Been stuck on this since yesterday !!?!?


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2


Step-by-step explanation:

I have uploaded a graph for you. The x axis is the number of years. The y axis is the salary multiplied by 1000. I should have made the multiplication factor 10000 but 1000 will do.

The 5 given points are plotted in red. The blue line is the function.

The function is y = 5x + 35. That means for every year you add 5 times the year onto the salary.

No years is 35000

1 year is 1 * 5000 + 35000

2 years is 2 * 5000 + 35000 = 45000

6 years is 5 * 5000 * 35000 = 65000

and so on.

The point you want is x = 12

12 years is 12 * 5000 + 35000 = 95000

Forgot the graph

Related Questions

I need help with this question!


Answer in the photo

Find x.



Step-by-step explanation:

find the value of the trigonometric ratio. make sure to simplify the fraction if needed



Cos C = a/h

= 21/35

Step-by-step explanation:

since cos is equal to adjacent angle over hypotenuse angle, so from the question we conclude Cos C = 21/35

(b) An economy has an agricultural industry and a textile industry. Each unit of agricultural output requires 0.4 unit of agricultural input and 0.1 unit of textiles input. Each unit of textiles output requires 0.1 unit of agricultural input and 0.2 unit of textiles input.

(i) Write the technology matrix for this economy. [2 marks]

(ii) If surpluses of 5 units of agricultural products and 195 units of textiles are desired, find the gross production of each industry


Leontief input output model (technology matrix) is an economic model that shows the quantitative relationship and sectorial interdependency in a national economy

The responses with  regards to the question are;

(i) The technology matrix for the economy is presented as follows;

[tex]\mathbf{ A} =\left[\begin{array}{ccc}Agric&&Textile\\0.4&&0.1\\&&\\0.1&&0.2\end{array}\right] \begin{array}{ccc}\mathbf{Per \ Unit}\\Agriculture\\\\Textile\end{array}\right][/tex]

(ii) The required gross production of each industry to meet the desired surplus are;

50 units of agriculture and 250 units of textile

The reason the above values are correct is as follows:

(i) The given parameters are;

The industries in the economy = Agricultural industry and textile industry

Units of agricultural input required per unit of agricultural output = 0.4

Units of textile input required per unit of agricultural output = 0.1

Units of agricultural input required per unit of textile output = 0.1

Units of textile input required per unit of textile output = 0.2

Let X represent agriculture, and let Y represent textile, we have;

[tex]Agric \ for \ agric = \dfrac{0.4 \ units \ of \ agriculture}{1\ unit \ of \ agric \ produced} \times X \ Agric \ produced= 0.4 \cdot X[/tex]

[tex]Agric \ for \ textile = \dfrac{0.1 \ units \ of \ agriculture}{1\ unit \ of \ textile \ produced} \times Y \ textile \ produced= 0.1 \cdot Y[/tex]

We also have;

Textile for agriculture = 0.1·X

Textile for textile = 0.2·Y


X = 0.4·X + 0.1·Y

Y = 0.1·X + 0.2·Y


The technology matrix for the economy is presented as follows;

[tex]\mathbf{Technology \ matrix, A} =\left[\begin{array}{ccc}Agric&&Textile\\0.4&&0.1\\&&\\0.1&&0.2\end{array}\right] \begin{array}{ccc}\mathbf{Per \ Unit}\\Agriculture\\\\Textile\end{array}\right][/tex]

(ii)  Let P represent the production vector, and let d represent the demand vector, we have;

[tex]P = \left[\begin{array}{c}X \\Y\end{array}\right][/tex], [tex]d = \left[\begin{array}{c}5 \\195\end{array}\right][/tex]

P = A·P + d

P - A·P = d


[tex]P = \mathbf{ \dfrac{d}{(I - A)}}[/tex]

Where I = The 2 by 2 identity matrix

We get;

[tex]I - A =\left[\begin{array}{ccc}1&&0\\&&\\0&&1\end{array}\right] - \left[\begin{array}{ccc}0.4&&0.1\\&&\\0.1&&0.2\end{array}\right] = \mathbf{\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0.6&&-0.1\\&&\\-0.1&&0.8\end{array}\right]}[/tex]

With the use of a graphing calculator, we have;

