Anyone ?? Know the answers to these both? Due tmr morning


Answer 1


Just use m a t h w a y for the answer

Step-by-step explanation:

Thank me later,or dont thank me at all

Related Questions

A manufacturer of radio sets produced 600 units in the third year and 700 units in the
seventh year. Assuming the production uniformly increases by a fixed number every year,
the production in the first year is
b) 530
d) 570
a) 500
c) 550



Step-by-step explanation:

The easiest way to explain this is to use slope and then writing equations for lines. The reason for that is because we are told that the production uniformly increases. That "uniform increase" is the rate of change, and since the rate of change is constant, we are talking about the slope of a line, where the rate of change is constant throughout the whole length of the line.

Create coordinates from the info given:

In the third year, 600 units were made. Time is always an x thing, so the coordinate is (3, 600). Likewise for the other bit of info. Time is always an x thing, so the coordinate is (7, 700). Applying the slope formula:

[tex]m=\frac{700-600}{7-3}=\frac{100}{4}=25[/tex]  which means that 25 units per year are produced. Write the equation to find the number of units produced in any year. I used the point-slope form of a line to do this:

y - 600 = 25(x - 3) and

y - 600 = 25x - 75 so

y = 25x + 525

If we want to know the number of units in the first year, we will replace x with 1 and do the math:

y = 25(1) + 525 so

y = 550 units, choice C.

Please Help Asap Its Pre-Calculus

The point (−2, 2) is a solution to which of the following systems?

y > −2x + 2 and y > x + 5
y < x + 2 and y > x − 1
y < 2x + 8 and y ≥ −x − 3
y < 2x + 3 and y ≥ −2x − 5


The point [tex](-2,2)[/tex] is a solution of the system given by [tex]y<2x+8[/tex] and [tex]y \geq -x-3[/tex]

Given point: [tex](-2,2)[/tex]

Given systems:

[tex]y>-2x+2[/tex] and [tex]y>x+5[/tex] [tex]y<x+2[/tex] and [tex]y>x-1[/tex] [tex]y<2x+8[/tex] and [tex]y \geq -x-3[/tex] [tex]y<2x+3[/tex] and [tex]y \geq -2x-5[/tex]

To find: The system to which the given point is a solution

If a point is a solution of a system, then the coordinates of the point satisfies all the equation(s) or inequation(s) of the system. So, we can substitute the x & y coordinates of the given point into the inequalities of each of the given systems and check if the inequalities are satisfied by the coordinates of the point.

(1) [tex]y>-2x+2[/tex] and [tex]y>x+5[/tex]

Substitute the coordinates of the point [tex](-2,2)[/tex] into the inequalities of the system.

Put [tex]x=-2,y=2[/tex] in [tex]y>-2x+2[/tex] to get,




The above inequality is clearly impossible and thus, the coordinates of the given point does not satisfy this inequality.

This implies that the given point is not a solution of this system.

(2) [tex]y<x+2[/tex] and [tex]y>x-1[/tex]

Substitute the coordinates of the point [tex](-2,2)[/tex] into the inequalities of the system.

Put [tex]x=-2,y=2[/tex] in [tex]y<x+2[/tex] to get,



The above inequality is clearly impossible and thus, the coordinates of the given point does not satisfy this inequality.

This implies that the given point is not a solution of this system.

(3) [tex]y<2x+8[/tex] and [tex]y \geq -x-3[/tex]

Substitute the coordinates of the point [tex](-2,2)[/tex] into the inequalities of the system.

Put [tex]x=-2,y=2[/tex] in [tex]y<2x+8[/tex] to get,




This is a true inequality. Then, the given point satisfies the first inequality of the system.

We will now check if the point satisfies the second inequality of the system.

Put [tex]x=-2,y=2[/tex] in [tex]y \geq -x-3[/tex] to get,

[tex]2 \geq -(-2)-3[/tex]

[tex]2 \geq 2-3[/tex]

[tex]2 \geq -1[/tex]

This is also a true inequality. Then, the given point also satisfies the second inequality of the system.

Thus, the given point is a solution of this system.

(4) [tex]y<2x+3[/tex] and [tex]y \geq -2x-5[/tex]

Substitute the coordinates of the point [tex](-2,2)[/tex] into the inequalities of the system.

Put [tex]x=-2,y=2[/tex] in [tex]y<2x+3[/tex] to get,




The above inequality is clearly impossible and thus, the coordinates of the given point does not satisfy this inequality.

This implies that the given point is not a solution of this system.

Thus, we can see that the coordinates of the given point [tex](-2,2)[/tex] satisfies the inequalities of the third system only.

Then, the point [tex](-2,2)[/tex] is a solution of the system given by [tex]y<2x+8[/tex] and [tex]y \geq -x-3[/tex].

