An object is free falling near the surface of the earth. At a certain instant in time, it is falling downward at a rate 25.0 m/s. After 2.5 seconds, what are its acceleration and velocity?


Answer 1


acceleration = 9.81 m/s^2velocity = 49.5 m/s

The values are approximate.



When near the surface of the earth, the acceleration of gravity is roughly 9.81 m/s^2. This means that after each second passes, the velocity increases by roughly 9.81 m/s.

After 2.5 seconds, the velocity increases by 2.5*9.81 = 24.525 m/s = 24.5 m/s

If it was already going 25.0 m/s, then it bumps up to 25.0+24.5 = 49.5 m/s which is also approximate.

The acceleration of gravity stays the same when the object is close to the surface of the earth, so it stays at roughly 9.81 m/s^2

Side note: I'm ignoring air resistance (aka air friction or drag) since that greatly complicates things, and we would need to know the shape and surface area of the object. The material type would also be relevant info as well.

Related Questions

the slope of a line on a position vs time graph is the

a. velocity
b. time
c. distance
d. displacement


It's the velocity, but only the magnitude. It can't show the direction of the velocity. So it's better to call it speed.

a teacher drives from school to the mall. then she goes to the doctors office for a physical examination. what is the magnitude of her displacement


The magnitude of the teachers displacement is the difference between

the location of the school and the location of the doctors office

The reason behind the above expression are explained as follows

The known locations of the teacher;

Initial location; The school

Second location; The mall

The eventual location; The doctors office

The required information;

The magnitude of the teachers displacement

The method of obtaining the displacement of the teacher;

Qualitatively, the displacement of the teacher can be obtained by applying the definition of displacement as follows;

The definition of displacement is an object's change in position, given by the difference between its start and finish locations

According to the definition of displacement, therefore, the magnitude of

the teachers displacement is the distance between the school and the

doctors office which is given by the difference between the coordinates of

the location of the school and the location of the doctors office

The magnitude of the displacement of the teacher = The coordinate of the location of the doctors office - The coordinate of the location of the school

Learn more about displacement here;

A 4000 N force acts on an object that initially has a momentum of 400 kg-m/s for 0.9 seconds. What is the final momentum of the system?



4360 Kgm/s



Ft = M-M'................. Equation 1

Where F = force, t = time, M = Final momentum, M' = Initial momentum.

make M the subject of the equation

M = Ft+M'............ Equation 2

From the question,

Given: F = 4000 N, t = 0.9 seconds, M' = 400 kg-m/s

Substitute these values into equation 2

M = 4000+(0.9×400)

M = 4000+360

M = 4360 kgm/s

Hence the final momentum is 4360 kgm/s

A group of students are designing a field study to investigate the length of time a traffic light remains yellow.



3 to 7 seconds.


According to the traffic engineers the length or the duration of the signal to turn form yellow or amber to green is more than 5 seconds. A time interval is needed to easy out the traffic flow.

a sphere of diameter 6.0
cm is moulded into a thin wire of diameter 0.2 mm calculate the length of the wire in metres ​



V1 = 4/3 pi R^3 = pi D^3 / 6     D = 2 R       volume of sphere

V2 = pi r^2 L = pi d^2 L / 4       volume of wire

V2 / V1 = 1 = 3/2 d^2 L / D^3     since volumes are equal

L = 2/3 D^3 / d^2 = 2/3 * 6^3 / .02^2 = 360,00 cm = 3600 m

Hess's law states that:

A. Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, it can only change form.
B. The enthalpy change when 1 mole of a substance undergoes complete combustion under standard conditions is equal to molar masses of the compounds.
C. When the enthalpy changes under standard conditions, 1 mole of a substance is formed from its elements.
D. The overall enthalpy change for a reaction is independent of the route the reaction takes.



D. The overall enthalpy change for a reaction is independent of the route the reaction takes.

Answer: Hess's law states that the overall enthalpy change for a reaction is independent of the route the reaction takes. Option D is correct.

It is given Hess's law.

It is required to state the Hess's law.

What is Hess's law ?

Thermochemical equations can be manipulated to give the data chemical reactions. We find exactly how much energy will be absorbed or released by the reaction because we may face various explosions.

There are mainly two ways to calculate ΔH of any reaction. First If the reaction has ΔH then the reverse of the reaction will have opposite ΔH and the second is if double the ΔH of the substances, double the ΔH.

Therefore Hess's law states that the overall enthalpy change for a reaction is independent of the route the reaction takes.

Learn more about Hess's law states here:


which two phenomena make up electromagnetism?

