A single die is rolled twice. The 36​ equally-likely outcomes are shown to the right. Find the probability of getting two numbers whose sum is 10 .


Answer 1


The probability of getting two numbers whose sum is 10 is 25%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that a single die is rolled twice, and there are 36 equally-likely outcomes, to find the probability of getting two numbers whose sum is 10 the following calculation must be performed:

1 = +9

2 = +8

3 = +7

4 = +6

5 = +5

6 = +4

7 = +3

8 = +2

9 = +1

9/36 = 0.25

Therefore, the probability of getting two numbers whose sum is 10 is 25%.

Related Questions

When a < 0 in the quadratic function y = ax2 + bx + C, the graph of the quadratic function opens _____?




Step-by-step explanation:

Given the quadratic function in standard form

y = ax² + bx + c ( a ≠ 0 )

• If a > 0 then the graph opens upwards

• If a < 0 then the graph opens downwards

Find f(5) for f(x) = 6 (3)





f=3 2/5

p and q are two numbers.whrite down an expression of. a.) the sum of p and q. b) the product of p and q​


It’s b, if we increase the air pressure in that ballon then it’s normal pressure will decrease making it fall to the ground

The value of a car will “depreciate” over time. For example, a car that was worth $24 000 when it was new, is being sold for $13 500 three years later. Determine the annual depreciation rate on this car. Express your final answer as a percent, rounded to one decimal place.



The car will depreciate at a rate of 21.14% per year.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that the value of a car will “depreciate” over time, and, for example, a car that was worth $ 24,000 when it was new, is being sold for $ 13,500 three years later, to determine the annual depreciation rate on this car the following calculation must be performed:

13,500 x (1 + X) ^ 1x3 = 24,000

13,500 x (1 + 0.2114) ^ 3 = 24,000

X = 21.14%

Therefore, the car will depreciate at a rate of 21.14% per year.

Does anyone know which is bigger for a poster Size: 22.375" x 34" or Size: 14.725" x 22.375"



22.375" × 34" is the bigger size for a poster

please show steps in solving: B/3 + B/4 + B/6 =



= 3b/4

Step-by-step explanation:

= b . 4/12 + b . 3/12 + b . 2/12

Apply the fraction rule: a/c + b/c = a + b/c

= b . 4 + b . 3 + b . 2/12

= 4b + 3b + 2b/12

Add similar elements: 4b + 3b + 2b = 9b

= 9b/12

Cancel 9b/12: 3b/4

= 3b/4

Complete this
sentence: The shortest side
of a triangle is always opposite the
A. longest side
B. angle with the smallest measure
• C. second-longest side

D. angle with the greatest measure




Step-by-step explanation:

The shortest side of a triangle is opposite the smallest angle

The longest side of a triangle is opposite the largest angle



9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The selling price of £42 is (1 +40%) times the total purchase price.

  1.40 × purchase price = £42

  purchase price = £42/1.40 = £30

The total profit is 40% of this, so is ...

  £30 × 40% = £12

The purchase price of the skirt is ...

  total cost - glove cost = skirt cost = £30 -3 = £27

The profit on the skirt is ...

  total profit - glove profit = skirt profit = £12 -100% × £3 = £9

Then the percentage profit on the skirt is ...

  skirt profit % = skirt profit / skirt cost × 100% = £9/£27 × 100% = 33.3%

The percentage profit on the cost of the skirt was 33.3%.

in a group of boys the number of arrangments of boys 4 boys is 12 times the number of arrangment of 2 boys the number of boys in the group is​




Step-by-step explanation:

it will be the right answer


There are 6 boys in group.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since we have given that

Number of arrangement of 4 boys = 12 times the number of arrangement of 2 boys.

So, Let the number of boys in the group be 'x'.

So, Number of boys in the group will be

\begin{gathered}x=\frac{12\times 2}{4}\\\\x=\frac{24}{4}\\\\x=6\end{gathered}








Hence, there are 6 boys in the group.

hope it helps you a follow would be appreciated

find the result when six times the difference of 5 and 3 is added to the quotient of 12 by 3.with process​


6 x 2 + 4
The answer is 16

A set of solar batteries is used in a research satellite. The satellite can run on only one battery, but it runs best if more than one battery is used. The variance σ2 of lifetimes of these batteries affects the useful lifetime of the satellite before it goes dead. If the variance is too small, all the batteries will tend to die at once. Why? If the variance is too large, the batteries are simply not dependable. Why? Engineers have determined that a variance of σ2 = 23 months (squared) is most desirable for these batteries. A random sample of 30 batteries gave a sample variance of 16.3 months (squared). Using a 0.05 level of significance, test the claim that σ2 = 23 against the claim that σ2 is different from 23.