[tex]P =\left[\begin{array}{c}X \\Y\end{array}\right] = \dfrac{\left[\begin{array}{c}5 \\195\end{array}\right]}{\left[\begin{array}{ccc}0.6&&-0.1\\&&\\-0.1&&0.8\end{array}\right]} = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}50\\\\\ 250\end{array}\right][/tex]

The required gross product of agriculture, X = 50 units

The required gross product of textile, Y = 250 units

Learn more about the Leontief input output model here:

We have that he technology matrix for this economy and the  the gross production of each industry are

a)    [tex]X= \begin{vmatrix}0.4 & 0.1 \\0.1 & 0.2\end{vmatrix}[/tex]

b)    [tex]\begin{vmatrix}A\\T\end{vmatrix}=\begin{vmatrix}50\\250\end{vmatrix}[/tex]          

From the Question we have told that

Each unit of agricultural output requires 0.4 unit of agricultural input

Each unit of agricultural output requires 0.1 unit of textiles input.

Each unit of textiles output requires 0.1 unit of agricultural input

Each unit of textiles output requires 0.2 unit of textiles input.

Generally the technology matrix for this economy is given below


X =Agricultural industry Gross output

Y= Textile industry Gross Output


[tex]X= \begin{vmatrix}0.4 & 0.1 \\0.1 & 0.2\end{vmatrix}[/tex]


From the Question we are told that

Surpluses of 5 units of agricultural products and 195 units of textiles are desired.

Therefore, we have Desired surplus matrix of

[tex]D= \begin{vmatrix}5\\195\end{vmatrix}[/tex]

Generally the Technology equation is mathematically given as



X =Agricultural industry Gross output

I=A Unit matrix

\phi=Matrix of gross production


[tex]\begin{vmatrix}1 & 0\\0 & 1\end{vmatrix}-(\begin{vmatrix}0.4 & 0.1 \\0.1 & 0.2\end{vmatrix}))\begin{vmatrix}A\\T\end{vmatrix}=\begin{vmatrix}5\\195\end{vmatrix}[/tex]


In conclusion

The technology matrix for this economy and the  the gross production of each industry are

[tex]X= \begin{vmatrix}0.4 & 0.1 \\0.1 & 0.2\end{vmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{vmatrix}A\\T\end{vmatrix}=\begin{vmatrix}50\\250\end{vmatrix}[/tex]         Respectively

In conclusion

11. The unit digit in the expression (31 + 132 + 143 + 414 + 515 +156 + 61) i (A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2 . (D) 1​



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]we \ add \ \ only \ \ units \ we \ do \ not \ need \ the \ rest \\\\ \bf (3\underline 1 + 13\underline2 + 14\underline3 + 41\underline4 + 51\underline5 +15\underline6 + 6\underline1)= \\\\ 1+2+3+4+5+6+1=2\underline 2 \\\\ Answer: C) \ 2[/tex]

Hey community I thank you guys fir your help



A, B, and E.

Step-by-step explanation:

A. 5^x * 5^x

= 5^x+x



B. 5^2x



C. 5*5^2x


D. 5*5^x


E. (5*5)^x




F. 5^2*5^x


Add the first 12 terms of this sequence:
15, 45, 135, 405, 1215, ...



Step-by-step explanation:

a₁ = 15

a₂/a₁ = 45/15 = 3

a₃/a₂ = 135/45 = 3


It is a geometric sequence with a common ratio r=3.

Sum of first 12 terms = a₁·(1-r¹²)/(1-r)

= 15·(1-3¹²)/(1-3)

= 15·(-531,441)/(-2)

= 3,985,800

Mike wants to buy a scooter worth R10000 but cannot afford so he opts for the hire purchase agreement which requires a 13% deposit and a 24 equal monthly installments at a rate of 15% per annum compounded monthly
A.How much will his deposit be?
B.calculate how much does he still need to pay after the deposit
C.calculate the monthly installment​


Answer: I think the answer is A

Step-by-step explanation:


Solve the inequality [tex]\sqrt[3]{x+4} \ \textgreater \ \sqrt[2]{-x}[/tex]

A) x < 2

B) x > 2

C) x > –2

D) x < –2


Hey bay hi sis hi hey hey mommy hey bay what

Manatees can swim in water up to 20 feet deep. Write an expression that represents the depth d, that a manatee can swim



0 ≤ d ≤ 20

Step-by-step explanation:

You mention that Manatees can swim in water up to 20 feet deep. So, this means that the largest depth that he can swim is 20 feet, not more than this. Also, keep in mind that the depth can't be negative, so ----> 0 ≤ d ≤ 20 feet

We want to write an expression (an inequality actually) that defines the depth at which a manatee can swim. The inequality is: 0ft ≤ d ≤ 20ft.

