An employee was suspended for two weeks for drug use. Six months later, the employee was fired from the job because her productivity did not show any improvement even after undergoing treatment for drug use. Which form of discharge did the employee experience


Answer 1
I believe it’s Involuntary Turnover. There’s a Quizlet that uses this exact same scenario that defines it as Involuntary Turnover

Related Questions

MC Qu. 05 Within the marketing concept, a service... Within the marketing concept, a service orientation is an integrated organizational effort that revolves around Multiple Choice finding out what consumers want and providing it for them. making goods and services that will earn the most profit. training employees to sell services in unique ways. making sure customers are satisfied.



making sure customers are satisfied.


A service can be defined as a collection of intangible goods that are being offered by a service provider to the end user in order to meet their needs or requirements. Thus, it is any intangible offering that involves a deed, performance, or effort that cannot be physically possessed by the service takers.

Marketing can be defined as the process of developing promotional techniques and sales strategies by a business firm, so as to enhance the availability of goods and services to meet the unending requirements, needs or wants of the end users or consumers through advertising and market research. Thus, it comprises all the activities such as, identifying, anticipating set of medium and processes for creating, promoting, delivering, and exchanging goods and services that has value for customers.

On a related note, it typically involves understanding customer needs, building and maintaining healthy relationships with them in order to scale up your business.

Within the marketing concept, a service orientation is an integrated organizational effort that revolves around making sure customers are satisfied.

causes of corruption?​



Personal greed, Decline of personal ethical sensitivity, the size and structure of governments, economic freedom/openness of economy, Cultural environments that condone corruption, Lack of transparency, Slow judicial processes, etc.









Suppose that Paolo divorces Sharon and leaves the family without paying alimony or child support. Sharon must now support her two children alone,
so she begins working full time and earns a total of $16,000. Are Sharon and her children living in poverty?

O Yes

O no



yes, based on chart and the number of children. her income level is well bow poverty. if you multiple the number in household under 65 related the income level should be well above 16000

Economic profit is defined as _____ Question 17 options: a) total revenue plus what must be paid to resources to attract them from their best alternative use. b) total revenue divided by what must be paid to resources to attract them from their best alternative use. c) the price of the goods sold minus the quantity of goods sold. d) total revenue minus what must be paid to resources to attract them from their best alternative use. e) total revenue minus the cost of the goods produced.



d) total revenue minus what must be paid to resources to attract them from their best alternative use.


In Financial accounting, the total operating income can be defined as the sum total of the profit of a business firm (company) after its regular, recurring costs and expenses have been deducted. Thus, it's the amount of revenue generated by a business firm (company) after subtracting all operating expenses and cost of goods sold (COGS).

Mathematically, the total operating income of a business is calculated by subtracting the indirect expenses incurred by the business firm from its total direct operating margin.

On a related note, profit is calculated by subtracting the cost price of an item from the selling price of the item. Thus, a profit is generated when the operating costs are subtracted from the total revenue generated.

In conclusion, economic profit is defined as total revenue minus what must be paid to resources to attract them from their best alternative use.

''if there are diminishing returns, the marginal cost curve must be positively sloped '' is true or fall, why?


Answer to the following question is TRUE.

The given statement "If average cost rises, marginal cost should rise" is correct.

This is because, according to theory, as the estimated price of an item rises, the marginal cost rises more than that rise. And, as the illustration of these two curves shows, when Average Cost grows, so does Marginal Cost.

Learn more:

Although Kemal attempted to create a strong Turkish economy, how did his policies only add to the international global depression? a. Kemal tried to discourage Turks from buying foreign goods. b. High tariffs on imported goods only hurt other nations involved in the global depression. c. Goods from Europe and American were banned in Turkey. d. Government subsidies kept Turkish goods cheap in the nation and discouraged foreign imports. e. Kemal tried to create a totally domestic solution to the economic problems.



b. High tariffs on imported goods only hurt other nations involved in the global depression


Although Kemal attempted to create a strong Turkish economy, his policies only add to the international global depression due to the placement of "High tariffs on imported goods."

