An experimental drug, D, is known to decompose in the blood stream. Tripling the concentration of the drug increases the decomposition rate by a factor of nine. Write the rate law for decomposition of D.


Answer 1




Given that it is a decomposition reaction;



The rate law is;

R= k[D]^x ----(1)

When we triple the concentration of D we have;

[D]' = [3D]^x


R'= 3R

R'= k[D]'----(2)

Hence dividing (1) by (2);

R/R' = k[D]^x/k[D]'

R/9R = k[D]^x/k[3D]^x

1/9 = 1/3^x (take inverse of both sides)

9 = 3^x

3^2 = 3^x

x= 2

Hence the rate law;


Related Questions

Oxygen is composed of three isotopes: oxygen-16, oxygen-17 and oxygen-18 and has an average atomic mass of 15.9982 amu. Oxygen-17 has a mass of 16.988 amu and makes up 0.032% of oxygen. Oxygen-16 has a mass of 15.972 amu and oxygen-18 has a mass of 17.970 amu. What is the percent abundance of oxygen-18?



The percent abundance of oxygen-18 is 1.9066%.


The average atomic mass of oxygen is given by:

[tex] m_{O} = m_{^{16}O}*\%_{16} + m_{^{17}O}*\%_{17} + m_{^{18}O}*\%_{18} [/tex]


m: is the atomic mass

%: is the percent abundance

Since the sum of the percent abundance of oxygen isotopes must be equal to 1, we have:  

[tex] 1 = \%_{16} + \%_{17} + \%_{18} [/tex]

[tex] 1 = x + 3.2 \cdot 10^{-4} + \%_{18} [/tex]

[tex] \%_{18} = 1 - x - 3.2 \cdot 10^{-4} [/tex]

Hence, the percent abundance of O-18 is:  

[tex] m_{O} = m_{^{16}O}*\%_{16} + m_{^{17}O}*\%_{17} + m_{^{18}O}*\%_{18} [/tex]  

[tex]15.9982 = 15.972*x + 16.988*3.2 \cdot 10^{-4} + 17.970*(1 - 3.2 \cdot 10^{-4} - x)[/tex]

[tex] x = 0.980614 \times 100 = 98.0614 \% [/tex]                                                              

Hence, the percent abundance of oxygen-18 is:

[tex]\%_{18} = (1 - 3.2 \cdot 10^{-4} - 0.980614) \times 100 = 1.9066 \%[/tex]                      

Therefore, the percent abundance of oxygen-18 is 1.9066%.

I hope it helps you!                                                      

how can we convert plastic garbage energy into electric energy​



Unfortunately, we don`t know how to convert plastic material into electricity yet. I suppose an idea is for someone to invent a machine similar to biomass, where dead plants created energy, but here it`s plastic. The only issue is that it could release deadly chemicals.

Sorry if this isn`t much help, but there isn`t really an answer.   :/


Plastics are among the most valuable waste materials – although with the way people discard them, you probably wouldn’t know it. It’s possible to convert all plastics directly into useful forms of energy and chemicals for industry, using a process called “cold plasma pyrolysis”.

Hope this helps you ❤️

MaRk mE aS braiNliest ❤️

There are three isotopes of carbon. They have mass number of 12, 13 and 14. The average atomic mass of carbon is 12.0107 amu. What does this say about the relative abundances of the three isotopes?​



lots more of the carbon 12 than the others

havent calculated it percentage-wise but you can see its very close to 12 meaning it is of far greater abundance that carbon 13 and 14


The turbines in a hydroelectric plant are fed by water falling from a 50 m height. Assuming 91% efficiency for conversion of potential to electrical endrgy, and 8% loss of the resulting power in transmission, what is the mass flow rate of water required to power a 200 W light bulb? ​


From  the information given;

the height of the water stream = 50 mthe efficiency of conversion from potential energy to electrical energy is  91%loss of power transmission = 8%

To determine the mass flow rate, let's start by understanding some concepts and parameters.

