Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation:________ a) because he considered emancipation to be "a military necessity, absolutely essential to the preservation of the Union." b) as a personal moral statement regarding why slaves should be free. as a response to the constant lobbying of abolitionists pressing him to free the slaves. c) as a way to appease the entire northern population and their cries for freedom for all slaves.


Answer 1


a) because he considered emancipation to be "a military necessity, absolutely essential to the preservation of the Union."


President Abraham Lincoln was born on the 12th of February, 1809 and was the 16th president of the United States of America. He served from 1861 to 1865 in an active capacity.

On the 22nd of September, 1862, President Lincoln issued an executive order during the Civil War, which was known as the Emancipation Proclamation or Proclamation 95.

Abraham Lincoln wrote the Emancipation Proclamation because he considered emancipation to be "a military necessity, absolutely essential to the preservation of the Union."

He issued the Emancipation Proclamation to set all persons who were held as slaves in the rebellious states free. Also, he declared that the military and naval authorities, as well as the executive government of the United States of America shall recognize and uphold the freedom of such individuals.

Related Questions

When Mr. Bergman's wife died, his family members and friends dressed in black, attended a funeral, and participated in a burial service. Mr. Bergman covered all the mirrors in his house with black cloths. This set of culturally specified expressions of thoughts and feelings is __________.





Mourning is a term that describes an expression of sadness or a period of grieving that comes after the death of someone one cared for, or other crucial loss.

In other words, Mourning is a process which involves individuals taking the grief on the inside or internally and express it outside or externally.

Hence, in this case, this set of culturally specified expressions of thoughts and feelings is MOURNING.

Rhesus monkeys were exposed to lesioning of a specific brain area, and when they woke up they showed a pronounced decrease in their fear responses. The part of the brain that was most likely under investigation in this study was the ________.


Answer: Amygdala


Amygdala is a region in the cerebral hemisphere that is roughly almond in shape with grey on it, it plays the role of experiencing emotions. It is a component of the limbic system, it's vital role is the processing of fear. The Amygdala was the section under this study.

"Twenty dogs are initially presented with numerous CS-tone/US-footshock pairings. These dogs are then placed in a shuttle box, and movement from one side of the shuttle to the other terminates periodic presentations of the CS tone. No shocks are delivered in the shuttle box, but the dogs learn to move to the other side of the box to escape the tone. This is an example of _________________________"



An escape from fear procedure.


Escape from fear (EFF) is a phenomenon involving animals learning to perform an escape of a fear-eliciting conditioned stimulus (CS) in a situation where the escape response is paired with CS termination.

Escape from fear procedure however, comprises of traditionally condition a fear response, then the subjects are allowed to perform an instrumental response to avoid the Condition Stimulus-- This is mainly confirm predictions of two-process theory.

Hence, in this case, this is an example of an ESCAPE FROM FEAR PROCEDURE.

Abby's therapist and Abby have developed a hierarchy of social situations that range from not very threatening to very threatening. The therapist's strategy is to start with the least threatening and work up to assist Abby in not being so sensitive to rejection, to improve Abby's sense of unworthiness, and to assist her in having more relationships with others. This is a description of using _____ _____ to treat Abby's diagnosis of avoidant personality disorder.



Graduated exposure.


This treatment is also called systematic desensitization. It is a treatment therapy form that is used to categorically tackle avoidance of feared situations, objects and also activities due to anxiety. Treatment pattern in this therapy is seen to practically combine a persons cognitive and behaviours which is mostly used in retraining the brain. Here, it is seen that the brain is been taught that it doesn’t need to create pain in reaction to specific situations and movements.

In scenarios where the pain are seen to be very hard or have a high effect on the person/patient, this graded exposure will be done in vivo, meaning that patients are facing their feared activities directly.

Capitalism gets its name from the fact that capital resources:_________ a. are mostly treated as private property. b. owned by the state or government. c. given the highest priority in the economy's income distribution. d. in the form of money and financial resources.



Treated as private property


Will is 10 years old and preparing for a spelling contest. He is starting to memorize the spelling of the word antidisestablishmentarianism. He realizes that he can group the letters into anti, dis, establish, and so forth. This process is called ____.Will is 10 years old and preparing for a spelling contest. He is starting to memorize the spelling of the word antidisestablishmentarianism. He realizes that he can group the letters into anti, dis, establish, and so forth. This process is called ____.


