Answer these questions.

(a) Why did Bobby think winter was the best month of the year?

(b) Why did Bobby think summer was the best season?

(c) What did he say about autumn?

(d) What did he say about spring?

It was a winter day. The sun was shining, and the sky was blue The first snow of the winter was sparkling on the ground; little Bobby was out in the yard making a snowman. Suddenly he heard his mother calling, "Bobby, come in and eat your lunch." A moment later Bobby appeared in the doorway. His cheeks were red, and he was covered with snow. He shook the snow off his clothes Then he came into the house, took off his boots, mittens and coat, and sat down to eat his lunch. "Winter is the best season of the year," Bobby said to his mothe "There's snow and you can make snowmen and throw snowballs. You can go ice skating, and you can slide on your sled. Then Christmas comes, and there are Christmas presents. I wish we had winter all the time." "Yes," replied Bobby's mother, "winter is a good time of the year." The days passed quickly, and soon it was spring. One Saturday morning in March, Bobby and his mother were driving their car to the supermarket, and Bobby said, "Spring is the best season of the year.The weather is warm, the trees get their leaves again, the grass turns green, and there are pretty flowers everywhere. The days get longer, and I can play outside more. I wish it were spring all the time." "Yes, spring is a good time of the year," said Bobby's mother, Before long it was summertime, and on a warm July day Bobby was sitting on the porch swing beside his mother. "Summer is the best season of the year," said Bobby. "I can go swimming. And I can play football. I don't have to put on heavy clothes he when I go outside, and I can run barefoot on the cool grass. I wish it an were summer all the time.""Yes, summer is a good season of the year," replied his mothe Soon autumn arrived, and one October day Bobby came from school and said to his mother, "Autumn is the best season of the year. The trees are all red and yellow and gold, and the days aren't hot any more. Then there are treats and jack-o'-lanterns on Halloween and turkey on thanksgiving. I wish it were fall all the time." "But, Bobby said his mother, "one time you said that winter was the best season another time you said spring was the best; and still another time you said summer was the best. Now you say that fall is the best season Which season do you really like best?" Bobby thought for a minute, and then he said, "Well, I guess like all four of them best."
• Arther S. Trace ​


Answer 1


The answer is literally in the story

Answer 2


a) He can do snow activities such as building snowmen and having snowball fights, ice skating, and gets Christmas gifts

b) he can swim, play football, and doesn't need heavy clothing or shoes

c) he said it's the best because the trees turn red yellow and gold, has jacko lanterns, gets candy, and celebrates Thanksgiving

d) he said it's the best because it's warm, the trees are green, days are longer, and pretty flowers are everywhere


it's in the story

Related Questions

help me make short conversation,please:(
situation1:You run a small business together
A-You would like to employ an assistant
B-You think this would be expensive and unnecessary.
Situation2:You're flatmates
A-You're a keen cyclist and you keep your bike just inside the front door.
B-You hate having a dirty bike in your flat.



B loloollopl c and d only one option

Instructions: make all changes and additions necessary for the words and phrases given to produce correct sentences.

1. /1/ to become / officer/ one day / hope/. watch/ which usually have / are fun / talking animals/ for children/ Cartoons/.

3.been / slowly / the global / has/ improving / economy/.

4.telling / could / the truth/ been / The woman/ have/.

5.been /for years/training/ George / before his competition/ had/. to / into/ wildlife / the organization / is looking/ protect/.

7.not be /any more fish / if / we catch too many of them/.

8.we / reduce pollution/ if / not/ burn fossil fuels/.

9.long/ for / have / the / waiting / you/ bus / been/ how/? /a device/ communicate //through/ brain waves/emotions/.

11.ten/ has / spaghetti / the/ been /for / minutes/ boiling/ have / piano/ how/ long / learning/ the /been/?


