Based on the graph, what are the highest priorities for the federal government?

Social Security and national defense
veteran’s affairs and the Treasury
Social Security and international assistance
national defense the Treasury


Answer 1


A) Social Security and Social Programs


I just took the quiz

Answer 2

Based on the graph,  the highest priorities for the federal government is Social Security and national defense. Option A. This is further explained below.

What is national defense?

Generally, National security, often known as national defense, is the protection and defense of a sovereign state, including its inhabitants, economy, and institutions, and is considered a governmental obligation.

In conclusion, Social Security is a government program in the United States that pays retirement benefits and disability income to eligible individuals.

Read more about Social Security and national defense


Related Questions

1. List and discuss the different factors that can influence your adoption of mobile telephone for academic and social activities/endeavors. In your response, you may add more factors to the ones in the articles based on your personal experience(s) in the use of mobile telecommunication services.​


Answer: See explanation


The factors that can influence your adoption of mobile telephone for academic and social activities are:

1. Cost

2. Affordability

3. Features and functionality

4. Connectivity

5. Mobility

6. Accessibility

1. Cost: The cost of a phone is a vital factor as an individual needs money to get a mobile phone as well as buying airtime for the phone.

2. Affordability: Another crucial factor is affordability.

3. Features and functionality: Different phones has different features such as camera specifications, and other types of functions. These influences the kind of mobile phone that people use.

4. Connectivity: People always want to stay connected to their families, friends and loved ones and this can influence the adoption of mobile telephone.

5. Mobility: The mobile phone gives a person freedom of movement, therefore a person can use the phone in different places for either educational or social activities.

6. Accessibility: The mobile telephone gives room for easy access to different social resources as week as educational resources like journals, books etc.

how does the u.s. constitution impact society today



The Constitution of the United States established America's national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens. ... Under America's first governing document, the Articles of Confederation, the national government was weak and states operated like independent countries

I need help
Which of the following BEST defines the term economic growth? A. an increase in available land resources B. a company that invests in additional physical capital C. an increase in an economy's ability to produce goods and services D. an increase in the value of the goods produced within the economy Please select the best answer from the choices provided Α B C D​


the answer is C. an increase in an economy's ability to produce goods and services


C. an increase in an economy's ability to produce goods and services


Which of the following is most likely the biggest result of the women's rights
O A. Fewer women have joined the armed forces.
O B. More women have completed college.
O C. More women have joined churches.
O D. More women have married and had families.



(d) i think


Which of the following would not be a good thesis for a personal essay?
O A. It was then that I realized why I enjoyed shoveling dirt and carting
it in wheelbarrows: the mind-numbing drudgery.
B. Because I knew that buying the antique Triumph motorcycle would
deplete my retirement savings, I found myself at a crossroads.
C. I'll use expert opinion and data to prove that greenhouse gases do
contribute to global warming.
D. All of these would work.





Because Its a personal essay?

All of these options make a good thesis statement

In larger cities Black women are likely to be evicted as Black men are to be imprisoned. True or false





cuz statististixs. D: :(

What was the bush doctrine ?


multiple interrelated foreign policy principles

what do the authors of the decameron and the manifesto of the revolting cardinals belive about the nature of man



Man must accept life as it is.


I read that in my history textbook.

True or False: Concerns about mutually assured destruction/massive retaliation led to
a decrease in armaments in the Soviet Union and the United States.


Answer: True


After the Soviets successfully tested an atomic bomb in 1949, a nuclear arms race began between the two superpowers of the world, the Soviet Union and the United States. They made so many nuclear weapons that the world could be destroyed many times over if they ever went to nuclear war.

This reality almost came to pass with the Cuban Missile Crisis where the world was too close to nuclear war. After this, both super powers became more concerned about mutually assure destruction if they went to war and made efforts to decrease armaments.

World War II was responsible for inspiring
A. colonial independence movements.
B. an end to communism.
C.a new wave of imperialism.
D. unequal treaties.





You could defend at least 3 of these answers depending on what the time period was.

A is certainly true. Think of India (Great Britain) China (free from Japan) there are others.

B. The soviet union spread communism most aggressively. So the answer is not B.

C. Not yet. This came later.

D. I would pick D. The United States imposed a harsh treaty on Japan. I think what happened in Germany was a bit unequal....

World War II was the catalyst for colonization independence movements.

