Algunos estudiantes de tu promoción consideran que se debería aumentar el número de horas semanales de Educación Física. Otros consideran que el número de horas debería mantenerse. Escribe un artículo de opinión en el que presentes tu punto de vista sobre este tema y al menos tres razones que justifiquen tu postura. Tu artículo se publicará en el periódico escolar La Voz.
una ayuda plis :c


Answer 1

La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Te compartimos las tres ideas que te pueden ayudar para hacer tu artículo.


La Educación Física, una prioridad para las escuelas.

Existe una frase milenaria que se le atribuye a los griegos que dice "Mente sana en cuerpo sano."

Y es muy cierta.

Las escuelas deberían considerar seriamente aumentar el número de horas semanales para la impartición de la educación física por las siguientes razones.

1.- La educación física es vital para el desarrollo físico del estudiante. Desde los grados más básicos, las escuelas deberían fortalecer la enseñanza de la educación física por motivos de salud, y dejar este buen hábito en los alumnos para toda la vida.

2.- La educación física, mejora el rendimiento académico ya que ayuda oxigenando los músculos, fortaleciendo el cerebro para que pueda concentrase mejor, despeja a los alumnos de tal forma que puedan regresar a los salones e clase más "despiertos."

3.- La educación física sirve para introducir la importancia de practicar deporte toda la vida, y hacerlo en la etapa escolar a través de equipos deportivos como el Futbol Americano, el beisbol, el basquetbol, el volibol, el soccer, y otros tantos.

Este idea del trabajo en equipo a través del deporte es muy importante para desarrollar habilidades como el liderazgo, el compromiso, la constancia y el superar la adversidad.

El profesor de educación física debe enseñarte la forma correcta de respirar cuando haces ejercicio, la importancia de la relajación del cuerpo para iniciar una actividad. El profesor debe hacer énfasis en la etapa del calentamiento y el estiramiento para preparar al cuerpo antes de realizar el ejercicio. Así como muchas otras enseñanzas.

Por esa razón, las escuelas deberían considerar seriamente la posibilidad de aumentar las horas de educación física por semana.

Related Questions

A thunderclap sends a sound wave through the air and the ocean below. The
thunderclap sound wave has a constant frequency of 100 Hz. What is the
wavelength of the sound wave in water? (The equation for the speed of a
wave is v= f x 1.)
Speed of
A. 11.00 m
B. 12.00 m
C. 14.93 m
D. 3.46 m



C. 14.93 m


The given frequency of the wave, f = 100 Hz

The given equation for the wave speed, v, is presented as follows;

v = f × λ

The speed of sound in water, v = 1,493 m/s

Therefore, we get;

The wavelength, λ = v/f

∴ λ = 1,493 m/s/(100 Hz) = 14.93 m

The wavelength, λ = 14.93 m.

A force of 825N is required to push
a car across a lot.Tow students push the car 35m.How much work is done?



the work done by the two students is 28,875 J



applied force, f = 825 N

distance through which the car is pushed, d = 35 m

The work done by the two students who pushed the 825 N across 35 m lot is calculated as follows;

Work done = force x distance

Work done = 825 N x 35 m

Work done = 28,875 Nm = 28,875 J

Therefore, the work done by the two students is 28,875 J

The graph shows the motion of a car. Which segment
shows that the car is slowing down?


Answer: its C


What is the relationship between electric field lines and equipotential lines that you observed in doing the lab



Explained below


Generally speaking, we know in physics that Electric field lines are lines which usually start at positive charges and deflect away from them to terminate at the negative charges. Meanwhile Equipotential lines are lines that are used to connect points located on the same electric potential.

Finally, in conclusion, electric field lines are usually lines that go through in a perpendicular manner across every equipotential lines.

Express the standard form: (i) radius of the earth= 6 400 000 m (ii) radius of hydrogen atom = 0.000 000 000 0529



I) 6.4 × 10^(6) m

II) 5.29 × 10^(-11) m


Standard form is how we write very large number in such a way that it is easier to read.


I) radius of the earth = 6 400 000 m

What we will now have is;

6.4 × 10^(6) m

II) radius of hydrogen atom = 0.000 000 000 0529 m

What we will have is;

5.29 × 10^(-11) m


i. 6.4 × 10⁶ m.

ii. 5.29 × 10⁻¹¹ m.


