A sexually active woman with multiple partners presents with a 2-day history of red swollen left knee. On examination there is tenderness and decreased range of motion. There is no history of trauma, no affectation of other joints, and she has inflamed right achillis tendon. The most likely diagnosis is ____________.


Answer 1
Tendinitis would be my answer I am pretty sure it’s right
Answer 2



The most likely diagnosis is septic arthritis

Related Questions

Which of the following is a way to positively encourage those around you to make healthy choices?

A. You decide to try out for the cheerleading squad and try to convince a friend of yours to join as well, arguing it will make her more popular.
B. You encourage one of your friends to change up her wardrobe a bit, since classmates make fun of her for what she wears.
C. You invite a new classmate, who hasn't made many friends yet, to join you and your peers one afternoon at the mall.
D. You point out to a friend of yours that a sip or two of alcohol once in a while isn't really going to hurt him and that he should give it a try.​


The answer is A because it is

Which statement best describes why colleges like to see students involved in extracurricular activities? Extracurricular activities show that a student is an active well-rounded individual. Colleges are not concerned with extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activities show colleges a student's academic abilities. Extracurricular activities illustrate college readiness.



Extracurricular activities show that a student is an active well-rounded individual.


Colleges need students who show a good example to everyone else.

What is the difference between a complete and incomplete protein? Give examples of two vegetarian sources of protein that are either complete, or
could make a complete protein



The correct answer is - incomplete proteins do not include all essential amino acids.


Proteins can be either complete proteins or incomplete proteins, complete proteins have all the essential amino acids required for our body whereas incomplete protein does not include all essential amino acids.

Animal-based proteins are generally known as complete proteins such as meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, and cheese. Quinoa and soy are two vegetarian sources of complete proteins as these are plant-based proteins.

PLEEAAASSSEE!!! It's important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to interview someone please answer the following questions in the picture. Please only answer if you're in college and older than 19. For the last question, my age is 14. so how has the world changed since you were 14? It is veryyy important!!!!!!



My full name is dipo 14th unforgotten

I was born in nigeria

I was a scientist  before i decided to come and apply for this job

I just went to the place that needed a job as a scientist and i had the best application

I loved it,becoming a scientist has been my dream job since i was a nine year old

I got paid one hundred thousand naira per month,i am severely rich.

My most memorable event as a teenager was staying in college and hanging out with my new friends.

My parents and i did not go to church  because me and my family were muslims

I dont really have a favorite president from my country but my favorite president is really Abraham Lincoln.

The world was really different,it was hard to communicate and find information and  learn,so my own past was really way more different than your present,well i hope i am actually able to help you with this job i am applying for

Explanation:These are the answer's to all your questions


My full name is dipo 14th unforgotten

I was born in nigeria

I was a scientist  before i decided to come and apply for this job

I just went to the place that needed a job as a scientist and i had the best application

I loved it,becoming a scientist has been my dream job since i was a nine year old

I got paid one hundred thousand naira per month,i am severely rich.

My most memorable event as a teenager was staying in college and hanging out with my new friends.

My parents and i did not go to church  because me and my family were muslims

I dont really have a favorite president from my country but my favorite president is really Abraham Lincoln.

The world was really different,it was hard to communicate and find information and  learn,so my own past was really way more different than your present,well i hope i am actually able to help you with this job i am applying for


Search the internet for one positive and one negative example of health and fitness advertisements. Reflect on each example by completing the chart below:
What is the ad selling? What is the message?
Advertising Technique
Explanation of Impact
This ad is selling Medishakes and shows a picture of the shake with statistics
Scientific Evidence
By stating that “7 out of 10 doctors recommend MediShake for optimum health,” this ad convinces the buyer that this product is backed up by scientific facts.
Positive Example
Negative Example



The positive and negative advertisement may be backed by use of scientific facts.


Ad selling is the process of selling advertisement  by the company for platforms such as tv, radio and internet. The message they want to give is related to the use and benefits of the products and services. Targeting and segmentation techniques is used for ad selling. Such as ad selling by the company named Med shakes which gives a picture of shake which is beneficial and optimal for ideal health. The and tries to convince the buyer to buy to products as conveys its genuine and is backed by scientific facts. Show the positive side. While the same ad may be considered to have side effects for some people.

