. After reading the story once, re-read it, this time examine Chopin's precise word choice early in the story, her use of veiled hints, and describe her ability to "fool" her casual reader. What's the irony in her dramatic ending?


Answer 1


The dramatic irony in the end is that the life of the protagonist's husband caused her death.


This question is about the short story "The Story of an Hour". At the beginning of the reading, we learned that the protagonist just received the news that her husband died. At that moment, we are led to believe, by the narration, that she is deeply sad, especially when the narration states that "She did not hear the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed inability to accept its significance." However, we learned, throughout the story, that the character is very happy, because her husband's death means her freedom. She is so happy that she gets a big shock when she finds out that he is alive. This shock causes her to die shortly thereafter.

Related Questions

The audience knows that Drake is going to be a recipient of the Roy G. Biv scholarship, but Drake does not know this yet. Which of the following best describes this literary element?

dramatic irony
situational irony
historic irony
verbal irony


Answer:A.dramatic irony


This literary element is best explained dramatic  irony.

What is irony?

Irony in its broadest sense, is the juxtaposition of what on the surface appears to be the case and what is actually the case or to be expected; it is an important rhetorical device and literary technique.

Irony can be categorized into different types, including verbal irony, dramatic irony, and situational irony. Verbal, dramatic, and situational irony are often used for emphasis in the assertion of a truth. The ironic form of simile, used in sarcasm, and some forms of litotes can emphasize one's meaning by the deliberate use of language which states the opposite of the truth, denies the contrary of the truth, or drastically and obviously understates a factual connection.

Learn more about irony,here:



Read the sentence from the fifth paragraph.
But none of these tasks are mandatory, and the game encourages you to take time walking in the woods to
renew your energy and inspiration.
What is the meaning of mandatory as it is used in the passage?
C. pressing


Your answer is A.required

The meaning of mandatory as it is used in the passage is required. The correct option is A.

What is a paragraph?

A paragraph is a collection of different words. The group of sentences is called a paragraph. Here the paragraph is given about the word mandatory.  The sentence in a paragraph is related to each other. They have the same content, and they talk about the same thing.

The paragraph says that playing games encourage people. It also gives good health and inspiration. The word mandatory means the thing necessary to do. Here, the tasks given are not required to do the game. Because the word not is used in the sentence which says that it is not required to do.

Thus, the correct option is A. required regarding the meaning of mandatory as it is used in the passage.

To learn more about paragraph, refer to the link:



Which sentence most accurately states the cumulative impact of Lincoln's use of the word dedicate? A. The repetition of the word prompts listeners to think about those killed in the war, which will help them remember his other points. B. The context of each use moves its meaning from the general to the individual, making listeners realize the importance of settling the country's conflict. C. Each use links historical events to the current events, which would help listeners to see that the past plays a large part in the present. D. Each use adds to the lyrical quality of Lincoln's rhetorical style, making the speech worthy of committing to memory.



B. The context of each use moves its meaning from the general to the individual, making listeners realize the importance of settling the country's conflict.


To complete this exercise, you have to read Abraham Lincoln's speech “The Gettysburg Address” and then select the correct option, which is "b" because Lincoln starts talking about how "our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created  equal" and then he continues using the word but now he focuses on "us", his listeners: "It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work (...)". He finishes his speech saying that those fathers shall not have died in vain, which is one of the reasons he gives to talk about the importance of settling the country's conflict.

The statement “But changes came in the family . . . ” serves which of the following purposes?
to describe the erratic life of young teenagers
to emphasize the speaker’s family connections
to hide the anger the speaker feels toward the situation
to indicate a shift in tone
to contrast childhood with adulthood





Because it's how the speaker feels

I believe the answer is E because later on in the sentence she states that she is going to school in Jacksonville. " But changes came in the family when I was thirteen, and I was sent to school in Jacksonville"

It doesn't sound like she has any anger in the sentence, she's not stating any family connections, nor is it about her life a young person. The only other option I see being right is D. As it is changing the tone of the next paragraph

the long and short of it is its probably E

I'm still taking the test so I don't know how right this is.

