According to "Adventure Time and Sacred History: Myth and Reality in Children's Animated Cartoons" what connotation does "myth" have for scholars of religious studies?"


Answer 1


This chapter looks at how even a form like cartoons for children seeks to establish an imaginative world that rests on a reliable system of mythology. It asks what we mean by myth in popular and scholarly usage and considers why the term has been important in religious and cultural studies. It makes a case for increased attention to myth within television programs as an expression of religion in popular culture. In particular, it argues that to fully understand the role of mythology in popular culture we must take kids' cartoon series of the 2010s seriously. One in particular, Adventure Time, best represents a particular way of thinking about mytholog

Answer 2

This chapter examines how even a genre for children, such as cartoons, tries to create an imaginative world based on a solid mythology. It analyses why myth has been relevant in religious and cultural studies, as well as what myth means in public and scholarly usage.a

What is mythology?

mythology is the "body of study concerned with myths; mythology" It also consists of a collection of myths from a specific culture or faith.

Mythology is largely concerned with stories that a specific culture believes to be true and that may include supernatural events or characters in order to explain the nature of the universe and humanity.

Thus, This chapter examines how even a genre for children, such as cartoons, tries to create an imaginative

For more information about mythology, click here:


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Which European Physical Feature is closest to number 1?
Ural Mountains



Iberian Peninsula


Answer: It's A. Ural Mountains!

Explanation: Mark me brainliest plzzzzz

(Government) who appoints judges to the Missouri Supreme Court? (Not a name of a person)



National head (president or PM ) appints the judge

Which of the following is not a feature of the Constitution of 1789?

Question 2 options:


divided powers





I think it's libertarianism

A car moves with a speed of 40 km/h for 30 minutes. Calculate the distance covered by the car.​


it would be 20km because it’s 40km per hour and 30 minutes is half an hour and half of 40 is 20

distinguished a security guard from police man​



Police (law enforcement) man represent the government (local, county, state, or federal). Security officers represent private businesses and individuals. Police man enforce laws. Security officers enforce policies and respond to criminal activity on their assigned property. Security can detain individuals suspected of crimes on the private property where they work. In most jurisdictions, security officers have no more, and no less, authority to detain a person than a private citizen .

Police powers are limited only by law and jurisdiction. Security officer powers are limited to specific private property, which may or may not be open to the public. Security officers have no more authority than a private citizen on public property, even if that public property is immediately adjacent to the private property to which the security officer is assigned.

Give a specific example of each of Merton's five adaptations.



Merton developed five modes of adaptation to cultural strain: Conformity, Innovation, Ritualism, Retreatism, and Rebellion.

What was an advantage of investing in a venture through a joint-stock company?



The advantage of investing in a venture through a joint stock company is that you have less loss to bear. There are other members to bear the loss too. As well as you can hear numerous point of view about the way to take company to the top. As well as if you invest in a joint-stock company it is more likely that you don't have to work but can earn profit if the company is doing well.

Where does water that flows west from the Great Divide eventually go? (1 point)
A. the Great Lakes
B. the Pacific Ocean
C. the Gulf of Mexico
D. the Atlantic Ocean



B the Pacific ocean


precipitation on the west side drains and flows toward the Pacific ocean

prepare a model of a codes
of conduct to be followed in a society ​


Answer: In practice:

A code of conduct can be an important part in establishing an inclusive culture, but it is not a comprehensive solution on its own. An ethical culture is created by the organization's leaders who manifest their ethics in their attitudes and behavior.[5] Studies of codes of conduct in the private sector show that their effective implementation must be part of a learning process that requires training, consistent enforcement, and continuous measurement/improvement.[6] Simply requiring members to read the code is not enough to ensure that they understand it and will remember its contents.[7] The proof of effectiveness is when employees/members feel comfortable enough to voice concerns and believe that the organization will respond with appropriate action.[8]

Accountants code of conduct

In its 2007 International Good Practice Guidance, "Defining and Developing an Effective Code of Conduct for Organizations", the International Federation of Accountants[9][better source needed] provided the following working definition: "Principles, values, standards, or rules of behaviour that guide the decisions, procedures, and systems of an organization in a way that (a) contributes to the welfare of its key stakeholders, and (b) respects the rights of all constituents affected by its operations."

According to Karl Marx, the most important social changes are
a. religious.
b. familial.
c. cultural.
d. economic



He stated that the most important social changes are economic changes.

We filter the present through the past because it's the past that will reveal who we are today and who we will become tomorrow.” -Vincent Valdez

What does this mean? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?


The statement made above by Vincent Valdez means that our decisions or actions in present times are shaped by our actions in the past times. And it is our past that defines us today. Hence, it is these same past actions of ours that will determine what we'll become tomorrow.

Yes, I agree with that statement.

The reason why I agreed is that our actions yesterday shaped our today. For example, because we attended elementary schools in our previous years, that is why we can get admission to the high school.

Also, our actions today would determine what we will become in the future, because our present will later become past in the future. For example, our attendance and performance in high school presently will influence where we will end up to after high school, including the type of college we will attend, and the course to study.

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mock question for August 2021



what do you mean by mock question ?