To express a number in standard form, we write it in the form a × 10ⁿ where 1 ≤ a < 10 and n is an integer.

(i) radius of the earth= 6 400 000 m

To express the radius of the earth = 6 400 000 m in standard form, we count the number of decimal places after the first digit. We have 6 decimal places after digit 6. So, we put a decimal point between digit 6 and 4. So, we have 6.4. Since we have 6 decimal places after the six digit, the exponent of our base which is 10 is 6.

So, writing 6 400 000 in the form in a × 10ⁿ, we have a = 6.4 and n = 6. So, in standard form we have 6.4 × 10⁶ m.

So, 6 400 000 =  6.4 × 10⁶ m in standard form.

(ii) radius of hydrogen atom = 0.000 000 000 0529 m

To express the radius of hydrogen atom = 0.000 000 000 0529 m in standard form, we count the number of decimal places after the decimal point including the first non-zero digit. We have 11 decimal places after the decimal point up to and including the first non-zero digit which is digit 5. So, we put a decimal point after the first non-zero digit,5. So, we have 5.29. Since we have 11 decimal places after the decimal point, the exponent of our base which is 10 is -11. The exponent is negative since the digit places are taken after the decimal point.

So, writing 0.000 000 000 0529 m in the form in a × 10ⁿ, we have a = 5.29 and n = -11. So, in standard form we have 5.29 × 10⁻¹¹ m.

So,  0.000 000 000 0529 m = 5.29 × 10⁻¹¹ m in standard form.

8. A copper container of 84g mass contains 84g of water at 20°C. 46g of water at 200°C is mixed with water in the copper ontainer. What is the final temperature of the water? Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg-1 °C-1, Specific heat capacity of copper = 400 J kg-1 °C-1 ​



80 °C


The heat transfer parameters for the water and copper container are;

Mass of the copper container, m₁ = 84 g

Mass of the water in the container, m₂ = 84 g

Initial temperature of the water in the container, T₂ = 20°C

Mass of the hot water added, m₃ = 46 g

Initial temperature of the hot water, T₃ = 200°C

Specific heat capacity of water, c₂ = 4,200 J·kg⁻¹·°C⁻¹

Specific heat capacity of copper, c₁ = 400 J·kg⁻¹·C⁻¹

The formula for the specific heat, ΔQ = m·c·ΔT

The heat lost by the hot water = The heat gained by the container the and the cold water

The formula for the specific heat of the mixture is presented as follows;

m₃ × c₃ × (T₃ - T)  = m₁ × c₁ × (T - T₁) + m₂ × c₂ × (T - T₂)

Where T represents the final temperature of the water

Therefore, by plugging in the values, we get;

46 × 4200 × (200 - T) = 84 × 400 × (T - 20) + 84 × 4200 × (T - 20)

38640000 - 193200·T = 386400·T - 7728000

38640000 + 7728000 = 46368000 = 386400·T + 193200·T = 579,600·T

∴ T = 46368000/579,600 = 80

The final temperature of the water, T = 80°C

1. A 5 cm3 balloon is filled by a gas at a pressure

of 1 x 105 Pa . When the balloon is filled by 20

cm3 of the gas, what is the new pressure of the


A 1.0 x 105 Pa B 4.0 x 104Pa

C 2.5 x 104Pa D 4 x 103 Pa

E 5x 103 Pa

2. A bubble of air is formed at the base of a lake.

At that moment, its volume is 30 cm3 and it

experiences a pressure of 190 of cm Hg. What

is the volume of the bubble when it reaches the

surface of the sea.

[ The atmospheric pressure =

76 cm of Hg ]

A 25 cm3 B 50 cm3

C 75 cm3 D 100 cm3

E 150 cm3



1) C. 2.5 x 10⁴ Pa

2) C. 75 cm³


Question 1.

Given the following data;

Initial volume, V1 = 5 cm³Initial pressure, P1 = 1 * 10⁵ PaFinal volume, V2 = 20 cm³

To find the final pressure, P2, we would use Boyle's law;

Boyles states that when the temperature of an ideal gas is kept constant, the pressure of the gas is inversely proportional to the volume occupied by the gas.

Mathematically, Boyles law is given by;

PV = K

P1V1 = P2V2

Making P2 the subject of formula, we have;

P2 = (P1V1)/V2

Substituting into the formula, we have;

P2 = (1 * 10⁵ * 5)/20

P2 = (500,000)/20

Final pressure, P2 = 25,000 Pa or 2.5 x 10⁴ Pa.

