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Answer 1




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Explain why the invention of rubber tires for bikes contributed to the rise of tourism.



Explain why the invention of rubber tires for bikes contributed to the rise of tourism. ... It was cheaper than using a horse - in fact there was a whole craze around using bikes. Bikes actually created the concept of better roads - for travel by bike, not cars, which were too expensive.

How did France’s contributions help the Americans in the War of Independence?



France provided the money, troops, armament, military leadership, and naval support that tipped the balance of military power in favor of the United States and paved the way for the Continental Army’s ultimate victory, which was sealed at Yorktown, VA, five years after Franklin embarked on his mission.


Wars between the British and French kingdoms dated back to the 12th century, and the conflicts intensified as England, France, and Spain established and expanded their colonial empires beginning in the late 15th century.

France had suffered bitter defeat in the most recent conflict, the Seven Years’ War (1756-63), which included the French and Indian War in North America. It had lost most of its claim to North America, having been forced to cede to England most of its land there, including all of Canada.

As England’s American colonies became ever more rebellious in the 1760s and 1770s, France was naturally predisposed to favor the American revolutionaries and saw an opportunity to try to blunt the power of its longtime adversary. It began providing covert support – beginning with badly needed gunpowder – in the spring of 1776.

The Declaration of Independence was well received across France, and Franklin was warmly welcomed when he arrived in Paris in December. Franklin’s charm made him even more popular, and he became a celebrity as he labored to gain more support for the American cause.


France provided the money, troops, armament, military leadership, and naval support that tipped the balance of military power in favor of the United States and paved the way for the Continental Army’s ultimate victory, which was sealed at Yorktown, VA, five years after Franklin embarked on his mission.


The hope and excitement spawned by the Declaration of Independence, announced just four months earlier, with Franklin among the signers, had been replaced by the dread of impending defeat in the face of the overwhelming military power of the British army.

Franklin knew his mission was straightforward, if not simple. He would use his intellect, charm, wit, and experience to convince France to join the war on the side of the fledgling United States of America. Franklin’s popularity, persuasive powers, and a key American battlefield victory were crucial factors that led France to join the war in 1778.

France provided the money, troops, armament, military leadership, and naval support that tipped the balance of military power in favor of the United States and paved the way for the Continental Army’s ultimate victory, which was sealed at Yorktown, VA, five years after Franklin embarked on his mission.

When British Gen. Charles Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown on Oct. 19, 1781, his vanquished troops marched through a corridor formed by the victorious forces. On one side were the Americans; on the other side stood the French – a scene that mirrored how critical France’s support had been.

When there is a shortfall is revenue that is no enough too meet the budget, that is called a



this is called a decline in profit


my mom told me this i just know she could be right

Who is the defendant in a criminal court case?

A. the person who has been accused of a crime
B. the person who represents the government
C .the person who helps to decide the verdict
D. the person who makes sure the trial is fair


A, this person has to defend himself (with the help of professionals) against the accusations


most definitely letter a


I hope this help

Write the process of the formation of District Co-ordination Committee.
Answer it fast plz


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Nahuatl is the language spoken by the Nahua ethnic group that is found today in Mexico, but with deep historical roots. You might know one Nahua group: the__________________, more accurately called the Mexica. The Mexica were one of many Mesoamerican cultural groups that flourished in Mexico prior to the arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth century.



The Aztec


The Aztec were a thriving Pre-Columbian civilization located in Mexico. The language the spoke is known as Nahuatl, and is still spoken today by a small number of people. Nahuatl is a distinct language from that spoken by the Maya, and Olmec who came before the Aztecs. The Aztec were arguably the most important Nahua group due the size and influence of their empire.  Although the term Aztec is more common in English speaking countries, Mexica is sometimes used to refer to the group.

any part of the voortrekker monument or freedom park that you think is interesting​


The Voortrekker Monument was opened in 1949

Write three difference between the use of local units and that of stander unit.​


Unit is the type of measurement you’re working with. Meter for length, kilogram for mass, or second for time. Standard is an internationally agreed upon way of measuring those units. Kilogram is a good example. In Paris there is an object which is internationally agreed to be a standard kilogram. Everything else that represents a kilogram accurately is actually based on a comparison to the standard kilogram. So the standard is the agreed on reference, and the unit is the type of measurement.