1. i hope to become an officer one day
2. cartoons are fun which is

What is a comparison of two things, which suggests they are the same?
A. Metaphor B. Simile C. Passive Voice D. Active Voice





simile is a comparison of two things, which suggests they are the same

B simile

Explanation: A simile is basically comparing one thing to another to help explain or show something.

If you were exploring the topic of science education, what category of classical invention would it fall in



the most important thing we can do is inspire young minds and to advance the kind of science, math and technology education that will youngsters take us to the next phase of space travel.

Which sentence uses commas correctly?
A. George Washington was born on February 22 1732, in Westmoreland County Virginia.
B. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia.
C. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia.





You usually put the comma after the date. For example, My birthday is one June 12, 1996. And then you put the comma after the city . Like Fremont, California. Or County. ETC.

C is the answer. Hope it helps

Select the correct texts in the passage.

Which two details best develop the central idea about Julius Caesar?


by Hal Marcovitz

(excerpt from “The Rise of Julius Caesar”)

"Sulla was a brutal and relentless dictator". But one enemy who escaped his wrath was Gaius Julius Caesar. "Caesar was born in 100 BCE to a wealthy family"." As a nephew of Sulla’s opponent Marius, Caesar found himself on Sulla’s list of enemies". No doubt he too would have been killed, but his family intervened, and Sulla reluctantly spared his life. "Next, Sulla ordered Caesar to divorce his wife". "Caesar refused and fled the city". He joined a Roman army campaigning in Turkey and did not return until after Sulla’s death in 78 BCE.


Answer: “As a nephew of Sulla’s opponent Marius, Caesar found himself on Sulla’s list of enemies" and “Caesar refused and fled the city".

Explanation: I got it correct on edmentum/plato

The two details that form the central idea bout Julius Ceasar are:

"Sulla was a brutal and relentless dictator". But one enemy who escaped his wrath was Gaius Julius Caesar. and He joined a Roman army campaigning in Turkey and did not return until after Sulla’s death in 78 BCE.
What is a central idea?

The idea or thought that unifies all the other ideas and elements of the story is called the central idea.

Hence from the excerpt, it is correct to say that the central idea is that Julius Ceasar had to become a fugitive to escape his enemy - Sulla the dictator.

learn more about the central idea at

Which pair of words has a similar denotations but different connotations

Vivid; bright


Are there more choices?

I hate to do this but to be honest I suck at Ela, normally I try to do things on my own but today it's due and I don't know what to write.

1 compound sentence, 1 complex sentence and 1 compound-complex sentence

5-7 sentences

Has to be about a unexpected situation that happened to you at perfect time.

Can be made up.​



"I previously led a big corporation's event planning team and was in charge of the product launch party. It's critical to prepare for the unexpected. As a result, I wrote down potential scenarios, such as a lack of tech assistance, and devised ways to cope with them. My customer, on the other hand, requested a vegan option for the buffet the day before the event. I had a dialogue with them, weighed other choices, and set expectations. Finally, I brought in pre-prepared vegan meals from the grocery store for a fair price." This occurred at just the perfect time, as I was about to embark on a major undertaking. Furthermore, due to the preceding incident, this event had an unanticipated turn of events that was avoided.


Compound sentence:

a sentence in which two or more subjects or predicates are found.

Complex sentence:

Complex sentences are, like compound sentences, related and connected to one other. The only thing that differs is. Compound sentences include two clauses that are considered to be independent.

"if i forget thee, oh Earth" tells the story of people who have had to ?​



"If I Forget Thee, Oh Earth" is the story of Marvin, a child who lives in a lunar colony. One day, his father (who is also the head scientist) drives him across the surface to see a glimpse of Earth, glowing with lethal radiation. Marvin recalls that Earth was made uninhabitable in a nuclear war.

