An arc of 10 meters is formed by a central angle A on a circle radius 4. The measure of A In degrees (to two decimal places) is___.

A. 143.24
B. 36.76
C. 2.50
D. 216.76


Answer 1


arc length   =   circumference • [central angle (degrees) ÷ 360]

central angle (degrees)  = 360 * arc length / circumference

circumference = PI * 2 * 4 = 25.1327412287

central angle (degrees)  = 360 * 10 / 25.1327412287

central angle (degrees)  = 143.2394487828

answer is A--------

Related Questions

Given the exchange rate as K1: HK$1.353, calculate Hong Kong dollar equivalent of K70



The Hong Kong dollar equivalent of K70 is HK $ 94.71.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the exchange rate as K1: HK $ 1,353, to calculate Hong Kong dollar equivalent of K70 the following calculation must be performed:

1,353 x 70 = X

94.71 = X

Therefore, the Hong Kong dollar equivalent of K70 is HK $ 94.71.

find the value of 'x' in the given figure​










How many subsets will the sets have? {sheep that have eight legs }​




Step-by-step explanation:

How to find subsets = 2 raise the power n.

N=number of elements in a set.

=2raise the power 8 which is 256.

Determine if the triangles are similar. If they are, state the theorem.


9514 1404 393


  ΔGHF ~ ΔMLF by AA theorem

Step-by-step explanation:

Please I need a step by step explanation ASAP.
Calculate the perimeter and area of the shape below: ​



38.6 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

add all of the sides up to get your perimeter





Step-by-step explanation:

The ratios need to be the same

AB             CB

---------- = ----------

AD             ED

3           x

-----  = ---------

3+9       12

3           x

-----  = ---------

12          12

X must equal 3


An international company has 28,300 employees in one country. If this represents 34.1% of the company's employees, how many employees does it have in
Round your answer to the nearest whole number.



82991 employees

Step-by-step explanation:

One way to solve this would be to solve for 1% of the company's employees and use that value to solve for 100% (100%=the whole part, or the total). We know that

28300 = 34.1%

If we divide a number by itself, it turns into 1. Dividing both sides by 34.1, we get

829.912 = 1%

Then, we know that anything multiplied by 1 is equal to itself. We want to figure out 100%, or the whole part, so we can multiply both sides by 100 to get

100% = 82991

Solve for f(-2)




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 5 * 3^x

Let x = -2

f(-2) = 5 * 3^-2

We know a^-b = 1/a^b

     = 5 * 1/3^2

    = 5/9

F(-2) means the value of x is -2

Replace x with -2 and solve:

3^-2 = 1/9

5 x 1/9 = 5/9

Answer: D.5/9

For a standard normal distribution, find:

P(z > -1.6)
Express the probability as a decimal rounded to 4 decimal places.



P(z > -1.76) = 1 - P(z < -1.76) = 1 - 0.0392 = 0.960

What is the common difference in this sequence: 3, 11, 19, 27,35?
O B. 3
O C. 8
O D. 12




Step-by-step explanation:

To determine the common difference, take the second term and subtract the first term

11-3 = 8

Check with the other terms in the sequence

19-11= 8

27-19 = 8


The common difference is 8


C. 8

Step-by-step explanation:

There is a common difference between them and that’s 8.

3 + 8 = 11

11 + 8 = 19

19 + 8 = 27

27 + 8 = 35

If you make $11.25/hour, how many hours will you need to work to earn $416.25? Please explain how you figured this out.


37 hours, you divide 11.25 by 416.25


37 hours.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since you need $416.25 start with that. Then divide by $11.25 to see how many hours you need to work. 416.25 divided by 11.25 is 37.

Assume that in the absence of immigration and emigration, the growth of a country's population P(t) satisfies dP/dt = kP for some constant k > 0.

a. Determine a differential equation governing the growing population P(t) of the country when individuals are allowed to immigrate into the country at a constant rate r > 0.
b. What is the differential equation for the population P(t) of the country when individuals are allowed to emigrate at a constant rate r > 0?



