A security operations team was alerted to abnormal DNS activity coming from a user's machine. The team performed a forensic investigation and discovered a host had been compromised. Malicious code was using DNS as a tunnel to extract data from the client machine, which had been leaked and transferred to an unsecure public Internet site. Which of the following BEST describes the attack?
A. Phishing
B. Pharming
C. Cache poisoning
D. Data exfiltration


Answer 1


D. Data exfiltration


Data theft can be defined as a cyber attack which typically involves an unauthorized access to a user's data with the sole intention to use for fraudulent purposes or illegal operations. There are several methods used by cyber criminals or hackers to obtain user data and these includes DDOS attack, SQL injection, man in the middle, phishing, sniffing, data exfiltration, etc.

The type of attack in this scenario is best described as data exfiltration.

Data exfiltration can be defined as a form of data security breach that typically involves an unauthorized transfer of data from a host computer by using a malware and a malicious code.

Hence, data exfiltration occurs when a malicious code uses a domain name server (DNS) as a tunnel to extract data from an end user's computer (client machine) and transferring it to an unsecure public Internet site.

Related Questions

Why are programming languages like Java and Python ideal for rapid development?


Because Java, as well as Python, are high-level programs that don't need generating or parsing, they are perfect for quick development. This implies that engineers can code a program without testing it first and then publishing it.

What are programming languages?

A method of nomenclature for creating software applications is known as a computer program. The majority of formal programming are text-based, though they can also be graphical.

A substantial rise in the use of Python for machine learning and data analysis supports its status as the programming with the biggest growth. Python is a programming language with dynamic typing, while Java is a structured query and compiler language. Java is faster at play and simpler to debug thanks to this one difference, while Python is simpler to utilize and read.

Learn more about programming languages, Here:



Guys can anyone tell me answer from this photo Get Branilliest



1. A computer itself

2.I don't no

Selena owns a bakery. She wants to compare the number of pies, cookies, cakes, and brownies that she sells in one month. Which charts are appropriate for this task? Check all that apply.


Column, line, bar, and possibly pie.


Column, Bar, And Pie


got it right

2. Give technical terms for
a) A feature which computer never gets tired.
b) A memory to be used on fifth generation of computer.
c) Computer that used continues data
. d) An illegal activity that harms people by using computer.
e) A machine developed by Charles Babbage in 1833AD. ​




write the function of storage unit​



A storage device is any type of computing hardware that is used for storing, porting or extracting data files and objects. Storage devices can hold and store information both temporarily and permanently. They may be internal or external to a computer, server or computing device.

please mark me as brainliest

Write the contribution of Charles Babbage in the history of computer.​



The main contributions of Charles Babbage are;

1 ) He invented difference engine and analytical engine.

2) He gave basic concept of of mathematics in his analytical engine.

3) He also keep the concept of using binary digits in his machine.

4) He had led to the the foundation of modern computer in his analytical engine including the concept of of input, processing and output

Hope it helps.... :)

Define Data communication​



Data transmission and data reception is the transfer and reception of data over a point-to-point or point-to-multipoint communication channel. Examples of such channels are copper wires, optical fibers, wireless communication channels, storage media and computer buses. 

are the exchange of data between two devices For data communications to occur, the communicating devices must be part of a communication system made up of a combination of hardware

Rachel is a junior system administrator for a network with a single Active Directory domain. The network has just expanded to include an additional subnet. Rachel has installed a new server running Windows Server 2016 on the new subnet and configure it as a DHCP server. When she checks the server icon in the DHCP Management console, she notices the server has a down icon. The DHCP server service has started, but the server does not respond to DHCP lease requests. What should Rachel do to solve the problem


Answer: Ask a member of the Enterprise Admins group to authorize the server.


From the information given, we are informed that Rachel installed a new server running Windows Server 2016 on the new subnet and configure it as a DHCP server but then realizes that the DHCP server service has started, but that the server does not respond to DHCP lease requests.

In this case, the reason for this can be attributed to the fact that the server hasn't been authorized, therefore, she can ask a member of the Enterprise Admins group to authorize the server.

