Adam Smith talks about two classes of society. What are those two classes, and
what is his argument concerning them?


Answer 1


the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

Bourgeois : own factories, medias, universities, government, establishments, property

Proletariat are the poor


Answer 2

According to Adam Smith the two classes of people that are in the society are the workers and the capitalists.

This can be likened to the bourgeoisie and the proletariats. The bourgeoisie are the wealthy capitalists that have the power of making the proletariats work for them.

The capitalists are known to exploit the workers. These groups are the owners of the factors of production and the workers have to sell their labor to earn wages.


Related Questions

Name at least 5 countries that became imperial powers and created huge empires during the 1800's and early 1900's?



As Researches said, That Russia, Netherlands, Germany, France and Britain are all Countries that became Imperial powers and created huge empires during the 1800's and early 1900's

United States also you can think of the most

Who was the 56 President



For what country? If you mean America and made a typo with 56 rather than 46, Joe Biden is the U.S.'s 46th president

What were the aims of the Civil Rights Movement?




The Civil Rights Movement was an era dedicated to activism for equal rights and treatment of African Americans in the United States. During this period, people rallied for social, legal, political and cultural changes to prohibit discrimination and end segregation.

Write a three-paragraph essay in answer to this question: QUESTION: How did different groups of Americans win greater civil rights during the period between 1920 and the 1960s?
Bro, I'll do anything and mark brainliest I'm tired of essays



The Civil Rights movement happened around the 1960s. ... This movement had effect and created change all across the country. Men, women, and children everywhere started to really see how segregation and discrimination shaped their world. One big thing that created a start to the movement were Jim Crow laws.

As another member previously mentioned, the Civil Rights Movement was prominent in the 1960s. Elaborate on figures such as Rosa Parks or Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Explain the societal effect of the Jim Crow laws, and how the Harlem Renaissance blossomed during the intense prejudice of African-Americans; art, music, jazz, and more was shaped to what it is today. Explain the power of protest and unity — Selma, the Montgomery Bus Boycott, March on Washington, etc. Finally, compare and contrast change-making of that era to modern times. Perhaps include something on George Floyd, Trayvon Martin, or Breonna Taylor. Link back to the common theme of justice. I know this isn’t an essay per se, but I believe in you; you’ve got this.

Congressman Gerald Ford had become vice president of the United States when a. Nelson Rockefeller resigned the vice presidency to become governor of New York. Selected:b. Spiro Agnew resigned on corruption charges and Nixon appointed Ford under the Twenty-Fifth Amendment.This answer is incorrect. c. he was selected to replace Spiro Agnew as Nixon's vice president in the 1972 campaign. d. Nixon was impeached and Congress needed to select a new president.This is the correct answer. e. the Twenty-Fifth Amendment made the Speaker of the House vice president in case of potential impeachment.



Congressman Gerald Ford had become vice president of the United States when Spiro Agnew resigned on corruption charges and Nixon appointed Ford under the Twenty-Fifth Amendment. Hence the correct option is option b.


Congressman Gerald Ford had become vice president of the United States when Spiro Agnew resigned on corruption charges and Nixon appointed Ford under the Twenty-Fifth Amendment

40th Vice President of the United States.

In-office December 6, 1973 – August 9, 1974.

Hidden Message

Find a short hidden message in the list of words below.

carrot fiasco nephew spring rabbit
sonata tailor bureau legacy corona
travel bikini object happen soften
picnic option waited effigy adverb
report accuse animal shriek esteem

HINT:First and last.



the message is congratulations code breaker

Really need help help help



There are multiple examples of counterculture in the modern world. It's important to note that counterculture movements aren't inherently good or bad. What makes a group a counterculture is simply that it doesn't adhere to the cultural norms of mainstream society

How does government policy try to combat cybersecurity threats?



It is undoubtedly challenging to craft and execute a national cybersecurity strategy. Our research reveals common elements of successful strategies.

Please help

I forgotten how to do this problem



substitute y and x in each question as 0 and get your variables and find the point where they intersect


the first line has to go through(0,-3)

the second line has to go through (0,2)

you can find other co ordinates for the line to pass through but inputing other numbers.

After he compared 158 governments to find the best one, ____ wrote the book Politics.


The answer is Herodotus.




Which former US president signed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913?
A. Calvin Coolidge
B. Herbert Hoover
C. Woodrow Wilson
D. Theodore Roosevelt



answer is Woodrow Wilson


C. Woodrow Wilson


It took many months and nearly straight party-line voting, but on December 23, 1913, the Senate passed and President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act.

The map divides the original thirteen colonies into what type of geographical area?


Answer: the map divides them into colonies because it is on the east side of the map

Someone who is intent on going to college should



He or she should me the ideal student.


Because he or she knows that education is important in our life. So to get education we should go to colleges and schools.

Apply for scholarships, apply to colleges, go tour the colleges, figure out what classes to take. Have something they motivated you to finish.

However burdensome their lives from sunup to sundown, after work slaves established a sense of self-worth and community. Discuss the factors that made this possible.
Answer in 3-5 paragraphs if possible thank you!



Similar problems, race and goals.


Similar problems, race and goal are the factors that formed a sense of self-worth and community possible because all the slaves experience same attitude and difficulties. They formed a community in order to be united and get rid of slavery and difficult life.

The life of slaves are very hard, painful and full of difficulties so that's why they established a sense of self -worth and community to solve their problems.


the guy above is 100% right i was going ot right somthing similar to that


Why was a weak national government created under the Articles of Confederation?