[tex](a)\ \frac{dP}{dt} = kP + r[/tex]

[tex](b)\ \frac{dP}{dt} = kP - r[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]\frac{dP}{dt} = kP[/tex]

Solving (a): Differential equation for immigration where [tex]r > 0[/tex]

We have:

[tex]\frac{dP}{dt} = kP[/tex]

Make dP the subject

[tex]dP =kP \cdot dt[/tex]

From the question, we understand that: [tex]r > 0[/tex]. This means that

[tex]dP =kP \cdot dt + r \cdot dt[/tex] --- i.e. the population will increase with time

Divide both sides by dt

[tex]\frac{dP}{dt} = kP + r[/tex]

Solving (b): Differential equation for emigration where [tex]r > 0[/tex]

We have:

[tex]\frac{dP}{dt} = kP[/tex]

Make dP the subject

[tex]dP =kP \cdot dt[/tex]

From the question, we understand that: [tex]r > 0[/tex]. This means that

[tex]dP =kP \cdot dt - r \cdot dt[/tex] --- i.e. the population will decrease with time

Divide both sides by dt

[tex]\frac{dP}{dt} = kP - r[/tex]

f(x) = 2x2 + 4x - 5
g(x) = 6x3 – 2x2 + 3
Find (f + g)(x).




(f+g) (x)=6x³+3

Step-by-step explanation:

Find x on this triangle



3 sqrt(3) =x

Step-by-step explanation:

Since this is a right triangle, we can use trig functions

cos theta = adj / hyp

cos 30 = x/6

6 cos 30 = x

6 ( sqrt(3)/2) = x

3 sqrt(3) =x

In the picture the exponent says 5/3



the answer is B

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] {{ (- 2)}^{3}}^{5 \div 3} = { ( - 2)}^{5} = - 32[/tex]

write -8 form of 2 on up and complete other steps

If there is a 65% chance you will make a free throw, what percent of the
time you will miss? *



There is a 65% chance you will make a free throw.

To find:

The percent of the time you will miss.


If p is the percent of success and q is the percent of failure, then


[tex]q=100\%-p[/tex]         ...(i)

It is given that there is a 65% chance you will make a free throw. It means the percent of success is 65%. We need to find the percent of the time you will miss.  It means we have to find the percent of failure.

Substituting p=65% in (i), we get



Therefore, there is a 35% chance you will miss the free throw.

can someone help me out with this question??? ​




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the exact length of the curve. x=et+e−t, y=5−2t, 0≤t≤2 For a curve given by parametric equations x=f(t) and y=g(t), arc length is given by


The length of a curve C parameterized by a vector function r(t) = x(t) i + y(t) j over an interval a ≤ t ≤ b is

[tex]\displaystyle\int_C\mathrm ds = \int_a^b \sqrt{\left(\frac{\mathrm dx}{\mathrm dt}\right)^2+\left(\frac{\mathrm dy}{\mathrm dt}\right)^2} \,\mathrm dt[/tex]

In this case, we have

x(t) = exp(t ) + exp(-t )   ==>   dx/dt = exp(t ) - exp(-t )

y(t) = 5 - 2t   ==>   dy/dt = -2

and [a, b] = [0, 2]. The length of the curve is then

[tex]\displaystyle\int_0^2 \sqrt{\left(e^t-e^{-t}\right)^2+(-2)^2} \,\mathrm dt = \int_0^2 \sqrt{e^{2t}-2+e^{-2t}+4}\,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]=\displaystyle\int_0^2 \sqrt{e^{2t}+2+e^{-2t}} \,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]=\displaystyle\int_0^2\sqrt{\left(e^t+e^{-t}\right)^2} \,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]=\displaystyle\int_0^2\left(e^t+e^{-t}\right)\,\mathrm dt[/tex]

[tex]=\left(e^t-e^{-t}\right)\bigg|_0^2 = \left(e^2-e^{-2}\right)-\left(e^0-e^{-0}\right) = \boxed{e^2-\frac1{e^2}}[/tex]

The exact length of the curve when the parametric equations are x = f(t) and y = g(t) is given below.

[tex]e^2 -\dfrac{1}{e^2 }[/tex]

What is integration?

It is the reverse of differentiation.

The parametric equations are given below.