The collapse of colonization was the first significant outcome of the Second World War for Africans. Russia and the United States have supplanted Britain and France as international powers.

They were anti-colonialists who pushed colonial nations to decolonize.

Considering European governments were devastated by war and therefore unable to hold on to territory, colonists of Countries in Europe attempted to fight for independence after WWII.


Option "A" is the correct answer to the following question.

Learn more:

The United States and part of the system that allowed American business owners too fond fond build and profit from factories in the nation this system is called the system





a lot more people in my room lol I yuyuyyyy

At which allied conference were plans to assemble a United Nations organization made?

Potsdam Conference

Tehran Conference

Yalta Conference

Casablanca Conference



Answer: is C)


The correct answer is C) Yalta Conference

The idea that change comes slowly can be evidenced by what event during Reconstruction?
O a. African-Americans did not get elected to political offices.
O b. Women were excluded from the suffrage amendment.
O c. After the Civil War, most slaves had to wait a long time to escape their masters.
O d. African-Americans were denied membership in churches,
O e. African-Americans had no interest in having their own businesses.



B: women were excluded from the suffrage amendment


i looked it up :')

People who believe in equal pay for women and fight for programs that benefit children and families would most likely be influenced by _____.



gender hope or maybe public opinion

best describes the effect of Triangular Trade on Africa?


Communities were devastated, the population declined, families were torn apart, and slave trading wars claimed even more African lives.

1. What caused urban decay and what was President Reagan's response to urban poverty?
2. What effect did NAFTA have on the USA?


A) Useful sites:

The Reagan Administration's Urban Policy (JSTOR)The Fall of the Industrial City: The Reagan Legacy for Urban Policy (Western Michigan University).

B) NAFTA was signed in 1994 with the goal of increasing trade, removing barriers, and lowering tariffs on imports and exports between Canada, the United States, and Mexico. The Trump administration claims that NAFTA has resulted in trade deficits, factory closures, and job losses in the United States.


NAFTA's Winners and Losers (Investopedia)

What led to a period of an improved relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union in the early 1970s?

A. The two countries signed an agreement to join forces in a war.

B. The two countries agreed to get rid of their nuclear stockpiles.

C. The two countries agreed that the spread of communism was a good thing.

D. The two countries signed an agreement to prevent accidental military clashes.



D. The two countries signed an agreement to prevent accidental military clashes.

Answer: D.The two countries signed an agreement to prevent accidental military clashes.


here is proof hope this helps

1. What motivated the United States to build the Panama Canal?
(5 sentences +)
2. How did World War I impact minorities in the war and on the homefront?
(5 sentences +)



A) The U.S.  built the Panama Canal as to make the trip from the East Coast to the West Coast, take half the time as before, where boats had to traval raount the south and north american continent.

B) American Minorites helped the fight both on the homelines and battle feilds, albiet lower stations for each, withe mixed feeling a and reservations, but genrallly supportive of the U.S."s goal. Segration was still being used at the time, and push back to the unfair sytem started to gain, partly becuase of the above feelings coming with relization.


i started these with a single point and only one sentence to help start the answers and (hopefully) lead in the right direction, i also put some links to sources i used which you might want to check out since i found them informative. As always make sure to back through your lessons and readings so you dont miss anything and can get closer to the ansew your teacher miht want/expect. Also please do not copy-cut- and paste the above answers, reword.


www. (best one, but try to skim through them all)


Explica brevemente porqué cae la Monarquía Romana.



terminó con la expulsión del último rey en el año 509 que dio paso al establecimiento de la República Romana.


it finished with the expulsion of the last king in the year 509 that gave way to the establishment of the Roman Republic.

hope it helped! ^_^

The only major European democracies left by 1939 were and ___; some states fell to ___ regimes, which wanted total control of their citizens.



France and Great Britain I believe

How and why did the British North American Colonies (Canada) had a role in the United States Civil War?



The American Civil War (1861–65) was fought between the northern (Union) states and the southern (Confederate) states, which withdrew from the United States in 1860–61. The war left cities in ruins, shattered families and took the lives of an estimated 750,000 Americans. The war also involved those living in what is now Canada, including roughly 40,000 who joined the fight. The war played a significant role in how and when Canada became an independent country.

What resulted because Georgia did not allow slavery?
A. Plantations had to be divided into smaller farms.
B. There wasn't enough lather to grow food crops.
C. Native Americans refused to sell land to the farmers.
D. Slaves from other colonies ran away to Georgia.


