According to the timeline, what happened in the 40 years from 1640 to 1680?


Answer 1


what timeline


Related Questions

Compare and contrast the leaders of the North and South. How were they similar? How were they different?


They are both leaders
They both have an army
They both have a duty

One strives for something different
One dictates over the other
One is superior over the other according to power

Should the Electoral college be eliminated


If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Presidential election leaves the Electoral College process and moves to Congress.


I think yes, the electoral college should be eliminated because it doesn't give voice to the smaller states. It also can put people in office even if they had a lower popular vote. The electoral college was put into place to help those who weren't as educated and that isn't so much the case now. Having it be popular vote, more people would likely vote, because then their opinion would actually have an effect on the poll.

What is a major benefit of the GIS?
It allows several sets of information to be displayed at once.
It shows many different areas of the world so that they can be compared.
It displays information primarily about the physical geography of an area.
It provides live, up-to-date information about a specific area.



it provides live,up-to-date information about a specific area



It allows several sets of information to be displayed at once.

aka A

2) Explain the features of good questionnaire.

Pleaseeee Just left with half n hour...


Qualities of a Good Questionnaire
Following are the qualities of a good questionnaire.

The length of questionnaire should be proper one.
The language used should be easy and simple.
The term used are explained properly.
The questions should be arranged in a proper way.
The questions should be in logical manner.
The questions should be in analytical form.
Complex questions should be broken into filter questions.
The questions should be described precisely and correctly.
The questionnaire should be constructed for a specific period of time.
The questions should be moving around the theme of the investigator.
The answers should be short and simple.
These answers should be accurate.
The answers should be direct one.
The answers should be relevant to the problem.
The answers should be understand able to everyone of respondents.

Match the definition to the correct term.
a. Geography
b. Geographer
c Latitude
d. Longitude
e. Equator
f. Prime Meridian
6. Imaginary lines on a map or globe that run north-to-south but measure east-
Someone who analyzes the earth from many points of view.
Map feature that explains symbols or shading on a map.
Imaginary lines on a map or globe that east-to-west but measure north-to-
10. The study of Earth, its people and places.
11. Center line of Latitude. Cuts the earth into northern and southern
12. Map feature that shows direction
Imaginary line that runs from pole to pole through Greenwich, England. O
degrees longitude.
Map feature that shows distance between places.
g. Scale
h. Compass Rose
i. Key (Legend)​



6(d) 7(b) 8(I) 9(c) 10(a) 11(e) 12(h) 13(f) 14 (g)



Similarities- kitchen
differences- courtyard



When I look at this picture,I wonder a few things.

I wonder if gold was invented then or before then.

I wonder how many Gods they have that they serve.

When I see all this,it reminds me a bit about modern houses

Also this reminds me of movie nights,because it says that families ate while on their couches.

Can someone helped me answer this question?



I belive it is C.

Hope this helped! ;)

This key Civil War leader claimed to be fighting to preserve the Union, not to abolish slavery. However, on January 1, 1863, after a show of Union strength at Antietam, he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared certain slaves "forever free."

Which famous Civil War figure is described above?
Ulysses S. Grant
Abraham Lincoln
Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
Jefferson Davis



Abraham Lincoln

Explanation: he was president in 1863

Stinging sea anemones live on the claws of a female boxing crab. The boxing crab uses the anemones like boxing gloves, protecting herself against predators.

Is this an example of mutualism, commensalism, or parasitism? Explain why!!!!

I am giving 10 points





The anemones are being provided a home and protection, while the boxing crab is using the anemones as gloves to protect herself. In this relationship, both species are being protected which is benefitting both parties. Thus, this is an example of mutualism.

Early in the Civil War, African Americans did not fight for the Union because



Lincoln was afraid of antagonizing the border states.

Which of the following reasons best describes why African Americans supported the Republican party during Reconstruction?



Before the Civil War (1860-1865) African slaves in the southern United States lived in a Christian society that had a rural economy, and as a result many slaves became Christian. The renegade slave Nat Turner, leader of a revolt in the 18th century, was a devoted reader of the Bible.