Learn more about geometric solutions of system of linear inequalities here:

Find: (6m5 + 3 – m3 – 4m) – (–m5 + 2m3 – 4m + 6)


Answer: 7m⁵ -3m³ - 3


= (6m⁵ + 3 - m³ - 4m) -(-m⁵ + 2m³- 4m +6)

= 6m⁵ + 3 - m³ - 4m +m⁵-2m³+4m - 6

= 6m⁵ + m⁵-m³ -2m³ -4m + 4m - 6 +3

= 7m⁵ -3m³ - 3

Answered by Gauthmath must click thanks and mark brainliest

A brick is in the shape of a rectangular prism with a length of 6 inches, a width of 3 inches, and a height of 5.5 inches. The brick has a density of 2.7 grams per cubic centimeter. Find the mass of the brick to the nearest gram.

pls pls pls help


y............. xnxnxnxnxnccncncncnnncncjcjnf

Find an explicit formula for the geometric sequence \dfrac12\,,-4\,,\,32\,,-256,.. 2 1 ​ ,−4,32,−256,..start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, comma, minus, 4, comma, 32, comma, minus, 256, comma, point, point. Note: the first term should be \textit{a(1)}a(1)start text, a, left parenthesis, 1, right parenthesis, end text. a(n)=a(n)=a, left parenthesis, n, right parenthesis, equals



a(n)= 1/2 * (-8) n-1

Step-by-step explanation:

In a geometric sequence, the ratio between successive terms is constant. This means that we can move from any term to the next one by multiplying by a constant value. Let's calculate this ratio over the first few terms:












=−8start fraction, minus, 256, divided by, 32, end fraction, equals, start fraction, 32, divided by, minus, 4, end fraction, equals, start fraction, minus, 4, divided by, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end fraction, equals, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed

We see that the constant ratio between successive terms is \blue{-8}−8start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed. In other words, we can find any term by starting with the first term and multiplying by \blue{-8}−8start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed repeatedly until we get to the desired term.

Let's look at the first few terms expressed as products:

nn 111 222 333 444

h(n)\!\!\!\!\!h(n)h, left parenthesis, n, right parenthesis \red{\dfrac12}\cdot\!\!\!\left(\blue{-8}\right)^{\,\large0}\!\!\!\!\!\!  





start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, dot, left parenthesis, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed, right parenthesis, start superscript, 0, end superscript \red{\dfrac12}\cdot\!\!\!\left(\blue{-8}\right)^{\,\large1}\!\!\!\!\!\!  





start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, dot, left parenthesis, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed, right parenthesis, start superscript, 1, end superscript \red{\dfrac12}\cdot\!\!\!\left(\blue{-8}\right)^{\,\large2}\!\!\!\!\!\!  





start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, dot, left parenthesis, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed, right parenthesis, squared \red{\dfrac12}\cdot\!\!\!\left(\blue{-8}\right)^{\,\large3}  





start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, dot, left parenthesis, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed, right parenthesis, cubed

We can see that every term is the product of the first term, \red{\dfrac12}  



start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, and a power of the constant ratio, \blue{-8}−8start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed. Note that this power is always one less than the term number nnn. This is because the first term is the product of itself and plainly 111, which is like taking the constant ratio to the zeroth power.

Thus, we arrive at the following explicit formula (Note that \red{\dfrac12}  



start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030 is the first term and \blue{-8}−8start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed is the constant ratio):






a, left parenthesis, n, right parenthesis, equals, start color #df0030, start fraction, 1, divided by, 2, end fraction, end color #df0030, dot, left parenthesis, start color #6495ed, minus, 8, end color #6495ed, right parenthesis, start superscript, n, minus, 1, end superscript

Note that this solution strategy results in this formula; however, an equally correct solution can be written in other equivalent forms as well.

Can someone help me on this please


The choices :


B , E , D

Given that cos 75 = X, show that cos 105 = −X


Step-by-step explanation:

cos(90) = 0

around this point the cos function "mirrors" with opposite signs. cos(<90) is positive and cos(>90) is negative.

but |cos(90-a)| = |cos(90+a)| for 0 <= a <= 90

75 = 90 - 15

105 = 90 + 15

so, a = 15

and because of

|cos(90-a)| = |cos(90+a)| for 0 <= a <= 90

cos (90-15) = cos(75) = -cos(90+15) = -cos(105)

please help, i don't understand the subject so i need an answer to help me out:) i will give brainliest to a good answer.


To be honest, I don't think it has anything to do with the exponent part at all. Instead, I think it has to do with the fact that integers are inherently easier to grasp compared to fractions (which is exactly what rational numbers are).

