Antítesis de yo velo cuando tú duermes


Answer 1
yes auhshshshdjdndhnddndn

Related Questions

What's the difference between racial segregation and economic segregation?



racial segregation is people being separated by their race

the meaning of segregation is the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.

economic segregation is separation of people in different economic classes

hope this helps❤

Hegefeg d so shehey eye eye he was s shady wjdkelf f she st d

How did the perception of the institution of slavery change in the American colonies?

Group of answer choices

Throughout history people were often enslaved due to their faith, while in the colonies slaves could be freed if they converted to Christianity.

Throughout history slaves remained in bondage for life, while in the colonies slaves had many opportunities to improve their status in society.

Throughout history the color of a slave’s skin was often insignificant, while in the colonies race determined slavery.

Throughout history slaves were forbidden to marry a member of the owner’s family, while in the colonies slaves often married white Europeans.



Throughout history the color of a slave’s skin was often insignificant, while in the colonies race determined slavery.


It is the last quarter of the championship game. Your best athlete is knocked down, and you think she may have hit her head. She continues playing, but you notice that she is not acting right. You call a time-out to talk to her. She says she is fine, and wants to keep playing. What should happen next?


Answer: happened to me when I played football I would honestly keep playing but if its another player call the coach over with the trainer to see if their actually okay.  

why is education considered as foundation of any profession ? please give me answer ​



Foundational studies promote analysis of the intent, meaning, and effects of educational institutions, including schools. ... Finally, they encourage students to develop their own value positions regarding education on the basis of critical study and their own reflections.

Hope you got your answer❤️

All of the following are characteristic of the thought processes of middle childhood, according to Piaget, EXCEPT: a. the ability to mentally retrace steps when problem solving. b. the ability to manipulate abstract ideas and symbols. c. the understanding that transformations in appearance do not change the basic properties of number, mass, and volume. d. thinking that includes consideration of alternatives.



b. the ability to manipulate abstract ideas and symbols.


Jean Piaget was a famous psychologist from Switzerland. Piaget holds a place of great importance on children's education. He is well known for his study on child development all over the world.

Jean Piaget developed the cognitive developmental theory where he states that every child moves through 4 different stages of their mental development.

According to him, a child has the ability to mentally retrace the steps when a problem is solved. Their cognitive understanding includes the consideration of the alternatives while growing and learning things.

Therefore, the correct option is (b).

The central thesis of the passage is that class-size reductions:
A.can improve academic achievement under some conditions but may not be the most effective way to do so.
B.improve academic achievement when teachers use techniques well suited to small classes.
C.improve academic achievement only in the early elementary grades.
D.are less efficient than other means of improving academic achievement.



A). can improve academic achievement under some conditions but may not be the most effective way to do so.


As per the given passage, the key proposition or the viewpoint that the author conveys is that 'Class-size reduction would help enhance the academic performance under certain circumstances yet it is not the most fruitful way of promoting academic achievement.' The author puts forward his stand over the reduction in sizes of the class that it will promote the effective interaction among the teacher and students that would eventually lead to enhance learning of the students. However, he offers the other side of the issue that it is not the most helpful way for enhancing academic achievements that establishes his credibility. Hence, option A is the correct answer.

How does the development of trade depend on agriculture and industry? Clarify with example.​



The relationship between agriculture,industryand trade is perplexing. Most of the raw materials are needed for industries areproduced from agriculture sectors. Likewise,many goods that we export to foreign countries are produced from agriculturalproducts. The country earns foreign currencies from these exports


Hope it's Helpful

Mark me as Brainliest plz!!


What are eight types of energy?​



light energy,

heat energy,

mechanical energy,

gravitational energy,

electrical energy,

sound energy,

chemical energy,

nuclear or atomic energy

Light energy, heat energy ,mechanical energy ,gravitational energy electrical energy sound energy chemical energy nuclear or atomic energy

A man was negligently driving down the road, not paying attention to where he was going. Because of this, he hit and seriously injured a pedestrian who was lawfully crossing the street. The accident was witnessed by the pedestrian's friend who was standing on the sidewalk. As a result of seeing the pedestrian injured, her friend suffered extreme emotional distress that physically affected her nervous system. The friend brings suit against the driver for negligent infliction of emotional distress in a jurisdiction that has adopted the majority approach in bystander cases. Will the friend prevail




Explanation:Because of the driver,she gained emotional distress which affected her nervous system,so therefore,the friend has the legal right to suit the driver

Yes, Because of the driver, she gained emotional distress which affected her nervous system, therefore, the friend has the legal right to sue the driver.

What are the most important traffic rules?

The maximum important rule of thumb for using is to keep away from accidents or accidents to different avenue users. you could try this with the aid of waiting for other drivers' movements, leaving a safety net, and using within the law.

What are traffic rules?

