Alex is helping fix dinner in the kitchen. Alex’s dad explains what is for dinner, and lists all of the ingredients. Alex has all of the ingredients ready, and listens to the first three steps. Then, his dad tells Alex to “get all of the vegetables ready.” Alex is not sure what this means.

What can Alex do now that understanding has broken down?

put all of the vegetables away
ask how to get the vegetables ready
listen to the next three steps
put the vegetables in a bowl


Answer 1


ask how to get the vegetables ready


Answer 2


here you go the last guys is right


Alex Is Helping Fix Dinner In The Kitchen. Alexs Dad Explains What Is For Dinner, And Lists All Of The

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what does marlow mean when he says that england has been one of the dark places of the earth


When Marlow says these words, he is referencing the evil that England's imperialism was responsible for causing in African regions. The British Empire brought many gifts to England but much suffering to conquered lands.


it was once a wild place conquered by outsiders


Arthur Miller's script for The Crucible begins with a dramatic exposition that explains that Parris "cut a villainous path, and there is very little
good to be said of him." In contrast, the LA Theatre Works audio performance of The Crucible begins with the first exchange of dialogue
between Parris and Tituba. Which sentence best describes the impact of the audio performance's departure from the script?
A. Instead of telling the audience directly, the audio performance lets the audience infer that Parris is a bad man
B. Instead of telling the actor how to play the part of Parris, the audio performance allows for greater interpretation.
C. Instead of priming the audience to dislike Parris through description, the audio performance begins by showing Parris's good side.
D. Instead of letting the audience judge Parris by the words he speaks, the audio performance relies on Parris's actions and tone of



The sentence that describes the best impact of the audio performance's departure from the script is:

A. Instead of telling the audience directly, the audio performance lets the audience infer that Parris is a bad man


The reasons behind this asnwer are the following:

First of all, the script doesn't tell the actor how to play the part of Parris in this scene. It only communicates the event. So b) is incorrect. Now, the script intention is not to dislike or like, it is to tell a story. Otherwise, it would be an opinion not a script. So c) is incorrect. Then, d) could be a very good option. But again. the script doesn't' look to make a judgment but to tell a story.  

What does realign mean ?



"change or restore to a different or former position or state"



change or restore to a different or former position or state.

"they worked to relieve his shoulder pain and realign the joint"


True or False?: Claims are provable and supported by opinions and evidence. *



Answer: True

Claims is the statement that gives the answer or conclusion to a question or problem.

Identify these scrambled compound words.
1.- klraanhds



I think it might be Landshark


The scrambled compound words in this case of klraanhds is Land-sharks.

What do you mean by scrambled compound words?

Scrambled can be considered as a verb or an adjective. On the other hand, compound words are the words that is a union of two or more word, either with or without a hyphen.

Adding to it, here the right answer of scrambled compound words is Land-sharks.

Learn more about compound words, refer to the link:


Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.

Which word best describes the tone of this statement?





Answer:  wise : )


Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif: What is the main idea of chapter 7? And who was Annabeth and what is her backround?



Annabeth is  a demigod she lived on a demigod base sense she was born and didn't know her father her mother is  Athena goddess of wisdom and battle strategy but i don't know the rest of the question I've only watched the movie :) lol


Answer: Annabeth was the daughter of an aviater. But she ran away when she was 7 years old because her stepmom wasn't treating her well and after that she never talked to her dad again.


What is the best way to change the sentence below from active voice to passive voice?
People water their gardens more than once a week during the summer.
Come summer, you water gardens more than once a week
During the summer, the rainfall may water the gardens more than once a week.
Somebody will water gardens more than once a week during the summer.
Gardens are watered more than once a week during the summer







Gardens are watered more than once a week during the summer.


Sentences written in passive voice are useful when the actor is unknown or not as important as the action. In this case, the action is what is important. The passive sentence does not contain an actor, or a subject, that performs the action of the verb "water."

PART A: Which of the following best describes a central theme of the text?



A: loss and grief can have powerful effect on minds


I need to write a story/Narrative that is about the current situations (Corona virus). So do you guys have any ideas on what I should write.



Maybe you could talk about your day to day life. Or maybe you could write about how the virus has changed your life. I think it would be really cool if you wrote a letter to your future child telling them about what is going on.


