A police officer investigating a car accident finds a skid mark of 115 ft in length.

How fast was the car going when the driver hit the brakes?
Round your answer to the nearest mile per hour.



Answer 1


Speed of car = 49 mph (Approx.)

Step-by-step explanation:


Length of skid marked = 115 ft

Formula for skid mark = S = √21d

Where d = Length of skid marked


Speed of car


Speed of car = √21d

Speed of car = √21(115)

Speed of car = √2,415

Speed of car = 49.1426

Speed of car = 49 mph (Approx.)

Related Questions

Use the method of cylindrical shells to write out an integral formula for the volume of the solid generated by rotating the region bounded by the curve y = 2x - x^2 and the line y = x about the y-axis.



The answer is "[tex]\frac{5\pi}{6}[/tex]"

Step-by-step explanation:

Please find the graph file.

[tex]h= y=2x-x^2\\\\r= x\\\\Area=2\pi\times r\times h\\\\= 2 \pi \times x \times (2x-x^2)\\\\= 2 \pi \times 2x^2-x^3\\\\volume \ V(x)=\int \ A(x)\ dx\\\\= \int^{x=1}_{x=0} 2\pi (2x^2-x^3)\ dx\\\\= 2\pi [(\frac{2x^3}{3}-\frac{x^4}{4})]^{1}_{0} \\\\= 2\pi [(\frac{2}{3}-\frac{1}{4})-(0-0)] \\\\= 2\pi \times \frac{5}{12}\\\\=\frac{5\pi}{6}\\\\[/tex]

In the figure, L1 || L2. 2x=174º. Find Za+Zb.


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

We assume you mean ...

  ∠x = 174°

Angle a is supplementary to angle x, so is ...

  ∠a = 180° -174° = 6°

Angle b is a vertical angle with respect to angle 'a', so is the same measure.

  ∠a +∠b = 6° +6° = 12°

I’m so confused. Need the help


1.621 kN

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the centerline of the canal be the x-axis. Because the forces exerted by the horses are symmetric to the centerline, only the x-components of these forces contribute to the resultant force on the barge, i.e., the y-components cancel out. Each x-component is equal to [tex]F_x = 839\cos 15[/tex] = 810.4 N. Therefore, the resultant force on the barge is twice this:

[tex]F_{net} = 2(839\:\text{N})\cos 15 = 1620.8\:\text{N}[/tex]

[tex]= 1.621\:\text{kN}[/tex]

Consider the sequence {an}={3n+13n−3n3n+1}. Graph this sequence and use your graph to help you answer the following questions.


Part 1: You can simplify [tex]a_n[/tex] to

[tex]\dfrac{3n+1}{3n}-\dfrac{3n}{3n+1} = \dfrac1{3n}+\dfrac1{3n+1}[/tex]

Presumably, the sequence starts at n = 1. It's easy to see that the sequence is strictly decreasing, since larger values of n make either fraction smaller.

(a) So, the sequence is bounded above by its first value,

[tex]|a_n| \le a_1 = \dfrac13+\dfrac14 = \boxed{\dfrac7{12}}[/tex]

(b) And because both fractions in [tex]a_n[/tex] converge to 0, while remaining positive for any natural number n, the sequence is bounded below by 0,

[tex]|a_n| \ge \boxed{0}[/tex]

(c) Finally, [tex]a_n[/tex] is bounded above and below, so it is a bounded sequence.

Part 2: Yes, [tex]a_n[/tex] is monotonic and strictly decreasing.

Part 3:

(a) I assume the choices are between convergent and divergent. Any monotonic and bounded sequence is convergent.

(b) Since [tex]a_n[/tex] is decreasing and bounded below by 0, its limit as n goes to infinity is 0.

Part 4:

(a) We have

[tex]\displaystyle \lim_{n\to\infty} \frac{10n^2+1}{n^2+n} = \lim_{n\to\infty}10+\frac1{n^2}}{1+\frac1n} = 10[/tex]

and the (-1)ⁿ makes this limit alternate between -10 and 10. So the sequence is bounded but clearly not monotonic, and hence divergent.

(b) Taking the limit gives

[tex]\displaystyle\lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{10n^3+1}{n^2+n} = \lim_{n\to\infty}\frac{10+\frac1{n^3}}{\frac1n+\frac1{n^2}} = \infty[/tex]

so the sequence is unbounded and divergent. It should also be easy to see or establish that the sequence is strictly increasing and thus monotonic.

For the next three, I'm guessing the options here are something to the effect of "does", "may", or "does not".

