Allegheny Company ended Year 1 with balances in Accounts Receivable and Allowance for Doubtful Accounts of $70,000 and $3,600, respectively. During Year 2, Allegheny wrote off $6,600 of Uncollectible Accounts. Using the percent of receivables method, Allegheny estimates that the ending Allowance for Doubtful Accounts balance should be $5,600. What amount will Allegheny report as Uncollectible Accounts Expense on its Year 2 income statement


Answer 1


Uncollectible account expense  $8,600


The computation of the amount as the Uncollectible Accounts Expense on its Year 2 income statement is given below:

Allowance account - Beg year 2    $3,600 Credit

Written off account   $6,600    Debited by

 Unadjusted balance in Allowance account  $3000  Debit

Adjusted balance required in Allowance account  $5,600  Credit

Uncollectible account expense  $8,600

Related Questions

discuss the steps of growing mushrooms
not a too long answer ​



The Pennsylvania State University,

College of Agriculture, Extension Service,

University Park, Pennsylvania

Mushroom farming consists of six steps, and although the divisions are somewhat arbitrary, these steps identify what is needed to form a production system.

The six steps of mushroom farming:

Phase I

1. Composting

Phase II

2. Composting

3. Spawning

4. Casing

5. Pinning

6. Cropping

Stabilisation is an important factor of



to prerequisite of economic growth...........

if my answer helps you than mark me as brainliest

Etica, creatividad, compromiso, excelencia, integridad, credibilidad, pueden ser ejemplos de visiones.
Es VERDADERO O FALSO? . Si es Falso lo justificas.


Answer:si English?


The Eye Clinic of Dr. Christensen is investing in some equipment to perform corrective eye surgery. It is expected that the equipment purchase will generate an internal rate of return of 24%. This equipment was chosen over equipment to perform cataract eye surgery. Thus, the internal rate of return of the cataract eye surgery equipment must have been ______.



must have been less than the internal rate of return of the corrective  eye surgery equipment.


The internal rate of return is a capital budgeting method that is used to determine the profitability of a project.

Internal rate of return is the discount rate that equates the after-tax cash flows from an investment to the amount invested

The decision rule when using the internal rate of return is to undertake the project if the internal rate of return is greater than the required return of the project. If this is not met, the project should be rejected.

If choosing between multiple projects, the decision rule is to choose the projects with the highest internal rate of return. This is because that project would be the most profitable.

Advantages of the internal rate of return

it considers the time value of cash flowsit considers the profitability of a project over the entire lifespan of the project.

Disadvantage of the internal rate of return

A project may have more than one internal rate of return.

22. Which of the following does not demonstrate evidence regarding the ability to consummate a refinancing of short-term debt? A) Management indicated that they are going to refinance the obligation. B) Actually refinance the obligation. C) Have capacity under existing financing agreements that can be used to refinance the obligation. D) Enter into a financing agreement that clearly permits the entity to refinance the obligation.



A) Management indicated that they are going to refinance the obligation.


The short-term financing is made immediately as it is required to cover the short-term obligations of the entity in a very short time.  

The Manage does not indicate the refinancing of the obligation from short-term debt because they have less time to fulfill the obligation. The indiction can be made in long-term debt financing.

All of the other options indicate that the refinancing can be made from the short-term debt.

Al hires Bob to move his furniture to his new house. On the day of the move, Bob does not feel like moving furniture, so he asks his friend Chuck to move the furniture. Chuck decides to leave before completing the move in order to watch a football game on TV. Al has to delay his move and hire another mover at a higher price. Al wants to sue Bob to recover for his damages. Given these facts, Al will most likely:


Answer: Win, because Bob is still liable to Al.


Accepting to do a job must come with commitment on the side of the servicer. It is unjust to accept a job without making much effort or input to see it carried out. Some businesses do this especially when a bigger offer comes their way and these puts a bad name to their organization as the failed client will have no good thing to say about them, when the cases goes like this, the client who was failed raises the issue to court and would win since he has already engaged the services, this is the tail between Bob and Al.

When Henry first began his real estate career, he focused on residential properties. As he gained more experience, he found that he really enjoyed helping business owners find warehouses for their products, or properties where they could conduct manufacturing activities. Of the primary categories of real estate, what types of properties does Henry handle



I think it is wharehosues



A lease provides that a retail tenant pays $900 minimum rent per month plus 3% of the gross sales in excess of $200,000 per year. If the tenant paid a total rent of $20,520 last year, what was the gross sales volume





The gross sales volume was $45,650.