What was the focus of the congressional investigation into the Iran-Contra affair



i believe it is B. i apologize if i am wrong


Which of these did the Harappans not build? O A. Cities O B. Brick ovens O C. Army barracks O D. Indoor plumbing​


It's B, the Harappans did not build brick ovens.

Alcohol abuse is intentional overuse true or false





people do take it when they are depressed but won't know they are taking much of it

What Changed the population registration act being put in place?



The Population Registration Act of 1950 required that each inhabitant of South Africa be classified and registered in accordance with their racial characteristics as part of the system of apartheid.


The effects of population registration act were that it led to the implementation of many discriminatory laws based on race.

Hope this helps <3 If you have anymore questions please feel free to ask.

On  17 June 1991, when the South African Parliament repealed the act the amendment that was seen in the act was in the context of the colored and Indians. They both were initially classified into various subgroups.

What is an amendment?

The term amendment is basically a synonym for the word change. The use of this term is done in the context of the constitution. It is not about any particular country’s constitution, the term amendment is used for all the countries that are present on this earth.

When it is about the change or can be said as an amendment which is made in the population registration act, then this change was done in 1991 on June 17. The act was initially commenced on July 7, 1950.

As a result amendments in the act were focused on Coloureds and Indians. Both of them were formally classified into various subgroups.

Learn more about amendments from here:



2. The containment policy of the Truman administration: A. Became the basis for American foreign policy in the post-WWII period B. Had little support from policy makers in Washington D.C. C. Was designed by Dean Acheson D. Fostered strong relations between the United States and the Soviet Union


The correct answer is A) Became the basis for American foreign policy in the post-WWII period.

The containment policy of the Truman administration: "Became the basis for American foreign policy in the post-WWII period."

Here we are talking about the so-called Truman Doctrine.

The Truman Doctrine was a United States policy installed by President Harry S. Truman aimed to stop the spread of Communism in the world. It was communicated by President Truman on March 29, 1947, as part of the measures the US government was taking during the Cold War years.

George F. Kennan was an American diplomat, expert in Russian affairs because lived in Russia and knew its culture and history. He recommended the State Department to counter-attack the effects of Communism in the world because Russian leader Joseph Stalin was convinced of disrupting and attacking capitalists countries. So these ideas influenced Truman's doctrine.

Please answer ASAP I would like to check my answer with someone. Thank you

How did Japanese authoritarian government
compare to Fascism in Germany and Russia?
A. Japan lacked a charismatic leaders
B. Japan resocialized dissenters, rather than killing them
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above


I would have to say b

Nhật Bản thuộc khu vực nào của châu Á?



377,975 km²



write a paragraph summarizing the major explorers and each regions the nation explored.



Prince Henry discovered a new gold source. Bartolomeu Dias reached the Cape of good Hope. Vasco da Gama made large profit from cargo of spices from India after cutting across the Indian Ocean. Afonso established a part in India and sailed into Melaka. Christopher Columbus reached the Americas. Magellan sailed completely around the globe.

hope this is helpful for you

There are the major explorers are the summarizing in the exploration of the major countries are the new US territory.

What is explored?

The term “explorer” refers to a person's exploration of an unfamiliar area. The person is to travel in search of different geographical locations. To explore is to investigate the different places or to expand the visualization and gain knowledge. Most tourists traveling to different places do so out of curiosity about the places.

The primary goal of the above-mentioned route was to explore new US territory. When Lewis and Clark were assigned to explore the Louisiana Territory, nothing was known about the area, so constructing roads or finding gold was not a practical priority. While Lewis went on horseback to get more provisions, Clark rode the canoe up the Mississippi River.

As a result, the major explorers are the summarizing in the exploration of the major countries are the new US territory.

Learn more about on explorer, here:



How was the middle class different during the Industrial Revolution from what it was during the middle ages, and how did the differences affect the society as a whole?



I would say the middle class today has more buying power this has led are society to be more consumerism


What problems might occur if you give a president unlimited power, time, and money to fight an enemy?