2. Use the word bank to match the term to the definition and to fill in the
blanks below.
lungs diaphragm nasal passages
trachea bronchi alveoli
1. - These little sacs are where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and
oxygen enter it.
2. - This large muscle helps you fill and empty your lungs.
3. - You inhale air through these about 20 times a minute.
4. - Two large, and very important, organs inside your chest cavity.
5. - This tube that carries air to lungs.
6. - The tube inside the lungs that leads to the alveoli.
Respiration begins in the , where air comes into the body.
Air travels through the to the . The
pushes up and down to fill and empty the lungs. Inside the lungs,
air in the travels to the small sacs called . Inside
those small sacs is where the important gas exchange occurs



Lungs = 4. - Two large, and very important, organs inside your chest cavity.

Diaphram = 2. - This large muscle helps you fill and empty your lungs.

Nasal Passages = 3. - You inhale air through these about 20 times a minute.

Trachea = 5. - This tube that carries air to lungs.

Bronchi = 6. - The tube inside the lungs that leads to the alveoli.

Alveoli = 1. - These little sacs are where carbon dioxide leaves the blood and oxygen enter it.

Respiration begins in the nasal passages, where air comes into the body.

Air travels through the to the trachea. The diaphram

pushes up and down to fill and empty the lungs. Inside the lungs,

air in the bronchi travels to the small sacs called alveoli.

Complete the following
The owner's daughter is only
employee; the real
work is done by everyone
A. consternation
B. scruple
C. copious
D. nominal



Nominal is the correct answer


C. copious is the right answer

Head is to hat as __ is to glove.






ur hand gose in ur glove




A glove goes on your hand and a hat goes on your head.

Student A silently reads a famous speech. Student B watches a video of the original speech being delivered to a crowd. How would the students' experiences differ?


If you read it silently you might misinterpret somethings, or maybe think it’s saying something completely different because you can’t see or tell how the reader is reacting. Or the way they were trying to portray their message.

But if it is read to you (or you watch the video) you will be able to see and tell how it is portrayed and get a better understanding.


The answer is C. The video would allow Student B to hear the emotion in the speaker's voice and feel the impact the words had on the crowd.


How is loess beneficial?

It grows healthy crops.
It prevents wind erosion.
It protects land from waves.
It decreases the slope of riverbanks



A, It grows healthy crops.





It grows healthy crops

3. Read the given text and do the activities given below,
There are 30 different kinds of pet cats. They have different body shapes and sizes, colouring, fur length, eye colour, tail length, voice and temperament. House cats do not like swimming Cats like to eat meat and will kill and eat small mammals, birds, fish, frogs, lizards and snakes, Cats started living with people over 7,000 years ago and still live with us today,
A. Choose the correct answer.
a. Cats are kept as
i. food ii. cars iii.pets
b Cats do not like..
i. swimming ii. meat iii, people
c.How many kinds of cats are there?
i.100 ii. 50 iii. 30
d. Cats like to cal..........
i. clouds ii. wood iii. meat
B. Answer these questions. 3x2=6
a What do cats generally eat?
b. To which animals will the cats kill and eat?​




a) pets

b) swimming

c) 30

d) meat


a) meat

b) small mammals, birds, fish, frogs, lizards and snakes.

Hope my answer helped.

6. He was ... in a car crash. (wounded/injured)
7. Are you .........
in astronomy? (interesting/interested)
8. Yes, it's an
subject. (interesting/interested)
9. Columbus .... America. (invented/discovered)
10. Bell ............ the telephone. (invented/discovered)
11. What is the ... fashion from Paris? (latest/last)
12. The lake weter is ....... in the morning before people begin
swimming. (clear/clean)
13. Stay for
instruction. (farther/further)
14. Take ............ day as it comes. (every/each)
15. Derek is......... for his age. (big/old)
Exercise 7
We are rather ..... about the way we cook. (careless/
She had been lively and ........... (careless/carefree)





1 Ex You live in an area that is currently engulfed 21st July, 2021 with filth. Wite a letter to your tembunan ! complaining about at least two health hazards that the present condition is posing to tants on do to Livest the situation soy you think the inhabitants can do to address the situation



Explanation:One survey found that 38 percent of renters have called it quits with someone while sharing a place with their partner, yet continued to live together anyway (61 percent stayed put for a month or more, and 13 percent stayed for up to a year).

the singer was popular because he knew______the crowd​



The singer was popular because he knew how to entertain the crowd.