Question 2.

Given the following data;

Initial volume, V1 = 30 cm³Initial pressure, P1 = 190 of cm HgFinal pressure, P2 = 76 cm of Hg

To find the final volume, we would use Boyle's law;

Mathematically, Boyles law is given by;

PV = K

P1V1 = P2V2

Making V2 the subject of formula, we have;

V2 = (P1V1)/P2

Substituting into the formula, we have;

V2 = (190 * 30)/76

V2 = 5700/76

Final volume, V2 = 75 cm³

what is projectile motion​



[tex]\sf{\qquad{\qquad{\underline{\underline{ Projectile~motion }}}}}[/tex]

If an object is given an initial velocity in any direction and then allowed to travel freely under gravity only, it is called a projectile motion.

It is basically 3 types

horizontally projectile motion oblique projectile motion included plane projectile motion

The path followed by a projectile is called its trajectory.

Projectile motion is when an object moves in a bilaterally symmetrical, parabolic path.

The path that the object follows is called its trajectory.

Projectile motion only occurs when there is one force applied at the beginning, after which the only influence on the trajectory is that of gravity

A toy airplane is flying at a speed of 3 m/s with an acceleration of 1.1 m/s squared how fast is it flying after five seconds





Use Kinematics:

[tex]v = v_0 + at[/tex]

[tex]v = 3 + 1.1 * 5[/tex]

[tex]v = 8.5 \frac{m}{s}[/tex]

Which statement describes why energy is released in a nuclear fission reaction based on mass-energy equivalence?

A. For large nuclei, the mass of the original nucleus is greater than the mass of the products.
B. For large nuclei, the mass of the original nucleus is less than the mass of the products.
C. For small nuclei, the binding energy of the lighter nuclei is greater than the binding energy of the heavier nucleus.
D. For small nuclei, the binding energy of the lighter nuclei is less than the binding energy of the heavier nucleus.



A is the answer!


Edge 2021





which of the following describes an action-reaction pair?


C. Your feet push down on the ground, and the ground pushes up on your feet.

When Your feet push down on the ground, and the ground pushes up on your feet. This is the correct example of action and reaction pair. The correct option is C.

What is Newton's third law of motion?

Newton's third law of motion states that " for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction".

This means that if object "1" exerts a force on object "2", then object "2" will exert an equal and opposite force on object "1".

In mathematical terms, the third law can be expressed as:

F₁₂ = - F₂₁


F₁₂ = the force exerted by object "1" on object "2",

F₂₁ =the force exerted by object "2" on object "1".

The negative sign indicates that the two forces are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.

This law applies to all objects in the universe, and it is essential for understanding how objects interact with each other. It explains how a rocket is propelled into space, how a person can walk on the ground, and how a bird can fly through the air.

For example: when a person walks on the ground, their foot exerts a force on the ground. According to Newton's third law, the ground will then exert an equal and opposite force on the foot, pushing the person forward. This allows the person to walk and move forward.

Similarly, when a bird flies through the air, the bird's wings exert a force on the air, and the air exerts an equal and opposite force on the bird, lifting it up and allowing it to fly.

Here in the question,

When you push down on the ground with your feet, the ground pushes up on your feet with an equal and opposite force. This pair of forces are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction, satisfying the conditions of Newton's third law of motion.


Option A describes two separate forces acting on you, but these are not action-reaction pairs because they are not equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

Options B and D both describe forces acting in opposite directions, but they are not action-reaction pairs because they do not involve two objects interacting with each other.

Therefore, in option C Your feet push down on the ground, and the ground pushes up on your feet, which is the correct option.

To learn more about Newton's law of motion  click:


Draw a closed circuit diagram of the battery of 2 cells arranged in series, connecting wire, switch and bulb; mark the direction of the current.
pls ill give brainly


This is the open switch 2 cells connecting wire and bulb

Pls help asap!!

A bucket contains hot water at 95°c. A man wants to bath with water at 40°c. What is the ratio of the mass of hot water to the mass of cold water that he needs.​





i hope i did the math right if i didnt please tell me


Juan Soto of your Washington Nationals rounds the bases after another home run (Starts at home plate, runs to first base, to second base, to third base, and back to home plate). This time, the bases are exactly 44 meters apart (you do not need to convert).

