at the constuional convetion, the indivdual states voted to work towards the formation of a new government by using which of the following
A. the new jersey plan
B. the new york plan
C. the georgia plan
D. the virginia plan


Answer 1

At the constitutional convention, the individual states voted to work towards the formation of a new government by using: D. the Virginia plan.

A bicameral legislature can be defined as a legislative body that comprises two (2) chambers or houses;

The upper chamber or house consists of Senators.The lower chamber or house is made up of the House of representatives.

A bicameral legislative branch in which each state would be represented in proportion to their contribution or the number of people living in the state was proposed by The Virginia Plan and it was drafted by James Madison in 1787.

The Virginia plan called for a legislature that is divided into two bodies (the Senate and the House of Representatives) with proportional representation in each state of the United States of America.  Thus, states with large population would have more representatives in chambers than smaller states.

The Virginia plan was used by the individual states of the United States of America to work towards the formation of a new government at the constitutional convention, as well as keeping the proceedings secret and abandoning the Articles of Confederation.

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What was the Soviet Union's major concern during the cold war?



That The United States Was Trying To Destroy Their Way Of Life


The Soviet Union's major fear throughout the Cold War was that the United States was attempting to undermine the Soviet Union's way of life. Because they felt the United States was working hard on it, the Soviet Union tried to create a force that could equal NATO and America's in order to prevent any military action.

what was the significance of the battle of el alamein in egypt​


There!!!!! Hope it help you


allied victory was a turning point


took the test

Which of the following are examples of Axis aggression that led to World War II? Select all that apply.

Japan takes control of Nanking

the Nazi-Soviet pact

Hitler signs the Munich Agreement

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I think its the Munich Agreement and the Nazi-Soviet pact


- Japan takes control of Nanking

- Mussolini invades Ethiopia


Select all the correct answers.
Imagine that a strong foreign navy had blocked the ports near Rome. What would have likely been the biggest concern to the people of Rome?
The city of Rome could run out of grain bought from across the sea.
The city of Rome would be defenseless because the Roman army was far away.
The trade in exotic goods from Carthage and Spain would be disrupted.
The soldiers in the Roman colonies in Spain and Gaul could desert the army.
The Roman government would run out of silver and bronze to make coins.


The main concern for the Rome will be that the city of Rome could run out of grain bought from across the sea. Thus first option is correct.

What are ports ?

A port can be defined as any area or harbor that can provide shelter to various boats and vessels and can allow the period or constant transportation of the ships from one area to the other.

The biggest concern for the Rome is the for shortage of the grains as grains are main source of the food. Much quantity of the grains are imported from the other countries.

The imports of the grain is done from the Africa and Egypt. With the ports being blocked will affect the diet of the Roman people and it will lead to the supply crises.

Learn more about Rome here:



Which one of these documents told Europe to stop trying to create new colonies in the Western Hemisphere?

A. Adams-Oní­s Treaty
B. Border Compromise
C. Manifest Destiny
D. Monroe Doctrine



I think its (D Monroe Doctrine hope it helped!!


A similarity between the separation of powers, the system of checks and balances, and federalism is that they​



Are all ways that the Constitution limits government power.


Have a nice day! ♡

the Belgian resistance is the most important reason which led to the failure of the Schlieffen Plan .How far do you agree with this statement ,Explain your answer​



I fix it bug ugg yvkp yvycdztcybh y, I xrb


ijhejebeebhenebebebe. ebrbrbrjehr. eksw

who was the first british governor general of india and in which year



Lord William Bentinck was first to be designated as the Governor general of India in 1833. After the Indian Rebellion of 1857, the company rule was brought to an end, but the British India along with princely states came under the direct rule of the British Crown.


What is one of the four basic principles of the 1628 Petition of Right?



one of the basic principals is the school teacher from 1628

What does the term mcCarthysim mean?

I did it and it was Accusing people of disloyalty this was correct for ap3x ​



a vociferous campaign against alleged communists in the US government and other institutions carried out under Senator Joseph McCarthy in the period 1950–54. Many of the accused were blacklisted or lost their jobs, although most did not in fact belong to the Communist Party.



why is it difficult to be ruled by s foreign power?​



Because it is difficult for a colony to emmulate the culture of the foreigner power.

Unearthed in China, fossils of feathered dinosaurs ____________.
A. offer the most dramatic evidence yet discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds
B. offer evidence more dramatic than what has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds
C. offer more dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship than any yet discovered between dinosaurs and birds
D. have offered the most dramatic evidence of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds that have yet been discovered
E. have offered more dramatic evidence than any that has yet been discovered of the close evolutionary relationship between dinosaurs and birds


Yes yes lol lol I think it’s gonna lol but I’m gonna look like

Which one is right???



