Bats have oversized ears, which help the bad you sound waves to detect the motion of their prey which example of the characteristics of life is most similar


Answer 1

This question is incomplete because there are no options; here is the complete question:

Bats have oversized ears, which help the bad you sound waves to detect the motion of their prey which example of the characteristics of life is most similar

A) A yeast cell splits itself in half to create a new organism.

B) A rat hides in its hole when it sees an approaching predator.

C) A fungal cell releases carbon dioxide back to the atmosphere.

D) A human child grows taller every year.

The answer to this question is B) A rat hides in its hole when it sees an approaching predator.


One of the characteristics of living organisms is the ability to adapt or respond to the environment. This feature of life is the one shown by bats in this case because the oversized ears are a result of evolution and adaptation that help bats to have more chances of survival. Similarly, rats hiding to avoid predators is a result of adaptation that helps rats survive by avoiding predators. Thus, rats and bat show the same characteristic of life.

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What are some pros and cons of using a dispersant versus bacteria to deal with a very large spill and how would each one impact the environment



it is toxic to the health


Dispersants create a toxic environment for fish by releasing harmful oil break-down products into the water. ... Dispersants and dispersed oil have also been shown to have toxic effects on bird eggs that are similar or worse than from untreated oil.

What are the similarities and differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?


The similarities between a prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell is that they both have a plasma membrane, cytoplasm, and ribosomes. The difference is that the eukaryotic cell is usually larger and has a true nucleus. It has other membrane bound organelles.

You are observing a sample of cells in the lab to determine why they did not
divide properly. You notice that the chromosomes are lined up in the middle
of the cell, and the spindle fibers have extended towards them, but have not
attached. What could be damaged?


The kinetochore of the chromosomes

What could be damaged that is hindering the spindle fibers from attaching to the chromosomes are the kinetochores of the chromosomes.
At the metaphase stage of the cell division, the chromosomes align at the equator of the cell and the spindle fibers engage each chromosome at a region known as the kinetochore.
The kinetochore is made up of complex proteins and lies around the centromere region of the chromosome. The microtubules of the spindle fibers attach to this region during the metaphase stage.
If the kinetochore is damaged, it means the spindle fiber will not be able to attach to the chromosome.

In which of these stages is mitosis most important? A tiger cub is born. A tiger cub learns to walk. A tiger cub begins to grow. A tiger cub play-fights.



A tiger cub begins to grow


because that's when they change the most


A tiger club play fights


One main part of mitosis is the replacement of cells, so when the tiger gets hurt fighting, mitosis kicks in to replace the cells.

RNA polymerase is an enzyme that copies (1 point)
o DNA into DNA.
O RNA into mRNA
O mRNA into tRNA.
DNA into RNA


Answer:Copies DNA into RNA


Which of the following statements is true?
An atom consists of protons, electrons, and
An atom consists of protons and neutrons.
An atom consists of electrons bonded to one
An atom consists of protons bonded to one



An atom consists of protons, electrons, and neutrons.


The atom of an element is its smallest indivisible particle that retains its chemical properties. Atom is the fundamental and basic unit of matter.

The structure of an atom is made up of a positively charged PROTON, a neutrally charged NEUTRON (both contained in the nucleus) and a negatively charged ELECTRON that surrounds the nucleus. These three particles are called sub-atomic particles. The arrangement and number of these sub-atomic particles determine the properties of the atom.

First Question, A, An atom consists of protons, electrons, and neutrons.

Second Question, B, A nucleus consists of protons and neutrons.


Centrioles have pulled the chromosomes all the way to the spindle poles, the process of cleavage furrowing appears to be about to begin. What kind of a cell is this?



An animal cell in the telophase


Telophase is one of the stages of cell division in animal cell .

In the animal cell during telophase, Centrioles have pulled the chromosomes all the way to the spindle poles, the process of cleavage furrowing appears to be about to begin because the nuclear membrane and nucleoli reform, cytokinesis is almost coming to completion and the chromosomes eventually uncoil to chromatin. Usually cytokinesis occurs during telophase.