Answer: memorizing in an easier way or mnemonics

Explanation:It is a way of helping you remember something,it is the only word in the dictionary that starts with "MN",the 'm' being silent

Pavlov, the researcher who studied classical conditioning, rang a bell every time he fed his dogs. At first the dogs drool in response to the food, but eventually began to drool in response to the bell alone (with or without the food). In this example, the food is the _____________________ stimulus, and the bell is the ____________________ stimulus.



a non-neutral or unconditioned stimulus

neutral stimulus


Ivan Pavlov developed a theory known as Classical conditioning. it is when two stimuli are linked together to produce a new learned response.

Ivan conducted a research with dogs. he demonstrated how the presence of food (stimulus) would lead to the dog salivating. salivation is known as an unconditioned response. When he gave the dogs food, he rang a bell. after a period, ringing the bell led the dogs to salivate. the bell is a neutral stimulus.

hich of the following cases would the U.S. Supreme Court be the first to hear? a civil trial between residents of one U.S. state a civil trial where neighbors sue one another a criminal trial involving a U.S. ambassador a criminal trial for a suspect in a murder



a criminal trial involving a U.S ambassador


Under federal law at 28 U.S.C, the Supreme Court would be the first to hear and handle a criminal trial involving a U.S ambassador. This is because the Supreme Court has original and exclusive jurisdiction over all extremely important cases that involve any problems between the states and/or any trial which involves U.S ambassadors or public ministers, even though these cases are rare and unique.


Explanation: took the test

Why does it typically cost more money to win a seat on the Texas Supreme Court than a seat on the Texas court of criminal appeals? The Texas legislature has placed a strict cap on the spending for criminal appeals court election campaigns. There are few interest groups that contribute money to the criminal appeals court candidates’ campaigns, which keeps down the costs of the election. Judges running for the criminal appeals court do not have to be elected in a statewide election. Fewer people are interested in the court of criminal appeals.



There are few interest groups that contribute money to the criminal appeals court candidates' campaigns, which keeps down the costs of the election.


This is because the candidates vying for a seat on the Texas Supreme Court don’t receive any aid or financial support during their campaigns .

The candidates vying for a seat on the Texas court of criminal appeals usually receives financial support from few interest groups that contribute money to the criminal appeals court candidates' campaigns which keeps down the costs of the election.

You are out camping in a remote area. The next day, you plan to hike the mountain trail and return to camp before dusk. Your friends suggest that after hiking, you might want to enjoy a warm shower. They suggest that before you head out in the morning, you should suspend a strong, black cloth bag full of about 5 gallons of water, so that it sits in sunshine all day. When you return, the water should be warm, and you can enjoy a luxury because of good planning. It works and you are delighted and refreshed! The process that you used to get a warm shower illustrates


Answer: Passive solar technology


Passive solar technology is the method of using materials to attract sunlight for warmth. Solar energy is the energy that comes from the sun. To store this energy gotten from the sun you'll need some elements to transfer this energy then store them. According to the passage the individual used a black material (black material is used for conveying and storing heat, it's one of the best form for doing so), the black material and the water helps warm the water needed for the individual after his hiking which actually worked.

Which diagram accurately reflects how a historical society influenced the modern U.S. government ?



Ancient Greece---->Developed a republican form of government Explanation:  A republican government is one in which the citizens have the ultimate political power in society. This is due to the fact that citizens get to vote for the individuals who will make laws for them. This type of government revolves around the idea of popular sovereignty, as a "majority wins" mindset applies to almost all types of elections on a local, state, and national level. hope this helps you :)

Ancient Greece---->Developed a republican form of government Explanation:  A republican government is one in which the citizens have the ultimate political power in society. This is due to the fact that citizens get to vote for the individuals who will make laws for them. This type of government revolves around the idea of popular sovereignty, as a "majority wins" mindset applies to almost all types of elections on a local, state, and national level. hope this helps you :)

Is there life on other planets other than Earth?



That is unknown as for now, but it might change in the future. No, scientists have not discovered any life on other planets.




The short answer is yes because think about it do you really think we are the only living things in the world?

what was the role played by various committees in the making of the constitution?​



Committees in the making of constitution are the legislatures, constituent and assemblies in the previous section.


Constitution making process have limited functions are related specific functions, limited bodies.

