

Answer 1

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Related Questions

In this module you learned about advanced modularization techniques. You learned about the advantages of modularization and how proper modularization techniques can increase code organization and reuse.
Create the PYTHON program allowing the user to enter a value for one edge of a cube(A box-shaped solid object that has six identical square faces).
Prompt the user for the value. The value should be passed to the 1st and 3rd functions as arguments only.
There should be a function created for each calculation
One function should calculate the surface area of one side of the cube. The value calculated is returned to the calling statement and printed.
One function should calculate the surface area of the whole cube(You will pass the value returned from the previous function to this function) and the calculated value results printed.
One function should calculate the volume of the cube and print the results.
Make a working version of this program in PYTHON.



Following are the code to the given question:

def getSAOneSide(edge):#defining a method that getSAOneSide that takes edge patameter

   return edge * edge#use return to calculate the edge value

def getSA(SA_one_side):#defining a method that getSA that takes SA_one_side patameter

   return 6 * SA_one_side#use return to calculate the SA_one_side value

def volume(edge):#defining a method that volume that takes edge patameter

   return edge * edge * edge#use return to calculate edge value

edge = int(input("Enter the length of edge of the cube:\n"))#defining edge variable that input value

SA_one_side = getSAOneSide(edge)#defining SA_one_side that holds getSAOneSide method value

print("Surface area of one side of the cube:", SA_one_side)

surfaceArea = getSA(SA_one_side)#defining a surfaceArea that holds getSA method value

print("Surface area of the cube:", surfaceArea)#print surfaceArea value

vol = volume(edge)#defining vol variable that holds Volume method value

print("Volume of the cube:", vol)#print vol Value


Please find the attached file.


In the code three method "getSAOneSide, getSA, and volume" method is declared that takes a variable in its parameters and use a return keyword that calculates and return its value.

In the next step,edge variable is declared that holds value from the user and defines three variable that holds method value and print its value with the message.

What is a geam in the ggplot2 system?
a) a plotting object like point, line, or other shape
b) a method for making conditioning plots
c) a method for mapping data to attributes like color and size
d) a statistical transformation



a) a plotting object like point, line, or other shape


A geom in the ggplot2 system is "a plotting object like point, line, or other shape."

A Geom is used in formulating different layouts, shapes, or forms of a ggplot2 such as bar charts, scatterplots, and line diagrams.

For example some different types of Geom can be represented as geom_bar(), geom_point(), geom_line() etc.

What is the meaning of negative impact in technology



the use of criminal thought by the name of education

) Python command line menu-driven application that allows a user to display, sort and update, as needed a List of U.S states containing the state capital, overall state population, and state flower. The Internet provides multiple references with these lists. For example:




The following is a Python program that creates a menu as requestes. The menu allows the user to choose to display list, sort list, update list, and/or exit. A starting list of three states has been added. The menu is on a while loop that keeps asking the user for an option until exit is chosen. A sample output is shown in the attached picture below.

states = {'NJ': ['Trenton', 8.882, 'Common blue violet'], 'Florida':['Tallahassee', 21.48, 'Orange blossom'], 'California': ['Sacramento', 39.51, 'California Poppy']}

while True:

   answer = input('Menu: \n1: display list\n2: Sort list\n3: update list\n4: Exit')


   if answer == '1':

       for x in states:

           print(x, states[x])

   elif answer == '2':

       sortList = sorted(states)

       sorted_states = {}

       for state in sortList:

           sorted_states[state] = states[state]


       states = sorted_states

       sorted_states = {}

   elif answer == '3':

       state = input('Enter State: ')

       capital = input('Enter Capital: ')

       population = input('Enter population: ')

       flower = input('Enter State Flower: ')

       states[state] = [capital, population, flower]



How do you find the average length of words in a sentence with Python?



split() wordCount = len(words) # start with zero characters ch = 0 for word in words: # add up characters ch += len(word) avg = ch / wordCount if avg == 1: print "In the sentence ", s , ", the average word length is", avg, "letter." else: print "In the sentence ", s , ", the average word length is", avg, "letters.

