At what common temperature will a block of wood and a block of metal both feel neither hot nor cold to the touch? 1. when the temperature of the blocks is higher than the temperature of your hand 2. when the temperature of the blocks is the same as the temperature of your hand 3. when the temperature of the blocks is lower than the temperature of your hand 4. at room temperature 5. at the freezing point


Answer 1
When the temperature of the blocks is the same as the temperature of your hand.
Answer 2

When the temperature of the blocks is the same as the temperature of your hand, you feel neither hot nor cold to the touch. Hence, option ( 3) is correct.

What is temperature?

Temperature is a unit used to describe hotness or coldness. It can be stated in terms of any number of arbitrary scales and shows the direction in which heat energy will naturally flow, i.e., from a hotter body to a colder body (one at a lower temperature).

Temperature is not the same as the energy of a thermodynamic system; for instance, an iceberg has a significantly larger total heat energy than a match, despite the fact that a match is burning at a much higher temperature.

If you touch a block that is at higher than or  at lower than  the temperature of your hand, you feel hot or cold respectively. But,  when the temperature of the blocks is the same as the temperature of your hand, you feel neither hot nor cold to the touch.

Learn more about temperature here:


Related Questions

Name the fundamental units involved in the derived unit joule.​



[tex]we \: know \: that \: joule \: is \: the \: unit \: of \\ energy \: we \: have \: energy = \frac{1}{2} m {v}^{2} \\ unit \: of \: this \: is \\ joule = kg {( \frac{m}{ s }) }^{2} \\ thank \: you[/tex]

help help help please please​





that is the procedure above

The search for black holes involves searching for The search for black holes involves searching for Group of answer choices single stars that emit large amounts of X-rays. a stellar core greater than 3 solar masses large spherical regions from which no light is detected. pulsars with periods less than one millisecond. pulsars that are orbited by planets.



Large spherical regions from which no light is detected


A black hole is an object that has an extremely high density such that it possesses very powerful gravitational force that prevents the escape of all objects including light from it, and consumes nearby objects.

Due to the power of the gravitational force of a black hole, at the center, objects are infinitesimally compressed resulting in the inapplicability of the concept of space and time and the location is known as a singularity

Therefore, the search for black holes involves searching for large spherical regions from which no light is detected.

what is latent heat of vaporization?


The amount of energy required for a unit mass of a substance to undergo a phase change from liquid to gas.

: Một mặt phẳng vô hạn tích điện đều, mật độ σ = 4.10-9 C/cm2, đặt thẳng đứng trong không khí. Một quả cầu nhỏ có khối lượng 8 g, mang điện tích q = 10-8 C treo gần vào mặt phẳng, sao cho dây treo lúc đầu song song với mặt phẳng. Lấy g = 9,8m/s2. Khi cân bằng, dây treo quả cầu hợp với mặt phẳng 1 góc bằng bao nhiêu?



The angle is 16 degree.


A uniformly charged infinite plane, density σ = 4.10-9 C/cm2, is placed vertically in air. A small ball of mass 8 g, with charge q = 10-8 C, hangs close to the plane, so that the string is initially parallel to the plane. Take g = 9.8m/s2 . In equilibrium, by what angle does the string hanging from the ball make an angle with the plane?

Surface charge density,   σ = 4 x 10^-9 C/m^2

charge, q = 10^-8 C

mass, m = 0.008 kg

Let the tension is the string is T and the angle is A.

[tex]T sin A = q E....(1)\\\\T cos A = m g .... (2)\\\\Divie (1) by (2)\\\\tan A =\frac{q E}{m g}\\\\tan A = \frac{10^{-8}\times 4\times 10^{-5}}{2\times 8.85\times 10^{-12}\times 0.008\times9.8}\\\\tan A = 0.288\\\\A = 16 degree[/tex]

Why would an airplane flying at 10,000 meters above the ground have more gravitational potential
energy than the same airplane flying at 1,000 meters above the ground?



The gravitational potential energy (gpe) possessed by an object or body is directly proportional to the height of the object or body.


Gravitational potential energy (GPE) is an energy possessed by an object or body due to its position above the earth.

Mathematically, gravitational potential energy is given by the formula;

G.P.E = mgh


G.P.E represents potential energy measured in Joules.

m represents the mass of an object.

g represents acceleration due to gravity measured in meters per seconds square.

h represents the height measured in meters.

Generally, the gravitational potential energy (gpe) of an object or body is directly proportional to the height of the object or body. Thus, the gravitational potential energy of a body increases as the height of the body increases.

In conclusion, an object with a higher height would have a higher gravitational potential energy.

