American policy toward Indians was comprised of these two things _____________________.


Answer 1


Native American Relation

Related Questions

White supremacy is primarily an ideology. What the correct answer true or false





It is a mindset about people who are white being a superior race. It is primarily a mindset about the superiority of the white race

Hope this helps

Why has April 15 come to be know as tax day ?



To spread IRS workers' workload and aid taxpayers


When "Tax Day" was moved to April 15th in 1955, many changes were coming federally. Lawmakers at the time made a point to state that the change was meant to help taxpayers recover, and to aid the IRS by moving the deadline back further. Though, there is some speculation that another reason why it was changed was to let the government push back their own payment deadlines to earn more interest.

The United States once again enacted income tax with the 16th Amendment in 1913. At that time, the filing deadline was March 1. In 1918 the deadline was changed to March 15, and then in 1955, for the most recent change, the filing deadline was moved to April 15th. The day has come to be known as Tax Day

What does article 1, section 7 of the constitution explain?



Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice.




13. Sanja ate soup for lunch.

14. Eli will race down the hill.

15. Abby splashes her brother in the pool.

16.The piano needs to be tuned.

17.Ty slammed the car door.


I hope this will help you


Sanja ate soup for lunch.

Eli will run down the hill.

Abby splashes her brother in the pool.

The piano needs to be tuned.

Ty slammed the car door.

why was jefferson chosen as the primary writer of the declaration of independence?



He was an eloquent writer and supported American independence.


Jefferson kept his significant position in authoring the defining text of the American Revolution and, indeed, of the United States. Jefferson criticized the document's revisions, notably the deletion of a large passage blaming King George III for the slave trade. Jefferson was rightfully proud of his part in authoring the Declaration of Independence and effectively defended it.

Module 3 Short Responses – Question 2 Congress held its final vote to approve the Nineteenth Amendment on June 4, 1919. Was this a necessary or a contributory cause of the success of the woman suffrage movement?



Yes, Congress holding its final vote to approve the Nineteenth Amendment was a necessary cause of the success of the women suffrage movement.


The women’s suffrage amendment, meant to prohibit discrimination on account of sex over the right to vote, had been a long pursued goal since it was first introduced in Congress in 1878. Congress, by joint resolution, approved it in 1919 and sent it to the states for ratification, and on August 18, 1920, women´s right to vote was finally ratified by the states and Congress became able to enforce it.

The approval of the Nineteenth Amendment by the Congress  was a necessary cause of the success of the women suffrage movement.

What is the women’s suffrage amendment?

The suffrage amendment was a legislation that to prohibit discrimination on account of gender over the right to vote.

In conclusion, the approval of the Nineteenth Amendment by the Congress  was a necessary cause of the success of the women suffrage movement.

Read more about Nineteenth Amendment

what is speed lathe machine​



A speed lathe is a lathe that does one or two operations really fast but is less versatile. It is a useful tool for machining parts and for other purposes.

A speed lathe is a type of lathe that is designed to operate much faster than its common counterpart. These machines are generally only used for small tasks such as finishing an object or removing burs left over from earlier manufacturing steps. ... A common machining lathe holds on to a work piece at two points.

What was the significance of the Brown v. Board of Education decision?
It ended school segregation forever.
It ended racist politicians' control over the South.
It solidified the advances of Plessy v. Ferguson.
It was the first major victory for civil rights.


It ended school segregation forever

How did Lincoln’s intentions in relation to slavery change from the beginning of the war to the end?



At the outset of the Civil War, President Lincoln had not spoken out specifically on issues relating to slavery, but on the contrary, had established that abolition of slavery was not one of the mainstays of the Union, but the maintenance of national unity.

Now, as the years and battles progressed, this position was mutating, and in 1863 President Lincoln made his Emancipation Proclamation, by which he freed all the African-American slaves that were in the southern states that were falling into the hands of the Union, urging in turn that they join the northern cause.

Thus, through these types of policies, President Lincoln was including slaves and abolitionists within his political position, leaving the Confederation in ideological check.

Which is an example of the executive branch imposing a check on the legislature's power to make laws?


Answer:The correct answer is The president vetoes a bill.


I hoped this helped!

discuss the benefits of applying the sociological imagination to individual troubles​


Sociological imagination can be further used to understanding not only the personal issues of an individual but the various behaviors pertaining to an individual. ... These might not end up being social problems but sociological imagination helps us understand how something so routine is influenced by the society.

How did the Hundred Years’ War affect French and English peasants?



Explanation:    Besides the obvious death and destruction that many of the battles visited upon soldiers and civilians alike, the war made England virtually bankrupt and left the victorious.

How did the economies of the North, the West, and the South differ?



The North was more industrial while the South was more agricultural.


The North was more industrial while the South was more agricultural.

This difference played out heavily in the US Civil War - while the South was better led, constant shortages of weapons and equipment, along with blockades of ports to prevent supplies from coming in, led ultimately to the South losing the war.

The answer above is correct

In west African society most African slaves were treated as?



Although legally considered property, most African slaves were treated as family members.

Explanation: article on West African Society at the Point of European Contact

Consider a personal essay that begins with the following thesis:
I wanted to quit my job and start my own business, but I
wasn't sure if I could make it — this would be a life-
changing decision.
Which paragraph below would not fit into the body of this essay?
A. A paragraph describing my business idea
B. A paragraph detailing the stock performance of my current
C. A paragraph expressing my fears of starting a new business on
my own
D. A paragraph about the reasons I wanted to quit my job


It has no bearing on the author's choice to leave their current position and launch their own firm, paragraph B, which analyses the stock performance of the author's existing company, would not be appropriate for the essay's main body.