Write an application that inputs a five digit integer (The number must be entered only as ONE input) and separates the number into its individual digits using MOD, and prints the digits separated from one another. Your code will do INPUT VALIDATION and warn the user to enter the correct number of digits and let the user run your code as many times as they want (LOOP). Submit two different versions: Using the Scanner class (file name: ScanP2)



The program in Java is as follows:

import java.util.*;

public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) {

 int n, num;

 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

 System.out.print("Number of inputs: ");

 n = input.nextInt();

 LinkedList<Integer> myList = new LinkedList<Integer>();

 for(int i = 0; i<n;i++){

     System.out.print("Input Integer: ");

     num = input.nextInt();

     while (num > 0) {

     myList.push( num % 10 );



     while (!myList.isEmpty()) {

         System.out.print(myList.pop()+" ");








This declares the number of inputs (n) and each input (num) as integer

 int n, num;

 Scanner input = new Scanner(;

Prompt for number of inputs

 System.out.print("Number of inputs: ");   n = input.nextInt();

The program uses linkedlist to store individual digits. This declares the linkedlist

 LinkedList<Integer> myList = new LinkedList<Integer>();

This iterates through n

 for(int i = 0; i<n;i++){

Prompt for input

     System.out.print("Input Integer: ");

This gets input for each iteration

     num = input.nextInt();

This while loop is repeated until the digits are completely split

     while (num > 0) {

This adds each digit to the linked list

     myList.push( num % 10 );

This gets the other digits



The inner while loop ends here

This iterates through the linked list

     while (!myList.isEmpty()) {

This pops out every element of thelist

         System.out.print(myList.pop()+" ");


Print a new line


This clears the stack



Which of the following examples can be solved with unsupervised learning?

Group of answer choices

A list of tweets to be classified based on their sentiment, the data has tweets associated with a positive or negative sentiment.

A spam recognition system that marks incoming emails as spam, the data has emails marked as spam and not spam.

Segmentation of students in ‘Technical Aspects of Big Data’ course based on activities they complete. The training data has no labels.




Segmentation of students in ‘Technical Aspects of Big Data’ course based on activities they complete. The training data has no labels.

Any help , and thank you all



There are 28 chocolate-covered peanuts in 1 ounce (oz). Jay bought a 62 oz. jar of chocolate-covered peanuts.



How many chocolate-covered peanuts were there in the jar that Jay bought?

Enter your answer in the box.


some machine/items/gadget having only hardware​


Yeh it’s becoz they work with hardware that’s why

As a CISO, you are responsible for developing an information security program based on using a supporting framework. Discuss what you see as some major components of an information security program.



The CISO (Chief Information Security Officer) of an organization should understand the following components of an information security program:

1) Every organization needs a well-documented information security policy that will govern the activities of all persons involved with Information Technology.

2) The organization's assets must be classified and controlled with the best industry practices, procedures, and processes put in place to achieve the organization's IT objectives.

3) There should be proper security screening of all persons in the organization, all hardware infrastructure, and software programs for the organization and those brought in by staff.

4) Access to IT infrastructure must be controlled to ensure compliance with laid-down policies.


As the Chief Information Security Officer responsible for the information and data security of my organization, I will work to ensure that awareness is created of current and developing security threats at all times.  I will develop, procure, and install security architecture, including IT and network infrastructure with the best security features.  There will good management of persons' identity and controlled access to IT hardware.  Programs will be implemented to mitigate IT-related risks with due-diligence investigations, and smooth governance policies.

Select the correct answer. Which input device uses optical technology?
A. barcode reader
B. digital pen
C. digital camera
D. joystick​



barcode reader is the correct answer

Write a program whose input is two integers. Output the first integer and subsequent increments of 5 as long as the value is less than or equal to the second integer. Ex: If the input is: - 15 10 the output is: -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 Ex: If the second integer is less than the first as in: 20 5 the output is: Second integer can't be less than the first. For coding simplicity, output a space after every integer, including the last. 5.17 LAB: Print string in reverse Write a program that takes in a line of text as input, and outputs that line of text in reverse. The program repeats, ending when the user enters "Done", "done", or "d" for the line of text. Ex: If the input is: Hello there Hey done then the output is: ereht olleh уен 275344.1613222



