A solution has a OH- concentration of 7.7x10-3. What is the pH of this solution?


Answer 1


11.9 pH


First, we need to find pOH

To find that, we use the formula -log[OH]

-log[7.7x10^-3] = 2.11351

To find the pH, we'll use this formula: 14 = pH + pOH

14 = pH + 2.11351

Subtract boths sides by 2.11351

14 = pH + 2.11351

-2.11351  -2.11351

pH = 11.88649

Related Questions

why Ethyl amine is more basic than aniline​?



Because a Lone pair of electrons on nitrogen is involved in delocalization.

Hope this helps you ( ◕ᴗ◕✿)

If it doesn't i'm sorry(◞ ‸ ◟)


In ethylamine ethyl is electron donating group. So more electrons are available aroudn nitrogen for donation. But in aniline phenyl group is electron attracting group.

A given solution has 42.5 g NaNO3 in 1500 mL of water. What is the molarity of this solution? Show your work, rounding the atomic mass of each element to the nearest tenth and your final answer to the nearest hundredth



here's the answer to your question

ur mom? lol jk i don't know this one

Elimination of the pharmaceutical IV antibiotic gentamicin follows first-order kinetics. If the half-life of gentamicin is 1.5 hours for an adolescent. What fraction of the original reactant concentration will remain after 8 hours if the original concentration was 8.4 x 10-5 M.



The given data is:

The half-life of gentamicin is 1.5 hrs.

The reaction follows first-order kinetics.

The initial concentration of the reactants is 8.4 x 10-5 M.

The concentration of reactant after 8 hrs can be calculated as shown below:

The formula of the half-life of the first-order reaction is:


Where k = rate constant


So, the rate constant k value is:

[tex]k=\frac{0.693}{1.5 hrs}[/tex]

The expression for the rate constant is :

[tex]k=\frac{2.303}{t} log \frac{initial concentration}{concentration after time "t"}[/tex]

Substitute the given values and the k value in this formula to get the concentration of the reactant after time 8 hrs is shown below:

[tex]\frac{0.693}{1.5 hrs} =\frac{2.303}{8 hrs} x log \frac{8.4x10^-^5}{y} \\ log \frac{8.4x10^-^5}{y} =1.604\\\frac{8.4x10^-^5}{y}=10^1^.^6^0^4\\\frac{8.4x10^-^5}{y}=40.18\\y=\frac{8.4x10^-^5}{40.18} \\=>y=2.09x10^-^6[/tex]

Answer: The concentration of reactant remains after 8 hours is 2.09x10^-6M.

Three peptides were obtained from a trypsin digestion of two different polypeptides. Indicate the possible sequences from the given data.

a. Val-Gly-Arg
b. Ala-Val-Lys
c. Ala-Gly-Phe



A) Val-Gly-Arg-Ala-Val-Lys-Ala-Gly-Phe

B) Ala-Val-Lys-Val-Gly-Arg-Ala-Gly-Phe


The possible sequences that could be obtained from the available dat provided are :

A) Val-Gly-Arg-Ala-Val-Lys-Ala-Gly-Phe

B) Ala-Val-Lys-Val-Gly-Arg-Ala-Gly-Phe

Trypsin is generally a catalyst  for the breakdown of proteins into smaller peptides ( during the hydrolysis of peptide bonds )  

10. At 573K, NO2(g) decomposes forming NO and O2. The decomposition reaction is second order in NO2 with a rate constant of 1.1 M-1s-1. If the initial concentration of NO2 is 0.056 M, how long will it take for 75% of the NO2 to decompose



48.67 seconds



1/[A] = kt + 1/[A]o

[A] = concentration at time t

t= time taken

k= rate constant

[A]o = initial concentration

Since [A] =[A]o - 0.75[A]o

[A] = 0.056 M - 0.042 M

[A] = 0.014 M

1/0.014 = (1.1t) + 1/0.056

71.4 - 17.86 = 1.1t

53.54 = 1.1t

t= 53.54/1.1

t= 48.67 seconds

Hence,it takes 48.67 seconds to decompose.

When naming organic compounds, there are strict rules regarding punctuation.
1. A comma is used to separate two numbers.
2. A hyphen is used to separate a number from a letter.
Rewrite the name of this compound using hyphens and commas as appropriate.


The question is incomplete, the complete question is shown in the image attached to this answer




IUPAC nomenclature provides a universally acceptable method of naming organic compounds from its structure.

According to this system of nomenclature;

A comma is used to separate two numbers.

