Accessing disk is much slower than accessing memory. As a result, many file systems have been designed with various optimizations to improve performance. What is an example of file system performance optimization


Answer 1


An example of file system performance optimization is Caching - i.e. keep in memory a collection of blocks that logically belong on the disk, for performance reasons.


Caching - i.e. keep in memory a collection of blocks that logically belong on the disk, for performance reasons.

The ultimate frequent method employed to decrease the duration of disk elucidated as a collection of books i.e similar kind that is preserved in invisible area.

Related Questions

Write a C class, Flower, that has three member variables of type string, int, and float, which respectively represent the name of the flower, its number of pedals, and price. Your class must include a constructor method that initializes each variable to an appropriate value, and your class should include functions for setting the value of each type, and getting the value of each type.


Answer and Explanation:

C is a low level language and does not have classes. The language isn't based on object oriented programming(OOP) but is actually a foundation for higher level languages that adopt OOP like c++. Using c++ programming language we can implement the class, flower, with its three variables/properties and functions/methods since it is an object oriented programming language.

Matts has finished running some security automation scripts on three newly deployed Linux servers. After applying intrusion detection, virus, and malware protection on the Linux images, he notices an increase in which VM metric on his server management dashboard?
D. IPsec.
E. I/O.


Answer: CPU


The management dashboard refers to the tool that's used in the presentation of the vital k management KPIs in a single place, which is efficiently managed in order to make faster and better decisions.

Based on the information given, after the application of intrusion detection, virus, and malware protection on the Linux images, he will notices an increase in CPU on his server management dashboard.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Which of the following statement is true? Single choice. (2 Points) Views are virtual tables that are compiled at run time All of the Mentioned Views could be looked as an additional layer on the table which enables us to protect intricate or sensitive data based upon our needs Creating views can improve query response time



All of the mentioned views could be looked as an additional layer in the table which enables us to protect intricate or sensitive data based upon our needs.


View is a virtual table which executed a pre compiled query. It is a table in which selective portion of the data can be seen from one or more tables. Queries are not allowed in indexed views and adding column is not possible. Views can be looked as an additional layer in the virtual table which protects sensitive data.

What are the basic characteristics of the linear structure in data structure



A Linear data structure have data elements arranged in sequential manner and each member element is connected to its previous and next element. This connection helps to traverse a linear data structure in a single level and in single run. Such data structures are easy to implement as computer memory is also sequential.

Design a class named largeIntegers such that an object of this class can store an integer of any number of digits. Add operations to add, subtract, multiply, and compare integers stored in two objects. Also add constructors to properly initialize objects and functions to set, retrieve, and print the values of objects. Write a program to test your class. g



Here the code is given as follows,



import java.util.Scanner;

//created class named largeintegers

class largeintegers{

   //class can hold a long number

   long number;

   //constructor to set number

  largeintegers(long number){



  //getNumber method to get number

  long getNumber(){

      return number;


  //below are some basic operations

  long addition(long num1,long num2){

       return num1+num2;


   long subtract(long num1,long num2){

       return num1-num2;


   long multiply(long num1,long num2){

       return num1*num2;


   boolean compare(long num1,long num2)


       return num1>num2;


  public static void main(String[] args) {

      //declared to long numbers

      long number1,number2;

      //scanner class to take user input

      Scanner sc= new Scanner(;

      //taking input numbers

      System.out.println("Enter a Number ");


      System.out.println("Enter 2nd Number :");


      //created two objects

      largeintegers object=new largeintegers(number1);

      largeintegers object2=new largeintegers(number2);

      //displaying two numbers

      System.out.println("Entered Numbers ");



      //calling basic methods using created objects

      System.out.println("Some Operations on Given two Numbers ");

      System.out.println("Addition:"+object.addition(object.getNumber(), object2.getNumber()));

      System.out.println("Subtraction:"+object.subtract(object.getNumber(), object2.getNumber()));

      System.out.println("Multiplication:"+object.multiply(object.getNumber(), object2.getNumber()));


      if(, object2.getNumber())==true)


          System.out.println("First Number is Greater than Second Number ");




          System.out.println("Second Number is Greater than First Number ");






Globally, most cell phone carriers use GSM technology, a combination of time division and frequency multiplexing.
Why do you think this has become the multiplexing technology of choice for most carriers?
Why not code division, for example, which some major US cell phone carriers still use?