We know that the manatees can swim in water up to 20 feet deep. This represents the maximum deep at which manatees can swim, the minimum is trivial, it would be 0ft (when the manatees are on the surface of the water).

Then we can write the inequality:

0ft ≤ d ≤ 20ft.

This gives the range of possible values of d, depth at which the manatee can swim.

If you want to learn more, you can read:

Find the lengths the missing side



Short leg = x

Longer leg = 12

Hypotenuse = y

Short leg = 4√3

longer leg = 12

Hypotenuse = 8√3

Answered by GAUTHMATH

There are 768 beds in a hospital.

Each floor has 64 beds.

How many floors are there?



12 floors

Step-by-step explanation:

768 ÷ 64 = 12.



Step-by-step explanation:

768 divided by 64 =12

Aaron Lloyd what is a?



Rugby lawyer

Step-by-step explanation:

Aaron is a partner in the firm’s dispute resolution division. He advises clients on a range of litigious and risk related matters, with particular expertise in the areas of corporate misconduct, white collar criminal and regulatory affairs, sports law and employment law.  Aaron leads our sports law practice, and is a member of the firm’s health and safety, public law, and organisational integrity teams.

Well regarded by clients for his ability to analyse and strategise complex situations, Aaron is internationally recognised for his ability to implement pragmatic and commercial strategies to minimise risk and create opportunity. This ability has resulted in clients avoiding significant litigation and commercial consequences.

Aaron is an experienced advocate, having argued cases in the District Court, High Court, Employment Court, the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court of New Zealand, along with numerous tribunals.

He is recognised by international legal directories including by Chambers & Partners (Asia Pacific), Who’s Who Legal, Expert Guides, Best Lawyers and Doyles.

Before joining MinterEllisonRuddWatts Aaron practiced as a barrister with Paul Davison QC, and has lectured at the University of Auckland.

Which is a perfect square?




Step-by-step explanation:

6’3 is the answer I believe

create a graph of 4.95 + 3.99




Step-by-step explanation:

as in y = 4.95 + 3.99 or points? if so just draw a horizontal line at 8.94

Let h(x)=20e^kx where k ɛ R (Picture attached. Thank you so much!)






[tex]\displaystyle \begin{aligned} 2k + 1& = 2\ln 20 + 1 \\ &\approx 2.3863\end{aligned}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \begin{aligned} k - 3&= \ln \frac{1}{2} - 3 \\ &\approx-3.6931 \end{aligned}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the function:

[tex]\displaystyle h(x) = 20e^{kx} \text{ where } k \in \mathbb{R}[/tex]


Given that h(1) = 20, we want to find k.

h(1) = 20 means that h(x) = 20 when x = 1. Substitute:

[tex]\displaystyle (20) = 20e^{k(1)}[/tex]


[tex]1= e^k[/tex]

Anything raised to zero (except for zero) is one. Therefore:



Given that h(1) = 40, we want to find 2k + 1.

Likewise, this means that h(x) = 40 when x = 1. Substitute:

[tex]\displaystyle (40) = 20e^{k(1)}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle 2 = e^{k}[/tex]

We can take the natural log of both sides:

[tex]\displaystyle \ln 2 = \underbrace{k\ln e}_{\ln a^b = b\ln a}[/tex]

By definition, ln(e) = 1. Hence:

[tex]\displaystyle k = \ln 2[/tex]


[tex]2k+1 = 2\ln 2+ 1 \approx 2.3863[/tex]


Given that h(1) = 10, we want to find k - 3.

Again, this meas that h(x) = 10 when x = 1. Substitute:

[tex]\displaystyle (10) = 20e^{k(1)}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1}{2} = e^k[/tex]

Take the natural log of both sides:

[tex]\displaystyle \ln \frac{1}{2} = k\ln e[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle k = \ln \frac{1}{2}[/tex]


[tex]\displaystyle k - 3 = \ln\frac{1}{2} - 3\approx-3.6931[/tex]

Abigail buys two cartons of strawberries. One carton has 191919 berries and the other carton has 262626 berries. She wants to divide the berries into bags so there are exactly 666 berries in each bag.
How many bags will have 666 berries?


