Are you living the life of your dreams? ...
What would you do if fear was not a factor and you could not fail?


Answer 1



Answer 2


I am not living the life of my dreams. But then again nobody's life is perfect you know. The grass is always greener. (That expression is saying that someone else will always have something better, so just try your best to appraicate what you have instead of making yourself sad by wishing on the things you don't have.)


If fear wasn't a factor and I could not fail I would go into the community and business of video game design a lot bolder and easier. It would be a much better adventure for me if everything I made got mountains of support, feedback, and criticism.

Thank you this was a good question. ΔΔΔ

Related Questions

List any 10 kpop songs name...
No jpt message!!!!​


[tex] \huge \fbox \colorbox{lavender}{Answer}[/tex]

List any 10 kpop songs name...

Mic dropIdolAfter SchoolRollin'Ddu ddu DduPretty SavageLovesick GirlsLove ShotI'm not CoolDessertBoy with luvMirohBack DoorGod's menu Kick BackWannabeIn the morningSoloGoneOn the GroundNext levelWeekendReady to loveMake itFirstWhy notilla illaCelebrity

There are so many Songs But I tell you only few songs!


Mic drop


After School


Ddu ddu Ddu

Pretty Savage

Lovesick Girls

Love Shot

I'm not Cool


Boy with luv


Back Door

God's menu

Kick Back


In the morning



On the Ground

Next level


Ready to love

Make it


Why not

illa illa


so many you cannot count it

Explain the Achievements of the federal government in promoting tolerance across the UAE.


1) to deepen the values of tolerance and co-existence among cultures by teaching the youth the values of tolerance
2) to solidify the UAE as the global capital for tolerance through a series of initiatives, projects and dialogues between various cultures and civilisations
3 implement multiple cultural programmes and make contributions to build tolerant communities
4) focus on legislative and policy-oriented objectives that contribute to mandating cultural and religious tolerance via dialogue
5) promote tolerance through targeted media initiatives and projects.

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I think a is correct...........

What is the meaning of bsdk ?



Nutaq Board Software Development Kit 

I think

యోగ్యులైన పిల్లల వల్ల తలిదండ్రులు
కలిగే ప్రయోజనాలు ఏవి?​



What are the benefits to parents of decent children?

hãy làm 1 đoạn văn nghị luận xã hội phân tích về văn bản khi con tu hú



Please do a piece of social commentary analyzing the text when you are a child

Từ tinh thần phần đọc hiểu trên hãy viết đoạn văn diễn dịch bày tỏ suy nghĩ của em về tinh thần đoàn kết dân tộc




There is a proverb: "United is life, divided is death". The history of our nation has proven that to be an extremely correct truth. Solidarity has become a precious tradition of our nation from the past to the present. , bringing benefits for the development of the collective. Solidarity is a good tradition of our people, expressed through mutual assistance and assistance with specific actions, especially in times of trouble and difficulty. a unified block, closely linked together, inseparable, working together, supporting each other to solve the problem. That combination will create great strength to help us overcome all difficulties, physical and mental barriers, and bring good results to life. We must unite to protect the national peace and build the country more and more prosperous and happy.

Can someone answer these questions, you don't have to do all of them!
1.What do you think about mindfulness and meditation?
2.What is one aspect of communication that you believe you have a strength in, and how has it helped you in life, family, and work?
3.How has self-awareness benefited your life, and what can you teach me about it?



1 both really help the both and the brain to work perfectly fine and some say that meditating can boost ur brains thinking. be able to talk with someone with both eyes staring at each other .this has helped way more countless times bcoz now i am able to witness if that person might be interested in our conversation or what.NB (eye contact)

3.self awareness has benefited my life in way that I have to always tell my self that "I'm enough and I have confidence in my self" regardless of what people may say its just me,myself,and I.

Find out which language is this सडक अवरुद्ध र नेपाल सरकार गठन हुनुपर्छ। ​



It is Nepali language


Explanation: from Nepal

write a hindi poem on independence day (self conposed)(dont copy even a line)​



हम बच्चे हँसते गाते हैं|हम आगे बढ़ते जाते हैं|

पथ पर बिखरे कंकड़ काँटे,हम चुन चुन दूर हटाते हैं|

आयें कितनी भी बाधाएँ,हम कभी नही घबराते हैं|

धन दोलत से ऊपर उठ कर,सपनों के महल बनाते हैं|

हम ख़ुशी बाँटते दुनिया को,हम हँसते और हँसाते हैं|

सारे जग में सबसे अच्छे,हम भारतीय कहलाते हैं|

Mark me as brainliest^_^

Lazeez daal summary in hindi in 70 to 100 words!​






पारमाणबोधक विशषण ३ तलका शब्दहरू विशेषणको कुन प्रकारअन्तर्गत पर्दछन् ? छुट्टाछुट्टै तालिकामा लेख : मेरी, भोजपुरी, त्यो, केही, ज्यादै, करोड, को, कुनै, तेस्रो, घुमेका, प्राचीन, यी, आफ्नो, बनेपाली, मेरो, सुनेका तपाईंको, बहिनीकी, तीतो, पढ्ने, फुल्दो, मासिक, नवीन, जोसुकै, निकै, दश, सय, जुन, देखेकी गुणबोधक विशेषण परिमाणबोधक सङ्ख्याबोधक सार्वनामिक भेदक विशेषण विशेषण विशेषण विशेषण तलका वाम्यहरुबाट विशेष विपण​