The slavery issue was a continuing source of division within the United States. in the XVIII century. To avoid the development of civil conflict, in the 1950s, governments always tried to maintain a numerical balance between states that allow slavery and "free states." In 1854, Congress passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, in the populations of the two new states voted in the referendums to decide whether the states were in favor of slavery or the free states. As a result of the law, there were outbreaks of violence in Kansas between slavery supporters and abolitionists. The riots hurt the ruling party, the Democrats, and were one of the direct causes of the founding of the Republicans.

In 1856, President Franklin Pierce, a man of small political stature, was defeated in his bid to regain the Democratic nomination for the presidency and the Republican nominees for Soldier John C. Frémont of California as his presidential candidate against James Buchanan, the Pennsylvania Democrat. Unlike Buchanan, Frémont and his party declared without hesitation that their policy was to be the abolition of slavery in all US territories. Frémont did not choose to be elected to the position, but the Buchanan era was a division between north and south. President Buchanan was seen among abolitionists as a northerner with too much sympathy for the slave states. In the Democratic Party there were differences on the character of the nation.


Abolitionists found a welcoming home in the Republican Party, and their leading figures included Fremont, Abraham Lincoln, and freed slave Frederick Douglass. Douglass was a monumental figure of his time when ideological differences between the Democratic and Republican parties were slim. Unlike his white abolitionist colleagues like John Brown, William Lloyd Garrison, and others, Douglass defended the United States Constitution, claiming that the document affirmed the right of all people to live in freedom. This view is one reason that many black American conservatives see Douglass as their ancestor. In 1860, Lincoln won the election as the Republican candidate. The Democratic Party, divided between Vice President John C. Breckinridge's southerners and Stephen A. Douglas's northerners, was defeated for the first time since 1848.

In the Civil War years, radical Republicans were the fiercest supporters of the Union cause. They had taken as a backup the Christian Holy Scriptures that affirmed the principles of equality among humanity. After 1865, with the South under military occupation, radical Republicans took the lead in the Reconstruction process. Despite that, the achievements of the process were crushed by private southern white militias who saw the Reconstruction as a policy of cruel revenge. In the years following 1873, Republicans lost power in the southern state chambers, and control passed back to the Democrats.

The main purpose of Jim Crow laws was to



The purpose of Jim Crow Laws was to separate white and black people. Restaurants, hospitals, schools, prisons, and the like were required to have separate facilities for whites and blacks. One famous example of this is the bus segregation laws


The purpose of Jim Crow Laws was to separate white and black people. Restaurants, hospitals, schools, prisons, and the like were required to have separate facilities for whites and blacks. One famous example of this is the bus segregation laws.


Enumeren las Organizaciones de las cuales forma parte y explíquenlas como sistemas sociales, es decir como influencian las organizaciones en nuestras vidas y como nosotros influimos a la vez en las organizaciones.


La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Yo pertenezco a la organización ambientalista Greenpeace. Al explicarla como sistemas sociales, puedo decir que esta organización influye en nuestras vidas como un serio llamado de atención para darnos cuenta del daño que la mayoría de industrias le hacen al planeta. Nosotros influimos es esa organizaciones, porque somos nosotros los integrantes, quienes ejercemos nuestra libertad de opinión para plantear las preocupaciones sobre los asuntos que afectan al medio ambiente, tales como la contaminación del aire, la contaminación del agua, la contaminación por ruido, y la forma en la que impacta a los animales y a los ecosistemas.

Nuestra participación hace posible la existencia de este tipo de organizaciones sociales, y éstas nos ayudan a movilizarnos de manera organizada par enfocar nuestros esfuerzos en hacer presión a las autoridades para que actúan a favor del medio ambiente.

