An item has gone missing from the friends bag at school the principal Interviews you about this in order to get detals write the interview​


Answer 1

Answer: i couldn't have taken something i was in mrs greens room!


to take a test

Related Questions

what does ctc stand for​



CTC stands for cost of company

How is the poem different from the story? please help I will give you brainlist ​



The word "poetry" comes from the ancient Greek verb "to create." While a short story is usually written in recognizable sentences, a poem is composed of lines, which may not observe the usual grammatical rules. Laid out on a page, a poem will not resemble the prose used in a novel or short story.


No need to mark me as branlist. If my answer helps you. you can rate and like the answer.



The word “poetry” comes from the ancient Greek verb “to create.” While a short story is usually written in recognizable sentences, a poem is composed of lines, which may not observe the usual grammatical rules.

What is the correct possessive form of the bold words if they are showing joint ownership?

Formed, in part, from the Rio Grande, the United States and Mexicos border stretches 1,900 miles long.

A. United State’s and Mexico’s

B. United States’s and Mexico’s

C. United States and Mexico’s

D. United States’ and Mexico’s


i believe the answer is B

Do​ you​ think​ cameras​ are​ important​ for​ capturing​ memories? Why​ or​ Why​ not?​



Cameras are not as important as memories, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

You finish, as this is an opinion

It is very important it help us to know how to live

Which propaganda technique is the presentation of biased
information that only offers one perspective on a given



Cherry picking


Cherry picking is a technique "used to convince the audience by using selected information and not presenting the complete story" (

The advertising technique known as cherry picking, or suppressed evidence, presents incomplete and manipulated information that present only a perspective of the subject presented.

This type of technique is widely used in political campaigns, or any other environment, where the negative points of something are hidden and only the positive points are presented.

The purpose of this technique is:

Persuade the population through biased information.Mislead the population through suppression of evidence.Prevent defects of a particular system from being presented.Create manipulated, false and unreliable information.

With that, we can conclude that propaganda techniques are a very powerful weapon, as it can use many resources to deceive people and make them act in the wrong way.

You can find more information about this at the link below:

The sentence
Make a chart on “The sentence”
1) Simple sentence
2) Compound sentence
3) Complex sentence
(With examples)



I will directly give examples

1 have you seen my pen

2 The teacher has given science notes

3this is the most best day in my life


Simple sentence: Moe is walking towards the taxi to enter.

Compound sentence: I drink chai, but my cousins drink tea.

Complex sentence: When the chai starts boiling, remove it from the stove.


Hope this helps!

Complete these sentence for me ....If I won a lottery I would...​



if i won a lottery, i would buy a new house


If I won a lottery, I would pay for college tuition:P

Proofread the passage and identify spelling errors and improper use of punctuation.
The world today is filled with advertisements. We see them on TV, in the newspaper, on the Internet, and in our surroundings. The advertising industry effects the way we look at and judge people around us. Catchy taglines and trendy jingles influence our choices on a daily basis. We constantly change our lifestyles depending on the current trends. We feel compelled to buy products, that keep popping up on our screens. We struggle to keep up in a race for getting the newest or most popular product.

1. Filled
2. Advertising
3. effects
4. influence
5. struggle


Influence, my bad lol

"Death inundated them from a thousand sources" what does it mean?​



It overwhelmed them.


The death(of someone) overwhelmed them(someone) from a thousand sources (for many reasons or many places or many things)

Hope it helped.



At least 25 people have died in China's flood-stricken central province of Henan, a dozen of them in a subway line in its capital Zhengzhou, and more rains are forecast for the region.

About 100,000 people have been evacuated in Zhengzhou, an industrial and transport hub, where rail and road links were disrupted. Dams and reservoirs have swelled to warning levels and thousands of troops are taking part in the rescue effort in the province.

Twelve people died and more than 500 were pulled to safety after a subway tunnel flooded, state media reported, while social media images showed train commuters immersed in chest-deep waters in the dark and one station reduced to a large brown pool. read more

"The water reached my chest," a survivor wrote on social media. "I was really scared, but the most terrifying thing was not the water, but the diminishing air supply in the carriage."

The rain halted bus services in the city of 12 million people about 650 km (400 miles) southwest of Beijing, said a resident surnamed Guo, who had to spend the night at his office.

"That's why many people took the subway, and the tragedy happened," Guo told Reuters.

Reread the first two paragraphs of the passage.

How does this opening section develop the central idea of the passage?