Binary 10110 into oct & hex Binary 10001 into oct & hex with full process​



yes binary 10001into oct hex with full process.

which are the four different methods of formatting text in libreoffice writer​



The Text Formatting Bar that is displayed when the cursor is in a text object, such as a text frame or a drawing object, contains formatting and alignment commands.

if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest.

how is internet connection made possible.​



To connect to the Internet and other computers on a network, a computer must have a NIC (network interface card) installed. A network cable plugged into the NIC on one end and plugged into a cable modem, DSL modem, router, or switch can allow a computer to access the Internet and connect to other computers.

Which three pieces of information must you include in a project goals document? (Choose 3)
A) Target audience
B) Project deadline
C) Project purpose
D) Color palette
E) Hero image



A) Target audience

B) Project deadline

C) Project purpose


The project goals document outlines the scope of the project, detailing what the project entails to everyone that is to work on the project such that the objectives to focused on, the tasks to be completed, the timeline and deadline of the project, the project participants, and audiences are known or understood, thereby placing everyone in the project team on track

The three pieces of information that must be included in a project are therefore; the target audience of the document, the deadline of the project, clearly stated, and the purpose of the project; what the project is going to accomplish

The three pieces of information you must include in a project goals document are:

A) Target audience B) Project deadline C) Project purpose  

According to the given question, we are asked to show the  three pieces of information you must include in a project goals document and why they are important when making a project goal.

As a result of this, we can see when making a project goals document, it is important to include the target audience, project deadline and the project purpose because it gives the project a clear objective and deadline which can be achieved.

Read more here:


Which information is required when designing a field? check all that apply.




dimensions or calculation

What are the advantages of Radio waves over micro waves?​



radio frequencies can penetrate deeply into the material and thus heat thick products. They heat more slowly than microwaves and thus make it possible to treat more delicate products which require a slower heating.

can you fart and burp at the same time?



Yes you can


Although farting and burping at the same time is a very rare phenomenon, it’s very possible. When this happens at the same time it is usually called a Furp.

This occurrence usually happens when there’s a lot of intake of foods which have a large percentage of gas . These gases often need to be expelled through processes such as burping and farting.

Hey, um guys help me as my laptop will not turn off properly as whenever i turn it off, it will turn back on by me pressing a key please help!!! URGENT!!!



hold the power key until you restart.


You are the IT Director for Stormwind training studios. Your company has decided to start using Microsoft Intune for all of their software deployments. You want to set up a notification system so that you see all alerts and your IT Manager only gets notified for Critical alerts. How do you accomplish this



Well, if the IT Manager gets only critical alerts on a phone, then the IT Manager has to go to settings and make sure to have all alerts on.  


The IT Manager, probably has his notifications, critical alerts, on only. So the IT Manager should have his notifications to ALL. Where he will be able to see all of the alerts.

The "muscles" of a computer are called the Central Processing Unit (CPU).
O True
O False





what is the right thing to do when you spot fake news​



to tell the truth


l mean there is no reason to keep it secret

what allows an individual or company to share a post with an audience however they are designed to be used with mobile devices and limit the size of posts





The sending of messages via the Internet is known as e-mail. It is one of the most often utilised functionalities for sending text, files, pictures, and other attachments across a communications network.

A podcast lets a person or corporation to share articles with an audience, but it is geared for usage on mobile devices and has a capacity restriction.

What defines interactive media? The user must play a role in writing the content of the media. The user must do something that determines what happens next. The user must help design the overall look and feel of the presentation. The user must provide feedback after using the media.



What Is Interactive Media?

Interactive media is a method of communication in which the program's outputs depend on the user's inputs, and the user's inputs, in turn, affect the program's outputs. Simply put, it refers to the different ways in which people process and share information, or how they communicate with one another. Interactive media allows people to connect with others—whether that's people or organizations—making them active participants in the media they consume


The user must do something that determines what happens next.

It is B.

Tables should be used when (a) the reader need not refer to specific numerical values. (b) the reader need not make precise comparisons between different values and not just relative comparisons. (c) the values being displayed have different units or very different magnitudes. (d) the reader need not differentiate the columns and rows.


Answer: (c) the values being displayed have different units or very different magnitudes


A table is refered to as an arrangement of data in rows and columns. Tables are used in research, communication, and data analysis.

Tables are used in the organization of data which are too complicated or detailed to describe and the use of table give a clearer description. Tables should be used when the values being displayed have different units or very different magnitudes. Tables can also be used in highlighting patterns or trends.