The power is known to be the energy per unit of time. Mathematically, it can be written as:

[tex]\mathbf{Power = \dfrac{Energy}{Time}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{P =\dfrac{E_p}{time}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{P =\dfrac{m\times g\times z}{time}}[/tex]


[tex]\mathbf{E_p}[/tex] is the potential energy of the streamm = mass flow rateg = acceleration under gravityz = height


[tex]\mathbf{E_p}[/tex] = m × 9.81 m/s² × 50 m

[tex]\mathbf{E_p}[/tex] = m × 490.5 (m²/s²)

Recall that:

The power P = 200 W, and;the conversion of the P.E = 91% = 0.91

[tex]\mathbf{E_p}[/tex] = 0.91 × 490.5m (m²/s²)

[tex]\mathbf{E_p}[/tex] = 446.355m (m²/s²)

Since the resulting power transmission is said to be 8%


the loss in the power transmission (P) = 100% - 8% ×  446.355m (m²/s²)

the loss in the power transmission (P) = 92%  ×  446.355m (m²/s²)

the loss in the power transmission (P) = 0.92  ×  446.355m (m²/s²)

the loss in the power transmission (P) =  410.65m (m²/s²)


P = 410.65m (m²/s²)

[tex]\mathbf{P = 410.65 \times m (\dfrac{m^2}{s^2})}[/tex]

replacing the values, we have:

[tex]\mathbf{200 = 410.65 \times m (\dfrac{m^2}{s^2})}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{m = \dfrac{200 watt}{410.65\times (\dfrac{m^2}{s^2})}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{m = \dfrac{200 \dfrac{J}{s}}{410.65\times (\dfrac{m^2}{s^2})}}[/tex]

since 1 J/s = 1 kgm²/s²)


[tex]\mathbf{m = \dfrac{200 \dfrac{\dfrac{kg\times m^2}{s^2}}{s}}{410.65\times (\dfrac{m^2}{s^2})}}[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{m = \dfrac{200 \ {kg}}{410.65 \ s}}[/tex]

mass flow rate of the water (m) = 0.487 kg/s

Therefore, we can conclude that the mass flow rate of the water required to power a 200 W bulb light is 0.487 kg/s

Learn more about the hydroelectric plant here:

compared to an atom of C-14, an atom of C-12 has a lesser

atomic number

number of protons

number of electrons

number of neutrons



mass number


because the mass

number is the number of protons plus the number of neutron and the number of proton in an elements is always the same , therefore and atom of C-14 has greater mass number

15. In the image given below, magnesium metal is coiled as a thin ribbon. What property of metal is exhibited by it? A Ductility B Lustrous C Sonorous D Malleability​


Answer: The property of magnesium that is exhibited by it is DUCTILITY. The correct option is A.


Magnesium is a member of the alkaline earth metals. It occurs in nature, only in the combined state, as Epsom salt, dolomite and in many trioxosilicates( IV) including talc and asbestos. They have the following physical properties:

--> Appearance: they are silvery-white solids

--> Relative density: It has a relative density of 1.74

--> DUCTILITY: it's very ductile in nature

--> melting point: it has a melting point of 660°C.

--> Conductivity: They are good conductor of heat and electricity.

Furthermore, DUCTILITY is the physical property of a metal associated with the ability to be hammered thin or stretched into wire without breaking. A metal such as magnesium can therefore be coiled as a thin ribbon without fracturing due to its ductile physical properties.

Consider the reaction: NaNO3(s) + H2SO4(l) NaHSO4(s) + HNO3(g) ΔH° = 21.2 kJ

How much heat must absorbed by the reaction system to convert 100g of NaNO3 into NaHSO4(s)?



endet nach selam nw


A 70.0‑g piece of metal at 80.0 °C is placed in 100 g of water at 22.0 °C contained in a calorimeter. The metal and water come to the same temperature at 24.6 °C. How much heat did the metal give up to the water?