ye kya h , O_o




Atomic Adjectives 3 What kind of adjectives do the following words belong to? Articles in separate table: Meri, Bhojpuri, That, Some, Very, Crore, Who, No, Third, Wandering, Ancient, These, Yours, Banepali, My, Heard Your, Sister, Bitter, Reading, Flower, Monthly, New, Any ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

कथयनययक की रूलच लकन लकन कययों मेंथी ?



But what was the greed of Kathyanayak?


चीटियों से हमें कौन-सी प्रेरणा मिलती है?​


एक छोटा सा प्राणी होकर इतनी बड़ी सीख । चींटी सिखाती है मिलकर काम करना बहुत बार देखा , है जब एक चींटी कुछ उठाने में असमर्थ होती है तो उसकी मदद के लिए और चींटियां भी आ जाती हैं , और चारों तरफ से उस वस्तु को घेरकर घसीटते हुए ले जातीं हैं । चींटी सिखाती है कुछ भविष्य के लिए भी संजोकर रखना चाहिए ।


अपने आनेवाले कल को सुरक्षित रखना कोई इन चीटियों से सीख सकता है। चींटी का एक दुसरे के साथ परस्पर सहयोग होता हैं, आज अगर किसी को भोजन नहीं मिला तो, आपस में भोजन बाँट लेती हैं।

A class took a survey to decide where to go on a class trip, and they want to make a chart to see how popular each choice was. Will the need to make any changes to the data before creating the chart





in order they can get a correct survey and so that there won't be any mistakes that may acquire

How do celebrities influence people?



they influence pipol to dress like them


celebrtiesi influence people by what they wear and how they act. The people who stan/follow the celebrities will do what the celebrity does.


1) Esses textos têm em comum o fato de * 1 ponto A) serem textos informativos. Ambos os textos estão centralizados em fatos/acontecimentos. B) serem textos argumentativos. Ambos os textos narram histórias envolvendo personagens. C) serem textos epistolares. O TEXTO 01 é uma carta pessoal e o TEXTO 02 é uma carta aberta. D) serem textos epistolares. O TEXTO 01 é uma carta aberta e o TEXTO 02 é uma carta pessoal. 2) No TEXTO 01, a expressão "Muito cordialmente," utilizada na despedida é típica da linguagem * 1 ponto A) científica. B) coloquial. C) formal. D) regional.​



Ysusisididjdndnksudddkufbdskd dndidd

d ac  eot ex to no a  te   pote como aj umdo    t

What's easier to learn for a person who knows english. Spanish Or German? Pls explain


German. It’s a phonetic language which makes pronunciation easy


The answer is not definite


Each is a foreign language, they both use the pheonecian alphabet (abcedfg with accents like äéþð) and are not that similar to english, but from a person who knows spanish, I would say that spanish is easier due to the slight more similarity to english. Also spanish is much more usable is the US than german. If you go to the lower west Coast (LA, San Jose, San Francisco) more than 30% of the population speaks spanish so its very useful. If hyou are asking this for highschool classes, I would choose spanish

Hey I need Japanese HIRAGANA help! Ka means is right?


This is Hiragana .....


sentence with सांत्वना

please fast


भुवन ने मुझे बहुत सांत्वना दी—आप व्यर्थ इतना शोक करती हैं।

How did the improvements made to the park create new and unexpected problems?

The many improvements made to the park included the Zion‐Mount Carmel Tunnel, which allowed people who did not value nature to visit the park. As a result, people in the area started visiting other national parks more than coming to Zion.
The many improvements made to the park increased the size of the facilities, allowing more people to hold special events at Zion National Park. As a result, more damage was done to the landscape by irresponsible visitors to the events at the park.
The many improvements made to the park made it easier to access the area and provided more recreation opportunities. As a result, the park's popularity increased, leading to huge numbers of visitors and the problems that come with them.
The many improvements made to the park made it necessary to start charging money for admission. Since people thought that the park was exclusive. More people wanted to come, so they could take pictures with the hanging gardens.