A hyphen is used to separate a number from a letter.

Applying these rules, the name of the compound shown in the question should be written as 2,3,3-trimethylhexane.

Why is bromine more electronegative than iodine?​



Accordingly the order of electronegativity of the given elements would be: Fluorine > Chlorine > Bromine > Iodine. ( Fluorine has the highest electronegativity.)

potassium and chlorine react to form potassium chloride. a.it is a redox reaction,explain why. b.see if u can write a balanced equation for it.​





because the reaction is between metal Potassium and Non-metal Chlorine



a) It is a redox reaction because KCl is an ionic compounds with K having a + charge and Cl having a - charge. Originally, both have an oxidation state of 0 and not K has 1+ and Cl has 1-. Therefore, one species was oxidized and one was reduced which is indicative of a redox reactions.


2K + Cl2 => 2KCl

The forensic technician at a crime scene has just prepared a luminol stock solution by adding 17.0 \({\rm g}\) of luminol into a total volume of 75.0 \(\rm mL\) of \(\rm H_2O\). What is the molarity of the stock solution of luminol



1.28 M


Step 1: Given data

Mass of luminol (solute): 17.0 g

Volume of water: 75.0 mL (this is also the volume of solution)

Step 2: Calculate the moles corresponding to 17.0 g of luminol

The molar mass of luminol is 177.16 g/mol.

17.0 g × 1 mol/177.16 g = 0.0960 mol

Step 3: Calculate the molarity of the solution

We will use the definition of molarity

M = moles of solute / liters of solution

M = 0.0960 mol / 0.0750 L = 1.28 M

A change in direction in a wave when it passes through an opening is called





the change in direction of waves that occurs when waves travel from one medium to another. ... Diffraction is the bending of waves around obstacles and openings. The amount of diffraction increases with increasing wavelength


A change in direction in a wave when it passes through an opening is called diffraction.

I hope this helps

Which one of the following compounds will NOT be soluble in water?
A) LiNO3
B) PbS
D) MgCl2
E) K2SO4


See the correct answer is b.)PbS

If position vector r=bt²i + ct³j, where c are positive constants, when does the velocity vector make an angle of 45° with the x and y axes?


We want to find the value of t such that the velocity vector makes an angle of 45° with both axes.

We found that:

t = (2/3)*(b/c)

The velocity vector makes an angle of 45° with the x and y axes.

We know that the position vector is:

r = r=b*t²i + c*t³j

Remember that the versor "i" corresponds to the x-component, and the versor "j" corresponds to the y-component, then:

r = r=b*t²i + c*t³j  = (b*t², c*t³)

The velocity vector is the vector that we get when we differentiate the position one, remember that if:

f(x) = a*x^n


f'(x) = n*a*x^(n - 1)

Using this, we can find that the velocity vector is:

v = (2*b*t,  3*c*t²)

Now we want to know, when does the velocity vector make an angle of 45° with the x and y axes.

Let's think of the vector as the hypotenuse of a triangle rectangle, where the x-component is the adjacent cathetus, and the y-component is the opposite cathetus. (so the angle is measured counterclockwise from the x-axis)

We have the trigonometric equation:

tan(a) = (opposite cathetus)/(adjacent cathetus)

So now we can replace these things with the known ones:

a = 45°

opposite cathetus = y-component = 3*c*t²

adjacent cathetus = x-component = 2*b*t

So we will get:

tan(45°)  =  (3*c*t²)/( 2*b*t)

1 = (3/2)*(c/b)*t

Now we can solve this for the variable, t.

1*(2/3)*(b/c) = t

t = (2/3)*(b/c)

We can conclude that at the time:

t = (2/3)*(b/c)

The velocity vector makes an angle of 45° with the x and y axes.

You can read more about vectors in:


How many grams of sodium chloride are contained in 250.0 g of a 15% NaCl solution?

Please explain and show work.


Given concentration of NaCl=15%

Means ,

In every 100g of Solution 15g of NaCl is present .


Given mass=250g

So ,

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 250\times 15\%[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 250\times \dfrac{15}{100}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 37.5g[/tex]

37.5g of NaCl present in 250g of solution.


Given concentration of NaCl=15%

Means ,

In every 100g of Solution 15g of NaCl is present .


Given mass=250g

So ,

➡250 × 15%



37.5g of NaCl present in 250g of solution.