For instance, it's much easier to say 2+3 = 5 than it is to say 1/2 + 1/4 = 3/4

So going back to the exponent example, it's easier to say

x^2*x^3 = x^(2+3) = x^5

than it is to say

x^(1/2)*x^(1/4) = x^(1/2+1/4) = x^(3/4)

So that's my opinion as to why rational exponents are more tricky to grasp compared to integer exponents. Of course, everyone learns math differently so maybe some find fractions easier than others.

Please help will give brainliest, pls don’t just guess



B = multiply both sides by 2y+1

Step-by-step explanation:


B. multiply both sides by the equation 2y + 1




37.15 pounds left

Step-by-step explanation:

Add the two pound values

1.3+1.75= 3.05

Subtract it from the total number of pounds in the bag



So you would start by adding up the total amount he ate. So that would be

1.3 + 1.75 = 3.05

Then you have to subtract the amount he ate from the total amount.

40.2 - 3.05 = 37.15

So your answer would be 37.15 let me know if you don’t understand something, more than happy to help.

how prove the following
cos²(120°-A) + cos²A + cos²(120°+A)= 3/2



Sorry if it is not clear enough

Factor the polynomial




Step-by-step explanation:

Find two numbers that add to


and mulitply to


so find two numbers that add to


and mulitply to


Those two numbers are 8 and 7

therefore the answer is


(X + 7) (x + 8). You just take the multiples of 56 that equal 15



It’s 0.39 Hope this helps!

PLEASE HELP I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



correct option is A

Step-by-step explanation:

mark me

A. is your correct answer!!!!
Hope this helps!!!!!!

A giant pie is created in an attempt to break a world record for baking. The pie is shown below:

A circle is shown with a central angle marked 45 degrees and the diameter marked 15 feet.

What is the area of the slice of pie that was cut, rounded to the nearest hundredth?

22.08 ft2
24.45 ft2
26.32 ft2
28.97 ft2



22.08 ft^2

Step-by-step explanation:

First find the area of the full circle

A = pi r^2

The diameter is 15 so the radius is 1/2 (15) = 7.5

A = (3.14) (7.5)^2


45 degrees is  a fraction of a circle which is 360 degrees

45/360 = 1/8

Multiply the area of the circle by this fraction

1/8 (176.625) =22.078125

Rounding to the nearest hundredth



22.08 ft2

Step-by-step explanation:

10 = z + 6 (show work)




Step-by-step explanation:


or, z+6=10

or, z=10-6


May this help you

which of the following represents 10 on a number line ​



don't understand....................


Jeremy is buying a new car. The total cost, including tax, is $18275. If the tax rate is 7.5% , what is the sticker price of the car?




Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]Total = 18275[/tex]

[tex]Tax = 7.5\%[/tex]


The original price

This is calculated using:

[tex]Price(1 + Tax) = Total[/tex]

Make Price the subject

[tex]Price = \frac{Total}{(1 + Tax)}[/tex]

So, we have:

[tex]Price = \frac{18275}{(1 + 7.5\%)}[/tex]

[tex]Price = \frac{18275}{1.075}[/tex]

[tex]Price = 17000[/tex]

The length of a rectangle is twice as long as the width of the rectangle.
The area of the rectangle is 32 cm.
Draw the rectangle on the centimetre grid.

I did it wrong can someone help me



Width = 4 cm

Length = 8 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

Let [tex]l[/tex] be equal to the length of the rectangle.

Let [tex]w[/tex] be equal to the width of the rectangle.

1) Determine equations to find the length and width

We're given that the length is two times the length of the width:


We're also given that the area of the rectangle is 32 cm². Recall that the area of a rectangle is [tex]A=lw[/tex]:


Now, we have our two equations:

[tex]\displaystyle \left \{ {{l=2w} \atop {32=lw}} \right.[/tex]

2) Solve for the width using substitution

[tex]\displaystyle \left \{ {{l=2w} \atop {32=lw}} \right.[/tex]

Replace [tex]l[/tex] in the second equation with [tex]2w[/tex] from the first equation:


Divide both sides by 2 to isolate w²:


Take the square root of both sides to isolate w:


Because width cannot be negative, w=4. Therefore, the width of the rectangle is 4 cm.

3) Solve for the length

[tex]\displaystyle \left \{ {{l=2w} \atop {32=lw}} \right.[/tex]

Now, that we have the width (4 cm), we can solve for the length by plugging it back into one of the equations. Either of the equations work, but we can use the first:


Therefore, the length of the rectangle is 8 cm.

3) Draw the rectangle

We can use what you had before as a foundation. You drew a rectangle with width 4 cm and length 7 cm. To draw the correct rectangle, add another row on top to make it 4 cm by 8 cm.

I hope this helps!