Kemal who was once the President of the new Turkey from the old Ottoman Empire had series of reforms including economic policies that favor internal production and discourage reliance on importation. However, his administration was around the global depression period, and his policies of high tariffs on imported goods only hurt other nations involved in the global depression.

Give four future of labour



1. Government. Government holds much sway over the free markets. ...

2. International Transactions. The flow of funds between countries effects the strength of a country's economy and its currency.

3. Speculation and Expectation.

4. Supply and Demand.


HELP IN BUSINESSS!!!! An economy produces two goods, x and y. A year ago the price of x was $4 and the price of y was $6. Today the price of x is $8 and the price of y is $10. What happened to the nominal and the real value of good x? What happened to the nominal and real value of good y?



Since an economy produces two goods, X and Y, already a year ago the price of X was $ 4 and the price of Y was $ 6, while today the price of X is $ 8 and the price of Y is $ 10, what happened did not it is something other than an inflationary process, by which the values of goods have increased their value, both nominal and real, that is, both in monetary terms and in terms of the purchasing power of the individuals who develop in said economy.

Thus, good X went from being worth $ 4 to $ 8, which implies a change in nominal terms of $ 4, and in real terms an inflation of 100% year-on-year (8 x 100/4 - 100).

On the other hand, good Y went from being worth $ 6 to $ 10, with which nominally it also increased $ 4, but in real terms there was an inflation of 66.6% (10 x 100/6 - 100).

Purge Purifying Systems, which manufactures filtration systems for industries, has entered into a U. S. $50 million deal with Fabon Fabrics Incorporated During a negotiating session, Alex, a member of the sales team reacted, "Who are you trying to kid? You need our company's filtration systems to maintain your product quality. You have to pay an extra $20 per system and just cut costs somewhere else." Monroe, the team leader of the sales team interrupted him and said, "Now wait a minute. These are our friends you are talking to. How about we only charge $10 extra per system and split the shipping charges equally? Does that not sound fair?" Identify the win-lose strategy adopted by the sales team of Purge Purifying Systems.


Answer: good guy-bad guy routine


The win-lose strategy that is adopted by the sales team of Purge Purifying Systems is the Good Guy/Bad Guy technique.

The Good Guy-Bad Guy routine refers to a strategy whereby while one person pretends to be on the side of the customer and helps make a deal, the other one doesn't and makes negotiation difficult. The idea behind this is for the prospect or the customer to accept the deal of the good guy. This is the strategy used by Alex and Monroe.

What is the first step in the standard purchasing process practiced by most
A. Solicit bids
B. Requisition
C. Invoicing
D. Purchase order



B. requisition


i have done this before, hope i helped

I think b
Hope its help for your questions

what is business ? please tell us​



Noun, a person's regular occupation, profession, or trade.


Beyond just money, the economy is about Question 10 options: the people who are most important to an individual's sense of self. the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. encouraging cooperation over competition. rituals and beliefs that divide the world into the sacred and the profane.


The economy is about "the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services" also along with money.

The key components of the economy are:


These three elements drive the flow of money within an economy. Let's see:

The goods are produced as per the needs and demands of the people where people work to earn wages, salaries, profit, etc.This stage is followed by the distribution of these goods across different regions and areas. Lastly, these goods are purchased by their final users for consumption and their income earned from firms return to them again(circular flow of income).

Therefore, option B states a true claim about the elements of an economy.

Learn more about 'Economy' here:

amount of tax, TTT, in dollars to be paid by an individual with an income of III between 8{,}2258,2258, comma, 225 and 34{,}50034,50034, comma, 500 dollars is given by the equation above. Tax is paid from the portion of income above 8{,}2258,2258, comma, 225 dollars and the remaining amount becomes a part of disposable income. What percentage of income above 8{,}2258,2258, comma, 225 dollars remains after paying tax for an individual whose income falls within the specified range



[tex]Amount = 87.5\%[/tex]



[tex]T =0.125(I - 8225)[/tex]

Range = 8225 to 34500

See comment for proper format


The percentage left after tax paid for individual in the above range

[tex]T =0.125(I - 8225)[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]T = 12.5\% (I - 8225)[/tex]

The 12.5% implies that individuals in that income range pay 12.5% of the income.