The many reason why we still use Global System for Mobile communication is for the ability to transfer data and voice both at once. But others like Code Division does not have this feature.


LAB: Warm up: Drawing a right triangle This program will output a right triangle based on user specified height triangle_height and symbol triangle_char. (1) The given program outputs a fixed-height triangle using a character. Modify the given program to output a right triangle that instead uses the user-specified triangle_char character. (1 pt) (2) Modify the program to use a loop to output a right triangle of height triangle_height. The first line will have one user-specified character, such as % or* Each subsequent line will have one additional user-specified character until the number in the triangle's base reaches triangle_height. Output a space after each user-specified character, including a line's last user-specified character. (2 pts) Example output for triangle_char = % and triangle_height = 5: Enter a character: Enter triangle height: 5 273334.1408726 LAB ACTIVITY 16.6.1: LAB: Warm up: Drawing a right triangle 0/3 Load default template... 1 triangle_char - input('Enter a character:\n') 2 triangle_height = int(input('Enter triangle height:\n')) 3 print('') 4 5 print ('*') 6 print ("**') 7 print ("***') 8



The modified program in Python is as follows:

triangle_char = input('Enter a character:\n')

triangle_height = int(input('Enter triangle height:\n'))  

for i in range(triangle_height):

   print(triangle_char * (i+1))


This gets the character from the user

triangle_char = input('Enter a character:\n')

This gets the height of the triangle from the user

triangle_height = int(input('Enter triangle height:\n'))  

This iterates through the height

for i in range(triangle_height):

This prints extra characters up to the height of the triangle

   print(triangle_char * (i+1))

Here's the modified program that incorporates the requested changes:


Copy code

triangle_char = input('Enter a character:\n')

triangle_height = int(input('Enter triangle height:\n'))


for i in range(1, triangle_height + 1):

   line = triangle_char * i + ' ' * (triangle_height - i)


This program uses a loop to iterate from 1 to triangle_height. In each iteration, it creates a line by concatenating triangle_char repeated i times with spaces (' ') repeated (triangle_height - i) times. The resulting line is then printed.

For example, if the user enters % as the character and 5 as the height, the output will be to make sure to maintain the indentation properly in your code for it to work correctly.

Learn more about python on:


1) It is possible to email a document
directly from the Word application.





find the summation of even number between (2,n)​



The program in python is as follows:

n = int(input("n: "))

sum = 0

for i in range(2,n+1):

   if i%2 == 0:




This gets input n

n = int(input("n: "))

This initializes sum to 0

sum = 0

This iterates through n

for i in range(2,n+1):

This checks if current digit is even

   if i%2 == 0:

If yes, take the sum of the digit


Print the calculated even sum


Write a program named prices.c that repeatedly asks users to enter the price of an item until they enter zero. Prices less than zero will be ignored. The program will then print the number of items purchased, the subtotal of the prices, the sales tax charged (at a rate of 7.5%), and the grand total.




The following is written in Java. It creates a while loop that requests price from the user and goes adjusting the quantity and subtotal as more prices are added. If 0 is entered it breaks the loop and outputs the quantity, subtotal, tax, and grand total to the user.

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner in = new Scanner(;

       int quantity = 0;

       double subtotal = 0;

       double tax, grandTotal;

       while (true) {

           System.out.println("Enter a price: ");

           double price = in.nextDouble();

           if (price == 0) {


           } else if (price > 0) {

               quantity += 1;

               subtotal += price;



       tax = subtotal * 0.075;

       grandTotal = subtotal + tax;

       System.out.println("Quantity: $" + quantity);

       System.out.println("Subtotal: $" + subtotal);

       System.out.println("Tax: $" + tax);

       System.out.println("GrandTotal: $" + grandTotal);



Which of the following Python methods is used to perform hypothesis testing for a population mean when the population standard deviation is unknown?

a. uttest(dataframe, null hypothesis value)
b. ztest(dataframe, null hypothesis value)
c. prop_1samp_hypothesistest(dataframe, n, alternative hypothesis value)
d. ttest_1samp(dataframe, null hypothesis value)



B: ztest(dataframe, null hypothesis value)

The Python method that is used to perform a test of hypothesis for a population mean with an unknown population standard deviation is d. ttest_1samp(dataframe, null hypothesis value).

