A sinusoidal graph has a maximum at the point (–40, 3) and a midline of y = – 12. Determine the amplitude of the graph.


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

The amplitude of y=sin(x) is 1 with a maximum of y=1 and a minimum of y=-1. It's amplitude is 1 because that is the distance the max( y=1 )is from the mid line (y=0) or the distance the min( y=-1 ) is from the mid line (y=0).

So we just need to find the distance the mid line, y=-12, and the max,y= 3, is from each other.


Answer 2
The amplitude of y=sin(x) is 1 with a maximum of y=1 and minimum of y=-1.It’s amplitude is 1 because that is the distance the max (y=1)is from the mid line (y=0)or the distance the min (y=-1) is from the mid line (y=0).

Related Questions



Answer: 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

On side of the smaller quadrilateral is 8, the same side on the larger one is 24. 8 times 3 is 24. So the scale factor from the smaller to the larger is 1/3.



Step-by-step explanation:

similar means all sides are proportinal, in this case one side is 3x bigger in the 2nd figure, so the same must be true of the other fig.

a car gets 27 miles per gallon in the city and 35 miles per gallon on the highway. what range of miles can the car travel on 3 gallons of gas​


The answer is 81 < < 105

Explanation: Since the car gets 27 mpg in the city and gets 35 mpg on the highway, you can set it up in the inequality 27 < < 35 and this represents the range a car can drive for 1 gallon, so to find the range for 3 gallons, you multiply this inequality by 3.


Then you can insert the numbers into the inequality to get 81<<105.

Evaluate Equation Below
Please help!



2nd answer

Step-by-step explanation:






Answer: -2

Step-by-step explanation:

Replacing x for -1 would make the equation [tex]4(-1^3)+2[/tex]. Knowing PEMDAS, we know that the parentheses goes first. [tex]-1^3[/tex] means that we need to multiply -1 by itself 3 times ([tex]-1*-1*-1[/tex],  * equals "times"). [tex]-1*-1=1[/tex] so [tex]1*-1=-1[/tex]. Now our equation is [tex]4(-1)+2[/tex].    [tex]4*-1=-1[/tex] and -4 + 2 = -2. Hope this explanation helps :)

Dilbert invests a total of $26,000 in two accounts paying 14% and 2% annual interest, respectively. How much was invested in each account if, after one year, the total interest was $2,560.00



$17,000 at 14% and $9,000 at 2%

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x = amount invested at 14%.

Let y = amount invested at 2%.

x + y = 26000

0.14x + 0.02y = 2560

     -0.02x - 0.02y = -520

(+)    0.14x + 0.02y = 2560


       0.12x              = 2040

x = 17,000

x + y = 26000

17000 + y = 26000

y = 9000

Answer: $17,000 at 14% and $9,000 at 2%

Your answer should be a polynomial in standard form.



-p^4 + 4p^3 - 5p^2 + 8p - 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Distribute the -p^2 to the p^2 and the 2. Then distribute the 4p to the p^2 and the 2. Then distribute the -3 to the p^2 and the 2.

When we expand:

-p^4 - 2p^2

+ 4p^3 + 8p

-3p^2 - 6

Group, ordering from highest to lowest "degree" (exponent).

-p^4 + 4p^3 - 2p^2 - 3p^2 + 8p - 6

Combine like terms.

-p^4 + 4p^3 - 5p^2 + 8p - 6

1.Find x,y and z in the figure. 2. find the x and y in the figure ​


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x+2x+90=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3x+90=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3x=180-90[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 3x=90[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{90}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=30[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x=2y[/tex](Opposite interior angles)

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 2y=30[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{30}{2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto y=15[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto x+z=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto z+30=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto z=180-30[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto z=150[/tex]


Figure 1

Straight angle is 180°:

2x + 90° + x = 180° ⇒ 3x = 90° ⇒ x = 30°

Alternate interior angles are congruent:

2y = x ⇒ 2y = 30° ⇒ y = 15°

Consecutive interior angles are supplementary:

x + z = 180° ⇒ z = 180° - 30° ⇒ z = 150°Figure 2

Alternate interior angles:

3x = 5x - 20° ⇒ 2x = 20° ⇒ x = 10°

Sum of interior angles of a triangle:

2y + 4y + 5x - 20 = 180° ⇒ 6y + 5*10° = 200° ⇒ 6y = 150° ⇒ y = 25°

Solve the problem below where X=4 3X+7=


X = 4×3 X + 7


X = 12 X + 7

Forma alternativa

-11 X - 7 = 0

X = -7/11

Answer: 19

Explanation: 3 x 4 + 7 = 19

I don’t really understand this…
Calculate MU/P
Compare MUx with MUy
Choose highest MU
Continue until you spend all of your money