Abigail will have 682 bags full with 666 berries.



Step-by-step explanation:

191,919 + 262,626

454545 ÷ 666 = 682.5

Thus meaning 682 bags will have 666 berries and one bag will have 333 berries.

Fill in the blanks.
(3b^3)^2 = _b^_


We can seperate (3b³) into two different parts, the constant and the variable.

The constant (3) and the variable (b) can both be squared and multiplied to get the correct answer, so:

3² = 9

(b³)² = [tex]b^{6}[/tex]

So, [tex](3b^{3})^{2} = 9b^{6}[/tex]

Given: 3x+11=y, solve for x if y = 29


answer is 6

Step-by-step explanation:









Step-by-step explanation:






Instructions: Find the measure of the indicated angle to the nearest degree.



? = 13.6

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the unknown angle be y


tan y= p/b

tan y =8/33

y = tan‐¹(8/33)

y = 13.62699486

y = 13.6

Dividing integers
7. (-154) ➗ (-14) =
11. (-40) ➗10=
15. 90 ➗ (-15)=
16. 108 ➗ (-9)=
17. (-48) ➗ (-6)=
18. (-105) ➗ 7=


first we shall learn the rules.when numbers with same sign are divided it gives pisitive sign but, when numbers of different signs are divided it gives negetive sign.


7. (-154) ➗ (-14) =11

11. (-40) ➗10=-4

15. 90 ➗ (-15)=-6

16. 108 ➗ (-9)=-12

17. (-48) ➗ (-6)=8

18. (-105) ➗ 7=-15

hope it helps you......

A manufacturer claims that its drug test will detect steroid use (that is, show positive for an athlete who uses steroids) 95% of the time. Further, 15% of all steroid-free individuals also test positive. 10% of the rugby team members use steroids. Your friend on the rugby team has just tested positive. The correct probability tree looks like



The probability tree is;

                            0.95        [tex](+)[/tex]


          0.1              0.05        [tex](-)[/tex]

[  P  ]

          0.9             0.15          [tex](+)[/tex]                                                        


                             0.85         [tex](-)[/tex]        

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the data in the question;

10% of the rugby team members use steroids

so Probability of using steroid; P( use steroid ) = 10% = 0.10

Probability of not using steroid; P( no steroid use ) = 1 - 0.10 = 0.90

Since the test show positive for an athlete who uses steroids, 95% of the time.

Probability of using steroids and testing positive = 95% = 0.95

Probability of using steroids and testing Negative = 1 - 0.95 = 0.05

Also from the test, 15% of all steroid-free individuals also test positive.


Probability of not using steroids and testing positive = 15% = 0.15

Probability of not using steroids and testing negative = 1 - 0.15 = 0.85

To set up the probability tree, Let;

[tex](S)[/tex] represent steroid use

[tex](S_{no})[/tex] represent no steroid use

[tex](+)[/tex] represent test positive

[tex](-)[/tex] represent test negative

so we have;

                            0.95        [tex](+)[/tex]


          0.1              0.05        [tex](-)[/tex]

[  P  ]

          0.9             0.15          [tex](+)[/tex]                                                        


                             0.85         [tex](-)[/tex]        

The 4th of an AP is 15 and the 9th term is 35. find the 15th term​


Consecutive terms in this sequence are separated by a constant c, so if the 4th term is 15, then the next terms would be

5th: 15 + c

6th: (15 + c) + c = 15 + 2c

7th: (15 + 2c) + c = 15 + 3c

and so on. More generally, since any given number in the sequence depends on the number that came before it, we can write the n-th term in terms of the 4th term,

n-th: 15 + (n - 4) c

Then the 9th term in the sequence is

15 + (9 - 4) c = 35

and solving for c gives

15 + 5c = 35   ==>   5c = 20   ==>   c = 4

Then the 15th term would be

15 + (15 - 4)×4 = 15 + 11×4 = 15 + 44 = 59

Find the final amount of money in an account if $7, 200 is deposited at 2.5 % interest compounded
quarterly (every 3 months) and the money is left for 9 years.
The final amount is $
Round answer to 2 decimal places


The final amount is $7,615.27

A = P(1 + r/n)^t


A = Final amount

P = principal = $7, 200

r = interest rate = 2.5% = 0.025

n = number of periods = 4

t = time = 9 years

A = P(1 + r/n)^t

= 7,200(1 + 0.025/4)^9

= 7,200(1 + 0.00625)^9

= 7,200(1.00625)^9

= 7,200(1.0576769512798)

= 7,615.2740492152


A = $7,615.27

One book is 4cm thick, find out how many such books can be placed in a space of 53cm.