Hope this helps

O compunere despre Hobby meu preferat-Pictura

Vă roooog,




Below is my essay


Toată lumea are un hobby. Un hobby este o activitate care este făcută regulat de cineva în timpul liber. Este făcut mai ales pentru plăcere, dar multe persoane și-au scos traiul din hobby-urile lor. Pentru unii, a juca fotbal, a cânta, a asculta muzică, a juca jocuri video și a te implica în diferite sporturi este un hobby apreciat.

Cât despre mine, pictura este hobby-ul meu. Îmi place să pictez de când aveam 3 ani. Vopsesc oricând am șansa să.

Pictura este declarația gândurilor și sentimentelor, cu realizarea anumitor caracteristici elegante, într-un limbaj vizual bidimensional. Componentele acestui limbaj - formele, liniile, nuanțele, tonurile și suprafețele sale - sunt utilizate în diferite abordări pentru a oferi vibrații de volum, spațiu, dezvoltare și lumină pe o suprafață nivelată. Aceste componente sunt unite în exemple expresive pentru a vorbi despre minuni autentice sau puternice, pentru a descifra un subiect al contului sau pentru a extrage conexiuni vizuale în întregime. Alegerea meșterului de a utiliza un mediu specific, de exemplu, vopsea pe bază de gumă, frescă, ulei, acrilic, acuarelă sau alte vopsele pe bază de apă, cerneală, guașă, encaustică sau cazeină, la fel ca decizia unei structuri specifice, de exemplu. , pictura pe perete, șevaletul, placa, mai mică decât de obicei, iluminarea copiei originale, pergamentul, ecranul sau ventilatorul, afișarea sau oricare dintre o gamă de structuri actuale depinde de caracteristicile erotice și de perspectivele și restricțiile expresive ale alternativelor respective. Deciziile mediului și structurii, la fel ca procedura proprie a meșterului, se alătură pentru a înțelege o imagine vizuală specială.

Pictura mea preferată este pictura Mona Lisa. Este un tablou atât de valoros care m-a inspirat. Am încercat chiar să o reproduc.

Nu-mi este rușine de hobby-ul meu și chiar îmi oferă bucurie.

Which characters from TKAM grew in their ability to judge right from wrong?

Identify at least two moments from the text that support your choices and explain how those moments support your choices.



Scout Finch: From the age of six, she begins to understand human nature and racism in her town as her father is called a "n---- lover". She saves the life of Tom Robinson -who is accused of raping and killing a white woman Mayella Ewell- by talking to the mob leader Mr Cunningham.

Atticus Finch: He is the father of "Scout" Finch and a defense lawyer for Tom Robinson. He is the deadliest shot in Maycomb County although he does not like to say how good a shot he is because he feels like it's taking undue advantage over others. He supports racial equality and does not back down from the public criticism following his decision to represent Tom Robinson.


In the book, "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, the stage is set in a heavily racist county where a man is accused of raping and killing a white woman and despite the evidence showing that he could not have committed the crime, the racism among the all-white members of the jury find him guilty although Tom is shot to death while trying to escape prison.

Write a proper movie review about the movie P.S I still love you and don’t add spoilers. Person to answer will get BRAINLIEST



As her relationship with Peter continues to grow, Lara Jean reunites with another recipient of one of her old love letters.


omg u did not watch it yet it is so gooood

What terms in the following paragraph help the reader visualize a sequence of events?
“The trouble starts when unusually large amounts of greenhouse gases build up in the atmosphere. Then the heat cranks way up. Human activities—such as the burning of fossil fuels, like coal and petroleum—release billions of tons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere every year. And deforestation (clearing of forests) removes the trees that would otherwise absorb carbon dioxide.”
starts, then, removes
when, then
begins, after
all of these






D: all of these


is the MLK Letter From Birmingham Jail historical or literary significance?



Literary significance


It is the most important letter in the civil rights movement therefor, its Literary significance

What impression do we get of the relationship between Utterson
and Miss Guest?

Jekyll and Hyde





Utterson, prompted by his conversation with Enfield, goes home to study a will that he drew up for his close friend Dr. ... This strange will had long troubled Utterson, but now that he has heard something of Hyde's behavior, he becomes more upset and feels convinced that Hyde has some peculiar power over Jekyll.


Please help fast!!! 100 points if you write it correct!

What problems result from projecting a round earth onto a flat map surface?