Following are the code to the given question:

For code 1:

start = int(input())#defining a start variable that takes input from the user end

end = int(input())#defining a end variable that takes input from the user end

if start > end:#use if that checks start value greater than end value

   print("Second integer can't be less than the first.")#print message

else:#defining else block

   while start <= end:#defining a while loop that checks start value less than equal to end value

       print(start, end=' ')#print input value

       start += 5#incrementing the start value by 5

   print()#use print for space

For code 2:

while True:#defining a while loop that runs when its true

   data = input()#defining a data variable that inputs values

   if data == 'Done' or data == 'done' or data == 'd':#defining if block that checks data value

       break#use break keyword

   rev = ''#defining a string variable rev

   for ch in data:#defining a for loop that adds value in string variable  

       rev = ch + rev#adding value in rev variable

   print(rev)#print rev value


In the first code two-variable "first and end" is declared that takes input from the user end. After inputting the value if a block is used that checks start value greater than end value and use the print method that prints message.

In the else block a while loop is declared that checks start value less than equal to end value and inside the loop it prints input value and increments the start value by 5.

In the second code, a while loop runs when it's true and defines a data variable that inputs values. In the if block is used that checks data value and use break keyword.

In the next step, "rev" as a string variable is declared that uses the for loop that adds value in its variable and prints its values.

1.               The smallest unit in a digital system is a​



a bit



Frames control what displays on the Stage, while keyframes help to set up


Answer: A keyframe is a location on a timeline which marks the beginning or end of a transition. So for example, you have a movie and it transitions to another scene, keyframes tell it when and where to start the transition then when and where to stop the transition.

Choose a topic related to a career that interests you and think about how you would research that topic on the Internet. Set a timer for fifteen minutes. Ready, set, go! At the end of fifteen minutes, review the sources you have recorded in your list and think about the information you have found. How w



Following are the solution to the given question:


The subject I select is Social Inclusion Management because I am most interested in this as I would only enhance my wide adaptability and also people's ability to know and how I can manage and understand people.

Under 15 min to this location. The time I went online but for this issue, I began collecting data on the workability to tap, such as a connection to the monster, glass doors, etc.

For example. At example. I get to learn through that the HR manager's Avg compensation is about $80,600 a year. I can gather from Linkedin data about market openings for HR at tech companies like Hcl, Genpact, etc. Lenskart has an HR director open vacancy.

This from I learns that for qualified practitioners I have at least 3 years experience in the management of human resources & that I need various talents like organizing, communications, technical skills, etc.

_ is a term used for license like those issues by creative commons license as an alternative to copyright


, . , .



Write a function:
class Solution { public int solution (int) A); }
that, given a zero-indexed array A consisting of N integers representing the initial test scores of a row of students, returns an array of integers representing their final test scores in the same order).
There is a group of students sat next to each other in a row. Each day, students study together and take a test at the end of the day. Test scores for a given student can only change once per day as follows:
• If a student sits immediately between two students with better scores, that student's score will improve by 1 when they take the test.
• If a student sits between two students with worse scores, that student's test score will decrease by 1.
This process will repeat each day as long as at least one student keeps changing their score. Note that the first and last student in the row never change their scores as they never sit between two students.
Return an array representing the final test scores for each student once their scores fully stop changing. Test Ou
Example 1:
Input: (1,6,3,4,3,5]
Returns: (1,4,4,4,4,5]
On the first day, the second student's score will decrease, the third student's score will increase, the fourth student's score will decrease by 1 and the fifth student's score will increase by 1, i.e. (1,5,4,3,4,5). On the second day, the second student's score will decrease again and the fourth student's score will increase, i.e. (1,4,4,4,4,5). There will be no more changes in scores after that.



what are the choices



How could you use your technology skill and Microsoft Excel to organize, analyze, and compare data to decide if a specific insurance is a good value for the example you gave



The summary of the given question would be summarized throughout the below segment.


