Ahanu, an American Indian, feels harassed by tourists who visit his village. He does not like when the tourists barge into his hogan without permission to photograph his family. When tourists attempt to talk to him, he pretends to not know or speak in English. He is planning to lead an organized protest to stop the harassment of locals by tourists. In this scenario, Ahanu's attitude toward the tourists visiting his village exemplifies _____.


Answer 1




Retreatism is defined as a way by which one escapes societal demands by rejecting culturally accepted goals and the means of achieving them.

For example in a society if being religious is the goal and going to church is the means, an individual can reject both and create a new goal of getting rich by going to school.

In the given scenario it is generally accepted that tourists come into the community, take photographs, and interact with the locals.

However Ahanu rejects this norms by feeling harassed by tourists who visit his village, and is planning to lead an organized protest to stop the harassment of locals by tourists.

This is an example of retreatism.

Related Questions

Low-income and minority communities are often subject to racial discrimination at the hands of local government policies and actions. However, in recent years, communities are fighting back and winning battles to protect and improve their neighborhoods. Identify the ways in which communities can be politically active for their own benefit. Beneficial Way Communities Can Be Politically Active engage with public planning process Press Space to open refuse to cooperate with local government Press Space to open organize protests Press Space to open create community associations Press Space to open Not a Beneficial Way for Communities to Be Politically Active



create community associations organize protests engage with public planning process


The options selected above are the most efficient ways for a community to become politically active and achieve benefits for members of that community. The options shown above allow community members to present their wishes and claims, allow community members to participate in progressive projects and the planning of the environment in which they live, and allow members of society to unite for common goals and become help each other, giving strength for further improvements to be achieved for the community.

What What roles can you play to minimize corruption? Write in points. Why is corruption regarded as social crime? Elucidate with examples.​


We define corruption as the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. Corruption erodes trust, weakens democracy, hampers economic development and further exacerbates inequality, poverty, social division and the environmental crisis.

reasons behind the pain What are the be changes seen in the development ur opinion​



to serve as teacher to the people get them self involved in the pain

orbit may happen some time as a result of mistakingly

Functions of save our soul (sos) ?


the functions of sos are:1.to help people in their need.2.To save the life of people.

Definition of environmental issues



These are harmful effects of earth and it's natural systems due to the action of humans.

I hope this helps

what do you mean by human resources ? Differentiate between short term manpower and long term manpower.



The persons or group of people with ability and competence is a significant resource is known as human resource.


Manpower planning for the short term:

It is about combining existing personnel with their present jobs in an efficient manner.

Long-term planning of manpower:

Management has enough time to make needed modifications through essential measures in the context of long-term planning.

What impact will your goals have on your schedule?
They will guide decisions about how you plan to use your time.
They will limit your available time.
They will determine what activities are available to you.
They will determine the courses you must take in high school.


The most reasonable answer is the first option.

Our country is rich in water resources but it still lags behind in development. In your view, what are the reasons behind this? Mention them.​




the reasons behind this are :

1. lack of skilled man power

2. lack of capital

2. lack of modern technology

4. corruption

5. lack of education

How did early civilizations in the Americas differ from those in the Eastern Hemisphere?



they develop slower due to the fact that civilizations in the Americas were farther spread apart than civilizations in the eastern hemisphere.

I hope this helps.

What is the reason for being the whole world like a house?​


I'm sorry could you try explaining that a little more clearly?

report on "road construction and its impact to public health in Nepal, Pokhara(please include the following areas : introduction ,objectives of the study , methodologies, findings, conclusions and recommendations )​


Report on "road construction and its impact to public health in Nepal.''

Introduction: Roads are very important for the transportation of goods as well as for the movement of people. Road construction requires huge amount of capital which can only afford by the government. The health of people is also related to the road construction.

Objectives: The main objective of the study is to find out the impact of road construction on public health of the people of Nepal.

Methodologies: For finding the impact, we have two situations i.e. no road and have roads.

Findings: By collecting data we find out that roads has a great impact on the health of people because the patients can reach on time and quickly and his or her life can safe.

Conclusions: The conclusion is that roads are very important and has a direct impact on the health of people.

Recommendations: We have to construct roads which provides benefits in the form of fast transportation.