(c) may : the sequence in (a) demonstrates that a bounded sequence need not converge

(d) does not : a monotonic sequence has to be bounded in order to converge, otherwise it grows to ± infinity.

(e) does : this is true and is known as the monotone convergence theorem.

please answer all the questions and get 15 pts



Here you go

Ans is in pictures.

Diane bought new headphones originally listed for $70.99. They are 25% off. Which equation can be used to find the amount Diane will save?


Step-by-step explanation:

100% = $70.99

there is a discount of 25%.

that means 75% (100 - 25) of the original price remains.

the equation to get any x% amount of a 100% total is simply

x% amount = 100% total amount × x/100

25% = 70.99 × 25/100 = $17.75

Now suppose that not every player can play in every position. The outfielders (left field, center field, right field) can play any outfield position, the infielders (1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, short stop) can play any infield position, the pitchers can only pitch, and the catchers can only catch. Suppose a certain team has 20 players, of whom 3 are catchers, 4 are outfielders, 6 are infielders, and 7 are pitchers.
How many ways can the team assign field positions to 9 of the 19 players, putting each of the 9 selected players in a position he can play, and ensuring that all 9 field positions are filled?



The team can assign field positions to 9 of the 19 players in 181,440 different ways.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the outfielders (left field, center field, right field) can play any outfield position, the infielders (1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, short stop) can play any infield position, the pitchers can only pitch, and the catchers can only catch, supposing a certain team has 20 players, of whom 3 are catchers, 4 are outfielders, 6 are infielders, and 7 are pitchers, to determine how many ways can the team assign field positions to 9 of the 19 players, putting each of the 9 selected players in a position he can play, and ensuring that all 9 field positions are filled, the following calculation must be performed:

3 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 4 x 3 x 2 = X

21 x 30 x 12 x 24 = X

630 x 12 x 24 = X

181,440 = X

Therefore, the team can assign field positions to 9 of the 19 players in 181,440 different ways.

Do 8 plz find OS thanks​



OS = 10

Step-by-step explanation:

We can use a ratio to solve

QP     PR

-----  = ------

QO     OS

14          7

-----   = -------

14+6      OS

14          7

-----   = -------

20        OS

Using cross products

14 * OS = 7*20

14 OS = 140

Divide by 14

OS = 140/14

OS = 10

The answer above should be Cortes you

A kite is a quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent, congruent sides. The vertex angles are those angles in between the pairs of congruent sides. Prove the diagonal connecting these vertex angles is perpendicular to the diagonal connecting the non-vertex angles. Be sure to create and name the appropriate geometric figures. This figure does not need to be submitted.​


Try the answer vertex

a family has two children. what is the probability that both are girls, given that at least one is a boy


Answer: The probability would be zero

Step-by-step explanation:

There are two children and one is a boy, so the probability of both being girls is a zero

Describe how to transform the graph of f(x) = x2 to obtain the graph of the related function g(x).
Then draw the graph of g(x).

1. g(x) = f(x + 1)
2. g(x) = f(x) - 2

Please help i also need to graph


9514 1404 393


left 1 unitdown 2 units

Step-by-step explanation:

The transformation g(x) = f(x -h) +k is a translation of f(x) to the right by h units and up k units.

1. h = -1, so the graph of g(x) is the graph of f(x) shifted left 1 unit. (blue)


2. k = -2, so the graph of g(x) is the graph of f(x) shifted down 2 units. (green)

44 and 45 are alternate interior
angles. Find the measure of 44.
44 = [?]




Step-by-step explanation:

The opposite angles (115degree angle and angle 4) are equal.

Angle 3=65

Angle 4=115

Angle 5=115

Angle 6=65

Angle 7=65

Angle 8=115

Brainliest please~

X^2 + bx + 49 is a perfect squad trinomial what is one possible value of b?


a perfect square trinomial, (x + y)² = x² + 2xy + y²

so, if we have the x of the bx, what is left is the b

the expression would have to be (x + 7)², since we have the 49 and the x²

so, what's left: x² + 14x + 49,

b = 14

hope it helps :)

Find the value of x in each case:


9514 1404 393


  x = 36

Step-by-step explanation:

The interior angle at E is (180-2x). The interior angle at F is (180-4x). The sum of the interior angles of the triangle is 180, so we have ...

  (180 -2x) +x +(180 -4x) = 180

  180 = 5x . . . . . . add 5x-180 to both sides

  36 = x . . . . . . . divide by 5


Additional comment

This value of x makes the exterior angles at E and F be 72° and 144°, respectively. The internal angles at E, F, G are then 108°, 36°, 36°, making the triangle isosceles with EF = EG.