Hence, we reject H_0 as There  is sufficient evidence to show that population variance is not 23

Step-by-step explanation:

From the question we are told that:

Sample size [tex]n=30[/tex]

Variance [tex]\sigma= 16.8[/tex]

Significance Level [tex]\alpha=0.05[/tex]

[tex]\sigma = 23[/tex]

Genet=rally the Hypothesis are as follows

Null [tex]H_0=\sigma^2=23[/tex]

Alternative [tex]H_a=\sigma^2 \neq 23[/tex]

Generally the equation for Chi distribution t is mathematically given by

t test statistics





Critical Value




[tex]P_{\alpha,df}=16.0471 and 45.7223[/tex]


Hence, we reject H_0 as There  is sufficient evidence to show that population variance is not 23

A finance journal, which publishes research on current financial topics, states that the maturity term for a certificate of deposit is, on average, 10 years. A banker believes the average maturity term at their bank is different than the amount quoted in the finance journal. After completing a study, the banker found that the average maturity term for a certificate of deposit is 8 years, on average.

As the banker sets up a hypothesis test to determine if their belief is correct, what is the banker's claim?



Following are the solution to the given question:

Step-by-step explanation:

In this the hypothesis is:


The bankers assert that their bank's average maturity was distinct from that of ten years, that's why the hypothesis of the alternative.

simplify. can someone help i am lost


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The inverse function of fun(x) is indicated using a -1 exponent. That is ...

  [tex]\text{fun}(\text{fun}^{-1}(x)) = x\\\text{fun}^{-1}(\text{fun}(x)) = x[/tex]

The usual trig identities apply:

  sin²(x) +cos²(x) = 1

  sec²(x) -tan²(x) = 1

  sin(x) = 1/csc(x)


So, the expression simplifies to ...


x -3,4,11,18 y -3,1,5,9
Is the relationship linear, exponential, or neither?
Choose 1 answer:


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The points all lie on a straight line. The relationship is linear.

The side lengths of a triangle are 5,10, and 13. Is this a right Triangle?


No because 5^2 +10^2 is not equavalent to 13^2

by using the pythagoras' theorem

Determine the time necessary for P dollars to double when it is invested at interest rate r compounded annually, monthly, daily, and continuously. (Round your answers to two decimal places) r=8%​


9514 1404 393


annually: 9.01 yearsmonthly: 8.69 yearsdaily: 8.67 yearscontinuously: 8.66 years

Step-by-step explanation:

For interest compounded in discrete intervals, the formula is ...

  A = P(1 +r/n)^(nt)

We want to find t for P=1 and A=2, so we have ...

  2 = (1 +r/n)^(nt)

  ln(2) = nt·ln(1+r/n)

  t = ln(2)/(n·ln(1+r/n))

A table of values for r=0.08 is attached.


For continuous compounding, the formula is ...

  A = Pe^(rt)

  t = ln(A/P)/r = ln(2)/0.08 ≈ 8.66434 . . . . years


annually: 9.01 yearsmonthly: 8.69 yearsdaily: 8.67 yearscontinuously: 8.66 years

If land the domain of the following peicewise function f(x)={x^2 +2 if -6



? what is this question asking

Step-by-step explanation:

Consider the lists of length six made with the symbols P, R, O, F, S, where repetition is allowed. (For example, the following is such a list: (P,R,O,O,F,S).) How many such lists can be made if the list must end in an S and the symbol O is used more than once?




Step-by-step explanation:

COMBINATIONS & PERMUTATIONS can be confusing but they always have a solution.

Key 1:  Understand and/or rewrite the question

Consider the lists of 6 items (out of the 5 letters P,R,O,F, and S; where O is used twice).

NOTE: When they say O is used more than once, don't forget that each list must not exceed 6 items in total. So, O is used twice. Simple!

How many such lists can be made if each list must end in an S?

NOTE: This instruction requires that S doesn't move. It won't change position, and it won't be involved in the rearrangement!

Key 2:  Solve the mysteries

Now, S won't move and O is doubled. These rules put a form of restriction on the "n" which is the total number of items involved in the operation. We are supposed to create lists of 6 items but the reality is - only 5 are moving. Recall also that the original number of items involved in the operation is 5.