[tex]\rm x=e^t+e^{-t}, \ \ 0\leq t\leq 2\\\\y=5-2t, \ \ \ \ \ 0\leq t\leq 2[/tex]

Then the arc length of the curve will be given as

[tex]\int _0^2 \sqrt{(\dfrac{dx}{dt})^2+(\dfrac{dy}{dx})^2}[/tex]

Then we have

[tex]\rm \dfrac{dx}{dt} = e^t-e^{-t}\\\\ \dfrac{dy}{dt} = -2[/tex]


[tex]\rightarrow \int _0^2 \sqrt{(\dfrac{dx}{dt})^2+(\dfrac{dy}{dx})^2}\ \ dt\\\\\rightarrow \int _0^2 \sqrt{(e^t-e^{-t})^2 + (-2)^2} \ dt\\\\\rightarrow \int _0^2 \sqrt{(e^t+e^{-t})^2} \ dt\\\\\rightarrow \int _0^2 (e^t+e^{-t}) \ dt\\\\\rightarrow (e^2-e^{-2}) \\\\\rightarrow e^2 - \dfrac{1}{e^2}[/tex]

More about the integration link is given below.

Mikita is painting a spherical model of a human cell for a science fair. She uses 452.16 square inches of paint to evenly cover the outside of the cell with one coat of paint. What is the diameter of the cell model? (Use 3.14 for the value of π.)

6 in.
12 in.
24 in.
36 in.




Step-by-step explanation:

Basically you have to divide 3.14 by 452.16 (the formula for area of circle is pi times r squared) and that will get you 144. The square root of 144 is 12 :)

Select the correct answer.
Simplify the following expression. Classify the resulting polynomial.

3x(x − 3) + (2x + 6)(-x − 3)

quadratic monomial

quadratic binomial

quadratic trinomial

linear binomial



quadratic trinomial

Step-by-step explanation:

3x(x − 3) + (2x + 6)(-x − 3)


3x^2 -9x  + (2x + 6)(-x − 3)


3x^2 -9x   + -2x^2 -6x -6x -18

Combine like terms


This has 3 terms so it is a trinomial

The highest power of x is 2 so it is quadratic

9514 1404 393


x² -21x -18quadratic trinomial

Step-by-step explanation:

Eliminating parentheses, we get ...

  = (3x)(x) -(3x)(3) +(2x)(-x -3) +6(-x -3)

  = 3x² -9x +(2x)(-x) +(2x)(-3) +(6)(-x) +(6)(-3)

  = 3x² -9x -2x² -6x -6x -18

  = x²(3 -2) +x(-9-6-6) -18

  = x² -21x -18

The highest power is 2, so this is a quadratic.

There are 3 terms, so this is a trinomial.

If you have two six sided die each labelled one throgh six. Which set of independent events has a higher probability?


Answer : Four sides (1, 2, 3, 4) are less than 5. The probability is 4 out of 6, or 2/3 or 0.6667.

The solution is, the correct answer is B. comparing all the probabilities, the set of independent events with the highest probability is the event of You land on an odd number or you roll a 6.

What is probability?

Probability can be defined as the ratio of the number of favorable outcomes to the total number of outcomes of an event.

here, we have,

We will consider all the sets of probabilities, the one with the highest probability is the right answer.

a) You roll an odd number and roll a 5: the probability is calculated thus:

1/6 * 3/6


b) You land on an odd number or you roll a 6: the probability is calculated thus:

3/6 +1/6

= 0.6667

c) You roll a six and roll a 4: the probability is calculated thus:

1/6 * 1/4

= 0.0417

d) You roll a 3 and roll an old number: the probability is calculated thus:

1/6 * 3/6


Now, comparing all the probabilities, the set of independent events with the highest probability is the event of You land on an odd number or you roll a 6.

Therefore the correct answer is B.

To learn more on probability click:


Hii guys if you have time plz help me



[tex]5 {x}^{2} + 21 + 5x[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

TOTAL AMOUNT earned = Tim money + Melina money

[tex]5 {x}^{2} - 4x + 8 + (9x + 13)[/tex]

[tex] = 5 {x}^{2} - 4x + 8 + 9x + 13[/tex]

[tex] = 5 {x}^{2} + 21 + 5x[/tex]

a soft drink vendor at a popular beach analyzes his sales recods and finds that if he sells x cans of soda pop in one day, his profit (in dollars) is given by


Complete Question:

A soft-drink vendor at a popular beach analyzes his sales records, and finds that if he sells x cans of soda pop in one day, his profit (in dollars) is given by P(x) = -0.001x² + 3x - 1800.

a. What is his maximum profit per day?

b. How many cans must be sold in order to obtain the maximum profit?


a. $450

b. 1500 cans

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the following quadratic function;

P(x) = -0.001x² + 3x - 1800  ......equation 1

a. To find his maximum profit per day;

Since P(x) is a quadratic equation, P(x) would be maximum when [tex] x = \frac {-b}{2a} [/tex]

