A political party sends a mail survey to 1500 randomly selected registered voters in a community. The survey asks respondents to give an opinion about the job performance of the current President. Of the 1500 surveys sent out, 480 are returned, and of these, only 120 say they're satisfied with the President's job performance. The sample is the:


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

The sample is

A) the voters in his district.

B) the 1500 randomly selected voters receiving the questionnaire.

C) the 120 voters surveyed that are satisfied with the president's job performance.

D) the 480 surveys returned.

Related Questions

Need helppppp asappppppp




Step-by-step explanation:

because this is a parallelogram :

m<2 = m<4 so

4x - 22 = 3x - 12

4x - 3x = 22 - 12

x = 10 replace x with 10 in the equation for m<4

3x - 12 is 30 - 12 = 18

m<4 and m<1 are supplementary and their sum is equal to 180

m<4 + m<1 = 180

m<1 = 180 - 18

m<1 = 162

what is the difference of the fractions?
-2 1/2 - (-1 3/4)​




Step-by-step explanation:

First, let's convert the mixed numbers into improper fractions in an effort to make this problem easier to solve.

-2 1/2 as a mixed number is -5/2 and -1 3/4 as a mixed number is -7/4.

Our problem is now -5/2 - (-7/4).

We still can't solve this because the two fractions do not share a common denominator. 4 can serve as one, so -5/2 with a denominator of 4 would be -10/4.

The problem is now -10/4 - (-7/4).

Two negatives make a positive so the problem can be rewritten as -10/4 + 7/4. The final answer is -3/4.

if possible help me in this. I need to find the two odd numbers...​


Part (a)

Consecutive odd integers are integers that odd and they follow one right after another. If x is odd, then x+2 is the next odd integer

For example, if x = 7, then x+2 = 9 is right after.

Answer:  x+2


Part (b)

The consecutive odd integers we're dealing with are x and x+2.

Their squares are x^2 and (x+2)^2, and these squares add to 394.

Answer: x^2 + (x+2)^2 = 394


Part (c)

We'll solve the equation we just set up.

x^2 + (x+2)^2 = 394

x^2 + x^2 + 4x + 4 = 394

2x^2+4x+4-394 = 0

2x^2+4x-390 = 0

2(x^2 + 2x - 195) = 0

x^2 + 2x - 195 = 0

You could factor this, but the quadratic formula avoids trial and error.

Use a = 1, b = 2, c = -195 in the quadratic formula.

[tex]x = \frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}\\\\x = \frac{-(2)\pm\sqrt{(2)^2-4(1)(-195)}}{2(1)}\\\\x = \frac{-2\pm\sqrt{784}}{2}\\\\x = \frac{-2\pm28}{2}\\\\x = \frac{-2+28}{2} \ \text{ or } \ x = \frac{-2-28}{2}\\\\x = \frac{26}{2} \ \text{ or } \ x = \frac{-30}{2}\\\\x = 13 \ \text{ or } \ x = -15\\\\[/tex]

If x = 13, then x+2 = 13+2 = 15

Then note how x^2 + (x+2)^2 = 13^2 + 15^2 = 169 + 225 = 394

Or we could have x = -15 which leads to x+2 = -15+2 = -13

So, x^2 + (x+2)^2 = (-15)^2 + (-13)^2 = 225 + 169 = 394

We get the same thing either way.

Answer: Either 13, 15  or  -15, -13

which one is the right answers




Step-by-step explanation:

n is the number of litres.

if you substitute 1 for 'n' then you will get :

C = 8 + 1.5(1)

C = $9.5

$9.50 for every litre


C is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

The $8 charge is only once regardless of how many liters are ordered, so only answer C works.