What was the gross sales volume?

The entire quantity of incoming income throughout a specific time frame.

Gross sales are discussed with the grand overall of all income transactions over a given time period. this doesn't encompass the cost of income or deductions

sales volume refers to the number of units your corporation sells at some point of a selected reporting duration. this era may be a month, a quarter, or a year relying on what degree of sales extent you are in search of to research. buyers often study sales volume to assess the fitness of a developing or contracting business enterprise.

To calculate gross sales, upload the total income revenue for a specified time period—monthly, quarterly, or annually.

The minimum rent per month is $900.

gross sale percentage =  3%

The tenant paid a total rent of $20,520 last year.

The gross sales volume = $45,650.

Learn more about the gross sale here:-


Which of these can lower the amount of monthly payments on a mortgage?
Down payment
Property taxes



I think that the answer is collateral

Collateral is the item that can lower the amount of monthly payments on a mortgage.

What is collateral?

Collateral refers to item owned by a borrower, which is used as a guarantee that loan taken will be repaid.  It is an asset that a borrower offers to a lender as a promise that the payment of the loan will be repaid as agreed.

It is important to note that collateral is used to secure loan incase a borrow does not pay back the loan taken.

Hence, collateral is the one that can lower the amount of monthly payments on a mortgage.

Learn more about collateral here :

1; Choose a business or an industry that is considered as a perfect market and explain which characteristics of a perfect market are not met by this business or industry.​



hey what kind of watch is that in your profile pic

The comparative balance sheets for Swifty Company show these changes in noncash current asset accounts: accounts receivable decreased $80,000, prepaid expenses increased $28,500, and inventories increased $43,500. Compute net cash provided by operating activities using the indirect method, assuming that net income is $228,900.





Computation for net cash provided by operating activities using the indirect method

Net income $228,900

Add : Account receivables $80,000

Less: Prepaid expenses ($28,500)

Less :Inventories ($43,500)


Therefore net cash provided by operating activities using the indirect method is $236,900

When interest is accrued on a note payable, but not paid, the A. Interest Expense account is increased; the Interest Payable account is decreased. B. Notes Payable account is increased; the Interest Payable account is increased. C. Interest Expense account is increased; the Interest Payable account is increased. D. Interest Expense account is decreased; the Interest Payable account is increased.



C. Interest Expense account is increased; the Interest Payable account is increased.


A secured interest can be defined as a legal right granted by a borrower to a lender (creditor) over a collateral (the borrower's property) which permits or allow the lender to have a right to possess the property as soon as the lender defaults in making payment. The payment which is expected to be made by the borrower of a mortgage loan is considered a secured obligation because it is a lien or an enforceable legal claim.

When interest is accrued on a note payable, but not paid, the Interest Expense account is increased; the Interest Payable account is increased.

Abba, Inc. is considering dropping a product line. During the prior year, the line had sales of $207,000 and a contribution margin of $124,000. Fixed expenses consist of: Salaries $60,000 Rent 50,000 Advertising 20,000 Administrative 35,000 Total fixed expenses $165,000 The product line manager's $60,000 salary is avoidable as is the $20,000 of advertising. Of the administrative expenses, $10,000 is avoidable. The rest are general allocated expenses that will not change if the product is dropped. The rent expense is allocated to product lines based on sales and represents a share of the total cost for the building. If this product line is dropped overall net operating income will:



Overall net income will decrease by $34,000.


Calculation to determine net operating income

Using this formula formula

Net operating income=Contribution margin -Avoidable costs


Contribution margin =$124,000

Avoidable costs= Salaries $60,000

+Advertising $20,000+Administrative expenses $10,000

Let plug in the formula

Net operating income=$124,000-($60,000+$20,000+$10,000)

Net operating income=$124,000-$90,000

Net operating income=$34,000 Decrease

Therefore If this product line is dropped overall net operating income will:decrease by $34,000

Skysong Company is considering two capital investment proposals. Estimates regarding each project are provided below: Project Soup Project Nuts Initial investment $400000 $600000 Annual net income 18000 34000 Net annual cash inflow 96000 119000 Estimated useful life 5 years 6 years Salvage value 0 0 The company requires a 10% rate of return on all new investments. Present Value of an Annuity of 1 Periods 9% 10% 11% 12% 5 3.89 3.791 3.696 3.605 6 4.486 4.355 4.231 4.111 The annual rate of return for Project Soup is





