Ana: ¿Adónde vas? - Carmen: yo _________ a la casa después de la escuela *


Answer 1


Yo voy a la casa después de la escuela.

I will go to my house after school.

Related Questions

Es ir de lo general a lo particular, por ejemplo, primero abordar el tema de la aiación y los aviones, Iuego los aviones de pasajeros, luego los más rápidos y, de esa manera, llegar al Concorde.


Translation: It is going from the general to the particular, for example, first addressing the issue of aviation and aircraft, then passenger planes, then the fastest, and thus reaching the Concorde.


It is going from the general to the particular, for example, first addressing the issue of aviation and aircraft, then passenger planes, then the fastest, and thus reaching the Concorde.


Where you looking for a translation? If you were I hope this helps you!

what does Hola mean lol





for real bruh lol

It means Hi or Hello

can some do this please write it in spanish


-luis puede estudiar más tiempo y poner más atención en clase y en su tarea para mejorar sus calificaciones

-luis debe dejar de ser tan tímido y socializar con los demás estudiantes para saber que cosas tienen en común y así podrá hacer amigos.
El gobierno del presidente de estados y estados miembros del presidente de gobierno en el que se encuentran miembros ha anunciado la creación del gobierno en el gobierno en la ciudad en estados de la ciudad del norte

Responde las siguientes preguntas
¿Cómo fue tu experiencia al realizar la lectura dramatizada?​


What was you lecture about?

Es una lástima que ustedes _______ antes de la celebración de Navidad. comen








Hope I helped

Es importante ________ cuando estás en un coche.


es important ponerte tu cinturón cuando estás en un coche.


abrocharse el cinturón



Can someone please help me out


1. Es argentina

2. Es Aleman

3. Somos canadienses

4. Es costarricense

5.son españoles

6. Son ingles


1. Es Argentina

2. Es Aleman

3. Son de Canadá

4. Es de Costa Rica

5. Son de España

6. Son de Inglaterra


2 Oraciones lógicas
Completa en forma lógica las frases de la izquierda con las frases de la derecha.
1. Javier tiene que ir al aeropuerto...
A. las damas.
2. Manuela fue a la oficina de correos...
B. para tomar el avión a Cancún.
3. Buscamos el baño de los caballeros y de... C. ...un policia muy amable.
4. Mis padres y yo vivimos en el tercer piso, en... D. para enviar una carta.
5. El autobús a Mérida viaja por.
E. un apartamento
6. El chico le pidió direcciones a...
la carretera 180.


The complete form of the Logical sentences are:

Javier tiene que ir al aeropuerto... B. para tomar el avión a Cancún.Manuela fue a la oficina de correos... D. para enviar una carta.Buscamos el baño de los caballeros y de... A. las damas.Mis padres y yo vivimos en el tercer piso, en... E. un apartamentoEl autobús a Mérida viaja por. la carretera 180.El chico le pidió direcciones a... C. ...un policia muy amable.What is the Logical sentences about?

Logical sentences are statements that make sense and follow a logical order of thought. They have a clear subject and predicate, and the ideas expressed within the sentence are coherent and related to one another. They are grammatically correct and convey a clear meaning.

Additionally, logical sentences are often used in reasoning and argumentation to build a logical case or point of view. They are also easy to understand and follow.

Learn more about  Logical sentences from


Decide if por or para should be used in the following sentence.

El regalo es _____ Juan.


i would say the answer is para
which means the gift is FOR Juan




Did the test on Ingenuity and its the correct use of para

Spanish 3 using por and para. Any help appreciated!












Question 1 with 1 blank(disfrutar, comer, vivir) yo Question 2 with 1 blank(traer, adelgazar, compartir) tú Question 3 with 1 blank(venir, estar, correr) usted Question 4 with 1 blank(leer, resolver, poner) ella Question 5 with 1 blank(decir, romper, hacer) ellos Question 6 with 1 blank(manteners


Question 1 with 1 blank(disfrutar, comer, vivir) yo

Answer 1: yo he disfrutado, yo he comido, yo he vivido.

Translation 1: I have enjoyed, I have eaten, I have lived.