1.8kg 42J 9.8 how high is the shelf





Use potential energy

PE= mgh

42= 1.8*9.8*h

solve for h

to get h= 2.38 m

¿Cuántos electrones por segundo pasan a través de una sección de alambre que lleva una corriente de 0.70 A.?



The number of electrons flowing per second is [tex]4.375\times 10^{18}[/tex].


How many electrons per second pass through a section of wire that carries a current of 0.70 A.?

Current, I = 0.7 A

time, t = 1 s

According to the definition of current, let the charge is q.

q = I t

q = 0.7 x 1 = 0.7 C

Let the number of electrons is n.

[tex]n =\frac{q}{e}\\\\n = \frac{0.7}{1.6\times 10^{-19}}\\\\n = 4.375\times 10^{18}[/tex]

Is torque only produced when the force is applied perpendicular to the moment arm?


Yes. Only a perpendicular component produces a torque.

The Torque is only produced when the force is applied perpendicular to the moment arm.

What is moment of force?

The equal and opposite force acting at a point from the axis of rotation is called the moment.

M = F x r

Moment of force is also called as Torque.

Moment arm is the distance of the point of application of force from the axis of rotation of the body.

Thus, the perpendicular component only, produces the torque.

Learn more about moment of force.


What is an electric fuse? What is the working principle of electric fuse?


What is an electric fuse?Answer: Electric fuse is a safety device used to limit the current in an electric circuit which melts and breaks the circuit whenever there is an excess flow of current through the circuit.What is the working principle of electric fuse?An electric fuse is based on the principle of heating effect of electric current. It is made up of thin metallic wire of non-combustible material. A fuse is always connected between the ends of the terminal in a series connection with the circuit.

Does the colour of an object affect the rate of evaporation?


yes because colored objects absorb heat and deflect the rest back to the sun unlike the the color white which reflects the rays of the sun completely thus making it appear white

When the same amount of heat is added to equal masses of water and copper at the same temperature, the copper is heated to a higher final temperature than the water. On a molecular level, what explains this difference?

A. The forces between copper atoms are stronger than the forces between water molecules.
B. The average kinetic energy of the water molecules is greater than the average kinetic energy of the copper atoms.
C. More of the heat is transferred to the kinetic energy of the copper atoms than to the kinetic energy of the water molecules.
D. More of the heat is transferred to the potential energy of the copper atoms than to the potential energy of the water molecules.​



C. More of the heat is transferred to the kinetic energy of the copper atoms than to the kinetic energy of the water molecules.


Both equal masses of water and copper were heated at the same temperature. Since copper is a good conductor of heat compared to water, its  absorbs more heat. Which in-turn increases the rate of vibrations of the atoms in the copper mass, thus increasing their kinetic energy.

In the case of water, its molecules displaces one another after being heated to a higher temperature compared to neighboring molecules. So that the heated molecule becomes less dense and floats to the surface of water.

This property of copper makes it to be heated to a higher final temperature than the water.

What factors could the skater change to apply the same amount of torque but increase the rate of his spin



The moment of inertia should be decreased.


The torque is given by

Torque = Moment of inertia x angular velocity

To keep the torque constant, the spin rate be increased when the moment of inertia decreases.  

The moment of inertia of the body are the efforts to put the object in rotation.  

Sí un auto viaja a 8m/s determine Tiempo en llegar a 200km de distancia Distancia que recorre en 40 minutos



a. Tiempo = 25000 segundos

b. Distancia = 19200 metros


Dados los siguientes datos;

Velocidad = 8 m/s

Distancia = 200 km a metros = 200 * 1000 = 200,000

Para encontrar el tiempo para cubrir la distancia anterior;

Tiempo = distancia/velocidad

Tiempo = 200000/8

Tiempo = 25000 segundos

b. Para encontrar la distancia recorrida en 40 minutos;

Tiempo = 40 minutos a segundos = 40 * 60 = 2400 segundos

Distancia = velocidad * tiempo

Distancia = 8 * 2400

Distancia = 19200 metros

Can somebody help me understand this


I think it’s C. Marshmallow and toothpicks are used to show the composition of a water molecule

If mass is the amount of MATTER present in the
object, will it be different on Earth and the moon?



Yes it would be different on Earth and the moon




In a cup game if the teams have the same score at the end of the match, 30 minutes of ------- are played.



second lag


If in a cup game, a specified time limit is assigned to both teams to score high. If both teams are unable to score or if score of both the teams is equal then there is another second lag played where each team tries to score high. Even if in second lag both teams fail to score higher than other the last third lag is played or else game is declared draw. which portion of the curve,
1. is the velocity uniform. the velocity increasing. velocity decreasing. acceleration zero.