One intriguing finding from research involving reading disordered individuals who speak multiple languages is that



search it


Define how the colonies would use a charter


Answer: Please refer to:

A charter is a document that gives colonies the legal rights to exist. Charters can bestow certain rights on a town, city, university, or other institution. Colonial charters were approved when the king gave a grant of exclusive powers for the governance of land to proprietors or a settlement company.


Not sure but hope it helps.

write unite of pressure​



Pascal (Pa) is the unit of pressure.

what is my purpose of life?



the reason you get up in the morning


Think about all the reasons u get up in the morning eg.Wanting to study, watching your fav episode of a show....


To serve the Lord


Question 20
Which European country imports approximately 90% of the food its people eat?



(20 points)



Ukraine ....... ........


low level of enforcement on unsafe road use​



Road safety in low-income countries (LICs) remains a major concern. Given the expected increase in traffic exposure due to the relatively rapid motorisation of transport in LICs, it is imperative to better understand the underlying mechanisms of road safety. This in turn will allow for planning cost-effective road safety improvement programs in a timely manner. With the general aim of improving road safety in LICs, this paper discusses the state of knowledge and proposes a number of future research directions developed from literature reviews and expert elicitation. Our study takes a holistic approach based on the Safe Systems framework and the framework for the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. We focused mostly on examining the problem from traffic engineering and safety policy standpoints, but also touched upon other sectors, including public health and social sciences. We identified ten focus areas relating to (i) under-reporting; (ii) global best practices; (iii) vulnerable groups; (iv) disabilities; (v) road crash costing; (vi) vehicle safety; (vii) proactive approaches; (viii) data challenges; (ix) social/behavioural aspects; and (x) capacity building. Based on our findings, future research ought to focus on improvement of data systems, understanding the impact of and addressing non-fatal injuries, improving estimates on the economic burden, implementation research to scale up programs and transfer learnings, as well as capacity development. Our recommendations, which relate to both empirical and methodological frontiers, would lead to noteworthy improvements in the way road safety data collection and research is conducted in the context of LICs.

Keywords: road safety; low-income countries; under-reporting; best practices; vulnerable groups; injury severity; road crash costing; crash data; capacity building

1. Introduction

Road safety is a major global health issue since large proportions of unintentional injuries are caused by traffic-related crashes. According to the Global Health Observatory, 1.35 million fatalities occur on the world’s roads each year [1]. In general, although traffic-related injuries and fatalities have seen a decreasing trend during the past two decades, this reduction has not been as significant as expected [2]. This is despite several improvements in motor vehicle safety standards and features, road safety policies, and road design [2]. In fact, road transport still poses a substantial risk to human health in many regions around the world.

The problem is especially critical in low-income countries (LICs), due to several persisting shortcomings in road safety standards, vehicle safety and maintenance, and in the design and implementation of policies and safe transportation infrastructure. Figure 1 displays national wealth versus road death rate based on data provided by the WHO [1]. Research is thus needed to better understand the underlying mechanisms of road safety in LICs. This will help guide road safety policies and strategies, with the aim of reducing traffic-related injuries and fatalities. Note that we refer to LMICs to indicate low- and lower-middle income countries, while LICs refer specifically to low-income countries, as shown in Figure 1.

Sustainability 11 06249 g001 550Figure 1. Comparing road traffic death rates with national wealth [1].

There are global initiatives that have sought to address such issues, many of which are coordinated through the Global Plan for the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011–2020 [3], developed by the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC). Examples include the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) [4], the World Bank’s Global Road Safety Facility [5], the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety [6], and the Road Safety in 10 Countries Project [7]. These global efforts have generally focused on the practical implementation of policies and standards to improve road safety in the developing world [8].

Given these developments in the field, and the fact that we are nearing the end of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety [3], it is important to take stock of where we are, what the state of the field is, and determine what research will be important in the future to make further progress. In line with this approach, our study aims to take a holistic approach investigating different lines of research under the broad topic of road safety in LICs with the aim of (i) analysing and summarising the current state of knowledge; and (ii) proposing a number of future research directions. We have used the Safe Systems framework and the framework for the UN Decade of Action on Road Safety to identify the domains of focus for this work [9,10]. There is a focus on the understanding of road safety engineering issues while also reaching out to other sectors.

I will give extra points please help!!!!!



b. old testament


i looked in my Bible lol

Answer is A New Testament

When an object travels at a constant speed with zero acceleration it is known as ______ motion ​


When an object travels at a constant speed with zero acceleration then it is known as uniform motion

Materialists believe that we are only physical beings subject to laws of causation and without freedom of choice. Which of the following propositions is not consistent with that premise?a. When we die, we perish entirely since there is no part of us that could survive.b. Love, truth, goodness and beauty are ideal realities that, unlike matter which simply is, express value, stipulating what ought to be. Such ideas are not possible in a purely material universe.c. All processes are physical ones, hence thought itself is the physical process of nerve synapse firings.d. In physical beings the only reality is change, hence, we came about by a lengthy process of evolution.