1087.84 J


From the question given above, the following data were obtained:

Mass of metal (Mₘ) = 70 g

Temperature of metal (Tₘ) = 80 °C

Mass of water (Mᵥᵥ) = 100 g

Temperature of water (Tᵥᵥ) = 22 °C

Equilibrium temperature (Tₑ) = 24.6 °C

Heat lost by metal (Qₘ) =?

NOTE: Specific heat capacity of water (Cᵥᵥ) = 4.184 J/gºC

Heat lost by metal (Qₘ) = Heat gained by water (Qᵥᵥ)

Qₘ = Qᵥᵥ

Thus, we shall determine the heat gained by water. This can be obtained as follow:

Qᵥᵥ = MᵥᵥCᵥᵥ(Tₑ – Tᵥᵥ)

Qᵥᵥ = 100 × 4.184 (24.6 – 22)

Qᵥᵥ = 418.4 × 2.6

Qᵥᵥ = 1087.84 J

Thus, the heat gained by water is 1087.84 J.

Heat lost by metal (Qₘ) = Heat gained by water (Qᵥᵥ)

Qₘ = Qᵥᵥ

Qᵥᵥ = 1087.84 J

Qₘ = 1087.84 J

Therefore, the heat lost by the metal is 1087.84 J

A 70.0‑g piece of metal at 80.0 °C is placed in 100 g of water at 22.0 °C contained in a calorimeter. After reaching a temperature of 24.6 °C, the heat given up by the metal to the water is -1.08 kJ.

What is a calorimeter?

A calorimeter is an object used for calorimetry, or the process of measuring the heat of chemical reactions or physical changes as well as heat capacity.

A 70.0‑g piece of metal at 80.0 °C is placed in 100 g of water at 22.0 °C contained in a calorimeter. The final temperature of the system is 24.6 °C.

Let's use the following expression to calculate the heat absorbed by the water.

Qw = c × m × ΔT

Qw = (4.184 J/g.°C) × 100 g × (24.6 °C - 22.0 °C) = 1.08 kJ


Qw is the heat absorbed by the water.c is the specific heat capacity of water.m is the mass of water.ΔT is the change in the temperature for water.

According to the law of conservation of energy, the sum of the heat absorbed by the water and the heat released by the metal (Qm) is zero.

Qw + Qm = 0

Qm = -Qw = -10.8 kJ

A 70.0‑g piece of metal at 80.0 °C is placed in 100 g of water at 22.0 °C contained in a calorimeter. After reaching a temperature of 24.6 °C, the heat given up by the metal to the water is -1.08 kJ.

Learn more about calorimeters here:

A mixture of argon and neon gases at a total pressure of 874 mm Hg contains argon at a partial pressure of 662 mm Hg. If the gas
mixture contains 12.0 grams of argon, how many grams of neon are present?





Here, we can use the mole ratio of the gases to calculate.

We know that the mole ratio of the gases equate to their number of moles.

Firstly, we calculate the number of moles of the oxygen gas. The number of moles of the oxygen gas is equal to the mass of the oxygen gas divided by the molar mass of the oxygen gas. The molar mass of the oxygen gas is 32g/mol

Thus, the number of moles produced is 5.98/32 = 0.186875

Where do we move from here?

We know that if we place the partial pressure of oxygen over the total pressure, this would be equal to the number of moles of oxygen divided by the total number of moles. Now let’s do this.

449/851 = 0.186875/n

n =(0.186875 * 851)/449

n = 0.3542

Now we do the same for argon to get the number of moles of argon.

Firstly, we use dalton’s partial pressure law to get the partial pressure of argon. In the simplest form, the partial pressure of argon is the total pressure minus the partial pressure of oxygen.

P = 851 - 449 = 402 mmHg

We now use the mole ratio relation.

402/851 = n/0.3542

n = (402 * 0.3542) / 851

n = 0.1673

Since we now know the number of moles of argon, we can use this multiplied by the atomic mass of argon to get the mass.