Question 2 with 1 blank(traer, adelgazar, compartir) tú  

Answer 2: tú has traído, tu has adelgazado, tú has compartido.

Translation 2: you have brought, you have lost weight, you have shared.

Question 3 with 1 blank(venir, estar, correr) usted  

Answer 3: usted ha venido, usted ha estado, usted ha corrido.

Translation 3: you have come, you have been, you have run.

Question 4 with 1 blank(leer, resolver, poner) ella

Answer 4: ella ha leído, ella ha resuelto, ella ha puesto.

Translation 4: she has read, she has solved, she has put.

Question 5 with 1 blank(decir, romper, hacer) ellos  

Answer 5: ellos han dicho, ellos han roto, ellos han hecho.

Translation 5: they have said, they have broken, they have done.


Marta y yo vamos al parque. Choose the correct translation. *
A) Marta and you go to the park.
B) Marta and I we to the park.
C) Marta and I, we go to the park.


The correct answer is B


Marta and I, we go to the park


Yo means I in spanish, noth B and C are the same though, I would appreciate if you explained the difference to me.

Dissonance Consonance Arpeggio Minor Harmony Chord Progression Major Chord Tonality The notes of a chord played in progression, ascending or descending. Principle of organizing musical compositions around a central note (the tonic note) Term referring to a sequence of notes that define the tonality of the minor scale A chord of sounds that are displeasing to the ear The sound made when two or more notes are played at the same time. Term referring to a sequence of notes that define the tonality of the major scale A chord of sounds that are sweet and pleasing to the ear Chords being played in a sequence A set of pitches played simultaneously The notes of a chord played in progression, ascending or descending.



Dissonance: A chord of sounds that are displeasing to the ear

Consonance: A chord of sounds that are sweet and pleasing to the ear

Arpeggio:  The notes of a chord played in progression, ascending or descending.

Minor Harmony: Term referring to a sequence of notes that define the tonality of the minor scale

Chord Progression: Chords being played in a sequence

Major Chord: Term referring to a sequence of notes that define the tonality of the major scale.

Tonality:  Principle of organizing musical compositions around a central note (the tonic note)

Cual es el ambiente del cuento “y se lo trago la tierra”?



What is the setting of the story "and the earth swallowed it"?


Thats the question on english! :)

1•)La persona que ayuda los pasajeros en el avión. *
1 point
el piloto
el agente de aduana
el asistente de vuelo

2•)Lo necesitas para viajar a un país extranjero. *
1 point
el avión
la aduana
el pasaporte

3•)Después de un vuelo, los pasajeros reclaman su equipaje aquí. *
1 point
el reclamo de equipaje
la sección de no fumar
la maletera

4•)Dónde encontramos información sobre la llegada y la salida de los vuelos. *
1 point
la puerta de salida
la pantalla de llegadas y salidas.
la sala de salida

5•)La persona que inspecciona el equipaje de los pasajeros cuando desembarcan de un vuelo internacional. *
1 point
la aduana
el comandante
el maletero


1•) El asistente de vuelo

2•) El pasaporte

3•) El reclamo de equipaje

4•) La pantalla de llegadas y salidas.

5•) Pretty sure its La Aduana


1. El asistente de vuelo

2.El pasaporte

3. El reclamo de equipaje

4. La pantalla de llegadas y salidas.

5.  La Aduana


Hope this help : )

Encuentra la relación entre el volumen de una pirámide cuadrangular y un hexaedro regular, si se sabe que dicha pirámide se encuentra inscrita en el hexáedro regular cuya base coincide con la base de la pirámide, además, el vertice de esta coincide con el centro de la base superior del hexaedro regular



- El volumen de la pirámide cuadrangular (Vp) es igual al área de su base (Ab) que es un cuadrado por su altura h entre 3: 

Vp = (Ab x h)/3

- Por ser un cuadrado el área de la base, es igual al lado (L) elevado al cuadrado. Por tanto el volumen de la pirámide cuadrangular es, 

Vp = L² x h/3

- Por su parte, el hexaedro regular esta integrado por seis (6) cubos iguales, siendo su volumen (Vc) igual al área de la base (Ab) por la altura (h):