The Most Important Traffic Rules to Follow:

Don't Drink and Drive.You always have a valid Car Insurance Policy.Wear your seat belt while you are driving.Using a Mobile Phone while Riding.Speed.Skip the Red Light.

Learn more about Traffic Rules here:


how can price stability affect the economy positively? (4)​



Price stability proves beneficial for the economy in several ways: It makes it easier for people to disentangle changes in prices of individual goods or services from changes in the general price level. This in turn allows the market to allocate resources more efficiently.


Price stability proves beneficial for the economy in several ways: It makes it easier for people to disentangle changes in prices of individual goods or services from changes in the general price level. This in turn allows the market to allocate resources more efficiently.

justify the statement that the constitution of Nepal ( 2072 ) was documents of political consensus.​




Randy has a box of Smarties candies. Randy leaves the room, and while he is away, Michelle plays a trick on him. She removes the Smarties and replaces them with rocks. Their son, Zeven, notices this, and starts laughing knowing that his Dad, Randy, will be tricked! Zeven has mastered:


Start knowing seven mastered

Randy has a box of Smarties candies. Randy leaves the room, and while he is away, Michelle plays a trick on him. She removes the Smarties and replaces them with rocks. Their son, Zeven, notices this, and starts laughing knowing that his Dad, Randy, will be tricked! Zeven has mastered the theory of mind.

What are the tools of the theory of mind?

A classic 'false-belief' exercise is commonly used to evaluate the theory of mind. This test demonstrates unequivocally that children comprehend that a person can be inaccurate about something they understand.

The ability to reason about one's own and others' mental states is referred to as the theory of mind. This capacity is vital for predicting and understanding the acts of others, it is necessary for effective communication, it promotes social learning, and it serves as the foundation for empathetic care.

Learn more about the theory of mind here:


Many researchers believe that pleasing tastes attracted our ancestors to energy- or protein-rich foods that enabled their survival. Such researchers are most likely molecular geneticists. evolutionary psychologists. behavior geneticists. neuropsychologists. behaviorists.



The correct answer is ''evolutionary psychologists.''


Evolutionary psychology is considered to be the branch of psychology whose object of study is the development of the human being throughout its entire life cycle. Its fundamental interest lies in explaining how the diverse and different behaviors generated have been the result of adaptations to particular contexts within the long evolutionary process of our ancestors. Evolutionary psychologists explain how the evolutionary pressures of that evolutionary past (physical, biological, ecological and cultural) were those that determined the type of adaptations that the primates, anthropoids that faced them had to generate.




No. The Earth has orbited to a different location in that six months, therefore you would see a different constellation. If you were to wait a year to see the same constellation, then yes because the Earth has orbited back into the spot it was a year ago.

In six months you’ll no longer be able to see the constellation Due to the earths rotation

How are fixed Territory and population important in the formation of a society?Discuss.​



A society is a group of people living together with common goal , shared cultural values and special bond. Every human being live in society and every society have fixed territory or land either it is big or small . To regard any area as Society there must be certain population. Population is regarded as people living in the certain area at certain time . However there is no limit in it's size. It maybe big as nation or simply as a summation of some countries.

This is how fixed territory and population is important in the formation of a society.



Discuss three consequences of violent crime on the individual


Crime victims often suffer a broad range of psychological and social injuries that persist long after their physical wounds have healed.

permanent bodies that are established by the rules of each chamber and that continue from session to session. committees that handle issues that the most important committees in Congress do not consider. committees that work with counterparts in the other house of Congress. committees that reconcile differences in an action. committees inside committees, which handle tasks that the main committee has no time for.



Standing committees are permanent bodies that are established by the rules of each chamber and that continue from session to session



This is simply a legislative branch of government. It was described in Article I of the US Constitution that it consist of the House of Representatives and Senate. That is primarily responsible for making laws.

The Importance of Committees

1) They simply give room for members of Congress to divide their work among many smaller groups

2. ) Through the holding public hearings and investigations, committees help the public learn about key problems and issues facing the nation Etc.

Standing committee

This is simply refered to as a permanent committee that is in the Congress whose duties is to be responsible or oversees bills that deal with certain kinds of issues.

Why should there be laws against using cell phones while driving ?



Cell phone use while driving has become a leading cause of vehicle crashes over the last two decades. Using a cell phone while driving increases the driver's risk of causing a crash. Drivers are distracted, decreasing the driver's awareness on the road, leading to more car crashes.


Yes because... Using a mobile phone while driving is very dangerous. Physically holding a handset removes one hand from the controls, making accidents more likely, while dialling is even worse, as it also requires the user to divert their attention away from the road.

Explain the importance of human resource development ​


Human resources development is important because it is an investment in one's employees that will ultimately result in a stronger and more effective workforce.

what is ecosystem and why do we need it


Every living thing, including man, is involved in these complex networks of interdependent relationships, which are called ecosystems. Healthy ecosystems clean our water, purify our air, maintain our soil, regulate the climate, recycle nutrients and provide us with food.