The Halogen Group is also known as the?

salt formers
acid makers



I think b acid makers


hope it will help you

Which of the following is most likely to happen when a sound wave reflects
off a hard surface? (Assume that neither the source of the sound nor the hard
surface is moving.)
A. A change in speed
B. An echo
C. A change in pitch
D. A beat frequency



an echo is caused by the fact that waves can be reflected by solid surfaces, this is due to the dynamic pattern of rarefactions and air seals near the reflecting surface

A 25.0 mL sample of 0.150 M hypochlorous acid is titrated with a 0.150 M NaOH solution. What is the pH at the equivalence point? The Kaof hypochlorous acid is 3.0x10^-8.
a) 10.20
b) 7.00
c) 6.48
d) 7.52
e) 14.52



pH = 10.20


The HClO reacts with NaOH as follows:

HClO + NaOH → H2O + NaClO

Where HClO and NaOH react in a 1:1 reaction.

As the concentration of both reactions is the same and the reaction is 1:1, to reach equivalence point are required the same 25.0mL.

And the NaClO produced decreases its concentration in 2 because the volume is doubled.

The concentration of NaClO is: 0.150M / 2 = 0.075M

The equilibrium of NaClO is:

NaClO(aq) + H2O(l) ⇄ HClO(aq) + OH-(aq)

Where Kb of reaction is 1.0x10⁻¹⁴ / Ka =

1.0x10⁻¹⁴ / 3.0x10⁻⁸ = 3.33x10⁻⁷ = [HClO] [OH-] / [NaClO]

[NaClO] = 0.075M

As both HClO and OH- comes from the same equilibrium,

[HClO] = [OH-] = X

Where X is the reactoin coordinate


3.33x10⁻⁷ = [X] [X] / [0.075M]

2.5x10⁻⁸ = X²

X = 1.58x10⁻⁴M = [OH-]

pOH = -log [OH-]

pOH = 3.80

pH = 14 - pOH

pH = 10.20

Which of the following represents a physical change?



» Water evaporating to gas.

» Solid subliming to gas.

» Water freezing to solid.

» Solid melting to liquid.


[tex]{ \underline{ \blue{ \sf{christ \:† \: alone }}}}[/tex]

(in the image)
What Is the noble gas configuration for strontium (atomic number = 38)? Given: He (atomic number = 2) Ne (atomic number = 10) Ar (atomic number = 18) Kr (atomic number = 36) B В A [Kr 45Kr 5​



[Kr] 5s²


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Atomic number of strontium (Sr) = 38

Electronic configuration =?

Next, we shall determine the electronic configuration of the noble gas element before strontium (Sr).

The noble gas element before strontium (Sr) is krypton (Kr). Thus, the electronic configuration of krypton (Kr) is given below:

Kr (36) => 1s² 2s²2p⁶ 3s²3p⁶ 3d¹⁰ 4s²4p⁶

Finally, we shall determine the electronic configuration of strontium (Sr). This can be obtained as follow:

Kr (36) => 1s² 2s²2p⁶ 3s²3p⁶ 3d¹⁰ 4s²4p⁶

Sr (38) =>?

Sr (38) => 1s² 2s²2p⁶ 3s²3p⁶ 3d¹⁰ 4s²4p⁶ 5s²


Kr (36) => 1s² 2s²2p⁶ 3s²3p⁶ 3d¹⁰ 4s²4p⁶


Sr (38) => [Kr] 5s²

A sample of oxygen gas at a pressure of 1.19 atm and a temperature of 24.4 °C, occupies a volume of 18.7 liters. If the gas is allowed to expand at constant temperature to a volume of 29.4 liters, the pressure of the gas sample will be ______ atm.



[tex]\boxed {\boxed {\sf 0.757 \ atm}}[/tex]


We are asked to find the pressure of a gas given a change in volume. Since the temperature remains constant, we are only concerned with volume and pressure. We will use Boyle's Law, which states the volume is inversely proportional to the pressure. The formula for this law is:

[tex]P_1V_1= P_2V_2[/tex]

Initially, the oxygen gas occupies a volume of 18.7 liters at a pressure of 1.19 atmospheres.

[tex]1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L = P_2V_2[/tex]

The gas expands to a volume of 29.4 liters, but the pressure is unknown.

[tex]1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L = P_2 * 29.4 \ L[/tex]

We are solving for the new pressure, so we must isolate the variable [tex]P_2[/tex]. It is being multiplied by 29.4 liters. The inverse operation of multiplication is division. Divide both sides of the equation by 29.4 L.