So, the amount left is:

[tex]Amount = 100\% - 12.5\%[/tex]

[tex]Amount = 87.5\%[/tex]

Which school faculty member should you talk to about enrolling in an AP


Answer: The guidance counselor


Social worker is someone who helps people cope with the challenges tahtnthwy face in their lives. Social workers work with people who have addiction issues, people with disabilities, children etc.

A paraprofessional refers to someone who's specially trained to support students in school. Such oeeosn can be a teaching assistant, special education paraprofessional etc.

A registrar is the keeper of records in an educational institution whinis charged with the responsibility of registering students, and keeping their academic records.

The guidance counselor is a professional who provides career, academic, and social-emotional competencies to the students in a schoool through counseling. Such person is the faculty member smtaht you should talk to about enrolling in an AP.


The practitioner completes an incision and drainage of a patient's infected right heel, which tested positive for MRSA. What statement is true regarding how the perioperative team should perform postoperative cleaning after this patient leaves the OR?



after the patient leave

Concord Company sells merchandise on account for $3300 to Pharoah Company with credit terms of 1/10, n/30. Pharoah Company returns $800 of merchandise that was damaged, along with a check to settle the account within the discount period. What entry does Concord Company make upon receipt of the check



Dr Cash $825

Cr Sales Returns and Allowances $800

Cr Sales Discounts $25


Preparation of the journal entry that Concord Company make upon receipt of the check

Dr Cash $825


Cr Sales Returns and Allowances $800

Cr Sales Discounts $25

(To record receipt of the check)

Sales discount=(Sales Price -Sales return) × 1%

Sales discount=($3300 - $800) × 1% = $25

Lets say you were a teacher. If parent approaches you to encourage you to give information about another child, what should you do.


first of all I will ask the parents what's the matter, if they explain me then also I will not going to give the child's information, I will contact to the principal about this matter and school management will look out at this matter.

I surely won't give.Privacy of children is my first priority .If some one acquires that Then it will hamper that students privacy .So I won't give.

The clerical and editorial employees in a publishing house need to be at their desks by 8:00 AM and follow a set of precise procedures dictated by management. The jobs of these clerical and editorial employees ________.


Answer: Formalization


Formalization could be defined as the length of an organization's policies, description and rules all spelt out for everyone to see. What makes up formalized structures or what we can know them for are their rules and regulations.

The jobs of these clerical and editorial employees are related to Formalization, they either form this rules out with the management or play the role of spelling it out(written) for all to see.

At the end of the current year, using the aging of receivable method, management estimated that $31,500 of the accounts receivable balance would be uncollectible. Prior to any year-end adjustments, the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts had a debit balance of $900. What adjusting entry should the company make at the end of the current year to record its estimated bad debts expense?



Dr Bad debt expenses $ 32,400

Cr Allowance for doubtful accounts $ 32,400


Preparation of the adjusting entry that the company should make at the end of the current year to record its estimated bad debts expense

Dr Bad debt expenses $ 32,400

Cr Allowance for doubtful accounts $ 32,400


( To record its estimated bad debts expense)

Estimated Bad debts expense =Account receivables + Debit balance

Estimated Bad debts expense= $31,500 + 900

Estimated Bad debts expense=$32,400

Toby has been working on collecting tidbits over the past year from a financial firm's trash in an effort to eventually break into their system. Even though the financial firm has strict restrictions on access to their trash, Toby has been able to bypass these restrictions. How has Toby most likely done this



By acting or posing as a waste management collector looking to fix the dumpster or collect the debris


The computer as an electronic machine has served as a tool or an object of the crime, subject of the crime and an instrument of the crime

Cyber crime

This is simply known as a criminal act. It is the process by which there is the stealing or destruction of information, resources, or funds utilizing computers, computer networks and the Internet.