Explanation:shakesphere was my great greeat great great great great great granpa

Option B : Love, truth, goodness and beauty are ideal realities that, unlike matter which simply is, express value, stipulating what ought to be. Such ideas are not possible in a purely material universe.

Who are materialists?

A materialist is a person who considers material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values. An example of someone materialistic is a friend who is focused on only wearing designer clothing.

What is a materialistic belief?

Materialism is the idea that everything is either made only of matter or is ultimately dependent upon matter for its existence and nature. Highly materialistic people believe that owning and buying things are necessary means to achieve important life goals, such as happiness, success and desirability. However, in their quest to own more, they often sideline other important goals.

Thus, the proposition which is not consistent with that premise is Love, truth, goodness and beauty are ideal realities that, unlike matter which simply is, express value, stipulating what ought to be. Such ideas are not possible in a purely material universe.

Learn more from here-


Help please due today

Impacts of the treaty: Explain the post-war relationship between Britain and the
American colonies.



In addition to vastly increasing Britain's land in North America, the Seven Years' War changed economic, political, and social relations between Britain and its colonies. It plunged Britain into debt, nearly doubling the national debt.


Should the Constitution be made more democratic, and if so, how?


to make it more democratic face serious obstacles that advocates of reform have largely ignored. In particular, they have failed to grapple with the reality of widespread political ignorance, which both reduces the extent to which the Constitution can ever be fully democratic and makes the reform process more difficult.

What does hardin mean when he says the commons if justifiable at all, is justifiable only under the conditions of low population density?




: any of various swift, gnawing, herbivorous, usually shy lagomorph mammals (family Leporidae and especially genus Lepus) that have long ears, short tails, and powerful long hind legs, are usually solitary or sometimes live in pairs, have the young open-eyed and furred at birth, and live in aboveground nests — compare

What fueled Spanish exploration. What was their end goal and why is it significant?



Only late in the 15th century did an emerging modern Spain become fully committed to the search for new trade routes overseas. In 1492, Christopher Columbus’s expedition was funded in the hope of bypassing Portugal’s monopoly on west African sea routes, to reach “the Indies.”On the evening of August 3, 1492, Columbus departed from Palos de la Frontera with three ships. Land was sighted on October 12, 1492 and Columbus called the island (now The Bahamas) San Salvador, in what he thought to be the “West Indies.” Following the first American voyage, Columbus made three more.A division of influence became necessary to avoid conflict between the Spanish and Portuguese. An agreement was reached in 1494, with the Treaty of Tordesillas dividing the world between the two powers.After Columbus, the Spanish colonization of the Americas was led by a series of soldier-explorers, called conquistadors. The Spanish forces, in addition to significant armament and equestrian advantages, exploited the rivalries between competing indigenous peoples, tribes, and nations.One of the most accomplished conquistadors was Hernán Cortés, who achieved the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire. Of equal importance was the Spanish conquest of the Inca Empire under Francisco Pizarro.In 1565, the first permanent Spanish settlement in the Philippines was founded, which added a critical Asian post to the empire. The Manilla Galleons shipped goods from all over Asia, across the Pacific to Acapulco on the coast of Mexico.

A gauge should not be exposed to pressure greater than ____ of its full-scale range for more than a few minutes.


Answer: "maximum dial reading"

Explanation: Different qauges have different limits the best way to find it is via its maximum dial reading

what rituals are performed in your community.List them
please give me answer of it ​



The rituals that are performed in my community are as follows:-

Birth ritualFuneral ritualBratbandhaMarriageBirthday celebration

Explain why scarcity is a basic economic problem faced by every society and evaluate economic data using maps . Using the map above , write a paragraph that evaluates scarcity . Answer the following questions : Which country on the map is an example of the scarcity of mineral resources ? According to the map , what is a scarcity the United States faces ? In what ways does a country still face a scarcity even if the particular resource is plentiful within its borders ?


Scarcity is a basic economic problem which is faced by every society due to the fact that the wants if economic agents such as individuals, firms or the government is unlimited.

Scarcity simply means when a particular thing is in short supply. Scarcity exists due to the fact that our wants are unlimited and there are limited resources to meet such wants.

In the map above, it can be noted that only Japan has mineral resources while the other countries do not. Also, the scarcity that the United States faces are skilled labor and water.

In conclusion, if a country has some resources but they're not efficiently managed, it'll still bring about scarcity.

Read related link on:

Which of these is an essential feature of political activity?
A. It is difficult.
B. It is idealistic.
C. It is individualistic.
D. It is purposeful.



D. It is purposeful.


I hope I helped !

In Hungry Horse, Montana, the Hungry Horse Dam blocks water flowing from the Columbia River.

What is the best name for the water resource that is created by the Hungry Horse Dam?

Hungry Horse Lake

Hungry Horse Reservoir

Hungry Horse River

Hungry Horse Pond


The best name for the water resource that is created by the hungry horse is the Hungry horse reservoir.

The dam is located on the West of the United states of America. It is in Northwest Montana. The entrance to the dam is situated at Hungry Lake.

The hungry lake project was created to serve the following purposes:

IrrigationFlood controlHydroelectric power supply.

Other areas of the dam and reservoir are used for recreational purposes


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