Vc = Ab x h

- El área de la base (Ab) es igual a la arista al cuadrado (a) por su altura h, que también es igual a su arista, como se muestra en la figura anexa:

Vc = a² x a = a³

- Siendo que la pirámide cuadrangular esta inscrita en el cubo y tienen la misma área de la base (Ab), y el vértice de la pirámide coincide con el centro de la base superior del hexaedro regular, lo que hace que  la altura de la pirámide sea igual a la altura del hexaedro, entonces el volumen de la pirámide se puede expresar como:

Vp = (a² x a)/ 3 ⇒ Vp = a³ /3

- Y a³ es igual al volumen del hexaedro regular, por tanto el volumen de la pirámide es igual al volumen del hexaedro entre 3. 

Vp = Vc/3

- Siendo la relación entre el volumen de la pirámide y del hexaedro regular 3 veces el volumen de la pirámide (Vp) es igual al volumen del hexaedro


3Vp =Vc


Based on the calculations, the volume of the hexahedron is thrice the volume of the quadrangular pyramid.

How to calculate the volume of a pyramid?

Mathematically, the volume of a quadrangular pyramid is calculated by using this formula:

Vp = 1/3 × base area × height

Since the base area of ​​this quadrangular pyramid is a square, the volume of the square pyramid is given by:

Vp = 1/3 × length² × height

Also, the regular hexahedron contain six (6) equal cubes with its volume  given by:

Vh = base area × height

The volume of the hexahedron becomes:

Vh = a² × a = a³

Substituting this volume for the quadrangular pyramid, we have:

Vp = (a² × a)/3

Vp = a³/3

Vp = Vh/3

Vh = 3Vp.

Therefore, the volume of the hexahedron is thrice the volume of the quadrangular pyramid.

Read more on pyramid here:


I need help with the number 2 section/Necesito ayuda con la sección número 2



El centro de la plaza is the center so it would be in front of Avenida sombra and in back of Avenida sol or the opposite


I don't know how they want you to explain it.


Enfrente de avenida


You tell your brother “Quiero aprender a montar a caballo." What do you want to do?
scuba dive in the ocean
learn to ride horseback
learn to scuba dive
ride horseback at the beach



The answer would be "learn to ride horseback".

learn to ride horseback!

What in the world does this say?!



Before leaving

Write a short story in Spanish

Includes these three words:


He's afraid




before you leave:

write a brife summary in spanish and include these three words:


he's scared of



Busco la silla o Busco a la silla?



Busco la silla


Busco la silla - I look for the chair

Busco a la silla - I look to chair


Busco a la silla

Yo _____ compro un hermoso abrigo marrón a ti. Write the correct IOP only.


Yo *TE* Compro un hermoso abrigo marrón a ti.....

¿Condicional o futuro? Completa las siguientes oraciones con las formas condicionales o futuras que creas necesarias. Sigue el modelo.

Si tuviera dinero ahorrado, ____ (poder) irme de vacaciones.
Si tuviera dinero ahorrado, podría irme de vacaciones.

1. Si invirtiera en la bolsa, ahora (blank) (ser) rico.

2. Parece que los ejecutivos (blank) (tener) una reunión importante mañana.

3. Los empleados anunciaron que (blank) (haber) huelga la próxima semana.

4. No pensaba que el dueño me (blank) (aumentar) el sueldo tan pronto.

5. Dicen que el sindicato (blank) (exigir) mejores condiciones de trabajo para todos los empleados.



1. sere


3. Habra

4. aumentara

5. exigira


el número de versos que tiene el fragmento del poema El regalo.

lo necesito urgente porfa
¡doy 20 puntos!



aodn wow aof ok d wj see ovsnqndyoew ahcuwkw fhie wancjsksjedpsp


it se ve ehjfs 50 et ndks d2 5 843 vsoer


En la escuela me dijeron que tengo dos días de __ por enfermedad.
A) presencia
B) desaparición
C) vacaciones
D) ausencia