In this case, n = 5

Then we have 4 items rotating - P, R, O and F - with 1 repeated.

What this means is that for every list starting with the first O, the different arrangements apply to the second O as well.

There is no distinction such as O₁ and O₂. O is O!

Let k = the extra O

(n - k)  =  5 - 1  = 4

So each of these 4 letters has 4! (4 factorial) arrangements, that is (4 x 3 x 2 x 1) = 24 arrangements

Multiply 24 by 4 to get 96

6. A boy pushes his little brother in a box with a force of 500 N for 324 m How much work is this if the force of
friction acting on the sliding box is (a) 100 N (6) 250. N?



(a) 129600 J

(b) 81000 J

Step-by-step explanation:

The work done is given by the product of force and the displacement in the direction of force.

Force, F = 500 N

distance, d = 324 m

(a) friction force, f = 100 N

The work done is

W = (F - f) x d

W = (500 - 100) x 324

W = 129600 J

(b) Friction, f = 250 N

The work done is

W = (F - f) d

W = (500 - 250) x 324

W = 81000 J

find the area of the figure sides meet at right angles 8 cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 9cm​



umm is it a quadrilateral

Step-by-step explanation:


if it's 8cm, 3m, 4cm, 5cm, and 9cm it's probably a quadrilateral



9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

AB is 1 unit long.

A'B' is 3 units long.

The scale factor is the ratio of these lengths:

  scale factor = A'B'/AB = 3/1 = 3

ABC is dilated by a factor of 3 to get A'B'C'.

What is the derivative of x^2?



[tex]\displaystyle \frac{d}{dx}[x^2] = 2x[/tex]

General Formulas and Concepts:



DerivativesDerivative Notation

Basic Power Rule:

f(x) = cxⁿf’(x) = c·nxⁿ⁻¹

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


[tex]\displaystyle y = x^2[/tex]

Step 2: Differentiate

Basic Power Rule:                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = 2x^{2 - 1}[/tex]Simplify:                                                                                                         [tex]\displaystyle \frac{dy}{dx} = 2x[/tex]

Topic: AP Calculus AB/BC (Calculus I/I + II)

Unit: Differentiation

(2/3)x-1=27/8,find x



x = 105/16

Step-by-step explanation:

2/3x - 1 = 27/8

Add 1 to each side

2/3x - 1+1 = 27/8+1

2/3x = 27/8 + 8/8

2/3x = 35/8

Multiply each side by 3/2

3/2 * 2/3x = 35/8 *3/2

x = 105/16

In a large sample of customer accounts, a utility company determined that the average number of days between when a bill was sent out and when the payment was made is with a standard deviation of days. Assume the data to be approximately bell-shaped.

a. Between what two values will approximately 68% of the numbers of days be?
b. Estimate the percentage of customer accounts for which the number of days is between 18 and 46.
c. Estimate the percentage of customer accounts for which the number of days is between 11 and 53.


the answer is c.
that’s what i put

find the missing side lengths​



x = 11 * sqrt(3)

y = 11

Step-by-step explanation:

Use the ratio of the lengths of the sides of a 30-60-90 triangle.

y = 22/2 = 11

x = 11 * sqrt(3)

Answer: x = 11√3

y = 11

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the reference angle be 60

b = y

h = 22

p = x


sin60 = p/h

[tex]\sqrt{3} /2[/tex] = x/22

so x =( 22[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex] )/ 2

so x = 11√3


[tex]h^2 = p^2 + b^2\\22^2 = (11\sqrt{3)}^2 + b^2\\or, 484 = 363 + b^2\\or, 484-363 = b^2\\or, 121 = b^2\\or, \sqrt{121} = b\\so b = 11[/tex]

Tim took a random survey of 20 sixth graders and 20 eighth graders. He asked how many hours a week each played sports. His data is shown in the two dot plots below.

What is the difference between the median number of hours that 6 graders play sports and the median number of hours that 8 graders play sports?


Answer: 4 hours

Step-by-step explanation:

The median number is always in the middle the other numbers have to be equal on both sides 5 is the middle number on the plot 6th graders have 4 dots and 8th graders have 0 dots which means the hourly difference is 4

The average cost when producing x items is found by dividing the cost function, C(x), by the number of items,x. When is the average cost less than 100, given the cost function is C(x)= 20x+160?
A) ( 2, infinit)
B) (0,2)
C) (-infinit,0) U (2,infinit)
D) (- infinit,0] U [2,infinit)


9514 1404 393


  A)  (2, ∞) . . . . or C) (-∞, 0) ∪ (2, ∞) if you don't think about it

Step-by-step explanation:

We want ...