Discussing the stock performance of the author's current company does not advance the essay's narrative because it is more concerned with the author's personal journey and decision-making process. As a result, choice B is the right response.

The rationale for this is that mentioning the stock performance of the author's present company does not further the essay's narrative, which is centered on the author's personal journey and decision-making process. As a result, the section outlining the stock performance of the author's present company is unrelated to the major thesis of the essay and should not be included in the essay's body.

learn more about business here


Answer: B


How and why did the British North American Colonies (Canada) had a role in the United States Civil War?


Although Canada was part of Britain until 1867 and officially neutral, Canadians fought on both sides. The pressures of the 1861-65 Civil War, and the threat of an American invasion, helped urge Canada to its own confederation and independence.

Which of the following countries
surrendered during WWII?
A. Japan & China
B. Germany & France
C. Japan & Germany




Japan & Germany


the United States drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki Japan causing them to surrender.

Germany losing many soldiers and leaders

Islam recognizes Jesus and Moses. Does this mean that Islam respects other religions?





They are not dismissing that there could be Jesus and Moses, this leads me to believe that they do have some level of respect for other religions, if they can "respect" one.

Yes, they’re a very restful religion and feel other religions are just as valid

According to the American colonists, a government is only legitimate if it has

direct or pure democracy
consent of the governed
declared independence
contracts with citizens



consent of the governed


According to the American colonists, a government is only legitimate if it has consent of the governed

The consists are people who rebelled against British rule of America and declared independence in 1776, going ahead to form the America we all know today.

They were people-oriented and had the interest of the people at heart when deciding on the Constitution

What was an effect of Jay's Treaty in 1794?



British manufactured goods overwhelmed US markets, while US manufactured goods were delayed by British trade restrictions and taxes.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!


which situation best illustrates the influence of islam in arbia?

A. An aspirant joins a monastery to live according to the Bible
B. A serf who works for a lord is bound to the land
C. A trader becomes wealthy by trading goods from Asia
D. An adherent makes a pilgrimage to Mecca

C I believe is the correct answer but please help



D. An adherent makes a pilgrimage to Mecca


The situation that best illustrates the influence of Islam in Arabia is that an adherent makes a pilgrimage to Mecca.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!

How did "the loyal
American people”
see the
Reconstruction Act?



The Southerners did not like the Reconstruction Act..and did all they could until they eventually destroyed it


This is all I know....

Other groups have suffered unequal treatment. Choose one group and summarize this groups struggle for civil rights.



The Civil War in the United States began in 1861, after decades of simmering tensions between northern and southern states over slavery, states' rights and westward expansion.


It is estimated that approximately 3,500 Hispanics, mostly Mexican-Americans, Puerto Ricans and Cubans (Puerto Rico and Cuba were Spanish colonies) living in the United States joined the war: 2,500 for the Confederacy and 1,000 for the Union. This number increased to 10,000 by the end of the war.


In many cases, women took over the management of shops, farms, and plantations. Black and white mothers struggled to provide shelter, nourishment, and safety for their families, and they faced additional challenges in disciplining their children without a father's assistance.

Civil war for sure on this one

How did toussaint l'ouverture affect the haitian revolution?


I would say D is the right answer

Which ONE is FALSE regarding the Scientific Testing of the Shroud?


Answer: Shroud believers maintain that the stains are blood marks from the wounds of Jesus but most test results indicate paint has been used in those areas.


The scientists of the Shroud of Turin Research Project who released their findings in 1988, wrote that the blood stains on the shroud were made of hemoglobin and had albumin as well.

This confirms that these were indeed blood stains and not paint as suggested because both hemoglobin and albumin are substances that are present in the human blood.

Analyze More’s Utopia as a representation of Humanist literature. Identify the problems in English/European society presented by More. Determine the most serious problem and explain why you chose it.



Explanation is as follows;


In many ways, Thomas More's Utopia is a classic example of Italian renaissance. Utopia, like Copernicus' The Triumph or praise of Folly and Valla's Mostly on Correct and Incorrect Good, shows a humanist fascination in native language and structures, and was obsessed with old philosophical perspectives on ethical ideals.

How did the Magna Carta change the relationship between the monarch and the people?

It made the monarch first among equals.
It allowed the people to choose the monarch.
It made the monarch accountable to the people.
It placed limits on the monarch’s power.



it placed limits on the monarchs power.


D or number 4, It placed limits on the monarch’s power.


they wanted to be free pf tyranny

In 1943 , the United States and Great Britain did which of the following ? A. Began preparations for an organization to promote world peace . B. Began preparations for an organization with a goal to end the Soviet Union. C. Began an organization to research possible causes of a third World War .



The Answer is A.


I just did it on edge 2021.

What was the major goal of the political reforms enacted during the Progressive Era (1900-1920)?
expanding citizen participation in government
lowering the legal voting age
discouraging the formation of new political parties
providing public funding of campaigns


The answer is 1 have a great day

After reading the article "The Privacy Debate," what are three
benefits of people having access to your private life?


Your phone number appears in a hundred databases. Your favorite Web site keeps track of your every click. Do these advances in technology pose a threat to your privacy? Big Brother (along with 30 of his closest friends) may be watching you.
DEBATE With a small group, break into two teams and stage a debate over the question of personal privacy in today’s society. Is your privacy at risk, or isn’t it? Be prepared to back up your opinions with examples and other evidence.
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