B. at which point does the body start to move and stop.

I will mark as brainlist​



the answer is 4 acceleration is 0


this is because when parallel line is drawn through x axis the velocity will bw uniform

plz brainliest

URGENT A student runs at 4.5 m/s [27° S of W] for 3.0 minutes and then he turns and runs at 3.5 m/s [35° S of E] for 4.1 minutes. a. What was his average speed? b. What was his displacement? PLEASE SHOW ALL WORK​




As far as the displacement goes, we have 2 displacement vectors. If we didn't have the angles to deal with, this would be a much simpler process, but then that wouldn't be any fun at all, would it? I'll deal with the average speed first, then the displacement, which is a vector addition problem.

The average speed is found by adding together the distances the student traveled and then dividing this sum by the total time he spent traveling. If we are told that the student runs at 4.5 m/s for 3.0 minutes, we can use this to find out the distance he ran during that time interval. However, the units are not the same. We will find the distance the student traveled by convering the time to seconds.

3.0 minutes = 180 seconds, and

4.1 minutes = 246 seconds.

That means that the distance he ran in 180 seconds is found by multiplying this time be the speed at which he ran:

4.5 m/s(180 s) = 810 m and

3.5 m/s(246 s) = 860 m (rounded to follow the rules of sig dig).

This makes the speed equation look like this:

[tex]s=\frac{810+861}{180+246}=\frac{1671}{426}=3.9\frac{m}{s}[/tex] That's the average speed, which is NOT at all the same as the displacement. Displacement is where he ended up in reference to where he started. The angles play a huge part in this math (that is very involved, to say the least). We begin by restating the displacement of each "leg" of this journey.

The first leg took him 810 m at 207 degrees and

the second leg took him 860 m at 325 degrees

To find the x and y components of these 2 legs, or parts, we have to use the cos and sin formulas. We will call the first leg A and the second leg B. First the x components of both A and B:

[tex]A_x=810cos207[/tex] and


[tex]B_x=860cos325[/tex] and

[tex]B_x=704[/tex] and we add these to get the x-component of the resultant vector, C:


+  704

   -10 (rounded, as needed, to the tens place).

Now for the y-components of the resultant vector:

[tex]A_y=810sin207[/tex] and


[tex]B_y=860sin325[/tex] and

[tex]B_y=-490[/tex] and we add these to get the y-component of the resultant vector, C:


+ -490


Since the x component is negative and so is the y, we are in QIII, so when we finally find our angle, we will have to add 180 to it.

For the magnitude of the displacement vector, in m:

[tex]C_{mag}=\sqrt{(-10)^2+(-860)^2}[/tex] which gives us


Now, because displacement is vector, we also need the angle. We find that is the formula

[tex]\theta=tan^{-1}(\frac{C_y}{C_x})[/tex] and filling in:

[tex]\theta=tan^{-1}(\frac{-860}{-10})=90[/tex] (rounded correctly), and then we add 180 to give us a final direction of 270 degrees.

So the final displacement of the student is 860 m at 270 degrees

what happens to the force when the distance increases between 2 particales​


It goes faster or slower because there is more space inbetween

Two lenses having f1:F2=2:3 has combination to make no dispersion.Find the ratio of their dispersive power?a)2:3 b)3:2 c)4:9 d)9:4​





The dispersive power is the reciprocal of the focal length:


Given the ratio of focal lengths:

[tex]\frac{f_1}{f_2} = \frac{2}{3}\\\\\frac{\frac{1}{P_1}}{\frac{1}{P_2}}=\frac{2}{3}\\\\\frac{P_2}{P_1}=\frac{2}{3}\\\\\frac{P_1}{P_2}=\frac{3}{2}[/tex]


P₁ : P₂ = 3 : 2

Hence, the correct option is:


If no braking occurs, a total of how much power would be required to keep the railcar moving at 40 m/s



40 kW


A railcar has a continuous 1000 N decelerating force any time it is in motion. If no braking occurs, how much power would be required to keep the railcar moving at 40 m/s


Power in Physics is the rate of doing work and the work can be mechanical, electrical, etc. The S.I unit of power is the watts (W).

The power required to keep the car moving must match the work done by the friction force (decelerating force) that tends to slow down the railcar.

Work done = Force * displacement

Power = Work done / time = (Force * displacement) / time

Power = Force * (displacement / time)

Power = force * velocity = 1000 N * 40 m/s = 40000 W

Power = 40 kW

A dog wishes to swim across a slow moving stream. The current velocity is 3.0m/s. The distance directly across the stream is 50m. If the dog point himself directly across the stream, it will take .....



Time = 16.667 seconds


Given the following data;

Distance = 50 meters

Velocity = 3 m/s

To find the time it will take;

Velocity can be defined as the rate of change in displacement (distance) with time. Velocity is a vector quantity and as such it has both magnitude and direction.