Find the equation of the line:
through (5, -1) and (2, 2).



y = -x + 4

Step-by-step explanation:

(x₁,y₁)= (5, - 1)    & (x₂,y₂)= (2 , 2)

Slope = [tex]\frac{y_{2}-y_{1}}{x_{2}-x_{1}}[/tex]

         [tex]\frac{2-[-1]}{2-5}\\\\=\frac{2+1}{-3}\\\\=\frac{3}{-3}\\\\= -1[/tex]

m = -1

Equation of the line y - y₁ = m(x - x₁)

y  - [-1] = (-1)*(x - 5)

y + 1 = -x + 5      {-1 is distributed}

y = -x + 5 - 1

y = -x + 4

Which expressions are equivalent to
3(6+b) + 2b+1?
Select 2 answers.
Step 1 - Use the distributive property and pick your first
Step 2 - Combine like terms and pick your second


Step-by-step explanation:




Once we distribute 3(6+b), 18 + 3b + 2b + 1. Our first answer is B. Next, we can combine like terms. This gives us 5b + 19. The other answer is C.

PLEASE HELP QWQ AsAp with these 4 questions



Step-by-step explanation:

I can't believe I'm doing this for 5 points, but ok!

For the first 3, we are going to multiply to find the value of that 3 x 3 matrix by picking up the first 2 columns and plopping them down at the end and then multiplying through using the rules for multiplying matrices:

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccccc}7&4&6&7&4\\-4&8&9&-4&8\\1&8&7&1&8\end{array}\right][/tex]  and from there find the sum of the products of the main axes minus the sum of the products of the minor axes, as follows (I'm not going to state the process in the next 2 problems, so make sure you follow it here. This is called the determinate. The determinate is what you get when you evaluate or find the value of a matrix. Just so you know):

[tex](7*8*7)+(4*9*1)+(6*-4*8)-[(1*8*6)+(8*9*7)+(7*-4*4)][/tex] which gives us:

392 + 36 - 192 - [48 + 504 - 112] which simplifies to

236 - 440 which is -204

On to the second one:

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccccc}-8&-4&-1&-8&-4\\1&7&-3&1&7\\8&9&9&8&9\end{array}\right][/tex] and multiplying gives us

[tex](-8*7*9)+(-4*-3*8)+(-1*1*9)-[(8*7*-1)+(9*-3*-8)+(9*1*-4)][/tex] which gives us:

-504 + 96 - 9 - [-56 + 216 - 36] which simplifies to

-417 - 124 which is -541, choice c.

Now for the third one:

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{ccccc}-2&-2&-5&-2&-2\\2&7&-3&2&7\\8&9&9&8&9\end{array}\right][/tex] and multiplying gives us

[tex](-2*7*9)+(-2*-3*8)+(-5*2*9)-[(8*7*-5)+(9*-3*-2)+(9*2*-2)][/tex] which gives us:

[tex]-126+48-90-[-280+54-36][/tex] which simplifies to

-168 - (-262) which is 94, choice c again.

Now for the last one. I'll show you the set up for the matrix equation; I solved it using the inverse matrix. So I'll also show you the inverse and how I found it.

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{cc}-4&-5&\\-6&-8\\\end{array}\right][/tex] [tex]\left[\begin{array}{c}x\\y\\\end{array}\right][/tex] = [tex]\left[\begin{array}{c}-5\\-2\\\end{array}\right][/tex] and I found the inverse of the 2 x 2 matrix on the left.

Find the inverse by:

* finding the determinate

* putting the determinate under a 1

* multiply that by the "mixed up matrix (you'll see...)

First things first, the determinate:

|A| = (-4*-8) - (-6*-5) which simplifies to

|A| = 32 - 30 so

|A| = 2; now put that under a 1 and multiply it by the mixed up matrix. The mixed up matrix is shown in the next step:

[tex]\frac{1}{2}\left[\begin{array}{cc}-8&5\\6&-4\end{array}\right][/tex]  (to get the mixed up matrix, swap the positions of the numbers on the main axis and then change the signs of the numbers on the minor axis). Now we multiply in the 1/2 to get the inverse:

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{cc}-4&\frac{5}{2}\\3&-2\\\end{array}\right][/tex] Multiply that inverse by both sides of the equation. This inverse "undoes" the matrix that's already there (like dividing the matrix that's already there by itself) which leaves us with just the matrix of x and y. Multiply the inverse matrix by the solution matrix:

[tex]\left[\begin{array}{c}x&y\end{array}\right] =\left[\begin{array}{cc}-4&\frac{5}{2} \\3&-2\end{array}\right] *\left[\begin{array}{c}-5&-2\\\end{array}\right][/tex] and that right side multiplies out to

x = 20 - 5 which is

x = 15 and

y = -15 + 4 which is

y = -11

(It works, I checked it)

Given two consecutive integers whose sum is 92, find the larger of the two integers.