Do the spinal nerves include the sensory or motor neurons? Where do these neurons enter or exit the spinal cord?





The spinal nerves include the sensory or motor neurons sensory neuron → brain → motor neuron → muscles.

What are neurons?

Neurons are nerve cells that are specialized to process and transmit information. The brain then processes the information obtained from the sensory neuron and sends another signal trough the motor neuron carrying the message to the muscle.

The spinal cord acts as a nerve center between the brain and the rest of our body and it contains motor neurons that transmits nerve signals from the motor cortex to the body, and the spinal cord also receives all of the sensory information from the periphery of our bodies.

Motor neurons are also known as efferent neurons, they are part of the central nervous system that transmit impulses from the brain or spinal cord to the effector organ (muscles or glands).

Therefore, The spinal nerves include the sensory or motor neurons sensory neuron → brain → motor neuron → muscles.

Learn more about spinal nerves on:


cytoplasm and nucleus together constitute which part​



Cytoplasm and nucleus together constitute Protoplasm .

protoplasm is your answer mate

PLEASE ANSWER QUICK!The Greek roots of the word prokaryote mean “before nucleus.” Describe the way that DNA is organized in prokaryotic cells without the help of a nucleus. How does this approach differ from the way that eukaryotic cells organizes their DNA



Prokaryotic cells' DNA are located in the cytoplasm of the cell rather than in the nucleus, like in eukaryotic cells. DNA aids in protein synthesis and determines functions of the cell in cells, regardless of being within the membrane of a nucleus or not.


I hope this helps a little.

The word prokaryote in Greek means before kernel (nucleus). Unlike the eukaryotic cells, the nuclear material is located in the cytoplasm of the cell in a nucleoid.

What are the characteristics of prokaryotic cells?

The prokaryotic cells are the primitive karyons that are defined by the lack of the true nucleus and organelles. Unlike the eukaryotes, the organelles lack the membrane that covers them but has a tough cell wall.

The prokaryotes include archaea and bacteria which are unicellular and microscopic organisms that are simple and have their genetic material organized into nucleoids in the center of the cell. They have the ability to live in harsh conditions.

Therefore, the eukaryotes and prokaryotes differ in the arrangement of the genetic material.

Learn more about prokaryotes, here:


Characteristics of Living Things
7. The basic unit of organization of living things is a(n)
A. atom B. organism
C. cell
D. organ
8. Storing energy obtained from food is an example of
A. evolution B. homeostasis
C. response
D. growth
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CB cc CD с
C3 C3 CD
свэссэ CD е
CB cC CD е
свэссэ сор
СВсса CD с
33 CC.
Ева сср
Всс CD с
3 cc DSC
93 cca CDC
Во са сра с
35 C3 CDC
3 C3 CDC
CCS coac
9. The passing of genes from one generation to another is
A homeostasis
B. response
C. growth D. heredity
10. The main function of reproduction is to
A. have enough male and female to reproduce
B. overpopulate
D. to be able to replace themselves.
C. grow
11. The milkweed plant feeding the caterpillar is an example of
A. interdependency.
C. preparing to die after a long life.
B. reproduction
D. heredity
12. Adaptation is very important to species because it allows them to
A. grow and become successful
C. Die
B. produce offspring better equipped to survive.
D. produce many offspring.





all of these were to long so

What is the relationship between DNA mutation and sickle-cell anemia? (1 point)
O Sickle-cell anemia and DNA mutations are correlated without any causal relationship.
O Sickle-cell anemia causes a DNA mutation.
O A DNA mutation causes sickle-cell anemia.
O A DNA mutation is correlated with but does not cause sickle-cell anemia.



A DNA mutation causes sickle-cell anemia.


Sickle cell anemia is caused by a single code letter change in the DNA. This in turn alters one of the amino acids in the hemoglobin protein. Valine sits in the position where glutamic acid should be. The valine makes the hemoglobin molecules stick together, forming long fibers that distort the shape of the red blood cells, and this brings on an attack.