Calculation to determine The annual rate of return for Project Soup is

Annual rate of return = [(Current Value of Investment - Initial Investment for one year )/Initial Investment for one year )]*100

Let plug in the formula

Annual rate of return= (($96000 - $80000) / $80000) * 100

Annual rate of return= ($16000 / $80000) *100

Annual rate of return= 20%


Calculation to determine the Initial Investment for one year

Initial Investment for one year = $400000 / 5 year

Initial Investment for one year = $80000

Therefore The annual rate of return for Project Soup is 20%

Mark Green is considering buying a new Honda Accord. The purchase price of the car is $21,000 but Mark has a trade-in worth $4500. Mark needs a loan to buy the car and knows that his local bank requires him to put down 10% of the purchase price after the value of the trade-in is considered. Mark also knows that bank will charge 8% for the loan and require monthly payments over the next 4 years. What is the minimum down payment that Mark can make



the minimum down payment that Mark can make is $1,650


The computation of the  minimum down payment that Mark can make is given below:

Purchase price $21,000  

Less: Trade In -$4,500

Net price $16,500

So, the down payment needed should be

= 10% of $16,500

= $1,650

Hence, the minimum down payment that Mark can make is $1,650

write the importance of profession education​



The educational program which helps to acquire necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to develop a good career is called professional education. It is also called career education.

ASAP PLEASEEE!!! If the price level were to rise from 160 to 200, in what direction and by how much would the value of a dollar change?



- Downward direction

- The change in dollar value is 0.00125



[tex]P_1 = 160[/tex]

[tex]P_2 = 200[/tex]


Direction and value of dollar change

Value is calculated using

[tex]V = \frac{1}{P}[/tex]

When [tex]P_1 = 160[/tex], the value is:

[tex]V_1 = \frac{1}{160}[/tex]

[tex]V_1 = 0.00625[/tex]

When [tex]P_2 = 200[/tex], the value is:

[tex]V_2 = \frac{1}{200}[/tex]

[tex]V_2 = 0.005[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]V_1 = 0.00625[/tex]

[tex]V_2 = 0.005[/tex]

Notice that [tex]V_1 > V_2[/tex]

i.e. the initial value is greater than the new value

Hence, the value of dollar moves down

The change in value is:

[tex]\triangle V = |V_2 - V_1|[/tex]

[tex]\triangle V = |0.005 - 0.00625|[/tex]

[tex]\triangle V = |- 0.00125|[/tex]

Remove absolute sign

[tex]\triangle V = 0.00125[/tex]

The change in dollar value is 0.00125

The United States Food and Drug Administration requires manufacturers of processed foods to publish nutrition information on the packaging at a considerable cost to the firms. How does this requirement affect economic​ efficiency? A. It moves the market toward economic efficiency because the additional information represents a positive externality that the FDA is forcing firms to internalize. B. It moves the market toward economic efficiency by reducing the market failure caused by a lack of​ information, enabling consumers to make better informed decisions regarding nutrition. C. It moves the market away from economic efficiency because the additional cost of​ labeling, which is not accounted for in the market​ price, creates a market failure. D. It moves the market away from economic efficiency because the additional cost of labeling adds little value but raises the price of food above marginal cost.



A. It moves the market toward economic efficiency because the additional information represents a positive externality that the FDA is forcing firms to internalize.


The US food and drug administration needs to follow some standard procedure such as the placing of labels and identifying marks on the products so as to provide additional information to the consumers and clients. This helps both consumers and the company by setting up goodwill and enhances their productivity.

Machvile Corporation, a robotics company, decides to acquire Chancera Inc., a start-up company that operates within the same industry. To better assess its decision, the management of Machvile Corporation needs to find out the value of Chancera Inc.'s total assets. The management has information regarding Chancera Inc.'s liabilities and stockholders' equity. In this scenario, the management should most likely use the _____ to get the required information.


Answer: Accounting equation


The accounting equation is a proposition or formula that accesses a company's assets by summing up it's equity and liabilities. It means that the equity of a company would equal it's assets minus liabilities.

Machvile Corporation can access properly the worth of Chancera Inc.'s by using the Accounting equation, weighing their assets and leaving out their liabilities.