The atomic mass of argon is 39.948 amu

The mass is thus 39.948 * 0.1673 = 6.684g

19. Which type of chemical process is used to remove salt from ocean water?
O A. Alkylation
O B. Doping
O C. Dehydrogenation
D. Desalination






Removing salt from sea water is known as desalination

Consider the molecule PF5.
Indicate how many lone pairs you would find on the central atom:
Indicate how many total bonds are connected to the central atom (count single bonds as 1 bond, double bonds as 2 bonds, and triple bonds as 3 bonds):



here's the answer to your question

consider the following thermochemical reaction for kerosene
a. when 21.3g of CO2 are made, how much heat is released?
b. if 500.00kj of heat are released by thye reaction, how many grams of C12H26 have been consumed.?
c. if this reactionwere being used to generate heat, how many grams of C12H26 would have to be reacted to generate enough heat to raise the temperature of 750g of liquid water from 10 degrees celcius to 90 degrees celcius


Thermochemistry has to do with  heat evolved or absorbed in a chemical reactions. Thermochemical equations are equations in which the heat of reaction is included in the reaction equation. The reaction of moles and heat of reaction is important here.

This question has to do with thermochemistry and thermochemical equations.

The answers to each of the questions are shown below;

a) 300.52 KJ

b) 11.39 g

c) 5.78 g

The equation of the thermochemical reaction is;

2C12H26 + 37O2-------> 24CO2 + 15026KJ

Number of moles of CO2 released = 21.3g/44g/mol = 0.48 moles

From the reaction equation;

15026KJ is released when 24 moles of CO2 is released

x KJ is released when  0.48 moles of CO2 is released

x = 15026KJ  * 0.48 moles/24 moles

x = 300.52 KJ

b) If 2 moles of C12H26 released 15026KJ of heat

     x moles of C12H26  released 500.00KJ

x = 2 * 500.00KJ/15026KJ

x = 0.067 moles

Mass of C12H26 consumed =  0.067 moles * 170 g/mol = 11.39 g

c) Heat gained by water = heat released by combustion of kerosene

Heat gained by water = 0.75 Kg * 4200  * (90 -10)

Heat gained by water = 252 KJ

If 2 moles of C12H26  produced 15026KJ

x moles of C12H26  produces 252 KJ

x = 2 * 252/15026

x = 0.034 moles

Mass of C12H26   = 0.034 moles *  170 g/mol = 5.78 g

For more information on thermochemical equations see

A student was given a solid containing a mixture of nitrate salts. The sample completely dissolved in water, and upon addition of dilute HCl , no precipitate formed. The pH was lowered to about 1 and H2S was bubbled through the solution. No precipitate formed. The pH was adjusted to 8 and H2S was again bubbled in. This time, a precipitate formed. Which compounds might have been present in the unknown?
a. Ca(NO3)2
b. AgNO3
c. Fe(NO3)3
d. Cr(NO3)3
e. Cu(NO3)2
f. KNO3
g. Bi(NO3)2



Fe(NO3)3, Cr(NO3)3, Co(NO3)3


According to the question, no precipitate is observed when HCl was added. This means that we must rule out AgNO3.

Again, the sulphides of Cu^2+, Bi^3+ are soluble in acidic medium but according to the question, the sulphides do not precipitate at low pH hence Cu(NO3)2 and Bi(NO3)3 are both ruled out.

The sulphides of Fe^3+, Cr^3+ and Co^3+ all form precipitate in basic solution hence Fe(NO3)3, Cr(NO3)3, Co(NO3)3 may be present.

The presence of Ca(NO3)2 and KNO3 may be confirmed by flame tests.

Use the reaction: 2AgNO3(aq) + H2SO4(aq) → Ag2SO4(s) + 2HNO3(aq) What volume (mL) of 0.568 M AgNO3(aq) is needed to form 0.21 g of Ag2SO4(s)



The mole ratio of AgNO3 to Ag2SO4 IS 2:1 .0.657 g Ag2SO4 x 1 mol / 312 g = 0.00211 mol Ag2SO4.

0.00211 mol Ag2SO4 x 2 mol AgNO3 / 1 mol Ag2SO4 = 0.00421 mol AgNO3

0.00421 mol AgNO3 x 1 L / 0.123 mol AgNO3 = 0.0342 L = 34.2 mL of AgNO3 solution.Therefore,34.2ml of 0.123M AgNO3 will be required.