It explains how Douglass comes to understand that white people take advantage of ignorance to keep black people enslaved.

It shows that Douglass is a quick learner and sets the stage for the passage's exploration of how Douglass learns to read.

It shows the mean-spirited attitude of Mr. Auld and sets the stage for the central idea: the cruelty of white slaveholders.

It describes Douglass's relationship with Mr. and Mrs. Auld and introduces the central idea: Douglass's resentment of Mr. and Mrs. Auld.


This opening section develops the central idea of the passage because:

1. It explains how Douglass comes to understand that white people take advantage of ignorance to keep black people enslaved.

Born in 1818, Frederick Douglass was a former slave who became one of the greatest names in the abolitionist movement and in American literature.According to his memoirs, as we can see in the passage in the document you have attached, Douglass first started learning how to read and write from his owner, Mrs. Auld.However, her husband forbade her to continue his education for the clear and awful reason that an educated slave would no longer keep on being a slave. Mr. Auld is well aware that, to be able to exert such type of unfair power over someone, one must keep that person ignorant. If Douglass learned things, he would understand the injustice of what was being done to himself and others, and he would fight against it.Thus, we can conclude that the first two paragraphs convey the idea that white people, such as Mr. Auld, took advantage of slaves by keeping them uneducated.

Learn more about Frederick Douglass and Mr. Auld here:

What changes needs to be made to sentence 15?


Change "has" to "have", because the sentence would still be grammatically correct no matter if you used "not" or "rather than"; so I don't think you should choose the last option.

The changes that need to be made to sentence 15 are - Change has to have. Therefore option C is the correct response.

What is a sentence?

A sentence, which starts with a capital letter and finishes with a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point, is the biggest autonomous unit of grammar. The Latin root of the word "sentence" is "to feel." Sentential is the word's adjective form.

The standard definition of a sentence, which is insufficient, is a word or combination of words that communicate a full thought and has both a subject and a verb.

"There are many distinct sorts of units that are referred to as sentences. It is the highest grammatical unit and can either have one independent sentence or two or more connected clauses. It is the unit that begins with a capital letter and finishes with a full stop, question mark, or exclamation point, both orthographically and rhetorically."

To read more about Sentences, refer to -


Turn into passive voice:
1. It is alleged that he stole her watch.
2. Collins looks very weak. He had better not do any heavy work.
3. The train should have arrived at 3 o'clock according to the timetable.



1. her watch was allegedly stolen by him

2. heavy work better not be done by Colin as he looks very weak

3. According to the timetable. the train should have arrived by 3 o clock

(I think this is right)

should there be limits on
the time teens spend online ?


Answer: Mark me as a brainlast plz plz plz


The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends children younger than 2 years old have no screen time, and children over the age of 2 into adolescence limit screen time to two hours or less a day

How can peace and harmony be established in a state?



1. Make a personal commitment to nonviolence.

2. When you see someone in trouble, whether he or she is lost, confused, upset, or has fallen, don’t act like you don’t see the person – provide some help.

3. Show a child how to achieve calmness through deep breathing.

4. Show a child how to be kind to animals.

5. Show a child how to be kind to vulnerable people – the homeless, those with physical or cognitive disabilities, older people, and anyone else that appears different to the child.

6. Speak out against prejudice and discrimination when you see it.

7. When you feel angry, count to ten before saying anything. Then, ask yourself what response will be best for the greater good.

8. When you feel slighted, ask yourself if what happened was really about you or if it was about the other person.

9. When you realize that it was about the other person, find in your heart some compassion for that person, realizing that he or she is most surely struggling.

10. Regard people who hurt your feelings as your personal teachers of how to maintain a peaceful nature.

11. If you are a member of a religious community, ask how you can get more involved in promoting peace through its programs and ministries.

12. If you are not a member of a religious community, find a not-for-profit community organization that works toward peaceful communities and volunteer. To get started, search the directory at GuideStar.

13. Share with children the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Bullying: Tips for Students.“

14. Choose a career that yields only good things for our families, our communities, and our planet.

15. Look people in the eye and smile when you pass them on the street. Better yet, actually say, “Hello.”

16. Become trained in mental health first aid so you can respond to people in mental distress. To learn more about this concept and how to become trained, read my post on this topic.

17. Serve on committees and task forces that work to make your neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces safer.