Note : the standard form of a quadratic equation is ax² + bx + c = 0  ......equation 2

Comparing eqn 1 and eqn 2, we have;

a = -0.001, b = 3 and c = -1800

Now, we determine the maximum profit;

[tex] x = \frac {-b}{2a} [/tex]

Substituting the values, we have;

[tex] x = \frac {-3}{2*(-0.001)} [/tex]

Cancelling out the negative signs, we have;

[tex] x = \frac {3}{2*0.001} [/tex]

[tex] x = \frac {3}{0.002} [/tex]

x at maximum = 1500

Substituting the value of "x" into equation 1;

P(1500) = -0.001 * 1500² + 3(1500) - 1800

P(1500) = -0.001 * 2250000 + 4500 - 1800

P(1500) = -2250 + 2700

P(1500) = $450

b. Therefore, the soft-drink vendor must sell 1500 cans in order to obtain the maximum profit.

Seventy-two percent of all observations fall within one standard deviation of the mean if the data is normally distributed. a. True b. False



I think this answer is A.

Purpose: The purpose of this learning activity is to demonstrate the understanding of correlation and regression and how they could be important in your future practice. Instructions: Submit 1 paragraph answering the following questions: • What are the differences between results that demonstrate a correlation between two variables and results where a regression is run using two variables? • Think about your future clinical role and provide a clinical example of variables that you may want a correlation analysis run and explain. • Think about your future clinical role and provide a clinical example of variables that you may want a regression analysis run and explain.



A correlation shows strength and regression tells the pattern.

Step-by-step explanation:

• The differences between the results that demonstrate a correlation between two variables and results where a regression is run using two variables are as follows

1) the correlation is the measure of degree to which any two variables may vary together.

2) if both variables tend to increase or decrease together the correlation is said to be direct or positive.

3) the correlation gives the strength of relationship between two quantities

4) The regression gives the relationship in the form of an equation.

5) The regression investigates the dependence of the dependent variable on the independent variable.

6) it shows the relationship whether it is linear or curved or parabolic etc.

• I may record the ages and the blood pressure of the patients and run a correlation analysis which may not be positive as blood pressure does not always increase with age

• I may record the ages and the blood pressure of the patients and may want to run a regression analysis which will show the relationship of the patients suffering from high blood pressure and their ages whether it follows a similar pattern or not.

Not sure how to do this


Scale factor of 2

I compared the lengths of AC to DF. AC is one unit long, whereas DF is two units long, so DF is dilated by a scale factor of 2.

What is the value of the expression 10(6 + 5)² when b = 3?






if p is a acute angle then p is how many degrees



Less than 90⁰

Step-by-step explaination:

If p is an acute angle then, p can be equal to any measurement less than 90⁰

It can be upto 89⁰


0 < angle < 90

Step-by-step explanation:

Acute angles are between 0 and up to 90 degrees

Right angles are 90 degrees

Obtuse angles are greater than 90 degrees and less than 180 degrees

O A. a3
O B. a10
O c. a-10
O D. a-3



B is the correct answer of your question.


The travel time on a section of a Long Island Expressway (LIE) is normally distributed with a mean of 80 seconds and a standard deviation of 6 seconds. What travel time separates the top 2.5% of the travel times from the rest



The travel time that separates the top 2.5% of the travel times from the rest is of 91.76 seconds.

Step-by-step explanation:

Normal Probability Distribution

Problems of normal distributions can be solved using the z-score formula.

In a set with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the z-score of a measure X is given by:

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

The Z-score measures how many standard deviations the measure is from the mean. After finding the Z-score, we look at the z-score table and find the p-value associated with this z-score. This p-value is the probability that the value of the measure is smaller than X, that is, the percentile of X. Subtracting 1 by the p-value, we get the probability that the value of the measure is greater than X.

Mean of 80 seconds and a standard deviation of 6 seconds.

This means that [tex]\mu = 80, \sigma = 6[/tex]

What travel time separates the top 2.5% of the travel times from the rest?

This is the 100 - 2.5 = 97.5th percentile, which is X when Z has a p-value of 0.975, so X when Z = 1.96.

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

[tex]1.96 = \frac{X - 80}{6}[/tex]

[tex]X - 80 = 6*1.96[/tex]

[tex]X = 91.76[/tex]

The travel time that separates the top 2.5% of the travel times from the rest is of 91.76 seconds.

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