Consider the Fischer ester synthesis of methyl benzoate from benzoic acid and methanol in the presence of sulfuric acid as a catalyst. A reaction was performed in which 3.3 g of benzoic acid was reacted with excess methanol to make 1.7 g of methyl benzoate. Calculate the theoretical yield and percent yield for this reaction.





Number of moles benzoic acid reacts = 3.3g/122.12 g/mol = 0.027 moles

Since the reaction is 1:1, 0.027 moles of methyl benzoate is formed.


Theoretical yield of methyl benzoate = 0.027 moles × 136.15 g/mol = 3.68 g

% yield = actual yield/theoretical yield × 100

% yield = 1.7 g/3.68 g × 100

% yield = 46.2%

What separates the inner planets from the outer planets?

a. Main asteroid belt
b. Main comet belt
c. Kuiper belt
d. Outer planet belt
please help this is for SCIENCE test I need help



main asteroid belt separates the inner planets from the outer planets

2. Write the chemical equation for the reaction NaOH Sodium Hydroxide AgNO3 Silver Nitrate



AgNO3 + NaOH = AgOH + NaNO3.


Balancing Strategies: In this reaction, the products are initially NaNO3 + AgOH. However the AgOH would break down into Ag2O and H2O. This would give us NaNO3 + Ag2O + H2O as our products for the overall reaction.

Balancing Strategies: In this reaction, the products are initially NaNO3 + AgOH. However the AgOH would break down into Ag2O and H2O. This would give us NaNO3 + Ag2O + H2O as our products for the overall reaction.However, the equation balanced here is the initial reaction which produces AgOH and NaNO3.

Why does the temperature stop rising while ice melts into water?
A. The temperature does not stop rising.
B. The electrons are increasing in energy levels.
C. Because no more heat is being added to the system.
D. The energy is being absorbed to separate the particles.



When you heat ice, its temperature rises, but as soon as the ice starts to melt, the temperature stays constant until all the ice has melted. This happens because all the heat energy goes into breaking the bonds of the ice's crystal lattice structure.


The temperature stop rising while ice melts into water because, the energy is being absorbed to separate the particles. This is because of latent heat of fusion.

What is latent heat of fusion?

The amount of energy needed to convert the solid substance into a liquid substance by modifying its physical effects. It exists also named enthalpy of fusion. When heat exists supplied to ice, it begins melting and heat is used to increase temperature initially. But after the occasional temperature of ice does not vary and the extra heat exists utilized to melt the ice by cracking bonds between crystal lattice of ice.

The temperature stops increasing while the ice melts into the water because the energy exists being absorbed to divide the particles. This exists because of the latent heat of fusion.

Therefore, (D) option is the correct answer.

To learn more about latent heat of fusion,refer here :


A tree is an example
of a vascular plant that
because it
has deep roots.
A. tall
B. tiny
C. small


The answer is A it’s tall

When determining the amount of oxidant present by titration, you can use iodine/starch as an indicator. First, the oxidant, like hypochlorite, oxidizes Choose... When starch and iodine are both present, the solution is Choose... During the titration, a titrant like thiosulfate reduces the


The question is incomplete, the complete question is;

When determining the amount of an oxidant present by titration, you can use iodine and starch as an indicator.

First, the oxidant, like hypochlorite, oxidizes


neutral iodine into iodide ion

iodide ion into neutral iodine

iodate polyatomic ion into iodide ion

When starch and iodine are both present, the solution is



brownish yellow


During the titration, the titrant, like thiosulfate, reduces the


iodide ion into iodate polyatomic ion

neutral iodine into iodide ion

iodide ion into neutral iodine

When the iodine has completely reacted at the endpoint of the titration, the solution should become




brownish yellow


1. iodide ion into neutral iodine

2. blue-black

3. neutral iodine into iodide ion

4. clear


Hypochlorite oxidizes the iodide ion to iodine molecule according to the reaction equation;

ClO-(aq) + 2H+(aq) + 2I-(aq) ---------> 6 I2(l) + Cl- (aq)+ H2O(l)

When iodine is added, the colour of the starch solution immediately changes to blue-black.

