abio and Carlos play on a basketball team together. In the last game, Fabio had 777 points less than 222 times as many points as Carlos. Fabio scored 313131 points in the game.Write an equation to determine the number of points (c)(c)(, c, )Carlos scored in the last game.


Answer 1


The equation 31=2c-7 to determine the number of points Carlos scored in the last game.

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given with,(I think every number is repeating for 3 times. So, I took each number as once)

Fabio had 7 less than 2 times as many points as Carlos. And Fabio score 31 points.

Let Carlos scored in the last game as "C".

So, we can set up equation for Fabio had 7 less than 2 times Carlos as

Fabio= 2C-7

Like so for Fabio score 31 as

Fabio =31

So, substitute Fabio as 31 into the first equation, we get

31= 2c-7

So, the equation 31=2c-7 to determine the number of points Carlos scored in the last game.

Related Questions

Determine the quotient of .     ​


of what?? the hamburgler??

Pressure varies inversely as volume. When the pressure is 8 Pascals, the volume is 22 liters. What would the volume be if the pressure were increased to 16 pascals?



we can use 2 formule to solve your question: One is P*V=n(mol)*R*T(KELVIN)

Step-by-step explanation:

And other is P(first)*V(first)=P(last)*V(last)


the ?=11

Solve 4 sinx + 9 cosx=0 for 0° ​


4 sin(x) + 9 cos(x) = 0

4 sin(x) = -9 cos(x)

tan(x) = -9/4

x = arctan(-9/4) + … … … (in radians)


x = arctan(-9/4) + 180n ° … … … (in degrees)

where n is any integer.

I'm guessing you're solving for x over some domain, probably 0° ≤ x < 360°. In that case, you would have two solutions for n = 1 and n = 2 of

x ≈ 113.96°   and   x ≈ 293.96°

equivalent expression: 3 + 4(2z - 1)



8z - 1

Step-by-step explanation:


3 + 4(2z - 1) ← multiply each term in the parenthesis by 4

= 3 + 8z - 4 ← collect like terms

= 8z - 1


-1 + 8z

Step-by-step explanation:

First use the distributive property of multiplication (Just multiply 4 with all numbers in the parenthesis):

3 + 4(2z - 1)

3 + 8z - 4

Group like terms:

3 + 8z - 4

-1 + 8z

The answer is -1 + 8z

Hope this helped.

Please Help !

Which of the following describes point D? (-4, 0) (0, -4) (0, 4) (4, 0)



D(0 , 4)

Step-by-step explanation:

Point D is on the y axis. So, x-coordinate  = 0

y- coordinate is the vertical length from origin which is 4


D(0 , 4)

Step-by-step explanation:

Jim removed 27 gallons of water from a rainwater storage tank. There are 59 gallons left in the tank. What equation can Jim use to find how much water was in the tank earlier? Use x to represent the amount of water originally in the tank.


Answer: X = 86 gallons

Step-by-step explanation:



find the missing length indicated​



x = 240

Step-by-step explanation:

Apply the leg rule to find the value of x.

Leg rule is given as:

Hypotenuse/leg 1 = leg 1/part 1

Hypotenuse = 400

Leg 1 = x

Part 1 = 144

Plug in the known values into the formula

400/x = x/144

Cross multiply

x*x = 144*400

x² = 57,600

Take the square root of both sides

√x² = √57,600

x = 240

ncert maths class 10 solution 5.1 4


Can you attach a picture to your question?

I would love to help you out.


Step-by-step explanation:

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Maths Chapter 5 Arithmetic Progressions Ex 5.1

           where is question ??




E - (8,-9)

F - (9,-9)

G - (9,-4)

Step-by-step explanation:

The first number in the bracket relates to the x-axis

The second number relates to the y-axis

If I start a road trip with 10,425 miles on my auto meter and I end it with 23,840 miles showing how many miles was my trip



13,415 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

Final position - initial position = Miles traveled:

23,840 miles - 10,425 miles = 13,415 miles

Help anyone can help me do the question,I will mark brainlest.​



Step-by-step explanation:

S=pi*R^2=(area of the sector)*(360/angle of AOB)

so 22/7*9^2=99*360/angle of AOB

-> AOB=140

perimeter of circle: 2*pi*R

permiter of sector : 2*pi*140/360*R+ 2R=22+9*2=40

log 55 is the power to which ---- must be raised in order to produce a value of 55




Step-by-step explanation:

just took the quiz

32 x square Y - 2 y cube




Step-by-step explanation:

what is the relation that represents the relation



what can i help u with

Step-by-step explanation:

I really can't help u with that sorry i am bad at math

Write an equation of the graph (shown below) in slope intercept form.