A t-test is normally applied when the population standard deviation is not known.  The researcher will use the sample standard deviation.

While the z-test can also be used in Python to perform hypothesis testing with a known population standard deviation and a sample size that is larger than 50, only the t-test can be applied with an unknown population standard deviation or a sample size less than 50.

Thus, the only Python method to carry out hypothesis testing with unknown population standard deviation is the t-test, which is given in option d.

Learn more about hypothesis testing at

A reflective cross-site scripting attack (like the one in this lab) is a __________ attack in which all input shows output on the user’s/attacker’s screen and does not modify data stored on the server.



" Non-persistent" is the right response.


A cross-site category of screenplay whereby harmful material would have to include a transaction to have been transmitted to that same web application or user's device is a Non-persistent attack.Developers can upload profiles with publicly available information via social media platforms or virtual communication or interaction.

१८. तलका शीर्षकमा १५० शब्दसम्मको निबन्ध लेख्नुहोस् :
(क) सुशासन र विकास







Assume that a file contains students’ ids, full names, and their scores (Assignments grade, quizzes grade, Midterm grade, Practical exam grade, and final exam grade) (each column is separated by $). You are required to write a C program to do the following:

• Using the concept of parallel arrays create records for students with above attributes (id, full name, score).(you are not allowed to use structure)

• Ask the user to enter the input file name and read it (suppose that, there are different files you could read data from). Read the data from the file and store it in record for students, which has IDs, Names, and Scores. The IDs should be declared as integers, the Names as a two-dimensional array of characters and the Scores as doubles. Assume that the maximum length of full name of any student is 50 characters. Also, you may assume that there will be No more than a 1000 student records in the file.

• Calculate the final grade as the flowing:

Grade= (Assignment)*15%+(Quizzes) *15%+(Midterm exam) *25%+(Practical Exam)

*10%+(Final) *35% Assuming that data in files are arranged in same order of the above equation with respect to grades

Hint: read form file, calculate the final score, and store it in the record before going to the next step.

• Display the following menu to the user and read the entered choice:

1) Sort data in ascending order according to students’ IDs and then display it.

2) Sort data in ascending order according to students’ names and then display it.

3) Sort data in descending order according to students’ scores and then display it.

Note: After running any of the above menus items, ask the user if he/she would like to save the current result, if so, prompt user to enter file name.

4) Ask the user to enter a student ID and display his score

5) Ask the user to enter a student name and display his score

6) Exit the program

 The program should keep displaying the menu until the user selects to exit from the program.

Implement each of the first five menu options as a separate function.

The attached file “data.txt” is for test.


Thank lord for you please

Compare and contrast the older multiplexing techniques such as frequency division and time division multiplexing with the newer techniques such as discrete multitone and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing. What appears to be the trend in these newer protocols?



As compared to new multiplexing techniques, older techniques like FDM frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) may be a technique by which the entire bandwidth available during a communication medium is split into a series of non-overlapping frequency sub-bands, each of which is employed to hold a separate signal.


Especially used for Radio and tv Broadcasting and TDM ( Time-division multiplexing (TDM) may be a method of transmitting and receiving independent signals over a standard signal path by means of synchronized switches at each end of the cable in order that each signal appears on the road only a fraction of your time in an alternating pattern, especially used for telegraphy) are simple; they'll be suffering from noise and their transmission speeds are high. New techniques are far more complex, they will be suffering from more noise and transmission speeds are very high as compared to older techniques.