A) moving charges in an electric current attract each other
B) permanent magnets form a magnetic field from one pole to the other pole
C) an electric current causes a magnetic field around a core of magnetic metal
D) a moving magnet causes an electric current in a magnetic metal



the correct answer is option ( C ) and ( D )

Given: F = k· m. g
Solve for "k"



[tex]F = kmg \\ k = \frac{F}{mg} [/tex]


F = k . m . g

=> F = k . mg

[tex] = > k = \frac{F}{mg} (ans)[/tex]

factor that affect gravitation


1) Two major factors, mass and distance, affect the strength of gravitational force on an object.

2) Most common factors that affect gravity are mass of the body, distance from centers, shape of bodies,etc. Gravity is a binding force, always acting to bind any material closure and closure inwards. If we think this way, then gravity is maximum at its centre and decreases slowly away from its centre.

hope it helps you

mark my answer as brainlist and follow

have a nice day

A skipper on a boat notices wave crests passing his anchor chain every 5.6 s . He estimates the distance between wave crests to be 16 m . He also correctly estimates the speed of the waves. Find this speed.



v = 2.85 m/s


Given that,

A skipper on a boat notices wave crests passing his anchor chain every 5.6 s.

The distance between wave crests to be 16 m.

We need to find the speed of the waves. The speed of a wave can be calculated by the formula as follows :

[tex]v=f\lambda\\\\v=\dfrac{\lambda}{T}\\\\v=\dfrac{16}{5.6}\\\\v=2.85\ m/s[/tex]

So, the speed of the wave is 2.85 m/s.

Assuming Faraday constant to be 96500c/mol and relative atomic mass of copper 63,calculate the mass of copper liberated by 2A current in 5min.ans 0.196gm ​


Answer: The mass of copper liberated is 0.196 g.


The oxidation half-reaction of copper follows:

[tex]Cu\rightarrow Cu^{2+}+2e^-[/tex]

Calculating the theoretical mass deposited by using Faraday's law, which is:

[tex]m=\frac{M\times I\times t(s)}{n\times F}[/tex] ......(1)


m = actual mass deposited = ? g

M = molar mass of metal = 63 g/mol

I = average current = 2 A

t = time period in seconds = 5 min = 300 s (Conversion factor: 1 min = 60 sec)

n = number of electrons exchanged = 2

F = Faraday's constant = 96500 C/mol

Putting values in equation 1, we get:

[tex]m=\frac{63 g/mol\times 2A\times 300s}{2\times 96500 C/mol}\\\\m=0.196g[/tex]

Hence, the mass of copper liberated is 0.196 g.

In a lunar experiment, a 950-g aluminum (920 J/(°Ckg)) sphere is dropped from the space probe while is 75 m above the Lunar ground. If the sphere’s temperature increased by 0.11°C when it hits the ground, what percentage of the initial mechanical energy was absorbed as thermal energy by the aluminum sphere?



13.759 % of the initial mechanical energy is lost as thermal energy.


By the First Law of Thermodynamics we know that increase in internal energy of the object ([tex]U[/tex]), in joules, is equal to the lost amount of the change in gravitational potential energy ([tex]U_{g}[/tex]), in joules:

[tex]\frac{x}{100} \cdot \Delta U_{g} = \Delta U[/tex] (1)

Where [tex]x[/tex] is the percentage of the energy loss, no unit.

By definition of the gravitational potential energy and internal energy, we expand this equation:

[tex]\frac{x\cdot m \cdot g \cdot h}{100} = m\cdot c\cdot \Delta T[/tex] (1b)


[tex]m[/tex] - Mass of the object, in kilograms.

[tex]g[/tex] - Gravitational acceleration, in meters per square second.

[tex]h[/tex] - Initial height of the object above the lunar ground, in meters.

[tex]c[/tex] - Specific heat of aluminium, in joules per degree Celsius-kilogram.

[tex]\Delta T[/tex] - Temperature increase due to collision, in degree Celsius.

If we know that [tex]m = 0.95\,kg[/tex], [tex]g = 9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}}[/tex], [tex]h = 75\,m[/tex], [tex]c = 920\,\frac{J}{kg\cdot ^{\circ}C}[/tex] and [tex]\Delta T = 0.11\,^{\circ}C[/tex], then the percentage of energy loss due to collision is:

[tex]x = \frac{100\cdot c\cdot \Delta T}{g\cdot h}[/tex]

[tex]x = \frac{100\cdot \left(920\,\frac{J}{kg\cdot ^{\circ}C} \right)\cdot (0.11\,^{\circ}C)}{\left(9.807\,\frac{m}{s^{2}} \right)\cdot (75\,m)}[/tex]

[tex]x = 13.759\,\%[/tex]

13.759 % of the initial mechanical energy is lost as thermal energy.