Wolfe Company purchased a truck for $62,000, with an estimated useful life of 8 years and a salvage value of $10,000. The company uses the double-declining-balance method of depreciation; however, after year 3 they switch to the straight-line method. There is no change to the estimated useful life or salvage value. What is the accumulated depreciation balance at the end of year 5 (round to the nearest dollar)





Depreciation expense using the double declining method = Depreciation factor x cost of the asset

Depreciation factor = 2 x (1/useful life) = 2/8

Depreciation expense in year 1 = 2/8 x 62,000 = 15500

Book value at the beginning of year 2 = 62,000 - 15500 = 46500

Depreciation expense in year 3 = 2/8 x 46500 = 11625

Book value at the beginning of year 3 =46500 - 11625 = 34,875

Depreciation expense in year 3 =34,875 x 2/8 = 8718.75

Book value at the beginning of year 4 = 34,875 - 8718.75 = 26156.25

Straight line depreciation expense = (book value of asset - Salvage value) / useful life

26156.25 - 10,000 / 5 = 16156.25 / 5 = 3231.25

Depreciation expense for the remaining 2 years =  3231.25 x 2 = 6462,50

total depreciation = sum of year 1 to 5 depreciation = 6462,50 + 15500 + 11625 + 8718.75 = $42306

Game theory is Group of answer choices The study of price-fixing and collusion. The study of decision making in situations where strategic interaction occurs between rivals. An explanation of how oligopolists become monopolists. Practiced by perfectly competitive firms.



The study of decision making in situations where strategic interaction occurs between rivals.


Game theory looks at the interactions between participants in a competitive game and calculates the best choice for the player.

Game theory is usually practiced by firms in an oligopoly

An Oligopoly is when there are few large firms operating in an industry. While, a monopoly is when there is only one firm operating in an industry.

Oligopolies are characterised by:

price setting firms

product differentiation

profit maximisation

high barriers to entry or exit of firms

downward sloping demand curve

When money is used in a trade instead of the direct exchange of goods, it acts as a __________.



bartar system


Barter is a system of exchange where goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money. It is distinguishable from gift economies in many ways; one of them is that the reciprocal exchange is immediate and not delayed in time.

When money is used in a trade instead of the direct exchange of goods, it acts as a Barter system.

What is Barter System?

The Barter System is the name given to a transaction in which two or more parties exchange equal-value products and services without the use of money.

Even though it is one of the oldest forms of commerce, people and businesses still use it to order products and services when they do not have enough cash or money to make purchases. A form of exchange called barter allows for the direct exchange of one commodity or service for another without the need of a medium of exchange like money. It differs from gift economies in a number of ways, one of which is that the reciprocal transaction takes place right away rather than later.

Learn more about Barter system here:


Historically, investments in the ________ have experienced the greatest returns.

Bond market
Real estate market
Stock market
Money market



C. Stock market.


Stock market have experienced the greatest returns, even tho they are long term. ♥

Which of the following is the best example of the use of automation?: (A) A garment sewn by an operator at a sewing machine. (B) A letter written by a secretary using a computer. (C) An automobile painted by a computer-directed robot on an assembly line. (D) A medical assistant drawing blood from a patient's arm.





no humans

Ludwig borrowed $700,000 for a
period of 2 years. His interest rate is
10%. How much interest will
Ludwig pay in all?





Principle = $700000

Rate = 10%

Time = 2 years

Simple interest = P x R x T / 100

Simple interest = 700000 x 10 x 2 / 100

Simple interest = 70000 x 2

Simple interest = $140000

An investor wishes to construct a portfolio consisting of a 70 percent allocation to a stock index and a 30 percent allocation to a risk-free asset. The return on the risk-free asset is 4.5 percent, and the expected return on the stock index is 12 percent. The standard deviation of returns on the stock index is 6 percent. Calculate the expected standard deviation of the portfolio.



the standard deviation is 4.2%


The computation of the standard deviation of the portfolio is given below:

expected standard deviation of the portfolio is

= Allocation percentage of stock index × standard deviation of returns on the stock index

= 0.70 × 6%

= 4.2%

Hence, the standard deviation is 4.2%

which of the following strategies for conflict managment assumes that many conflicts are win-win conflicts


Answer: resolving


Conflict resolution refers to the process whereby two or more parties find a peaceful solution to a conflict. There are several ways to resolve conflict such as arbitration, negotiation, and mediation.

Resolving of a conflict is a win-win situation for both parties. This is because both parties eventually have a satisfactory outcome.