Why are so many of the same genes found in almost all living organisms



Molecular homology occurs when different species inherit similar molecules, such as nucleic acids or proteins, from an evolutionary common ancestor. In many cases, especially for essential housekeeping genes involved in protein synthesis or DNA replication, genes are homologous across most, if not all, living organisms. Hope this helps!


Design a controlled experiment to test the effect of water temperature on goldfish. be sure to include your hypothesis, independent variable, dependent variable as well as experimental group and control group.



In this experiment, indepedent variable will be temperature and dependent variable will be the respiratory rate of goldfish. Temperature affects the respiratory rate of goldfish, as it's respiratory rate decreases with decrease in temperature of water, the experiment is as follows:

Take two glass containers filled with water A and B and put one goldfish in each container.Measure the temperature of the water using a thermometer.Count mouth movement of both the fishes in certain time.Now put some ice in container B that will decrease the temperature of water and measure the temperature again.Now count the mouth movement of both the fishes for the same time it was counted earlier.

The result will be that respiratory rate of goldfish decreases with the decrease in temperature in container B in comparison to container A goldfish.

An experiment meant to determine the cause of an effect, the effect is the independent variable, while the cause is the dependent variable

A controlled experiment to test the effect of water temperature on goldfish is designed as follows:

The experimental group are: The gold fish in a glass Jar X filled with fresh water and with the lid left open (the treatment of temperature reduction is applied to the experimental group)

The control group are: A second gold fish (selected at random) of the same size, in another glass jar Y filled to the same level with fresh water collected from the same source of the first gold fish

Independent variable: The independent variable is the temperature of the water which will be varied by placing ice cube gradually into the glass jar B

Dependent variable: The number times the gold fish gulp air by rising to the surface, and or the number of time goldfish opens its mouth, which indicates that the goldfish is breathing

The hypothesis: The breath rate of goldfish decreases with decrease in temperature because the goldfish metabolic rate decreases and the water holds more dissolved air and therefore oxygen at a reduced temperature

The Experiment Design:

The experiment is conducted by measuring the initial temperature and breathing rate of both fishes

The temperature of the fresh water in jar X is decreased gradually by adding ice cubes and recording the temperature and breathing rate of the goldfish

A similar experiment from an online source (Maryland School improvement website) the following results where obtained

[tex]\begin{array}{|c|cc|} \underline {Breathing \ rate}&&\underline {Water \ Temperature } \\&&\\ (Dependent \ Variable)&&(Independent \ Variable)\ \\&&\\103&&78.8 ^{\circ}F\\78&&68^{\circ}F\\55&&57.2^{\circ}F\\28&&46.4^{\circ}F\\4&&35.6^{\circ}F\end{array}\right][/tex]

From the experiment, it can be seen that the in the experimental group dependent variable, which is the breathing rate of the goldfish reduces as the temperature which is the dependent variable is reduced

Learn more about experimental variables here:

The essential difference between the knowledge level and the comprehension level of Bloom’s Taxonomy is that at the knowledge level one is asked to




Knowledge it expected that an individual have the ability to recall some specific terms,facts,methods, processes, pattern, structure, or setting of a thing without necessarily understanding the concept.

Comprehension is the understanding an individual knows or get from what is being communicated and the ability to make use of the idea that is been communicated without seeing the full expression if it.

Comprehension is the explanation and understanding of knowledge i.e what is known and can be recalled.

True or dalse. The cell that produces interferon is protected from the infectious agent.​




I hope this helps!

What is Ependymal cell?



Explanation: Ependymal cell is a type of neuronal support cell the forms the epithelial lining of the brain ventricles in the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord ependymal cells similar to all other neuroglia, are derived from a layer of embryonic tissue known as neuroectoderm.

Ependymal cells are ciliated-epithelial glial cells. It develops from radial glia alongside the surface of the ventricles of the brain and spinal canal.