The very reason the Articles of Confederation were made with a weak federal government was because the framers of it feared a strong central government. This enabled to states to have so much authority that the safety of the country was put at risk.

Hope this answer helps you ^_^

Part of the president job involves foreign affaires which include working with ambassadors to foreign countries how do these ambassadors get their jobs


Answer: a


Read the passage from "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida.”

Raven crept into the chief’s dwelling. He appeared as a baby, with raven hair and black eyes. The chief’s daughter adopted the child, never knowing that he was in fact Raven the trickster.

The daughter loved the child, but soon the baby began to cry. The Sky Chief did whatever he could to comfort his new grandson, but the baby was inconsolable. Finally, to appease the child, he gave him a small box to play with. Raven, as the baby, tumbled and tossed the box until it fell open. Whoosh! The stars flew up through the smoke hole in the ceiling, settling in the night sky.

The chief was very upset, but was able to recover, as they were only stars and not very luminous.

Based on the passage, the reader can infer that some Haida families lived in homes that

were large.
were small.
had windows.
had fireplaces.


Had fireplaces, because the passage says that they had a smoke hole in the ceiling

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
Study the graph and then complete the analysis of the data by filling in the missing Information.
Americans with College Degrees
Percentage of Population with a College Degree
1910 1920
Birth Year



wheres the graph?



For most of the twentieth century, a higher percentage of men had a college degree compared to women. However, if we focus on the data for Americans born in the 1960s or later, a higher percentage of women hold college degrees.


I got this right on Edmentum

What sparked Chinese immigration into the US and how were most employed?



Chinese immigration into the US sparked due to the economic crisis in China. They were typically employed as farmhands, gardeners, domestics, laundry workers, and most famously, railroad workers.

The Tutsi and Hutu originally considered themselves a single group of people differing primarily by occupation; however, the Belgium colonial administration began treating the pastoral Tutsi people as different from and superior to the Hutu farmers. Eventually, these two groups of people also began to see each other as different, which led to a terrible genocide. This was set in motion by the promotion of misinformation about the Tutsi, accomplished by those in a position of power, who are called



- identity entrepreneurs


In Cultural Anthropology, 'Identity Entrepreneurs' are characterized as 'the group or individual who thinks that fortifying their group identities, beliefs, and attitudes would be beneficial.'

In the given situation, Belgium Colonial would be categorized as the 'identity entrepreneurs' as they propagated their belief of considering the Tutsi group over the Hutu which led to unnecessary bloodshed and massacre. Just because they believed that one is superior to the other, they propagated this misinformation thinking it will be profitable but it eventually brought severe consequences.

who is called father of economics​


Adam smith is the father of economics


it's Adam Smith


What does renaissance mean? Why is it used to describe this period?


Renaissance is a French word meaning “rebirth.” It refers to a period in European civilization that was marked by a revival of Classical learning and wisdom and this period was characterized by a rebirth of learning and an appreciate for ancient Greek and Roman knowledge, art, and architecture. This is an appropriate term for the period.

How has geography affected history?


Geography affects every aspect of history as it is responsible for determining the winners of wars, the prosperity of people and the formation of cultures. To quote the Bradley Commission on History in Schools, "...geography is by nature the constant companion of historical studies; it is hardly possible to grasp the one without the other." Because the events of history take place on the stage of the world, they are inevitably influenced and even determined by geography.

Rivers are an easy example of how geography can impact history. Most of the earliest human civilizations developed along large rivers because of the nutrients that were deposited in the surrounding soil during annual floods. Without the specific geography of India, Mesopotamia, China and Egypt, ancient farmers would have quickly used all the nutrients in the soil in these places, and that would have meant that the farmers would have had to keep moving to grow crops. That would have meant that they never would have settled down long enough to develop the advanced tools and societal structures associated with civilization. With rivers, however, these early people had an easy way of transporting goods and a natural defense against invaders in addition to a vital source of food.

The influence doesn't end there, however. Rivers allowed the Vikings to raid far into inland Europe, and the Mississippi River made it far easier for Europeans to explore North America. Moreover, other geographic features, such as mountains and plains, have had an equally strong impact on history, like when 300 Spartans used the mountain pass at Thermopylae to hold off thousands of Persian soldiers

Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx

Plzzz helppp due at 7:30


what is it that you need help on exactly?

Most of Amazon basin is cropland? True or False





Most of the basin is covered by the Amazon rainforest, also known as Amazonia.

Why were Americans encouraged to support the war effort? Check all that apply.



to make sure necessary supplies are available and to demonstrate patriotism


To show patriotism and due to the posters and whatever the word is for exaggeration towards the military

Which statement accurately contrasts the Ottoman and Safavid empire in the 16 century


Answer: Ottoman rulers believed that Muhammad's successor was his close friend Abu Bakr, whereas Safavid rulers believed believed that Muhammad's successor was his son-in-law, Ali.

Explanation: Ap3x

The British plans for the Middle East after World War One?



maintaining stability in Iran and the Persians gulf, and guaranteeing the integrity of the ottoman empire.

Which of the following presidents invoked the Monroe Doctrine to justify intervention in South America?

Theodore Roosevelt

All these answers

John F. Kennedy

Ronald Reagan



All of these.


Many presidents, including these three, have used the Monroe Doctrine to justify intervention.

Hope this helped.

personajes principales del mensajero de agarta


Construcción de los personajes :
Felipe Isaza.
La abuela.
El señor zombie.
Edward James.
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