Maybe i can help u (x+2)





Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]y=2x^2-12x+19\\=2(x^2-6x)+19\\=2(x^2-2*3*x+9)+19-18\\=2(x-3)^2+1\\\\Vertex\ is\ (3,1)\\\\Axis\ of\ symmetry\ is\ x=3\\\\y-intercept\ is \\\\y=2(0-3)^2+1=19\\[/tex]

What are the domain and range of f(x) = |x + 6|? Domain: (negative infinity, infinity); range: f(x) > 0 domain: x < -6; range: (negative infinity, infinity) domain: x > -6; range: (negative infinity, infinity) domain: (negative infinity, infinity) ; range: f(x) < 0



Domain: [tex](-\infty,\infty)[/tex]

Range: [tex]f(x) \ge 0[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]f(x) = |x + 6|[/tex]


The domain and the range

First, we calculate the domain

[tex]f(x) = |x + 6|[/tex]

The above function does not have roots or fraction, where x is the denominator. This means that the domain is all real numbers, i.e. [tex](-\infty,\infty)[/tex]

The range

The function is an absolute function; So, the minimum value is 0.

Hence, the range is:

[tex]f(x) \ge 0[/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

on edge

Christa needs to make a painting for art class.
She can only choose two of the eight colors listed
in the table above. What is the probability the two
colors she chooses are green and purple?


Because it is a
1/8 she gets green and a 1/8 she gets purple after so u multiply and get 1/64

Rewrite in simplest terms (-9x-2y)+(4x-5y)



-5x - 7y

Step-by-step explanation:

-5x - 7y is the simplified answer to this question. Pls leave a thanks!

A lemonade recipe calls for 1/4 cups of lemon juice for every cup of water.

Plot the pairs in the table in a coordinate plane



they are in order cross x with the y across from it

Step-by-step explanation:

Brady scored a total of 320 points last season for his basketball team. This season, the team
added 2 extra games to the schedule. Brady thinks this will allow him to increase the total
number of points he scores by 5%. How many points is Brady expecting to score this season?

a. 336
b. 325
c. 304
d. 16


Brady is expecting 325 points this season.

Please Help and thank you so much!!


The probably of getting prime is 50%=0.5=1/2

A circle has a radius of 8cm. An angle of 1.4 radians is subtended at the center by an arc. Calculate the length of the arc



11.2 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that;

Arc Length Formula (if θ is in radians): l = ϴ × r

ϴ = angle subtended in radians

r= radius of the circle

l = 8cm × 1.4 radians

l= 11.2 cm

What is the volume of this figure?


Step-by-step explanation:

3 x 3 x 3 = 27

2 x 2 x 2 = 8

6 x 10 x 2 = 120


If f(x)=5x-3 find x=2



Answer: A. 7


Here, we need to understand the idea of evaluation.  

When encountering questions that gave you an expression with variables, then stated: "If x = a, y = b, z = c" (a, b, c are all constants), this means you should substitute the value given for each variable back to the expression.


Given Information

f(x) = 5x - 3

x = 2

Substitute the value into the function

f(2) = 5 (2) - 3

f(2) = 10 - 3

f(2) = 7

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

A set of composite number less than 12.Express it in listing and set-builder methods


composite numbers less than 12={1,3,4,6,8,9,10}

What is the image of the point (-1,3) after a rotation of 270° counterclockwise
about the origin?




Step-by-step explanation:

The image of the point (-1,3) after a rotation of 270° counterclockwise about the origin is (3, -1).

The given coordinate point is (-1, 3).

What is a rotation of 270° counterclockwise about the origin?

When rotating a point 270 degrees counterclockwise about the origin our point A(x, y) becomes A'(y,-x). This means, we switch x and y and make x negative.

The point (-1, 3) is rotated 270° counterclockwise about the origin becomes (3, -1).