A pendulum's height is modeled by the function h(t) = 4 cos(pi/4*t) + 8 where h is the
measure of the pendulum's height in feet and t is the number of seconds since the
maximum height. How many seconds does it take the pendulum to complete one
full swing?


Answer:  8 seconds



The general cosine template is

y = A*cos(B(t - C)) + D

where in this case

A = 4B = pi/4C = 0D = 8

We only really need to worry about the B value. To get the period T, we do the following

T = 2pi/B

T = (2pi)/(pi/4)

T = 2pi * (4/pi)

T = 8

Note how the pi terms canceled. The period is 8 seconds, which is the length of one full cycle. This is the time it takes for the pendulum to do one full swing (eg: start at the right, swing to the left all the way, then swing back to the right again).

The result of 8 we got has nothing to do with the D = 8 value (this D value could be any other number and T = 8 would still be the case as long as B doesn't change of course).

What is the probability of a red on this spinner?
Be sure to reduce.



2/8 or 1/4 simplified

Step-by-step explanation:

If you count how many equal sections there are, you will see there are 8, and 2 or those 8 sections are red so that would easily give you your answer, 2/8.

And to simplify it divide both the top and the bottom by 2 and that gives you 1/4.

Hope the helps! :)

The probability of a red on this spinner would be 1/4.

Used the concept of probability that states,

The term probability refers to the likelihood of an event occurring. Probability means possibility.

Given that,

A spinner is shown in the image.

Since there are a total of 8 parts with different colors.

And, the number of red colors on this spinner is 2.

Hence, the probability of a red on this spinner would be,

P = 2 / 8

P = 1 / 4

Therefore, the probability is 1/4.

Learn more about the probability visit:


The following ordered pairs represent a function: {(-3, 1), (1, -2), (3, 0), (4, 5)}.

True or False




Step-by-step explanation:

this is because there is no function of an unknown in this set

Type the equation for the graph



Step-by-step explanation:

This is a "regular" sin graph that's "taller" than the original. The amplitude is 3; other than that, its period is the same and it has not shifted to the right or left, so the equation, judging from the graph, is


f(x)=square root 2x and g(x)=square root 50x find (f/g)(x)




Step-by-step explanation:

(f/g)(x) = f(x)/g(x) = sqrt(2x)/sqrt(50x) = 1/5

helppppppppppppppp me




Step-by-step explanation:





Hope it helps


Which set of polar coordinates describes the same location as the
rectangular coordinates (1. - 1)?
A. (sqrt2,315°)
B. (-1,135°) C. (sqrt2,225°)
D. (1,45°)



The polar coordinates appear in the form (r, θ), where r is the the radius from the center and θ is the angle. To get the radius, do the following.

[tex]r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2} = \sqrt{1^2 + (-1)^2} = \sqrt{2}\\[/tex]

You can get the angle visually by drawing a point (1, -1) on a graph and seeing that it is 45 degrees from the top right quadrant (you can tell its 45 because both x and y have the same magnitude). Since there are 360 degrees, 360 - 45 = 315.

If you would like to find it mathematically, this is the way to do it

[tex]\theta = atan(y/x) = -45[/tex]

Notice that -45 degrees is just 360 - 45 = 315

Your answer would be

[tex](\sqrt{2}, 315)[/tex]

express y=2x²+9x+4 in the form a(x+b)²+c . where a ,b,c are constant



2(x+9)^2 + 4

Step-by-step explanation:


i have 17 coins. N of them are nickels and the rest are dimes. write an expression in two different ways for the amount of money that i have. (Hint: one is the other simplified)



Step-by-step explanation:

Total amount in cents (unsimplified): 5N +17(10-N)

Simplified: 170-5N

x+y=4 and 2x+3y=2 then find x and y​



x=10, y=-6

Step-by-step explanation:

1) express x from the first equation x+y=4 x=4-y

2) It is the system of equations, so both equations are simultaneous.

you can replace x to 4-y in the second one

2 *(4-y) +3y=2

8-2y+3y= 2


x= 4-y=4-(-6)=10

The answer is x=10, y=-6

Find the measure of the indicated angle to the nearest degree


Answer: 39


In this case, we must first find the hypotenuse of this triangle by the Pythagorean Theorem.

sqrt(a^2 + b^2) = c

1) sqrt( 23^2 + 28^2) = c
2) sqrt(529 + 784) = c
3) sqrt(1313) = c
4) c = 36.2353

Now that we have obtained our hypotenuse, we can easily find our missing angle by the sine rule.

sin(Angle)/opposing side = sin(Angle)/opposing side

1) sin90/36.2353 = sinx/23
2) 1/36.2353 = sinx/23
3) 23/36.2353 = sinx
4) x = sin^-1(23/36.2353) (SHIFT + Sin on your calculator to do this)
5) x ≈ 39

Hope this helps, brainliest would be appreciated :)
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