In the real world, a consumer may purchase more then one commodity. Let us assume that a consumer purchases two goods X and Y. How does a consumer spend his fixed money income in purchasing two goods so as to maximize his total utility? The law of equi­-marginal utility tells us the way how a consumer maximizes his total utilit

Please help its urgent:

11. A fish tank has dimensions 3 feet by
2 feet by 1.5 feet. Two feet is the
height of the aquarium. If the tank is
not filled all the way and there are
two inches of empty space at the top,
how many cubic inches of water are
in the tank? (7 points) im not sure how to show my work


I found someone who had the same question as you here’s the answer

Tha length of a side of equilateral traingle is give below. find the perimeter of traingles
i. l=4cm
ii. 5.5 cm​



i. 12cm

ii. 16.5cm

Step-by-step explanation:

The side lengths on an equilateral triangle are all equal to each other. So if one side is given we can find the perimeter of the triangle by multiplying one of the sides by 3.



Factor Z squared minus 3Z -18







ans of this

fast to get 10 pts​



2.equivalent sets is answer.

slove for the inequality




Step-by-step explanation:


-6>t +(13)

Subtract 13 from each side

-6-13 > t+13-13


Go Which operation would be completed second in the following expression? 7² -3+9+8 dividend by two
Simplify the exponet


first step: simplify exponents
second step: 49 -3
but the thing is when it’s both addition and subtraction u just go from left to right
hope it helps



Step-by-step explanation:

Using PEMDAS, the first would be parenthesis, but there are none, so we do not use P. Next is E which is exponents, which would be the first thing completed. Then is M and D which is multiplication and division. The division is used which is "dividend by two" as it's the second thing completed.

Hope this helped.

Re write the statement 19 +7 / 2 x 6 + 1 by including two pairs of brackets to make the total value equal to 2




y=the expression 19+7/2×6+1 rewritten by including two sets of brackets or parentheses to get a result of 2


To clearly express the mathematical phrase 19+7/2×6+1 to get a result of 2 requires specific parenthetical treatment.

y=19+7/2×6+1 becomes







If y=2, then the inverse of the phrase (19+7)/(2×6+1) returns




2(13)=26 and

26=26 proves the solution y=2 to the phrase (19+7)/(2×6+1)

If n = 4, then 9ˆ8 ÷ 9 n is equal to__________________.



1,195,742.25 (final answer since instructions did not include rounding up or anything)

Step-by-step explanation:

n = 4

The given expression is:

9^8 ÷ 9n

USE PEMDAS order of operations and solve:

9^8 ÷ 9n

= 43046721 ÷ 9n

Substitue n with 4 and solve:

43046721 ÷ 9(4)

= 43046721 ÷ 36

= 1,195,742.25



Step-by-step explanation:

We know that a^b ÷ a^c = a^ (b-c)

9^8 ÷ 9^4



[tex]( - 12) \times ( - 4) + ( - 8) + ( + 3)[/tex]
could you help..​


[tex] \sf \: ( - 12 )\times( - 4) + (- 8 )+ (+ 3) \\ \sf \: = (- 12 \times - 4 )+ (- 8 + 3) \\ \sf \: = 48 - 5 \\ = 43[/tex]

Hope it helps.


(2 + 6i)(8 – 9i)

Divide and simp




Step-by-step explanation:

The business college computing center wants to determine the proportion of business students who have personal computers (PC's) at home. If the proportion exceeds 30%, then the lab will scale back a proposed enlargement of its facilities. Suppose 300 business students were randomly sampled and 65 have PC's at home. What assumptions are necessary for this test to be satisfied


Solution :

Given data :

x = 65, n = 300

[tex]$\hat p = \frac{x}{n}[/tex]


  = 0.2167

The hypothesis are :

[tex]$H_0: p \leq 0.3$[/tex]

[tex]$H_0: p> 0.3$[/tex]

The [tex]\text{level of significance}[/tex], α = 0.05

The test is right tailed.

The standard deviation is :

[tex]$\sigma = \sqrt{\frac{0.3(1-0.3)}{300}}$[/tex]

σ = 0.0265

The test statistics is :

[tex]$z=\frac{\hat p - p}{\sigma}$[/tex]

[tex]$z=\frac{0.2167 - 0.3}{0.0265}$[/tex]

  = -3.14

The critical value is 1.645

The rejection region is : If z > 1.645, then we reject [tex]H_0[/tex]

Decision :

Since the test statistics does not lie in the rejection, so we fail to . [tex]\text{reject the null hypothesis}[/tex].