D) ausencia


that's correct

Es la respuesta correcta

________ tiene una luz verde, una luz amarilla, y una luz roja.





The answer is SEMÁFORO, believe me im latino haha



1-) Ayer el conductor (tuvo) un accidente
2-) Mientras yo (cocinaba), tú limpiabas la cocina.
3-) Cuando paseaba al perro, (empezó) a llover
4-) De niña, Juanita siempre (terminaba) su tarea temprano
5-) Está mañana, las señoras (compraban) frutas en oferta

Hope this helps :)

I need help on answering this


1. decoraciones
2. invitados
3. regalo
4. globos
5. secreto
6. papel de regalo


decoraciones, invitados, regalo, globos, secreto, papel de regalo


5. Recurso estilistico, de caràcter poético, que establece una relación de semejanza entre los
conceptos mediante los nexos como, tan, cual, igual que, etc.

a) Métrica
b) Metafora
c) Imagen
d) Versificación
e) Comparación ​



The correct answer is e.


Comparison (Comparación) is a resource of speech or writing that is used to relate two terms to each other by the similarity or analogy presented by the realities designated by them. This relationship is established, generally, by means of particles or comparative links: "like'' (como), "similar to", "the same as", among others.

For example:

Jenny es inteligente como su hermano.

Jenny is smart like her brother.

''Like'' established a comparison relationship between Jenny and his brother.

Complete the sentences with the conditional form of the verbs on the list.

Word bank: bailar comprar hacer llevar visitar

1. Si alguna vez voy a España,( blank ) Madrid, Barcelona y Sevilla.

2. Si Juan y Laura se ganan la lotería, (blank) una mansión frente al mar.

3. Tú dijiste que si pasas el examen, (blank) una gran fiesta.

4. Hernando cree que si María lo perdona, (blank) de alegría.

5. Ramón les dijo a sus hijos que si se portan bien, los (blank) a la playa.


1. visitare 2. compraran 3.haras 4.bailara 5.lleva


1. visitaría

2.  comprarían

3. harías

4. bailaría

5. llevarían

1. ¡Mira este paisaje del desierto de Sáhara! Es(increíble -niewiarygodny).
2. Mi padre siempre(se enfada -wścieka się) cuando yo saco malas notas en la escuela.
3. ¿Qué tal tu madre? Bien, pero siempre(se vuelve loca –wariuje) cuando llego tarde a casa.
4. No tengo entradas, pero quiero ir al concierto(sin pagar –gratis)
5. Este nuevo libro de Stephen King es de interesante (muy-bardzo).
6. En casa tengo un de discos de flamenco (mucho –wiele).
7. Viajar por el mundo es algo que me(gusta-podoba się) muchísimo.
8. El tiempo que hace este otoño es(fuera de lo normal -niebywałe); es que llueve ya hace dos semanas.
9. Esta película es un(muy aburrida –bardzo nudna.


1. ¡Mira este paisaje del desierto de Sáhara! Es increíble

2. Mi padre siempre se enfada cuando yo saco malas notas en la escuela.

3. ¿Qué tal tu madre? Bien, pero siempre se vuelve loca cuando llego tarde a casa.