What are three advantages of digital X-rays over film X-rays?

A. They offer enhanced brightness
B. They are less expensive
C. More images can be taken as needed
D. They do not use radiation


A, B, C are the correct answers

can anyone please help me ​


I can’t see the photo right

Which community health resource can best meet the needs of a person with chronic migraines?



nurse practitioner


A nurse practitioner is a health care professional with advanced training and education that earned either a Master's of Science in Nursing or a Doctor of Nursing Practice. A nurse practitioner is a licensed clinician who has more authority than a registered nurse and similar responsibilities to that of a doctor. Nurse practitioners are highly trained and they are qualified to order tests as well as diagnose (and assess) the patients. Some of the most important duties of a nurse practitioner include 1-obtain and maintain patient records, 2-provide health care to the patients, 3-order diagnostic tests, 4-prescribe medications/treatments and 5-analyze medical results.

interrelationship between health population and environment in the term of political aspect explain in long


Yes, the heathland pop and environment is three Erin

In the Book of Psalms, David was in constant communion with God. What can we learn from David being real and transparent with God?


Always be honest with other regardless of the outcome.

What is a sign that a person may need for a mental disorder?
A. Becoming dark or moody
B. Spending more time listening to music
C. Becoming interested in different activities at school
D. Experiencing sudden changes in interests or hobbies



i think A im sorry if its wrong


a- becoming dark or moody

If a 500 kg load is to be lifted with a 100N effort using a first class lever at what distance from the fulcrum must the effort be aaplied when the load is 20cm away from the fulcrum​



Hey there!

According to the question;

Load (l) = 500 kg

Effort (e) = 100 N

Load distance (ld) = 20cm

Effort distance (ed) = ?

According to the principal of lever;


500*20 = 100*ED

ED = (500*20)/100

Therefore, the Effort must be applied at 100 cm.

Hope it helps!

Which is the primary sex characteristic caused by the female reproductive
hormones? *


Yes, hormones are the answer.
Yes hormones are the correct answer

Abstinence help you avoid unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and infections true or false?





Abstinence is defined as abstaining (refraining) from have sex at all. This is the safest form of sexual protection (100% effective) because you aren't having sex.

Therefore, if you are practicing abstinence, then you are not having sex and therefore will help you avoid unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and infections (STDs/STIs).

Topic: Health

ang mga 5. Leg curl-up- kaliwa, kanan, palikod, paharap ACTIVITY NO. 1 Humanap ng musikang patutugtugin. Mag-choreograph ng isang maikling dance routine. (isang minuto) Gamiting pamantayan ang rubrik sa ibaba. I-video ito at isend sa iyong guro. DANCE PERFORMANCE SCORE CARD PAMANTAYAN ISKOR Koryograpiya at pagmalikhain - 30% Pagkakamemorya ng sayaw 35% Tsempo sa oras at koordinasyon 35% 72​






yeah the question makes no sense


Some athletes choose to use supplements and performance-enhancing drugs in hopes of gaining an edge over their opponents. Research and describe at least three risks of using anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs. Complete the chart with your findings. Tell me about 1 drug, alcohol, and tobacco. This is the chart: Risk Description Link to Source Risk Description Link to Source Risk Description Link to Source



ome athletes take a form of steroids — known as anabolic-androgenic steroids or just anabolic steroids — to increase their muscle mass and strength. The main anabolic steroid hormone produced by your body is testosterone.

Testosterone has two main effects on your body:

Anabolic effects promote muscle building.

Androgenic effects are responsible for male traits, such as facial hair and a deeper voice.

Some athletes take straight testosterone to boost their performance. The anabolic steroids used by athletes are often synthetic modifications of testosterone.

These hormones have approved medical uses. But improving athletic performance isn't one of them.

Why are these drugs so appealing to athletes? Besides making muscles bigger, anabolic steroids may reduce the muscle damage that occurs during a hard workout, helping athletes recover from the session more quickly and enabling them to work out harder and more frequently. Some athletes, as well as nonathletes, may like the muscular appearance they get when they take the drugs.

which of these is a noncommunicable disease


Diabetes this is because it is a chronic condition which occurs when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it does produce

Describe an approach to treating obesity in teens.



here are a few


Prioritize fruits and vegetables.

Limit sweetened beverages.

Avoid fast food.