Hope that helps! :)

Wgat are the 5 religoin that don't believe in worshipping idol?​







christianity (jesus is not seen as an idol)

An Arizona State University student spends his summer months in his hometown. He attends the local community college, where he takes summer courses that he knows will transfer back to ASU. Although he finds the courses just as challenging as at his regular university, he does not worry about his summer grades affecting his 3.2 (out of 4.0) grade point average, because ASU accepts only the transfer credits. As long as he receives C grades or better, he maintains his current grade point average. Which theory suggests that the student will work only as hard as necessary to earn a C grade?



The theory that suggests the student will work only as hard as necessary to earn a C grade is: expectancy theory.


Expectancy Theory is related to motivation and behavior. According to it, people choose a certain behavior instead of others only when motivated by the outcome brought by that behavior. Applying it to the scenario we are analyzing here: the student does not see any advantages in working hard to achieve grades higher than C. Higher grades will not change the outcome, so there is no reason to spend more time and energy to get them. Thus, he chooses the behavior that he feels motivated enough to perform.

Why do people disrespect or break the law?



People may disrespect or break the law because the law maybe not just right

They are many other reasons

But hope this helps

Clara calls potential research participants and asks if they would be willing to give blood. Once they have agreed to donate blood, she informs them that their donation is scheduled at 7:00 in the morning on a Saturday. Though most participants are not happy to hear this information, almost all of them do show up for the blood donation appointment. Clara has taken advantage of





Consumer psychology

This is simply known as an aspect of psychology that deals with the habits of consumers in the marketplace.


This is simply known as the act of altering a behavior of oneself as a result of other people directing or asking for the change.

The four ways to gain compliance includes:

1. Foot-in-the-door technique

2. Door-in-the-face technique

3. Lowball technique

4. That's-not-all technique


This is simply defined as the act of changing an offer to make it less attractive to the target person after they have agreed to it. As a technique, It involves the act of getting a commitment from an individual and then raising the cost of that commitment.

what are the evidences to support that the constitution of the kingdom of Nepal 2047 was more democratic than the constitution of the kingdom of Nepal 2015 ? list reasons .​


the answe is well i could be

Committees that consider a proposed bill have the authority to



answer is the first: to reject or approve

Explain the economic benefits of forests.​



Forests provide a wide range of economic and social benefits to humankind. These include contributions to the overall economy – for example through employment, processing and trade of forest products and energy – and investments in the forest sector.



Please answer this question, I'll mark you as brainliest.​



The five qualities of leader are:

IntergrityAbility to delegateEmpathyGratitudeNever leaves you

A driver traveling the speed limit in the evening on a quiet country road rounded a curve and struck a bicyclist who was riding in the same lane. The driver stopped the car and inspected the bicyclist, who had a broken leg. The driver thought it best not to try to move the bicyclist, so he told him that he would go to get help. The driver drove away and left the bicyclist by the side of the road. After the driver had left the scene, he realized that he had forgotten his wife's birthday, so he stopped to buy a gift and hurried home. He did not remember the bicyclist until a few hours later, but assumed that by that time someone would have come along to render assistance. However, the bicyclist was not rescued until the following morning. By then, he had contracted pneumonia as a result of exposure. The bicyclist sued the driver to recover damages for his broken leg and the pneumonia. If the jury finds that the driver was not negligent in his operation of his automobile, for what harm will the bicyclist most likely recover


Answer: Pneumonia but not leg injury


Accidents involving bones should be treated with urgency else the matter becomes complex as there is a delay and in most cases exposure the bone faces makes it more difficult to treat. The driver would have hurriedly taken the bicyclist to the hospital, so the bone issues could be attended to, his delay caused him more harm by exposing him to pneumonia and might make the bone injury difficult to treat.

A police officer had probable cause to believe that a defendant was involved in a robbery. The officer obtained a valid arrest warrant and went to the defendant's apartment to execute it. The officer decided to go to the defendant's apartment right when he believed the defendant would be home from work, so he could search the defendant's apartment before he had a chance to hide the stolen goods. When the officer arrived at the defendant's apartment, the door was ajar, but nothing else seemed out of the ordinary. The officer slowly opened the door and entered the apartment. He walked toward the back of the apartment, and when he heard the defendant in a bedroom, pushed open the door, loudly told the defendant to freeze, and arrested him. Did the officer properly execute the arrest warrant



- No, because the officer failed to "knock and announce" before he entered the defendant's apartment.


As per the federal laws, the arrest implemented by the officer was not appropriate as he entered the defendant's house without knocking and informing him about the arrest. The law says that despite an arrest warrant is issued against an individual for a specific crime, the police officer who is executing the arrest is not allowed to enter the house of the defendant without knocking or declaring the purpose before him. Lawfully, he is required to give a knock at the door and then, announcing the purpose along with the reason of arrest. Hence, the arrest was inapt.

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