A palindrome is a string that reads the same from left to right and from right to left. Design an algorithm to find the minimum number of characters required to make a given string to a palindrome if you are allowed to insert characters at any position




The following code is written in Python. It is a recursive function that tests the first and last character of the word and keeps checking to see if each change would create the palindrome. Finally, printing out the minimum number needed to create the palindrome.

import sys

def numOfSwitches(word, start, end):

   if (start > end):

       return sys.maxsize

   if (start == end):

       return 0

   if (start == end - 1):

       if (word[start] == word[end]):

           return 0


           return 1

   if (word[start] == word[end]):

       return numOfSwitches(word, start + 1, end - 1)


       return (min(numOfSwitches(word, start, end - 1),

                   numOfSwitches(word, start + 1, end)) + 1)

word = input("Enter a Word: ")

start = 0

end = len(word)-1

print("Number of switches required for palindrome: " + str(numOfSwitches(word, start, end)))

When performing the ipconfig command, what does the following output line depict if found in the tunnel adapter settings?
IPv6 Address: 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe:
a. IPv6 is disabled.
b. The addresses will use the same subnet mask.
c. The network is not setup to use both IPv4 and IPv6.
d. IPv4 Address is associated with the global IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe



d. IPv4 Address is associated with the globe IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe


The adapter setting will be associated with the global IP address. When Ipconfig command is operate the IP address finds the relevant domain and then address will use a different subnet. The network will use both IPv4 and IPv6 subnets in order to execute the command.

In the tunnel adapter settings, when performing the ipconfig command, the given output line depicts: D. IPv4 Address is associated with the global IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe.

What is a tunnel adapter?

A tunnel adapter can be defined as a virtual interface which is designed and developed to encapsulate packets as a form of tunnel or virtual private network (VPN) protocol while sending them over another network interface.

In Computer networking, an output line of "IPv6 Address: 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe:" in the tunnel adapter settings simply means that an IPv4 Address is associated with the global IPv6 address 2001:db8:0:10:0:efe.

Read more on IP address here:

define the followings Super, Miniframe & hybrid Computer
Super computer​



super computers are the largest , fastest and the most expensive computers which have a large memory capacity and very high processing speeds for solving scientific and engineering problems .

Mainframe computers are powerful, largest general purpose computers made to handle a large volume of data .Hybrid computers contain the major features of analog and digital computers which are mostly used for various engineering fields and scientific research .

hope it is helpful to you



Super computer : The most powerful ,fastest and also very expensive computers are super computers.It waas developed in the 1980s .It is used to process large amount of data and to solve the complicated scientific notations.Some of the super computers are: cray-1 , cray-2 ,ETA etc

Miniframe computer :The very large and expensive computer that requires a very large clean room with air conditioner capable of supporting hundreds or even thousands of users simultaneously is called miniframe computer.It has a multiple processors .some examples of miniframe computer are :IBM s/390 , control data cyber 176 etc

hybrid computer :The computer that can perform the task of both analog and digital computer is called hybrid computer.It is also called special purpse computer because they are programmed for the specific purpose and can convert one type of data in another.It is used in a wasging machine , rocket launching etc.

Mini computer : mini computers are the medium sized computers which are larger than micro computers and samller than miniframe computers.They have larger storage capacity and higher speed than micro computers.Some of the mini computers are: IBM AS/400 , IBM system 360 HP etc

Hope this helps u!!

A Key Factor in Controlling Your Anger Is Using Passive behaviour.T/F



The answer is "True".


Assertiveness means that others are encouraged to be open, honest about their thoughts, wishes and feelings so how they can act properly. Assertive behavior: be open and communicate wishes, ideas and feelings, as well as encourage others to do likewise. Please visit our Emotional Regulation page. A major aspect is the ability to control your anger. Once you are quiet or aggressive, work very hard.

List the four workplace trends discussed in the lecture.

The global economy, teamwork, technology, and diversity



Trends in the workplace are constantly evolving and the latest trends are tough to maintain. Ten years ago, employers did not care about open businesses, advantages like ping pong tables and lunches on Fridays, or standing desks and unbounded time off. As times change, however, companies have to adopt trends to increase productivity and employee involvement in the workplace.