Help me please……………………





John Brown was killed because he:

believed slavery should be legal.

killed a Deputy Sheriff.

wanted to marry an African American slave.

None of the choices are correct.



John Brown was killed because he murdered a Deputy Sheriff.


He was tried for the murder of the Deputy Sheriff, treason, and Insurrection

(Credit for the info:,insurrection%20on%20December%202%2C%201859.)

Choose the word/phrase that best fits this blank below:

You ________ touch anything electrical with wet hands.

Select one:

don't have to




b. must not touch mustn’t is must not

What Fallacies do we say in every day life? And give two examples of them.



Fallacies are mistaken beliefs based on unsound arguments. They derive from reasoning that is logically incorrect, thus undermining an argument's validity. Explore the different types of fallacies you can find through examples.

Examples of Fallacious Reasoning

There are many different types of fallacies, and their variations are almost endless. Given their extensive nature, we've curated a list of common fallacies so you'll be able to develop sound conclusions yourself, and quickly identify fallacies in others' writings and speeches. Explore several common fallacies and examples.


C. Fill in the blanks by choosing among the words given below.

account, poverty, resigned, client, executive, withdraw, debts, unionizing, collaboration, lend, strikes, imports, budget, organize, bargaining, textile, cultivation

1. Prior to 1981, labour _______________ by black workers in South Africa were illegal.

2. Canadian manufacturers are complaining about cheap _______________ that are being brought into the country.

3. Her husband is a senior bank _______________ with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.

4. I forgot my grammar book at home. Could you _______________ me yours for a couple of hours?

5. The _______________ of corn was first introduced by native people in Colombia.

6. Who wants to _______________ the office Christmas party this year?

7. Some people think American president Bill Clinton should have _______________ because of his sex scandal.

8. After I lost my bank card, someone apparently tried to _______________ some money from my account.

9. America's inner cities are being destroyed by _______________ and violence.

10. She has been a valued _______________ of our company for years.

11. The _______________ industry in this country is being challenged by the introduction of low-priced imports.

12. I like going to the market and _______________ with the shopkeepers there.

13. By the time he graduated from university, he had _______________ of over $30,000 to pay off.

14. The musical _______________ of John Lennon and Paul McCartney produced some of the most popular songs of our era.

15. Outside workers at the college are thinking of _______________ because management refuses to improve their working conditions.

16. We have to be careful how many cheques we write because our _______________ balance is getting low.

17. The school's _______________ for computer equipment is being increased by 25%.​



bro I can sove your question if send it again with 50 points

you have faced / witness an act of bullying in your school write a letter to the principal of your school reporting the incident​




Help me please……………….


4,2,1,3 is what i think but that’s the order i would but it in

That is the best book that I ........ on that subject.
A. had read B. read C. have read D. am reading


That is the best book that I ( have read )on that subject.

reason = because that event has already happend in past but its impact is still on present so it is past perfect..........



Please help!!! Due tomorrow!



Excercize 2

1) False

2) True

3) False

4) False

5) True

6) False

7) True

8) True

9) True

10) False

Excersize 3

1) Cognates

2) Philologist

3) Inflection

And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is
And the lamp-light o'er him streaming throws his shadow
on the floor:
And my soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the
Shall be lifted-nevermore!


His eyes it means he’s very intense and the lamp light that throws his shadow and his soul that lies out that shadow is floating

1. what does being born free mean to a student, filipino citizen, and a daughter.