[tex]\frac {1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L}{29.4 \ L} =\frac{ P_2 * 29.4 \ L}{29.4 \ L}[/tex]

[tex]\frac {1.19 \ atm * 18.7 \ L}{29.4 \ L} =P_2[/tex]

The units of liters cancel.

[tex]\frac {1.19 \ atm * 18.7 }{29.4 } =P_2[/tex]

[tex]\frac {22.253}{29.4 } \ atm = P_2[/tex]

[tex]0.7569047619 \ atm =P_2[/tex]

The original measurements all have 3 significant figures, so our answer must have the same. For the number we calculated, that is the thousandth place. The 9 in the ten-thousandth place to the right of this place tells us to round the 6 up to a 7.

[tex]0.757 \ atm \approx P_2[/tex]

The pressure of the gas sample is approximately 0.757 atmospheres.


According to Boyle's law, for a given mass of ideal gas, pressure of gas is inversely proportional to the volume of gas, Provided the Temprature remains constant.

P₁ = 1.19 atmP₂ = ?V₁ = 18.7 LV₂ = 29.4 LT = constant = 24.4° C = Isothermal process

[tex]\implies \sf P_1 V_1 = P_2 V_2 \\ [/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf 1.19 \times 18. 7= P_2 \times 29.4 \\[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf 22.253= P_2 \times 29.4 \\[/tex]

[tex]\implies \sf P_2 = \dfrac{22.253}{29.4} \\[/tex]

[tex]\implies \underline{ \red{\boxed{ \bf P_2 \approx0.756 \: atm }}} \\[/tex]

A piece of metal has a volume of 30.0cm3 and a mass of 252g. What is its density? what metal do you think this is?




get density = D = m / V = 0.252 / 0.00003 = 8400 metal will be Cu => bronze

What is the molarity of a solution that contains 17g of NH₃ in 0.50L of solution?

Please explain as well!



Because molarity is mol/L, we'll have to convert 17g to mol.

After obtaining the mol, we'll divide that by the volume to obtain Molarity.

Molar mass of Ammonia:-

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto NH_3[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 14u+3(1u)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 14u+3u[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 17u[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 17g/mol[/tex]

Moles of Ammonia:-

[tex]\boxed{\sf No\:of\:moles =\dfrac{Given\:mass}{Molar\:mass}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto No\:of\:moles=\dfrac{17}{17}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto No\;of\:moles=1mol[/tex]

Volume of solution=0.50L

We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf Molarity=\dfrac{Moles\:of\:solute}{Volume\:of\: Solution\:in\:L}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Molarity=\dfrac{1}{0.50}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Molarity=2M[/tex]

Nicotine is a toxic substance present in tobacco leaves. There are two lone pairs in the structure of nicotine. In general, localized lone pairs are much more reactive than delocalized lone pairs. With this information in mind, do you expect both lone pairs in nicotine to be reactive?
A. Both lone pairs are delocalized and, therefore, both are expected to have the same reactivity.
B.Lone pair in pyrrolidine ring is localized and, therefore, is expected to be more reactive.
C. Both lone pairs are localized and, therefore, both are expected to be reactive.
D. Lone pair in pyridine ring is localized and, therefore, is expected to be more reactive.



B.Lone pair in pyrrolidine ring is localized and, therefore, is expected to be more reactive.


There are two nitrogen atoms bearing lone pairs of electrons in the structure of nicotine as shown in the image attached.

One nitrogen atom is found in the pyrrolidine ring. The lone pair on this nitrogen atom is localized hence it is more reactive than the lone pair of electrons found on the nitrogen atom in the pyridine ring which is delocalized a shown in the image attached to this answer.

oxidation number of Ni in Ni(CO)4 is​





answer from gauth math

For the following reaction, 5.29 grams of water are mixed with excess diphosphorus pentoxide. The reaction yields 13.3 grams of phosphoric acid . diphosphorus pentoxide(s) + water(l) phosphoric acid(aq). What is the theoretical yield of phosphoric acid?



19.2 g


Step 1: Write the balanced equation

P₂O₅(s) + 3 H₂O(l) ⇒ 2 H₃PO₄

Step 2: Calculate the moles corresponding to 5.29 g of H₂O

The molar mass of H₂O is 18.02 g/mol.

5.29 g × 1 mol/18.02 g = 0.294 mol

Step 3: Calculate the theoretical yield of phosphoric acid, in moles

The molar ratio of H₂O to H₃PO₄ is 3:2. The theoretical yield of H₃PO₄ is 2/3 × 0.294 mol = 0.196 mol

Step 4: Calculate the mass corresponding to 0.196 moles of H₃PO₄

The molar mass of H₃PO₄ is 97.99 g/mol.

