At present, the number of confirmed cases in the United States ranks first in the world. When global travel is limited and strict isolation policies are implemented everywhere, the United States will continue to expel illegal immigrants, which will put the world at risk.


Answer 1


what is the question


Related Questions

Which supporting detail best fits the topic sentence below?
Some very interesting things happen to the body while a
person is dreaming.
A. Some scientists believe that dreams help the brain make
B. During a dream, the brain works similar to how it does when we
are awake.
C. People who write about their dreams after they wake up are more
likely to remember them later.
D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.



D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.

Answer:  D. So, even though we are asleep, the body is still at work.

Explanation:While you're asleep, your brain is busy creating new memories, consolidating older ones, and linking more recent with earlier memories. This happens during both your REM (Rapid Eye Movement) and non-REM sleep. Lack of rest can damage your hippocampus, an area of the brain for memory creation and consolidation.

Hope this help you

If someone could PLEASE help me with this assignment that would be great. I need it by 8/15/21. I have a ton of other things I NEED to get done. I will give out Brainliest to whoever completes this answer that can pass as a final draft.
I just copied what my Instructor said lol

"Complete your compare and contrast essay rough draft.

If you use quotes or direct information from the story, movie or other source, use correct citations.

To receive full points, you will need to include:

Reflective writing - the depth of your writing
Mechanics - Use correct grammar, word use, sentence and paragraph structure
Proofread - revise, edit and check for organization of content
Format and style - use the essay format. (Introduction paragraph states your goal, body paragraphs support the assignment, concluding paragraph)

Must have a clear thesis statement
Must have a minimum of 5 fully developed paragraphs (no maximum)
include introduction, body and conclusion
Organize your paragraphs in the order you feel suits your goal
Proofread, proofread, and proofread again"


I'll help you with this but I need to know what it is I'm writing about. Also, I'll need a previous work you have written so I can have the writing styles match up

The manila folders are stored __________ the top of the shelf of the storage cabine



The Manila folders are stored on the top of the shelf of the storage cabine

The word which best completes the given sentence, "The manila folders are stored __________ the top of the shelf of the storage cabinet" is:


According to the given question, we need to complete a sentence with a word which would give complete meaning to the sentence.

As a result of this, we can see that the word which can be used to best complete the given sentence is the preposition, "At" which shows the location of the manila folders.

Read more here:

Write the correct noun form of the word given in the brackets.

The carpenters worked with (perfect).​



The carpenter worked perfectly

3. Charles a box of chocolates.

A. gives often Pat
B. often gives Pat
C. often Pat gives
D. Pat gives often


The answer is c thank me later



is answer bro


bye have great day

Output units
Average costs
Total costs
Marginal costs
Identify the value of the fixed costs.
Give an example of a fixed cost.
Briefly describe the term marginal cost.
Explain the intersection point of ATC and MC using information in the table.
Differentiate between the short run and long run.



Explanation:I have forgotten

What is the proper title for a senior instructor and master instructor?



option C


Japanese martial arts commonly use Sensei (先生) meaning "teacher" or literally translated, "born first" or "one who has gone before". A Sensei is a person who has knowledge and is willing to teach that knowledge to another

The plane landed slowly. Into how question


How slowly did the plane land?

Identify the mode of persuasion used in the following quote. “With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day” A) logos B) pathos C) ethos


B) Pathos (I could be wrong) but, It appeals to emotion




I can not understood your question


i don't know try seeking higher advise


How many (A) sons and daughters (B) do (C) your aunt have (D)?





Because I've seen them before.

A.) Synonym
B.) Antonym
C.) Characteristic
D.) Type​



antonym because cold is opposite to hot and winter is opposite to summer


Both are opposites.

Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.

The purpose of an introduction in a piece of writing includes all the following goals, except

to engage the readers attention

to announce the purpose of the piece of writing

to clarify the relevance of the topic to the reader

to provide evidence support of the thesis



D)  to provide evidence support of the thesis


Your introduction should grab the reader's attention and  the build-up to or lead into the thesis statement. Thesis are the next step after the introduction.

Choose the Right Part of Speech
Directions: Choose the best answer.
1. The BOY is eating. (What part of speech is the word "BOY" in this sentence?)
a. verb b. adjective c. noun d. adverb
2. The girl ate some delicious FRUIT.
a. adjective b. noun c. verb d. adverb
3. Mary WILL TAKE a course in quantam physics this fall.
a. adjective b. noun c. pronoun d. verb
4. The students ARE WRITING a long essay for class.
a. noun b. adverb c. verb d. adjective
5. Everyone THINKS the cafeteria food is terrible.
a. verb b. noun c. pronoun d. adjective
6. The child kicked the BLUE ball yesterday.
a. noun b. adjective c. adverb d. verb
7. I am SAD.
a. pronoun b. verb c. adjective d. noun
8. These birds all FLY together.
a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective
9. The black FLY is swimming in my soup.
a. noun b. verb c. adjective d. pronoun
10. It is dark in here. We need to turn on the LIGHT.
a. verb b. pronoun c. adjective d. noun
11. It is dark in here. We should LIGHT a candle.
a. verb b. pronoun c. adverb d. noun
12. A truck is very heavy. A feather, on the other hand, is very LIGHT.
a. verb b. adjective c. adverb d. noun
13. The ice is very thin. Be careful! You must walk LIGHTLY on the ice!
a. noun b. verb c. adverb d. adjective



1:C - Noun

2:B - Noun

3:D - Verb

4:C - Verb

5:A - Verb

6:B - Adjective

7:C - Adjective

8:B - Verb

9:A - Noun

10:D - Noun

11:A - Verb

12:B - Adjective

13:B - Verb


A noun is is the name of a place, thing, animal, person or concept.