A professional painter and his apprentice, in business as a partnership, were hired to paint a store. Midway through the job they ran out of paint, so the painter lent his truck to the apprentice to pick up more. On his way to pick up the paint, the apprentice stopped at a post office along the way to mail a personal letter. On pulling out of the post office parking lot, he negligently ran into a parked car, causing extensive damage.
If the car owner brings a negligence action against the painter, will she prevail?
A. No, because the apprentice is an independent contractor.
B. No, because a bailor is not vicariously liable for the torts of his bailee.
C. Yes, because the apprentice's stop at the post office was not a frolic.
D. Yes, because the apprentice was using the painter's truck.



I think the answer is A.


The blame should be placed on the person driving the truck, not the one who owns the truck. Use the process of elimination and you can cross off D. It's not C either because that's simply unreasonable. Not B because no one said anything about bails. It has to be A. Furthermore, it mentioned, "in business as a partnership."

what is meant by national project​



National Projects means any of the projects funded by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) set forth in Exhibit A


i hope it'll help you


Answer: The projects which will enhance the common identity of people along with their quality of life in terms of social, economical, cultural & environmental aspects & are completed within a particular interval of time in particular places can be referred as national pride projects.

who is the president of india ?



Ram Nath Kovind



Ramnath Kovind


Ramnath Kovind is the current President of India.

What's the difference between racial segregation and economic segregation?



racial segregation is people being separated by their race

the meaning of segregation is the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.

economic segregation is separation of people in different economic classes

hope this helps❤

Hegefeg d so shehey eye eye he was s shady wjdkelf f she st d

It is the last quarter of the championship game. Your best athlete is knocked down, and you think she may have hit her head. She continues playing, but you notice that she is not acting right. You call a time-out to talk to her. She says she is fine, and wants to keep playing. What should happen next?


Answer: happened to me when I played football I would honestly keep playing but if its another player call the coach over with the trainer to see if their actually okay.  

A man was negligently driving down the road, not paying attention to where he was going. Because of this, he hit and seriously injured a pedestrian who was lawfully crossing the street. The accident was witnessed by the pedestrian's friend who was standing on the sidewalk. As a result of seeing the pedestrian injured, her friend suffered extreme emotional distress that physically affected her nervous system. The friend brings suit against the driver for negligent infliction of emotional distress in a jurisdiction that has adopted the majority approach in bystander cases. Will the friend prevail




Explanation:Because of the driver,she gained emotional distress which affected her nervous system,so therefore,the friend has the legal right to suit the driver

Yes, Because of the driver, she gained emotional distress which affected her nervous system, therefore, the friend has the legal right to sue the driver.

What are the most important traffic rules?

The maximum important rule of thumb for using is to keep away from accidents or accidents to different avenue users. you could try this with the aid of waiting for other drivers' movements, leaving a safety net, and using within the law.

What are traffic rules?

The Most Important Traffic Rules to Follow:

Don't Drink and Drive.You always have a valid Car Insurance Policy.Wear your seat belt while you are driving.Using a Mobile Phone while Riding.Speed.Skip the Red Light.

Learn more about Traffic Rules here: brainly.com/question/1071840


how can price stability affect the economy positively? (4)​



Price stability proves beneficial for the economy in several ways: It makes it easier for people to disentangle changes in prices of individual goods or services from changes in the general price level. This in turn allows the market to allocate resources more efficiently.


Price stability proves beneficial for the economy in several ways: It makes it easier for people to disentangle changes in prices of individual goods or services from changes in the general price level. This in turn allows the market to allocate resources more efficiently.

justify the statement that the constitution of Nepal ( 2072 ) was documents of political consensus.​




Randy has a box of Smarties candies. Randy leaves the room, and while he is away, Michelle plays a trick on him. She removes the Smarties and replaces them with rocks. Their son, Zeven, notices this, and starts laughing knowing that his Dad, Randy, will be tricked! Zeven has mastered:


Start knowing seven mastered

Randy has a box of Smarties candies. Randy leaves the room, and while he is away, Michelle plays a trick on him. She removes the Smarties and replaces them with rocks. Their son, Zeven, notices this, and starts laughing knowing that his Dad, Randy, will be tricked! Zeven has mastered the theory of mind.

What are the tools of the theory of mind?

A classic 'false-belief' exercise is commonly used to evaluate the theory of mind. This test demonstrates unequivocally that children comprehend that a person can be inaccurate about something they understand.