P-value : [tex]$P(z > - 3.14)$[/tex]   = 0.9992

Therefore, the p-value is not less than the level of significance so we fail to [tex]\text{reject the null hypothesis}[/tex].

|Large{\frac {x}{x + 3} = \frac {5}{2}}




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{x}{x+3} =\frac{5}{2} \\5x+15=2x\\5x-2x=-15\\3x=-15\\x=-15/3=-5[/tex]

(Ight ima need some help!! ) solve the following equation (2x + 3) (3x + 2) − (3x + 2) (2x− 3) = 0. solve for x and show work
(2x + 3) (3x + 2) − (3x + 2) (2x− 3) = 0



x = [tex]-\frac{2}{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

I used the FOIL method

[(2x + 3) (3x + 2)] − [(3x + 2) (2x− 3)] = 0

[tex](6x^{2} +4x+9x+6) - (6x^{2} -9x+4x-6)=0[/tex]

[tex](6x^{2} +13x+6) - (6x^{2} -5x-6)=0[/tex]

[tex](6x^{2} +13x+6) - 6x^{2} +5x+6=0[/tex]

combine like terms

[tex]6x^{2} -6x^{2} = 0[/tex]



so, [tex]18x +12 = 0[/tex]

subtract 12 on both sides


divide by 18 to isolate x


and simplifies to


Which of the eee-values satisfy the following inequality?



Enterprises usually adopt some quality practices to control the product quality during the manufacturing process in order to assure the delivery of qualitative good products to customers. The quality practices or quality management systems adopted by industries will further evolve due to the changes of quality concepts as time goes by. This chapter discusses the change of quality concepts and the related revolution of quality management systems in the past century. The quality concepts were gradually changed from the achievement of quality standards, satisfaction of customer needs, and expectations to customer delight. Since merely satisfying customers is not enough to ensure customer loyalty, the enterprises gradually focus on customers’ emotional responses and their delight in order to pursue their loyalty. The emotion of “delight” is composed of “joy” and “surprise,” which can be achieved as the customers’ latent requirements are satisfied. Thus, the concept of “customer delight” and the means to provide the innovative quality so as to meet the unsatisfied customers’ latent needs are elaborated on. Finally, a framework of innovation creation is developed that is based on the mining of customer's latent requirements. This outline will manifest the essential elements of the related operation steps.

the equation of the line that goes through the points (5,5) and is parallel to the line going through the points (-5,5) and (6,1) can be written in the form y=mx+b where m is and b is



y = -4/11x + 75/11

Step-by-step explanation:

y2 - y1 / x2 - x1        1 - 5 / 6 - (-5)      -4/11

y = -4/11x + b

5 = -4/11(5) + b

5 = -20/11 + b

75/11 = b

Find the sum of the first 40 terms of an arithmetic series whose first term is 7 and 40th term is 115. Type answer as an integer (no decimals)
arithmetic sum formula:
Sn = (a1 +
+ an)
geometric sum formula:
az (1 - p)
S =




Step-by-step explanation:



Sn=n/2(a+an) [Where n is no. of terms]

   = 40/2(7+115)

   = 20(122)

   = 2440

which expression is equivalent to \root(3)(x^(5)y)



[tex]\sqrt[3]{x^{5}y} = x^{\frac{5}{3}}y^\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:




The equivalent expression

We have:


Rewrite as an exponent

[tex]\sqrt[3]{x^{5}y} = (x^{5}y)^\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

Open bracket

[tex]\sqrt[3]{x^{5}y} = x^{5*\frac{1}{3}}y^\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt[3]{x^{5}y} = x^{\frac{5}{3}}y^\frac{1}{3}[/tex]

What is the value of x in the equation -2 =5x + 3


-2 = 5x +3
5x = 3 + 2
5x = 5
x = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps you and please mark it brainliest answer

Nick drew a rectangular political cartoon that measures 2 inches by 4 inches. He wants to enlarge the cartoon by a scale factor of 3 for a poster presentation. The area of the original cartoon will be what fraction of the area of the enlarged cartoon?



I believ the answer is 6/12 or 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

2x3 = 6 and 4x3 = 12 and 6/12 simplified would be 1/2


I believe the answer is 6/12 or 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:


4) Simplify.


Answer: [tex]\frac{\sqrt{5}}{6}[/tex]


Work Shown:


Note: In the second step, I multiplied top and bottom by [tex]\sqrt{8}[/tex] to rationalize the denominator.


square root of 5 over 6 or 0.37267799…

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate.

please answer this!!!!​


113.625 degrees is the answer

Please Help!!
The scale on the map is stated as 1 : 200000. A main road connects two towns which are 34 kilometres apart. How far will it be on the map, in centimetres, between the two towns along the main road




34 : 6800000

Step-by-step explanation:

1 : 20000034km : ?34km : 34km × 20000034km : 6800000km34 : 6800000
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