An adjective is a word used to describe a noun or a pronoun.

A verb is a word used to describe an action.

Ways that fans can use their social media effectively to support their idols or celebrities



How celebrities on social media interact with fans. The beauty of social media for celebrities is that it provides a platform for stars to interact with fans directly. Beyond likes and retweets, celebrities can drive engagement and interact with fans simply by asking questions


Which image would help you remember this concept most accurately?


hi, there is no context to this, is there maybe a picture to show?

Write three sentences with the verb begin, using the present perfect tense, past perfect tense, and future perfect tense.
Joan has begun her letter to Maxwell. Joan had begun her letter to Maxwell when he called on the phone. Joan will have begun her letter to Maxwell before she knows her exam results. 4. Here are some possibilities: Sandra is thinking about the book. He was considering changing jobs soon. They will be making a decision soon.



The answer is written below.


1. Ama has begun to study for her exam.

2. Ama had begun to study for her exam before the teacher gave them specific areas.

3. By the time the notice is given, Ama will have begun to study for her exam.

2. Products made by Izmir Vitamins are designed to promote---- and well being.
(A) health
(B) healthy
(C) healthful
(D) healthfully



Products made by Izmir Vitamins are designed to promote _health_ and well being.

A. Health is the correct answer.

Hope this helps you^_^

Why is it important to use a pattern of organization in your essay?


Patterns of organization show the relationships between supporting details in paragraphs, essays, and chapters. The organization of the supporting details helps you understand how an author thinks and helps you remember what you read.

Discuss the imagery of the Poem "Grey Day at Waterval Farm" by Lionel Murcott

550 words, please help me I need to pass the English module I failed




Explanation:whom knows

What is the meaning of the word 'set' in the given sentence? The date of the test has not been set yet. ​


Answer: it means the date hasn’t been put in place

_. I enjoy summer sports like
water skiing and baseball. The weather is usually sunny and hot, so I can go to the beach
almost every day. Gardening is my hobby and I spend many summer days working in my
garden. Unfortunately, the days pass too quickly in summer.
A. I like to garden in summer.
B. Summer is my favorite season.
C. Summer is too short.​



what's the question here ?


a and b..................................



Why is Shakespeare important?


Answer: Shakespeare is probably the most famous playwright in the world, having written 37 plays and 154 sonnets. ... Shakespeare wrote about timeless themes such as life and death, youth versus age, love and hate, fate and free will, to name but a few.

Which sentence uses the passive voice for the main verb?
Answer:C "When we can pick our reading, mythology is most often chosen in my class."


Answer: it is C


All of the following are basic elements to look for when determining the subject of a painting, except
O time period
O color
O overall scene
O composition



composition Explanation:

C : composition of a painting gives a small amount of the painter and his intentions for drawing. The time period reveals evidence of a real person , color is definitely a eye catcher reveals who the subject was the scene will tell you the stays of the person. Their outloook on the art

When writing a conclusion to an essay about providing childcare for working parents, which of the
following would be the best method to use?
A. Frighten the reader with statistics about children who are unsupervised during the workday.
B. Describe what might be possible if workplaces were to provide childcare for their employees.
C. Introduce a new point about workplace childcare for parents who live in urban areas.
D. Repeat every point mentioned in the introduction about the background of workplace childcare.





It is strongly advised that in a conclusion you don't introduce any new points. An effective conclusion provides the reader with a sense of closure and serves to wrap things up. You should repeat the points you made in your body paragraphs but make sure not to bombard the reader with too much information

e.g. If you followed this structure in your body paragraphs. (Point) (Why it's important) (Statistics), you should only mention your point in your conclusion along with a brief summary of why it's important.

Describe what might be possible if workplaces were to provide childcare for their employees. The correct option is B.

The goal of the conclusion is to restate the essay's main ideas and leave the reader with one last idea or call to action.

Option B supports this goal by presenting a picture of the advantages and opportunities that could arise if employers offered childcare to their staff.

It enables the article to close on a hopeful and forward-looking note, highlighting the possible advantages of putting such a policy into place.

The conclusion to the essay on childcare for working parents would not be strong and conclusive if it consisted of repeating the introduction (option D), frightening the reader with statistics (option A), or introducing a new topic (option C).

Thus, the correct option is B.

For more details regarding conclusion, visit:


An action that rewards a particular kind of behavior

positive sanction
negative sanction
formal sanction
informal sanction
vested interests



Positive Sanction


Ideology - A system of ideas and ideals.

Internalization -  The process of acceptance of a set of norms and values established by people.

Positive Sanction - Rewards given for conforming to norms.

Negative Sanction - Punishments for violating norms.

Formal Sanction - A personal stake or involvement in an undertaking or state of affairs.

Informal Sanction - Actions in response to someone's behavior that may serve to discourage nonconformity.

Vested Interests - Actions that are legalized and official in nature and enforced by an authoritative force.


Positive Sanction

Explanation: Edge 2021

Can someone help me


It’s d, mocking others behaviours wouldn’t allow any development


Answer is D


You don't get social awareness from mocking other people.

join the sentence He does not know anythin. That is certain​



he does not know anything, that's certain


Please help me find the nouns and adjectives for this passage



NOUN                  ADJECTIVE

Anteater.             Strange

Ants.                    Long

Termites.             Coarse

Man.                    Bushy

Ground                Hanging                      




hope this helps, have a nice day!

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