A ball is dropped from the roof of a 25-m-tall building. What is the velocity of the object when it touches the ground? Suppose the ball is a perfect golf ball and it bounces such that the ve locity as it leaves the ground has the same magnitude but the op posite direction as the velocity with which it reached the ground How high will the ball bounce? Now suppose instead that the ball bounces back to a height of 20 m. What was the velocity with which it left the ground?



a)  [tex]h=25m[/tex]

b)  [tex]v=19.8m/sec[/tex]


From the question we are told that:

Height [tex]h=25m[/tex]

Bounce Height [tex]h'=20m[/tex]

Generally the Kinematic equation is mathematically given by



Therefore Height




Generally the Kinematic equation is mathematically given by





What is the centripetal acceleration of a point on the perimeter of a bicycle wheel diameter 70.0 cm when the bike is moving 8.0 m/s? (160 m/s)


It’s 180 m/s^2 dude. I think I have you in my class lol.

The centripetal acceleration of an object is due to the changing velocity in a circular path and the centripetal acceleration of the bicycle is 182.85 m/s².

What is Centripetal acceleration?

Centripetal acceleration of an object can be defined as the property of the motion of an object which is traversing a circular path. Any object which is moving in a circular path and has an acceleration vector pointed towards the center of that circular path is known as Centripetal acceleration.

The centripetal acceleration of an object can be calculated by the formula:

ac = v²/ r

where, ac = centripetal acceleration,

v = velocity of the object,

r = radius of the circular path

The centripetal acceleration of the object will be:

ac = (8)²/ r

radius = diameter/ 2

radius = 70/ 2

radius = 35cm or 0.35 m

ac = 64/ 0.35

ac = 182.85 m/s²

Therefore, the centripetal acceleration of the bicycle will be 182.85 m/s².

Learn more about Centripetal acceleration here:




Dot, dot, dot, dot, lol

in a cathode-ray tube, particles are fired at the screen. What are these particles


Thomson's experiments with cathode ray tubes showed that all atoms contain tiny negatively charged subatomic particles or electrons.

A liquid has a density of 2 g/mL, the volume is measured at 20 mL, what is the mass of the liquid?


Answer: 40 grams, if it is two grams per mL and you have 20 mL, you multiply 2 grams/mL and you get the answer

2. ¿Puede haber trabajo en un sistema si no hay movimiento
a. Sí, si hay una fuerza siempre.
b. Sí, ya que el movimiento es sólo relativo.
c. No, ya que un sistema que no se mueve no tiene energía.
d. No, porque la ecuación de trabajo lo define.



d. No, porque la ecuación de trabajo lo define.


En Física, el trabajo realizado se puede definir como la cantidad de energía transferida cuando un objeto o cuerpo se mueve a lo largo de una distancia debido a la acción de una fuerza externa.

Matemáticamente, el trabajo realizado viene dado por la fórmula;

[tex] W = F * d [/tex]


W es el trabajo realizado.F representa la fuerza que actúa sobre un cuerpo. d representa la distancia recorrida por el cuerpo.

Por lo tanto, podemos deducir de la definición de trabajo y su fórmula que el trabajo se realiza cuando un objeto (cuerpo) se mueve una distancia o experimenta cualquier forma de desplazamiento mientras transfiere energía.

is placing a compass near a wire with live electrical current biology, chemistry, or physics?


The process of PLACING a compass wherever you want it involves Biology.  Biology deals with everything that has to happen for your brain to send instructions to your muscles, your muscles to operate your arm and your hand, and your hand to move the compass to where you want it, while your eyes keep track of what's happening and send course-corrections through your brain.

Once you get the compass there and see it start doing strange things, those EFFECTS are explained by laws of nature that are covered in Physics.

Placing a compass near a wire with live electrical current involves physics. Because, the deflection in magnetic field by the current from the electrical wire is dealt with physics.

What is magnetic field ?

A magnetic field is generated by the field lines originating from a magnet or an electrical  coil. The moving current is always associated with a magnetic field.

A compass acts as a tiny magnet and it deflects to the north in  the absence of an electrical field. If an electric field is brought in contact with the compass the needle will deflect into the direction of the magnetic field from the wire.

The strength of a magnetic field, associated electric field, magnetic flux etc. are more focused in the branches of physics. The magnetic properties of a substance is a physical property.