Michelin Tires would like to estimate the average tire life of its Latitude Tour tire in terms of howmany miles it lasts. Assume the standard deviation for the tire life of this particular brand is 6000miles. Determine the sample size needed to construct a 95% confidence interval with a margin oferror within 2000 miles.ShowWork:



6 samples

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :

Sample size, = n

Standard deviation, = 6000

Margin of Error = 2000

Confidence interval, α = 95%

Zcritical at 95% = 1.96

n = (Zcritical * σ) / margin of error

n = (1.96 * 6000) /2000

n = 11760 / 2000

n = 5.88

n = 6 samples


find the value of x​


[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]







It is given that,

→ 10(2x-3) = 10

Then find required value of x,

→ 10(2x-3) = 10

→ 20x-30 = 10

→ 20x = 10+30

→ 20x = 40

→ x = 40/20

→ [x = 2]

Hence, the value of x is 2.

Solve, expressing your answer in an exact form involving a natural logarithm and showing your steps: 3*e^1/2t+4=27



3 e^t/2 + 4 = 27

e^t/2 = 23 / 3

Taking natural log of both sides

t/2 = ln 23/3 = ln 7.667 = 2.037

t = 4.074


3 e^4.074/2 + 4 = 27

27 = 27

I don't get this question i need some help please!!!



2 sqrt(2) = x

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

sin theta = opp / hyp

sin 45 = x/4

4 sin 45 = x

4 ( sqrt(2)/2) =x

2 sqrt(2) = x

Answer: D

Use sine to find the x-value:

[tex]sin(45)=\frac{x}{4} \\\\4*sin(45)=x\\\\x=\frac{\sqrt{2} }{2} *4=2\sqrt{2}[/tex]  

Find two numbers that have 2, 5, and 7 as factors.​


Step-by-step explanation:

One easy way to find a number that has all of these numbers as factors is to multiply them all together, so 2 * 5 * 7 = 10 * 7 = 70, which is one number.

To find the other number, we can multiply the number we already have by any integer greater than 1, e.g. 2, to get 70* 2= 140 as our other number, making our numbers 70 and 140

If you were going to install a new window in your bathroom, what needs to be measured? What
else might you need to consider?


measure horizontally

measure vertically

measure depth..

Help please, thanks


Answer: B. X It passes the vertical line test :)

Step-by-step explanation:

I’m pretty sure it’s x

Solve for x Round to the nearest tenth one place after the decimal !



x = 14.4

Step-by-step explanation:

x is sin(angle 24/30)×24

how do we get the angle at 24/30 ?

by using the extended Pythagoras for baselines opposite other than 90 degrees.

c² = a² + b² - 2ab×cos(angle opposite of c)

in our example the angle 24/30 is opposite of the side 18.


18² = 24² + 30² - 2×24×30×cos(angle 24/30)

324 = 576 + 900 - 1440×cos(angle 24/30)

324 = 1476 - 1440×cos(angle 24/30)

1440×cos(angle 24/30) = 1152

cos(angle 24/30) = 1152/1440 = 576/720 = 288/360 = 144/180 = 72/90 = 36/45 = 12/15 = 4/5

angle 24/30 = 36.9 degrees

x = sin(36.9) × 24 = 14.4

The weight of bags of fertilizer is normally distributed with a mean of 50 pounds and standard deviation of 6 pounds. What is the probability that a bag of fertilizer will weigh:
a. Between 45 and 55 pounds?
b. At least 56 pounds?
c. At most 49 pound?



Following are the solution to the given points:

Step-by-step explanation:

Normal Distribution:

[tex]\mu=50\\\\\sigma= 6\\\\Z=\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma} \sim N(O,l)[/tex]

For point a:

[tex]P(X< 56)=\frac{(56-50)}{6}= \frac{6}{6}=1\\\\[/tex]

[tex]=P(Z<1)\ From\ \sigma \ Table=0.8413\\\\P(X>= 56)=(1-P(X< 56))=1-0.8413=0.1587\\\\[/tex]

For point b:

[tex]P(X< 49)=\frac{(49-50)}{6}=-\frac{1}{6} =-0.1667\\\\=P(Z<-0.1667)\ From\ \sigma \ Table\\\\=0.4338[/tex]

For point c:

To Find [tex]P(a\leq Z\leq b)= F(b) - F(a)\\\\[/tex]

[tex]P(X< 45)=\frac{(45-50)}{6}=\frac{-5}{6} =-0.8333\\\\P (Z<-0.8333) \ From \ \sigma \ Table\\\\=0.20233\\\\P(X< 55)=\frac{(55-50)}{6} =\frac{5}{6}=0.8333\\\\P ( Z< 0.8333) \ From \ \sigma\ Table\\\\=0.79767\\\\P(45 < X < 55) =0.79767-0.20233 =0.5953[/tex]

When the function f(x) = 4(2)x is changed to f(x) = 4(2)x − 13, what is the effect? (5 points)
Select one:
a. There is no change to the graph because the exponential portion of the function remains the same.
b. The x-intercept is 13 spaces higher.
c. The y-intercept is 13 spaces lower.
d. All input values are moved 13 spaces to the left.