"Insurance firms voluntarily assume our charge probability," implies assurance undertakings will compensate including all our devastations throughout respect of products for something we have health coverage and that the vulnerability for both would be equivalent.If somehow the client receives significant losses, the firm must compensate that kind of money as well as, if there are no failures, it can invest earnings or rather an investment.

2.18.3: Fixed range of random numbers.
Type two statements that use nextInt() to print 2 random integers between (and including) 100 and 149. End with a newline. Ex:
112 102
My Previous Incorrect Attempt :
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class RandomGenerateNumbers {
public static void main (String [] args) {
Random randGen = new Random();
int seedVal;
seedVal = 4;
/* Your solution goes here */
int first = randGen.nextInt(10);
int second = randGen.nextInt(10);
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
public class RandomGenerateNumbers {
public static void main (String [] args) {
Random randGen = new Random();
int seedVal;
seedVal = 4;
/* Your solution goes here */



Replace  /* Your solution goes here */ with:

System.out.println(randGen.nextInt(49) + 100);

System.out.println(randGen.nextInt(49) + 100);



Statements to print two random numbers between 100 and 149 (both inclusive)

First, the random numbers must be generated. From the template given, the random object, randGen, has been created.

The syntax to then follow to generate between the interval is:

randGen.nextInt(high-low) + low;


high = 149 and low = 100

So, the statement becomes:

randGen.nextInt(149 - 100) + 100;

randGen.nextInt(49) + 100;

Lastly, print the statements:

System.out.println(randGen.nextInt(49) + 100);

System.out.println(randGen.nextInt(49) + 100);

What does the abbreviation BBC stands for?



British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer System


The British Broadcasting Corporation Microcomputer System, or BBC Micro, is a series of microcomputers and associated peripherals designed and built by the Acorn Computer company in the 1980s for the BBC Computer Literacy Project.


British Broadcasting Corporation


This is a UK company which provides television and radio news in over 40 languages. This is the computer related meaning, there are other meanings to the abbreviation but they seem irrelevant in this case.

Hope this information was of any help to you. (:

Countdown until matching digits Write a program that takes in an integer in the range 11-100 as input. The output is a countdown starting from the integer, and stopping when both output digits are identical. Ex: If the input is the output is 93 92 91 90 89 88 Ex: If the input is 11 the output is 11 Ex: If the input is 9 or any number not between 11 and 100 (inclusive), the output is: Input must be 11-100 For coding simplicity, follow each output number by a space, even the last one. Use a while loop. Compare the digits do not write a large if-else for all possible same-digit numbers (11,22,33...99), as that approach would be cumbersome for larger ranges. 29999.1122120 LAB ACTIVITY 4.13.1: LAB: Countdown until matching digits 7/10 main.c Load default template... 1 include 2 3 int main() 4 int n, i: 5 scanf("%d", &n); if (n < 20 Il n98) { 7 printf("%d",n); } else { i-n: 1e while (1) printf("%d", 1); if (icie - i/10) 13 14 15 16 17 } 18 printf("\n"); 19 return : 20 ) 12 break; Latest submission - 11:16 PM on 02/05/21 Total score: 7/10 Only show failing tests Download this submission 1: Compare output A 3/3 Input Your output 93 92 91 90 89 88 2: Compare Output A Input 11 Your output 11 3: Compare output a 3/3 Input 20 Your output 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 4: Compare output A 0/2 Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legend Input 101 Your output 101 Expected output Input must be 11-100 5. Compare output A 0/1 Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legend Input Your output Expected output Input must be 11-100



The program in C is as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

   int n;

   scanf("%d", &n);

   if(n<11 || n>100){

       printf("Input must be between 11 - 100");    }


       while(n%11 != 0){

           printf("%d ", n);

           n--;        }

       printf("%d ", n);    }

   return 0;



The existing template can not be used. So, I design the program from scratch.