Vas happenin!
It’s been a while
I think it’s B
Sorry if it’s wrong
Hope this helps *smiles*

 Its B


if all fails

Dharti Ka badhta tapman anuchchhed lekhan​



Heat waves can be dangerous, causing illnesses such as heat cramps and heat stroke, or even death. Warmer temperatures can also lead to a chain reaction of other changes around the world. That's because increasing air temperature also affects the oceans, weather patterns, snow and ice, and plants and animals.

im sorry i don't know the answer or if that is even a question i just translated it im not an indian, im a filipina..sorry

but i hope its correct

How are fiction books arranged in the library​



Fiction would follow the fiction schema (alphabetical by author last name, first name and then by title within an author). Non-fiction would be shelved according to the Dewey Decimal System.

hope it helps

please mark Brainliest

It is worth noting that America is now, or has been, engaged in an extremely partisan war of attrition. Ted Johnson, a fellow at New York University's Brennan Center for Justice studies, told the Guardian that the fiercely partisan battles over voting rights, national security policy, law enforcement and gun policy reform, and even the state of race relations



this is the answer


I gathered with the entire student body of Wyoming Catholic College on Sept. 17, 2019, for a mandatory celebration of Constitution Day. We began with the Pledge of Allegiance, witnessed a lively panel discussion between professors on the history and modern relevance of America’s founding principles, and concluded by singing patriotic songs.

If you are a student at a typical American university, that description probably sounds foreign to anything you have experienced. Anti-Americanism has spread across college campuses like a wildfire, igniting rage and resentment against anything perceived as oppressive — even the American flag. As a result, most universities would likely shy away from a celebration of our nation’s founding in favor of more “inclusive” events.

Look at the invoice that Francisco has received for the repairs to his car. Then, write a few sentences in English describing what work was done
and why.
Example: The tire was replaced because it was flat.
Auto Mercado
Boleta No: 856790
Día: 20 de Febrero
Dirección: San Eugenio 1065, Providencia, Santiago, Chile.
Nombre: Francisco Javier Miranda Jiménez



The fan belt was old and loose.

Brake pads were worn down.

The battery was changed because it was low.

The engine was old and not working.

Explanation: Its just asking what was changed and why


This is the edmentum answer


салам брат кандайсың! сен жакшысың деп үмүттөнөм!

please translate it into japanese or English.​



Hello brother how are you I hope you are well!

こんにちは兄弟お元気ですか あなたが元気でありますように!


Hi, bro how are you?
Hope you're good!

संघीयता को महत्व सात वटा ​



संघवाद एक अस्पष्ट दार्शनिक शब्द के रूप में प्रकट हो सकता है, लेकिन इसका एक बहुत ही ठोस अर्थ है। यह इस विचार को संदर्भित करता है कि हम कैसे शासित होते हैं, इसके बारे में निर्णय उस नियम द्वारा शासित लोगों के निकटतम सरकार के स्तर पर किए जाते हैं। यह केवल तभी आवश्यक है जब स्थानीय समुदाय सत्ता को उच्च स्तर की सरकार को सौंपने के लिए चुनता है।



संघवाद की प्रमुख विशेषताएं:

१) सरकार के दो या दो से अधिक स्तर (या स्तर) होते हैं।

2) सरकार के विभिन्न स्तर एक ही नागरिक को नियंत्रित करते हैं, लेकिन कानून, कराधान और प्रशासन के विशिष्ट मामलों में प्रत्येक स्तर का अपना अधिकार क्षेत्र होता है।

3) सरकार के संबंधित स्तरों या स्तरों के क्षेत्राधिकार संविधान में निर्दिष्ट हैं।

4) संविधान के मौलिक प्रावधानों को एक स्तर की सरकार द्वारा एकतरफा नहीं बदला जा सकता है। इस तरह के परिवर्तनों के लिए सरकार के दोनों स्तरों की सहमति की आवश्यकता होती है।

5) न्यायालयों को संविधान की व्याख्या करने और सरकार के विभिन्न स्तरों की शक्तियों की व्याख्या करने की शक्ति है।

६) सरकार के प्रत्येक स्तर के लिए राजस्व के स्रोत उसकी वित्तीय स्वायत्तता सुनिश्चित करने के लिए निर्दिष्ट हैं।

७) इस प्रकार संघीय व्यवस्था के दोहरे उद्देश्य हैं: देश की एकता की रक्षा करना और उसे बढ़ावा देना, साथ ही साथ क्षेत्रीय विविधता को समायोजित करना।

Tres deberes que puedo cumplir en mi familia desde el mensaje cristiano, es para hoy porfavor respondan



Los cristianos creen que la vida familiar es importante porque: La familia es el primer lugar donde los niños pueden aprender sobre el amor, el compañerismo y el perdón. Las familias brindan amor, consuelo, protección y

A major rule in using coordination is that a writer must coordinate sentence elements of _____.

1:conditional relationships
2:the same grammatical type
3:different types
4:lesser importance



2. the same grammatical type


7. The expression denim can be translated as let's have breakfast VERO/FALSO

8. The verb 'mangiare can be translated as to eat, VERO/FALSO

9.What does Bere mean


Bere means drinking/ drink
7. Falso
8. Vero
9. Bere means drinking
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