D - Slaves from other colonies ran away to georgia

Slaves from other colonies ran away to Georgia.

What is slavery in Africa?

Being a slave, who is unable to leave the duty they are performing for an enslaver and who is treated as the enslaver's property, is both the state and the condition of being an enslaved person.

Slavery was practiced in many different ways throughout historical Africa, including debt slavery, the enslavement of prisoners of war, military slavery, slavery for prostitution, and the enslavement of criminals. Slavery was frequently used in Africa for household and legal purposes.

To know more about slavery refer to :


how Richard constitution promote federalism in Nigerian​



Before and right after independence

Bernard Bourdillon the Governor-general at that time initiated and laid the foundation of federalism in Nigeria in 1939 by creating three provinces. He later handed over the constitution to his successor Arthur Richards and it became the Richards Constitution of 1946.

One of the social "cons" of the Industrial Revolution was the large monetary gap that was suddenly created within the classes of people. Why was this gap a problem for society?



Industrial Revolution


The Industrial Revolution destroyed the old division of society: clergy, nobility and commoners. There was a development of a bourgeoisie, a middle class who engaged in trade and other capitalist ventures. The wealthy bourgeois were factory owners, bankers, mine owners and merchants. Industrialization sharpened the distinctions between the middle class and the labouring class. Factory workers were the newest and most rapidly growing social group.

Need a well written paragraph on Human trafficking in Thailand case study. Origin- How did the human rights issue come about? Who does it affect and how? How does it affect human rights?



Origin of human trafficking in Thailand

Human trafficking has thrived in Thailand since the Vietnam War and has become increasingly more popular as time goes by.

Human traffickers collect young boys and girls, as young as 11 and use them as sex slaves for profit, forcing them to live in subpar conditions and exposing them to brutal conditions.

Even though the Thai government has passed an anti-trafficking law, the enforcers of the law are also accused of being complicit in the illegal trade, thereby making this hydra-headed monster more difficult to eradicate.

what did the declaration of independence allow american colonist to do?



colonists were able to confirm an official alliance with the Government of France and obtain French assistance in the war against Great Britain.


The Declaration outlined the reasons for the colonies' desire for independence. The American colonists were able to formalize an official alliance with the French government and secure French aid in the battle against the British Empire by proclaiming themselves an independent nation.


These state do not have stand your ground laws a) Connecticut b) Oregon c) New York d) Arkansas d) California


Answer: Oregon


Many plant pathologists believe that plant resistance is based upon the interplay of different signaling molecules? Justified





Yes, I agree with Many plant pathologists who believe that plant resistance is based upon the interplay of different signaling molecules because these signaling molecules produces hormones that helps in the survival of plants against adverse environmental conditions. Plants produce and use many different chemicals to send signals inside the body i.e. Auxins, cytokinin, abscisic acid, gibberellic acid, and ethylene are the hormones that has specific function in our body.

what is negritude and. where and how did it develop



Negritude is the literary and intellectual movement that developed in Paris among the black writers in France. This movement was a sort of open declaration and acceptance of their black or African origin and their public expression of being accepted as Black writers.


The term "Negritude" refers to the literary movement during the early 19th century that originated in France. This literary movement was a result of the collected group of black writers and intellectuals banding together to raise concerns and cultivate their African identity and origin.

The concept of negritude developed first in Paris among the black or African writers and intellectuals who speak French and desired to express and openly declare their African origin. It was a result of their desire to be accepted and identified as black writers, their acceptance of their culture and identity. The movement was a sort of reaction against the European colonization of Africa and the need to assert the cultural racism that the Europeans had directed against the colonies.

What was one benefit of living in cities? Choose 1 answer:
(Choice A)
Low population densities meant little competition for resources