Which sentence best explains the main difference in the way the two passages use a literary device?



C.  The memoir uses figurative language to emphasize Hibson's

feelings about soccer, while the biography focuses on the facts of

her childhood


worth 25
While it’s strange but true, white wine is often made from red grapes. In making wine, the grapes are crushed and placed in a large tank. If the skins of the grapes remain in contact with the juice during this step, red wine results. _____, if the winemaker separates the skins from the juice, then white wine is made.

A. after
B. instance
C. lastly
D. on the other hand


I think it is D) on the other hand
d is definitely the answer

Which elements does strong narrative writing aways contain? Check all that apply.
Oa connection to an outline
Oa series of steps
Oa clear point of view
Oa set of directions
Oadescription of events


, it was a clear point of view, a description of events, and a connection to an outline

What do you think John Clare is saying about a person’s purpose in the world? Use specific examples from the poem to support your claim.

I Am!
By John Clare

I am—yet what I am none cares or knows;
My friends forsake me like a memory lost:
I am the self-consumer of my woes—
They rise and vanish in oblivious host,
Like shadows in love’s frenzied stifled throes
And yet I am, and live—like vapours tossed

Into the nothingness of scorn and noise,
Into the living sea of waking dreams,
Where there is neither sense of life or joys,
But the vast shipwreck of my life’s esteems;
Even the dearest that I loved the best
Are strange—nay, rather, stranger than the rest.

I long for scenes where man hath never trod
A place where woman never smiled or wept
There to abide with my Creator, God,
And sleep as I in childhood sweetly slept,
Untroubling and untroubled where I lie
The grass below—above the vaulted sky.



use essay typer its a life hack  that all u need life hack


Several people have helped me in so many ways.
A) Simple
B) Compound
C) Complex
D) Compound-complex
Plz answer this quickly. its urgent.



The correct answer is A. simple.


The sentence Several people have helped me in so many ways is a simple sentence because it has only one predicate (=verb) "have helped." This means that it consists of one independent sentence/clause.

A simple sentence always has one predicate; a compound sentence has two simple sentences; a complex sentence has one independent sentence and at least one dependent one; a compound-complex sentence contains at least two independent clauses and at least two dependent ones.

What information does setting provide the reader? Why is that information important?


Answer: The setting of a story is important because it gives the reader a sense of the time, location, and atmosphere in which the story takes place. It is also important because it enhances the experience of the reader and adds plot, atmosphere, and characters to the production of the story.

Too much need for approval which thesis statement should be included to effectively introduce the claim



The answer would be A


Answer: A. Young people need to put away their phones and choose to participate in other activities that keep them
away from technology.

B, C, D, E are just statements to proove a point or thesis which in this case would be A

Hope this helps! :)

Word Wednesday ( post a word y’all think is weird)
For example I think class is a weird word




If when you are getting out of bed in the morning, you are offered a “jentacular” cup of tea, don’t be offended: it means just about anything (in this case, tea) related to breakfast.






Why is Calixta happy at the end of the story? How can everyone be happy at the end of the story? What does the author's attitude toward the adultery seem to be? Is there an overall "moral tone" to the story?


This question is about "the storm" by Kate Chopin

Answer Explanation:

1. Calixta is happy at the end of the story because her son and her husband arrive home safely, even in the face of the storm, besides, she does not feel any remorse for the adultery she committed.

2. Everyone is happy because she has a family that was not destroyed by her actions, and they know that adultery is impossible to be discovered, so their lives, as they are used to, will be maintained.

3. Reading the short story, we have the impression that the author does not encourage adultery, but does not see it as something capable of destroying a family and ruining the marriage, but rather as something that can be kept secret, without hurting anyone.

4. The only moral tone that can be considered in this story is that people should do what they want and make them happy regardless of the rules established by society.