Dude you could have a lot of problems like really bad ones that won’t end good

Answer: He could get drunk and forget who the enemy is, he might start trying to take over the world instead.

Explanation: When people receive unlimited power, they get too reckless and think they are unstoppable, therefore they start doing weird things that don't make sense to us.

A work Visa would be obtained by
which of the following people?
A. American citizens
B. Illegal immigrants
C. Illegal migrants
D. Braceros
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The correct answer is braceros

Which of the folkways a result Of the tea act of 1773



a drop in profits among american colonical tea merchant

Which two rights of citizens that the Founders included in their new government are inspired by the rights of Athenian citizens?


freedom of speech. right to participate in democracy

How did the United States respond to the creation of the European Union (EU) and its challenge?

A) The United States joined the North American Free Trade Agreement.

B) The United States signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.

C) The United States withdrew from the World Bank.

D)The United States left the World Trade Organization.



The United States joined the North American Free Trade Agreement

The answer is A :)

কবে বাংলাদেশ দখল মুক্ত হয়


Ching ping moo sho shen mann

Is it important for textbooks about the history of the Soviet Union to emphasize political repression?



Explanation: Because history is good to learn

Why do you think
Columbus failed to realize he was in a
"New World"?



Columbus himself had made that assumption. His discoveries posed for him, as for others, a problem of identification. It seemed to be a question not so much of giving names to new lands as of finding the proper old names, and the same was true of the things that the new lands contained. Cruising through the Caribbean, enchanted by the beauty and variety of what he saw, Columbus assumed that the strange plants and trees were strange only because he was insufficiently versed in the writings of men who did know them. "I am the saddest man in the world," he wrote, "because I do not recognize them."


Hope this helps

(If not hit me up in the comments and I can help)

Now that you have reviewed the causes and effects of both world wars, create an outline for an argumentative essay on whether the United States should have helped Germany recover from World War II. You will need to support your argument with at least three pieces of evidence to explain why. Use the historical facts that you have learned in this activity and in past lessons. You may also want to use the following resources:

The Mackinac Center for Public Policy: "Germany and the Great Depression"

PBS: "Berlin Blockade"

Library of Congress: "The Marshall Plan"

The Soviet Union and Europe After 1945

***Rest of the assignment is below***


Topic: Should the U.S. have supported in the rebuilding of Germany after WWII?

Thesis: The U.S. should have helped rebuild Germany.

Topic sentence: Preventing a 3rd world war.

Detail 1: Germany was bitter about their loss in WWI which eventually lead to WWII

Detail 2: Germany went through economic troubles after WWI which lead to Hitler gaining power in Germany in 1933

Body Paragraph

Topic Sentence 2: Getting the support of the German people to stop the spread of Communism

Detail 1: Without the Germans on the Allies side the cold war could have taken a different route

Detail 2: If the soviets had control over Germany after WW2 It could have created a power imbalance which could have resulted in nuclear war.

Conclusion: Western support for Germany was necessary to the survival of Europe as we know it today

How many children were killed in the Holocaust?



800 children ..........

According to estimations, 1.5 million children (nearly all Jewish) were killed during the Holocaust.

What are some hooks for a persuasive essay on outsourcing?



persuasive essays:

to connect first para. w second

to begin with,in the first place,the first reason ,

connecting second w third


connecting third w fourth

lastly,yet another reason why ,thirdly,

connecting the body to the conclusion

in conclusion,therefore,to sum it all up,

What is the name of the segregationist, conservative Democrat, and Alabama Governor who ran for U.S. President on a 3rd party ticket in 1968 and 1972; harangued anti-war protestors, bureaucrats, and women welfare recipients; and who nearly lost his life to an assassination attempt


jimmy carter fue parte del partido democra

Pearl Harbor was caused by all of the following events EXCEPT:
Japan taking over China (Manchuria).
Japan's alliance with Germany.
The U.S. cutting off oil and scrap metal.
Japan's alliance with Russia


Japan's only chance was the element of surprise and to destroy America's navy as quickly as possible.

C they wanted to take the ship as soon as possible
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