Mathematically, velocity is given by the equation;

Velocity = distance/time

Making time the subject of formula, we have;

Time = distance/velocity

Time = 50/3

Time = 16.667 seconds

Gas to liquid with explanation on the basis of kinetic model and condensation point.​





Melting is the process by which a substance changes from the solid phase to the liquid phase. ... Melting occurs when the internal energy of a solid increases, usually through the application of heat or pressure, such that the molecules become less ordered.

2) liquefication:

In physics and chemistry, the phase transitions from solid and gas to liquid (melting and condensation, respectively) may be referred to as liquefaction. The melting point (sometimes called liquefaction point) is the temperature and pressure at which a solid becomes a liquid.

3) vaporization:

Vaporization, conversion of a substance from the liquid or solid phase into the gaseous (vapour) phase. If conditions allow the formation of vapour bubbles within a liquid, the vaporization process is called boiling. Direct conversion from solid to vapour is called sublimation.

4) Sublimation occurs as molecules of a substance in the solid state go to the vapor state directly, rather than through the liquid state. ... ⭕In terms of the kinetic molecular theory, we know that molecules are in constant random motion, even when the substance is below the melting point.

A squirrel jumps into the air with a velocity of 4 m/s at an angel of 50 degrees. What is the maximum height reached by the squirrel?




Assuming the squirrel is jumping off the ground, here's what we know but don't really know...

v₀ = 4.0 at 50.0°

So that's not really the velocity we are looking for. We are dealing with a max height problem, which is a y-dimension thing. Therefore, we need the squirrel's upward velocity, which is NOT 4.0 m/s. We find it in the following way:

[tex]v_{0y}=4.0sin(50.0)[/tex] which gives us that the upward velocity is

v₀ = 3.1 m/s

Moving on here's what we also know:

a = -9.8 m/s/s and

v = 0

Remember that at the very top of the parabolic path, the final velocity is 0. In order to find the max height of the squirrel, we need to know how long it took him to get there. We are using 2 of our 3 one-dimensional equations in this problem. To find time:

v = v₀ + at and filling in:

0 = 3.1 - 9.8t and

-3.1 = -9.8t so

t = .32 seconds.

Now that we know how long it took him to get to the max height, we use that in our next one-dimensional equation:

Δx = [tex]v_0t+\frac{1}{2}at^2[/tex] and filling in:

Δx = [tex]3.1(.32)+\frac{1}{2}(-9.8)(.32)^2[/tex] and using the rules for adding and subtracting sig fig's correctly, we can begin to simplify this:

Δx = .99 - .50 so

Δx = .49 meters

The weight of a body is 600 N. What is the mass of the body on the surface of the earth?​






gravity=9.8 m/s²



hope it helps.

stay safe healthy and happy.


m = 61.22 kg


F = 600 N

g = 9.8 m/s²

m = ?

F = mg

600 = m(9.8)

---> m = 61.22 kg

physics class 9 chapter 8 please tell​ please



(a) The motion is uniform

(b)  11.11 m/s



From the table below, the motion of the bus is uniform.


Speed(s) = Δd/Δt

s = Δd/Δt............. Equation 1

From the table,

Given: Δd = 10 km = 10000 m, Δt = 15 minutes = (15×60) = 900 seconds

Substitute these values into equation 1

s = 10000/900

s = 11.11 m/s

prove that vector addition obeys commutative and associative laws​


the order of vector addition doesn't affect the resultant vector and grouping or order of pair doesn't effect the sum.

(a) What is the escape speed on a spherical asteroid whose radius is 301 km and whose gravitational acceleration at the surface is 0.412 m/s2





From the question we are told that:

Radius [tex]r=301Km[/tex]

Gravitational acceleration [tex]g=0.412 m/s^2[/tex]

Generally the equation for Escape velocity is mathematically given by






d. 'g' vanishes at centre of
6) A prism of 6° is made of material of refractive index What is the
deviation caused by it
d. 40
a. 60
7) An object is placed 1cm from lens having magnification 5. Then its foc
length is
a. 0.8 cm b. 1.2 cm c. -1.2 cm d. -0.8cm​



a. 0.8 cm


The distance of the object from the lens, u = 1 cm

The magnification of the lens, m = 5

The focus of a lens formula is given as follows;

[tex]f = \dfrac{1}{\dfrac{1}{v} + \dfrac{1}{v} }[/tex]

The magnification of the lens, m = -v/u


v = The distance of the image from the lens

Therefore, we have;

v = m × u

∴ v = 5 × 1 cm = 5 cm (on the other side of the lens)

From which we get;

[tex]f = \dfrac{1}{\dfrac{1}{1} + \dfrac{1}{5} } = \dfrac{5}{6} \approx 0.8[/tex]

The focal length ≈ 0.8 cm

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