When Juan reacher home plate what is bir displacement?




if the pelican in item 3 was traveling at the same speed but was only 2.7m above the water, how far would the fish travel horizontally before hitting the water?​



5.66 m


From online sources, the speed in item 3 being referred to was discovered to be 7.62 m/s

Now, let's get the time of flight from one of Newton's equation of motion;

S = ut + ½gt²

Considering the vertical component, we have u = 0 m/s.


S = ½gt²

Plugging in the relevant values;

2.7 = ½ × 9.8 × t²

t² = 2.7/4.9

t = √(2.7/4.9)

t = 0.7423 s

Now, when we consider the horizontal component of the motion, we have;

S = vt


S is the distance the fish will travel horizontally before hitting the water.

v = 7.62 m/s

t = 0.7423


s = 7.62 × 0.7423

s ≈ 5.66 m

The net charge difference across the membrane, just like the charge difference across the plates of a capacitor, is what leads to the voltage across the membrane. How much excess charge (in picocoulombs, where 1 pc = 1x10-12 C) must lie on either side of the membrane of an axon of length 2 cm to provide this potential difference (0.07 V) across the membrane? You may consider that a net positive charge with this value lies just outside the axon cell wall, and a negative charge with this value lies just inside cell wall, like the equal and opposite charges on capacitor plates. Again, make sure to include LaTeX: \kappa=7κ = 7 for the lipid bilayer.



a)  Q = 1.24 10⁻² pC,  b) Q = 8.68 10⁻² pC


a) the capacitance is defined

          C = [tex]\frac{Q}{\Delta V} = \epsilon_o \frac{A}{d}[/tex]

           Q = ε₀  [tex]\frac{A}{d} \ \Delta V[/tex]

let's calculate

           Q = 8.85 10⁻¹²  0.07 [tex]\frac{A}{d}[/tex]

           Q = 0.6195 10⁻¹²  [tex]\frac{A}{d}[/tex]

where a is the area of ​​the membrane

            A = d L

            Q = 0.6195 10⁻¹² Ll

            Q = 0.6195 10⁻¹² 0.02

             Q = 1.24 10⁻¹⁰ C

             Q = 1.24 10⁻² pC


B) the membrane is full of fat with k = 7

            C = [tex]\frac{Q}{\Delta V} = k \epsilon_o \ \frac{A}{d}[/tex]

            Q = k ε₀  [tex]\frac{A}{d} \ \Delta V[/tex]

             Q = k Q₀

            Q = 7   1.24 10⁻²

            Q = 8.68 10⁻² pC

Which of the following is evidence for continental drift?


They based their idea of continental drift on several lines of evidence: fit of the continents, paleoclimate indicators, truncated geologic features, and fossils.

The search for black holes involves searching for Group of answer choices single stars that emit large amounts of X-rays. a stellar core greater than 3 solar masses large spherical regions from which no light is detected. pulsars with periods less than one millisecond. pulsars that are orbited by planets.



A stellar core greater than 3 solar masses


The process of the evolution of a star in which the star changes form with time, includes phases of evolution which are determined by the mass of the core of the star, which involves a process of conversion of elements and the contraction of the star

Where the mass of the core of the star is more than the mass of three Suns, (3 solar masses) the contraction of the star continues, due to the gravitational force being larger than the pressure exerted by neutron, such that the star collapses to a black hole

Therefore, the search for black holes involves searching for a stellar core greater than 3 solar masses.

A parallel combination of a 1.47 μF capacitor and a 2.95 μF capacitor is connected in series to a 4.89 μF capacitor. This three‑capacitor combination is connected to a 15.5 V battery. Determine the charge on each capacitor.



a. i. 35.96 μC  b. i. 11.98 μC ii. 24.04 μC


We need to find the total capacitance of the system C.

The total capacitance of the parallel combination of a 1.47 μF capacitor and a 2.95 μF capacitor is C' = 1.47 μF + 2.95 μF = 4.42 μF.