Constitution to providing advice a aspects of system to another body and draft constitution,  have limited specific functions to making process.

Committees are they other constitutional commissions are similar bodies, drafting and adopting assemblies.

Constitution provide a advice on a financial aspects of a system, to prepare draft and prepare constitution.

Committee of they assembly is that formed a preparing draft consideration by another body.

Committee is the commissions constitutional committees, given command drafting responsibilities.

Commissions are the legislature of the assembly in a other ways.

Modernity has largely led to the collapse of strong marital ties and subsequently affected the choice of mates. Critically provide a four (4)- point coherent and logical underpinnings to prove the truth or otherwise of this statement.



The explanation including its given subject is listed throughout the subsection on descriptions elsewhere here.


Different groups of individuals describe it in diverse situations. Not social scientists are perfectly willing to come up with a single definition. We would then legislate morality for everyone's reasons of course as a formally enforceable social agreement made between two individuals, main provisions on something like committed relations as well as trying to claim the union's preservation. They should perhaps take into account differences in building a positive concept, including whether a legitimate legislative partnership is required or whether upwards of two individuals can be actively engaged. Many differences throughout the understanding of marriage could include for certain if partners should be of opposite genders or about the same genders, as well as because one of the common stereotypes of marriage is understood today.As we sometimes conclude from Simmel's study, the forms of the traditional family in which everyone or one of several aspects are represented are diversified: nuclear, polygamy, extended communities, parents of almost the same ethnicity, single-parent, mixed families, etc.Sociologists become concerned with the relationships between some of the traditional societies since marriages become traditionally what creates a household, therefore families are perhaps the very most fundamental social component about which community is founded. Both the marriage as well as the family establish status structures that the community approves.

In which type of economic activity is dairy farming included?



Primary economic activity


​In regard to OCD, when the term "magical" is used to refer to compulsive acts, it means Group of answer choices ​the person with OCD believes he/she is possessed. ​compulsive behaviors are similar to superstitions. ​the compulsions have no logical relation to the obsessions. ​many magicians have been diagnosed with OCD.



​the compulsions have no logical relation to the obsessions.


In psychology, the term OCD refers to the Obsessive compulsive disorder which is a disorder in which a person has an irrational thought (obsession) that causes distress to the person and the person has to do an action (compulsion) in order to make this stress disappear.

The compulsions are also referred to as "magical thinking" because the person does these actions as a way for the intrusive thoughts to go away as if these rituals/repetitions would make the anxiety go away even when the compulsions don't have a relation with the obsessions (for example a person might think that they need to count from 1 to 50 5 times to avoid something bad from happen).

Thus, the term "magical" is used to refer to compulsive acts meaning that ​the compulsions have no logical relation to the obsessions

An example of Movement is what?

Group of answer choices


Mountain Ranges





Places:Los Angeles


why does Nepal is under developed in the field of science and technology​



Nepal is one of the 48 LDCs in the world. For Nepal to graduate to a developing country it has to meet two of the three criteria the United Nations has set: gross national income per capita and the threshold for human asset index which includes health, and nutrition index and Education index

Answer: Because they don't have the same amount of technology access as the rest of the world. They are a newly developed country, and their location on the map is geographically inapt with the rest of the world.


B9 takes a throw-in, which his goalkeeper, B1, traps with his feet. B1 then dribbles the ball into the penalty area and picks it up with his hands in order to punt the ball. The officials should



In soccer, a back pass or a throw-in to a goalkeeper during the match means that the goalkeeper’s only option is to use his legs or other parts of the body with the exception of the hands to play the ball.

In a case where the goalkeeper handles the ball with his hands, the referee would blow for a foul and an indirect free kick will be awarded to the opposition inside the penalty area where the ball handling took place.

How can I emigrate to Canada?


Yesss. Why not? U just need a passport and a Visa

Why would a judge direct an offender to be housed at the Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facilities (SAFPF)?



These offenders have special needs that require correction professionals to alter their practice to ensure the recidivism rate is reduced for these offenders. If done properly, these offenders will be less of a threat to society.


Finn likes it when her days are unpredictable and filled with problems to solve. She thrives on solving puzzles and then testing out the different solutions in search of the "right fit." How would you describe Finn’s personality?



she has a high tolerance for uncertainty


Based on Finn's everyday life I would describe Finn's personality as having a high tolerance for uncertainty. Since her day to day life is very unpredictable and always different, she can never plan ahead and since she loves this type of lifestyle then it seems that she has a very high tolerance for what she does not know and cannot control, which most people do not.