If someone claims to be a professor or another trained scientist, you should _____.
A. make sure that they really are one
B. trust any information they give you
C. get your evidence from other sources
D. be especially careful of misleading numbers
2. Exit
If you have collected evidence from very small experimental groups, how does that affect the validity of your evidence?
A. Small groups generally make your evidence less valid.
B. Small groups generally make your evidence more valid.
C. Small groups generally have no effect on the validity of your evidence.
Which of these is an example of evidence supporting the theory that an asteroid impact caused the dinosaurs to become extinct?
A. Dinosaur fossils have been found all over Earth.
B. A large crater was found dating to the same time period.
C. Huge lava flows formed in India at the same time period.
D. New kinds of plants and animals lived on Earth after the dinosaurs.
Suppose you were studying the diet of mice. If you decided to change your experiment from studying the effects of corn in the diet of the mice to studying the effects of wheat, how would that affect the validity of the evidence you collect?
A. The evidence would be less valid.
B. The evidence would be more valid.
C. The validity of the evidence would not change.
Suppose an experiment compares two groups that are very different from one another. How does this affect the validity of the evidence collected in that experiment?
A. The evidence would be less valid.
B. The evidence would be more valid.
C. The validity of the evidence would not change.
What does having biased groups mean?
A. The groups are too small.
B. The groups are not similar enough.
C. The evidence does not come from an expert source.
D. The evidence collected from the groups is very reliable.
A good place to start when evaluating scientific evidence is to _____.
A. redesign the procedure used to collect the evidence
B. make your own hypothesis and do an experiment to test it
C. look at whether the evidence was collected using good scientific principles
D. compare it to evidence from experiments about some other topic in science
Suppose you are trying to build support for your theory about what kind of food an extinct sea creature ate.
Which of the following could be evidence supporting your theory?
A. photos of modern sea creatures
B. charts showing the most popular kinds of seafood
C. fossils showing the contents of the creature's stomach
D. maps showing the edges of Earth's oceans at the time that the creature lived
If groups are biased, then _____.
A. the groups are too small
B. there is no dependent variable in the experiment
C. the controls in the experiment are not good enough
D. there is not an expert source gathering the evidence
10. You should think critically about scientific evidence supporting product claims because _____.
A. there is no comparison group
B. the product has been evaluated by a reliable source
C. the information may be distorted in order to sell more
D. there could be another product that is a better value for the money









B or C (not sure tbh)




make sure to check my answers

Hope this helps!

How was the women’s suffrage movement inspired by the shift of women’s roles during the war?



Suffrage means the right to vote. WWI had a big impact on the suffrage movement  During the war women played more active roles in the larger economic, cultural, and political transformation of America.

they changed the way they saw themselves and gave them a voice and a reason to put themselevs on thefront lines.

hope this helps, plz vote me the brainliest :)

What is a liberal reward



Liberal es un término polisémico, aunque siempre relacionado con el concepto de libertad, habitualmente utilizado en contextos políticos o económicos, pero que también puede referirse a otro: Se aplica a la persona que es abierta y respetuosa con otras personas y sus ... La virtud de la Liberalidad, dar generosamente sin esperar recompensa


Munni works in a brick kiln . She is 13 years old. She gets paid every month but her wage is less than what her brother gets in the same factory for the same working hours and same type of work. Which fundamental rights has been violated here? How?



The fundamental right is gender


The fundamental right that was violated was gender because she is a girl and her brother is a boy. This means that since her wage is less than her brother this means it is the gender.

Gender rights were violated because she is a girl who got paid less than her brother who is a boy

Amendment Six assures the accused the



the sixth amendment assures the accused the right to a fair trial

This enlightenment idea of the Declaration of Independence says that these are obvious facts about life that require no proof?



life liberty and the pursuit of happiness


a modified version of an enlightenment motto (coined by John Locke I believe). It was written in the Declaration of Independece by Thomas Jefferson ! :)

What clues does Walt Whitman provide in the opening stanza of the poem that suggest the captain did not die a natural death? Use textual evidence to support your answer.


Answer and Explanation:

In his poem "O Captain! My Captain!", Whitman provides clues about the unnatural death of the captain when he mentions the blood dropping on the deck of the ship. People who die naturally - of natural causes - do not usually bleed. Bleeding is the result of being hurt, injured, be it in an accident or due to violence.