Global economy: The global economy refers to the worldwide interconnected economic activities between several countries. These economic activities could impact the countries concerned either positively or negatively.

There are several features in the global economy, for example:

Globalization.International trade.International finance.Global investment.TEAMWORK: "To work together with a group of people to achieve an objective. Teamwork is often an important part of a company, as colleagues often have to work together well and to try their best in all circumstances. Work in a team means that, despite any personal conflicts between people, people will try to cooperate, use their individual abilities, and provide constructive feedback."

It is selfless teamwork. It concentrates on the ultimate objective. Teamwork is based on the idea that the whole exceeds the sum of its components. It's the traditional idea of "one plus one is equal to three." Personalities and the ability to create personal conflicts are different. However, the differences between the members of the team become strengths and goals, if the whole team focuses on doing great work.

TECHNOLOGY: The skills, methods, and processes used to achieve objectives are technology. The technology to use is:

Manufacture products and servicesachieve objectives such as scientific research or sending a moon spaceshipSolve issues like sickness or starvationWe already do things, but easier.

Knowledge of how to do things maybe technology. Embedding machines are examples. This enables others to use the machines without knowing how they function. By taking something, changing it, and producing results, the technological system uses the technology. They are also known as systems of technology.

Developing and using fundamental tools is the simplest form of technology. The discovery of fire and the Revolution made food more readily available. Additional inventions such as the ship and the wheel have helped people and themselves to transport goods. IT, like the printer, the phone, and the internet, has led to Globalization.


Diversity is a range of differences in the human race, ethnicity, sexuality, age, social class, physical capacity or attributes, religious or ethical values systems, nationality, and political faith.

Inclusion is participation and empowerment, which recognize everybody's inherent worth and dignity. An included university supports and promotes the sense of belonging; respects its members' talents, beliefs, backgrounds, and livelihoods. They respect and practice them.


The global economy, teamwork, technology, and diversity


in order to switch from paper to digital medical records the hospital bought in several individuals to introduce and implement the tools needed to organize the files . These individuals would best be described as


Available options are:

A. Technical champions

B. Engaged filmmakers

C. Business partners

D. Compliance champions


Technical champions


Given that a "Technical Champion" is someone whose responsibility is to introduce and perform the role of enabling the use of technology, development of skills across the organization, and strengthen communication between Information Technology and the staff or employees.

Hence, in this case, considering the job descriptions described in the question above, these individuals would best be described as TECHNICAL CHAMPIONS

Select all that apply to Enums: Group of answer choices While mainly a readability feature, we can technically use Enum to do things like spoof a boolean type in C allowing us some level of functionality Enums let us build a series of any kind of constant Enums allow us to print names for integers instead of numbers Enums are great for representing states and other common constants like colors Enums let us specifically value each constant we create Flag question: Question 59 Question 59



-- While mainly a readability feature, we can technically use Enum to do things like spoof a Boolean type in C allowing us some level of functionality.

-- Enums are great for representing states and other common constants like colors.

-- Enums let us specifically value each constant we create.


Enums is a part of a programming language which helps a developer or a programmer to defined a set of the named constants. Using the enums will help in making it easier to document the intent and also to create set of distinct cases.

Option 1 is applicable as in the Boolean there are only TRUE and FALSE values. By using enum one can add more state like that of being difficult or normal or easy.

Option 4 is applicable because enums are used to represent various states and also other constants.

Option 5 is also applicable they allow the developer to create each value constant.

which of the following is not a hardware component a) input devices b)storage devices c)operating systems d)processing​



C. Operating systems


Operating systems are software components, not hardware. (Think about Apple OS or Android, they are softwares that are ON the hardware, which is the physical device.)

C operating system. An operating system is a system/software in a computer or electronic device

A student is conducting an experiment in which he adds an inhibitor to an enzyme-catalyzed reaction that contains alkaline phosphatase. When the student first adds the inhibitor, the reaction rate decreases, however, he can return the reaction rate to normal by adding a large quantity of substrate. What type of inhibitor is the student using, non-competitive or competitive?