  C(x)/x < 100

  (20x +160)/x < 100

  20 +160/x < 100 . . . . . separate the terms on the left

  160/x < 80 . . . . . . . subtract 20

  160/80 < x . . . . . multiply by x/80 . . . . . assumes x > 0

  x > 2 . . . . . . simplify

In interval notation this is (2, ∞).   matches choice A


Technically (mathematically), we also have ...

  160/80 > x . . . . and x < 0

which simplifies to x < 0, or the interval (-∞, 0).

If we include this solution, then choice C is the correct one.


Comment on the solution

Since we are using x to count physical items, we want to assume that the practical domain of C(x) is whole numbers, where x ≥ 0, so this second interval is not in the domain of C(x). That is, the average cost of a negative number of items is meaningless.

At the gas station, each liter of gas costs $3 but there's a promotion that for every beverage you purchase you save $0.20 on gas.


I want to know too ...and it’s urgent

Marnie just finished setting herself up at a cozy spot at the airport. Her laptop is ready, phone within reach, and her papers are organized, but now, she's hungry. What should she do? a) Take her phone and laptop with her to get something to eat b) Leave her stuff, but get a snack really quickly O c) Put her coat over her laptop to hide it and go get a snack O d) Ask the person next to her to watch her stuff


Answer: Choice A)

Take her phone and laptop with her to get something to eat



It's always a good idea to keep a close watch on your stuff in a public place like an airport. This is for 2 reasons:

You don't want your stuff stolen and/or damagedYou don't want anyone to mistake your stuff for a security threat (unfortunately we are in the age of post 9/11 where such a thing is a valid concern)

So that's why choice A is the best answer here.

Choice B and C are bad ideas, because of the items mentioned above. Choice D could work but Marnie would have to trust that stranger, which may be a very bad idea. Ideally the stranger would be trustworthy, but there's no way of her knowing for sure. So it's better to go on the side of caution and rule out choice D.

Which of the following functions is graphed below?


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Step-by-step explanation:

The linear portion of the curve is in the region x ≥ 2. The only function defined that way is the one in choice D.

Other Questions
Assume Sheryl Jenkins wants to accumulate $ 13,241.39 in two years. She currently has $ 10,621.36 to invest. What interest rate must she earn on her investment (that is, if she deposits $ 10,621.36 today) to have $ 13,241.39 exactly two years from today? What do you say after you eat in Japanese A nanny or sitter hired to care for children in their home must follow health and safety guidelines set by CCR Why would an author write a story in the second person Find the slope of the line passing through the points D (10, 8) and E (-4,4) Find the perimeter and area of a square with sides 6 inches in length. Which of the following is NOT equivalent to 22/7? a) 2 + 8/7b) 1 + 15/7 c) 3 (7/1) + 1/7d) 3 (7/7) + 1/7 Choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence.I love to playOA.dominosB.dominoesOC.domino's I do not like to drive in heavy traffic. I do not like to drive during snow storms. Which of the following is equal to square root symbol 94 a single piece of sod is typically rectangular in shape and measures 46 cm wide and 1.5 m long. Assuming that you can cut the sod, how many pieces of sod would be required to cover the following lawn? Translate to Spanish.1. Dont worry. For sure the sun will come up tomorrow.2. Ill do it as soon as possible. Thank you so much thank yall An athlete is training really hard and becomes dizzy and feels ill and weak. What could be the cause of this weakness, in relation to cellular respiration? According to Saldana (2001) in social work perhaps the most important component in developing cultural competence is? What are Visual elements of design?What are principles of design?What color Properties there are?What is Linear perspective?What is Atmospheric perspective?What is Isometric Perspective?What is Balance?What is Focal Point?What is Unity and Variety?What is Rhythm? Fidelity Investments is selling a real estate income mutual fund for $10.94 per share. The fund charges a load of 2.5%. What is the offer price? What was the common belief of theGhazi warriors? What are the types of statistical series on the basis of general characteristics? Convert the following into frequency series:8 students get less than 4 marks12 students get less than 8 marks25 students get less than 12 marks30 students get less than 16 marks37 students get less than 20 marks Ron deposits $2,000 into an account that receives 3.1% interest compounded continuously. How much money is in the account after 9 years?A.) $2,623.70B.) $2,632.44C.) $2,643.61D.) $2,605.83