Mark the letter A, B,C,D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions
1 A chooses B horses C houses D roses


Hi. although you didn't underline anything in the presented words, when searching for your question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like yours, which showed that the last syllable of each presented word is underlined. In that case, I hope the answer below can help you.


B horses


As you can see in the question above, the words presented as an answer option have the last syllable completely identical to each other. However, the pronunciation of these syllables is different in one of these words and you can see this by slowly pronouncing them aloud. This way, you will notice that while the other words have the last syllable pronounced with a "z" sound, the word "horses" has the last syllable pronounced with an "s" sound.

How to best compare a person to gold



A good name is better than riches

...this would do

What does Crevecoeur believe is the proper relationship people should have with the land and nature?
They should preserve nature.
They should cultivate and use nature.
They should admire nature from a distance.
They should view nature as dangerous.




People should still be able to admire nature but not take advantage of it.

Change (He plunged straight like a falling star.) (Yes No question)​



yes he plunged straight like a falling star.


Did he plung straight like a falling star?

1. When I (open). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the door,a friend (stand). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . there.






this is about Black Lives Matter ! 5 sentences and I’ll give Brainly


Polices could decrease or increase BLM, This nonsense could,be decreased if policies would make it illegal, and against federal law, hence BLM protesters would be sent to prison for a few,months to years depending on the damage they've done to state properties. This could be increased if Policies continue to allow BLM to block the roads, burn buildings, Rob stores, etc. In my point of view...I think the goverment just allows this so they have something to watch while they sit on pure gold and silver watching our nation fall into flames while BLM supporters take over and hold a grudge for the past (slavery) Don't take offence to this, but if you do your what's known as a liberal. As this goes to anyone that reads this, we're all people, we're all humans, What's different? Our color? Our accents? Our style? So what.. we are All people Black Lives Matter and White Lives Matter Don't exist in my eyes because All Lives Matter. Its hard live in color When you just see black and white...

Note: Don't write all,of this directly, take notes out of it, and use resources from it. (This was all my personal thoughts)

When the economy was expanding,new housing developments being to,_______:when times are lean, construction slacks off.





What is it called when someone writes a prequel to a book, but it's a short story? It's a like a story that happened before a normal sized book, but instead of the prequel being a full sized book too, it's a short story? Like, say if I write a normal sized book, and then wrote a prequel that's way smaller, what would it be called? Is there a name for it? Will give brainly for anyone who answers correctly.



I think it's a Paraquel

write an expository essay on why reading a newspaper is not a waste of time​



reading a newspaper gives information about the world and the current news that is happening today


Newspapers are a vital part of our lives. Reading a newspaper daily is a good habit as it fills you up on the happenings from around the world.

It improves your general knowledge and keeps you abreast with current affairs. Moreover, news articles are a great source of reading material to learn new words, phrases and expressions. With various sections like international, national and city news, entertainment, science and technology, business and economy, sports and more, newspapers have something interesting for all.

Children should develop the habit of reading the newspaper every day. One way to get children interested in reading newspapers is by asking them to share their views about newspapers through an essay writing exercise.Through newspapers, we can get information about the matches being played in other countries. Through newspapers, we can get knowledge about space technology. Newspapers tell us though their different articles how we can improve our health.

To know more about 'Reading newspapers' visit:

Johnny came back to haunt france.what figure of speech is that and what does it mean​



Johnny came back to cause trouble


Johnny came back to haunt France could be implied that he used to cause problems and will continue to




because it's a continuous thing

can ya pls help!!!!!


Answer: sorry don't know the answer



The best way that I can explain this is that they're saying that science is something that is discovered and collaborated with and is compared in different perspectives by different people.

This is important because science can explain and confirm/deny people's theories in their scientific methods.

i tried (solve)................................the problem but i couldn't



Both of these sentences are correct grammatically. Yes, really.

However, each sentence has a different meaning.  

I tried to solve the problem, but I couldn't.

I tried solving the problem, but I couldn't.



I think (to solve)

Itried to solve the problem but i couldn't

Which passage from Frankenstein bestillustrates the theme of the
destructive power of revenge"?
O A. The monster says, "I recollected my threat [to Frankenstein), and
resolved that it should be accomplished. I knew that I was
preparing for myself a deadly torture, but I was the slave, not the
master, of an impulse which I detested, yet could not disobey"
OB. The monster says, "I am alone, and miserable: man will not
associate with me; but one as deformed and horrible as myself
would not deny herself to me. My companion must be of the same
species, and have the same defects. This being you must create
C. Walton says, "I have no friend, Margaret: when I am glowing with
the enthusiasm of success, there will be none to participate in my
joy; if I am assailed by disappointment, no one will endeavor to
sustain me in dejection" (xi).
D. Frankenstein says, "In a fit of enthusiastic madness I created a
rational creature, and was bound towards him, to assure, as far as
was in my power, his happiness and well-being. This was my duty;
but there was still another, paramount to that" (321).