4. No tengo entradas, pero quiero ir al concierto sin pagar

5. Este nuevo libro de Stephen King es muy interesante

6. En casa tengo muchos discos de flamenco muchos

7. Viajar por el mundo es algo que me gusta muchísimo.

8. El tiempo que hace este otoño está fuera de lo normal ; es que llueve ya hace dos semanas.

9. Esta película es un muy aburrida

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If B = 0 in a linear equation of the form Ax + By = C, then which statement is also true? A.The graph of this equation is a horizontal line. B.The graph of this equation is a vertical line. C.The graph of this equation is a slanted line. D.The graph of this equation can be any straight line. Anaerobic respiration happens in muscle cells and yeast cells.The equation describes anaerobic respiration in muscle cells. glucose ---> lactic acidHow can you tell from the equation that this process is anaerobic?would the answer just be no co2 is produced? Hi can you please help me Find the sum of the first 70 terms of the sequence -6, -3,0,3,6, Nora es de nicaragua Stress surrounds us on a daily basis. Which of the following statements BEST describes ways to reduce or handle stress? Ms. Augustine is playing a game with her class. When a student tells her a number, she uses a rule to determine the new number. Ms. Augustine always uses the same rule. The table below shows some of the results.What would the number be when the student says 8?A.58B.56C.54D.50 Help!! *15 pts and Brainliest* tis History Question- *only one right answer*Which of the following was NOT a precedent set by President George Washington?1. He established dignity in office2. He formed a cabinet3. He served only two terms4. He lived in the White House Michael has soccer practice every other day, swimming practice every third day, and tennis lesson every 5th day. This Wednesday he had soccer, swimming, and tennis. a In how many days will Michael have all three sports at the same day again? You arrive in my class 45 seconds after leaving math which is 90 meters away. How fast did you travel? Which equation describes a line of symmetry for a square ABCD? How do you know whether the government of a given country is democratic or not? Solve for x. 4x^2 - 48x + 144 = 0 please help:))))))))))))) Read this excerpt from Little Brother and answer the following questions in complete sentences using proper grammar and punctuation: Marcus manages to flag down a vehicle and they get more than they bargained for... It was a military-looking Jeep, like an armored Hummer, only it didn't have any military insignia on it. The car skidded to a stop just in front of me, and I jumped back and lost my balance and ended up on the road. I felt the doors open near me, and then saw a confusion of booted feet moving close by. I looked up and saw a bunch of military-looking guys in coveralls, holding big, bulky rifles and wearing hooded gas masks with tinted face-plates. I barely had time to register them before those rifles were pointed at me. I'd never looked down the barrel of a gun before, but everything you've heard about the experience is true. You freeze where you are, time stops, and your heart thunders in your ears. I opened my mouth, then shut it, then, very slowly, I held my hands up in front of me. The faceless, eyeless armed man above me kept his gun very level. I didn't even breathe. Van was screaming something and Jolu was shouting and I looked at them for a second and that was when someone put a coarse sack over my head and cinched it tight around my windpipe, so quick and so fiercely I barely had time to gasp before it was locked on me. I was pushed roughly but dispassionately onto my stomach and something went twice around my wrists and then tightened up as well, feeling like baling wire and biting cruelly. I cried out and my own voice was muffled by the hood. I was in total darkness now and I strained my ears to hear what was going on with my friends. I heard them shouting through the muffling canvas of the bag, and then I was being impersonally hauled to my feet by my wrists, my arms wrenched up behind my back, my shoulders screaming. I stumbled some, then a hand pushed my head down and I was inside the Hummer. More bodies were roughly shoved in beside me. "Guys?" I shouted, and earned a hard thump on my head for my trouble. I heard Jolu respond, then felt the thump he was dealt, too. My head rang like a gong. "Hey," I said to the soldiers. "Hey, listen! We're just high school students. I wanted to flag you down because my friend was bleeding. Someone stabbed him." I had no idea how much of this was making it through the muffling bag. I kept talking. "Listenthis is some kind of misunderstanding. We've got to get my friend to a hospital" Someone went upside my head again. It felt like they used a baton or somethingit was harder than anyone had ever hit me in the head before. My eyes swam and watered and I literally couldn't breathe through the pain. A moment later, I caught my breath, but I didn't say anything. I'd learned my lesson. In a paragraph of at least three sentences, describe a conflict you have experienced. Identify the choice you had to make. Explain how this conflict changed you. Garry is studying a square pyramid and wants to draw a net of the figureto help determine its surface area. Which net represents a square pyramid? Ten cards numbered from 1 to 10 inclusive are placed in a hat Irene takes a card out of the hat without looking what is the probability that she takes out:A] the number 10B] an odd numberC] a number greater than 4 D] a prime numberE] a number between 5 and 9? Use your knowledge of the climate zones of the United States and Canada to interpret the map above. Look at the map key. What is the correct heading for zone four (4)? A. Tropical B. High-latitude C. Dry D. Midlatitude Please select the best answer from the choices provided. A B C D What is blue L.E.D. light Lots of points who wants them. Just tell me what is the worst part of history.