This declares the number n, as integer

   int n;

This gets input for n

   scanf("%d", &n);

This checks if input is within range (11 - 100, inclusive)

   if(n<11 || n>100){

The following prompt is printed if the number is out of range

       printf("Input must be between 11 - 100");    }


If input is within range, the countdown is printed

       while(n%11 != 0){ ----This checks if the digits are identical using modulus 11

Print the digit

           printf("%d ", n);

Decrement by 1

           n--;        }

This prints the last expected output

       printf("%d ", n);    }

Exercise#1: The following formula gives the distance between two points (x1, yı) and (x2, y2) in the Cartesian plane:
[tex] \sqrt{(x2 - x1) ^{2} + (y2 - y1) ^{2} } [/tex]
Given the center and a point on circle, you can use this formula to find the radius of the circle. Write a C++ program that prompts the the user to enter the center and point on the circle. The program should then output the circle's radius, diameters, circumference, and area. Your program must have at least the following methods: findDistance: This mehod takes as its parameters 4 numbers that represent two points in the plane and returns the distance between them. findRadius: This mehod takes as its parameters 4 numbers that represent the center and a point on the circle, calls the method findDistance to find the radius of the circle, and returns the circle's radius. circumference: This mehod takes as its parameter a number that represents the radius of the circle and returns the circle's circumference. area: This mehod takes as as its parameter a number that represents the radius of the circle and returns the circle's area. .​



seven and two eighths minus five and one eighth equals?


Answer: 2.125


Viết chương trình thực hiện các công việc sau(sử dụng con trỏ):
a. Nhập vào một mảng các số nguyên n (5<=n<=50) phần tử.
b. Ghi ra file văn bản Sochan.txt các số chẵn của mảng vừa nhập.
c. Đọc file Sochan.txt sắp xếp mảng số chẵn theo thứ tự giảm dần và in kết quả ra
màn hình .






sita didnt go to school. (affirmative)


What is this supposed to be a question??

Unlike the collapse of Enron and WorldCom, TJX did not break any laws. It was simply not compliant with stated payment card processing guidelines.
a) true
b) false


I think the answer is A) true

The statement "Unlike the collapse of Enron and WorldCom, TJX did not break any laws. It was simply not compliant with stated payment card processing guidelines" is definitely true.

What was the cause of the TJX data breach?

The major cause of the TJX data breach was thought to be the hack that wasn't discovered until 2007, hackers had first gained access to the TJX network in 2005 through a WiFi connection at a retail store.

These situations were eventually able to install a sniffer program that could recognize and capture sensitive cardholder data as it was transmitted over the company's networks. They should be required to change the encryption methodology of the data they are using to save the personal identification information of their customers.

Therefore, the statement "Unlike the collapse of Enron and WorldCom, TJX did not break any laws. It was simply not compliant with stated payment card processing guidelines" is definitely true.

To learn more about, TJX data, refer to the link:


Write a program that reads the balance and annual percentage interest rate and displays the interest for the next month. Python not JAVA




The following code is written in Python. It asks the user to enter the current balance and the annual interest rate. It then calculates the monthly interest rate and uses that to detect the interest that will be earned for the next month. Finally, printing that to the screen. A test output can be seen in the attached picture below.

balance = int(input("Enter current Balance: "))

interest = int(input("Enter current annual interest %: "))

interest = (interest / 12) / 100

next_month_interest = balance * interest

print('$ ' + str(next_month_interest))

which function would ask excel to average the values contained in cells C5,C6,C7, and C8





The function calculates the average of the values in the cell range C5:C8 - C5, C6, C7, C8.

Which of the following statements regarding the SAP Hana product implemented by Under Armour is NOT true?
A. All of the statements are true.
B. The program allows legacy silos to remain intact.
C. The program can run across platforms and devices.
D. The program provides real-time results.



Explanation:i need points

Internal monitoring is accomplished by inventorying network devices and channels, IT infrastructure and applications, and information security infrastructure elements. Group of answer choices True False





It is TRUE that Internal monitoring is accomplished by inventorying network devices and channels, IT infrastructure and applications, and information security infrastructure elements.

The above statement is true because Internal Monitoring is a term used in defining the process of creating and disseminating the current situation of the organization’s networks, information systems, and information security defenses.

The process of Internal Monitoring involved recording and informing the company's personnel from top to bottom on the issue relating to the company's security, specifically on issues about system parts that deal with the external network.

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