The ability to reason about one's own and others' mental states is referred to as the theory of mind. This capacity is vital for predicting and understanding the acts of others, it is necessary for effective communication, it promotes social learning, and it serves as the foundation for empathetic care.

Learn more about the theory of mind here:



Many researchers believe that pleasing tastes attracted our ancestors to energy- or protein-rich foods that enabled their survival. Such researchers are most likely molecular geneticists. evolutionary psychologists. behavior geneticists. neuropsychologists. behaviorists.



The correct answer is ''evolutionary psychologists.''


Evolutionary psychology is considered to be the branch of psychology whose object of study is the development of the human being throughout its entire life cycle. Its fundamental interest lies in explaining how the diverse and different behaviors generated have been the result of adaptations to particular contexts within the long evolutionary process of our ancestors. Evolutionary psychologists explain how the evolutionary pressures of that evolutionary past (physical, biological, ecological and cultural) were those that determined the type of adaptations that the primates, anthropoids that faced them had to generate.

Why should there be laws against using cell phones while driving ?



Cell phone use while driving has become a leading cause of vehicle crashes over the last two decades. Using a cell phone while driving increases the driver's risk of causing a crash. Drivers are distracted, decreasing the driver's awareness on the road, leading to more car crashes.


Yes because... Using a mobile phone while driving is very dangerous. Physically holding a handset removes one hand from the controls, making accidents more likely, while dialling is even worse, as it also requires the user to divert their attention away from the road.

Wgat are the 5 religoin that don't believe in worshipping idol?​







christianity (jesus is not seen as an idol)

Committees that consider a proposed bill have the authority to



answer is the first: to reject or approve

A driver traveling the speed limit in the evening on a quiet country road rounded a curve and struck a bicyclist who was riding in the same lane. The driver stopped the car and inspected the bicyclist, who had a broken leg. The driver thought it best not to try to move the bicyclist, so he told him that he would go to get help. The driver drove away and left the bicyclist by the side of the road. After the driver had left the scene, he realized that he had forgotten his wife's birthday, so he stopped to buy a gift and hurried home. He did not remember the bicyclist until a few hours later, but assumed that by that time someone would have come along to render assistance. However, the bicyclist was not rescued until the following morning. By then, he had contracted pneumonia as a result of exposure. The bicyclist sued the driver to recover damages for his broken leg and the pneumonia. If the jury finds that the driver was not negligent in his operation of his automobile, for what harm will the bicyclist most likely recover


Answer: Pneumonia but not leg injury


Accidents involving bones should be treated with urgency else the matter becomes complex as there is a delay and in most cases exposure the bone faces makes it more difficult to treat. The driver would have hurriedly taken the bicyclist to the hospital, so the bone issues could be attended to, his delay caused him more harm by exposing him to pneumonia and might make the bone injury difficult to treat.

A police officer had probable cause to believe that a defendant was involved in a robbery. The officer obtained a valid arrest warrant and went to the defendant's apartment to execute it. The officer decided to go to the defendant's apartment right when he believed the defendant would be home from work, so he could search the defendant's apartment before he had a chance to hide the stolen goods. When the officer arrived at the defendant's apartment, the door was ajar, but nothing else seemed out of the ordinary. The officer slowly opened the door and entered the apartment. He walked toward the back of the apartment, and when he heard the defendant in a bedroom, pushed open the door, loudly told the defendant to freeze, and arrested him. Did the officer properly execute the arrest warrant



- No, because the officer failed to "knock and announce" before he entered the defendant's apartment.


As per the federal laws, the arrest implemented by the officer was not appropriate as he entered the defendant's house without knocking and informing him about the arrest. The law says that despite an arrest warrant is issued against an individual for a specific crime, the police officer who is executing the arrest is not allowed to enter the house of the defendant without knocking or declaring the purpose before him. Lawfully, he is required to give a knock at the door and then, announcing the purpose along with the reason of arrest. Hence, the arrest was inapt.

Which best explains why Georgia's budget is amended halfway through the year each year?