0.196 mol × 97.99 g/mol = 19.2 g

A student isolated an unknown organic compound through extraction. The student measures the melting point and fins it to be 115-122 C. The student looks through the list of possible strucures and decides the comound is most likely 2-napthol. Do you believe this choice is correct?


Hope this helps!


Calculate the solubility of copper(II) hydroxide, Cu(OH)2, in g/L​



Ksp = [ Cu+² ] [ OH-] ²

molar mass Cu(oH )2 ==> M= 63.546 (1) + 16 (2) + 1 (2) = 97.546 g/mol

Ksp = [ Cu+² ] [ OH-] ²

Ksp [ cu (OH)2 ] = 2.2 × 10-²⁰

|__________|___Cu+² __|_2OH-____|

|Initial concentration(M)|___0__|_0______|

|Change in concentration(M)|_+S |__+2S__|

|Equilibrium concentration(M)|_S _|2S___|

Ksp = [ Cu+² ] [ OH-] ²

2.2 ×10-²⁰ = (S)(2S)²= 4S³

[tex]s = \sqrt[3]{ \frac{2.2 \times {10}^{ - 20} }{4} } = 1.8 \times {10}^{ - 7} [/tex]

S = 1.8 × 10-⁷ M

The molar solubility of Cu(OH)2 is 1.8 × 10-⁷ M

Solubility of Cu (OH)2 =

[tex]Cu (OH)2 = \frac{1.8 \times {10}^{ - 7} mol \:Cu (OH)2 }{1L} \times \frac{97.546 \: g \: Cu (OH)2}{1 \: mol \: Cu (OH)2} \\ = 1.75428 \times 10 ^{ - 5} [/tex]

Solubility of Cu (OH)2 = 1.75428 × 10 - g/ L

I hope I helped you^_^

Balance the following equations Ag (s) + H₂ S(g) + 0₂ (g) → Ag₂ S(₅) + H₂0



2Ag(s) + 2H²S(g) + O2(g) ➡️ Ag2S(s) + 2H2O(g)


Sorry for my typo. but you understand

calculate the pH of 0.01moldm-3 of trioxonitrate (v) acid​



pH = 2


Trioxonitrate (v) acid​ is also known as nitric acid (HNO₃) and is one of the strong acid set which when dissolved in water, ionizes 100%. That is,

0.01M HNO₃ => 0.01M H⁺ + 0.01M NO₃⁻ => pH = -log[H⁺] = -log(0.01) = -(-2) = 2

An outdoor gear company develops a new type of fabric that works with electricity to warm the body without interfering with motion like heavy jackets do. Research biologists, studying life in extremely cold conditions on the polar ice caps, begin wearing the new fabric because it helps them work more comfortably, and they find it increases their productivity.

What best describes how the processes of scientific investigation and technological design are involved in this situation?

The clothing company conducted a scientific investigation to communicate results to researchers, who then used the knowledge in a technological design.
The clothing company conducted a scientific investigation to produce a product that researchers could then test while designing new technology.
The clothing company used technological design to create a product that helped aid researchers conducting a scientific investigation.
The clothing company designed a new technology that provided information researchers needed in order to continue with their scientific investigation.


The answer is C. The clothing company used technological design to create a product that helped aid researchers conducting a scientific investigation.


C: The clothing company used technological design to create a product that helped aid researchers conducting a scientific investigation.


I just did the assignment on EDGE2020 and it's 200% correct!  

Also, heart and rate if you found this answer helpful!! :) (P.S It makes me feel good to know I helped someone today!!)  :)  

12.39 HBr can be added to alkenes in either the absence or presence of peroxides (producing either the Markovnikov or the anti-Markovnikov addition product). What intermediates leading to the formation of the major product are observed when 1-butene is treated with 1) HBr or 2) HBr/peroxides



See explanation and image attached


The reaction of HBr with 1-butene is an addition reaction. The HBr adds across the double bond to yield a saturated halogenoalkane.

In the absence of peroxides, the reaction proceeds in accordance with Markovnikov rule which states that;''the negative part of the addendum, is attached to the carbon atom with the least number of hydrogen atoms attached.'' This occurs in the first reaction shown in the image.

In the presence of peroxides, the reaction proceeds in an anti-Markovnikov manner to yield the product shown in the second reaction.

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