This is not a valid question and, therefore, cannot be answered. (Reason: No graph is attached.) Try revising it or giving more information. Hope this helps! ❤️

If the length of the shorter arc AB is 22cm and C is the center of the circle then the circumference of the circle



22= 2(pi)(r)(45/360)



Step-by-step explanation:

Determine what type of model best fits the given situation: the temperature of a cup of coffee decreases by 5 F every 20 minutes.

A. liner
B. exponential
C. quadratic
D. none of these


Answer: T = -t / 4 + T0   where t is the temperature in minutes elapsed, T is the final temperature, and T0 is the initial temperature

Explanation: This is a linear equation in T and t

(-1 / 4 represents -5 deg / 20 min  = - 1 deg / 4min

express the ratio 7day to 6weeks as a decimal fraction



6 weeks=6*7 days=42days

7/42 =1/6 =0.16667


7 days=1 week

therefore 1/6=0.16667

Note that both must be in the same unit.

Will Give Brainliest!

Solve for r.
Reduce any fractions to lowest terms. Don't round your answer, and don't use mixed fractions.

35r - 21 < -35r + 19



r < 4/7

Step-by-step explanation:

35r - 21 < -35r + 19

35r + 35r < 19 + 21

70r < 40

r < 4/7


r < 4/7

Step-by-step explanation:

Determine, to one decimal place, the length, width & height of the rectangular prism that would have the greatest volume, with a surface area of 200 cm^2.



The length = The width = The height  ≈ 5.8 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a rectangular pyramid, V = l × w × h

The surface area of the pyramid = 2 × l × h + 2 × w × h + 2 × l × w = 200

∴  l × h + w × h + l × w = 200/2 = 100

We have that the maximum volume is given when the length, width, and height are equal and one length is not a fraction of the other. Therefore, we get;

At maximum volume, l = w = h

∴ l × h + w × h + l × w = 3·l² = 100

l² = 100/3

l = 10/√3

Therefore, the volume, v = l³ = (10/√3)³

The length = The width = The height = 10/√3 cm ≈ 5.8 cm

solve the quadratic equation
give your answer to 2 decimal places
: 3x^2+x-5=0



The quadratic equation is:


To find:

The solution for the given equation rounded to 2 decimal places.


Quadratic formula: If a quadratic equation is [tex]ax^2+bx+c=0[/tex], then:

[tex]x=\dfrac{-b\pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}[/tex]

We have,


Here, [tex]a=3,b=1,c=-5[/tex]. Using the quadratic formula, we get

[tex]x=\dfrac{-1\pm \sqrt{1^2-4(3)(-5)}}{2(3)}[/tex]

[tex]x=\dfrac{-1\pm \sqrt{1+60}}{6}[/tex]

[tex]x=\dfrac{-1\pm \sqrt{61}}{6}[/tex]

[tex]x=\dfrac{-1\pm 7.81025}{6}[/tex]




[tex]x\approx 1.14[/tex]




[tex]x\approx -1.47[/tex]

Therefore, the required solutions are 1.14 and -1.47.

evelins room has an area of 45 squar feet. the length of her room is 5. what is the perimeter of her room?



28 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the area is 45 and length is 5.In order to find the width we divide the area by the side given

45 ÷ 5 = 9 is the width

Perimeter is the sum of all the side of a figure.

9 + 9 + 5 + 5

= 28

I hope this helps :)

for the function g(x)=3-8(1/4)^2-x

a) State the y-intercept

b) State the equation of the horizontal asymptote

c) State whether the function is increasing or decreasing.

d) State the domain and range
e) Sketch the graph

Could anyone help?


Using function concepts, it is found that:

a) The y-intercept is y = 2.5.b) The horizontal asymptote is x = 3.c) The function is decreasing.d) The domain is [tex](-\infty,\infty)[/tex] and the range is [tex](-\infty,3)[/tex].e) The graph is given at the end of the answer.