Public Services


cause they are helping the public =D

Which Which countries sought control of North America during the Seven Years War?

the Netherlands and France
Spain and Britain
France and Britain
Spain and Franceis the most accurate list of mercantilism rules?


France and Britain controlled North American During the 7 year war
France and Britain sought control of North America during the Seven Years’ War.

Match the battle names to the locations where they were fought.

El Alamein
Pearl Harbor



Pacific Theater = Midway, Pearl Harbor, Guadalcanal

European Theater = Anzio, Stalingrad

North African Campaign = El Alamein


The given battles have correctly been matched with the locations they were fought at as mentioned above. The 'Battle of Midway,' 'Pearl Harbor' and the 'Battle of Gudalcanal' were confronted at the Pacific Theater during the period of the second World War. The Midway battle took place right after Japan's sudden strike on Pearl Harbor. While 'Gudacanal' followed the Midway battle in order to counterattack Japan that eventually led the latter to surrender.

The battles of 'Anzio' and 'Stalingrad' occurred at the European Theater and these two battles two were fought during WWII. The 'Stalingrad' battle took place between Germany along with the Soviet Union while 'Anzio' battle was confronted between the Germans and the Allies. Lastly, the 'El Alamein' battle took place in two rounds at the North African desert where the Britishers defeated the Germans.

The discovery of the remains of a dockyard at Lothal prove that the people of Indus valley had-
(a) international trade relations.
(b) expertise in ship building,
(c) an organised naval force.
(d) flourishing trade within India.



(a) international trade relations.


The discovery of the remains of a dockyard at Lothal prove that the people of Indus valley had "international trade relations."

The remains of the dockyard at Lothal were discovered in 1954. Following the scientific analysis of the Archeological Survey of India, and later discovery of foraminifera (marine microfossils) and salt by the National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, it was concluded that Lothal was a significant and prosperous trade centre in olden ages. And the trading activities involved international partners including the west Asia and Africa.

why did the trade in slaves increase?​



The expansion of plantation agriculture from Brazil into the Caribbean drove the expansion of the slave trade. By the end of the trade in the nineteenth century, more than eight out of every ten Africans taken in bondage to the Americas had disembarked (arrived) in either Brazil or the islands of the Caribbean.

With the invention of the cotton gin, cotton became the cash crop of the Deep South, stimulating increased demand for enslaved people from the Upper South to toil the land.


The expansion of plantation agriculture from Brazil into the Caribbean drove the expansion of the slave trade.


Sad, but true.

Why are migrant farmers at risk of being taken advantage of by their (potential) employers?



Questions 11-20. Read the following passage from Thomas Paine’s The Crisis (1776) carefully before you choose your answers. What persuasive appeal is

Which line is an example of trochaic tetrameter



Trochaic tetrameter is a meter in poetry. It refers to a line of four trochaic feet. The word “tetrameter” simply means that the poem has four trochees. A trochee is a long syllable, or stressed syllable, followed by a short, or unstressed, one.


Trochaic tetrameter (try saying that five times fast) is a line of a poem that usually contains about eight syllables that goes in the pattern stressed, unstressed, stressed, unstressed, etc. But, look at the syllable count for each of the answer options! Therefore, the answer is B. Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater.

. Don, Ron and Con earned $300. Don is to
receive one-quarter, Ron is to receive one-fifth
and Con will receive the remainder.
(a) What fraction of the earnings will Con


300-60= 240
1quarter of 300= 75
Con will have $165

This excerpt is a from a source. The author of this excerpt is . The events presented in this excerpt occurred in . The of this excerpt is that Dorothea Lange's photos of Depression-era migrant workers helped expose their terrible living conditions.



This excerpt is a from a  ✔ secondary  source.  

The author of this excerpt is  ✔ Rebecca Maksel

The events presented in this excerpt occurred in  ✔ 1936

The  ✔ main idea  of this excerpt is that Dorothea Lange’s photos of Depression-era migrant workers helped expose their terrible living conditions.


These are the right ones. I copy and pasted it.