Computer fraud

This is simply a type of fraud committed with the use of contemporary technology and it is regarded as a law crime. It includes theft of information and corporate espionage etc.

Most cyber crimes are usually well organized. The individual committing the crime usually puts a lot of efforts in achieving their goal. Toby could only have gained access to the company dumpster if he poses as the one or company sent to collect the trash.

Suppose the demand for cherries sold from roadside stands in Michigan is perfectly elastic. The owner of one roadside stand raises the price of cherries by 10%, as a result 1 point A. Zero cherries are sold at this stand. B. No change in the quantity demanded at this stand. C. A 10% decrease in the quantity demanded at this stand. D. A 10% increase in the quantity demanded at this stand. E. All available cherries will be sold.





Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price of the good.

Price elasticity of demand = percentage change in quantity demanded / percentage change in price  

Infinitely elastic demand is perfectly elastic demand. Demand falls to zero when price increases

it is in perfectly competitive markets that demand is perfectly elastic

Providing incentives for customers to learn more about your service is known as
A. branding
(B. advertising Not the answer)
C. permission marketing.
D. search engine optimization.


For your answer it’s letter c Because Providing incentives for customers to learn more about your services is known as Permission marketing

If the book value per share is $40 and the market price is 52.50 per share calculate the required rate of return on the stock.



0.11 or 11%


The computation of the required rate of return is given below:

Required Rate of Return is

= Next Year Dividend ÷ Current Market Price + Growth Rate

= $3.15 ÷ $52.50 + 0.05

= 0.06 + 0.05

= 0.11 or 11%

working note

Given that

Current Market Price = $52.50

As we know that  

Growth Rate = Return on Equity × Retained Earning Ratio


Return on Equity = EPS ÷ Book Value of Share

= $5 ÷ 40

= 12.50%


Retained Earning Ratio is

= 1 - Dividend Payout Ratio

= 1 - 0.60

= 0.40


Dividend Payout Ratio = DPS ÷ EPS

= $3 ÷ $5

= 0.60


Growth Rate = 12.50% × 0.40

= 5%


Next Year Dividend = Dividend Recently paid × (1 + growth rate )

= $3 × 1.05

= $3.15

. You have determined that Company A's shares have an intrinsic value of $20 per share but are trading at $22 per share, while Company B's shares are worth $25 per share but are trading at $22 per share. What would a rational investor (or an arbitrageur) do to take advantage of this price difference (no short-selling constraint and transaction fee)



a rational investor would short company A's shares and long company B's shares.


Company A's shares are overvalued.

A share is overvalued when its intrinsic value is less than its price

Company B's shares are undervalued.

A share is undervalued when its intrinsic value is greater than its price

It is expected that the price of company's A's share would fall. Investors that are holding this company's share would lose.

On the other hand, it is expected the the price of company B's shares would rise. Investors holding this company's share would gain from the increase in price.

Thus, a rational investor would short short company A's shares and long company B's shares.

A government will likely ____________________________ to encourage investment in technology R&D by private firms? reduce R&D grants to nonprofit organizations reduce R&D grants to universities spend more on R&D in government laboratories implement fiscal policy establishing tax incentives NEXT



implement fiscal policy establishing tax incentives


Discretionary fiscal policies are deliberate steps taken by the government to stimulate the economy in order to cause the economy to move to full employment and price stability more quickly than it might otherwise.

Discretionary fiscal policies can either be expansionary or contractionary

Tax incentives are taxes designed to encourage certain economic activities

Tax incentives include :

1. tax holidays - the company is exempted from paying tax for a specified period

2. tax reduction - the amount of tax that would be paid is reduced for a specified period.