O the bleeding drops of red,

                              Where on the deck my Captain lies,

                                 Fallen cold and dead.

As we know, the fallen captain is none other than Abraham Lincoln, who had been shot and killed. The whole poem is a metaphor for his death as well as the victory of the Union in the Civil War. Whitman is lamenting Lincoln being gone, having been murdered before he could see and celebrate victory with the country.

There is a lot of volcanic activity in Southeast Asia because much of the area lies on
A. Fire Island
B. Pinatubo Island
C. the Ring of Fire
D. the Vulcan Plateau
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
Oo oo​



C. Ring of fire


C. The Ring of FireI got it right on the lecture. Edge 2020.

Who invented the Automoible?



Nicolas Joseph or Karl Benz


Technically it was Nicolas Joseph. He began experimenting in 1765 working with models of steam engine powered vehicles for the french army which was for transporting cannons. In 1769 it was actually made of use.

But if you are talking about the guy who invented the first automobile with an internal combustion engine then Karl Benz is your guy. It was invented in 1885 and patented in 1886.

I hoped this helped :)


karl benz


"It is generally acknowledged that the first really practical automobiles with petrol/gasoline-powered internal combustion engines were completed almost simultaneously by several German inventors working independently: Karl Benz built his first automobile in 1885 in Mannheim."

Which of the following best summarizes the outcome of the affair? Adams avoided war and won support in his own party. Adams succeeded in his quest to start a war with France. Adams avoided war but created conflict within his party.



the answer is C



Adams avoided war but created conflict within his party.


Did it on Edge:)

3 Points
Which is an example of someone using social power?
A. Esteban draws pictures to express himself, and he keeps his
pictures in a folder in his desk drawer.
B. Kenneth wants to read about other cultures so that he has a better
understanding of their social norms.
C. Carmine has his own style when it comes to clothing, and he
shows his friends where to get clothes so that they can dress like
D. Briana tries to follow all her family rules even though she does not
agree with some of them.





Carmine is actively influencing others. The other 3 options don't affect other people at all.




describe 4 ways in which Christians use the bible



To pray , To mediate, know all events, They will teach what's right and wrong, Teaching

In this quotion, who are “they”?
African Americans


Show the quotation please then I can answer it :)


African Americans


i just got this right on edg

Do some research to find out why so many teenagers are in debt. Write a few sentences to explain why this is so and why other teens should take extra caution when applying for their first credit card.



The reason why so many teens are in debt is because that young people make purchases without having the money to pay for the item. Because when teens get their first credit card they feel like they are on top of the world, feeling invincible. Teens should take extra caution when applying for the credit card only spend the money that you already have and don't assume you have unlimited money Hopefully this helps!  

What does each section of the triangle represent?



A Trophic Level is The Answer .


I Got A 100% On The Quiz.


A- a trophic level


which of the following is an example of an interest group?
a the Republican party
b the House of Representatives
d the national association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP)​





An Example of an interest group is the national association for the advancement of colored people (NAACP). The NAACP is an American civil rights group that seeks to safeguard African-Americans' rights.

What did the NAACP do?

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is an interracial American organization that works to end segregation and discrimination in housing, education, employment, voting, and transportation; to combat racism; and to safeguard African Americans' constitutional rights.

For more information about NAACP refer to the link:


Was the mandate system, which was implemented after WWI, effective?
A) No, because the territories became new colonies of the mandate holder.
B) No, because all territories were finally freed from imperial control.
C) Yes, because it freed millions of people for imperial control
D) Yes, because the great European empires retained their status.



The mandate system was a compromise between the Allies' wish to retain the former German and Turkish colonies and their pre-Armistice declaration (November 5, 1918) that annexation of territory was not their aim in the war. ... All Class A mandates had reached full independence by 1949.