If x = o then f(0) = 4(2) * 0 = 0

If f(x) = 4(2) 0 - 13

then f(x) = -13 at x = 0


it will indeed be c

Step-by-step explanation:


At a concession stand; three hot dogs and two hamburgers cost $9.75; two hot dogs and three hamburgers cost $10.25. Find the cost of one hot dog and the cost of one hamburger.


9514 1404 393


hot dog: $1.75hamburger: $2.25

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x and y represent the cost of a hot dog and a hamburger, respectively. The the two purchases can be described by ...

  3x +2y -9.75 = 0

  2x +3y -10.25 = 0

We can list the coefficients of these general-form equations in 2 rows, listing the first one again at the end:

  3, 2, -9.75, 3

  2, 3, -10.25, 2

Now, we can form differences of cross-products in adjacent pairs of columns:

  d1 = (3)(3) -(2)(2) = 9 -4 = 5

  d2 = (2)(-10.25) -(3)(-9.75) = -20.50 +29.25 = 8.75

  d3 = (-9.75)(2) -(-10.25)(3) = -19.50 +30.75 = 11.25

Then the solutions are found from ...

  1/d1 = x/d2 = y/d3

  x = d2/d1 = 8.75/5 = 1.75

  y = d3/d1 = 11.25/5 = 2.25

The cost of one hot dog is $1.75; the cost of one hamburger is $2.25.


Additional comment

This is my simplification of the "cross-multiplication method" of solving a pair of linear equations. That method can be found described on web sites and in videos. This version, and the versions described elsewhere, are variations on Cramer's Rule and on the Vedic Maths method of solving equations. Each of those do similar differences of cross products, perhaps in less-easily-remembered fashion.

For a given pair of columns with coefficients ...

  a b

  c d

The cross-product we form is ad -cb.





Solution given:





interchanging role of x and y






we conclude that


Each pair of function are not inverses.


let g(x)=y


interchanging role of x and y



doing crisscrossed multiplication






Each pair of function are not inverses.

If y is 2,851, 1% of Y is


Excellent question, but let's rephrase it.

Suppose you have a square of surface area of 2851.

What would be a hundredth of such square?

What would be surface area of that hundredth.

Why hundredth? Because percent denotes hundredths cent is a latin word for hundred. You would usually encounter similar word that describes 100 years: century.

Well it is actually very easy. Just divide 2851 into 100 pieces and look at what is the area of one piece.


So a single piece has an area of 258.1.

Hope this helps. :)

Please help! Identify the recursive formula for the sequence 20, 28, 36, 44, . . . .
Answers below in picture:


Option A

Answered by GauthMath if you like please click thanks and comment thanks

By examining past tournaments, it's possible to calculate the probability that a school wins their first game in the national college basketball tournament. Each school's rank going into the tournament is a strong indicator of their likelihood of winning their first game.

Find the linear regression equation that models this data.


The linear regression model which models the data is :

y = -6.41053X + 103.83509

Obtaining the regression equation could be performed using either the formula method or using technology (excel, calculator, online regression calculators )

Using technology :

• Enter the data into the columns provided ;

The regression equation obtained for the data is : y = -6.41053X + 103.83509

Where ;

Slope = -6.41053

Intercept = 103.83509

X = Rank

y = probability percentage

Hence, from the linear regression equation obtained, we could see that a negative linear relationship exists between rank and probability as implied from it's negative slope value.

Learn more on linear regression : https://brainly.com/question/12164389

Question 8 of 53
How much would $700 be worth after 8 years, if it were invested at 5%
interest compounded continuously? (Use the formula below and round your
answer to the nearest cent.)
A(t) = P•e^rt
A. $5887.12
B. $1044.28
C. $6432.11
D. $38,218.71


9514 1404 393


  B. $1044.28

Step-by-step explanation:

Putting the given numbers into the given formula, we have ...

  A(8) = $700•e^(0.05•8) ≈ $1044.28

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