C' = 4.42 μF is in series with the 4.89 μF capacitor and for a series combination of capacitors, we have the total capacitance, C from

1/C = 1/4.42 μF + 1/4.89 μF

1/C = (4.42 μF + 4.89 μF)/(4.42 μF × 4.89 μF)

1/C = 9.31 μF/21.6138 μF²

C = 21.6138/9.31 μF

C = 2.32 μF

So, the total charge in the circuit Q = CV where C = total capacitance = 2.32 μF and v = voltage = 15.5 V

So, Q = CV

Q = 2.32 μF × 15.5 V

Q = 35.96 μC

i. The charge on the 4.89 μF capacitor

Since the 4.89 μF is in series with C', the total charge flowing i the circuit is the total charge in the 4.89 μF capacitor. So, its charge Q = 35.96 μC

b. The charge in the 1.47 μF and 2.95 μF capacitors.

To find the charge in the 4.89 μF and 2.95 μF capacitors, we need to find the voltage across the combined parallel combination of a 1.47 μF capacitor and a 2.95 μF capacitor. The voltage, V' across the 4.89 μF capacitor, since Q = CV', V' = Q/C = 35.96 μC/4.89 μF = 7.35 V

So, the voltage V" across the combined parallel combination of a 1.47 μF capacitor and a 2.95 μF capacitor, C' is V" = 15.5 V - V' (since V' + V" = 15.5 V).

So, V" = 15.5 V - V'

V" = 15.5 V - 7.35 V

V" = 8.15 V

i. The charge on the 1.47 μF capacitor

Using Q' = CV" where Q' = charge across capacitor, C = 1.47 μF and V" = 8.15 V.

So, Q' = CV"

Q' = 1.47 μF × 8.15 V

Q' = 11.98 μC

ii. The charge on the 2.95 μF capacitor

Using Q" = CV" where Q' = charge across capacitor, C = 2.95 μF and V" = 8.15 V.

So, Q" = CV"

Q" = 2.95 μF × 8.15 V

Q" = 24.04 μC

Which activity is best described as a scientific endeavor?
A. Designing devices astronauts can use to help them stay healthy
while in space
B. Developing a procedure for testing how extended stays in space
affect the human body
C. Performing tests on devices used by astronauts to ensure they
can be used safely
D. Creating a process for improving the design of equipment used to
monitor astronauts' health








an object 5 cm in size is placed at 30 cm in front of a concave mirror of focal length 45 CM at what distance from the mirror should a screen be placed in order to obtain a shop image find the magnification size and nature of the image​


Answer: Given: h₀=5cm




require: q=?








1/q=  =    -0.011


q=   -90.91cm

hi=p × h₀/q



hi= -1.65cm

image is virtual , erect and diminished

please mark as brainliest plzzzzzzzzzz

A. 1.09 A
B. 1.20 A
C.0.910 A
D. 0.830 A



The answer should be: 1.20 A


What is the mass of a motorcycle that accelerates at a rate of 4 m/s?when a
325 N net force is applied?



mass is 56.25 N





how far should an object be from a converging mirror of radius 36cm to form a real image one - ninth of its size​



focal length :

[tex]{ \tt{f = \frac{r}{2} }} \\ focal \: length = \frac{36}{2} = 18 \: cm[/tex]

From linear magnification:

[tex]{ \tt{ \frac{1}{m} + 1 = \frac{u}{f} }} \\ \frac{1}{9} + 1 = \frac{u}{18} \\ \\ u = \frac{18 \times 10}{9} \\ u = 20 \: cm[/tex]

The object must be at 20 cm

Photosynthesis is a process in which plants prepare food using carbon dioxide, chlorophyll, and water in the presence of sunlight.


the process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.

A rectangular coil of wire, 22.0 cm by 35.0 cm and carrying a current of 1.40 A, is oriented with the plane of its loop perpendicular to a uniform 1.50-T magnetic field pointing into the plane of the loop. Let the loop be in x-y Cartesian plane so that the long and short sides of the loop are parallel to x- and y-axis, respectively. The loop center is at the origin of x-y Cartesian plane. Note that the magnetic field is in the direction of the negative z-axis.a. Calculate: (i) the net force that the magnetic field exerts on the coil; (ii) the torque about the z-axis that the magnetic field exerts on the coil.b. The plane of the coil is now rotated through +30º from its initial orientation (the x-y plane of the Cartesian coordinate system that remains the same). Calculate: (i) the net force that the magnetic field exerts on the coil; (ii) the torque about the rotation axis that the magnetic field exerts on the coil.



a)  [tex]F_{net}=0[/tex]

b)  [tex]T=0[/tex]


From the question we are told that:



Current [tex]I=1.40A[/tex]

Magnetic field [tex]B=1.40[/tex]






Generally Force on Looping gives






Generally the equation for Torque is mathematically given by

[tex]T=i*Asin \theta[/tex]

Since A and B are on opposite direction



[tex]T=1.40*770*10^{-4}sin 180[/tex]


What is the final step in the fourth stage of technological design, after a product has been improved abs approved



Evaluate the solution.