Find more on magnetic properties:


why Fossil fuel has been used more in the existing world ?​


Fossil fuels are found most of the part of the world .It can be found easily by the people.It is free of cost or low cost.Thats why people can find it easily and in low cost.Also it is easy to useSo fossil fuel has been used more in existing world

how to find the mechanical advantage


To determine its mechanical advantage you'll divide the length of the sloped side by the width of the wedge. For example, if the slope is 3 centimeters and the width is 1.5 centimeters, then the mechanical advantage is 2, or 3 centimeters divided by 1.5 centimeters.


[tex]{ \bf{mechanical \: adv = \frac{load}{effort} }}[/tex]

how many significant figures 216 m





I hope this helps:)

You observe that you see more mockingbirds in small trees and more hawks in large trees. Which of the following is an appropriate scientific question based on this observation?
How does the size of a tree affect the bird species that prefer to live in it?
How do birds fly?
What type of food do birds eat?
What time of year to birds mate?


Hi! I think the answer is How does the size of a tree defect the bird species that prefer to live in it or option A. I would go with this option because it is the most logical answer. Option B doesn’t really have anything to do with why the two different types are picking different size of trees to live in. Option C. seems like the second most logical answer. Option D. Wouldn’t make the different types of birds pick different trees It shouldn’t matter when they mate if they are staying in the same types of trees. I hope this helped, Goodluck :)


A) How the size of a tree affect the bird species that prefer to live in it


I took the quiz




[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto cos\Theta=\dfrac{B}{H}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto cos\Theta=\dfrac{4}{5}[/tex]


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto tan\Theta=\dfrac{P}{B}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Tan\Theta=\dfrac{3}{4}[/tex]

Key Notes:-

P denotes to Perpendicular.B denotes to Base.H denotes to Hypotenuse.


Cos A = 4/5

Tan A = 3/4


Cos A = Adjacent/Hypotenuse = 4/5

Tan A = Opposite/Adjacent = 3/4

Why are road accidents at high speeds very much worse than road accidents at low speeds?



The momentum makes it worse.


The momentum of vehicles running at faster speeds is very high and causes a lot of damage to the vehicles.

Vehicles with high speeds have high momenta (plural of momentum). When they come to rest in very small time they experience high forces
we know that rate of change of momentum is force, lower the time higher is force. So, slow moving vehicles experience less force. It is important to note that if any one vehicle involving has high speed it can do more damage both the vehicles involving.

can anyone help me to explain theory of relativity??? ​



The theory of relativity usually encompasses two interrelated theories by Albert Einstein: special relativity and general relativity, proposed and published in 1905 and 1915, respectively. Special relativity applies to all physical phenomena in the absence of gravity. General relativity explains the law of gravitation and its relation to other forces of nature.It applies to the cosmological and astrophysical realm, including astronomy.

The theory transformed theoretical physics and astronomy during the 20th century, superseding a 200-year-old theory of mechanics created primarily by Isaac Newton. It introduced concepts including spacetime as a unified entity of space and time, relativity of simultaneity, kinematic and gravitational time dilation, and length contraction. In the field of physics, relativity improved the science of elementary particles and their fundamental interactions, along with ushering in the nuclear age. With relativity, cosmology and astrophysics predicted extraordinary astronomical phenomena such as neutron stars, black holes, and gravitational waves

this is physics practical



well done buddy


Using your Periodic Table, which of the elements below is most likely to be a solid at room temperature?
A.) potassium, B.) Hydrogen, C.) Neon, D.) Chlorine


The answer is definitely Potassium

round off 20.96 to 3 significant figures. a.20.9 b.20 c.21.0 d.21​



option c. 21.0


It was given that to find 3 significant figures. So the answer is 21.0

Sort the processes based on the type of energy transfer they involve. condensation freezing deposition sublimation evaporation melting thermal energy added thermal energy removed



condensation - thermal energy removed

freezing -thermal energy removed

deposition - thermal energy removed

sublimation - thermal energy added

evaporation - thermal energy added

melting - thermal energy added


Thermal energy is heat energy. Processes in which heat is added involve the addition of thermal energy while processes in which heat energy is removed involves removal of thermal energy.

Condensation involves a change from gas to liquid, freezing involves a change from liquid to solid while deposition involves the settling of mobile particles at a place. All these processes involve a decrease in energy of particles.

On the other hand, sublimation is a direct change from solid to gas, melting involves a change from solid to liquid while evaporation involves a change from liquid to gas. All these processes occur when energy is added to the particles in a system.


condensation - thermal energy removed

freezing -thermal energy removed

deposition - thermal energy removed

sublimation - thermal energy added

evaporation - thermal energy added

melting - thermal energy added

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