A would be the answer!

5 complete examples of fragments



Some sentence fragments start with subordinates. Some examples of subordinators are 'when', 'after', 'although', 'before', 'if', 'since', 'until', 'when', 'where', 'while', and 'why'. Sentence fragments can also be phrases.


Here is a glaring example of a sentence fragment: Because of the rain. On its own, because of the rain doesn't form a complete thought. It leaves us wondering what happened because of the rain.

why did nelson mandela travel secretly about the country


Former South African President and civil rights defender Nelson Mandela dedicated his life to fighting for equality and ultimately helped overthrow South Africa's racist apartheid system. His accomplishments are now celebrated each year on July 18, International Nelson Mandela Day.

Match the description to the type of pronoun.



where are the descriptions and the pronouns?

Other Questions
Jamar Co. sold its headquarters building at a gain, and simultaneously leased back the building. The lease was reported as a finance lease. At the time of the sale, the gain should be reported as Item 2 On July 1 of the current calendar year, Plum Co. paid $8,000 cash for management services to be performed over a two-year period beginning July 1. Plum follows a policy of recording all prepaid expenses to asset accounts at the time of cash payment. The adjusting entry on December 31 of the current year for Plum would include: An account of a person life written by another person is called if p is a acute angle then p is how many degrees 15Simplifya25O A. a3O B. a10O c. a-10O D. a-3 Read this excerpt from Nelson Mandela's speech at trial in 1964:Political division, based on colour, is entirely artificial and,when it disappears, so will the domination of one colourgroup by another. The ANC has spent half a centuryfighting against racialism. When it triumphs it will notchange that policyWhich statement best describes how this excerpt relates to Mandela's policies as SouthAfrican president?A. It argues for the equality between the races that Mandela would work tofulfill when he became president.OB. It proposes the passage of control from white to black South Africans thatMandela would reject when he became presidentO C. It proposes the passage of control from white to black South Africans thatMandela would work to fulfill when he became president,XOD. It argues for the equality between the races that Mandela would reject whenhe became presidentIncorrer*I know its not D* The Baldwin Company has just purchased $40,900,000 of plant and equipment that has an estimated useful life of 15 years. The expected salvage value at the end of 15 years is $4,090,000. What will the book value of this purchase (exclude all other plant and equipment) be after its third year of use (06.04 MC) Dennis drew the line of best fit on the scatter plot shown below: What is the approximate equation of this line of best fit in slope-intercept form? Suppose you had a 2.4 g cracker burn down to 1.3 g, which raised the temperature of 50.1 g of water by 12.0 degrees Celsius. How many kilocalories of heat energy was released by the cracker (or absorbed by the water) per gram of cracker The travel time on a section of a Long Island Expressway (LIE) is normally distributed with a mean of 80 seconds and a standard deviation of 6 seconds. What travel time separates the top 2.5% of the travel times from the rest (e) "Home is the first school of a child." Explain. During a sale, CDs that normally cost $6.98 each were priced at 2 for $12.50. Pete bought 4 CDs at the sale price. How much money did he save by buying the 4 CDs on sale? Solve the equation below through elimination. -3x-3y=3 -5x+2y=19 2. In the triangle below, NE and KL are perpendicular bisectors. Knowing that the sum of interior angles inKLME is 360 degrees, find a. There are two main process involved in producing a protein molecule from the information in DNA. Drag each tile to the correct location on the diagram to show how these processes work. Not all tiles will be used. someone pls help me tysm will give brainliest !! 3y+5 < 10solve for y Production and sales estimates for March for Robin Co. are as follows: Estimated inventory (units), March 1 18,500 Desired inventory (units), March 31 20,000 Expected sales volume (units): Territory M 6,800 Territory L 8,300 Territory L 7,300 Unit sales price $15 The number of units expected to be manufactured in March is Consider the equation 2x-8=10-x. Why can't you determine whether this equation is true or false? Josue leans a 26-foot ladder against a wall so that it forms anangle of 80 with the ground. How high up the wall does theladder reach? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth of afoot if necessary.