You would divide the thickness of one book (4cm) by the area you want them to fit in (53 cm).

Then getting the answer 13.25. Since we can’t have (.25 cm) of a book we can fit 13 whole books






Show all work to identify the asymptotes and zero of the function f of x equals 6 x over quantity x squared minus 36.



vertical asymptotes

x=6, x=-6

horizontal asymptotes


zeros (0,0)

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 6x / ( x^2 - 36)

First factor

f(x) = 6x / ( x-6)(x+6)

Since nothing cancels

The vertical asymptotes are when the denominator goes to zero

x-6 = 0   x+6=0

x=6          x= -6

Since the numerator has a smaller power than the denominator (1 < 2), there is an asymptote at y = 0

To find the zeros, we find where the numerator = 0



[tex]\\ \rm\Rrightarrow y=\dfrac{6x}{x^2-36}[/tex]

The h orizontal asymptote

As x has less degree than x²

y=0 is a asymptote

Vertical asymptote


Train X traveled 216.6 kilometers in 38 minutes. How many miles per hour was it traveling?



210 miles in 1 hour

Step-by-step explanation:

steps are in picture

what is Collatz conjecture?
Is Collatz conjecture always true?
What so special about 3x+1 ? ​



Step-by-step explanation:

The Collatz Conjecture is one of the most intreging of all the possible simple statements in mathematics.

Simply put it says

if a number is even, divide by 2If a number is odd, multiply by 3 and add1. or 3x + 1The result will always wind up in a loop. Neat huh!!! Where you wind up going over the same numbers over and over. You can't escape the loop.

Try 5

It's odd so triple it and add 1. You get 1616 is even. Divide by 2. You get 88 is even. Divide by 2. You get 44 is even. Divide by 2. You get 22 is even. Divide by 2. You get 11 is odd. Triple it and add 1. You get 4. You can see you wind up doing 4 2 1 forever. The Collatz conjecture has not been proved, but every number up to 2^68 has been shown to go to this loop eventually.

Try another one -- 15. On the 16th move it goes from 4 to 2 to 1 and then keeps on repeating those 3 digits.

Take 15It's odd. Triple it and add 1. That gives 46.46 is even. Divide by 223 which is odd. Triple it and add 1  = 7070 is even. Divide by 2. 3535 is odd. Triple and add 1.  106  which is even53 which is odd.  Triple it and add 1. You get 160160 is even. Divide by 2. You get 8080 is even Divide by 2. You get 4040 is even. Divide by 2. You get 2020 is even. Divide by 2. You get 1010 is even. Divide by 2. You get 55 is odd. Triple it and add 1. You get 1616 is even. Divide by 2. You get 88 is even. Divide by 2. You get 44 is even. Divide by 2.. You get 2.2 is even. Divide by 2. You get 11 is odd and you are in the loop because you get 4 which you have already done.


The length of a rectangle is 2V5. The width of the same rectangle is 5V5. Find the perimeter and area of the rectangle.



[tex]\text{Perimeter} = 14\sqrt{5}\\\\\text{Area} = 50\\\\[/tex]


Work Shown:

[tex]L = 2\sqrt{5} = \text{length}[/tex]

[tex]W = 5\sqrt{5} = \text{width}[/tex]

P = perimeter

[tex]P = 2*(L+W)\\\\P = 2*(2\sqrt{5}+5\sqrt{5})\\\\P = 2*(7\sqrt{5})\\\\P = 14\sqrt{5}\\\\[/tex]


A = area

[tex]A = L*W\\\\A = (2\sqrt{5})*(5\sqrt{5})\\\\A = (2*5)(\sqrt{5}*\sqrt{5})\\\\A = 10\sqrt{5*5}\\\\A = 10\sqrt{25}\\\\A = 10*5\\\\A = 50\\\\[/tex]

Area=5rad5 times 2rad5 equals 50 Bc rad 5 times rad 5 is rad 25 or 5 and 2 timers 5 is ten so now it is 5 times 10=50
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