People thinking the earth is flat and not seeing the whole world on one map is pretty weird if you ask me the problem is that they cant put the whole world on a map cause it would take days to finish it in time.

Sorry if my answer is not correct.

Pls mark bainlest!

The third person singular form of the verb mix is



Most verbs in English form the third-person singular by adding -s to the base form (sings, gives, requires). Verbs ending in -ch, -s, -sh, -x, or -z form the third-person singular by adding -es. For example, watches, misses, rushes, mixes, buzzes.

This is to correct and/or revise a piece of writing.


To correct and revise you’ll have to read the text at least three times and look for grammar,spelling and mechanics as you go through the text.

Ok so i am making a summer bucket list i know its very chessy but i nned to make a title for my english class so helpme on this
Summer Of ______ Fill it in


Unknown. Because, nobody knows what’s gonna happen in the next few months, and the outcome of what’s gonna be in the bucket list in also Unknown

Why is it important for newspapers to understand their readers' background
knowledge about an event?
A. So they know how much information to include.
B. So they know whether or not to take an angry tone.
C. So they know what length sentences to use.
O D. So they know how much to charge for the paper.



The answer is A.


This is because the readers are less likely to buy the paper again if the information given is either too simple and they already know it, or if it assumes that they know key points about the topic that are pivotal to know to understand what the article is about when in reality they have no idea what is going on.

what does the word somber mean​



Dull or gloomy


Dull or gloomy is the answer

Please help please I have no idea what to do.



The attributes of the people that should be represented is people that are different gender. You would go to people of different genders and maybe age to create a random example. The sample would be a representative of the population because the difference of the people will represent the majority of "their kind".


Its just asking for you  to show what type of "diversity" your survey should have..I think..Im pretty sure that its this though.

If this helped..Branliest me please

Write a paragraph about your country's national day. Explain when is it, what its historical origins are and what happens on that day.
Country: Romania



I mean, I live in Alaska so I don't exactly know what you mean but if you explain I will write down my answer.

Great Union Day is a national holiday in Romania, celebrated on 1 December, marking the unification of Transylvania, Bessarabia, and Bukovina with the Romanian Kingdom in 1918. On 22 January 1862 (O.S., 3 February N.S.), the Principality of Moldavia and the Principality of Wallachia formally united to create the Romanian United Principalities, the core of the Romanian nation state.[2][3] In 1866 a new constitution came into effect, giving the country the name of Romania. The new state remained nominally a vassal of the Ottoman Empire. However, by this time the suzerainity of the Sublime Porte had become a legal fiction. Romania had its own flag and anthem, and conducted its own foreign policy. From 1867, it had its own currency as well. On 9 May 1877 (O.S., 21 May N.S.), Romania proclaimed itself fully independent, and on 14 March 1881 (O.S., 26 March N.S.), it became the Kingdom of Romania. After the First World War, Transylvania and other territories were also included. Today it is known as 'Ziua Marii Uniri' and may also be known as Unification Day or 1918 Union Day. Great Union Day is marked by a large military parade in the capital, Bucharest. Speeches will be made in Bucharest and Alba Iulia, where the declaration of the union was first read out. Elsewhere, local events will remember the Romanians who lost their lives in World War I. To commemorate the centenary of Great Union Day, 4807 people gathered to recreate the silhouette of Romania in Alba Iulia on September 29th 2018, making it the Largest human image of a country/ continent ever as ratified by Guinness World Records.

Select the sentence that illustrates the proper use of parallel structure. A)Tomorrow I have to walk the dog, writing an essay, and mail a letter.
B)Tomorrow I have to walk the dog, write an essay, and mail a letter.
C)Tomorrow I have to walk the dog, write an essay, and I have to mail a letter. D)Tomorrow I have to walk the dog, to write an essay, and mail a letter.





Parallel structure is when you use the same pattern when listing. Choice B is the only one that does that (walk, write, mail).

Which stage of the hero’s journey does neither Io nor Atalanta fully complete?

A. road of trials
B. divine assistance
C. transformation
D. return home


A I got it right on Ed


A-Road of Trails


Hope this helps!!!!   :)

Write a report on the excursion you recently embarked to your supervisor or teacher.
Please help me and I promise to mark you the brainliest.