Read sentence 1.
Yesterday, the science and Biology II
classes visited the Botanical Gardens as
part of a project to study various types of
flora and fauna.
How is this sentence punctuated correctly?
O Insert a comma after classes
O Insert a comma after Gardens
O Insert a comma after flora
O As it is



its D (As it is)


got it right on edge 2020

What plan does Lady Macbeth have to kill Duncan?


Answer: while Duncan sleeps, she will give his chamberlains wine to make them drunk, and then she and Macbeth can slip in and murder Duncan. They will smear the blood of Duncan on the sleeping chamberlains to cast the guilt upon them.


Then she tells him her plan: while Duncan sleeps, she will give his chamberlains wine to make them drunk, and then she and Macbeth can slip in and murder Duncan. They will smear the blood of Duncan on the sleeping chamberlains to cast the guilt upon them. , here luv :)

please help i’ll give brainliest if you give a correct answer tysm :))


Your Answers should be:

Metaphor, Personification.

Identity each part of speech in the following sentences (10pts)



1.) I quickly drank the hot tea.

I - noun (person/place/thing)

quickly - adverb (gives details about the verb)

drank - verb (action word)

the - determiner (mentions/addresses a person/place/thing)

hot - adjective (describes the noun)

tea - noun (person/place/ thing)

2.) Trey swept the dirty floor halfheartedly.

Trey - noun (person/place/thing)

swept - verb (an action word)

the - determiner (mentions/addresses a person/place/thing)

dirty - adjective (describes a noun)

floor - noun (person/place/thing)

halfheartedly - adverb (describes a verb)

Hope this helps! :D

(50 POINTS EACH)Imagine you are going to lead a discussion about the first chapter of The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. Make a list of possible discussion questions based on specific passages from the text. What questions do you have? Were you confused by anything? Are there certain events or moments that are worth talking about in detail? List three questions with their corresponding passages in your journal.



Why was Charlotte overwhelmed to discover that she would be the only passenger aboard the ship?

At last Mr. Grummage came down to the dock. As he drew near I saw that his face was flushed, with an angry eye that alarmed me. "Is something amiss?" I asked in a whisper. "Not at all!" he snapped. "All is as planned. You have been expected. The ship's cargo is loaded. The captain is ready to sail. But . . ." He trailed off, looked back at the ship, then turned again to me. "It's just that . . . You see, those two families, the ones you would be traveling with, your companions . . . they have not arrived." "But they will," I said, trying to compose myself. "That's not entirely certain," Mr. Grummage allowed. "The second mate informs me that one family sent word that they could not reach Liverpool in time. The other family has a seriously ill child. There is concern that she should not be moved." Again Mr. Grummage glanced over his shoulder at the Sea-hawk as if, in some fashion, these events were the ship's fault. Turning back to me, he continued. "As it stands, Captain Jaggery will accept no delay of departure. Quite proper. He has his orders." "But Mr. Grummage, sir," I asked in dismay, "what shall I do?" "Do? Miss Doyle, your father left orders that you were to travel on this ship at this time. 15 I've very specific, written orders in that regard. He left no money to arrange otherwise. As for myself," he said, "I'm off for Scotland tonight on pressing business." "But surely," I cried, frustrated by the way Mr. Grummage was talking as much as by his news, "surely I mustn't travel alone!"

Why did Zachariah give the blade to Charlotte?

Miss Doyle, please," he said softly, taking the cup but holding me with his eyes, "I have something else to offer." "No more tea, thank you." "No, miss. It is this." He held out a knife. With a scream I jumped back. "No, no! Miss Doyle. Don't misunderstand! I only wish to give you the knife as protection--in case you need it." He placed a wooden sheath on the blade and held it out. The knife was, as I came to understand, what's called a dirk, a small dagger like blade hardly more than six inches in length from its white scrimshaw handle, where a star design was cut, to its needle-sharp point. Horrified, I was capable only of shaking my head.

