Your sentence:
anuched on vishva mein cyber crime ki samasya
Your translation:
The problem of cyber crime in the world
The computer may be used as a tool in the following kinds of activity: financial crimes, sale of illegal articles, online gambling, intellectual property crime, e-mail spoofing, etc. These are all bad things and shouldn't be happening. This makes it a problem in the cyber world.
Is there a high or low standard of living? (Hint, look at how many babies are being born) High Low
De realizat un reportaj despre spectacolul ,,conu Leonida fata cu reactiunea'' de ion luca caragiale CEerinte: 1de prezentat succint actiunile din comedie si personajele implicate 2de comentat jocul actorilor decorul si muzica 3de remarcat despre utilitatea spectacolului(cui se adreseaza si ce efecte poate avea asupra spectatorilor
How does paragraph 31 develop the plot of the short story The Challenge By Gary Soto ?
Paragraph 31 develops the plot of the short story by adding a conflict to the story. ¨But Jose´s mind twisted with worry¨ is a quote that supports this.
Hope it help