A. Saquen una hoja de papel.
B. Siéntense, por favor.
C. Repitan, por favor.
D. ¡Silencio, por favor!
E. Levántense, por favor.
What do these mean? I know what Por Favor and Silencio but the rest I don't


Answer 1
Sit up please is the last one
Answer 2


A. Saquen una hoja de papel. = Take out a sheet of paper.

B. Siéntense, por favor. = Sit down, please.

C. Repitan, por favor. = Repeat, please.

D. ¡Silencio, por favor! = Silence, please!

E. Levántense, por favor. = Get up, please.

Related Questions

EASY SPANISH LOTS OF POINTS!!When strong vowels are preceded and followed by weak vowels, they are called

Group of answer choices









Dipht ong.


Diphth ong: A diphth ong is the union of two vowels, one weak and one strong. The strong vowels are a, e, o; and weak vowels are i, u

Analiza la siguiente estrofa: “Uno no escoge el país donde nace; pero ama el país donde ha nacido".


“Uno no escoge el país donde nace; pero ama el país donde ha nacido".

Quiere decir que nosotros nacemos en un país, pero no tenemos opción para elegir a donde nacer. Pero si tenemos opción de que país amar y adorar por sus culturas, creencias o monumentos.


imaginemos q vivimos juntos, comiencen a hacer quejas xd



WEYYYY... lava el plato


Sabemos que o “y” mais conhecido como grego i e também é usado apenas entre dezenas e unidades, ou seja, de 31 a 99, por exemplo: No ano 2021 (dois mil vinte e um) não usamos “ y ”, pois não está entre 31 a 99, já no ano de 2035 usamos“ e ”: dois mil trinta e cinco. Nesse sentido, o “Y” é …………….: Marque a opção correta.



this is Portuguese not Spanish :(


ZlQuién lo hace?
Leer Completa las oraciones con el pronombre de objeto directo para describir
cómo se prepara la familia Ramos. (Complete using direct object pronouns.)
modelo: En el verano vamos a Costa Rica. Mis abuelos invitan.
Mis abuelos nos invitan.
1. Hablo en español con mis abuelos. Ellos entienden muy bien.
2. Mis papás no compran los boletos. Mis abuelos. compran.
3. Hacemos cuatro maletas para la familia. Elena y yo hacemos.
4. Elena tiene el traje de baño en su mochila. No pone en la maleta.
5. El agente de viajes va a preparar nuestro itinerario. El agente llama
por teléfono porque tiene unas preguntas.
6. Yo no puedo encontrar mi pasaporte. Busco por todo mi cuarto y —
encuentro debajo de la cama.
7. Tomamos un taxi al aeropuerto. Mi madre____ llama un día antes.
8. Esta es mi dirección electrónica. Te
—anoto en este papel.
Comparación cultural
Surcando aires (2002),
Adrian Gómez
Pura vida
¿Cómo refleja (reflect) el arte la vida (life) y los valores (values) de
un país? Un tema frecuente del artista Adrian Gómez son los niños


Te dejo las respuestas en la imagen adjunta. espero te ayuden en algo ;v

The form GUSTAN is used with ________.



The form "Gustan" is used with Ellos/Ellas/Uds because it's plural.

plural subject or forms


it is used with the sentence irrespective of the indirect object in plural form or subject

h(4)= -16(4)^2+68t+2


Answer:18                                                                                                       Explanation: im sorry if im wrong but good luck                                                                    t=h over 17 + 127 over 34

What pronoun should I use if there's two different gender?


there are 3 pronouns for people

In Spanish "ellos" is used to refer to the two genders.

Other Questions
Calculate the mass of 1 molecule of water with step How did growers in the South attempt to rebuild their cotton market? Produced more cotton Raised the price of cotton Hired more laborers Sold their land Fill in the correct word: yet, just ,ever ,before, already, nevere.g., Have you ever been to New York? 16 I am not going on vacation until August, but I have ............... bought a swimsuit.17 Have you done your homework? No, not............... .18 You should ............... be late for class.19 Ive ............... had lunch, so I cant go swimming now.20 I love reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory although Ive read it many times............... D Complete the sentences with gone or been.e.g., Sues not here. She has gone to the supermarket. 21 My sister has ............... to Spain twice. 22 Mike and Garry have ............... to Boston for the day. 23 I have never ............... to South America before. 24 Mom has ............... shopping. Shell be back this afternoon. 25 Mr. Smith is tired. He has ............... to the airport and back twice this morning.E Put the verbs in parentheses in the present perfect, present perfect progressive, or thesimple past.e.g., He hasnt read (read) the new Harry Potter book yet.26 I ................... (not/see) Trevor for ages.27 Daniel and I ......... (stay) home last night.28 She ......... (sing) the same song for hours.29 Greg ............................... (just/finish)eating his lunch.30 We ............ (wait) for you for two hours. A wheelbarrow of mass 20 kg accelerates from rest and reaches speed of 10m/S2 in 5 seconds.its force? Which of theseexpressions isused only in Spain?A. Felicidades!B. Buen trabajo!C. En hora buena! An angle measures 85.2 less than the measure of its complementary angle. What is the measure of each angle? Let x be the first factor in an expression in scientific notation describe the possible values of x What is the product of (7/8 ) (-16) (-7) (-1/14) A . -7B . - 9/16C . -1/7 D . 23/12 Correct my work please!the question states: Answer the following in complete sentences in Spanish. Use a long form of the possessive adjective in your response.i guess i was not using the long form of the possessive adjective in my responses, please reword my answer to contain the lon form of the possessive adjective :) thanks!here are the questions with my answersConduces tu carro? No, no conduzco mi coche.Caminas con tu perro? S, camino con mi perro.Canta tu cancin favorita? S, canto mi cancin favorita.ALL OF THE ANSWERS ARE INCORRECT please help me thanks :)) Write dialogue between two friends about the ongoing situation of education due to the pandemic. I need the answers my today thank you pls and can you screenshot and write it for me pls DF= 78, DE = 5x -9, EF = 2x + 10, find DE. Please help i will give extra points Lee la lectura.Decide si es una ventaja o una desventaja. Tom drives at a steady speed covering 1 mile every minute. He comes to asection of road where the speed limit is 50 mph.Is he over the speed limit? Give a reason for your answer. abc is a triangle in which ab=5cm, ca=13cm and bc=12 cm. calculate sina, cosc, tana, cotc, seea and cosec What is the solution to this equation?4(4x + 1) = 3x - 46 - x) + 8 help asap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hannah but 3.4 pounds of apples she paid $.89 per pound how much did Hana pay for apples Why were lands not granted to nobles in the same geographical location?