A technological design is designed as the design and study of a solution that can be provided from the solution by identifying the root cause or problem and trying to solve by various means.

A good technological design requires the minimum effort and resources while meeting the requirement of the problem.

The steps involved in the technological design are :

1. search and identify the problem or need.

2. design a solution

3. Implement a solution.

4. Evaluate the solution.

Therefore, the final step or the fourth step in the process of a technological design is " evaluating or communicating the final design solution".

The following are steps involved in transmission at the cholinergic synapse:
1. Chemically gated ion channels on the postsynaptic membrane are opened.
2. Calcium ions enter the axon terminal.
3. An action potential depolarizes the axon terminal at the presynaptic membrane.
4. Acetylcholine is released from storage vesicles by exocytosis.
5. Acetylcholine binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane



3. Step 1; An action potential depolarizes the axon terminal at the presynaptic membrane

2. Step 2; Calcium ions enter the axon terminal

4. Step 3; Acetylcholine is released from storage vesicles by exocytosis

5. Step 4; Acetylcholine binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane

1. Step 5; Chemically gated ion channels on the postsynaptic membrane are opened


3. The cholinergic synapse starts at the point of arrival of an electrochemical impulse or action potentials at the synaptic knob of the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron membrane

2. The arrival of the action potential at the axon terminal causes the calcium ion Ca²⁺ channels to open and Ca²⁺ enters into the synaptic knob, resulting in the fusion of the presynaptic membrane and synaptic vesicles

4. The fusion enables the release into the synaptic cleft of many acetylcholine (ACh) transmitter molecules by exocytosis

5. Some of the ACh are transported across the synaptic cleft and bind to postsynaptic neuron membrane embedded ACh receptors

1. The binding of the ACh neurotransmitter molecules to receptors on the membrane of the dendrites of a neuron it leads to the opening of ion channels

For saving lives, what is the most important safety feature on a car? A. Air bag B. Safety Belt C. Anti-lock brakes


i'd imagine the answer is safety belt, but i don't have anything to back that up with

For saving lives  the most important safety feature on a car is B. Safety Belt

What are safety features of  a car ?

Safety features of  a car is a feature of a product designed to ensure or increase safety.

Air bag and Anti-lock brakes are the supplemental protection and designed to work best with combination with seat bells.

Air bag reduce the chance that upper body or head will strike the vehicle's interior during a crash alongside with belt that will  also hold your upper body

so, the primary safety feature is seat belt and Air bag and Anti-lock brakes  comes in secondary safety feature  as they increases the safety and risk of getting an injury during any accident

correct answer is B. Safety Belt

learn more about Safety features


Use the information below the answer the following 3 questions.

A 50 kg crate is being dragged across a floor by a force of 225 N at an angle of 40o from the horizontal. The crate is dragged a distance of 5.0 m and the frictional force is 60 N.

Question 2 (2 points)
Question 2 options:
The work done on the crate by the applied force is ___x102 Nm. (Give your answer with the correct number of sign digs and do not include units).
Question 3 (2 points)
Question 3 options:
The work done on the crate by the frictional force is -___x102 Nm. (Give your answer with the correct number of sign digs and do not include units).
Question 4 (2 points)
Question 4 options:
The net work done on the crate is ___x102 Nm. (Give your answer with the correct number of sign digs and do not include units).

Hint: Do not use rounded answers in subsequent calculations



2. 8.62×10² Nm

3. 2.30×10² Nm

4. 6.32×10² Nm


2. Determination of the work done by the applied force.

Force (F) = 225 N

Distance (d) = 5 m

Angle (θ) = 40°

Workdone (Wd) =?

Wd = Fd × Cos θ

Wd = 225 × 5 × Cos 40

Wd = 8.62×10² Nm

3. Determination of the work done by the frictional force.

Frictional Force (Fբ) = 60 N

Distance (d) = 5 m

Angle (θ) = 40°

Workdone (Wd) =?