(Choice B)
High population densities made for cleaner living conditions

(Choice C)
High population densities allowed for specialization and division of labor



choice c


high population densities allows Specialiazation and decision of labv

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please help me on this 2. Explaining According to Ashoka, who can win "heavenlybliss" and how? The measure of angle tis 60 degrees.What is the x-coordinate of the point where theterminal side intersects the unit circle?12OOIsla Isla2DONE Which of the following is an example of an informational text? (5 points)- Biography-Short Story- Romantic NovemReal answer please Which ideas appear in the conclusion? Check the two best answers PromptT y tu amigo Juan estn de visita en Oruro, Bolivia y mientras esperan el autobs que los llevar all, comienza esta conversacin. Todo lo que tu amigo diga estar escrito, pero tu tendrs que escribir las partes en blanco. Recuerda que debes estudiar las palabras del vocabulario de la leccin 51 y despus repasar la voz pasiva en la leccin 53 para que puedas contestar lo que tu amigo te pregunte.Si encuentras una palabra subrayada (underlined), debes usar la voz pasiva en el espacio siguiente. Si encuentras una palabra en ingls que est entre parntesis, debes traducirla al espaol.Por ejemplo: Todo lo que est en rojo es lo que t debes escribir.-Miguel cmo ests?-Muy bien y t?(you).-Tengo una pregunta - Dime-Cundo se fund la Ciudad de Mxico?-La Ciudad de Mxico fue fundada en 1520.Ahora es tu turno. Buena suerte! -Hola Benito(1)______________.-Estoy muy triste. Anoche perd mi maleta.-Qu?. Tu maleta (2)______ ___________?-S, y en ella estaba mi pasaporte y sin l no puedo (3)________(to return) a mi pas.-Vamos a (4)_________ (to see) lo que podemos hacer.-Bueno, seorita, necesito(5) _______(to know) si ya llam a la polica-Si seor, la polica ya(6) ___ ____________.-Benito, por favor llama un taxi.-Est bien. Pero eso va a(7) ________ (to depend) si la polica llega pronto.-Me pregunto cundo construyeron este hotel.-Eso es fcil, ah dice que este hotel (8)_____ ___________ en 1975.-Ah viene la polica. Y traen tu maleta.-Seor Lobo?S, y esa es mi maleta el ladrn la fue a (9)_________?(to return an object)S, esta maleta (10)_______ _________ en el Aeropuerto de Oruro anoche. Read the following excerpt from a patient's health record:Plan:Since there is significant risk for cancer, we will schedule Mr. Joules for a radical orchidectomy. We will send samples to Pathology to confirm the diagnosis and staging. I outlined the general treatment and follow-up plan with Mr. Joules. Today, we will check a sperm count to establish a baseline, as azoospermia and oligospermia are risks of surgery.Which of the following statements is NOT true, given the health record information?A. The patient will undergo a spermatolysis.B. The patient is at significant risk for testicular cancer.C. If the patient lacks living sperm, this is a risk for surgery.D. The patient will be scheduled to have his testicle removed.E. A low sperm count is a risk for surgery. (3[tex]\sqrt{7} \\[/tex]+7[tex]\sqrt{3}[/tex])/[tex]\sqrt{21}[/tex] Question 7 of 40Which of the following best describes a natural resource? AsA. Currency used to exchange for or purchase productsB. A cultural or religious ideology used by humansC. Products created by humans for improved living conditionsD. A substance, energy source, or organism used by humansSUBMIT When the apple fall towards tje earth tje earth move up to meet the apple.Os it true.If yes why is the earth motion not noticeable archaeologists learn how early people developed skills and tools by Present the ways to observe interference patterns on thin films. Why the thickness of thin films should be in scale of wavelength? Other than the American Stroke Association, which other organization created these trainings?a. American CPR Organization b. American Heart Association c. American Cancer Societyd. American First Aid Association When using a scientific calculator, what is the the correct order of buttons topress to enter the number 3.5 x 1015?O A. [EE] [1] [5] [3] [] [5]B. [1] [5] [3] [5] [EE]C. [3] [.] [5] [EE] [1] [5]O D. [1] [5] [3] [] [5] [EE]SUBMIT How have people been lately good? bad? something else? In the figure above, AD and BE intersect at point C, andthe measures of angles B, D, and E are 98, 81, and 55,respectively. What is the measure, in degrees, ofangle A ? (Disregard the degree sign when gridding youranswer.) 3. Of the events that you researched in Part II, which do you think was most important to the womens suffrage movement in the United States? Why? "Mt Everest is the glory of all Nepali". Justify the statement YOU HAVE A GARDEN HOSE AND A 0.5 LITER CONTAINER AND A 0.3 LITER CONTAINER. YOU NEED TO MEASURE OUT 0.1 LITER OF WATER. HOW DO YOU DO IT Which has had the most significant effect on the rise of globalization?A. the fall of communism B. command economiesC. computer technology D. isolationism