What were the two men outside of Charlotte's cabin talking about her being witness to?

Then I heard, "The only one I could get to come, sir, is the Doyle girl. And with them looking on, I had to put on a bit of a show about wanting to keep her off." "Quite all right, Mr. Keetch. If there has to be only one, she's the trump. With her as witness, they'll not dare to move. I'm well satisfied." "Thank you, sir."

Hope this helps!

Mr. Grummage eventually descended to the dock. As he got closer, I noticed that his face was red and that he had an angry-looking eye. "Is there a problem?" I whispered my question. Not at all, he exclaimed. passages in your journal.

What is the passage?

The length of a passage varies depending on the context and the goal of the extraction. A passage can be, for example, a sentence's clause, a few phrases, or it can be a few pages.

An excerpt or segment of a literary work, whether it be fiction or nonfiction, is referred to as a passage. Despite some claims to the contrary, most passages are at least one paragraph long and frequently multiple. They had influence over how things were transported through their region.

"Everything went according to plan. You were anticipated. The ship is laden with cargo. The skipper is prepared to set sail. But . . ." He stumbled, turned to face the ship once more, then continued speaking to me. "Just the fact that. You know, the two families, who would be your companions on the trip, have not yet shown up." But they will, I answered,

Therefore, I muttered my query. Not at all, he cried out. passage sections of your journal.

Learn more about the passage here:



Which words are examples of alliteration?

A. take, talons

B. himself, tight

C. grip, thought

D.was, run


The answer is A because alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter or sound


A. take, talons


Alliteration is the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely related words.

I hope this helps! :)))

I only have 2 more questions to do

(The monkeys paw)

1. Identify Jacobs use of literary allusions to heighten suspense and fear in the reader.

2. Why does Jacobs suppress information about the third and final wish? What was the effect of this omission on the reader?



The author creates suspense by setting the story on a stormy night. He also incorporates a chess game, which is a metaphor for suspense, because chess is a suspenseful game. Without, the night was cold and wet, but in the small parlour of Laburnam Villa the blinds were drawn and the fire burned brightly.

sorry only could answer number 1.

Pls tell me if it’s good and if you can help me with my ending!!!! Also it has to start with the first letter!





Doug plans to end his adventure story by introducing a new character during the climax. The new character happens to be an experienced guide who will lead the protagonist down a treacherous mountain and into safety. Explain the problem with his plan.



maybe it isnt much of a climax they just find someone who guids them down a mounten to safety


I dont know for shure butt why not


The problem is that you have to introduce the charecters in the intro not in the climax (turning point.)


Hope this helps  \_^-^_/

What words matches best





I'll give brainliest​


19. D
20. A
21. D
22. C
23. C

i need friends who ever stays in NC hmu lol
.. im 16



I'm 16 too but I live in Texas.



im in the yee yee state


i like points

The thick grass was like carpet under our feet.

Simile or Metaphor?



The answer to your question is simile because simile's use words such as like or as. In this case in the sentence it has the word like so it is a simile.

what is the book 1984 all about. I have to write a essay on the book. ​



Nineteen Eighty-Four: A Novel, often published as 1984, is a dystopian social science fiction novel by English novelist George Orwell. It was published on 8 June 1949 by Secker & Warburg as Orwell's ninth and final book completed in his lifetime. 


Hy if u wanna write a essay on this book u can go through its wekipedia ! :)

Weigh the claims on both sides, then write an argumentative essay about weather the united states should or should not encourage the production and use of hybrid vehicles.
Before you begin planning and writing, read the two texts: 1. " take the high road with a hybrid" 2. " the road isnt always greener"
As you read the texts, think about what details from the texts you might use in your essay. You may take notes or highlight the details as you read.



I need a some points ok please don't be sad

Select the correct answer.

A new company is hiring many recent graduates for its internship positions. It plans to expand to a large team in the near future. Which is the main input in this case?