A reduction reaction occurs when the titrant, thiosulfate is added as follows;

I2 + 2S2O32- → 2I- + S4O62-

The solution at end point is found to become clear again.

If 3.0L of helium at 20°C is allowed to expand to 4.4L, with pressure remain the same​



This question is asking to find the new temperature

The answer for the final temperature is 429.73K


Using Charles law equation as follows:

V1/T1 = V2/T2


V1 = initial volume (L)

V2 = final volume (L)

T1 = initial temperature (K)

T2 = final temperature (K)

According to this question;

V1 = 3.0L

V2 = 4.4L

T1 = 20°C = 20 +273 = 293K

T2 = ?

Using V1/T1 = V2/T2

3/293 = 4.4/T2

Cross multiply

293 × 4.4 = 3 × T2

1289.2 = 3T2

T2 = 1289.2 ÷ 3

T2 = 429.73K

How long do spent fuel rods remain dangerously radioactive?

The rods are no longer radioactive because the radioisotopes are used up.

Spent fuel rods remain radioactive for several years after the fuel is exhausted.

It takes tens of thousands of years for the radioisotopes in the rods to decay to safe levels.

It is impossible to determine how long it will take for the radioisotopes to decay because they last too long.





it takes 10,000 years to just reduce down the decay

The standard entropy change of a reaction has a positive value. This reaction results in: Select the correct answer below: a decrease in entropy. an increase in entropy. no entropy change. neither an entropy increase nor decrease.



The standard entropy change of a reaction has a positive value. This reaction results in an increase in entropy.

Positive entropy means the system has increased its degree of disorderness.

Titanium is a metal often used as an alloying agent to provide materials that are strong, lightweight, and temperature-resistant Which of the following represents the correct ground-state configuration for a neutral atom of titanium?
A) 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 48°30°
B) 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s3d
C) 15*2s2p 3s 3p 4s
D) 15°2s 2p 3s 3p 3d


Answer:B) 1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d


The ground state electron configuration shows how the electrons in the atomic orbitals of an atom are in their lowest , most stable energy arrangements and since Electrons must be filled following the Aufbau's principle(electrons fill lowest energy shells first)

Now, Titanium lies in period IV and  group 4 of the periodic table with 22 as its atomic number

Thus, the ground-state electron configuration of a neutral atom of titanium is 1s²2s²2p⁶3s²3p⁶4s²3d².  

There are _______ alkanes with molecular formula C10H22

a. 74

b. 75

c. 76

d. 77​


I guess b cause there are 75 alkanes with molecular formula C10H22

Which of the following metals will liberate hydrogen from dilute HCL? A. Ag B.Au C.Hg D.Sn​



ag and au are sure not to react. but hg and sn might or might not

write the chemistry of Epsom salt


if you’re talking about the formula it’s, MgSo4

Please comment the chart!!!!!



Exothermihic chart


draw styrene

draw the structure of cyrene ​


the correct answer is the second option

Based on the reaction below:

[tex]N_2 + 3H_2[/tex] ↔ [tex]2NH_3 + heat[/tex]

If we decrease the temperature, equilibrium will shift towards the...

Please explain!


N₂ + 3H₂ ⇄ 2NH₃ + heat

In the given equilibrium, we notice that the heat is on the right. which means that if the heat requirements don't meet, the reactants on the right will no longer react due to the lack of heat

but because the reactants on the left don't have such weaknesses, they will keep reacting hence producing more and more ammonia until a new equilibrium is reached

where there will be more ammonia and less nitrogen and hydrogen as compared to the equilibrium we had initially



heat is given out as 1 of the products, along w/ NH3 in the forward reaction. so its an exothermic reaction

decreasing temperature favors exothermic reaction as more heat can be absorbed by the environment

so equilibrium will shift towards the products

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