I will do a report on Hawaii.Hawaii is a state in USA.It is a island with beautiful coconut trees and warm water fresh from the ocean.There are lots of things that you can do in Hawaii by just enjoying nature!

If you are going to Hawaii,you definitely need to go to Hawaii's National Park.There is beautiful scenery and greenery. The park is brimming with volcanic activity and is home to Kilauea, one of the world’s most active volcanoes.

In Hawaii,you can't leave until you go whale watching in Maui.In Maui,Hawaii,it has the best view in the world to watch whales.If you're lucky,you sure will be able to see a whale wave "hello" to you!

These are why you should go and visit HAWAII!

what does the word paradox mean in the sentence below
now i must choose between the paradox of victory of the spirit, despite physical hunger



Paradox is defined as an unbelievable or self contradicting statement.


Hope that helps!

Select the correct answer.
Which of these situations is an example of external conflict?
choosing whether to help a stranger
deciding whether to go to a party or study for an exam
looking for shelter during a thunderstorm
feeling anxious about giving a speech





What do King Claudius and Polonius believe is
the cause of Hamlet's distress?
O the damp, cold weather in Denmark
O the death of Hamlet's father
O Hamlet's love for Ophelia
O Queen Gertrude's marriage to Claudius



The death of Hamlet's father, I think.


Hope I helped ya.

If you got any questions, hmu in da comments.

< Sarah >


C - hamlets love for ophelia


Other Questions
find the output, y, when the input, x, is -7 Who is the first president Justin earned $25.67 one week and $37.85 the nextweek. He also purchased a DVD for $19.99 and gas forhis car for $22.07. He started with a zero balance in hischecking account. Justin recorded all of thesetransactions in his checkbook and ended up with abalance of $105.58. Was his balance correct? If it was,write an equation to support the answer. What organelle does the process of cellular respiration? Assume the existence of an UNSORTED ARRAY of n characters. You are to trace the CS111Sort algorithm (as described here) to reorder the elements of a given array. The CS111Sort algorithm is an algorithm that combines the SelectionSort and the InsertionSort following the steps below: 1. Implement the SelectionSort Algorithm on the entire array for as many iterations as it takes to sort the array only to the point of ordering the elements so that the last n/2 elements are sorted in increasing (ascending) order. 2. Implement the InsertionSort Algorithm to sort the first half of the resulting array elements so that these elements are sorted in decreasing (descending) order. How was the organization of the government under the United States Constitution different from the system under the Articles of Confederation? A. The Constitution established three strong branches of government. B. The Articles of Confederation had made the legislative branch too strong. C. The Constitution gave less power to the office of the president. D. The Articles of Confederation set no limits on the central government. Write an equation for the following: A number increased by 6 is 22. How far can you get away from your little brother with a paintball marker if you can travel at 3 m/s and you have 15s before he sees you? Is the relationship between volume and pressure direct or indirect? Explain youranswer Write an expression to detect that the first character of userinput matches firstLetter. import java.util.Scanner; public class CharMatching { public static void main (String [] args) { Scanner scnr = new Scanner(; String userInput; char firstLetter; userInput = scnr.nextLine(); firstLetter = scnr.nextLine().charAt(0); if (/* Your solution goes here */) { System.out.println("Found match: " + firstLetter); } else { System.out.println("No match: " + firstLetter); } return; } } The main purpose of the lend-lease program enacted by the United States during World War II was to? why is there an impact on society revolution ? HELP PLEASEEEEEEESOLVE FOR VOLUME why is it important for your body to return to its balanced and steady state Find the value of x and y. Will mark brainliest. A gas in a pistoncylinder assembly undergoes a compression process for which the relation between pressure and volume is given by p = AV2 + BV-2 (p is in bar and V is in m3). The initial volume is 0.1 m3, and the initial pressure is 1 bar. The final volume is 0.04 m3, and the final pressure is 2 bar. Determine: PLEASE HELP...SOLVE FOR VOLUME Given a cylinder with a surface area of 2532 cm (squared) and radius of 9 cm, calculate the height of this cylinder to the nearest tenth.A. 36 cmB. 282.6 cmC. 45D. 10 Why do you think the Alexander Graham Bell Foundation protested when NBC broadcast a performance by National Theater for the Deaf (NTD)? If you were a spokesperson for the NTD, what would you have said or done in response? Factor the following polynomial:5x(a - b) 2y(a - b)