Correct answers for edge

Need help I just need help



i believe it's B, sorry if i'm wrong- :D

Which of the following best describes the Articles of Confederation?
a set of rules created for governing the American colonies
a set of rules for governing the Northwest Territory
a new constitution that restructured Britain’s government
a new document that created the first US government





the original constitution of the US, ratified in 1781, which was replaced by the US Constitution in 1789.

which of the following was not a result of the sputnik launch



increased American confidence

Explanation:The Soviet Union was the first nation to successfully launch a satellite into space. The Sputnik Crisis was a defining influence in the official founding of NASA and it also increased the fear among the American public that the Soviets were superior since they ha success with the technology first.

The SALT II Treaty signed by the U.S. and Soviet Union managed to:
stop all nuclear weapons testing around the world
reduce the size of their atomic and hydrogen bombs
cut down on the size of each nation's nuclear arsenal
forbid any further advances of new nuclear weapons


The correct answer is "cut down on the size of each nation's nuclear arsenal."

The SALT II Treaty signed by the U.S. and Soviet Union managed to:

cut down on the size of each nation's nuclear arsenal.

The elements that were included in the SALT II Treaty were a limit in the launchers for intercontinental ballistic missiles and a ban on all new missile programs in the U.S. and the USSR.

SALT means “Strategic Arms Limitation Talks”. These were negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union about the limitation of manufacturing missiles with nuclear weapons. The agreements were called SALT I and SALT II. The first was signed in 1972 and the second in 1979.

The Salt II Treaty limited the number of launches and based ICBM systems. The Treaty was signed by President Jimmy Carter and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev on June 1879, in the city of Vienna, Austria.

Rulling party in United States of America​




What does that mean

Antecedentes de la expansión de África



Hasta en cuatro ocasiones, los invasores musulmanes

habían cruzado el estrecho para adueñarse de las tierras de

Hispania: Tariq en el siglo VIII, los almorávides en el siglo XI,

los almohades en el siglo XIII y los benimerines en el siglo XIV.

Finalmente, en el siglo XV, Castilla estuvo en condiciones de

cumplir el viejo anhelo castellano de cruzar el estrecho en el

sentido inverso, devolviendo, por así decirlo, la visita a los

musulmanes norteafricanos.

Quizá el más conocido y estudiado de los precedentes

fue el llamado "fecho de allende", el propósito de una cruzada

norteafricana largo tiempo acariciado por Alfonso X, que tuvo

por fin su primera -y, a la postre, única- manifestación con el

ataque contra la localidad de Salé, ataque cuya verdadera

naturaleza ha sido objeto de acalorados debates entre los

historiadores. ¿Se trató de una simple incursión de saqueo? ¿De

un intento de conquista que salió mal? ¿De una operación cuyo

objetivo último era desviar la atención del verdadero blanco de

la cruzada, que, según algunos historiadores, era Ceuta? Sea

como fuere, la escuadra castellana fondeó en esta ciudad -

situada cerca de la actual Rabat- en el último día del Ramadán,

la tomó sin lucha y, durante varios días, la saqueó. Ante la

amenaza de un importante ejército benimerín, reunido para

recuperar Salé, la escuadra regresó a la Península llevando

What is the main reason to use a microscope to veiw cells



Because cells are very tiny functional units which cannot be seen with our naked eyes and microscope has the definite functions to observe very tiny substances .

Read the excerpt from Walt Whitman’s poem “I Sit and Look Out” that Clara is using in her analysis of “The Caged Bird.”

I sit and look out upon all the sorrows of the world, and upon all oppression and shame; I hear the secret convulsive sobs . . .

Clara chose this excerpt to help support her interpretation of “The Caged Bird” because it has an extended metaphor that examines




Clara chose this excerpt to support her interpretation because it has an extended metaphor that examines: suffering.


Maya Angelou (1928-2014) was a poet and civil rights activist born in Missouri. Walt Whitman (1819-1892) was born in New York and was also a poet. Both authors have left their mark in American literature.

It makes sense that Clara would choose that quote from Walt Whitman's poem "I Sit and Look Out." The excerpt discusses suffering, and the speaker can see how people around the world agonize, how difficult their lives are due to injustice and oppression.

That is a theme both poems have in common. In Angelou's "Caged Bird", an extended metaphor is used to express suffering as well. A metaphor is a comparison used to emphasize an idea. An extended metaphor is a longer metaphor, one that extends throughout a text or poem, for example. In "Caged Bird," the extended metaphor compares people without freedom to a caged bird - their suffering to its suffering. Centuries of oppression and injustice can only cause suffering to those who endure it and who want nothing more than the freedom to be, to work, to speak, and to thrive.


D. Suffering.


Edgeinuity 2022

which of the following is a true statement about credit?



what statement tho-

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