Wd = Fբd × Cos θ

Wd = 60 × 5 × Cos 40

Wd = 2.30×10² Nm

4. Determination of the net work done.

We'll begin by calculating the net force acting on the crate

Force applied (F) = 225 N

Frictional Force (Fբ) = 60 N

Net force (Fₙ) =?

Fₙ = F – Fբ

Fₙ = 225 – 60

Fₙ = 165 N

Finally, we shall determine the net Workdone. This can be obtained as follow:

Net force (Fₙ) = 165 N

Distance (d) = 5 m

Angle (θ) = 40°

Workdone (Wd) =?

Wd = Fₙd × Cos θ

Wd = 165 × 5 × Cos 40

Wd = 6.32×10² Nm

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Consider an experimental run at 273 K where the initial number of moles (n1) is actually 1.00 mol, and the final number of moles (n2) is 2.00 mol. Use the simulation to find the volume (V1) of 1.00 mol of helium at 273 K, and calculate the final volume (V2).Express the volume to three significant figures, and include the appropriate units. Describe how the design of the church contributes to its purposes as a spiritual sanctuary. (ten sentences minimum) Art History What is the opposite of -3?-3- 1/331/3 Which two factors cause one part of Earth to have summer while another parthas winter? Find RS. Can anyone help? Which of the following numbers is both a perfect square and a perfect cube?i. 12 544ii. 531 441iii. 456 235This is really stumping me up please tell me the answer help plz, thanks!2x + 6 = 4x - 2 tm x,y nguyn t tha mn:y^2-2x^2=1 Does anyone know what math topic this is A department store mails a customer satisfaction survey to people who make credit card purchases at the store. This month, 3521 people made credit card purchases. Surveys are mailed to 278 of these people, chosen at random, and 172 people return the survey form. Identify the population and the sample. help PLSS HELP ASAPTAN^2 X + SQRT3 TAN X =[0} Find the volume of a pyramid with a square base, where the perimeter of the base is 16\text{ m}16 m and the height of the pyramid is 16.2\text{ m}16.2 m. Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a cubic meter. Dos patriasDos patrias tengo yo: Cuba y la noche.O son una las dos? No bien retirasu majestad el sol, con largos velosy un clavel en la mano, silenciosaCuba cual viuda triste me aparece.Yo s cul es ese clavel sangrientoque en la mano le tiembla! Est vacomi pecho, destrozado est y vacoen donde estaba el corazn. Ya es horade empezar a morir. La noche es buenapara decir adis. La luz estorbay la palabra humana. El universohabla mejor que el hombre.Cual banderaque invita a batallar, la llama rojade la vela flamea. Las ventanasabro, ya estrecho en m. Muda, rompiendolas hojas del clavel, como una nubeque enturbia el cielo, Cuba, viuda, pasa...Tarea: Qu significado o mensaje piensas t que Mart est tratando de expresar en este poema? Cul es tu opinin sobre el poema? Ten pairs of points yielded a correlation coefficient r of 0.790. If a =0.05, which of the following statements is correct if H.: P = 0? (Do not calculate a t-value.) A) Because 0.790 is greater than 0.632, the nullliy pothesis is not rejected. Because 0.790 is greater than 0.602, che null hypothesis is not rejected. Because 0.790 is greater than 0.632, che null hypothesis is rejected. OD) There is no correlation between the variables What did the writings of Walt Whitman and Carl Sandburg have in common?Select all correct answers.They used free verse poetry.O They championed the energy and diversity of their country.O They wrote about the impact of World War IO They championed the seldom-heard voices of America's masses. Can someone please help me with this? Conjugate the reflexive verb in parenthesis to agree with the subject in each sentence.1. T ___ (secarse) el pelo con una secadora de pelo2.Yo ___ (acostarse) a las diez de la noche. 3. Nosotros ___ (maquillarse) cada maana. 4. Ellas ___ (despartarse) a las siete. 5. Mis padres ___ (despertarse) a las siete. Please help me with this question. What are the zeroes of f(x) = x2 - X - 2?x= -2,1x = 2, -1x= -2, -1x = 2,1 Absolute advantage is the ability of an individual, firm, or country to produce: A. a certain good at a lower opportunity cost than other producers. B. more of a certain good than other competing producers, given the same number of resources. C. more of a certain good than other competing producers, given more resources. D. a certain good at a lower total cost than other producers.