An inhibitor is a substance that hinders the action of an enzyme. An inhibitor may be competitive or non competitive.

A competitive inhibitor is an inhibitor that is very similar to the substrate hence it binds to the enzyme instead of the substrate. A noncompetitive inhibitor binds to a site that is different from the active site. This site is called an allosteric site.

If we look at the experiment described in the question, the reaction rate decreases upon addition of the inhibitor. This effect is reversed by adding a large quantity of substrate.

The implication of this observation is that the enzyme and the inhibitor compete for the active site on the substrate.

Hence the inhibitor is a competitive inhibitor.


competitive inhibitor is the students using

Write a static method named lowestPrice that accepts as its parameter a Scanner for an input file. The data in the Scanner represents changes in the value of a stock over time. Your method should compute the lowest price of that stock during the reporting period. This value should be both printed and returned as described below.




The following code is written in Java. It creates the method as requested which takes in a parameter of type Scanner and opens the passed file, reads all the elements, and prints the lowest-priced element in the file. A test case was done and the output can be seen in the attached picture below.



import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly{

   public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {

       Scanner console = new Scanner(;

       System.out.print("file location: ");

       String inputLocation =;

       File inputFile = new File(inputLocation);

       Scanner in = new Scanner(inputFile);



   public static void lowestPrice(Scanner in) {

       double smallest = in.nextDouble();


           double number = in.nextDouble();

           if (number < smallest) {

               smallest = number;







In C complete the following:

void printValues ( unsigned char *ptr, int count) // count is no of cells
print all values pointed by ptr. //complete this part
int main ( )

unsigned char data[ ] = { 9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1} ;
call the printValues function passing the array data //complete this part



#include <stdio.h>

void printValues ( unsigned char *ptr, int count) // count is no of cells


 for(int i=0; i<count; i++) {

   printf("%d ", ptr[i]);



int main ( )


 unsigned char data[ ] = { 9, 8, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1} ;

 printValues( data, sizeof(data)/sizeof(data[0]) );



Remember that the sizeof() mechanism fails if a pointer to the data is passed to a function. That's why the count variable is needed in the first place.

Given that n refers to a positive int use a while loop to compute the sum of the cubes of the first n counting numbers, and associate this value with total. Use no variables other than n, k, and total in python



The program in Python is as follows:

n = int(input("n:"))

total = 0

for k in range(1,n+1):




This gets input for n

n = int(input("n:"))

This initializes total to 0

total = 0

This iterates from 1 to n

for k in range(1,n+1):

This adds up the cube of each digit


This prints the calculated total


asdcvnmn bvcdxszasdfghjk.






what are Manuscript signs​


Answer: See explanation


Manuscript signs, refers to the marks or the symbols that are used within a manuscript in order to show the necessary corrections which should be made during the preparation of a document.

Manuscript formatting is vital as it makes the manuscript easier to assess. In a situation whereby manuscripts are poorly formatted, it can be turned down by agents and publishers.

4. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT one. Which
statement is NOT true?
Select the best option.
Communication occurs between senders and receivers within a context by messages sent
through visual and auditory channels.
Communication includes both the verbal and nonverbal messages sent and received.
The goal of effective communication is mutual understanding.
You can improve your communication by improving your understanding of yourself, others,
and the context of the communication.
When you are listening to another person speak, you can avoid sending any messages by not
speaking and not making eye contact.





Communication are happen when 2 people are response each other

It is not true that when you are listening to another person speak, you can avoid sending any messages by not speaking and not making eye contact. The correct option is 4.

What is communication?

The process of communicating information, concepts, ideas, or sentiments between two or more people through a variety of means and channels, including verbal and nonverbal communication, is referred to as communication.

It is a myth that you may avoid transmitting any messages when you are listening to someone else speak by remaining silent and avoiding eye contact.

Your body language and nonverbal communication, such as your facial expressions and eye contact, can still convey information to the speaker even if you are not replying verbally or establishing eye contact.

Hence, even if a message is unintended or nonverbal, all types of communication entail sending and receiving messages.

Thus, the correct option is 4.