The answers is D to save money if possible for the future I took the test


C) to react to changing revenue and spending needs 


Geographically India is a________ ​



Geographically, India is a peninsula.


i thinks its


The principle of environmental sustainability states that: Group of answer choices A strong, just, and wealthy society can be consistent with a clean environment Preventive measures should be taken when an activity raises threats of harm to the environment All people in society should receive equal treatment with respect to environmental laws and policies A polluter should bear the expense of carrying out pollution prevention and control measures



A strong, just, and wealthy society can be consistent with a clean environment


An environment

This is simply known as all the things around us. This entails both the living and nonliving things.

Environmental science

This is said to be an interdisciplinary science. It shows or teaches us how humans interact with both living and nonliving parts of their environment.

Goals of environmental science

1. To learn how the earth has survived and thrive

2. To understand how humans interact with the environment

3. To find ways to deal with environmental problems and live more sustainable.

Find out things of national importance avaible in your community.What are the measures to promote these valueable things?Prepare an action to support these important measures.


Answer: Flora, fauna, mountains, rivers, plains, geothermic sites, monuments can be exploited by public.


Flora: The diversity of flora can be specific or confined to a particular community or region so the protection against its exploitation is suggested as some of the plants are of economic value.

Fauna: Like plants, animals, birds and other faunal species are also confined to local placed and their are also of economic value so their exploitation must be protected from hunting, poaching, and wildlife trafficking.

Resources like mountains, plains, rivers, oceans, geothermic sites must be protected against human exploitation. Like mountains can be removed from their sites for construction of roads and for other kinds of infrastructure. River, ocean water can be contaminated with agricultural waste, sewage sludge, industrial waste, some monuments can be broken to create buildings.

Action report can be created and at the individual level people must be punished according to the environmental laws.

Other Questions
Which of the following is the best example of the use of automation?: (A) A garment sewn by an operator at a sewing machine. (B) A letter written by a secretary using a computer. (C) An automobile painted by a computer-directed robot on an assembly line. (D) A medical assistant drawing blood from a patient's arm. Gii phng trnh 2x+6=0 Type the correct answer in the box. Use numerals instead of words.Betty sets up a lemonade stand and charges $1 per glass. It cost her $50 to set up the stand. Which function gives the profit, p, she makes by selling g glasses of lemonade?The number of glasses of lemonade, g, that Betty needs to sell to make a profit, p, if the setup cost her $50 is given by the function p(g) = . (a) This is a new English grammar book. (What) AA Which of the following counteracts the movement of bicarbonate ions from the RBC?A) chloride shiftingB) the Haldane effectC) release of hydrogen ionD) the Bohr effect Students at a virtual school are allowed to sign up for one math class each year. The numbers of students signing up for various math classes for the next schoolyear are given in the following table:Grade Geometry Algebra II Pre-Calculus AP Statistics Total10th1507525525511th50100752024512th105010065225Total 21022520090725Part A: What is the probability that a student will take AP Statistics? (2 points)Part B: What is the probability that a 12th-grader will take either Pre-Calculus or AP Statistics? (2 points)Part C: What is the probability that a student will take Algebra II given that he or she is in the 11th grade? (2 points)Part D: Consider the events "A student takes Algebra II and "A student is a 10th-grader. Are these events independent? Justify your answer. (4 points) Use the substitution method to find the solution for the system of equations. Write the answer as an ordered pair. 3x+2y=23 (1/2)-y=4 I will give brainliest!!Check the picture above 2. What weakness and what strength is coronavirus exposing our society ? Please someones answer this question for me I have teen court I need help please or Im going back to court next week PLEASE HELP ASAP PLEASE FAST find the surface area Difference between temporary and permanent methods of contraception Question 7Select the question that corresponds to the answer:Je m'habille, je mange et je prends le bus.O Comment tu fais?O Qui fait le matin?O Qu'est-ce que tu fais le matin?O O vas-tu le matin? The rate of change is constant in each table. Find the rate of change. Explain what the rate of change means for the situation. (Help ASAP) Is it a, b, c or d? Solve for a.a28a = [?]Pythagorean Theorem: a2 + b2 = c2Enter please help me !! :) 15. The perimeter of the triangular field is 540m and its sides are in the ratio 25:12:5 find the area of the field. a) You can turn off the radio. I ..(not/listen) to it. (Use correct tense of the verb given in the brackets) b) It.........be Sita knocking on the door. She had promised to come today. (Put the correct modal) Most brainiest for the right answer on this problem! Essay about our culture,our identity