Sit down together for family meals.

Serve appropriate portion sizes.

Cut out any junk food or unhealthy food out of your day, stop eating when it’s not necessary, go outside and be active, work out here and there and drink plenty of water

Which tools would be most beneficial to you and your family to gather information in preparation for an
emergency in the future?




it is the main key

Davis has played Baseball his whole life and wanted to make the high school Baseball team. He was cut during tryouts and was emotionally distraught. He has played Tennis with his family for fun and they often said he was really good at Tennis. He decides to try out for the Tennis team instead. What characteristics of mental and emotional health did he rely on to recover from this bad Baseball experience?



The desire to carry on, a want to do things, enjoyment in playing tennis.

He rely on:-

The ability to learn. The ability to feel.Express and manage a range of positive and negative emotionsThe ability to form and maintain good relationships with others.

Why emotional healthy is important?Emotional health is an important part of overall health. People who are emotionally healthy are in control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.They're able to cope with life's challenges. They can keep problems in perspective and bounce back from setbacks.

To know more about emotional health here



hello guys can yall help me, please


the answer would be C , hope this helps
The answer is C because a little chiñd has a small heart and small organs so thats why it is C.

Hope this helpd :))

Which treatment would be most appropriate for a person with a long history of serious drug abuse? A. Drug counseling B. Maintenance therapy C. A stay at a therapeutic community D. Medication therapy


C. A stay at a therapeutic community

What is the difference between a vegan vegetarian and an ovo-lacto vegetarian? Explain how you can get all of your needs met on a vegetarian diet
and give tivo reasons why people may choose this lifestyle


Answer: See explanation


Vegetarianism is the act of non-consumption of meat. A Vegan vegetarian refers to a vegetarian who who avoid doesn't eat all animal as well as animal-derived products such as egg, milk etc. On the other hand, an ovo-lacto vegetarian refers to the vegetarian who

eats animal products, like eggs and dairy.

Some if the reasons why people become vegetarians are due to religious beliefs, health related issues such as reduction in cancer and blood pressure, parental preferences. Also, many people become vegetarian due to concerns with the way that animals are treated.

When you work in an organization, it is important to understand the organization's structure, culture, and policies. This can make a big difference to whether you are happy or not. Interview any adult you know about their job. Ask the person questions related to their job. Find out whether the person likes his or her job, why he or she is still working at the same organization, and if the person would recommend the organization to others. Write a paragraph on your findings.



Employees are happier in their jobs when they have friends at work. It means their job is more fun, enjoyable, and worthwhile. Having friendships at work is about more than just having fun, though, it's about pulling together over a common cause and having a sense of purposeGreat employees stay because giving up that something special is giving up too much. Work has purpose and meaning: There are long-term employees that stay simply because they're comfortable. Great employees have unique talents; they want to excel and succeed by doing work that has purpose and meaning


I hope it helped

hey buddy can u do a favor to me

if u don't mind ......plz subscribe to my UTube channel - gtron9528


Sample answer


I interviewed my aunt, who works at Triple J Productions. She has been working there for 20 years. When she started out, the company offered voluntary monthly trainings for employees looking to advance. The company had a family picnic every summer for employees and their families. The company was very honest, cared about its employees, customers, etc. Three years ago, the CEO passed away. His son took over the company. Now, they do not have any company picnics. Training has stopped and the company often outsources jobs to employees who will work for low salaries. She is now quite unhappy at the company, but feels that she has invested too much time in it to go somewhere else. Ten years ago, she would have said it is a great place to work. Today, she feels that the company's common practices are sneaky and underhanded and their main motivation is money.

What is the main difference between health-related fitness and performance-related fitness?



Health-related fitness focuses on strength-training activities, while performance-related fitness focuses on cardio activities.