What is the function of Ependymal cells?

The main role of Ependymal cells is formation of CSF.

The CSF refers to cerebrospinal fluid. It is done by movement of sodium ion, chlorine ion and bicarbonate ion from blood to ventricles of brain.

Inside ventricles of the brain, collection of ependymal cells and capillaries together i.e., the tela choroidea form choroid plexus, which produces the CSF.

Thus, Ependymal cells are involved in formation of CSF.

For more details regarding Ependymal cells, visit:

is the following nuclear equation balanced?


Please write the nuclear equation

The idea that chromosomes orient themeselves randomly during metaphase I is ________________________. This leads to ___________________ combinations of genes.



The idea that chromosomes orient themselves randomly during metaphase I is Independent Assortment. This leads to more combinations of genes.


During metaphase I, the pair of chromosomes align in the plate of the cell. In this step, the independent assortment takes place.

The independent assortment is the distribution of different genes into two gametes, is independent, because the distribution of the different genes, does not influence the distribution of the other genes. The independent assortment leads to new combinations of genes from the parental and maternal side, resulting in offsprings that do not look exactly like their parents.

In most organisms, the end product of glycolysis is pyruvate. Pyruvate still contains a substantial amount of energy, which can be further extracted. Whether the organisms are operating under aerobic or anaerobic conditions determines the metabolic pathway that pyruvate undergoes to produce more ATP. In this tutorial, you will identify the end products of these metabolic pathways.



Pyruvate helps in the production of ATP.


The molecule of pyruvate converted into acetyl CoA. Then each molecule which is produced during glycolysis loses electron and carbondioxide releases. After the breakdown of pyruvate, the electrons loses by pyruvate are transferred to NAD+ in order to produce NADH, which will be used by the cell to produce energy molecule such as ATP. So we can say that pyruvate plays a vital role in the formation of ATP molecule.

The diagram represents a food pyramid. The concentration of the pesticide DDT in individual
organisms at level D is higher than the concentration in individuals at level A because DDT is
A. produced by organisms at level C ingested by
those in level D
B. passed through levels A, B, and C to organisms
at level D.
C. excreted by organisms at level A as a toxic
D. synthesized by organisms at level D.



The answer is "Choice b".


In the given question diagram is missing. so first, we define the diagram after that we explain why the above given choice is correct.  

In the attached file the food pyramid can be a divide into the level, in which the D pesticides use the "dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane ", which concentration is higher than its entities from the level of A because DDT is transferred with species at level D by levels A, B, and C, that's why the choice "b" is correct.  

What makes up the backbone of a DNA molecule? nucleic acids RNA molecules sugars and phosphates ribose and deoxyribose


Base, sugar and phosphate and deoxyribose make up a nucleotide on a DNA molecule


sugars and phosphates



The process of ________ involves a carrier protein that can transport a molecule across the cell membrane down its concentration gradient.



Answer is Facilitated diffusion.

The process of facilitated diffusion involves a carrier protein that can transport a molecule across the cell membrane down its concentration gradient.

What is facilitated diffusion?

The process of spontaneous passive movement of molecules or ions across a biological membrane by particular transmembrane integral proteins is known as facilitated diffusion.

To transfer molecules from one side of the membrane to the other without consuming energy, facilitated diffusion is required. Large and charged molecules require facilitated diffusion more than smaller molecules. These compounds are unable to readily diffuse through the plasma membrane.

It happens when chemicals like glucose or amino acids flow effortlessly from a high concentration to a low concentration.

Learn more about facilitated diffusion, here:


Which of the following correctly describes the process of Translation?
I. tRNA anticodon bonds to mRNA codon
II. Ribosome bonds to mRNA strand
III. Ribosome reaches a STOP codon and detaches from the mRNA
IV. Each tRNA adds an Amino Acid to the chain as the Ribosome moves along the mRNA
V. Complimentary mRNA strand is made from DNA template



I. tRNA anticodon bonds to mRNA codon

II. Ribosome bonds to mRNA strand

III. Ribosome reaches a STOP codon and detaches from the mRNA

IV. Each tRNA adds an Amino Acid to the chain as the Ribosome moves along the mRNA


Translation is the second process of gene expression in which a protein molecule is synthesized from the information in a mRNA strand. Translation occurs in the RIBOSOME (an organnelle for protein synthesis made up of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins). The process of translation occurs in three stages viz: Initiation, Elongation and Termination.