Fredrick purchased a property worth $150,000 on mortgage. He paid $30,000 as a down payment on this property. However, a recent slump in real estate prices forced Fredrick to sell the property for $115,000 only 2 months later. This sale is termed a(n): Group of answer choices



Real estate short sale


Real estate is defined as a piece of land and any attached property that is constructed on it.

In real estate business a real estate short sale occurs when the person that owns a property decides to sell the property at a price that is less than the amount on the mortgage.

This usually occurs as a result of financial distress of the owner.

In the given scenario the property has a mortgage value of $150,000 and down payment of $30,000 has been made.

The mortgage amount is now $150,000 - $30,000 = $120,000

However they now sell the property for $115,000 which is less than the remaining mortgage value of $120,000.

This is and example of real estate short sale.

16. The ape ……………………. from branch to branch in search of food.
1) lopes 2) swings 3) swoops 4) leaps


Answer: swings





pls help
Your lifestyle desires should be a big part of choosing your career.

Is this statement true or false?







You should incorporate your life desires into choosing a career choice because if you are not happy with your job or you don't feel fulfilled with what you are doing then you are only harming yourself mentally and sometimes physically by continuing to do something that doesn't fit with your desires.

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this image is most likely intended as an example of the term EcoFabrics has budgeted overhead costs of $982,800. It has allocated overhead on a plantwide basis to its two products (wool and cotton) using direct labor hours which are estimated to be 468,000 for the current year. The company has decided to experiment with activity-based costing and has created two activity cost pools and related activity cost drivers. These two cost pools are cutting (cost driver is machine hours) and design (cost driver is number of setups). Overhead allocated to the cutting cost pool is $374,400 and $608,400 is allocated to the design cost pool. Additional information related to these pools is as follows.\Wool Cotton Total Machine hours 104,000 104,000 208,000 Number of setups 1,040 520 1,560 Calculate the overhead rate using activity based costing. (Round answers to 2 decimal places, e.g. 12.25.)Overhead rates for activity-based costing Cutting $________per machine hour Design $_______per setupDetermine the amount of overhead allocated to the wool product line and the cotton product line using activity-based costing.Wool product line Cotton product line Overhead Allocated $____________ for the wool product line $__________ cotton product line.Calculate the overhead rate using traditional approach. (Round answer to 2 decimal places, e.g. 12.25.) Overhead rates using the traditional approach $ _____________per direct labor hour An object is acted upon by two and only two forces that are equal magnitude and oppositely directed. Is the objected necessarily in static equilibrium? Explain. You can draw a picture if that helps explain. Answer this question A 10.53 mol sample of krypton gas is maintained in a 0.8006 L container at 299.8 K. What is the pressure in atm calculated using thevan der Waals' equation for Kr gas under these conditions? For Kr, a = 2.318 L'atm/mol and b = 3.978x10L/mol. What is the shape of the distribution shown below?Choose 1 answer:A) The distribution is symmetricalB) The distribution is not symmetrical [SCREENSHOT IS INCLUDED] 35) Like J is represented by the equation 3x-2y=10. Line M is perpendicular to line J at (6,-1) What is the equation of Line M Can someone help me with this question pls What is the value of x? whats the distance between (-9, -6) and (-2, 2) What is the difference between a print and a one if a kind painting Look at the map.A map of the United notes titled Major Settlement Locations, 1960 to Present. Latino immigrants tended to settle in the southwest, Florida, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey. Asian immigrants tended to settle in Washington state, California, Nevada, Texas, Illinois, New York, and New Jersey.Based on the map, which region of the United States has the highest Latino population? What is the purpose of rhetoric in persuasive writing?O to distract the reader from a weak argumentO to affect the reader emotionallyto take the place of reasonO to build logical support for an argument Instructions: State what additional information is required in orderto know that the triangles in the image below are congruent for thereason givenReasory. AAS Postulate What is the conjugate of 3 + 6i?A -3 - 61B 3 - 6iC 3 + 6iD 9i 1) Read the line and answer the questions Has a snake ever coiled itself round any part of your body fell-blooded cobre a) Who is the speaker? b) Who did the speaker address? c) What is the speaker? Select the correct answer.What was the location of the attack that caused the United States to enter World War 11? .North AfricaO B. JapanFranceODHawallResetNext what is the definition of abuse what is the net charge of an ion that as 14 protons 16 electrons and 12 neutrons How do i say " I arrive at the airport in Lima, Per. I want to get to know the people here. I am going to travel to the beaches by car. There are gosh at the beach and i touch them. Per is very pretty, and i'm happy to spend time here." in spanish, please help