Health related fitness relates to an individual who is health conscious especially the way they look , feel .They ensure that they don't contract terminal illnesses and diseases so they exercise regularly but not as much as a person who does it for their career examples include athletes and football players who have to always keep fit and have good balance and a good diet to ensure they can perform well and to their full potential.

is it okay for a 14-year-old to weigh 120 pounds


It’s perfectly normal for a 14-year old to weight 120 pounds. As a 16 year old myself, I weight 125 at 5 feet! :)

Imagine that you're eating a 16-inch pepperoni pizza with your friends. It's so good that you've had four slices and washed
that down with a 16-ounce soda. Guess the nutritional value of your four-slice pizza and 16-ounce soda meal.
Once you've made an educated guess, you're going to don your sleuthing hat and figure out the actual nutritional value.
Go to your favorite pizza place's Web site or select a popular site that shows its nutritional values. Calculate how much of
you ate and compare it to at least two similar meals, which you will also calculate. Your response must include:


I would download my fitness pal and calculate the four slices of pizza and 16 ounce soda. The app is free

The ________ controls functions like breathing, which has led to a number of opioid-related deaths when disrupted.

frontal lobe
limbic system
spinal cord​



The brainstem


The brain stem is the correct answer because the brain stem is in charge of  all the functions in your body.

Recyclable plastic products will have the following code molded into the bottom:
Letter A
Letter B
Letter C
Letter R, for recycle!


C is the answer that question the molding is there it’s c


Pregnant woman can benefit from a folic acid supplement.
True or False?


It’s true because whenn the baby is developing early during pregnancy, folic acid helps form the neural tube.




Folic Acid supplements can help prevent birth effects on specific areas for the babe, hence the brain and spinal cord

Other Questions
Of the choices below, select the one that accurately pairs the feature with the type of plate boundary at which it occurs. a. Accretionary prisms occur at divergent boundaries. b. Black smokers occur at consuming boundaries. c. Median valleys occur at transform boundaries. d. Trenches occur at subduction zones. Pls help!!! I will mark you as brainliest if you answer the question!!PLS GUYS!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!! Different vinegars can be 5-20% acetic acid solutions and have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. If a person takes 2.0 tablespoons of vinegar a day and the Molarity of the vinegar is .84 M, then how many grams of acetic acid (HC2H3O2) will be consumed? 1 Tablespoon is 15 mL. .013 g.026 g.76 g1.5 g If DF =61 and EF = 18 find DE Nixon refers to which man minority in his speech 1. Examine the final lines of the poem: Thus, though we cannot make our sun/ Stand still, yet we will make him run. Write the Roman numeral CLXXIX in standard form. A friend of yours wants to take up a new sport to get fit and meet new people, but she hasn't got much time.Talk together about the different activities she could do Find the length of y. Assume the triangles are similar.\A. 3.6B. 3.2C. 3.9D. 3.4 PLEASE I REALLY CAN'T THINK OF ANYTHING ELSE list 2 differences between y = sin x and y = cos x After school, Carlos helps his mom at her cake shop, Love and Lace Cakes. Today, he is helping her bake a 3-layer wedding cake. Each layer will be 2 1/2 inches tall and shaped like a rectangular prism. The bottom layer will be 12 inches long and 10 inches wide. The middle layer will be 10 inches long and 8 inches wide. The top layer will be 8 inches long and 6 inches wide. What will the total volume of the wedding cake be?PLZ HURRY WILL MARK BRAINLIEST A firm sells its product in a perfectly competitive market where other firms charge a price of $110 per unit. The firm estimates its total costs as C(Q) = 70 + 14Q + 2Q2. a. How much output should the firm produce in the short run? how to boost my low end pc its freezing and rendomply black screen coming? What type of cells are produced duringmeiosis?A. asexual cellsB. diploid cellsC. division cellsD. haploid cells HELP PLSSS. Combine these radicals. - 12sqrt(12) - 2sqrt(3) O - 50sqrt(3); - 22sqrt(3); - 26sqrt(3); - 10sqrt(12) HELP ASAP!! Image point N'(12, -6) was dilated from the pre-image point N(4, -2). What was the scale factor used?A. 1/3B. 3 c. 1/4D. 4 Format wars, in the context of high-technology industries, refer to: a. battles to control the source of differentiation, and thus the value that such differentiation can create for the customer. b. the confusion among customers that arises as a result of several choices of formats for PCs and other gadgets. c. the price-based battles in the network of complementary products, which is a primary determinant of the demand for an industry's product. d. conflicts within an organization about which format to adopt for their products. e. price-based battles among companies producing similar products. write 5 functions of high court of nepal evaluate the following 3^2 divided by (2+1) A Circuit has a 5000 V power supply(AC), A load resistance of 4 ohms and open switch how much Current will flow in a circuit as it is ?