Initiation occurs when the ribosome binds to the mRNA strand in the cytoplasm. The mRNA sequence is then read in a group of three nucleotides called CODON by the ANTICODON of a transfer RNA (tRNA). The basis of reading is the complementary base pairing rule i.e. A-U, G-C. Options I and II describes this stage.

In the elongation stage, the tRNA carries an amino acid corresponding to what it reads in the mRNA codon to the growing polypeptide chain. The amino acids bonds to one another via a peptide bond. As each codon is being read, the mRNA gradually moves over the means sequence. Option IV describes this stage.

Elongation stage continues until any of the stop codons (UAA, UAG, and UGA) are finally encountered by the trans in the ribosome. Since, there are no corresponding anticodons that can read the stop codons, they signal the termination of the translation process. The ribosome then detaches from the mRNA sequence. Option III describes this stage.

Note, option V describes TRANSCRIPTION not TRANSLATION.

A mutation causes a sequence of DNA that has the nucleotides TTG to be changed to TCG. The resulting protein has a different sequence of amino acids. Which type of mutation is this? a. missense b. nonsense c. silent d. frameshift



The correct answer would be - a) missense.


A missense mutation is a type of a point mutation that is caused by the alteration or change in the a nucleotide of a triplet codon in a DNA sequence. This leads to a altered mRNA and incorporate different amino acid and ultimately different protein than usual.

This type of mutation can produce non functional protein by translation in most of the case and did not make any big change in the individual.

Thus, the correct answer would be - a) missense.


A. Missense


edge 2020 100%

b) How will you describe any three (3) major components of the environment to a named
class puyil?​



Hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere are the three major components of the environment.


Hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere are the three major components of the environment. hydrosphere refers to water bodies such as ocean, sea, ponds and lakes etc that is present in our environment. atmosphere refers to the gaseous layer which is present above the earth surface. in this layer oxygen, nitrogen and carbondioxide etc are present. biosphere refers to all living organisms such as human, animals, plants and microbes etc which are present on earth surface..

assuming hardy weinberg equilibrium what is the probability that sarah who is phenotypically normal with no family history and tom



The probability of having a disorder is 50 %.


The offspring has that genetic disorder if the Sarah who is phenotypically normal with no family history and tom has a genetic disorder so there is 50 percent chance that the children of Sarah and tom has that genetic disorder. if the disorder linked with Y chromosome of male so this disorder is present in the sons but if the disorder linked with X chromosome of male so this disorder is present in the daughters.

What percentage of the nation’s demand for electricity could be produced in the future by wind energy?




hope this is helpful

Pleaseeeee help me. When a rabbit eats a plant, nutrients from the
plant become available to the tissues of the
rabbit. During this process, some of the energy
from these nutrients is lost and the energy
becomes heat and unavailable chemical energy.
This energy loss partly explains why the total
energy is greater in
A. predator populations than in scavenger
B.consumer populations than in producer
C. producer populations than in consumer
D. predator populations than in prey populations,








total energy is greater in producer populations than in consumer populations

Which organelle is labeled I? cell membrane ribosome endoplasmic reticulum nucleus



"nucleus" seems to be the correct answer.


The nucleus seems to be a significant case wrapped through a double membrane that distinguishes these from the cytoplasm, the nuclear shell. The membranes combine throughout a few areas, allowing the interchange of substances between some of the cytoplasm as well as the nucleus, steps given designated "nuclear pores".The nuclear shell is consistent with either the concentrated endoplasmic reticulum, thereby bonding with either the nucleus.




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