Do you agree with President Harry Truman's approach to Vyacheslav Molotov? Or would you have done things differently? Why or why not? Please dont send the brainly answer



The action taken by President Truman was as a result of the Soviet Union breaking the Yalta agreement. This made President Truman angry as he was against the spread of communism in Eastern Europe.

He wanted the Soviet leaders to know his real stance, tenacity and determination in opposing their plans. This was why Truman’s approach toward Molotov was justified. He was concerned on conveying this message to Stalin through Molotov about reminding Stalin to keep his promises of holding a free election in Poland.

Servant leaders: Group of answer choices Advocate a perspective that leaders have a responsibility to serve their followers by helping them to achieve followers' goals Servant leadership is the flip side of authentic leadership Help followers to fulfill their needs by modeling ethical values, attitudes and behaviors Promote a culture that enhances organizational outcomes



The correct option is "Help followers satisfy their requirements by shaping ethical values, attitudes as well as  behaviors".


The fundamental principle of servant leadership becomes representatives should place disciples' needs of others ahead other than their requirements. Servant leaders utilizing teamwork through encouragement instead of just manipulation and power, to manipulate supporters.They can discern and appreciate the emotional states their community is experiencing.

The other given options are not related to the given instance. So that the above would be the correct one.

Magine that you work for an advertising agency, and you've been tasked with developing an advertising campaign to increase sales of COLA. How would you develop an advertisement for this product that uses a Human Psychology Factor. *



Explanation below


Advertising is the process of creating or promoting ones product or company's product in order to bring people or convince people to buy the particular product.

Human psychological factor can be described as the way people reason or think in deciding what they should do at a particular point in time. That is their reasoning sense in making decisions.

Generally, people want to know the reasons why they should buy a particular product, and that's why the advertisement must expose or make people to understand why that product is the best among its contemporaries.

The advertisement must make them to change their minds and make the decisions of patronising or buying the product.

A _____________________ established a colony and served as an agreement between the
colony and the __________________. Only the King could _________________ a
charter, so technically he was in charge.



charter document;  the mother country; grant


This document serves as a binding  agreement between the  colony and the mother country, that is, the country that established or formed the country's, which includes delegating its laws and regulations.

Also, only the King could grant the charter document, so technically he was in charge. An example of charter document relationship can be found in the history of England.

Irene wants to examine the effect of a defendant's appearance on the judgment of guilt for a crime.She has participants read an identical account of the crime except for the defendant's appearance.A group of high school students receive the description of an attractive defendant,while a group of senior citizens receive the description of an unattractive defendant.Both groups are then asked to rate the defendant's guilt on a seven-point scale.A major cause for confusion in Madison's experiment is the _____.A) manipulation of appearanceB) measure of guiltC) description of the crimeD) age of the participants



D) age of the participants


Irene seeks to investigate the impact of defendant existence on the verdict of a crime. She read the account equivalent to the offense to the participants excluding the presence of the defendant. A group of high school students get an attractive respondent explanation, Based on the information provided in the question I can say that the main reason for the confusion in the Irene experiment was the age of the participants Hence the correct answer is the age of the participants

which of the following best explains why it is important to protect rivers? a) without them, animals in marine ecosystems would become overpopulated. b) we depend on them to meet our basic needs by providing drinking water. c) without them, we would lose money made through overseas trade. d) we depend on them to provide us with our main source of food.



a) without them, animals in marine ecosystems would become overpopulated.

Nancy, aged 70, has a vacant plot adjacent to her house that she intends to bequeath to her grandson Roy upon her death. However, an important railroad project is being undertaken nearby and the local authorities have informed Nancy that the new railroad will cover her vacant lot. They have also promised her fair compensation in return. Can the government take her property?



Yes, the government can take her property.


The government can take Nancy's property because it has eminent domain over the property. In other words, it means that the government can take private property and make it a public giving the owner compensation for the land. Besides, there has to be a public purpose for the eminent domain over the plot; which, could be the construction of roads, railroads, or public buildings.

What is the correct definition of a hemisphere?

a line of longitude

the mid point between the North and South Poles

one half of the Earth

a line of latitude



A. Line of longitude.


[tex]good \: luck[/tex]
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