(e) Give the output of the following:
String n="Computer Knowledge";
String m = "Computer Applications";



Computer Applications



Computer Applications



What happens when you drag a file from the Documents folder on the hard drive to the Pictures folder on the hard drive?



The file changes its location within your hard drive while the file itself remains unchanged


The file's location will change from C:\Users\username\Documents to


Select each procedure that will keep the computer safe and working properly. the correct answers are A, D, E
i just took it!

Gently type on the keyboard.

Download software from the Internet without permission.

Turn the power off on the computer before shutting down.

Wash your hands thoroughly before using the computer.

Set your water bottle on a table that is away from hardware.
Select each procedure that will keep the computer safe and working properly.

Gently type on the keyboard.

Download software from the Internet without permission.

Turn the power off on the computer before shutting down.

Wash your hands thoroughly before using the computer.

Set your water bottle on a table that is away from hardware.



Wash your hands thoroughly before using the computer.

Gently type on the keyboard.

Set your water bottle on a table that is away from hardware.


write an algorithm and draw a flowchart for switching off a machine after it has made 500 glass bottles. use an appropriate conditional statement for this



The algorithm is as follows:

1. Start

2. bottles = 0

3. While bottles != 500

  3.1 Create bottle

  3.2 bottle = bottle + 1

4. Switch off machine

5. Stop

See attachment for flowchart


This begins the algorithm

1. Start

This initializes bottles to 0

2. bottles = 0

The loop is repeated until 500 bottles is created

3. While bottles != 500

This creates a new bottle

  3.1 Create bottle

This increments the number of bottles by 1

  3.2 bottle = bottle + 1

This switches of the machine after all bottles are created

4. Switch off machine

End algorithm

5. Stop

plz help me I need help​




because it was used for the local people to have a fast calculation skill. An abacus is a manual aid to calculating that consists of beads or disks that can be moved up and down on a series of sticks or strings within a usually wooden frame. The abacus itself doesn't calculate; it's simply a device for helping a human being to calculate by remembering what has been counted.

How should you behave in an online academic environment?



as u want lol

I think it's funny


Maintain discipline

Ask questions

Try not to crack jokes

dress smartly

be friendly

don't underestimate anyone each person have their own unique skills

You install Windows 10 on a new computer. You update the video card driver and restart the computer. When you start the computer, the screen flickers and then goes blank. You restart the computer and receive the same result. You need to configure the video card driver. What should you do first


First, you need to cut off power to the PSUHit the switch on the back of the PC to turn off supply to the PSU. Extract the side panel (usually held on by two screws on the rear)If you do not already have a GPU installed, skip to Step 7.

3. Remove the screws holding the GPU in on the rear bracket. ...

4. Unlock the PCI-e slot clip.

5. Remove the GPU by lightly pulling on the card.

6. Hover the GPU over PCI-e slot.

7. Push down on the GPU to slide the connector into the slot.

8. Ensure the secure lock clicks into place.

9. Screw the rear bracket down to secure the card to the chassis.

10. Connect any required PSU cables.

11. Reattach the side panel,

Now, all you need to do is to plug in the display connectors on the rear of the case, whether they're DisplayPort, HDMI, DVI, or VGA. After that, hit the PSU power switch and boot up Windows. If the PC does not turn on or no signals get sent to the monitor, we'll need to double-check that all cables are connected correctly (both inside and on the rear of the PC), and the GPU is seated properly in the PCIe slot.

It is the way to convey a message,an idea,a picture,or speech that is received and understood clearly and correctly by the person for whom it is sent.​





Communication can be defined as a process which typically involves the transfer of information from one person (sender) to another (recipient), through the use of semiotics, symbols and signs that are mutually understood by both parties.

In this context, communication is the way to convey a message, an idea, a picture, or speech that is received and understood clearly and correctly by the person for whom it is sent.​

Generally, the linear model of communication comprises of four (4) main components and these are;

1. Sender (S): this is typically the source of information (message) or the originator of a message that is being sent to a receiver. Thus, they are simply the producer of a message.

2. Channel (C): this is the medium used by the sender for the dissemination or transmission of the message to the recipient. For example, telephone, television, radio, newspapers, billboards etc.

3. Message (M): this is the information or data that is being sent to a recipient by a sender. It could be in the form of a video, audio, text message etc.

4. Receiver (R): this is typically the destination of information (message) or the recipient of a message that is being sent from a sender.

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