The given function is:

[tex]g(x) = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2-x}[/tex]


Question a:

The y-intercept is g(0), thus:

[tex]g(0) = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2-0} = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2} = 3 - \frac{8}{16} = 3 - 0.5 = 2.5[/tex]

The y-intercept is y = 2.5.


Question b:

The horizontal asymptote is the limit of the function when x goes to infinity, if it exists.

[tex]\lim_{x \rightarrow -\infty} g(x) = \lim_{x \rightarrow -\infty} 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2-x} = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2+\infty} = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{\infty} = 3 - 8\frac{1^{\infty}}{4^{\infty}} = 3 -0 = 3[/tex]


[tex]\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} g(x) = \lim_{x \rightarrow \infty} 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2-x} = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{2-\infty} = 3 - 8\left(\frac{1}{4}\right)^{-\infty} = 3 - 8\times 4^{\infty} = 3 - \infty = -\infty[/tex]

Thus, the horizontal asymptote is x = 3.


Question c:

The limit of x going to infinity of the function is negative infinity, which means that the function is decreasing.


Question d:

Exponential function has no restrictions in the domain, so it is all real values, that is [tex](-\infty,\infty)[/tex].From the limits in item c, the range is: [tex](-\infty,3)[/tex]


The sketching of the graph is given appended at the end of this answer.

A similar problem is given at https://brainly.com/question/16533631

Fastest answer will be declared the brainliest



All whole numbers are rational numbers.


All integers are whole numbers.


There are integers that are not rational numbers.


There are whole numbers that are not integers.


Apples are cut into 8 pieces to be shared among some children. Twenty-two bags of seven apples are used. How many pieces of apple are cut?


Answer: 1232 pieces

Work Shown:

1 bag = 7 apples

22 bags = 22*7 = 154 apples

So we have 154 apples to work with in total.

Each of those apples is cut into 8 pieces, giving us 8*154 = 1232 pieces

We can write it as one single calculation to say 22*7*8 = 1232

Find the area of this circle. Use 3 for .
A = r2
12 cm
[?] cm2



452.16 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Given :-

Radius = 12cm .

To find :-

Area of circle .

Solution :-

As we know that ,

A = πr² A = 3.14 * (12 cm)² A = 3.14 * 144cm² A = 452.16 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]area = \pi {r}^{2} \\ = \pi \times {12}^{2} \\ = \pi \times 144 \\ = 3.14 \times 144 \\ = 452.16 {cm}^{2} \\ thank \: you[/tex]

What is the value of the expression below when w=2 and x=2
9w - x


Here, all we need to do is subtitute w = 2 and x = 2 into the expression, by multiplying and adding. First, we will muliply 9w:


9 · w =

9 · 2 =


Now, all we have to do is use our answer for 9w, and subtract x from it:

9w - x

18 - (2) =

18 - 2 =


So, our answer is 16.

Let me know if you have any other questions! :)

Solve for x: -5 < 8x + 11 < 19




Step-by-step explanation:

-5 < 8x + 11 < 19

Subtract 11 from all sides

-5-11 < 8x + 11-11 < 19-11

-16 < 8x<8

Divide by 8

-16/8 < 8x/8 <8/8


Question 2 Evaluate the expression 2(x - 3) + 3y when x = 5 and y = 3. Mark the correct answer.
A. 13
B. 15
C. 16
D. 25​



A. 13

Step-by-step explanation:

2(x - 3) + 3y

2(5 - 3) + 3×3

2× 2 + 3×3

4 + 9



The correct answer is A

Step-by-step explanation:

2(x-3) + 3y so you replace them and get 2( 5 - 3) +3(3)


you would solve it

2 x 5 and 2 x 3 you get 10-6 + 9, the 9 is from multiplying 3 by 3

finally you solve it

10-6 = 4 +9

= 13!

9/7 = please answer me​



[tex] \frac{9}{7} = 1.2857 = 1 \frac{2}{7} [/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\la\la\la\la\ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddcleverdddddd\ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff\pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp\ddddddddddddddddddd\displaystyle\ \Large \boldsymbol {\frac{9}{7}=1\frac{2}{7} \ \ or \ \ 1.(28571)}[/tex]

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