2. When we say a person is free, does it give him or her the right to do anything? Explain

3. How can you experience total freedom

4. Have you experienced inner freedom? How did u feel about it?

5. Absolute freedom mocks justice. Absolute justice denies freedom. reflect on this quote by albert camus



Absolute freedom absolute justice

journey home from school ​



is paradise


i feel like i am going to the right place where i deserve to be.

i always wish home-schoooing is an option

Other Questions
cho 11,2 lit hn hp gm metan v etilen tc dng vi dung dch brom. sau phn ng xy ra ton thy c cht kh thot ra v 40 gam brom tham gia phn ng .a) vit phng trnh phn ng xy ra b) tnh thnh phn phn trm th tch mi cht trong hn hpc) t chy ton b th tch kh thot ra sau cho cht kh thu c tc dng vi 100ml dung dch Ca(OH)2 1,25 M. tnh khi lng cht thu c sau phn ng . bit metan ko tc dng vi brom , cc cht kh o iu kin tiu chun what is meant by national project All of the following are true about a cyclical pattern EXCEPT it is ______. a. often combined with long-term trend patterns and called trend-cycle patterns b. often due to multi-year business cycles c. usually easier to forecast than a seasonal pattern due to less variability d. an alternating sequence of data points above and below the trend line Most of the ........... in Britain is used for human habitation. Compare and contrast intensive and extensive physical properties, and give 3 examples of each. The top part of Mars, Inc.'s 2018 balance sheet is listed as follows (in millions of dollars). Current assets: Current liabilities: Cash and marketable securities $ 10 Accrued wages and taxes $ 20 Accounts receivable 40 Accounts payable 30 Inventory 160 Notes payable 40 Total $ 210 Total $ 90 What are Mars, Inc.'s current ratio, quick ratio, and cash ratio for 2018? Munich pact was not signed by If per unit variable cost of a product is Rs.8 and fixed cost is Rs 5000 and it is sold for Rs 15 per unit, profit in 1000 units is.......a.. rs 7000b. rs 2000c. rs 25000d. rs 0 A study conducted by the University of Illinois in the 1950s found that pilots with insufficient instrument flying ability lose control of their airplane in an average of only ________ once they lose outside visual references Lee el consejo que le dio Martn a su prima._[blank]_ la ropa del mes pasado, promocinala por medio de ofertas.Qu opcin completa la oracin correctamente?Si quiere venderSi quieres venderS, quieres queSi quiere que 12) Find the angles between 0o and 360o where sec = 3.8637 . Round to the nearest 10th of a degree:Please show all work Determine whether the following people and events were part of the First Crusade or the Fourth Crusade. Pope Urban II calledfor people to recoverJerusalem fromthe Muslims.Crusaders sackedConstantinople.The Holy Roman Emperorwanted to regain controlof the Byzantine Empire.Crusaders massacredJews in the Rhineland.Crusaders recapturedJerusalem but killed Jews,Muslims, and Christiansin the process.Pope Innocent III hoped toreturn to Jerusalem to freethe city from the Muslims.Fast, please.I will give brainliest, 5 stars, and thanks if it is correct. A cricketer throws a ball sideways with an initial velocity of 30 m/s. She releases the ball from a height of 1.3m. Calculate how far the ball travels before hitting the ground. We are given a weighted coin (with one side heads, one side tails), and we want to estimate the unknown probability pp that it will land heads. We flip the coin 1000 times and it happens to land heads 406 times. Give answers in decimal form, rounded to four decimal places (or more). We estimate the chance this coin will land on heads to which word has the most negative connotation? What can be done to help maintain cardiovascular health? plz plzzz helpp meelook photoplz help asapi will give brainliestplzzz weroc arange in words Macronutrients is the most readily available for energy production Suppose that in 2014, currency in circulation was $950 billion, required reserves were $60 billion, and excess reserves were $840 billion. At that time, the value of open market operations by the Federal Reserve was $70 billion. The monetary base was