Tax incentives would reduce the cost of undertaking a particular activity and this can encourage private firms to become involved in that activity

Suzanne has purchased a car with a list price of $23,860. She traded in her previous car, which was a Dodge in good condition, and financed the rest of the cost for five years at a rate of 11.62%, compounded monthly. The dealer gave her 85% of the listed trade-in price for her car. She was also responsible for 8.11% sales tax, a $1,695 vehicle registration fee, and a $228 documentation fee. If Suzanne makes a monthly payment of $455.96, which of the following was her original car?
a. 2004 Intrepid
b. 2008 Neon
c. 2005 Viper
d. 2007 Dakota



its a


The objectives of the internal control structure for a production cycle are to provide assurance that transactions are properly executed and recorded, and that:
a. independent internal verification of activity reports is established.
b. transfers to finished goods are documented by a completed production report and a quality control report.
c. production orders are pre-numbered and signed by a supervisor.
d. custody of work in process and of finished goods is properly maintained.


The best Answer is D


d. custody of work in process and of finished goods is properly maintained.

A company's total expected overhead for the year is $500,000. Two activity cost pools have been identified: Customer Service with a total cost of $200,000 and a total activity of 25,000 customer service calls; and Product Development with a total cost of $300,000 and total activity of 20,000 development hours. Using activity-based costing, calculate the appropriate activity rate(s). Multiple choice question. $8 per customer call and $15 per development hour $20 per customer call and $25 per development hour $11.11 per customer call or per development hour



$8 per customer call and $15 per development hour


The computation of the activity rates is shown below:

For customer service

= $200,000 ÷ 25,000

= $8 per customer call

and for product development, the activity rate is

= $300,000 ÷ 20,000

= $15 per development hour

Hence, the first option is correct

ANd, the same is to be considered and relevant

Place the steps of the marketing research approach in the correct order. (Note: the first step should be the top item on your list and the last step should be at the bottom of your list) Instructions Choice 1 of 5. develop the research plan toggle button develop the research plan Choice 2 of 5. collect relevant information toggle button collect relevant information Choice 3 of 5. develop findings toggle button develop findings Choice 4 of 5. take marketing actions toggle button take marketing actions Choice 5 of 5. define the problem toggle button define the problem



Choice 5 of 5. Define the problem

Choice 1 of 5. Develop a research plan

Choice 2 of 5. Collect relevant information

Choice 3 of 5. Develop findings

Choice 4 of 5. Take marketing actions


The steps of the marketing research approach includes

Step 1: Defining the problem

Step 2: Construction of the ideologies from which the problem is approached

Step 3: Formulation of research designs through which data and information are collected

Step 4: The collection and analysis

Step 5: Presentation of report and take marketing action

Therefore, the correct order from the given options are;

Choice 5 of 5. Define the problem

At this stage, the problem that is the basis for the research is clearly defined, including the background information, the purpose of the research,  and the information that could be useful in decision making

Choice 1 of 5. Develop a research plan

The blueprint or outline of how the research is to be conducted

Choice 2 of 5. Collect relevant information

The fieldwork in collection of data from the listed sources in the research blueprint

Choice 3 of 5. Develop findings

The findings are analyzed to derive the actionable research results

Choice 4 of 5. Take marketing actions

The implementation of the made decision


1. Defining objectives and needs

2. Designing the research

3. Collecting the data

4. Analyzing data and developing insights

5. Developing and implementing an action plan

The top part of Mars, Inc.'s 2018 balance sheet is listed as follows (in millions of dollars). Current assets: Current liabilities: Cash and marketable securities $ 10 Accrued wages and taxes $ 20 Accounts receivable 40 Accounts payable 30 Inventory 160 Notes payable 40 Total $ 210 Total $ 90 What are Mars, Inc.'s current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio for 2018?


Answer and Explanation:

The calculation is given below:

Current ratio is

= Current assets ÷ current liabilities

= 210 ÷ 90

= 2.33 times

quick ratio is

= Quick assets ÷ current liabilities

= + ($210 - $160) ÷ 90

= 0.56  

And, the Cash ratio is

= cash ÷ Current liabilities

= 0.11

In this way it should be determined

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