Other Questions
anyone know how to do 1 & 2 ? what will happen if the cilia cleared the mucus? Find the arc length of major arc GH. Round your answer to the nearest tenth. The Australian Open is the first of the four Grand Slam professional tennis events held each year. Victoria Azarenka beat Maria Sharapova to win the 2012 Australian Open womens title. During the tournament Ms. Azarenka serve speed reached kilometers per hour. A list of the Womens Singles serve speed for the 2012 Australian Open is provided below. Player Serve Speed (km/h) S. Williams 192 S. Lisicki 192 M. Keys 191 L. Hradecka 188 J. Gajdosova 187 J. Hampton 187 B. Mattek-Sands 185 F. Schiavone 185 P. Ormaechea 185 P. Parmentier 185 N. Petrova 183 G. Arn 183 V. Azarenka 182 A. Ivanovic 182 P. Kvitova 179 M. Krajicek 179 V. Dushevina 178 S. Stosur 176 S. Cirstea 176 M. Barthel 175a. Compute the mean, variance, and standard deviation for the serve speeds.b. A similar sample of the 20 Womens Singles serve speed leaders for the 2011 Wimbledon tournament showed a sample mean serve speed of 182.5 kilometers per hour. The variance and standard deviation were 33.3 and 5.77, respectively. Discuss any difference between the serve speeds in the Australian Open and the Wimbledon womens tournaments. Find the slope of the line that passes through (10, 8) and (1, 16).Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction, improper fraction, or integer Find the area of the shaded regions: The pink is the shaded region so i have been smoking weet for a while and quit it because i lost most of my Breath, now is there any way to get your breath growing The daily low temperature in Guangzhou, China Varies over time in a periodic way that can be modeled by a trigonometric function. The period of change is exactly one year. the temperature peaks around July 26 at 78F and has its minimum half a year later at 49F. assuming a year is exactly 365 days July 26 is 206/365 of a year after January 1. Find the formula of the trigonometric function that models the daily low temperature T in Guangzhou t years after January 1, 2015 defined the function using radians Y=X-2-X+Y=10A)ParallelB)neither C)perpendicular PLEASE HELP!! (will give brainliest for best answer)Jillian said StartRoot 25 EndRoot is irrational because it is a square root. Why is she incorrect? A) Jillian is incorrect because the square root of StartRoot 25 EndRoot = 5.5.B) Jillian is incorrect because a square root is always rational.C) Jillian is incorrect because square roots of perfect squares are rational.D) Jillian is incorrect because the decimal expansion of StartRoot 25 EndRoot is a repeating decimal. A circle has centre (0, 0) and it passes through the point (5, -3)Find the radius of the circle, in surd form. What is the coefficient in the following expression? 5a to the 2 power subtracted by 7a)7d)2c)5b)a The All-Clean Laundry Company washes towels for a nearby hotel. The function f(x) gives the number of loads required whenthere are x bins of towels to be washed. What does f(9) > 12 tell you? *pls help* solve 7,8,9, and 10 for brainliest Ellie bought two pairs of shoes during a BOGO (Buy One, Get One) sale. She received a 20% discount on the second pair of shoes. The regular price of each pair of shoes was $49.99. How much did Ellie pay for the two pairs of shoes, excluding tax? A bakery sells cakes for $23 and a dozen cupcakes for$18. In one day they sold 72 items and made a total of$1446. Which system is an appropriate model of theproblem?A.23x + y = 7218x+ y = 1446B.x+y=7223x18y=4600C.23x + 18y = 72x + y = 1446D. 23x + y = 1446x + 18y = 72 How did the Roman Republic become a dictatorship?General Sulla was declared leader after a long civil war.The patricians and senators were defeated by General Sulla.General Sulla challenged and defeated his opponent in an election.The plebeians supported General Sullas overthrow of the government. The bag contains red and white balls.the probability of choosing a red ball is 4/9. Find odds of getting a white ball Discuss the rationale of organizing an industrial strike in resolving employees dispute with the state, focusing on the detrimental effects strikes has on various stakeholders in an economy The amount of matter in something is called: Volume mass