleviate psychic tension

A nanny or sitter hired to care for children in their home must follow health and safety guidelines set by CCR


the answer is true, if that’s what your looking for

what happens to the tsunami when it reaches the shore?​


the tsunami’s speed decreases and begins to become shallow, but the height of it begins to grow
What Happens When It Hits Land. A tsunami's trough, the low point beneath the wave's crest, often reaches shore first. When it does, it produces a vacuum effect that sucks coastal water seaward and exposes harbor and sea floors.

How does sugar in the blood get absorbed by our cell normally


It uses white blood cells

give two examples of social security​



-Any system by which a society or community provides for those of its members who may be in need

-is a monthly check received by a retired worker which is based on the age of the worker and the amount of money the worker has earned over their work history.


I hope it helps

Low-fat, low-cholesterol, and dairy-free diets are all diets that are necessary for
A. religious reasons
B. moral reasons
C. ethical reasons
D. health reasons


Yea it’s health reason so letter d I hope this help

Which of the following represents a time when a person would likely consult a company handbook ? a ) To find the company's mission statement or goals Ob ) To view a list of customers c ) To find all the company locations d ) To view their coworkers ' vacation requestso


I Think the answer is A (To find the company’s mission statement or goals .
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