A. energy
B. time
C. tools
D. materials
E. people

14 points please hellppp



E. People


They want to hire many more people and expand to a bigger team.

Hope this helps!

D. I believe because it’s all about the people

will give brainliest write a General description of setting in the story the black cat by Edgar Allan Poe



The narrator of "The Black Cat" begins by saying that we probably won’t believe what he is about to tell us. But he assures us that he is not mad, and because he is about to die the next day, he wants to recount to us these “household events” that have caused so much terror. He suspects that to some people, the events will seem commonplace, and their horror will be explained away with logic and science.

The narrator of "The Black Cat" tells us of his boyhood, which was easy. He had a particular love of animals and had a lot of pets and this love only increased into adulthood. He thinks there is something in the loyalty and unselfishness of a dog that you can’t get from a man. But the narrator did marry, and was lucky to find a wife who appreciated his love of pets, and filled their house with a host of them, including a black cat.

This cat was unusually large and intelligent. The narrator of "The Black Cat" remembers how his wife used to talk about the superstition that black cats are all witches in disguise, but he assures us that this is unimportant to the story. He just remembers the detail. Anyway, the cat’s name was Pluto and became a favorite of the narrator, following him everywhere. This special bond lasted several years.



Hope this helps


The setting is taken place in a j ail cell, from which the narrator relates his pe rverse actions in each of the homes he had previously inhabited. These actions result to his spending his time in taverns abusing alcohol.

Other Questions
Use multiplication to check your answer in question #3. Show or explain all of your work.PLZZZZ HELPPP 20 POINTSS I WILL MAKE U BRAINLIEST PLEASE ANSWER !!!!!!!!Venmoing if answered ANSWER PLS ! 15 POINTS! Question: If you are traveling by train and the trip is 125 miles and takes 2 hours winding through the mountains, a) whats average speed? b) how would this be different if the train in each of the following situations- Train at rest, Train traveling at constant speed in a straight line, and the Train with a braking force (the train in the middle of coming to a stop) PLEASE ANSWER ALL ASAP Find the measure of angle A. K(x)= -x^2 inverse function SHOW WORK PLEASE HELP FAST What is the product of the given radicals.[tex]\sqrt{50}[/tex] and [tex]\sqrt[5]{6}[/tex]a.[tex]\sqrt[5]{3000}[/tex]b.[tex]\sqrt[25]{12}[/tex]c.[tex]\sqrt[50]{3}[/tex]d.[tex]\sqrt[25]{3}[/tex] Which of these sentences is written in the past tense? Micah is wishing for a puppy for his birthday. Micah wishes he would get a puppy for his birthday. Micah wished for a puppy for his birthday. Micah will wish for a puppy for his birthday. Given slope = -5 & y-intercept = (0,0) write the equation Someone please help me answer these questions about the cartoon. The ratio of boys to girls in Coach Sheppard's class is 3 to 5. There are 20 girls in theclass.What is the total number of students in Coach Sheppard's class? A word or title added to the front of your name is asuffixnicknameprefixmaiden name NEED HELP ASAP (please and thank you) Find the value of X, then find AB and DC. (opposite sides are congruent)AB= 3x+8 DC= x+12 Instinct or learned behavior?A lizard becoming ill after eating a poisonous insect? Do these side lengths make a right triangle? 7, 13, and 218 5(x + y)-3(x-y)= Help please Where are jintizi primarily used answersA Taiwan and Hong KongB in universitiesC in Mainland ChinaD where Chinese people live Polly buys 14 cupcakes for the party. the bakery puts them into boxes that hold 4 cupcakes each.how many boxes will be needed for Polly to bring all the cupcakes to the party? Explain All of the following are characteristics of proteins EXCEPT: A They contain genetic information B They can catalyze chemical reactions. c They can transport materials. D They can repair tissues. PLSSSSSSSS HELPPPPPPPPP 6(5x -3) PLEASE HELP THIS DUE TODAYYY