Therefore, the image of the point (-1,3) after a rotation of 270° counterclockwise about the origin is (3, -1).

To learn more about the rotation of 270° counterclockwise visit:



Help is greatly appreciated:)


well there are 6 units down and 11 units across so 6•11=66. there are 14 red units. 66-14=52. the area of yellow is 52.

plz do this all plz ​



I don't know search it up I picked B

okay it's 5 and I'm

Miguel can use all or part of his $25 gift card to make a music purchase. Each song costs $1.50, and there is a $1.00 per account activation fee.

Which inequalities can represent this situation if m is the number of songs he can buy? Select two options.
1 + 1.5 m less-than-or-equal-to 25



A, E or 1, 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Its not A, D

Which of the following is equivalent to the logarithmic equation below
In x= 4



The answer for this question is C

the length of a rectangle pools 15m greater than its width. what is the length if the perimeter of the pool is 96m



31.5 m

Step-by-step explanation:

Let w represent the width of the pool.

Since the length is 15 m greater than the width, it can be represented by w + 15.

Use the perimeter formula, p = 2l + 2w. Plug in the perimeter, and w + 15 as l into the formula:

p = 2l + 2w

96 = 2(w + 15) + 2w

96 = 2w + 30 + 2w

96 = 4w + 30

66 = 4w

16.5 = w

So, the width of the pool is 16.5 m. Add 15 to this to find the length:

16.5 + 15

= 31.5

The length of the pool is 31.5 m


Let the width be w

Length = w + 15


Perimeter = 2(l + w)

96 = 2(w + 15 + w)

96/2 = w + 15 + w

48 = 2w + 15

48 - 15 = 2w

33 = 2w

33/2 = w

16.5 = w


Length = w + 15

Length = 16.5 + 15

Length = 31.5 m

[tex] \\ [/tex]

what is the greatest common factor of the number and denominator of the rational expression below?



x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{5x+10}{x^2 -x-6}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{5(x+2)}{(x-3)(x+2)}[/tex]

GCF ( 5x + 10, x² - x - 6) = x + 2

Step-by-step explanation:

5(x+2)/(x+2)(x-3)= 5/(x-3)

GCF: x+2

A line passes through the point (8,9) and has a slope of 3/4

What is the equation in slope intercept form for this line


Answer: [tex]y=\frac{3}{4}x+3[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope-intercept form is y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept. Since we are given slope, we can plug that into m, and use the given point to find the y-intercept.

[tex]y=\frac{3}{4}x+b[/tex]          [plug in (8,9)]

[tex]9=\frac{3}{4}(8)+b[/tex]       [multiply]

[tex]9=6+b[/tex]            [subtract both sides by 6]


Now that we have b, we can complete the equation to [tex]y=\frac{3}{4}x+3[/tex].




We have, sinx+sin3x+sin5x=0











Either sin3x=0 or 2cos2x+1=0

i.e. sin3x=0 or cos2x=−



Now, cos2x=−cos









∴sin3x=0 or cos2x=cos


3x=nπ,n∈Z or 2x=2mπ±


where m∈Z

Hence, x=


or x=mπ±



, where n,m∈Z.

What is the area of the triangle?



Where is the picture of the triangle?

Can someone please help me!


Answer: Pretty sure that it's y=-5/3x+8

Step-by-step explanation: Since the slope-intercept form is y=mx+b with b as the y-intercept and m as the slope. b would be 8 since that's where the line intercepts the y-axis and the slope is -5/3 (negative bc the line is slanted down)


y = - [tex]\frac{8}{5}[/tex] x + 8

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

Calculate the slope m using the slope formula

m = [tex]\frac{y_{2}-y_{1} }{x_{2}-x_{1} }[/tex]

with (x₁, y₁ ) = (0, 8) and (x₂, y₂ ) = (5, 0 ) ← 2 points on the line

m = [tex]\frac{0-8}{5-0}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{-8}{5}[/tex] = - [tex]\frac{8}{5}[/tex]

The line crosses the y- axis at (0, 8 ) ⇒ c = 8

y = - [tex]\frac{8}{5}[/tex] x + 8 ← equation of line

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