For more details regarding communication, visit:


Your question seems incomplete, the probable complete question is:

All of the following statements are true EXCEPT one. Which

statement is NOT true?

Select the best option.

Communication occurs between senders and receivers within a context by messages sent through visual and auditory channels.Communication includes both the verbal and nonverbal messages sent and received. The goal of effective communication is mutual understanding.You can improve your communication by improving your understanding of yourself, others, and the context of the communication.When you are listening to another person speak, you can avoid sending any messages by not speaking and not making eye contact.
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PLEASE HELP WILL MARK BRAINLIEST.Write the log equation as an exponential equation. You do not need to solve for x.In (5) = 2x Consider the expression below. Assume the variable m represents an integer. 6m(3m + 21) Enter an expression in the box that uses the variable m and makes the equation true. (Simplify your answer completely. If no expression exists, enter DNE.) 6m(3m + 21) = 9 Given that m represents an integer, is 6m(3m + 21) divisible by 9? What was the environmental factor MAINLY responsible for the changes which were seen in the graph in Figure 3? The powers not delegated to the United States by theConstitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reservedto the States respectively, or to the people.Which Anti-Federalist concern does this amendment included in the Bill ofRights most clearly address? 2.Which sentence best describes how the information in this article is organized? A. The author describes the methods used by the researchers to conduct thestudy, then explains why the study's findings were not scientifically valid.B. The author describes the study's findings, then lists the ways in which the studycould have been conducted in a more scientifically accurate way.C. The author explains the purpose of the study, describes the research methods,then lists the different findings of the study.D.The author presents the study's findings, explains how the study was conducted,then presents potential problems with the findings. Curtis decided to go on a trip to Canada . On the first day on his trip , he drove 12 hours and traveled 732 miles . At what rate did he travel , in miles per hour Sarala says, "The sun rises in the east". (into indirect speech)Nirmala lives in Myagdi. She was born there. (into one sentence Which expressions are equivalent to One-half + 3 c + StartFraction 4 Over 5 EndFractionCheck all that apply. which definition goes where idefk Ill give u brainlist biology teacher driving me nuts omfmsjajhahwahsn yhgj bhvh bb b nh bb n sdfghjk missing cardinal direction:En el sur de la ciudad hay un parque muy bonito. En el _ de la ciudad hayun lago muy grande y bonito. En el este hay un monumento muy interesantey en el oeste hay unas tiendas bonitas.A. norteB. estaC. centroD. sendaSUBMIT Suppose that in a 00-11 knapsack problem, the order of the items when sorted by increasing weight is the same as their order when sorted by decreasing value. Give an efficient algorithm to find an optimal solution to this variant of the knapsack problem, and argue that your algorithm is correct. The reader can infer that Hine was an especially important photographer for our society because . A. his photographs helped end child labor B. he had a career that lasted decades C. he was hired by a wide number of agencies D. his photographs were printed in pamphlets Changes in global temperature and other Choose... conditions have effects on organisms and on the clades to which they belong. The emergence, growth, and extinction of a large clade, such as the dinosaurs, is an example of a Choose... pattern. This pattern includes Choose... extinction, which tends not to disturb ecosystems, as well as Choose... extinction, in which ecosystems change drastically. A salesman is paid $450 a week, plus a commission of 35 cents for every item that he sells. Write a linear function where the paycheck, P, of the salesman is a function of the number, N, of items he sells. If the salesman only has 1400 items available to sell each week, find the domain and range of the function. Can somebody help me? Miss McGrew is making stools for her first graders to use during story time. To make the stools, she covers wooden cubes with carpet, 40 cm How much carpet does it take to cover each cube? 2) find the volume of the trapezoid prism 7in 6in 4in 12in I was wondering. You can have words like impossible and possible but what would respossible or depossible mean. Like lets say you have a the word describe. Can youhave the words scribe, unscribe, imscribe, rescribe and what would they mean. Also do you guys know more words that you can put before words like de, re, im, un. If so please explain Can you guys please help me? (whatever questions you could answer will help a lot) I really need to finish this asap. Thanksssss